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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""The build utils in python.
from typing import Union, Optional, List, Mapping
import warnings
import tvm.tir
from tvm.runtime import Module
from tvm.runtime import ndarray
from import container
from import CallingConv
from tvm.tir import PrimFunc
from import IRModule
from import PassContext
from import codegen
from tvm.te import tensor
from tvm.te import schedule
from import Target
from tvm.tir.buffer import Buffer
from tvm.tir.expr import Var
from . import _ffi_api as ffi
def get_binds(args, compact=False, binds=None):
"""Internal function to get binds and arg_list given arguments.
args : list of Buffer or Tensor or Var
The argument lists to the function.
compact : bool
If the statement has already bound to a compact buffer.
binds : dict of :any:`Tensor` to :any:`Buffer`, optional
Dictionary that maps the Tensor to Buffer which specified the data layout
requirement of the function. By default, a new compact buffer is created
for each tensor in the argument.
binds: dict
The bind specification
arg_list: list
The list of symbolic buffers of arguments.
binds, arg_list = ffi.get_binds(args, compact, binds)
return binds, arg_list
def schedule_to_module(
sch: schedule.Schedule,
args: Optional[List[Union[Buffer, tensor.Tensor, Var]]] = None,
name: str = "main",
binds: Optional[Mapping[tensor.Tensor, Buffer]] = None,
) -> IRModule:
"""According to the given schedule, form a function.
sch : tvm.te.schedule.Schedule
The given scheduler to form the raw body
args : list of Buffer or Tensor or Var
The argument lists to the function.
name : str
The name of result function, default name is "main"
binds : dict of :any:`Tensor` to :any:`Buffer`, optional
The binds information
The body formed according to the given schedule
return ffi.schedule_to_module(sch, args, name, binds)
def lower(
inp: Union[schedule.Schedule, PrimFunc, IRModule],
args: Optional[List[Union[Buffer, tensor.Tensor, Var]]] = None,
name: str = "main",
binds: Optional[Mapping[tensor.Tensor, Buffer]] = None,
simple_mode: bool = False,
) -> IRModule:
"""Lowering step before build into target.
inp : Union[tvm.te.schedule.Schedule, tvm.tir.PrimFunc, IRModule]
The TE schedule or TensorIR PrimFunc/IRModule to be built
args : Optional[List[Union[tvm.tir.Buffer, tensor.Tensor, Var]]]
The argument lists to the function for TE schedule.
It should be None if we want to lower TensorIR.
name : str
The name of the result function.
binds : Optional[Mapping[tensor.Tensor, tvm.tir.Buffer]]
Dictionary that maps the Tensor to Buffer which specified the data layout
requirement of the function. By default, a new compact buffer is created
for each tensor in the argument.
simple_mode : bool
Whether only output simple and compact statement, this will skip
LoopPartition, api wrapper generation and Unrolling.
m : IRModule
The result IRModule
if isinstance(inp, IRModule):
return ffi.lower_module(inp, simple_mode)
if isinstance(inp, PrimFunc):
return ffi.lower_primfunc(inp, name, simple_mode)
if isinstance(inp, schedule.Schedule):
return ffi.lower_schedule(inp, args, name, binds, simple_mode)
raise ValueError("Expected input to be an IRModule, PrimFunc or Schedule, but got, ", type(inp))
def _build_for_device(input_mod, target, target_host):
"""Build the lowered functions for a device with the given compilation
input_mod : IRModule
The schedule to be built.
target : str or :any:``
The target and option of the compilation.
target_host : str or :any:``
The host compilation target.
fhost : IRModule
The host IRModule.
mdev : tvm.module
A module that contains device code.
target, target_host = Target.check_and_update_host_consist(target, target_host)
device_type = ndarray.device(, 0).device_type
mod_mixed = input_mod
mod_mixed = tvm.tir.transform.Apply(lambda f: f.with_attr("target", target))(mod_mixed)
opt_mixed = [
if len(mod_mixed.functions) == 1:
opt_mixed += [tvm.tir.transform.Apply(lambda f: f.with_attr("tir.is_entry_func", True))]
if PassContext.current().config.get("tir.detect_global_barrier", False):
opt_mixed += [tvm.tir.transform.ThreadSync("global")]
opt_mixed += [
mod_mixed = tvm.transform.Sequential(opt_mixed)(mod_mixed)
# device optimizations
opt_device = tvm.transform.Sequential(
lambda f: "calling_conv" in f.attrs
and f.attrs["calling_conv"].value == CallingConv.DEVICE_KERNEL_LAUNCH
mod_dev = opt_device(mod_mixed)
# host optimizations
opt_host = tvm.transform.Sequential(
lambda f: "calling_conv" not in f.attrs
or f.attrs["calling_conv"].value != CallingConv.DEVICE_KERNEL_LAUNCH
tvm.tir.transform.Apply(lambda f: f.with_attr("target", target_host)),
mod_host = opt_host(mod_mixed)
if device_type == ndarray.cpu(0).device_type and target_host == target:
assert len(mod_dev.functions) == 0
if "gpu" in target.keys and len(mod_dev.functions) == 0:
"Specified target %s, but cannot find device code, did you do " "bind?" % target
rt_mod_dev = codegen.build_module(mod_dev, target) if len(mod_dev.functions) != 0 else None
return mod_host, rt_mod_dev
def build(
inputs: Union[schedule.Schedule, PrimFunc, IRModule, Mapping[str, IRModule]],
args: Optional[List[Union[Buffer, tensor.Tensor, Var]]] = None,
target: Optional[Union[str, Target]] = None,
target_host: Optional[Union[str, Target]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = "default_function",
binds: Optional[Mapping[tensor.Tensor, Buffer]] = None,
"""Build a function with arguments as signature. Code will be generated
for devices coupled with target information.
inputs : Union[tvm.te.schedule.Schedule, tvm.tir.PrimFunc, IRModule, Mapping[str, IRModule]]
The input to be built
args : Optional[List[Union[tvm.tir.Buffer, tensor.Tensor, Var]]]
The argument lists to the function.
target : Optional[Union[str, Target]]
The target and option of the compilation.
target_host : Optional[Union[str, Target]]
Host compilation target, if target is device.
When TVM compiles device specific program such as CUDA,
we also need host(CPU) side code to interact with the driver
setup the dimensions and parameters correctly.
target_host is used to specify the host side codegen target.
By default, llvm is used if it is enabled,
otherwise a stackvm intepreter is used.
name : Optional[str]
The name of result function.
binds : Optional[Mapping[tensor.Tensor, tvm.tir.Buffer]]
Dictionary that maps the binding of symbolic buffer to Tensor.
By default, a new buffer is created for each tensor in the argument.
ret : tvm.module
A module that combines both host and device code.
There are two typical example uses of this function depending on the type
of the argument `inputs`:
1. it is an IRModule.
.. code-block:: python
n = 2
A = te.placeholder((n,), name='A')
B = te.placeholder((n,), name='B')
C = te.compute(A.shape, lambda *i: A(*i) + B(*i), name='C')
s = tvm.te.create_schedule(C.op)
m = tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], name="test_add")
rt_mod =, target="llvm")
2. it is a dict of compilation target to IRModule.
.. code-block:: python
n = 2
A = te.placeholder((n,), name='A')
B = te.placeholder((n,), name='B')
C = te.compute(A.shape, lambda *i: A(*i) + B(*i), name='C')
s1 = tvm.te.create_schedule(C.op)
with as cuda_tgt:
s2 = topi.cuda.schedule_injective(cuda_tgt, [C])
m1 = tvm.lower(s1, [A, B, C], name="test_add1")
m2 = tvm.lower(s2, [A, B, C], name="test_add2")
rt_mod ={"llvm": m1, "cuda": m2}, target_host="llvm")
See the note on :any:`` on target string format.
if isinstance(inputs, schedule.Schedule):
if args is None:
raise ValueError("args must be given for build from schedule")
input_mod = lower(inputs, args, name=name, binds=binds)
elif isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple, container.Array)):
merged_mod = tvm.IRModule({})
for x in inputs:
input_mod = merged_mod
elif isinstance(inputs, (tvm.IRModule, PrimFunc)):
input_mod = lower(inputs)
elif not isinstance(inputs, (dict, container.Map)):
raise ValueError(
f"Inputs must be Schedule, IRModule or dict of target to IRModule, "
f"but got {type(inputs)}."
if not isinstance(inputs, (dict, container.Map)):
target = Target.current() if target is None else target
target = target if target else "llvm"
target_input_mod = {target: input_mod}
target_input_mod = inputs
for tar, mod in target_input_mod.items():
if not isinstance(tar, (str, Target)):
raise ValueError("The key of inputs must be str or " "Target when inputs is dict.")
if not isinstance(mod, tvm.IRModule):
raise ValueError("inputs must be Schedule, IRModule," "or dict of str to IRModule.")
target_input_mod, target_host = Target.check_and_update_host_consist(
target_input_mod, target_host
if not target_host:
for tar, mod in target_input_mod.items():
tar = Target(tar)
device_type = ndarray.device(, 0).device_type
if device_type == ndarray.cpu(0).device_type:
target_host = tar
if not target_host:
target_host = "llvm" if tvm.runtime.enabled("llvm") else "stackvm"
target_input_mod, target_host = Target.check_and_update_host_consist(
target_input_mod, target_host
mod_host_all = tvm.IRModule({})
device_modules = []
for tar, input_mod in target_input_mod.items():
mod_host, mdev = _build_for_device(input_mod, tar, target_host)
# Generate a unified host module.
rt_mod_host = codegen.build_module(mod_host_all, target_host)
# Import all modules.
for mdev in device_modules:
if mdev:
if not isinstance(target_host, Target):
target_host = Target(target_host)
if (
target_host.attrs.get("runtime", tvm.runtime.String("c++")) == "c"
and target_host.attrs.get("system-lib", 0) == 1
if == "c":
create_csource_crt_metadata_module = tvm._ffi.get_global_func(
to_return = create_csource_crt_metadata_module([rt_mod_host], target_host)
elif == "llvm":
create_llvm_crt_metadata_module = tvm._ffi.get_global_func(
to_return = create_llvm_crt_metadata_module([rt_mod_host], target_host)
to_return = rt_mod_host
return OperatorModule.from_module(to_return, ir_module_by_target=target_input_mod, name=name)
class OperatorModule(Module):
"""Wraps the Module returned by and captures additional outputs of that function."""
def from_module(cls, mod, **kwargs):
# NOTE(areusch): It is generally unsafe to continue using `mod` from this point forward.
# If an exception occurs in cls.__init__, handle will be deleted. For this reason,
# set mod.handle to None.
handle = mod.handle
mod.handle = None
return cls(handle, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, handle, ir_module_by_target=None, name=None):
super(OperatorModule, self).__init__(handle)
self.ir_module_by_target = ir_module_by_target = name