blob: 361208bf1cfbb85c48a9eec26dadb790ce58b4ec [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, no-member, too-many-locals, too-many-arguments, too-many-statements, singleton-comparison
"""Non-maximum suppression operator"""
import math
import tvm
from tvm import api
from import nms
def sort_pre_ir(index, sizes_out, axis_mul_before, axis_mul_after):
"""Low level IR routing subfunction 1/4 for computing segments' staring locatons.
index : Buffer
Buffer of number of valid output boxes.
sizes_out : Buffer
Output buffer of start locations of each sorting segment.
axis_mul_before : int
The multiplication result of axis dimensions before axis.
axis_mul_after : int
The multiplication result of axis dimensions after axis.
stmt : Stmt
The result IR statement.
max_threads = int(
tx = tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")
bx = tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
p_index = ib.buffer_ptr(index)
dshape = sizes_out.shape
sizes = ib.buffer_ptr(sizes_out)
nthread_tx = max_threads
nthread_bx = dshape[0] // max_threads + 1
ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", nthread_tx)
ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", nthread_bx)
tid = bx * max_threads + tx
with ib.if_scope(tid < axis_mul_before * axis_mul_after):
sizes[tid] = p_index[tid]
# scan
with ib.if_scope(tid < 1):
with ib.for_range(0, axis_mul_before * axis_mul_after - 1, name="k") as k:
sizes[k + 1] += sizes[k]
body = ib.get()
return body
def sort_pre_ir_data(data, index, sizes_in, data_out, index_out, \
axis, axis_mul_before, axis_mul_after):
"""Low level IR routing subfunction 2/4 for flattening data and indices into segmented format.
data: Buffer
Buffer of output boxes with class and score.
index : Buffer
Buffer of number of valid output boxes.
sizes_in : Buffer
Buffer of start locations of each sorting segment.
data_out : Buffer
Buffer of flattened segmented data.
index_out : Buffer
Buffer of flattened segmented indices.
axis : int
The axis used for sorting.
axis_mul_before : int
The multiplication result of axis dimensions before axis.
axis_mul_after : int
The multiplication result of axis dimensions after axis.
stmt : Stmt
The result IR statement.
ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
sizes = ib.buffer_ptr(sizes_in)
p_index = ib.buffer_ptr(index)
p_data = ib.buffer_ptr(data)
data_new = ib.buffer_ptr(data_out)
index_new = ib.buffer_ptr(index_out)
max_threads = int(
tx = tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")
bx = tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
dshape = tvm.max(sizes_in.shape[0], p_index[0])
nthread_tx = max_threads
nthread_bx = dshape // max_threads + 1
ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", nthread_tx)
ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", nthread_bx)
tid = bx * max_threads + tx
with ib.if_scope(axis_mul_before * axis_mul_after > 1):
with ib.if_scope(tid < axis_mul_before * axis_mul_after):
i = tid / axis_mul_after
j = tid % axis_mul_after
current_sort_num = p_index[tid]
base_idx = i * data.shape[axis] * axis_mul_after + j
with ib.for_range(0, current_sort_num, name="k") as k:
full_idx = base_idx + k * axis_mul_after
with ib.if_scope(tid == 0):
start = 0
with ib.else_scope():
start = sizes[tid-1]
index_new[start + k] = k
data_new[start + k] = p_data[full_idx]
with ib.else_scope():
with ib.if_scope(tid == 0):
with ib.for_range(0, p_index[0], name="k") as k:
index_new[k] = k
body = ib.get()
return body
def sort_oet_ir(data, index, new_data, new_index, loc, out_index, axis_mul_before, \
axis_mul_after, axis, is_descend):
"""Low level IR routing subfunction 3/4 for Odd-Even-Transposition sorting.
data: Buffer
Buffer of output boxes with class and score.
index : Buffer
Buffer of number of valid output boxes.
new_data : Buffer
Buffer of flattened segmented data.
new_index : Buffer
Buffer of flattened segmented indices.
loc : Buffer
Buffer of start locations of each sorting segment.
out_index : Buffer
Output buffer of output box indexes sorted by score in a flattened segmented format.
axis_mul_before : int
The multiplication result of axis dimensions before axis.
axis_mul_after : int
The multiplication result of axis dimensions after axis.
axis : int
The axis used for sorting.
is_descend : bool
If the sorted data is in descending order.
stmt : Stmt
The result IR statement.
max_threads = int(
tx = tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")
bx = tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
dshape = loc.shape
fshape = data.shape[axis] * dshape[0]
temp_data = ib.allocate(
"float32", dshape, name="temp_data", scope="local")
p_data = ib.buffer_ptr(data)
p_index = ib.buffer_ptr(index)
data_new = ib.buffer_ptr(new_data)
index_new = ib.buffer_ptr(new_index)
index_out = ib.buffer_ptr(out_index)
sizes = ib.buffer_ptr(loc)
nthread_tx = max_threads
nthread_bx = fshape // max_threads + 1
ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", nthread_tx)
ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", nthread_bx)
tid = bx * max_threads + tx
with ib.if_scope(axis_mul_before * axis_mul_after > 1):
with ib.if_scope(tid < axis_mul_before * axis_mul_after):
with ib.if_scope(tid == 0):
start = 0
with ib.else_scope():
start = sizes[tid-1]
# OddEvenTransposeSort
with ib.for_range(0, p_index[tid], name="k") as k:
with ib.for_range(0, p_index[tid] - 1, name="i") as i:
with ib.if_scope(i % 2 == k % 2):
with ib.if_scope(((data_new[i+start] < data_new[i+start+1]) == is_descend)):
temp_data[tid] = data_new[i+start]
data_new[i+start] = data_new[i+start+1]
data_new[i+start+1] = temp_data[tid]
index_out[tid] = index_new[i+start]
index_new[i+start] = index_new[i+start+1]
index_new[i+start+1] = index_out[tid]
with ib.if_scope(tid < 1):
with ib.for_range(0, sizes[dshape[0] - 1], name="i") as i:
index_out[i] = index_new[i]
with ib.else_scope():
with ib.for_range(0, fshape, name="k", for_type="unroll") as k:
with ib.if_scope(tvm.all(k % 2 == tid % 2, tid < fshape)):
with ib.if_scope(k % 2 == 0):
with ib.if_scope(tvm.all(tid + 1 < fshape, (p_data[tid] < p_data[tid+1]) \
== is_descend)):
data_new[tid] = p_data[tid+1]
index_out[tid] = index_new[tid+1]
with ib.else_scope():
data_new[tid] = p_data[tid]
index_out[tid] = index_new[tid]
with ib.else_scope():
with ib.if_scope(tvm.all(tid + 1 < fshape, (data_new[tid] < data_new[tid+1]) \
== is_descend)):
p_data[tid] = data_new[tid+1]
index_new[tid] = index_out[tid+1]
with ib.else_scope():
p_data[tid] = data_new[tid]
index_new[tid] = index_out[tid]
with ib.if_scope(tvm.all(k % 2 != tid % 2, tid < fshape)):
with ib.if_scope(k % 2 == 0):
with ib.if_scope(tvm.all(tid > 0, (p_data[tid-1] < p_data[tid]) == is_descend)):
data_new[tid] = p_data[tid-1]
index_out[tid] = index_new[tid-1]
with ib.else_scope():
data_new[tid] = p_data[tid]
index_out[tid] = index_new[tid]
with ib.else_scope():
with ib.if_scope(tvm.all(tid > 0, (data_new[tid-1] < data_new[tid]) \
== is_descend)):
p_data[tid] = data_new[tid-1]
index_new[tid] = index_out[tid-1]
with ib.else_scope():
p_data[tid] = data_new[tid]
index_new[tid] = index_out[tid]
with ib.if_scope(fshape % 2 == 1):
with ib.if_scope(tid < 1):
with ib.for_range(0, fshape, name="k") as k:
index_out[tid] = index_new[tid]
body = ib.get()
return body
def sort_ir_out(data, index, new_index, loc, output, axis_mul_before, axis_mul_after, axis):
"""Low level IR routing subfunction 4/4 for writing sorted indices to output format.
data: Buffer
Buffer of output boxes with class and score.
index : Buffer
Buffer of number of valid output boxes.
new_index : Buffer
Buffer of sorted indices in a flatten format.
loc : Buffer
Buffer of start locations of each sorting segment.
output : Buffer
Output buffer of output box indexes sorted by score.
axis_mul_before : int
The multiplication result of axis dimensions before axis.
axis_mul_after : int
The multiplication result of axis dimensions after axis.
axis : int
The axis used for sorting.
is_descend : bool
If the sorted data is in descending order.
stmt : Stmt
The result IR statement.
max_threads = int(
tx = tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")
bx = tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
dshape = tvm.max(loc.shape[0], data.shape[axis])
p_index = ib.buffer_ptr(index)
index_new = ib.buffer_ptr(new_index)
sizes = ib.buffer_ptr(loc)
p_out = ib.buffer_ptr(output)
nthread_tx = max_threads
nthread_bx = dshape // max_threads + 1
ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", nthread_tx)
ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", nthread_bx)
tid = bx * max_threads + tx
with ib.if_scope(axis_mul_before * axis_mul_after > 1):
with ib.if_scope(tid < axis_mul_before * axis_mul_after):
i = tid / axis_mul_after
j = tid % axis_mul_after
base_idx = i * data.shape[axis] * axis_mul_after + j
with ib.for_range(0, data.shape[axis], name="k") as k:
with ib.if_scope(tid == 0):
start = 0
with ib.else_scope():
start = sizes[tid-1]
p_out[base_idx + k * axis_mul_after] =
k < p_index[tid], index_new[k+start], k)
with ib.else_scope():
with ib.if_scope(tid < data.shape[axis]):
p_out[tid] = < p_index[0], index_new[tid], tid)
body = ib.get()
return body
def sort_gpu(data, data_buf, index, index_buf, output_buf, axis, is_descend):
"""Function to generate low level IR to do sorting on the GPU, use it by calling sort_gpu.
data: tvm.Tensor
3-D tensor with shape [batch_size, num_anchors, 6].
The last dimension should be in format of
[class_id, score, box_left, box_top, box_right, box_bottom].
data_buf: Buffer
2D Buffer of input boxes' score with shape [batch_size, num_anchors].
index : tvm.Tensor
1-D tensor for valid number of boxes.
index_buf : Buffer
Buffer of number of valid number of boxes.
output_buf : Buffer
Output buffer of indicies of sorted tensor.
axis : int
The axis used for sorting.
is_descend : bool
If the sorted data is in descending order.
out : tvm.Tensor
3-D tensor with shape [batch_size, num_anchors].
ndim = len(data.shape)
assert data.dtype == "float32", "Currently only supports input dtype to be float32"
assert axis < ndim, "Axis out of boundary for input ndim %d" % ndim
axis_mul_before = 1
axis_mul_after = 1
if axis < 0:
axis = ndim + axis
for i in range(0, ndim):
if i < axis:
axis_mul_before *= data.shape[i]
elif i > axis:
axis_mul_after *= data.shape[i]
dshape = axis_mul_before*axis_mul_after
fshape = data.shape[axis] * dshape
loc_buf = api.decl_buffer(dshape, index.dtype, "sizes", data_alignment=8)
new_index_buf = api.decl_buffer(
fshape, index.dtype, "index_new", data_alignment=8)
out_index_buf = api.decl_buffer(
fshape, index.dtype, "index_out", data_alignment=8)
new_data_buf = api.decl_buffer(
dshape, data.dtype, "data_new", data_alignment=8)
loc = \
lambda ins, outs: sort_pre_ir(
ins[0], outs[0], axis_mul_before, axis_mul_after),
data_new, index_new = \
tvm.extern([(dshape,), (fshape,)],
[data, index, loc],
lambda ins, outs: sort_pre_ir_data(
ins[0], ins[1], ins[2], outs[0], outs[1], axis,
axis_mul_before, axis_mul_after),
dtype=[data.dtype, index.dtype],
in_buffers=[data_buf, index_buf, loc_buf],
out_buffers=[new_data_buf, new_index_buf],
index_out = \
[data, index, data_new, index_new, loc],
lambda ins, outs: sort_oet_ir(
ins[0], ins[1], ins[2], ins[3], ins[4], outs[0],
axis_mul_before, axis_mul_after, axis, is_descend),
in_buffers=[data_buf, index_buf,
new_data_buf, new_index_buf, loc_buf],
out = \
[data, index, index_out, loc],
lambda ins, outs: sort_ir_out(
ins[0], ins[1], ins[2], ins[3], outs[0],
axis_mul_before, axis_mul_after, axis),
in_buffers=[data_buf, index_buf, out_index_buf, loc_buf],
return out
def nms_ir(data, sort_result, valid_count, out, nms_threshold, force_suppress, nms_topk):
"""Low level IR routing for transform location in multibox_detection operator.
data: Buffer
Buffer of output boxes with class and score.
sort_result : Buffer
Buffer of output box indexes sorted by score.
valid_count : Buffer
Buffer of number of valid output boxes.
out : Buffer
Output buffer.
nms_threshold : float
Non-maximum suppression threshold.
force_suppress : boolean
Whether to suppress all detections regardless of class_id.
nms_topk : int
Keep maximum top k detections before nms, -1 for no limit.
stmt : Stmt
The result IR statement.
def calculate_overlap(out_tensor, box_a_idx, box_b_idx):
"""Calculate overlap of two boxes.
w = tvm.make.Max(0.0, tvm.make.Min(out_tensor[box_a_idx + 2], out_tensor[box_b_idx + 2])
- tvm.make.Max(out_tensor[box_a_idx], out_tensor[box_b_idx]))
h = tvm.make.Max(0.0, tvm.make.Min(out_tensor[box_a_idx + 3], out_tensor[box_b_idx + 3])
- tvm.make.Max(out_tensor[box_a_idx + 1], out_tensor[box_b_idx + 1]))
i = w * h
u = (out_tensor[box_a_idx + 2] - out_tensor[box_a_idx]) * \
(out_tensor[box_a_idx + 3] - out_tensor[box_a_idx + 1]) + \
(out_tensor[box_b_idx + 2] - out_tensor[box_b_idx]) * \
(out_tensor[box_b_idx + 3] - out_tensor[box_b_idx + 1]) - i
return <= 0.0, 0.0, i / u)
max_threads = int(math.sqrt(
tx = tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")
ty = tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.y")
bx = tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
by = tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.y")
ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
p_data = ib.buffer_ptr(data)
p_sort_result = ib.buffer_ptr(sort_result)
p_valid_count = ib.buffer_ptr(valid_count)
p_out = ib.buffer_ptr(out)
batch_size = out.shape[0]
num_anchors = out.shape[1]
nthread_tx = max_threads
nthread_bx = num_anchors // max_threads + 1
nthread_ty = max_threads
nthread_by = 6 // max_threads + 1
ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", nthread_tx)
ib.scope_attr(ty, "thread_extent", nthread_ty)
ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", nthread_bx)
ib.scope_attr(by, "thread_extent", nthread_by)
i = bx * max_threads + tx
j = by * max_threads + ty
nms_threshold_node = tvm.make.node(
"FloatImm", dtype="float32", value=nms_threshold)
nms_topk_node = tvm.make.node("IntImm", dtype="int32", value=nms_topk)
force_suppress_node = tvm.make.node(
"IntImm", dtype="int32", value=1 if force_suppress else 0)
with ib.for_range(0, batch_size, for_type="unroll", name="n") as n:
with ib.if_scope(
tvm.all(nms_threshold_node > 0, nms_threshold_node < 1,
p_valid_count[0] > 0)):
# Reorder output
nkeep =
tvm.all(nms_topk_node > 0, nms_topk < p_valid_count[n]),
nms_topk, p_valid_count[n])
with ib.if_scope(i < nkeep):
with ib.if_scope(j < 6):
p_out[(n * num_anchors * 6
+ i * 6 + j)] = p_data[(n * num_anchors * 6
+ p_sort_result[n * num_anchors + i] * 6 + j)]
with ib.if_scope(tvm.all(nms_topk_node > 0, nms_topk < p_valid_count[n])):
with ib.if_scope(i < p_valid_count[n] - nkeep):
with ib.if_scope(j < 6):
p_out[(n * num_anchors * 6
+ (i + nkeep) * 6 + j)] = p_data[(n * num_anchors * 6
+ (i + nkeep) * 6 + j)]
# Apply nms
with ib.if_scope(i < p_valid_count[n]):
offset_i = i * 6
with ib.if_scope(p_out[n * num_anchors * 6 + offset_i] >= 0):
with ib.if_scope(j < p_valid_count[n]):
offset_j = j * 6
with ib.if_scope(tvm.all(j > i, p_out[n * num_anchors * 6
+ offset_j] >= 0)):
with ib.if_scope(tvm.any(force_suppress_node > 0,
p_out[n * num_anchors * 6 + offset_i] ==
p_out[n * num_anchors * 6 + offset_j])):
# When force_suppress == True or class_id equals
iou = calculate_overlap(
p_out, n * num_anchors * 6 + offset_i + 2,
n * num_anchors * 6 + offset_j + 2)
with ib.if_scope(iou >= nms_threshold):
n * num_anchors * 6 + offset_j] = -1.0
with ib.else_scope():
with ib.if_scope(i < p_valid_count[n]):
with ib.if_scope(j < 6):
p_out[(n * num_anchors * 6
+ i * 6 + j)] = p_data[n * num_anchors * 6 + i * 6 + j]
# Set invalid entry to be -1
with ib.if_scope(i < num_anchors - p_valid_count[n]):
with ib.if_scope(j < 6):
p_out[n * num_anchors * 6 + (i +
p_valid_count[n]) * 6 + j] = -1.0
body = ib.get()
return body
@nms.register(["cuda", "gpu"])
def nms_gpu(data, valid_count, nms_threshold=0.5, force_suppress=False, nms_topk=-1):
"""Non-maximum suppression operator for object detection.
data: tvm.Tensor
3-D tensor with shape [batch_size, num_anchors, 6].
The last dimension should be in format of
[class_id, score, box_left, box_top, box_right, box_bottom].
valid_count : tvm.Tensor
1-D tensor for valid number of boxes.
nms_threshold : float
Non-maximum suppression threshold.
force_suppress : boolean
Whether to suppress all detections regardless of class_id.
nms_topk : int
Keep maximum top k detections before nms, -1 for no limit.
out : tvm.Tensor
3-D tensor with shape [batch_size, num_anchors, 6].
.. code-block:: python
# An example to use nms
dshape = (1, 5, 6)
data = tvm.placeholder(dshape, name="data")
valid_count = tvm.placeholder(
(dshape[0],), dtype="int32", name="valid_count")
nms_threshold = 0.7
force_suppress = True
nms_topk = -1
out = nms(data, valid_count, nms_threshold, force_suppress, nms_topk)
np_data = np.random.uniform(dshape)
np_valid_count = np.array([4])
s = topi.generic.schedule_nms(out)
f =, [data, valid_count, out], "llvm")
ctx = tvm.cpu()
tvm_data = tvm.nd.array(np_data, ctx)
tvm_valid_count = tvm.nd.array(np_valid_count, ctx)
tvm_out = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(dshape, dtype=data.dtype), ctx)
f(tvm_data, tvm_valid_count, tvm_out)
batch_size = data.shape[0]
num_anchors = data.shape[1]
valid_count_dtype = "int32"
valid_count_buf = api.decl_buffer(valid_count.shape, valid_count_dtype,
"valid_count_buf", data_alignment=4)
data_buf = api.decl_buffer(
data.shape, data.dtype, "data_buf", data_alignment=8)
score_axis = 1
score_shape = (batch_size, num_anchors)
score_tensor = tvm.compute(
score_shape, lambda i, j: data[i, j, score_axis], name="score_tensor")
score_tensor_buf = api.decl_buffer(score_tensor.shape, data.dtype,
"score_tensor_buf", data_alignment=8)
sort_tensor_dtype = "int32"
sort_tensor_buf = api.decl_buffer(score_shape, sort_tensor_dtype,
"sort_tensor_buf", data_alignment=8)
sort_tensor = sort_gpu(score_tensor, score_tensor_buf, valid_count,
valid_count_buf, sort_tensor_buf, score_axis, True)
out = \
[data, sort_tensor, valid_count],
lambda ins, outs: nms_ir(
ins[0], ins[1], ins[2], outs[0], nms_threshold,
force_suppress, nms_topk),
in_buffers=[data_buf, sort_tensor_buf, valid_count_buf],
return out