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# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-argument
"""Arm(R) Ethos(TM) -N NPU supported operators."""
from enum import Enum
from tvm.relay import transform
from tvm.relay.build_module import bind_params_by_name
from ... import qnn as _qnn
from ...dataflow_pattern import is_constant, is_op, wildcard
from . import _ethosn as support
from .register import register_pattern_table
class Available(Enum):
def __bool__(self):
return self != Available.UNAVAILABLE
def ethosn_available():
"""Return whether Ethos-N software and hardware support is available"""
if not tvm.get_global_func("relay.ethos-n.query", True):
print("skip because Ethos-N module is not available")
return Available.UNAVAILABLE
hw = tvm.get_global_func("relay.ethos-n.query")()
return Available.SW_AND_HW if hw else Available.SW_ONLY
def partition_for_ethosn(mod, params=None, **opts):
"""Partition the graph greedily offloading supported
operators to Arm Ethos-N NPU.
mod : Module
The module to run passes on.
params : Optional[Dict[str, NDArray]]
Constant input parameters.
ret : annotated and partitioned module.
if params:
mod["main"] = bind_params_by_name(mod["main"], params)
seq = tvm.transform.Sequential(
return seq(mod)
def pattern_table():
"""Get the Ethos-N compiler pattern table."""
def qnn_conv_pattern():
pattern = is_op("nn.pad")(wildcard(), wildcard()) | wildcard()
pattern = is_op("qnn.conv2d")(
pattern, is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant()
pattern = is_op("nn.bias_add")(pattern, is_constant())
pattern = is_op("qnn.requantize")(
pattern, is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant()
return pattern
def qnn_fc_pattern():
pattern = is_op("qnn.dense")(
wildcard(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant()
pattern = is_op("nn.bias_add")(pattern, is_constant())
pattern = is_op("qnn.requantize")(
pattern, is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant()
return pattern
def qnn_avg_pool2d_pattern():
pattern = is_op("cast")(wildcard())
pattern = is_op("nn.avg_pool2d")(pattern)
pattern = is_op("cast")(pattern)
return pattern
def qnn_sigmoid_pattern():
pattern = is_op("qnn.dequantize")(wildcard(), is_constant(), is_constant())
pattern = is_op("sigmoid")(pattern)
pattern = is_op("qnn.quantize")(pattern, is_constant(), is_constant())
return pattern
def check_conv2d(extract):
"""Check if a conv2d is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
return support.conv2d(extract)
def check_fc(extract):
"""Check if a fully connected is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
return support.fc(extract)
def check_avg_pool2d(extract):
"""Check if a avg pool2d is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
return support.avg_pool2d(extract)
def check_sigmoid(extract):
"""Check if a sigmoid is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
if extract.attrs.out_dtype != "uint8":
return False
return support.sigmoid(extract)
return [
("ethos-n.qnn_conv2d", qnn_conv_pattern(), check_conv2d),
("ethos-n.qnn_avg_pool2d", qnn_avg_pool2d_pattern(), check_avg_pool2d),
("ethos-n.qnn_sigmoid", qnn_sigmoid_pattern(), check_sigmoid),
("ethos-n.qnn_fc", qnn_fc_pattern(), check_fc),
def _is_ethosn_composite(node):
if isinstance(node, tvm.relay.expr.Call) and isinstance(node.op, tvm.relay.Function):
if "Composite" in node.op.attrs:
comp_name = node.op.attrs["Composite"]
return comp_name.split(".")[0] == "ethos-n"
return False"nn.max_pool2d", "target.ethos-n")
def max_pool2d(expr):
"""Check if a max pool2d is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
pool = tvm.relay.nn.max_pool2d(*args, **attrs)
return support.max_pool2d(pool)"reshape", "target.ethos-n")
def reshape(expr):
"""Check if a reshape is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
if not _is_ethosn_composite(args[0]):
return False
rs = tvm.relay.op.reshape(*args, attrs["newshape"])
return support.reshape(rs)"qnn.add", "target.ethos-n")
def qnn_add(expr):
"""Check if an addition is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
args = expr.args
add = _qnn.op.add(*args)
return support.addition(add)"qnn.concatenate", "target.ethos-n")
def qnn_concatenate(expr):
"""Check if a concatenate is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
conc = _qnn.op.concatenate(*args, **attrs)
if not support.concatenate(conc):
return False
# Support library has some unenforced restrictions on qnn params
min_range = 1e9
max_range = -1e9
qnn_params = []
for i in range(len(args[1].fields)):
scale = args[1].fields[i].data.asnumpy()
zero_point = args[2].fields[i].data.asnumpy()
min_range = min(-1 * zero_point * scale, min_range)
max_range = max((255 - zero_point) * scale, max_range)
qnn_params.append((scale, zero_point))
scale = (max_range - min_range) / 255
zero_point = int(-min_range / scale)
if (scale, zero_point) in qnn_params:
return True
return False"split", "target.ethos-n")
def split(expr):
"""Check if a split is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
if isinstance(attrs["indices_or_sections"], tvm.tir.IntImm):
sp = tvm.relay.split(
*args, indices_or_sections=attrs["indices_or_sections"].value, axis=attrs["axis"]
sp = tvm.relay.split(
*args, indices_or_sections=attrs["indices_or_sections"], axis=attrs["axis"]
if not support.split(sp.astuple()):
return False
return True"nn.depth_to_space", "target.ethos-n")
def depth_to_space(expr):
"""Check if a depth_to_space is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
depth = tvm.relay.nn.depth_to_space(*args, **attrs)
if not support.depth_to_space(depth):
return False
return True"clip", "target.ethos-n")
def clip(expr):
"""Check if a clip is supported by Ethos-N."""
if not ethosn_available():
return False
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
c = tvm.relay.clip(*args, **attrs)
if not support.relu(c):
return False
return True