blob: ca0d8fef9e16d62d61efad18ad5a4fa39fe9392d [file] [log] [blame]
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"""Graph objects to define compute graphs for the NPU cascader."""
from typing import List, Dict
from enum import IntEnum
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import tvm._ffi
from tvm import te
from tvm.runtime import Object
from .stripe_config import StripeConfig
from .device_config import EthosuDeviceConfig
from . import _ffi_api
# A global store to register matching functions
TESubgraph = namedtuple("TESubgraph", ["input_tensors", "output_tensor"])
class BufferMode(IntEnum):
class PerformanceInfo(Object):
"""PerformanceInfo class"""
def compute_cycles(self):
return self._compute_cycles
def read_bytes(self):
return list(self._read_bytes)
def write_bytes(self):
return self._write_bytes
def block_config(self):
return self._block_config
class Tensor(Object):
"""Tensor class"""
def __init__(self, shape, dtype, is_constant=False, compression_ratio=1):
_ffi_api.Tensor, shape, dtype, is_constant, compression_ratio
def add_producer(self, part):
_ffi_api.TensorAddProducer(self, part)
def add_consumer(self, part):
_ffi_api.TensorAddConsumer(self, part)
def producers(self):
return list(self._producers)
def consumers(self):
return list(self._consumers)
def shape(self):
return list(self._shape)
def dtype(self):
return self._dtype
def is_constant(self):
return self._is_constant
def compression_ratio(self):
return self._compression_ratio
def size(self):
return self._size
class Part(Object):
"""Part base class"""
def set_input(self, index: int, tensor: Tensor):
_ffi_api.PartSetInput(self, index, tensor)
def set_output(self, tensor: Tensor):
_ffi_api.PartSetOutput(self, tensor)
def calculate_input_stripe_configs(
self, output_stripe_config: StripeConfig
) -> List[StripeConfig]:
return list(_ffi_api.PartCalculateInputStripeConfigs(self, output_stripe_config))
def get_stripe_align_hint(self) -> List[int]:
return list(_ffi_api.PartGetStripeAlignHint(self))
def get_performance_info(
self, stripe_config: StripeConfig, buffer_mode: BufferMode
) -> PerformanceInfo:
return _ffi_api.PartGetPerformanceInfo(self, stripe_config, buffer_mode)
def input_tensors(self):
return list(self._input_tensors)
def output_tensor(self):
return self._output_tensor
def propagators(self):
return list(self._propagators)
def in_line(self):
return self._in_line
def subgraph(self):
return TESubgraph(list(self._te_input_tensors), self._te_output_tensor)
class CascaderGraph(Object):
"""A class to describe a graph of Parts and Tensors used by the cascader.
This class describes a graph consisting of two object types: Tensors and Parts.
It defines a topological ordering on the graph such that each Part and Tensor has a
position in the ordering. This ordering is used by the Plan and Proposal generation
algorithms. It is also the ordering the Parts are expected to be executed in.
In addition to defining an ordering, the Parts and Tensors are also all given unique
IDs which they can be referred to by."""
def __init__(self, input_tensors: List[Tensor], output_tensors: List[Tensor]):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_ffi_api.CascaderGraph, input_tensors, output_tensors)
def get_part_id(self, part: Part) -> int:
return _ffi_api.CascaderGraphGetPartID(self, part)
def get_tensor_id(self, tensor: Tensor) -> int:
return _ffi_api.CascaderGraphGetTensorID(self, tensor)
def input_tensors(self):
return list(self._input_tensors)
def output_tensors(self):
return list(self._output_tensors)
def tensor_order(self):
return list(self._tensor_order)
def part_order(self):
return list(self._part_order)
def register_matcher(matcher):
"""Register a match function to the frontend.
A match function takes a te.Tensor and checks whether it matches
a known operator/operator sequence. If it does, it returns a Part
which models the behaviour of that operator sequence. Otherwise,
it returns None.
return matcher
def create_cascader_graph(
te_graph: TESubgraph, const_dict: Dict[int, np.ndarray], device_config: EthosuDeviceConfig
) -> CascaderGraph:
"""Create a CascaderGraph from a Tensor Expression graph and constant dictionary.
te_graph : TESubgraph
The Tensor Expression graph.
const_dict : Dict[int, np.ndarray]
The constant dictionary.
device_config : EthosuDeviceConfig
Target device configuration.
The CascaderGraph.
tensor_map = {}
def _visit_tensor(tensor):
if tensor not in tensor_map:
is_const = False
# Logic to determine if the tensor is constant
if tensor in list(te_graph.inputs):
i = list(te_graph.inputs).index(tensor)
if i in const_dict:
is_const = True
# TODO(@mbaret): Calculate the compression ratio
plan_tensor = Tensor(
tensor_map[tensor] = plan_tensor
if isinstance(tensor.op, te.PlaceholderOp) or tensor in te_graph.inputs:
input_tensors = []
# Check whether any of the registered matchers match the current tensor
part = matcher(tensor, device_config)
if part:
input_tensors = part.subgraph.input_tensors
assert part is not None, f"The tensor {tensor} doesn't match any part."
for i, input_tensor in enumerate(input_tensors):
part.set_input(i, tensor_map[input_tensor])
for output in te_graph.outputs:
input_tensors = []
for t in te_graph.inputs:
# This is needed because sometimes there are orphaned constants
if t in tensor_map:
output_tensors = [tensor_map[t] for t in te_graph.outputs]
return CascaderGraph(input_tensors, output_tensors)