blob: 1a249e127b3aba565c60d9f73c654e0372397742 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package vta.core
import scala.math.pow
import scala.math.sqrt
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import vta.util.config._
/** TensorLoad.
* Load 1D and 2D tensors from main memory (DRAM) to input/weight
* scratchpads (SRAM). Also, there is support for zero padding, while
* doing the load.
class TensorLoadNarrowVME(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
implicit p: Parameters)
extends Module {
val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val start = Input(Bool())
val done = Output(Bool())
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
val vme_rd = new VMEReadMaster
val tensor = new TensorClient(tensorType)
val writePipeLatency = tp.writePipeLatency
val sIdle :: sBusy :: Nil =
val state = RegInit(sIdle)
val isBusy = state === sBusy
val localDone = Wire(Bool())
when(io.start) {
state := sBusy
}.elsewhen(localDone) {
state := sIdle
val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
val vmeDataBitsPipe = RegNext(
val vmeDataValidPipe = RegNext(, init = false.B)
val vmeDataReadyPipe = RegNext(, init = false.B)
val vmeDataFirePipe = vmeDataValidPipe & vmeDataReadyPipe
//--- Generate data load VME command ---
val vmeCmd = Module (new GenVMECmd(tensorType, debug)) := io.start := isBusy := io.inst := io.baddr <> io.vme_rd.cmd
val readLen =
val commandsDone =
// count how many blocks not received
val blkIdxWdth = log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio * tp.memDepth) // the size of scratchpad in blocks
// Nb of data blocks requestd, not received. TODO: smaller width parameter
val blocksInFlight = Reg(UInt(blkIdxWdth.W))
when(io.start) {
blocksInFlight := 0.U
}.elsewhen(isBusy && && !vmeDataFirePipe) {
blocksInFlight := blocksInFlight + readLen
}.elsewhen(isBusy && && vmeDataFirePipe) {
blocksInFlight := blocksInFlight + readLen - 1.U
}.elsewhen(isBusy && ! && vmeDataFirePipe) {
assert(blocksInFlight > 0.U)
blocksInFlight := blocksInFlight - 1.U
}.otherwise {
blocksInFlight := blocksInFlight
//--- Read VME data ---
val readData = Module(new ReadVMEData(tensorType, debug)) := io.start := vmeDataValidPipe := vmeDataBitsPipe
assert(! ||,
"-F- Expecting const ready. Fix ReadVMEData to receive data 1 cyce after ready") :=
val rdDataDestCol = // this is an index of a col in tensor
val rdDataDestIdx = // this is an index of a tensor
//--- Fill zero padding ---
val fillPadding = Module(new ZeroPadding(tensorType, debug)) := !vmeDataFirePipe := RegNext(io.inst) // stage it to move from instr queue := RegNext(io.start, init = false.B)// stage it to move from instr que
val isZeroPadWrite = // Store zero filled tensor, zpDestIdx is valid
val zpDestIdx = // Tensor index
val paddingDone =
//--- Write memory ---
val memSizeRatio = tp.tsSizeRatio
val splitDataFactor = tp.splitWidth * tp.splitLength
val splitMemBlockFactor = if (splitDataFactor > memSizeRatio) {
require((splitDataFactor/memSizeRatio) * memSizeRatio == splitDataFactor,
"-F- Cannot split tensor data memBlockBits further.")
}else {
val groupMemBlockFactor = if (splitDataFactor > memSizeRatio) {
}else {
require((memSizeRatio/splitDataFactor) * splitDataFactor == memSizeRatio,
"-F- Cannot group tensor data memBlockBits into groups.")
// one macro has a VME memory read bit width or read/write group bit width
//different groups can read/write scratchpad separately
val tensorFile = Seq.fill(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor
) {
SyncReadMem(tp.memDepth, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W))
require(splitDataFactor * groupMemBlockFactor == memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor,
"-F- Wrong split of data")
//--- Write address vector ------
// split data to build pipe tree
val splitFactorL0 = pow(2,log2Ceil(memSizeRatio) / 2).toInt
val splitFactorL1 = pow(2,log2Ceil(memSizeRatio) - log2Ceil(memSizeRatio) / 2).toInt
require(splitFactorL0 * splitFactorL1 == memSizeRatio)
// tensor load instruction writes a VME data block or a whole tensor
val waddrTensInstrTmp = Mux(isZeroPadWrite, zpDestIdx, rdDataDestIdx)
val waddrTensInstrPipe = VecInit((for (j <- 0 until splitFactorL1) yield {
ShiftRegister(waddrTensInstrTmp, if (writePipeLatency > 0) 1 else 0)
}).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitFactorL0) yield {
}).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitMemBlockFactor) yield {
ShiftRegister(elem, if (writePipeLatency < 2) 0 else writePipeLatency - 1)
require(waddrTensInstrPipe.size == memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor)
val waddrDirect = (VecInit((for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
}).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until groupMemBlockFactor) yield {elem}))).asTypeOf(
Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, io.tensor.wr(0).bits.idx.cloneType)
val waddr = Wire(Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, waddrTensInstrTmp.cloneType))
for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
waddr(j) := Mux(
ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
//--- Write enable vector -------
val dataOffset = rdDataDestCol
// get en sygnal and duplicate
val wenTensInstr = VecInit((for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio) yield {
Mux(isZeroPadWrite, true.B, dataOffset === j.U && vmeDataFirePipe)
}).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitMemBlockFactor) yield {elem}))
val wenDirect = VecInit((for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
}).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until groupMemBlockFactor) yield {elem}))
val wen = Wire(Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, Bool()))
for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
wen(j) := Mux(
ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
ShiftRegister(wenTensInstr(j), writePipeLatency))
require(tp.memBlockBits % tp.tensorElemBits == 0)
//--- Write data vector ---------
val wdataTensInstrDataPipe = VecInit((for (j <- 0 until splitFactorL0) yield {
ShiftRegister(, if (writePipeLatency > 0) 1 else 0)
}).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitFactorL1) yield {
}).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitMemBlockFactor) yield {
require(elem.getWidth == tp.memBlockBits)
elem.asTypeOf(Vec(splitMemBlockFactor, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W)))(k),
if (writePipeLatency < 2) 0 else writePipeLatency - 1)
require(wdataTensInstrDataPipe.size == memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor)
val wdataTensInstr = Wire(Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W)))
for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
// pipe 1 stage paddingControl per group
val padValue = 0.U
wdataTensInstr(j) := Mux(
ShiftRegister(isZeroPadWrite, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B),
ShiftRegister(padValue /* a single group total data bits */, writePipeLatency),
// THIS wdataDirect writes continous scratchpad data space
// It is WRONG for ACC batch > 1
// maps group data bits to continous sequence of mem blocks
// but wr(x) is a window in a tensor
val wdataDirect = VecInit((for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
}).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until groupMemBlockFactor) yield {
elem.asTypeOf(Vec(groupMemBlockFactor, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W)))(k)
val wdata = Wire(Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W)))
for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
wdata(j) := Mux(
ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
when(wen(j)) {
tensorFile(j).write(waddr(j), wdata(j))
if (debug) {
when(isZeroPadWrite) {
printf(s"[TensorLoad] $tensorType isZeroPadWrite data zpDestIdx:%d\n",
when (vmeDataFirePipe) {
printf(s"[TensorLoad] $tensorType data rdDataDestCol:%d rdDataDestIdx:%d\n",
// read-from-sram
for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
val rvalid = ShiftRegister(
io.tensor.rd(grIdx).idx.valid, tp.readTensorLatency + 1, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
io.tensor.rd(grIdx).data.valid := rvalid
val memsInGroup = memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor / splitDataFactor
for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
io.tensor.rd(grIdx).data.bits :=
VecInit(for (memBlkIdx <- 0 until memsInGroup) yield {
tensorFile(grIdx * memsInGroup + memBlkIdx).read(
ShiftRegister(io.tensor.rd(grIdx).idx.bits, tp.readTensorLatency),
ShiftRegister(io.tensor.rd(grIdx).idx.valid, tp.readTensorLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B))
// done
val loadDone = blocksInFlight === 0.U && commandsDone && state === sBusy
localDone := loadDone && paddingDone
io.done := ShiftRegister(localDone, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
//--- Fill zero padding ---
// Fill tensors with zeros if padding is defined
// stride must be used (xstride and ysize) if xpad_0 or xpad_1
// are not zero and matrix has more than one row of tensors
// zp states enumerate different types of padding blocks
// TOP - width = dec.xpad_0 + dec.xstride + dec.xpad_1; height = dec.ypad_0
// LEFT - width = dec.xpad_0; height = dec.ysize
// RIGHT - width = dec.xpad_1; height = dec.ysize
// BOT - width = dec.xpad_0 + dec.xstride + dec.xpad_1; height = dec.ypad_1
// SKIP - dec.xpad_0 == 0 && dec.xpad_1
//Fill algorithm fills row by row from TOP then sides, then BOT
class ZeroPadding(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
implicit p: Parameters)
extends Module {
val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val canWriteMem = Input(Bool())
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val tensorIdx = Output(ValidIO(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W)))
val start = Input(Bool())
val done = Output(Bool())
val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
val isZeroPadWrite = Wire(Bool()) // Store zero filled tensor, zpDestIdx is valid
val zpDestIdx = Wire(dec.sram_offset.cloneType) // Tensor index
val sZpIdle :: sZpTop :: sZpSideLeft :: sZpSideRight :: sZpSideBoth :: sZpSideSkip :: sZpBot :: Nil =
val zpState = RegInit(sZpIdle)
val paddingDone = zpState === sZpIdle // Done filling zero tensors
val zpColIdx = Reg(UInt((dec.xpad_0.getWidth + dec.xsize.getWidth + dec.xpad_1.getWidth).W))
val zpNewFillBlock = Wire(Bool()) // separate new fill block <-> inside block row change and column idx calculation
// Define padding area iterators
val zpRowIdx = Reg(UInt((dec.ypad_0.getWidth + dec.ysize.getWidth + dec.ypad_1.getWidth).W)) // current padding row
// current padding column
val zpDestRowOffset = Reg(dec.sram_offset.cloneType) // one-dimentional offset for zpRowIdx
zpRowIdx := zpRowIdx
zpColIdx := zpColIdx
zpDestRowOffset := zpDestRowOffset
zpNewFillBlock := false.B
//state change val
val zpLastDataRow = zpRowIdx === dec.ypad_0 + dec.ysize - 1.U
val zpTopLastIdx = dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize + dec.xpad_1 - 1.U // last index of total width
val zpWideLineEnd = (zpState === sZpSideBoth || zpState === sZpSideRight) && zpColIdx === zpTopLastIdx
val zpNarwLineEnd = zpState === sZpSideLeft && zpColIdx === dec.xpad_0 - 1.U
val zpFillLineEnd = zpWideLineEnd || zpNarwLineEnd
when(io.start) {
zpRowIdx := 0.U
zpDestRowOffset := dec.sram_offset
zpColIdx := 0.U
when(dec.xpad_0 === 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U && dec.ypad_0 === 0.U) {
zpColIdx := dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize
when(dec.ypad_0 =/= 0.U) {
zpState := sZpTop
}.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U && dec.xpad_1 === 0.U) {
zpState := sZpSideLeft
}.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 === 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
zpState := sZpSideRight
}.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
zpState := sZpSideBoth
}.elsewhen(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) {
zpState := sZpSideSkip
}.otherwise {
zpState := sZpIdle // nothing to fill
io.canWriteMem &&
zpState === sZpTop &&
zpRowIdx === dec.ypad_0 - 1.U && /*we know ypad_0 > 0 */
zpColIdx === zpTopLastIdx) {
zpNewFillBlock := true.B
zpColIdx := 0.U
when(dec.xpad_0 === 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
zpColIdx := dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize
when(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U && dec.xpad_1 === 0.U) {
zpState := sZpSideLeft
}.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 === 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
zpState := sZpSideRight
}.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
zpState := sZpSideBoth
}.elsewhen(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) {
zpState := sZpSideSkip
}.otherwise {
zpState := sZpIdle // nothing to fill
zpLastDataRow && // last row before ypad_1
((zpFillLineEnd && io.canWriteMem) || // last zero tensor in xpad_0 or xpad_1
zpState === sZpSideSkip)) /* no padding in data rows */ {
zpNewFillBlock := true.B
when(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) { // also no dec.xpad_1 no xpad_0
zpColIdx := 0.U // first index for ypad_1 area
zpState := sZpBot // if more padding is needed go to count data rows
}.otherwise {
zpState := sZpIdle // nothing to fill
io.canWriteMem &&
zpState === sZpBot &&
zpRowIdx === dec.ypad_0 + dec.ysize + dec.ypad_1 - 1.U && /*we know ypad_1 > 0 */
zpColIdx === zpTopLastIdx) {
zpNewFillBlock := true.B
zpColIdx := 0.U
zpState := sZpIdle
}.otherwise {
zpState := zpState
// allowed to write memory when data reader is inactive
isZeroPadWrite := zpState =/= sZpIdle && zpState =/= sZpSideSkip && io.canWriteMem
zpDestIdx := zpDestRowOffset + zpColIdx
//increment row
// and set zpColIdx on a row change
val incrementRow = Wire(Bool())
incrementRow := false.B
((((zpState === sZpTop || zpState === sZpSideBoth || zpState === sZpSideRight || zpState === sZpBot) &&
zpColIdx === zpTopLastIdx) ||
(zpState === sZpSideLeft && zpColIdx === dec.xpad_0 - 1.U))&& io.canWriteMem) ||
zpState === sZpSideSkip) {
zpDestRowOffset := zpDestRowOffset + zpTopLastIdx + 1.U // count rows in one-dimentional destination matrix
zpRowIdx := zpRowIdx + 1.U
incrementRow := true.B
when(!zpNewFillBlock) { // column may be reset on block type change
when(zpState === sZpSideRight) {
zpColIdx := dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize
}.otherwise {
zpColIdx := 0.U
//increment column if it is not done on block change or row in block change
when(isZeroPadWrite && !zpNewFillBlock && !incrementRow) {
when(zpState === sZpSideBoth && zpColIdx === dec.xpad_0 - 1.U) {
zpColIdx := zpColIdx + dec.xsize + 1.U// skip data tensors
}.otherwise {
zpColIdx := zpColIdx + 1.U
io.done := zpState === sZpIdle
io.tensorIdx.valid := isZeroPadWrite
io.tensorIdx.bits := zpDestIdx
//--- Read VME data ---
// Read VME data. Generate Memory index and data
// transaction TAG is a data block offset in scratchpad
// Different transactions are identified by tag change
class ReadVMEData(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
implicit p: Parameters)
extends Module {
val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val start = Input(Bool())
val vmeData = Flipped(Decoupled(new VMEData))
val idx = Output(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
val col = Output(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio).W))
io.vmeData.ready := true.B // always ready to read VME data
require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.tensorSizeBits)) == tp.tensorSizeBits,
"-F- Tensor bit size must be 2^. Using shift and bits to divide.")
require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.memBlockBits)) == tp.memBlockBits,
"-F- Tensor bit size must be 2^. Using shift and bits to divide.")
require(tp.tsSizeRatio >= 1,
"-F- Tensor bit size must equal or greater than read puls width.")
val blkOffsetWidth = log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio)
val rdDataDestCol = Wire(UInt(blkOffsetWidth.W)) // this is an index of a cl in a tensor
val rdDataDestIdx = Wire(UInt(M_SRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W)) // this is an index of a tensor
io.vmeData.ready := true.B // always ready to read VME data
//decode data destination
val vmeTagDecode = io.vmeData.bits.tag
val vmeTagDecodeLast = Reg(vmeTagDecode.cloneType) // store tag to identify a new burst
val rdDataIdx = vmeTagDecode(vmeTagDecode.getWidth - 1, blkOffsetWidth)
val rdDataCol = if (tp.tsSizeRatio == 1) 0.U else vmeTagDecode(blkOffsetWidth - 1, 0)
val rdDataDestColNext = Reg(rdDataDestCol.cloneType) // this is an index in a col in tensor
val rdDataDestIdxNext = Reg(UInt(M_SRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W)) // this is an index of a tensor
val vmeTagDecodeLastValid = Wire(Bool())
val vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext = RegNext(
next = vmeTagDecodeLastValid,
init = false.B)
when(io.start) {
vmeTagDecodeLastValid :=false.B // reset tag valid
}.elsewhen( {
vmeTagDecodeLastValid := true.B // set tag valid on a new read
}.otherwise {
vmeTagDecodeLastValid := vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext // keep value
rdDataDestCol := DontCare
rdDataDestIdx := DontCare
when( {
when (
!vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext ||
(vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext &&
vmeTagDecode.asUInt =/= vmeTagDecodeLast.asUInt)) {
vmeTagDecodeLast := vmeTagDecode // a new burst
rdDataDestCol := rdDataCol
rdDataDestIdx := rdDataIdx
rdDataDestColNext := rdDataCol + 1.U //increment col in tensor
rdDataDestIdxNext := rdDataIdx
}.otherwise {
rdDataDestCol := rdDataDestColNext //continue burst read
rdDataDestColNext := rdDataDestColNext + 1.U //increment col in tensor
rdDataDestIdx := rdDataDestIdxNext
when(rdDataDestCol === (tp.tsSizeRatio - 1).U) {
rdDataDestIdxNext := rdDataDestIdxNext + 1.U //increment tensor index
io.idx := rdDataDestIdx
io.col := rdDataDestCol
// transaction TAG is a data block offset in scratchpad
// Different transactions are identified by tag change
class GenVMECmd(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
implicit p: Parameters)
extends Module {
val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val start = Input(Bool())
val isBusy = Input(Bool())
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
val vmeCmd = Decoupled(new VMECmd)
val readLen = Output(UInt((mp.lenBits + 1).W))
val done = Output(Bool())
val sizeFactor = tp.tsSizeRatio
val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
val rdCmdExtAddr = Reg(UInt(mp.addrBits.W)) // current address in the row
val maxTransfer = (1 << mp.lenBits).U // max number of blocks in transfer
// from old data ctrl
val elemBytes = tp.tensorLength * tp.tensorWidth * tp.tensorElemBits / 8 // bytes in tensor
val maskOffset = VecInit(Seq.fill(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS)(true.B)).asUInt
val xfer_init_addr = io.baddr | (maskOffset & (dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(elemBytes)))
val maxTrBytes = maxTransfer << (log2Ceil(mp.dataBits) - 3)
//Align first transfer to maxTrBytes boundary. It occures on every dec.xsize transfer
//all other transfers in the row will end at maxTrBytes boundary
val firstMaxTransfer = (maxTrBytes - rdCmdExtAddr % maxTrBytes) >> (log2Ceil(mp.dataBits) - 3)
//--- Generate data load VME command ---
val rdCmdStartIdxValid = Wire(Bool()) // Command is valid
val startIssueCmdRead = Wire(Bool()) // First transaction in dec.xsize transfer
val rdCmdStartIdx = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.memDepth).W)) // Scratchpad data block index for the first transaction
val readLen = Wire(UInt((mp.lenBits + 1).W)) // read cmd transaction length. It is <= maxTransfer
val commandsDone = RegInit(true.B) // Done generating VME commands
val stride = Wire(Bool()) // flags change to the next row to read
val blocksReadSize = (dec.xsize << log2Ceil(sizeFactor)) // how many blocks to read in a singl src row
val blocksReadNb = Reg(blocksReadSize.cloneType)
val rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin = Reg(UInt(mp.addrBits.W)) // starting address in the row
val newReadRow = Reg(Bool()) // flags the first read of dec.xsize
// set which source row of data to read. dec.ysize defines the number of rows
val srcRowIdx = Reg(UInt(dec.ysize.getWidth.W)) // current row of stride read
when (io.start) {
srcRowIdx := 0.U // 1st row
}.elsewhen (stride) {
srcRowIdx := srcRowIdx + 1.U // increment row
}.otherwise {
srcRowIdx := srcRowIdx // stay in the row
// set how many blocks of data being loaded
commandsDone := commandsDone
when (io.start || stride) {
blocksReadNb := 0.U
commandsDone := false.B
}.elsewhen ( {
val nextBlRNb = blocksReadNb + readLen
when (nextBlRNb === blocksReadSize && srcRowIdx === dec.ysize - 1.U) {
commandsDone := true.B
}.otherwise {
blocksReadNb := blocksReadNb
//when the whole xsize row read commands send, go for the next src row
when((blocksReadNb === blocksReadSize - readLen) && (srcRowIdx =/= dec.ysize - 1.U) && {
stride := true.B
}.otherwise {
stride := false.B
assert(!io.isBusy || blocksReadSize >= blocksReadNb)// define how many block to read at this cycle
val blocksRemained = blocksReadSize - blocksReadNb
when (newReadRow) {
when(blocksRemained < firstMaxTransfer) {
readLen := blocksRemained
}.otherwise {
readLen := firstMaxTransfer
}.otherwise {
when(blocksRemained < maxTransfer) {
readLen := blocksRemained
}.otherwise {
readLen := maxTransfer
// block index of the read data row (xsize). Modified by zero padding
val totalWidth = dec.xsize + dec.xpad_0 + dec.xpad_1 // width of scratchpad matrix in tensors
// instead of multiplying total width by ypad_0 do incremental addition.
//Should cost ypad_0 cycles to issue 1st read cmd
// counts src matrix with y padding rows of tensors
val currentRowIdx = Reg(UInt((dec.ysize.getWidth + dec.ypad_0.getWidth).W))
// start to issue read cmd
rdCmdStartIdxValid := currentRowIdx >= dec.ypad_0 &&
currentRowIdx < (dec.ysize + dec.ypad_0) &&
io.isBusy &&
when (io.start) {
currentRowIdx := 0.U
rdCmdStartIdx := dec.sram_offset + dec.xpad_0 // this index is in tensors
}.elsewhen (io.isBusy && (currentRowIdx < dec.ypad_0 || stride)) {
rdCmdStartIdx := rdCmdStartIdx + totalWidth
currentRowIdx := currentRowIdx + 1.U
startIssueCmdRead := false.B
when(blocksReadNb === 0.U && rdCmdStartIdxValid) {
startIssueCmdRead := true.B
rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin := rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin
when (io.start) {
rdCmdExtAddr := xfer_init_addr
rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin := xfer_init_addr
newReadRow := true.B
}.elsewhen ( {
when(stride) {
val memRow = rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin + (dec.xstride << log2Ceil(elemBytes))
rdCmdExtAddr := memRow // go to the next source matrix row with xstride tensors offset
rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin := memRow
newReadRow := true.B
}.otherwise {
newReadRow := false.B
// go to the next tranaction same continous data block
rdCmdExtAddr := rdCmdExtAddr + (readLen << (log2Ceil(mp.dataBits) - 3))
}.otherwise {
rdCmdExtAddr := rdCmdExtAddr
newReadRow := newReadRow
//--- execute VME data load command ---
require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.tensorSizeBits)) == tp.tensorSizeBits,
"-F- Tensor size must be 2^. Using shift and bits to divide.")
require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.memBlockBits)) == tp.memBlockBits,
"-F- Read pulsewidth must be 2^ . Using shift and bits to divide.")
//first log2Ceil(tp.numMemBlock) bits encode block offset in a row,
//then log2Ceil(tp.tensorLength) bits for a row in a tensor, then tensor index
val blkOffset = log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio)
val blkIdxWdth = log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio * tp.memDepth) // the size of scratchpad in blocks
val rdCmdDestBlockIdx = Wire(UInt(blkIdxWdth.W)) // dataBits size block index in a scratchpad
val rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext = Reg(rdCmdDestBlockIdx.cloneType) // dataBits size block index in a scratchpad
rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext := rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext
rdCmdDestBlockIdx := rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext
// block position in a scratchpad
val rdCmdValid = Wire(Bool())
//increment scratch pad destination index
when(rdCmdStartIdxValid) {
rdCmdValid := true.B
when(startIssueCmdRead) {
rdCmdDestBlockIdx := rdCmdStartIdx << blkOffset // it is aligned by tensor size
rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext:= rdCmdDestBlockIdx + readLen
}.elsewhen ( {
// increment block position by transaction length
rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext:= rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext + readLen
}.otherwise {
rdCmdValid := false.B
if(debug) {
when ( {
printf(s"[GenVMECmd] $tensorType cmd data rdCmdDestBlockIdx:%b " +
s" length:%d \n",
// read-from-dram
require(io.vmeCmd.bits.tag.getWidth >= rdCmdDestBlockIdx.getWidth,
"-F- Not enough VME tag bits to store transaction tag.")
io.vmeCmd.valid := rdCmdValid
io.vmeCmd.bits.addr := rdCmdExtAddr
io.vmeCmd.bits.len := readLen - 1.U
assert(!io.vmeCmd.valid || ((readLen << log2Ceil(mp.dataBits/8)) <= (maxTrBytes - rdCmdExtAddr % maxTrBytes)),
s"-F- ${tensorType} DRAM page alignment failure. DRAM " +
s"address + len overlaps mp.lenBits*memBlockSize alignment %x %x",
rdCmdExtAddr, readLen)
io.vmeCmd.bits.tag := rdCmdDestBlockIdx
io.readLen := readLen
io.done := commandsDone