blob: 8bfc8032bfefb17513d2dbe32ae65b2be9939601 [file] [log] [blame]
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"""Sparse operators"""
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import tvm
from tvm import relay, te
from .. import nn
from ..utils import traverse_inline, get_const_tuple, prod, get_const_int, ceil_div
from .transform import schedule_transpose_from_existing
def sparse_dense(data, weight_data, weight_indices, weight_indptr, sparse_lhs=False):
Computes sparse-dense matrix multiplication of `data` and
`(weight_data, weight_indices, weight_indptr).T`
cfg: ConfigEntity
The config for this template
data : tvm.te.Tensor
2-D with shape [M, K], float32
weight_data : tvm.te.Tensor
1-D with shape [nnz] (CSR) or
3-D with shape [num_blocks, bs_r, bs_c] (BSR)
weight_indices : tvm.te.Tensor
1-D with shape [nnz] (CSR) or
1-D with shape [num_blocks] (BSR)
weight_indptr : tvm.te.Tensor
1-D with shape [N + 1] (CSR) or
1-D with shape [(N + 1) // bs_r] (BSR)
output : tvm.te.Tensor
2-D with shape [M, N]
# pylint:disable=unused-argument
return nn.sparse_dense(data, weight_data, weight_indices, weight_indptr, sparse_lhs)
def schedule_sparse_dense(outs):
"""Create schedule for sparse dense"""
# pylint:disable=invalid-name
s = te.create_schedule([x.op for x in outs])
def _callback(op):
if op.tag == "sparse_dense_sp_rhs_bsrmm" or op.tag == "sparse_dense_sp_lhs_bsrmm":
y_bsrmm = op.input_tensors[0]
assert (
y_bsrmm.op.tag == "sparse_dense_sp_rhs_bsrmm_block"
or y_bsrmm.op.tag == "sparse_dense_sp_lhs_bsrmm_block"
out = s.outputs[0].output(0)
if op not in s.outputs:
y_reshape = op.output(0)
s[y_reshape].compute_at(s[out], s[out].op.axis[1])
(_, c) = s[y_bsrmm].op.reduce_axis
(m_o, n_o) = s[out].op.axis
s[out].bind(m_o, te.thread_axis("blockIdx.x"))
s[out].bind(n_o, te.thread_axis("blockIdx.y"))
s[y_bsrmm].compute_at(s[out], n_o)
thread_x = te.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")
y_bsrmm_factored = s.rfactor(y_bsrmm, c)
tx = s[y_bsrmm].op.reduce_axis[0]
s[y_bsrmm].bind(tx, thread_x)
s[y_bsrmm_factored].compute_at(s[y_bsrmm], tx)
elif op.tag == "sparse_dense_sp_lhs_csrmm" or op.tag == "sparse_dense_sp_rhs_csrmm":
out = op.output(0)
const_size = get_const_int(prod(out.shape))
fused = s[out].fuse(*s[out].op.axis)
bx, tx = s[out].split(fused, factor=const_size)
s[out].bind(tx, te.thread_axis("threadIdx.x"))
s[out].bind(bx, te.thread_axis("blockIdx.x"))
traverse_inline(s, outs[0].op, _callback)
return s
def sparse_dense_tir(data, w_data, w_indices, w_indptr):
"""Compute data * w^T.
Actually computes (w * data^T) ^ T as data needs to be in column-major
format for performance reasons.
Good resources:
Yang, Carl, Aydın Buluç, and John D. Owens. "Design principles for sparse
matrix multiplication on the GPU." European Conference on Parallel
Processing. Springer, Cham, 2018. <- This code is basically row-split from here.
Gale, Trevor, et al. "Sparse GPU Kernels for Deep Learning." arXiv preprint
arXiv:2006.10901 (2020).
Profile with
`/opt/nvidia/nsight-compute/2020.1.2/ncu -k default_function_kernel1
--section '.*' -s 1 -c 1 venv/bin/python3 manual`
with either default_function_kernel0 for the transpose or
default_function_kernel1 for the multiply.
def gen_ir(data, w_data, w_indices, w_indptr, out):
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, simplifiable-if-statement
# TODO(tkonolige): use tensorcores for block multiply
# TODO(tkonolige): use vectorize on loads
# TODO(tkonolige): seperate implementation if M is small
# TODO(tkonolige): seperate implementation for large block sizes
ib = tvm.tir.ir_builder.create()
if == "cuda":
use_warp_storage = True
# TVMs warp shuffle intrinsics are slow on ROCM because they use
# LDS (shared memory) to do the shuffling. Instead, we could use
# ROCM's support for accessing neighboring threads memory, but we
# those intrinsics aren't accessible from TVM. For now, we just use
# shared memory. We also default to shared memory on platforms
# where we do not know how warp storage performs.
use_warp_storage = False
warp_size = int(
m = data.shape[1]
nb = w_indptr.shape[0] - 1
# treat csr like block size 1 bsr
if len(w_data.shape) == 1:
bs_n = 1
bs_k = 1
bs_n = w_data.shape[1]
bs_k = w_data.shape[2]
bs_m = bs_n
mb = m // bs_m
mi = warp_size
assert (
mb >= mi
), "Number of block rows in dense matrix must be larger than warp size: {} vs {}.".format(
warp_size, mb
mo = ceil_div(mb, mi)
ni = 1 # TODO(tkonolige): how do I compute the number of warps per block?
no = ceil_div(nb, ni)
rowlength_bi = warp_size
bx = te.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", mo)
by = te.thread_axis("blockIdx.y")
ib.scope_attr(by, "thread_extent", no)
tx = te.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")
ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", warp_size)
warp = te.thread_axis("threadIdx.y")
ib.scope_attr(warp, "thread_extent", ni)
out_ptr = ib.buffer_ptr(out)
data_ptr = ib.buffer_ptr(data)
w_data_ptr = ib.buffer_ptr(w_data)
w_indices_ptr = ib.buffer_ptr(w_indices)
w_indptr_ptr = ib.buffer_ptr(w_indptr)
n_index = by * ni + warp
m_index = bx * mi + tx
row_start = w_indptr_ptr[n_index]
# Guaranteed to be evenly divisible
rowlength_bo = ceil_div(w_indptr_ptr[n_index + 1] - row_start, rowlength_bi)
# thread local storage for bs_m x bs_n block
block = ib.allocate(data.dtype, (bs_m, bs_n), name="block", scope="local")
data_cache = ib.allocate(data.dtype, (mi, bs_m, bs_k), name="data_cache", scope="local")
if use_warp_storage:
indices = ib.allocate(w_indices.dtype, (rowlength_bi,), name="indices", scope="warp")
w_data_cache = ib.allocate(
w_data.dtype, (rowlength_bi, bs_n, bs_k), name="w_data_cache", scope="warp"
indices = ib.allocate(
w_indices.dtype, (ni, rowlength_bi), name="indices", scope="shared"
w_data_cache = ib.allocate(
w_data.dtype, (ni, rowlength_bi, bs_n, bs_k), name="w_data_cache", scope="shared"
# zero block
with ib.for_range(0, bs_m, name="x", kind="unroll") as x:
with ib.for_range(0, bs_n, name="y", kind="unroll") as y:
block[x, y] = 0.0
# compute into thread local storage using warp_size chunks
with ib.for_range(0, rowlength_bo, name="bb") as bb:
elem_idx = bb * rowlength_bi + tx
# Cache indices. Guaranteed to be multiple of warp_size.
if use_warp_storage:
indices[tx] = w_indices_ptr[row_start + elem_idx]
indices[warp, tx] = w_indices_ptr[row_start + elem_idx]
# cache dense matrix
# each thread has a row
# TODO: ideally we could vectorize this
with ib.for_range(0, rowlength_bi, name="bi") as bi:
with ib.for_range(0, bs_m, name="x", kind="unroll") as x:
with ib.for_range(0, bs_k, name="z", kind="unroll") as z:
# This memory acces should be out of bounds when
# m_index >= mb (which occurs when the dense matrix
# rows % 32 != 0), but it seems to work just fine...
if use_warp_storage:
ind = indices[bi]
ind = indices[warp, bi]
data_cache[bi, x, z] = data_ptr[ind * bs_k + z, m_index * bs_m + x]
# cache w_data
elem_idx = bb * rowlength_bi + tx
with ib.for_range(0, bs_n, name="y", kind="unroll") as y:
with ib.for_range(0, bs_k, name="z", kind="unroll") as z:
data_indices = [row_start + elem_idx] + (
[y, z] if len(w_data.shape) > 1 else []
cache_indices = [tx, y, z] if use_warp_storage else [warp, tx, y, z]
w_data_cache[cache_indices] = w_data_ptr[data_indices]
with ib.for_range(0, mi, name="i") as i:
# thread local block matmul
with ib.for_range(0, bs_m, name="x", kind="unroll") as x:
with ib.for_range(0, bs_n, name="y", kind="unroll") as y:
with ib.for_range(0, bs_k, name="z", kind="unroll") as z:
if use_warp_storage:
w = w_data_cache[i, y, z]
w = w_data_cache[warp, i, y, z]
block[x, y] += data_cache[i, x, z] * w
# store results
with ib.for_range(0, bs_m, name="x", kind="unroll") as x:
with ib.for_range(0, bs_n, name="y", kind="unroll") as y:
with ib.if_scope(m_index < mb):
with ib.if_scope(n_index < nb):
# It doesn't seem like we would be getting coelesced
# writes here, but it doesn't seem to matter
out_ptr[m_index * bs_m + x, n_index * bs_n + y] = block[x, y]
return ib.get()
data_t = tvm.topi.transpose(data)
# handle csr
if len(w_data.shape) == 1:
blocksize = 1
blocksize = w_data.shape[1]
out_shape = (data_t.shape[1], (w_indptr.shape[0] - 1) * blocksize)
out_buf = tvm.tir.decl_buffer(out_shape, data.dtype, "out_buf")
out = te.extern(
[data_t, w_data, w_indices, w_indptr, data],
lambda ins, outs: gen_ir(ins[0], ins[1], ins[2], ins[3], outs[0]),
return out
def is_valid_for_sparse_dense_padded(data, weight_data):
Check whether input is applicable for sparse_dense_padded op.
If not we should fall back to default scheduling.
# pylint:disable=invalid-name
warp_size = int(
# If there are multiple alter_ops in a model, the first alteration does not
# run type inference for the subsequent ones. In this case, we don't have
# the shape information, so we run the inferencer manually.
m = get_const_tuple(data.checked_type.shape)[1]
except ValueError:
data_infered = relay.transform.InferType()(tvm.IRModule.from_expr(data))["main"]
m = get_const_tuple(data_infered.ret_type.shape)[1]
if len(weight_data.shape) == 1:
bs_m = 1
bs_m = weight_data.shape[1]
mb = m // bs_m
if mb >= warp_size:
return True
return False
def sparse_dense_padded(data, weight_data, weight_indices, weight_indptr, sparse_lhs=False):
Computes sparse-dense matrix multiplication of `data` and
`(weight_data, weight_indices, weight_indptr).T`
This variation uses a padded matrix where all row lengths are a multiple of the warp size.
cfg: ConfigEntity
The config for this template
data : tvm.te.Tensor
2-D with shape [M, K], float32
weight_data : tvm.te.Tensor
1-D with shape [nnz] (CSR) or
3-D with shape [num_blocks, bs_r, bs_c] (BSR)
weight_indices : tvm.te.Tensor
1-D with shape [nnz] (CSR) or
1-D with shape [num_blocks] (BSR)
weight_indptr : tvm.te.Tensor
1-D with shape [N + 1] (CSR) or
1-D with shape [(N + 1) // bs_r] (BSR)
output : tvm.te.Tensor
2-D with shape [M, N]
# TODO(ANSHUMAN87): Handle for sparse_lhs case too
assert not sparse_lhs, "Currently only sparse weight is supported."
return sparse_dense_tir(data, weight_data, weight_indices, weight_indptr)
def schedule_sparse_dense_padded(outs):
"""Create schedule for sparse dense"""
# XXX: this will fail if we don't include the data_t Tensor in the schedule
# ops. Maybe create_schedule should do some analysis so this isn't
# necessary
data_t = outs[0].op.input_tensors[0]
s = te.create_schedule([outs[0].op, data_t.op])
schedule_transpose_from_existing(s, outs[0].op.input_tensors[0])
return s
def pad_sparse_matrix(matrix, blocksize):
"""Pad rows of sparse matrix matrix so that they are a multiple of blocksize."""
assert isinstance(matrix, sp.bsr_matrix)
new_entries = np.zeros(matrix.shape[0], dtype=matrix.indptr.dtype)
bsr = matrix.blocksize[0]
for i in range(matrix.shape[0] // bsr):
row_length = matrix.indptr[i + 1] - matrix.indptr[i]
if row_length % blocksize != 0:
new_entries[i] = blocksize - (row_length % blocksize)
additional = np.sum(new_entries)
indices = np.zeros(matrix.indices.shape[0] + additional, dtype=matrix.indices.dtype)
data = np.zeros(
([0] + additional,[1],[2]),,
n = matrix.shape[0] // bsr
indptr = np.zeros(n + 1, dtype=matrix.indptr.dtype)
indptr[: matrix.indptr.shape[0]] = matrix.indptr
for i in range(matrix.shape[0] // bsr):
indptr[i + 1] = indptr[i] + new_entries[i] + (matrix.indptr[i + 1] - matrix.indptr[i])
indices[indptr[i] : indptr[i + 1] - new_entries[i]] = matrix.indices[
matrix.indptr[i] : matrix.indptr[i + 1]
data[indptr[i] : indptr[i + 1] - new_entries[i], :, :] =[
matrix.indptr[i] : matrix.indptr[i + 1], :, :
return sp.bsr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), matrix.shape)
@nn.sparse_dense_alter_layout.register(["cuda", "gpu", "rocm"])
def _alter_sparse_dense_layout(_attrs, inputs, _tinfos, _out_type):
"""With cuda, we modify use alter_op_layout to swap the default
sparse_dense implementation for one that operates on a padded matrix. We
also pad the matrix.
# TODO(ANSHUMAN87): Handle for sparse_lhs case too
if (
isinstance(inputs[1], relay.Constant)
and isinstance(inputs[2], relay.Constant)
and isinstance(inputs[3], relay.Constant)
and is_valid_for_sparse_dense_padded(inputs[0], inputs[1].data.numpy())
if len(inputs[1].data.numpy().shape) == 1:
sparse_matrix = sp.csr_matrix(
(inputs[1].data.numpy(), inputs[2].data.numpy(), inputs[3].data.numpy())
sparse_matrix = sp.bsr_matrix(
(inputs[1].data.numpy(), inputs[2].data.numpy(), inputs[3].data.numpy())
warp_size = int(
sparse_matrix = pad_sparse_matrix(sparse_matrix, warp_size)
return relay.nn._make.sparse_dense_padded(
return None