blob: a49ddce5367aba7300dcdaafcc0f99d9dfb997d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package vta.core
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import ISA._
/** MemDecode.
* Decode memory instructions with a Bundle. This is similar to an union,
* therefore order matters when declaring fields. These are the instructions
* decoded with this bundle:
* - LUOP
* - LWGT
* - LINP
* - LACC
* - SOUT
class MemDecode extends Bundle {
val xpad_1 = UInt(M_PAD_BITS.W)
val xpad_0 = UInt(M_PAD_BITS.W)
val ypad_1 = UInt(M_PAD_BITS.W)
val ypad_0 = UInt(M_PAD_BITS.W)
val xstride = UInt(M_STRIDE_BITS.W)
val xsize = UInt(M_SIZE_BITS.W)
val ysize = UInt(M_SIZE_BITS.W)
val empty_0 = UInt(7.W) // derive this
val dram_offset = UInt(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W)
val sram_offset = UInt(M_SRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W)
val id = UInt(M_ID_BITS.W)
val push_next = Bool()
val push_prev = Bool()
val pop_next = Bool()
val pop_prev = Bool()
val op = UInt(OP_BITS.W)
/** GemmDecode.
* Decode GEMM instruction with a Bundle. This is similar to an union,
* therefore order matters when declaring fields.
class GemmDecode extends Bundle {
val wgt_1 = UInt(C_WIDX_BITS.W)
val wgt_0 = UInt(C_WIDX_BITS.W)
val inp_1 = UInt(C_IIDX_BITS.W)
val inp_0 = UInt(C_IIDX_BITS.W)
val acc_1 = UInt(C_AIDX_BITS.W)
val acc_0 = UInt(C_AIDX_BITS.W)
val empty_0 = Bool()
val lp_1 = UInt(C_ITER_BITS.W)
val lp_0 = UInt(C_ITER_BITS.W)
val uop_end = UInt(C_UOP_END_BITS.W)
val uop_begin = UInt(C_UOP_BGN_BITS.W)
val reset = Bool()
val push_next = Bool()
val push_prev = Bool()
val pop_next = Bool()
val pop_prev = Bool()
val op = UInt(OP_BITS.W)
/** AluDecode.
* Decode ALU instructions with a Bundle. This is similar to an union,
* therefore order matters when declaring fields. These are the instructions
* decoded with this bundle:
* - VMIN
* - VMAX
* - VADD
* - VSHX
class AluDecode extends Bundle {
val empty_1 = Bool()
val alu_imm = UInt(C_ALU_IMM_BITS.W)
val alu_use_imm = Bool()
val alu_op = UInt(C_ALU_DEC_BITS.W)
val src_1 = UInt(C_IIDX_BITS.W)
val src_0 = UInt(C_IIDX_BITS.W)
val dst_1 = UInt(C_AIDX_BITS.W)
val dst_0 = UInt(C_AIDX_BITS.W)
val empty_0 = Bool()
val lp_1 = UInt(C_ITER_BITS.W)
val lp_0 = UInt(C_ITER_BITS.W)
val uop_end = UInt(C_UOP_END_BITS.W)
val uop_begin = UInt(C_UOP_BGN_BITS.W)
val reset = Bool()
val push_next = Bool()
val push_prev = Bool()
val pop_next = Bool()
val pop_prev = Bool()
val op = UInt(OP_BITS.W)
/** UopDecode.
* Decode micro-ops (uops).
class UopDecode extends Bundle {
val u2 = UInt(10.W)
val u1 = UInt(11.W)
val u0 = UInt(11.W)
/** FetchDecode.
* Partial decoding for dispatching instructions to Load, Compute, and Store.
class FetchDecode extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val isLoad = Output(Bool())
val isCompute = Output(Bool())
val isStore = Output(Bool())
val csignals =
List(N, OP_X),
LUOP -> List(Y, OP_G),
LWGT -> List(Y, OP_L),
LINP -> List(Y, OP_L),
LACC -> List(Y, OP_G),
SOUT -> List(Y, OP_S),
GEMM -> List(Y, OP_G),
FNSH -> List(Y, OP_G),
VMIN -> List(Y, OP_G),
VMAX -> List(Y, OP_G),
VADD -> List(Y, OP_G),
VSHX -> List(Y, OP_G)
val (cs_val_inst: Bool) :: cs_op_type :: Nil = csignals
io.isLoad := cs_val_inst & cs_op_type === OP_L
io.isCompute := cs_val_inst & cs_op_type === OP_G
io.isStore := cs_val_inst & cs_op_type === OP_S
/** LoadDecode.
* Decode dependencies, type and sync for Load module.
class LoadDecode extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val push_next = Output(Bool())
val pop_next = Output(Bool())
val isInput = Output(Bool())
val isWeight = Output(Bool())
val isSync = Output(Bool())
val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
io.push_next := dec.push_next
io.pop_next := dec.pop_next
io.isInput := io.inst === LINP & dec.xsize =/= 0.U
io.isWeight := io.inst === LWGT & dec.xsize =/= 0.U
io.isSync := (io.inst === LINP | io.inst === LWGT) & dec.xsize === 0.U
/** ComputeDecode.
* Decode dependencies, type and sync for Compute module.
class ComputeDecode extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val push_next = Output(Bool())
val push_prev = Output(Bool())
val pop_next = Output(Bool())
val pop_prev = Output(Bool())
val isLoadAcc = Output(Bool())
val isLoadUop = Output(Bool())
val isSync = Output(Bool())
val isAlu = Output(Bool())
val isGemm = Output(Bool())
val isFinish = Output(Bool())
val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
io.push_next := dec.push_next
io.push_prev := dec.push_prev
io.pop_next := dec.pop_next
io.pop_prev := dec.pop_prev
io.isLoadAcc := io.inst === LACC & dec.xsize =/= 0.U
io.isLoadUop := io.inst === LUOP & dec.xsize =/= 0.U
io.isSync := (io.inst === LACC | io.inst === LUOP) & dec.xsize === 0.U
io.isAlu := io.inst === VMIN | io.inst === VMAX | io.inst === VADD | io.inst === VSHX
io.isGemm := io.inst === GEMM
io.isFinish := io.inst === FNSH
/** StoreDecode.
* Decode dependencies, type and sync for Store module.
class StoreDecode extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val push_prev = Output(Bool())
val pop_prev = Output(Bool())
val isStore = Output(Bool())
val isSync = Output(Bool())
val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
io.push_prev := dec.push_prev
io.pop_prev := dec.pop_prev
io.isStore := io.inst === SOUT & dec.xsize =/= 0.U
io.isSync := io.inst === SOUT & dec.xsize === 0.U