blob: 1fa72c92b6fc175814608923c19282ec2e0a15f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file src/node/
#include <tvm/node/functor.h>
#include <tvm/node/node.h>
#include <tvm/node/reflection.h>
#include <tvm/node/structural_equal.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace tvm {
// Define the dispatch function here since primary user is in this file.
bool ReflectionVTable::SEqualReduce(const Object* self, const Object* other,
SEqualReducer equal) const {
uint32_t tindex = self->type_index();
if (tindex >= fsequal_reduce_.size() || fsequal_reduce_[tindex] == nullptr) {
LOG(FATAL) << "TypeError: SEqualReduce of " << self->GetTypeKey()
<< " is not registered via TVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE."
<< " Did you forget to set _type_has_method_sequal_reduce=true?";
return fsequal_reduce_[tindex](self, other, equal);
* \brief A non recursive stack based SEqual handler that can remaps vars.
* This handler pushs the Object equality cases into a stack, and
* traverses the stack to expand the necessary children that need to be checked.
* The order of SEqual being called is the same as the order as if we
* eagerly do recursive calls in SEqualReduce.
class RemapVarSEqualHandler : public SEqualReducer::Handler {
explicit RemapVarSEqualHandler(bool assert_mode) : assert_mode_(assert_mode) {}
bool SEqualReduce(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool map_free_vars) final {
// We cannot use check lhs.same_as(rhs) to check equality.
// if we choose to enable var remapping.
// Counter example below (%x, %y) are shared vars
// between the two functions(possibly before/after rewriting).
// - function0: fn (%x, %y) { %x + %y }
// - function1. fn (%y, %x) { %x + %y }
// Because we choose to enable var remapping,
// %x is mapped to %y, and %y is mapped to %x,
// the body of the function no longer means the same thing.
// Take away: We can either choose only compare Var by address,
// in which case we can use same_as for quick checking,
// or we have to run deep comparison and avoid to use same_as checks.
auto run = [=]() {
if (!lhs.defined() && !rhs.defined()) return true;
if (!lhs.defined() && rhs.defined()) return false;
if (!rhs.defined() && lhs.defined()) return false;
if (lhs->type_index() != rhs->type_index()) return false;
auto it = equal_map_lhs_.find(lhs);
if (it != equal_map_lhs_.end()) {
return it->second.same_as(rhs);
if (equal_map_rhs_.count(rhs)) return false;
// need to push to pending tasks in this case
pending_tasks_.emplace_back(Task(lhs, rhs, map_free_vars));
return true;
return CheckResult(run(), lhs, rhs);
void MarkGraphNode() final {
// need to push to pending tasks in this case
ICHECK(!allow_push_to_stack_ && !task_stack_.empty());
task_stack_.back().graph_equal = true;
ObjectRef MapLhsToRhs(const ObjectRef& lhs) final {
auto it = equal_map_lhs_.find(lhs);
if (it != equal_map_lhs_.end()) return it->second;
return ObjectRef(nullptr);
// Function that implements actual equality check.
bool Equal(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool map_free_vars) {
if (!lhs.defined() && !rhs.defined()) return true;
if (!SEqualReduce(lhs, rhs, map_free_vars)) return false;
ICHECK_EQ(pending_tasks_.size(), 1U);
return RunTasks();
// Check the result.
bool CheckResult(bool result, const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs) {
if (assert_mode_ && !result) {
LOG(FATAL) << "ValueError: StructuralEqual check failed, caused by\n"
<< "lhs = " << lhs << "\nrhs = " << rhs;
return result;
* \brief Run tasks until the stack reaches the stack begin
* \param stack_begin The expected beginning of the stack.
* \return The checks we encountered throughout the process.
bool RunTasks() {
while (task_stack_.size() != 0) {
// Caution: entry becomes invalid when the stack changes
auto& entry = task_stack_.back();
if (entry.children_expanded) {
// When all the children has expanded and visited.
// This means all the condition checks for
// the current entry has been passed
// We can safely mark lhs and rhs as equal to each other.
auto it = equal_map_lhs_.find(entry.lhs);
if (it != equal_map_lhs_.end()) {
// create the map if the quality is graph equal.
if (entry.graph_equal) {
equal_map_lhs_[entry.lhs] = entry.rhs;
equal_map_rhs_[entry.rhs] = entry.lhs;
} else {
// mark before expand
// Important: because entry becomes invalid when stack changes.
entry.children_expanded = true;
// Expand the objects
// The SEqual of the object can call into this->SEqualReduce
// which populates the pending tasks.
ICHECK_EQ(pending_tasks_.size(), 0U);
allow_push_to_stack_ = false;
if (!DispatchSEqualReduce(entry.lhs, entry.rhs, entry.map_free_vars)) return false;
allow_push_to_stack_ = true;
// Push pending tasks in reverse order, so earlier tasks get to
// expand first in the stack
while (pending_tasks_.size() != 0) {
return true;
// The default equal as registered in the structural equal vtable.
bool DispatchSEqualReduce(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool map_free_vars) {
auto compute = [=]() {
ICHECK(lhs.defined() && rhs.defined() && lhs->type_index() == rhs->type_index());
// skip entries that already have equality maps.
auto it = equal_map_lhs_.find(lhs);
if (it != equal_map_lhs_.end()) {
return it->second.same_as(rhs);
if (equal_map_rhs_.count(rhs)) return false;
// Run reduce check for free nodes.
return vtable_->SEqualReduce(lhs.get(), rhs.get(), SEqualReducer(this, map_free_vars));
return CheckResult(compute(), lhs, rhs);
/*! \brief Pending reduce tasks. */
struct Task {
/*! \brief The lhs operand to be compared. */
ObjectRef lhs;
/*! \brief The rhs operand to be compared. */
ObjectRef rhs;
/*! \brief The map free var argument. */
bool map_free_vars;
/*! \brief Whether the children has been expanded via SEqualReduce */
bool children_expanded{false};
/*! \brief whether the task is about graph equality(need remap). */
bool graph_equal{false};
Task() = default;
Task(ObjectRef lhs, ObjectRef rhs, bool map_free_vars)
: lhs(lhs), rhs(rhs), map_free_vars(map_free_vars) {}
// list of pending tasks to be pushed to the stack.
std::vector<Task> pending_tasks_;
// Internal task stack to executed the task.
std::vector<Task> task_stack_;
// Whether we allow push to stack.
bool allow_push_to_stack_{true};
// If in assert mode, must return true, and will throw error otherwise.
bool assert_mode_{false};
// reflection vtable
ReflectionVTable* vtable_ = ReflectionVTable::Global();
// map from lhs to rhs
std::unordered_map<ObjectRef, ObjectRef, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> equal_map_lhs_;
// map from rhs to lhs
std::unordered_map<ObjectRef, ObjectRef, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> equal_map_rhs_;
.set_body_typed([](const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool assert_mode,
bool map_free_vars) {
return RemapVarSEqualHandler(assert_mode).Equal(lhs, rhs, map_free_vars);
bool StructuralEqual::operator()(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs) const {
return RemapVarSEqualHandler(false).Equal(lhs, rhs, false);
} // namespace tvm