blob: 2d9f44e284f49a162defe5e604e36e89d7c0080f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-argument, too-many-lines, import-outside-toplevel
# pylint: disable=no-else-return, no-else-continue
"""Caffe frontend."""
import numpy as np
import tvm
from import IRModule
from ... import nd as _nd
from .. import analysis
from .. import expr as _expr
from .. import function as _function
from .. import op as _op
from .common import ExprTable
from .common import infer_shape as _infer_shape
__all__ = ["from_caffe"]
class OperatorConverter(object):
"""Operator Converted for converting Caffe ops to Relay ops"""
def __init__(self, init_layer_dict, predict_layer, exp_tab):
self.init_layer_dict = init_layer_dict
self.predict_layer = predict_layer
self.exp_tab = exp_tab
self.new_bn = {}
self.changed_layers = None
self.convert_map = {
"BatchNorm": self.convert_batch_norm,
"Concat": self.convert_concat,
"Convolution": self.convert_conv,
"Crop": self.convert_crop,
"Deconvolution": self.convert_deconv,
"Dropout": self.convert_dropout,
"Eltwise": self.convert_eltwise,
"Embed": self.convert_embed,
"Flatten": self.convert_flatten,
"InnerProduct": self.convert_innerproduct,
"Input": None,
"LRN": self.convert_lrn,
"Permute": self.convert_permute,
"Pooling": self.convert_pooling,
"Power": self.convert_power,
"PReLU": self.convert_prelu,
"ReLU": self.convert_relu,
"Reshape": self.convert_reshape,
"Scale": self.convert_scale,
"Sigmoid": self.convert_sigmoid,
"Slice": self.convert_slice,
"Softmax": self.convert_softmax,
"TanH": self.convert_tanh,
"Reduction": self.convert_reduction,
def convert_flatten(self, op):
"""Convert Flatten layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
flatten_params = op.flatten_param.axis
assert flatten_params == 1, "flatten axis should be 1"
out = _op.nn.batch_flatten(in_expr)
return out
def convert_eltwise(self, op):
"""Convert Eltwise layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
assert len(inputs) >= 2, "input tensors length should be larger than 2"
# gethering initial 2 input expressions
lhs_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
rhs_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[1])
lhs_shape = _infer_shape(lhs_expr)
rhs_shape = _infer_shape(rhs_expr)
assert lhs_shape == rhs_shape, "input tensors shape should be equal"
eltwise_params = op.eltwise_param
eltwise_type_dict = ["PROD", "SUM", "MAX"]
eltwise_type = eltwise_params.operation
coeff = list(eltwise_params.coeff)
if eltwise_type_dict[eltwise_type] == "PROD":
out = _op.multiply(lhs_expr, rhs_expr)
# for rest inputs
for i in range(len(inputs) - 2):
extra_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[i + 2])
assert _infer_shape(out) == _infer_shape(extra_expr)
out = _op.multiply(out, extra_expr)
elif eltwise_type_dict[eltwise_type] == "SUM":
if coeff:
left_coeff_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(np.asarray(coeff[0], np.float32))
right_coeff_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(np.asarray(coeff[1], np.float32))
lhs_expr_scale = _op.multiply(lhs_expr, left_coeff_expr)
rhs_expr_scale = _op.multiply(rhs_expr, right_coeff_expr)
out = _op.add(lhs_expr_scale, rhs_expr_scale)
out = _op.add(lhs_expr, rhs_expr)
# for rest inputs
for i in range(len(inputs) - 2):
extra_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[i + 2])
assert _infer_shape(out) == _infer_shape(extra_expr)
if coeff:
coeff_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(np.asarray(coeff[i + 2], np.float32))
extra_expr_scale = _op.multiply(extra_expr, coeff_expr)
out = _op.add(out, extra_expr_scale)
out = _op.add(out, extra_expr)
elif eltwise_type_dict[eltwise_type] == "MAX":
out = _op.maximum(lhs_expr, rhs_expr)
# for rest inputs
for i in range(len(inputs) - 2):
extra_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[i + 2])
assert _infer_shape(out) == _infer_shape(extra_expr)
out = _op.maximum(out, extra_expr)
raise tvm.error.OpNotImplemented(
"eltwise_type {} is not supported for frontend Caffe.".format(eltwise_type)
return out
def _parse_conv_params(self, op):
"""Parse the parameters of Convolution and Deconvolution layer"""
nonzone = lambda val, pos, dflt: val[pos] if pos < len(val) else dflt
conv_params = op.convolution_param
params = dict()
# parse kernel size
if conv_params.kernel_h > 0 or conv_params.kernel_w > 0:
params["kernel_size"] = (conv_params.kernel_h, conv_params.kernel_w)
ksize_h = nonzone(conv_params.kernel_size, 0, 1)
ksize_w = nonzone(conv_params.kernel_size, 1, ksize_h)
params["kernel_size"] = (ksize_h, ksize_w)
# parse padding size
if conv_params.pad_h > 0 or conv_params.pad_w > 0:
params["padding"] = (conv_params.pad_h, conv_params.pad_w)
pad_h = nonzone(conv_params.pad, 0, 0)
pad_w = nonzone(conv_params.pad, 1, pad_h)
params["padding"] = (pad_h, pad_w)
# parse stride size
if conv_params.stride_h > 0 or conv_params.stride_w > 0:
params["strides"] = (conv_params.stride_h, conv_params.stride_w)
stride_h = nonzone(conv_params.stride, 0, 1)
stride_w = nonzone(conv_params.stride, 1, stride_h)
params["strides"] = (stride_h, stride_w)
# parse dilation size
if hasattr(conv_params, "dilation") and len(conv_params.dilation) > 0:
dilation = " ".join(str(d) for d in conv_params.dilation)
dilation = tuple(map(int, dilation.split(" ")))
params["dilation"] = dilation
if len(dilation) == 1:
params["dilation"] = (dilation[0], dilation[0])
params["kernel_layout"] = "OIHW"
params["data_layout"] = "NCHW"
params["groups"] =
params["channels"] = conv_params.num_output
return params
def convert_batch_norm(self, op):
"""Convert BatchNorm layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
n, c, h, w = _infer_shape(in_expr)
if in self.new_bn:
mean, var, eps, gamma, beta = self.new_bn[]
mean_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(mean, dtype="float32")
var_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(var, dtype="float32")
gamma_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(gamma, dtype="float32")
beta_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(beta, dtype="float32")
out = _op.nn.batch_norm(
in_expr, gamma_expr, beta_expr, mean_expr, var_expr, epsilon=eps, scale=True
weight_bias_blobs = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs
mean = np.asarray(weight_bias_blobs[0].data, np.float32)
var = np.asarray(weight_bias_blobs[1].data, np.float32)
if len(weight_bias_blobs) == 2:
mean = np.repeat(mean, h * w).reshape((c, h, w))
mean = np.expand_dims(mean, 0).repeat(n, axis=0)
mean_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(mean, dtype="float32")
var = np.repeat(var, h * w).reshape((c, h, w))
var = np.expand_dims(var, 0).repeat(n, axis=0)
var_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(var, dtype="float32")
tmp_out = _op.multiply(in_expr, mean_expr)
out = _op.add(tmp_out, var_expr)
return out
scale = np.asarray(weight_bias_blobs[2].data, np.float32)
if scale:
scale = 1 / scale
mean_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(mean * scale, dtype="float32")
var_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(var * scale, dtype="float32")
# caffe bn layer not support scale
gamma_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(
np.ones(mean.shape, dtype=np.float32), dtype="float32"
beta_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(
np.zeros(mean.shape, dtype=np.float32), dtype="float32"
bn_params = op.batch_norm_param.eps
out = _op.nn.batch_norm(
in_expr, gamma_expr, beta_expr, mean_expr, var_expr, epsilon=bn_params, scale=False
return out[0]
def convert_scale(self, op):
"""Convert Scale layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
weight_bias_blobs = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs
params = dict()
params["bias"] = op.scale_param.bias_term
params["axis"] = op.scale_param.axis
gamma = np.asarray(weight_bias_blobs[0].data, np.float32)
gamma_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(gamma, dtype="float32")
if params["bias"]:
beta = np.asarray(weight_bias_blobs[1].data, np.float32)
beta_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(beta, dtype="float32")
beta_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(
np.zeros(gamma.shape, dtype=np.float32), dtype="float32"
_, c, _, _ = _infer_shape(in_expr)
gamma_expr = _op.reshape(gamma_expr, newshape=(1, c, 1, 1))
beta_expr = _op.reshape(beta_expr, newshape=(1, c, 1, 1))
out = _op.multiply(in_expr, gamma_expr)
out = _op.add(out, beta_expr)
return out
def convert_concat(self, op):
"""Convert Concat layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = (self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[i]) for i in range(len(inputs)))
c_params = dict()
c_params["axis"] = op.concat_param.axis
out = _op.concatenate(in_expr, axis=c_params["axis"])
return out
def convert_reshape(self, op):
"""Convert Reshape layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
input_name = inputs[0]
reshape_param = op.reshape_param
dims = list(reshape_param.shape.dim)
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(input_name)
input_shape = list(_infer_shape(in_expr))
start_axis = int(reshape_param.axis)
if start_axis < 0:
start_axis = len(input_shape) + start_axis + 1
num_axes = int(reshape_param.num_axes)
end_axis = len(input_shape)
if num_axes != -1:
end_axis = start_axis + num_axes
left_shape = input_shape[:start_axis]
if end_axis == len(input_shape):
center_shape = input_shape[start_axis:]
right_shape = []
center_shape = input_shape[start_axis:end_axis]
right_shape = input_shape[end_axis:]
for idx, dim in enumerate(dims):
if dim == 0:
dims[idx] = center_shape[idx]
tmp = np.random.rand(*center_shape)
tmp = np.reshape(tmp, dims)
center_shape = list(tmp.shape)
newshape = left_shape + center_shape + right_shape
out = _op.reshape(in_expr, newshape=newshape)
return out
def convert_softmax(self, op):
"""Convert Softmax layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
assert len(inputs) == 1, "input tensors length should be 1"
input_name = inputs[0]
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(input_name)
softmax_param = op.softmax_param
parmas = {"axis": softmax_param.axis}
out = _op.nn.softmax(in_expr, **parmas)
return out
def convert_conv(self, op):
"""Convert Convolution layer"""
params = self._parse_conv_params(op)
weight_bias_blobs = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs
conv_params = op.convolution_param
inputs = op.bottom
# process weight and bias blobs
weight, bias = None, None
if len(weight_bias_blobs) > 1:
weight = weight_bias_blobs[0]
bias = weight_bias_blobs[1]
weight = weight_bias_blobs[0]
if weight:
kh, kw = params["kernel_size"]
weight_shape = [conv_params.num_output, -1, kh, kw]
weight_value = np.asarray(, np.float32)
weight_value = np.reshape(weight_value, weight_shape)
raise Exception("No weight value of layer {} in caffemodel".format(
weight_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(weight_value, dtype="float32")
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
out = _op.nn.conv2d(data=in_expr, weight=weight_expr, **params)
if bias:
bias_value = np.asarray(, np.float32)
bias_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(bias_value, dtype="float32")
out = _op.nn.bias_add(out, bias_expr)
return out
def convert_pooling(self, op):
"""Convert Pooling layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
input_name = inputs[0]
pool_params = op.pooling_param
pool_type_dict = ["MAX", "AVE", "STOCHASTIC"]
params = dict()
# parse pool type: 0: MAX, 1: AVE, 2: STOCHASTIC
pool_type = pool_params.pool
# parse kernel size
if pool_params.kernel_h > 0 or pool_params.kernel_w > 0:
params["pool_size"] = (pool_params.kernel_h, pool_params.kernel_w)
params["pool_size"] = (pool_params.kernel_size, pool_params.kernel_size)
# parse padding size
if pool_params.pad_h > 0 or pool_params.pad_w > 0:
params["padding"] = (pool_params.pad_h, pool_params.pad_w)
params["padding"] = (pool_params.pad, pool_params.pad)
# parse stride size
if pool_params.stride_h > 0 or pool_params.stride_w > 0:
params["strides"] = (pool_params.stride_h, pool_params.stride_w)
params["strides"] = (pool_params.stride, pool_params.stride)
params["ceil_mode"] = True
if hasattr(pool_params, "round_mode"):
params["ceil_mode"] = pool_params.round_mode == "CEIL"
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(input_name)
if pool_type_dict[pool_type] == "MAX":
if pool_params.global_pooling:
out = _op.nn.global_max_pool2d(in_expr)
if len( == 1:
out = _op.nn.max_pool2d(in_expr, **params)
elif len( == 2:
out1 = _op.nn.max_pool2d_with_argmax(in_expr, **params)
out2 =, **params)
return _expr.Tuple((out1, out2))
elif pool_type_dict[pool_type] == "AVE": # AVE
if pool_params.global_pooling:
out = _op.nn.global_avg_pool2d(in_expr)
params["count_include_pad"] = True
out = _op.nn.avg_pool2d(in_expr, **params)
raise tvm.error.OpNotImplemented(
"Operator {} is not supported for frontend Caffe.".format(
pool_type_dict[pool_type] + " pool"
return out
def convert_lrn(self, op):
"""Convert LRN layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
input_name = inputs[0]
params = dict()
lrn_params = op.lrn_param
params["size"] = lrn_params.local_size
params["bias"] = lrn_params.k
params["alpha"] = lrn_params.alpha
params["beta"] = lrn_params.beta
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(input_name)
out = _op.nn.lrn(in_expr, **params)
return out
def convert_innerproduct(self, op):
"""Convert InnerProduct layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
weight_bias_blobs = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs
dense_params = op.inner_product_param
params = dict()
params["num_output"] = dense_params.num_output
params["bias"] = dense_params.bias_term
params["axis"] = dense_params.axis
if params["axis"] != 1:
raise Exception("Only support 2D InnerProduct")
# process weight and bias blobs
weight, bias = None, None
if params["bias"]:
weight = weight_bias_blobs[0]
bias = weight_bias_blobs[1]
weight = weight_bias_blobs[0]
if weight:
weight_value = np.asarray(, np.float32)
weight_value = np.reshape(weight_value, (params["num_output"], -1))
weight_shape = weight_value.shape
raise Exception("No weight value of layer {} in caffemodel".format(
weight_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(weight_value, dtype="float32")
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
in_reshape = _op.reshape(data=in_expr, newshape=(-1, weight_shape[-1]))
out = _op.nn.dense(data=in_reshape, weight=weight_expr)
if bias:
bias_value = np.asarray(, np.float32)
bias_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(bias_value, dtype="float32")
out = _op.nn.bias_add(out, bias_expr, axis=params["axis"])
return out
def convert_dropout(self, op):
"""Convert Dropout layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
input_name = inputs[0]
params = dict()
dropout_params = op.dropout_param
params["rate"] = dropout_params.dropout_ratio
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(input_name)
out = _op.nn.dropout(in_expr, **params)
return out
def convert_relu(self, op):
"""Convert ReLU layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
negative_slope = op.relu_param.negative_slope
if negative_slope:
out = _op.nn.leaky_relu(in_expr, negative_slope)
return out
out = _op.nn.relu(in_expr)
return out
def convert_prelu(self, op):
"""Convert PReLU layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
alpha = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs[0].data
alpha = np.asarray(alpha, np.float32)
alpha = self.exp_tab.new_const(alpha, dtype="float32")
axis = 1
out = _op.nn.prelu(in_expr, alpha, axis=axis)
return out
def convert_deconv(self, op):
"""Convert Deconvolution layer"""
params = self._parse_conv_params(op)
weight_bias_blobs = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs
conv_params = op.convolution_param
inputs = op.bottom
# process weight and bias blobs
weight, bias = None, None
if len(weight_bias_blobs) > 1:
weight = weight_bias_blobs[0]
bias = weight_bias_blobs[1]
weight = weight_bias_blobs[0]
if weight:
kh, kw = params["kernel_size"]
weight_shape = [-1, conv_params.num_output, kh, kw]
if not
if conv_params.weight_filler:
_filler = conv_params.weight_filler.value
weight_value = np.full(weight.shape.dim, _filler, np.float32)
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeInvalid("At least weight_filler must be given")
weight_value = np.asarray(, np.float32)
weight_value = np.reshape(weight_value, weight_shape)
# weight shape is in relay's IOHW format rn, we need it to be OIHW
weight_value = np.transpose(weight_value, [1, 0, 2, 3])
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeRequired(
"No weight value of layer {} in caffemodel".format(
weight_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(weight_value, dtype="float32")
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
groups = params["groups"]
channels = params["channels"]
if bias:
bias_value = np.asarray(, np.float32)
bias_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(bias_value, dtype="float32")
if groups > channels:
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeInvalid(
"Groups cannot be larger than the number of input channels"
if groups == channels:
inputs_expr = _op.split(in_expr, groups, axis=1)
# changing split axis to 0, according to PR #9336
weights_expr = _op.split(weight_expr, groups, axis=0)
# Preventing to create Concat layer with too many tensors(> 16)
q = groups >> 4
r = groups % 16
params["groups"] = 1
params["channels"] = 1
out = []
for lc in range(q):
_outputs = []
_inputs = [inputs_expr[i] for i in range(lc << 4, (lc << 4) + 16)]
_weights = [weights_expr[i] for i in range(lc << 4, (lc << 4) + 16)]
for (i, w) in zip(_inputs, _weights):
_out = _op.nn.conv2d_transpose(data=i, weight=w, **params)
if bias:
_out = _op.nn.bias_add(_out, bias_expr)
out.append(_op.concatenate(_outputs, axis=1))
if r != 0:
_outputs = []
_inputs = [inputs_expr[i] for i in range(groups - r, groups)]
_weights = [weights_expr[i] for i in range(groups - r, groups)]
for (i, w) in zip(_inputs, _weights):
_out = _op.nn.conv2d_transpose(data=i, weight=w, **params)
if bias:
_out = _op.nn.bias_add(_out, bias_expr)
out.append(_op.concatenate(_outputs, axis=1))
out = _op.concatenate(out, axis=1)
elif groups == 1:
out = _op.nn.conv2d_transpose(data=in_expr, weight=weight_expr, **params)
if bias:
out = _op.nn.bias_add(out, bias_expr)
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeInvalid("Unable to handle.")
return out
def convert_slice(self, op):
"""Convert Slice layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
output_num = len(
slice_params = op.slice_param
axis = int(slice_params.axis)
indices_or_sections = list([int(s) for s in slice_params.slice_point])
if len(indices_or_sections) == 0:
indices_or_sections = output_num
indices_or_sections = sorted(indices_or_sections)
out = _op.split(in_expr, indices_or_sections=indices_or_sections, axis=axis)
return out
def convert_sigmoid(self, op):
"""Convert Sigmoid layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
out = _op.sigmoid(in_expr)
return out
def convert_tanh(self, op):
"""Convert TanH layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
out = _op.tanh(in_expr)
return out
def convert_reduction(self, op):
"""Convert Reduction layer"""
reduction_dic = ["NOP", "SUM", "ASUM", "SUMSQ", "MEAN"]
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
method = op.reduction_param.operation
axis = op.reduction_param.axis
coeff = op.reduction_param.coeff
coeff_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(np.asarray(coeff, np.float32))
num_axes = len(_infer_shape(in_expr))
# Currently, only reduction along ALL "tail" axes is supported in Caffe;
# reduction of axis M through N, where N < num_axes - 1, is unsupported.
if 0 < axis < (num_axes - 1):
for _axis in reversed(range(axis + 1, num_axes)):
in_expr = _op.sum(in_expr, axis=_axis)
in_expr = _op.squeeze(in_expr)
if reduction_dic[method] == "SUM":
out = _op.sum(in_expr, axis=axis)
elif reduction_dic[method] == "MEAN":
out = _op.mean(in_expr, axis=axis)
elif reduction_dic[method] == "ASUM":
in_expr = _op.abs(in_expr)
out = _op.sum(in_expr, axis=axis)
elif reduction_dic[method] == "SUMSQ":
in_expr = _op.multiply(in_expr, in_expr)
out = _op.sum(in_expr, axis=axis)
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeInvalid(
"reduction method:{} is invalid in Caffe frontend.".format(method)
if float(coeff) != 1.0:
out = _op.multiply(out, coeff_expr)
return out
def convert_crop(self, op):
"""Convert Crop layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
assert len(inputs) == 2, "Need two inputs of Crop layer"
in_expr_a = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
in_expr_b = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[1])
# parse crop params
crop_params = op.crop_param
axis = int(getattr(crop_params, "axis", 2))
offset = list(getattr(crop_params, "offset", 0))
# expand offset to (offset1, offset2, ...)
in_a_shape = _infer_shape(in_expr_a)
num_to_crop = len(in_a_shape) - axis
if not offset:
offset = [0] * num_to_crop
if len(offset) == 1:
offset = offset * num_to_crop
elif len(offset) != num_to_crop:
raise Exception("No matching the number between axis and offset!")
slice_end = in_a_shape
slice_start = [0] * len(in_a_shape)
for i in range(num_to_crop):
slice_start[i + axis] = offset[i]
to_crop_axis = list(range(len(in_a_shape)))
to_crop_axis = to_crop_axis[axis:]
# secondly, crop in_expr_a by in_expr_b
in_expr_a_stride = _op.strided_slice(in_expr_a, slice_start, slice_end)
out = _op.slice_like(in_expr_a_stride, in_expr_b, axes=to_crop_axis)
return out
def convert_permute(self, op):
"""Convert Permute layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
# parse permute params
permute_param = op.permute_param
axes = list(getattr(permute_param, "order", 0))
out = _op.transpose(in_expr, axes)
return out
def convert_embed(self, op):
"""Convert Embed layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
embed_param = op.embed_param
num_output = embed_param.num_output
input_dim = embed_param.input_dim
bias_term = embed_param.bias_term
weight_bias_blobs = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs
weight, bias = None, None
if bias_term:
weight = weight_bias_blobs[0]
bias = weight_bias_blobs[1]
assert weight and bias
weight = weight_bias_blobs[0]
assert weight
weight_value = np.asarray(, np.float32)
weight_value = np.reshape(weight_value, [input_dim, num_output])
weight_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(weight_value, dtype="float32")
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
input_shape = _infer_shape(in_expr)
input_count = 1
for dim in input_shape:
input_count *= dim
index = _op.cast(in_expr, "int32")
out = _op.take(weight_expr, index, axis=0)
if bias_term:
bias_value = np.asarray(, np.float32)
bias_expr = self.exp_tab.new_const(bias_value, dtype="float32")
out = _op.reshape(out, [input_count, num_output])
out = _op.add(out, bias_expr)
out_shape = list(input_shape)
out = _op.reshape(out, out_shape)
return out
def convert_power(self, op):
"""Convert Power layer"""
inputs = op.bottom
in_expr = self.exp_tab.get_expr(inputs[0])
power = _expr.const(op.power_param.power)
scale = _expr.const(op.power_param.scale)
shift = _expr.const(op.power_param.shift)
out = _op.multiply(in_expr, scale)
out = _op.add(out, shift)
out = _op.power(out, power)
return out
def check_unsupported_ops(self):
"""Check unsupported Caffe ops in our converter."""
unsupported_ops_set = set()
include_layer = dict()
for pl in self.predict_layer:
if pl.type not in include_layer:
include_layer[pl.type] = 1
include_layer[pl.type] = include_layer[pl.type] + 1
for pl in self.predict_layer:
op_name = pl.type
if op_name not in self.convert_map:
if unsupported_ops_set:
msg = "The following operators are not supported in frontend " "Caffe: {}"
ops = str(list(unsupported_ops_set)).strip("[,]")
raise tvm.error.OpNotImplemented(msg.format(ops))
def fuse_op(self, layers):
"""Fusing the BatchNorm and Scale layer"""
bn, scale = layers["bn"], layers["scale"]
# bn params
bn_weight_bias_blobs = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs
bn_scale = np.asarray(bn_weight_bias_blobs[2].data, np.float32)
if bn_scale:
bn_scale = 1 / bn_scale
bn_mean = np.asarray(bn_weight_bias_blobs[0].data, np.float32) * bn_scale
bn_var = np.asarray(bn_weight_bias_blobs[1].data, np.float32) * bn_scale
bn_eps = bn.batch_norm_param.eps
# scale params
scale_weight_bias_blobs = self.init_layer_dict[].blobs
scale_gamma = np.asarray(scale_weight_bias_blobs[0].data, np.float32)
scale_bias = scale.scale_param.bias_term
if scale_bias:
scale_beta = np.asarray(scale_weight_bias_blobs[1].data, np.float32)
scale_beta = np.zeros(scale_gamma.shape, dtype=np.float32)
# new params
self.new_bn[] = [bn_mean, bn_var, bn_eps, scale_gamma, scale_beta]
return bn
def op_fuse(self):
"""fuse bn and scale"""
new_layers = []
temp_layers = {}
changed_layers = {}
for index, pl in enumerate(self.predict_layer):
op_type = pl.type
if op_type == "Input":
elif op_type == "BatchNorm":
if (index != len(self.predict_layer) - 1) and (
self.predict_layer[index + 1].type == "Scale"
temp_layers["bn"] = pl
elif op_type == "Scale":
if self.predict_layer[index - 1].type == "BatchNorm":
temp_layers["scale"] = pl
if len(temp_layers) == 2:
layer = self.fuse_op(temp_layers)
changed_layers[temp_layers["scale"].name] = temp_layers["bn"].name
for idx, plt in enumerate(pl.bottom):
if plt in changed_layers:
pl.bottom[idx] = changed_layers[plt]
if op_type not in ["BatchNorm", "Scale"]:
self.predict_layer = new_layers
self.changed_layers = changed_layers
def convert_op_to_relay(self):
"""Convert Caffe ops to relay ops"""
for pl in self.predict_layer:
op_type = pl.type
if op_type == "Input":
output_tensors =
ret = self.convert_map[op_type](pl)
if len(output_tensors) == 1:
self.exp_tab.set_expr(output_tensors[0], ret)
for idx, output_tensor in enumerate(output_tensors):
self.exp_tab.set_expr(output_tensor, ret[idx])
def _rebuild_layers(predict_layer):
"""Rebuild caffe layer. If the the caffe net include in-place layers, repalce its top
with its name and update the bottom of other layer that is related to it.
# dict of input name that will be changed to new name
changed_top_dict = dict()
for pl in predict_layer:
if pl.type == "Input":
# if current layer has single input and output and input equals to output
# it means that the layer does "in-place"
if len( == 1 and len(pl.bottom) == 1:
if[0] == pl.bottom[0]:
# change current layer's input firstly
if pl.bottom[0] in changed_top_dict:
pl.bottom[0] = changed_top_dict[pl.bottom[0]]
# update "change" dict
changed_top_dict[[0]] =
# change current layer's output to its name[0] =
if pl.bottom[0] in changed_top_dict:
pl.bottom[0] = changed_top_dict[pl.bottom[0]]
# if the layer does not
for index, plt in enumerate(pl.bottom):
if plt in changed_top_dict:
pl.bottom[index] = changed_top_dict[plt]
def _get_inputs_outputs(predict_layer):
"""Obtain Caffe model's inputs and outpus"""
# model inputs / outputs
model_inputs = list()
model_outputs = list()
# The bottoms of every layer can not be as outputs
not_outputs = set()
for pl in predict_layer:
if pl.type == "Input":
assert len( == 1, "The number of Input layer's output is more than 1."
for i in pl.bottom:
for pl in predict_layer:
if len(pl.bottom) > 0:
for t in
if t not in not_outputs:
return model_inputs, model_outputs
def from_caffe(init_net, predict_net, shape_dict, dtype_dict):
"""Convert from caffe model into compatible relay Function.
init_net : caffe_pb2.NetParameter
predict_net : caffe_pb2.NetParameter
caffe prototxt
shape_dict : dict of str to int list/tuple
Input shapes of the model.
dtype_dict : dict of str to str
Input types of the model.
mod : tvm.IRModule
The relay module for compilation.
params : dict of str to tvm.NDArray
The parameter dict to be used by relay
old_caffe = False
if len(predict_net.input) != 0: # old caffe version
old_caffe = True
model_inputs = list(predict_net.input)
predict_layer = predict_net.layer
# replace layer's top with its name and update other layers'bottoms
# obtain inputs and outputs of Net
if old_caffe:
_, model_outputs = _get_inputs_outputs(predict_layer)
model_inputs, model_outputs = _get_inputs_outputs(predict_layer)
exp_tab = ExprTable()
for in_name in model_inputs:
shape = shape_dict[in_name] if in_name in shape_dict else None
dtype = dtype_dict[in_name] if in_name in dtype_dict else "float32"
exp_tab.set_expr(in_name, _expr.var(in_name, shape=shape, dtype=dtype))
if list(init_net.layer):
init_layer = init_net.layer
init_layer = init_net.layers
init_layer_dict = { il for il in init_layer}
# op code in model
op_converter = OperatorConverter(init_layer_dict, predict_layer, exp_tab)
# params and outputs
params = {k: _nd.array(np.array(v)) for k, v in exp_tab.params.items()}
outputs = list()
for n in model_outputs:
if n in op_converter.changed_layers:
n = op_converter.changed_layers[n]
outputs = outputs[0] if len(outputs) == 1 else _expr.Tuple(outputs)
func = _function.Function(analysis.free_vars(outputs), outputs)
mod = IRModule.from_expr(func)
return mod, params