blob: 2dd520eb29ea7dd6035f6cebb7489af25d6ac797 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file hw_spec.h
* \brief Preprocessor definitions for VTA HLS design and runtime.
#ifndef VTA_HW_SPEC_H_
#define VTA_HW_SPEC_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vta/hw_spec_const.h>
/*! GEMM Micro-op start position of the acc_idx field */
#define VTA_UOP_GEM_0_0 0
/*! GEMM Micro-op end position of the acc_idx field */
/*! GEMM Micro-op start position of the inp_idx field */
#define VTA_UOP_GEM_1_0 (VTA_UOP_GEM_0_1 + 1)
/*! GEMM Micro-op end position of the inp_idx field */
/*! GEMM Micro-op start position of the wgt_idx field */
#define VTA_UOP_GEM_2_0 (VTA_UOP_GEM_1_1 + 1)
/*! GEMM Micro-op end position of the wgt_idx field */
/*! GEMM Micro-op start position of the acc_idx field */
#define VTA_UOP_ALU_0_0 0
/*! GEMM Micro-op end position of the acc_idx field */
/*! GEMM Micro-op start position of the inp_idx field */
#define VTA_UOP_ALU_1_0 (VTA_UOP_ALU_0_1 + 1)
/*! GEMM Micro-op end position of the inp_idx field */
/*! \brief VTA generic instruction */
typedef struct {
/*! \brief The instruction opcode */
uint64_t opcode : VTA_OPCODE_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Unused in this instruction */
uint64_t pop_prev_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Pop dependence token from GEMM stage */
uint64_t pop_next_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Unused in this instruction */
uint64_t push_prev_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Push dependence token to GEMM stage */
uint64_t push_next_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Padding */
uint64_t pad_0 : 64 - VTA_OPCODE_BIT_WIDTH - 4;
/*! \brief Padding */
uint64_t pad_1 : 64;
} VTAGenericInsn;
/*! \brief VTA load/store instruction
* Load/store instruction can describe a 2D strided access pattern
* with padding, which can be useful to perform spatial padding
* on the fly on a tensor on which to perform 2D convolution.
* For instance if we try to load a 4x4 spatial tile from a 16x16
* matrix with padding of size 1 on all dimensions:
* y_size = 4, x_size = 4, x_stride = 16, y_pad_0 = 1, y_pad_1 = 1,
* x_pad_0 = 1, x_pad_1 = 1.
typedef struct {
/*! \brief The instruction opcode */
uint64_t opcode : VTA_OPCODE_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Unused in this instruction */
uint64_t pop_prev_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Pop dependence token from GEMM stage */
uint64_t pop_next_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Unused in this instruction */
uint64_t push_prev_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Push dependence token to GEMM stage */
uint64_t push_next_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Source/destination SRAM for store/load instruction */
uint64_t memory_type : VTA_MEMOP_ID_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief SRAM base address (pointer to memory elem type) */
uint64_t sram_base : VTA_MEMOP_SRAM_ADDR_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief DRAM base address (pointer to memory elem type) */
uint64_t dram_base : VTA_MEMOP_DRAM_ADDR_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief 2D access pattern: y-size */
uint64_t y_size : VTA_MEMOP_SIZE_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief 2D access pattern: x-size (in terms of memory elements) */
uint64_t x_size : VTA_MEMOP_SIZE_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief 2D access pattern: x-stride (in terms of memory elements) */
uint64_t x_stride : VTA_MEMOP_STRIDE_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief 2D access pattern: start padding along y dimension */
uint64_t y_pad_0 : VTA_MEMOP_PAD_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief 2D access pattern: end padding along y dimension */
uint64_t y_pad_1 : VTA_MEMOP_PAD_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief 2D access pattern: start padding along x dimension */
uint64_t x_pad_0 : VTA_MEMOP_PAD_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief 2D access pattern: end padding along x dimension */
uint64_t x_pad_1 : VTA_MEMOP_PAD_BIT_WIDTH;
} VTAMemInsn;
/*! \brief VTA GEMM instruction
* GEMM instruction is implemented by executing a sequence of micro-operations
* that is read in the local micro-op memory, delimited by \a uop_bgn and
* \a uop_end. For improved storage-efficiency, the micro-operations can be
* executed in a 2-level nested loop as follows:
* \code{.cpp}
* for (i = 0; i < iter_out; i++) {
* for (j = 0; j < iter_in; j++) {
* for (k = uop_bgn; k < uop_end; k++) {
* // Read micro op
* uop_T uop = uop_mem[k];
* // Read in memory indices
* acc_idx_T acc_idx = uop.dst_idx;
* inp_idx_T inp_idx = uop.inp_idx;
* wgt_idx_T wgt_idx = uop.wgt_idx;
* // Update those indices with the following affine functions
* acc_idx += iter_in * dst_factor_in + iter_out * dst_factor_out;
* inp_idx += iter_in * src_factor_in + iter_out * src_factor_out;
* wgt_idx += iter_in * wgt_factor_in + iter_out * wgt_factor_out;
* // Perform GEMM operation
* acc_mem[acc_idx] += dot(inp_mem[inp_idx], wgt[wgt_idx]);
* }
* }
* }
* \endcode
typedef struct {
/*! \brief The instruction opcode */
uint64_t opcode : VTA_OPCODE_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Pop dependence token from load stage */
uint64_t pop_prev_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Pop dependence token from store stage */
uint64_t pop_next_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Push dependence token to load stage */
uint64_t push_prev_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Push dependence token to store stage */
uint64_t push_next_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Reset register */
uint64_t reset_reg : 1;
/*! \brief Micro-op begin address */
uint64_t uop_bgn : VTA_LOG_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Micro-op end address */
uint64_t uop_end : VTA_LOG_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH + 1;
/*! \brief Iterations in the outer uop execution loop */
uint64_t iter_out : VTA_LOOP_ITER_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Iterations in the inner uop execution loop */
uint64_t iter_in : VTA_LOOP_ITER_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Outer loop accumulator memory index factor */
uint64_t dst_factor_out : VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Inner loop accumulator memory index factor */
uint64_t dst_factor_in : VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Outer loop input memory index factor */
uint64_t src_factor_out : VTA_LOG_INP_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Inner loop input memory index factor */
uint64_t src_factor_in : VTA_LOG_INP_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Outer loop weight memory index factor */
uint64_t wgt_factor_out : VTA_LOG_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Inner loop weight memory index factor */
uint64_t wgt_factor_in : VTA_LOG_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH;
} VTAGemInsn;
/*! \brief VTA ALU instruction
* ALU instruction is implemented by executing a sequence of micro-operations
* that is read in the local micro-op memory, delimited by \a uop_bgn and
* \a uop_end. For improved storage-efficiency, the micro-operations can be
* executed in a 2-level nested loop as follows:
* \code{.cpp}
* for (i = 0; i < iter_out; i++) {
* for (j = 0; j < iter_in; j++) {
* for (k = uop_bgn; k < uop_end; k++) {
* // Read micro op
* uop_T uop = uop_mem[k];
* // Read in memory indices
* acc_idx_T dst_idx = uop.dst_idx;
* inp_idx_T src_idx = uop.inp_idx;
* // Update those indices with the following affine functions
* dst_idx += iter_in * dst_factor_in + iter_out * dst_factor_out;
* src_idx += iter_in * src_factor_in + iter_out * src_factor_out;
* // Perform ALU operation
* if (use_imm) {
* acc_mem[dst_idx] = alu_op(alu_opcode, acc_mem[dst_idx], imm);
* } else {
* acc_mem[dst_idx] = alu_op(alu_opcode, acc_mem[dst_idx], acc_mem[src_idx]);
* }
* }
* }
* }
* \endcode
typedef struct {
/*! \brief The instruction opcode */
uint64_t opcode : VTA_OPCODE_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Pop dependence token from load stage */
uint64_t pop_prev_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Pop dependence token from store stage */
uint64_t pop_next_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Push dependence token to load stage */
uint64_t push_prev_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Push dependence token to store stage */
uint64_t push_next_dep : 1;
/*! \brief Reset register */
uint64_t reset_reg : 1;
/*! \brief Micro-op begin address */
uint64_t uop_bgn : VTA_LOG_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Micro-op end address */
uint64_t uop_end : VTA_LOG_UOP_BUFF_DEPTH + 1;
/*! \brief Iterations in the outer uop execution loop */
uint64_t iter_out : VTA_LOOP_ITER_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Iterations in the inner uop execution loop */
uint64_t iter_in : VTA_LOOP_ITER_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Outer loop accumulator memory destination index factor */
uint64_t dst_factor_out : VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Inner loop accumulator memory destination index factor */
uint64_t dst_factor_in : VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Outer loop accumulator memory source index factor */
uint64_t src_factor_out : VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Inner loop accumulator memory source index factor */
uint64_t src_factor_in : VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief ALU opcode */
uint64_t alu_opcode : VTA_ALU_OPCODE_BIT_WIDTH;
/*! \brief Use immediate is true */
uint64_t use_imm : 1;
/*! \brief Immediate value: allow negative value */
int64_t imm : VTA_ALUOP_IMM_BIT_WIDTH;
} VTAAluInsn;
/*! \brief VTA ALU instruction converter */
union VTAInsn {
/*! \brief VTA generic instruction */
VTAGenericInsn generic;
/*! \brief VTA load/store instruction */
VTAMemInsn mem;
/*! \brief VTA GEMM instruction */
VTAGemInsn gemm;
/*! \brief VTA ALU instruction */
VTAAluInsn alu;
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#endif // MAX
/*! \brief VTA micro-op for GEMM/ALU instruction */
typedef struct {
/*! \brief Destination index (indexes accum buffer) */
uint32_t dst_idx : VTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_DEPTH;
/*! \brief Source index (indexes input buffer for GEMM or accum buffer for ALU) */
/*! \brief Weight index (indexes weight buffer) */
uint32_t wgt_idx : VTA_LOG_WGT_BUFF_DEPTH;
} VTAUop;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // VTA_HW_SPEC_H_