blob: e0b729d3f10363ec9db92df277798f94626339a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file src/node/
#include <tvm/node/functor.h>
#include <tvm/node/node.h>
#include <tvm/node/reflection.h>
#include <tvm/node/structural_hash.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "../support/utils.h"
namespace tvm {
// Define the dispatch functio here since primary user is in this file.
void ReflectionVTable::SHashReduce(const Object* self, SHashReducer reducer) const {
uint32_t tindex = self->type_index();
if (tindex >= fshash_reduce_.size() || fshash_reduce_[tindex] == nullptr) {
LOG(FATAL) << "TypeError: SHashReduce of " << self->GetTypeKey()
<< " is not registered via TVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE";
fshash_reduce_[tindex](self, reducer);
// Hash handler that handles free vars
// by assigning an unique counter in the order of their ocurrence.
// This algorithm depends on the determinism of the traversal of SHash function.
// In particular, when we traverse unordered_map, we should first sort
// the entries by keys(or hash of keys) before traversing.
class VarCountingSHashHandler : public SHashReducer::Handler {
/*! \brief Pending reduce tasks. */
struct Task {
* \brief The object operand to be hashed.
* If the object is nullptr, then the reduced hash is already set
* the correct value.
ObjectRef object;
/*! \brief The partially reduce hash value.*/
size_t reduced_hash;
/*! \brief The expected location in the result stack. */
size_t result_stack_index = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
/*! \brief Whether the children has been expanded via SEqualReduce */
bool children_expanded{false};
/*! \brief Whether the node is graph node. */
bool graph_node_hash{false};
/*! \brief whether to map the free variables. */
bool map_free_vars;
Task() = default;
explicit Task(ObjectRef object, size_t reduced_hash, bool map_free_vars)
: object(object), reduced_hash(reduced_hash), map_free_vars(map_free_vars) {}
VarCountingSHashHandler() {}
void MarkGraphNode() final {
// need to push to pending tasks in this case
ICHECK(!allow_push_to_stack_ && !task_stack_.empty());
task_stack_.back().graph_node_hash = true;
bool LookupHashedValue(const ObjectRef& key, size_t* hash_value) final {
auto it = hash_memo_.find(key);
if (it != hash_memo_.end()) {
hash_value[0] = it->second;
return true;
return false;
void SHashReduceHashedValue(size_t hashed_value) final {
pending_tasks_.emplace_back(Task(ObjectRef(nullptr), hashed_value, false));
void SHashReduceFreeVar(const runtime::Object* var, bool map_free_vars) final {
if (map_free_vars) {
// use counter value.
size_t value = std::hash<size_t>()(free_var_counter_++);
pending_tasks_.emplace_back(Task(ObjectRef(nullptr), value, false));
} else {
// use pointer hash
size_t value = std::hash<const runtime::Object*>()(var);
pending_tasks_.emplace_back(Task(ObjectRef(nullptr), value, false));
void SHashReduce(const ObjectRef& object, bool map_free_vars) final {
// Directly push the result
// Note: it is still important to push the result to pendng tasks
// so that the reduction order of hash values stays the same.
if (!object.defined()) {
pending_tasks_.emplace_back(Task(ObjectRef(nullptr), 0, false));
auto it = hash_memo_.find(object);
if (it != hash_memo_.end()) {
pending_tasks_.emplace_back(Task(ObjectRef(nullptr), it->second, false));
} else {
// Push a pending task with initial value.
pending_tasks_.emplace_back(Task(object, object->GetTypeKeyHash(), map_free_vars));
size_t Hash(const ObjectRef& object, bool map_free_vars) {
ICHECK_EQ(task_stack_.size(), 0U);
ICHECK_EQ(pending_tasks_.size(), 0U);
ICHECK_EQ(result_stack_.size(), 0U);
this->SHashReduce(object, map_free_vars);
ICHECK_EQ(pending_tasks_.size(), 1U);
ICHECK_EQ(result_stack_.size(), 1U);
size_t ret = result_stack_.back();
return ret;
* \brief Pop the top entry of the task stack and push the hash into the result stack.
void PopTaskStack() {
const auto& entry = task_stack_.back();
* \brief Compute the reduced hash value for the task.
* \param task The indicated task.
size_t ReduceHash(const Task& task) {
size_t stack_begin = task.result_stack_index;
ICHECK_LE(stack_begin, result_stack_.size());
// combine in the reverse order of the stack.
size_t reduced_hash = task.reduced_hash;
for (size_t i = result_stack_.size(); i != stack_begin; --i) {
reduced_hash = support::HashCombine(reduced_hash, result_stack_[i - 1]);
return reduced_hash;
// run the tasks.
void RunTasks() {
while (task_stack_.size() != 0) {
// Caution: entry becomes invalid when the stack changes
auto& entry = task_stack_.back();
if (entry.children_expanded) {
// reduce hash
entry.reduced_hash = ReduceHash(entry);
// When all the children has expanded and visited.
// entry.reduced_hash contains the reduced hash result.
auto it = hash_memo_.find(entry.object);
if (it != hash_memo_.end()) {
// use the pre-computed hash for the object.
entry.reduced_hash = it->second;
} else {
// Append the graph node counter to the hash
// so that we can distinguish DAG from trees.
if (entry.graph_node_hash) {
entry.reduced_hash = support::HashCombine(entry.reduced_hash,
hash_memo_[entry.object] = entry.reduced_hash;
// send value to parent.
} else if (!entry.object.defined()) {
// Directly send value to parent
} else {
// check if there are already hash for object.
auto it = hash_memo_.find(entry.object);
if (it != hash_memo_.end()) {
entry.reduced_hash = it->second;
} else {
// NOTE: important to modify entry before visit.
// as entry becomes invalid after we change the stack.
entry.children_expanded = true;
entry.result_stack_index = result_stack_.size();
ICHECK_EQ(pending_tasks_.size(), 0U);
allow_push_to_stack_ = false;
// dispatch hash, reduce to the current slot.
this->DispatchSHash(entry.object, entry.map_free_vars);
allow_push_to_stack_ = true;
// Move pending tasks to the stack until the marked point.
while (pending_tasks_.size() != 0) {
// The default equal as registered in the structural equal vtable.
void DispatchSHash(const ObjectRef& object, bool map_free_vars) {
vtable_->SHashReduce(object.get(), SHashReducer(this, map_free_vars));
// free var counter.
size_t free_var_counter_{0};
// graph node counter.
size_t graph_node_counter_{0};
// record current stack top
bool allow_push_to_stack_{true};
// list of pending tasks to be pushed to the stack.
std::vector<Task> pending_tasks_;
// Internal task stack to executed the task
std::vector<Task> task_stack_;
// Internal stack to store the result poped from the task stack.
std::vector<size_t> result_stack_;
// reflection vtable
ReflectionVTable* vtable_ = ReflectionVTable::Global();
// map from lhs to rhs
std::unordered_map<ObjectRef, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> hash_memo_;
.set_body_typed([](const ObjectRef& object, bool map_free_vars) -> int64_t {
size_t hashed_value = VarCountingSHashHandler().Hash(object, map_free_vars);
return static_cast<int64_t>(hashed_value);
size_t StructuralHash::operator()(const ObjectRef& object) const {
return VarCountingSHashHandler().Hash(object, false);
} // namespace tvm