blob: 9152b50e76869f575179283b9d614f6498f010d2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-argument
"""Arm Compute Library supported operators."""
import tvm
from tvm import relay
from tvm._ffi import register_func
from tvm.relay import transform
from tvm.relay.build_module import bind_params_by_name
from tvm.relay.expr import const
from ...dataflow_pattern import is_constant, is_expr, is_op, wildcard
from ..strategy.generic import is_depthwise_conv2d
from .register import register_pattern_table
def is_arm_compute_runtime_enabled():
"""Check if the ACL graph executor is present.
ret: bool
True if present, False if not.
check_enabled = tvm.get_global_func("relay.op.is_arm_compute_runtime_enabled", True)
if check_enabled:
return check_enabled()
return False
def partition_for_arm_compute_lib(mod, params=None, **opts):
"""Partition the graph greedily offloading supported
operators to Arm Compute Library.
mod : Module
The module to run passes on.
params : Optional[Dict[str, NDArray]]
Constant input parameters.
ret : annotated and partitioned module.
if params:
mod["main"] = bind_params_by_name(mod["main"], params)
seq = tvm.transform.Sequential(
transform.AnnotateTarget("arm_compute_lib", False),
return seq(mod)
def preprocess_module(mod):
Pre-process a module containing functions ready for ACL codegen. For now we enforce OHWI
kernel layout and fold the transforms away.
mod : Module
The module to run passes on.
preprocessed_mod : The processed module.
def convert_layout_conv2d(conv2d_function):
def convert_conv(attrs, inputs, tinfos, desired_layouts):
new_attrs = dict(attrs)
data_info = tinfos[0]
weight_info = tinfos[1]
desired_data_layout, desired_kernel_layout = map(str, desired_layouts)
new_attrs["data_layout"] = desired_data_layout
new_attrs["kernel_layout"] = desired_kernel_layout
if is_depthwise_conv2d(
dkl = desired_kernel_layout
new_attrs["kernel_layout"] = dkl[3] + dkl[1:3] + dkl[0]
return conv2d_function(*inputs, **new_attrs)
return convert_conv
with OpAttrContext(
"nn.conv2d", "FTVMConvertOpLayout", convert_layout_conv2d(tvm.relay.nn.conv2d)
), OpAttrContext(
"qnn.conv2d", "FTVMConvertOpLayout", convert_layout_conv2d(tvm.relay.qnn.op.conv2d)
seq = tvm.transform.Sequential(
{"nn.conv2d": ["NHWC", "OHWI"], "qnn.conv2d": ["NHWC", "OHWI"]}
preprocessed_mod = seq(mod)
return preprocessed_mod
def arm_compute_lib_pattern_table():
"""Get the ACL pattern table."""
def conv_pattern():
"""Create a convolution pattern.
pattern : dataflow_pattern.AltPattern
Denotes the convolution pattern.
pattern = is_op("nn.pad")(wildcard(), wildcard()) | wildcard()
pattern = is_op("nn.conv2d")(pattern, is_constant())
pattern = pattern.optional(lambda x: is_op("nn.bias_add")(x, is_constant()))
pattern = pattern.optional(is_op("nn.relu"))
return pattern
def qnn_conv_pattern():
"""Create a quantized convolution pattern.
pattern : dataflow_pattern.AltPattern
Denotes the convolution pattern.
pattern = is_op("nn.pad")(wildcard(), wildcard()) | wildcard()
pattern = is_op("qnn.conv2d")(
pattern, is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant()
pattern = pattern.optional(lambda x: is_op("nn.bias_add")(x, is_constant()))
pattern = pattern.optional(is_op("nn.relu"))
pattern = is_op("qnn.requantize")(
pattern, wildcard(), wildcard(), is_constant(), is_constant()
return pattern
def dense_pattern():
"""Create a dense (fully-connected) pattern.
pattern : dataflow_pattern.AltPattern
Denotes the convolution pattern.
pattern = is_op("nn.dense")(wildcard(), is_constant())
pattern = pattern.optional(lambda x: is_op("nn.bias_add")(x, is_constant()))
return pattern
def qnn_dense_pattern():
"""Create a quantized dense (fully-connected) pattern.
pattern : dataflow_pattern.AltPattern
Denotes the convolution pattern.
pattern = is_op("qnn.dense")(
wildcard(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant()
pattern = pattern.optional(lambda x: is_op("nn.bias_add")(x, is_constant()))
pattern = is_op("qnn.requantize")(
pattern, wildcard(), wildcard(), is_constant(), is_constant()
return pattern
def avg_pool2d_pattern():
"""Creates a pattern that matches either quantized
avg_pool2d or quantized global_avg_pool2d.
pattern : dataflow_pattern.AltPattern
Denotes the convolution pattern.
pattern = is_op("cast")(wildcard())
pattern = is_op("nn.avg_pool2d")(pattern) | is_op("nn.global_avg_pool2d")(pattern)
pattern = is_op("cast")(pattern)
return pattern
def l2_pool2d_pattern():
"""Create an l2 pooling pattern from equivalent relay operators.
pattern : dataflow_pattern.AltPattern
Denotes the convolution pattern.
pattern = is_op("power")(wildcard(), is_expr(const(2.0)))
pattern = is_op("nn.avg_pool2d")(pattern)
pattern = is_op("sqrt")(pattern)
return pattern
def check_conv(extract):
"""Check conv pattern is supported by ACL."""
call = extract
while != "nn.conv2d":
call = call.args[0]
return conv2d(call)
def check_qnn_conv(extract):
"""Check qnn conv pattern is supported by ACL."""
if extract.attrs.out_dtype != "uint8":
return False
call = extract
while != "qnn.conv2d":
call = call.args[0]
return qnn_conv2d(call)
def check_dense(extract):
"""Check conv pattern is supported by ACL."""
call = extract
while != "nn.dense":
call = call.args[0]
return dense(call)
def check_qnn_dense(extract):
"""Check qnn conv pattern is supported by ACL."""
if extract.attrs.out_dtype != "uint8":
return False
call = extract
while != "qnn.dense":
call = call.args[0]
return qnn_dense(call)
def check_avg_pool2d(extract):
"""Check average pool2d pattern is supported by ACL."""
if extract.attrs.dtype != "uint8":
return False
pool = extract.args[0]
if pool.args[0].attrs.dtype != "int32":
return False
return avg_pool2d(pool, from_quantized_composite=True)
def check_l2_pool2d(extract):
"""Check l2 pool2d pattern is supported by ACL."""
pool = extract.args[0]
return avg_pool2d(pool)
return [
("arm_compute_lib.conv2d", conv_pattern(), check_conv),
("arm_compute_lib.qnn_conv2d", qnn_conv_pattern(), check_qnn_conv),
("arm_compute_lib.dense", dense_pattern(), check_dense),
("arm_compute_lib.qnn_dense", qnn_dense_pattern(), check_qnn_dense),
("arm_compute_lib.qnn_conv2d", qnn_conv_pattern(), check_qnn_conv),
("arm_compute_lib.avg_pool2d", avg_pool2d_pattern(), check_avg_pool2d),
("arm_compute_lib.l2_pool2d", l2_pool2d_pattern(), check_l2_pool2d),
def _register_external_op_helper(op_name, supported=True):, "target.arm_compute_lib")
def _func_wrapper(expr):
return supported
return _func_wrapper
_register_external_op_helper("reshape")"nn.conv2d", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def conv2d(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for conv2d should be used."""
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
if attrs.data_layout != "NHWC":
return False
if attrs.out_dtype != "float32" and attrs.out_dtype != "":
return False
data_typ = args[0].checked_type
if len(data_typ.shape) != 4 or data_typ.shape[0] != 1 or data_typ.dtype != "float32":
return False
kernel_typ = args[1].checked_type
if len(kernel_typ.shape) != 4 or kernel_typ.dtype != "float32":
return False
is_depthwise = is_depthwise_conv2d(
if is_depthwise:
return depthwise_conv2d(attrs, args)
# ACL doesn't support grouped convolution
if attrs.groups != 1 and not is_depthwise:
return False
return True
def qnn_conv2d(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for qnn.conv2d should be used."""
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
if attrs.data_layout != "NHWC":
return False
if attrs.out_dtype != "int32" and attrs.out_dtype != "":
return False
data_typ = args[0].checked_type
if len(data_typ.shape) != 4 or data_typ.shape[0] != 1 or data_typ.dtype != "uint8":
return False
kernel_typ = args[1].checked_type
if len(kernel_typ.shape) != 4 or kernel_typ.dtype != "uint8":
return False
is_depthwise = is_depthwise_conv2d(
if is_depthwise:
return depthwise_conv2d(attrs, args)
# ACL doesn't support grouped convolution
if attrs.groups != 1 and not is_depthwise:
return False
return True
def depthwise_conv2d(attrs, args):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for depthwise convolution should be used.
Relay does not have a depthwise conv2d operator whilst ACL does. We simply
separate the checks for depthwise for clarity.
kernel_typ = args[1].checked_type
# Only supports 3x3, 5x5 depthwise
if (
kernel_typ.shape[0] not in [3, 5]
or kernel_typ.shape[1] not in [3, 5]
or kernel_typ.shape[0] != kernel_typ.shape[1]
return False
# Stride must be (1, 1) or (2, 2)
if (attrs.strides[0], attrs.strides[1]) not in [(1, 1), (2, 2)]:
return False
return True"nn.dense", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def dense(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for dense should be used."""
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
data_typ = args[0].checked_type
if data_typ.dtype != "float32":
return False
kernel_typ = args[1].checked_type
if len(kernel_typ.shape) != 2 or kernel_typ.dtype != "float32":
return False
if attrs.out_dtype != "float32" and attrs.out_dtype != "":
return False
return True
def qnn_dense(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for qnn.dense should be used."""
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
data_typ = args[0].checked_type
if data_typ.dtype != "uint8":
return False
kernel_typ = args[1].checked_type
if len(kernel_typ.shape) != 2 or kernel_typ.dtype != "uint8":
return False
if attrs.out_dtype != "int32":
return False
return True"nn.max_pool2d", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def max_pool2d(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for maxpool2d should be used."""
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
if attrs.layout != "NHWC":
return False
typ = args[0].checked_type
if typ.dtype not in ["float32", "uint8"]:
return False
return True"nn.avg_pool2d", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def avg_pool2d(expr, from_quantized_composite=False):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for avgpool2d should be used."""
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
typ = args[0].checked_type
if from_quantized_composite:
if typ.dtype != "int32":
return False
if typ.dtype not in ["float32"]:
return False
if attrs.layout != "NHWC":
return False
return True"nn.global_max_pool2d", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def global_max_pool2d(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for gloval_maxpool2d should be used."""
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
typ = args[0].checked_type
if typ.dtype not in ["float32", "uint8"]:
return False
if attrs.layout != "NHWC":
return False
return True"nn.global_avg_pool2d", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def global_avg_pool2d(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for global_avgpool2d should be used."""
attrs, args = expr.attrs, expr.args
typ = args[0].checked_type
if typ.dtype not in ["float32"]:
return False
if attrs.layout != "NHWC":
return False
return True"maximum", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def maximum(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for maximum should be used."""
args = expr.args
type_a = args[0].checked_type
type_b = args[0].checked_type
return (type_a.dtype == "float32") and (type_b.dtype == "float32")"add", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def add(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for add should be used."""
args = expr.args
for typ in [args[0].checked_type, args[1].checked_type]:
if typ.dtype != "float32":
return False
return True"qnn.add", "target.arm_compute_lib")
def qnn_add(expr):
"""Check if the external ACL codegen for add should be used."""
args = expr.args
for typ in [args[0].checked_type, args[1].checked_type]:
if typ.dtype != "uint8":
return False
return True
class OpAttrContext(object):
""" Temporarily changes the attr of an op. """
def __init__(self, op_name, attr_key, attr_value):
"""Saves the required info for RAII pattern usage.
op_name : str
The op name.
attr_key : str
The attribute name.
attr_value : object
The attribute value.
self.op = relay.op.get(op_name)
self.attr_key = attr_key
self.attr_value = attr_value
def __enter__(self):
self.older_attr = self.op.get_attr(self.attr_key)
self.op.set_attr(self.attr_key, self.attr_value)
return self
def __exit__(self, ptype, value, trace):
if self.older_attr:
self.op.set_attr(self.attr_key, self.older_attr)