blob: 537499a27fa977b5057def7d04d3720ff03d0e65 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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"""Wrapping existing transformations."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
from typing import Optional
from . import _ffi_api
from . import function_pass as _fpass
def Apply(ftransform):
"""Apply ftransform to each function in the Module.
This function is a thin wrapper around tvm.tir.transform.prim_func_pass
ftransform: tvm.tir.PrimFunc -> tvm.tir.PrimFunc
The transformation pass.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def _transform(func, mod, ctx):
return ftransform(func)
return _fpass.prim_func_pass(_transform, opt_level=0, name="Apply") # type: ignore
def Filter(fcond):
"""Filter functions by the calling convention attribute.
fcond : tvm.tir.PrimFunc -> bool
The condition of the filtering.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def _transform(func, mod, ctx):
return func if fcond(func) else None
return _fpass.prim_func_pass(_transform, opt_level=0, name="Filter") # type: ignore
def InjectPrefetch():
"""Inject prefetch instructions into stmt.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.InjectPrefetch() # type: ignore
def StorageFlatten(cache_line_size, create_bound_attribute: bool = False):
"""Flatten the multi-dimensional read/write to 1D.
cache_line_size: int
The size of CPU cache line.
Whether to create bound attributes.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.StorageFlatten(cache_line_size, create_bound_attribute) # type: ignore
def InjectCopyIntrin(pragma_key: str, fintrin):
"""Inject virtual thread loops.
pragma_key : str
The pragma key for hint of copy.
fintrin : function
The function with signature copyintrin(src, dst, pad_before, pad_after, pad_value)
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.InjectCopyIntrin(pragma_key, fintrin) # type: ignore
def CoProcSync():
"""Detect and insert sync points to co-processor.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.CoProcSync() # type: ignore
def LiftAttrScope(attr_key: str):
"""Lift common attrs with attr_key to outer scope.
attr_key : str
The attribute key to be checked.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LiftAttrScope(attr_key) # type: ignore
def LoopPartition():
"""Inject virtual thread loops.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LoopPartition() # type: ignore
def VectorizeLoop(enable_vectorize: bool = True):
"""Lower vectorization loops.
enable_vectorize : bool
Whether vectorization is enabled.
Will lower to scalar loop when it is turned off.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.VectorizeLoop(enable_vectorize) # type: ignore
def InjectVirtualThread():
"""Inject virtual thread loops.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.InjectVirtualThread() # type: ignore
def InjectDoubleBuffer():
"""Inject double buffer statements.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.InjectDoubleBuffer() # type: ignore
def StorageRewrite():
"""Rewrite storage allocation pattern.
Moves the allocation to outer most possible scope.
Trying to share space between allocations to make
a static allocation plan when possible.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.StorageRewrite() # type: ignore
def UnrollLoop():
"""Unroll the constant loop marked by unroll.
This pass also automatically attach pragma unroll tag to loops which meets the standard.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.UnrollLoop() # type: ignore
def RemoveNoOp():
"""Remove No Op from the Stmt.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.RemoveNoOp() # type: ignore
def BF16Legalize():
"""Legalize bf16 typed Ops.
Runs BF16Promote, BF16CastElimination and BF16TypeLowering
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.BF16Legalize() # type: ignore
def BF16Promote():
"""Promote bf16 to fp32. Add a cast to fp32
before Ops, then add a cast back to bf16.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.BF16Promote() # type: ignore
def BF16CastElimination():
"""Eliminate verbose casting between fp32 and bf16
Checks if the AST has the pattern:
The verbose casting is generated by BF16Promote for multiple
bf16 Ops in a row. e.g.:
X[i] + Y[i] + T[i] =>
bf16((float32(bf16((float32(X[i]) + float32(Y[i])))) + float32(T[i])))
After this pass:
bf16(float32(X[i]) + float32(Y[i]) + float32(T[i]))
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.BF16CastElimination() # type: ignore
def BF16TypeLowering():
"""Replace all bf16 type with uint16. Also lower the casting
between fp32 and bf16
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.BF16TypeLowering() # type: ignore
def RewriteUnsafeSelect():
"""Detect and rewrite unsafe select that contains memory access.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.RewriteUnsafeSelect() # type: ignore
def Simplify():
"""Run arithmetic simplifications on the statements and expressions.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.Simplify() # type: ignore
def InstrumentBoundCheckers():
"""Instruments bound checkers.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.InstrumentBoundCheckers() # type: ignore
def LowerCustomDatatypes():
"""Lower custom datatypes.
See tvm::datatypes::Registry for more information on adding custom datatypes.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LowerCustomDatatypes() # type: ignore
def MakePackedAPI(num_unpacked_params: int = -1):
"""Transform the PrimFuncs in the module to a packed func API.
num_unpacked_params : int
Number of parameters that we hope to directly pass via normal arguments
following the PackedFunc input signature. If it is specified as -1 or it
is less than the number of arguments, the pass will packed arguments still.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.MakePackedAPI(num_unpacked_params) # type: ignore
def MakeUnpackedAPI():
"""Transform the PrimFuncs in the module to a C API compatible with internal calls.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.MakeUnpackedAPI() # type: ignore
def SplitHostDevice():
"""Split the function into a host function and device functions.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.SplitHostDevice() # type: ignore
def DecorateDeviceScope():
"""Decorate all the function's body as device function.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.DecorateDeviceScope() # type: ignore
def SkipAssert():
"""Skip assert stmt.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.SkipAssert() # type: ignore
def ThreadSync(storage_scope: str):
"""Insert sync between parallel read/write of shared buffers.
storage_scope: str
The target storage scope.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.ThreadSync(storage_scope) # type: ignore
def LowerThreadAllreduce():
"""Lower cross thread alleduce.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LowerThreadAllreduce() # type: ignore
def InferFragment():
"""Infer the TensorCore fragment infomation using tensor intrinsics.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.InferFragment() # type: ignore
def LowerWarpMemory():
"""Lower warp memory access to low-level device related function calls.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LowerWarpMemory() # type: ignore
def LowerTVMBuiltin():
"""Lower tvm builtin intrinsics.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LowerTVMBuiltin() # type: ignore
def LegalizePackedCalls():
"""Legalize packed calls to have its arguments wrapped in TVMValues
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LegalizePackedCalls() # type: ignore
def LowerIntrin():
"""Lower target specific intrinsic calls.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LowerIntrin() # type: ignore
def LowerDeviceStorageAccessInfo():
"""Lower attached storage access information on device.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
Run this pass after all storage access analysis finish.
return _ffi_api.LowerDeviceStorageAccessInfo() # type: ignore
def CombineContextCall():
"""Combine context calls in the host function.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.CombineContextCall() # type: ignore
def NarrowDataType(target_bits: int):
"""Narrow down PrimExpr datatype in stmt to target_bits.
target_bits : int
The target bit configuration.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
Run this pass after StorageFlatten.
return _ffi_api.NarrowDataType(target_bits) # type: ignore
def VerifyMemory():
"""Verify if func contains illegal host side direct memory access.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.VerifyMemory() # type: ignore
# pylint: disable=no-else-return,inconsistent-return-statements
def HoistIfThenElse(variant: Optional[str] = None):
"""Hoist loop-invariant IfThenElse nodes to outside the eligible loops.
variant : Optional[String]
The variant of the pass.
variant can have any one of following values ["basic", None(Default)].
The basic variant supports basic hoisting scenarios where it expects
the For & If Nodes are in place consecutively and does not involve
global scope variables or more advanced scenarios.
Default variant supports all hoisting scenarios,i.e., {"Basic" + "Advanced"}
supported with control with PassContext configs like below:
config={"tir.HoistIfThenElse": {"support_block_scope_hosting": True}}
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
if variant == "basic":
return _ffi_api.HoistIfThenElseBasic() # type: ignore
elif variant is None:
return _ffi_api.HoistIfThenElse() # type: ignore
def LowerInitBlock():
"""Lower block init stmt into IfThenElse statements.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LowerInitBlock() # type: ignore
def PlanAndUpdateBufferAllocationLocation():
"""Locate the buffer allocation to the exact position (usually is
the lca of buffer access). This pass will inject opaque block
with alloc_buffers at the allocation site.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.PlanAndUpdateBufferAllocationLocation() # type: ignore
def ConvertBlocksToOpaque():
"""Substitute all the block vars with the PrimExprs they are bound to, indicated by
the corresponding iter_values in BlockRealize, and then convert the blocks into
opaque ones by removing all the iter_values in BlockRealize and iter_vars in Block.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.ConvertBlocksToOpaque() # type: ignore
def CompactBufferAllocation():
"""Compact the buffer access region. by removing the buffer regions
that are not accessed, i.e. narrowing the buffer shape and adjust
the access region if necessary.
Before narrowing, ``B`` is a ``[16, 16]`` buffer, but only a
skinny vector ``B[i, 0:16]`` is accessed.
.. code-block:: python
for i in range(0, 16):
with tir.block([]):
B = tir.alloc_buffer(16, 16)
for j in range(0, 16):
B[i, j] = A[i, j] + 1
for j in range(0, 16):
C[i, j] = B[i, j] + 1
This pass narrows the buffer shape and adjust its accessed region
accordingly. In this particular case, because only a ``1 * 16``
vector of ``B`` is accessed, the pass narrows ``B`` to shape ``[1,
16]``, and changes the access to ``B[i, j]`` to ``B[0, j]``.
.. code-block:: python
for i in range(0, 16):
with tir.block([]):
B = tir.alloc_buffer(1, 16)
for j in range(0, 16):
B[0, j] = A[i, j] + 1
for j in range(0, 16):
C[i, j] = B[0, j] + 1
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.CompactBufferAllocation() # type: ignore
def LowerMatchBuffer():
"""Remove match buffers inside the block. Also, it will validate the binding.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.LowerMatchBuffer() # type: ignore
def FlattenBuffer():
"""Flatten the multi-dimensional BufferLoad and BufferStore
to single dimensional Load/Store. Also remove Block to
ensure that the flattened TIR can not be scheduled again.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.FlattenBuffer() # type: ignore
def MergeDynamicSharedMemoryAllocations():
"""This pass merges multiple TIR-level dynamic shared memory allocations
into one allocation.
fpass : tvm.transform.Pass
The result pass
return _ffi_api.MergeDynamicSharedMemoryAllocations() # type: ignore