blob: 6e6f7e776c0ef30553a6d9cc7d66e3c235fdcb89 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package vta.core
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import vta.util.config._
/** TensorParams.
* This Bundle derives parameters for each tensorType, including inputs (inp),
* weights (wgt), biases (acc), and outputs (out). This is used to avoid
* doing the same boring calculations over and over again.
class TensorParams(tensorType: String = "none")(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val errorMsg =
s"\n\n[VTA] [TensorParams] only inp, wgt, acc, and out supported\n\n"
require(tensorType == "inp" || tensorType == "wgt"
|| tensorType == "acc" || tensorType == "out",
val (tensorLength, tensorWidth, tensorElemBits) =
if (tensorType == "inp")
(p(CoreKey).batch, p(CoreKey).blockIn, p(CoreKey).inpBits)
else if (tensorType == "wgt")
(p(CoreKey).blockOut, p(CoreKey).blockIn, p(CoreKey).wgtBits)
else if (tensorType == "acc")
(p(CoreKey).batch, p(CoreKey).blockOut, p(CoreKey).accBits)
(p(CoreKey).batch, p(CoreKey).blockOut, p(CoreKey).outBits)
val memBlockBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits
val numMemBlock = (tensorWidth * tensorElemBits) / memBlockBits
val memDepth =
if (tensorType == "inp")
else if (tensorType == "wgt")
else if (tensorType == "acc")
val memAddrBits = log2Ceil(memDepth)
/** TensorMaster.
* This interface issue read and write tensor-requests to scratchpads. For example,
* The TensorGemm unit uses this interface for managing the inputs (inp), weights (wgt),
* biases (acc), and outputs (out).
class TensorMaster(tensorType: String = "none")
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TensorParams(tensorType) {
val rd = new Bundle {
val idx = ValidIO(UInt(memAddrBits.W))
val data = Flipped(
ValidIO(Vec(tensorLength, Vec(tensorWidth, UInt(tensorElemBits.W)))))
val wr = ValidIO(new Bundle {
val idx = UInt(memAddrBits.W)
val data = Vec(tensorLength, Vec(tensorWidth, UInt(tensorElemBits.W)))
def tieoffRead() {
rd.idx.valid := false.B
rd.idx.bits := 0.U
def tieoffWrite() {
wr.valid := false.B
wr.bits.idx := 0.U { b =>
b.foreach { c =>
c := 0.U
override def cloneType =
new TensorMaster(tensorType).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** TensorClient.
* This interface receives read and write tensor-requests to scratchpads. For example,
* The TensorLoad unit uses this interface for receiving read and write requests from
* the TensorGemm unit.
class TensorClient(tensorType: String = "none")
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TensorParams(tensorType) {
val rd = new Bundle {
val idx = Flipped(ValidIO(UInt(memAddrBits.W)))
val data = ValidIO(
Vec(tensorLength, Vec(tensorWidth, UInt(tensorElemBits.W))))
val wr = Flipped(ValidIO(new Bundle {
val idx = UInt(memAddrBits.W)
val data = Vec(tensorLength, Vec(tensorWidth, UInt(tensorElemBits.W)))
def tieoffRead() { := false.B { b =>
b.foreach { c =>
c := 0.U
override def cloneType =
new TensorClient(tensorType).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** TensorMasterData.
* This interface is only used for datapath only purposes and the direction convention
* is based on the TensorMaster interface, which means this is an input. This interface
* is used on datapath only module such MatrixVectorCore or AluVector.
class TensorMasterData(tensorType: String = "none")
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TensorParams(tensorType) {
val data = Flipped(
ValidIO(Vec(tensorLength, Vec(tensorWidth, UInt(tensorElemBits.W)))))
override def cloneType =
new TensorMasterData(tensorType).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** TensorClientData.
* This interface is only used for datapath only purposes and the direction convention
* is based on the TensorClient interface, which means this is an output. This interface
* is used on datapath only module such MatrixVectorCore or AluVector.
class TensorClientData(tensorType: String = "none")
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TensorParams(tensorType) {
val data = ValidIO(
Vec(tensorLength, Vec(tensorWidth, UInt(tensorElemBits.W))))
override def cloneType =
new TensorClientData(tensorType).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** TensorPadCtrl. Zero-padding controller for TensorLoad. */
class TensorPadCtrl(padType: String = "none", sizeFactor: Int = 1) extends Module {
val errorMsg =
s"\n\n\n[VTA-ERROR] only YPad0, YPad1, XPad0, or XPad1 supported\n\n\n"
require(padType == "YPad0" || padType == "YPad1"
|| padType == "XPad0" || padType == "XPad1",
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val start = Input(Bool())
val done = Output(Bool())
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
val xmax = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.xsize))
val ymax = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.ypad_0))
val xcnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.xsize))
val ycnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.ypad_0))
val xval =
if (padType == "YPad0" || padType == "YPad1")
((dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize + dec.xpad_1) << log2Ceil(sizeFactor)) - 1.U
else if (padType == "XPad0")
(dec.xpad_0 << log2Ceil(sizeFactor)) - 1.U
(dec.xpad_1 << log2Ceil(sizeFactor)) - 1.U
val yval =
if (padType == "YPad0")
Mux(dec.ypad_0 =/= 0.U, dec.ypad_0 - 1.U, 0.U)
else if (padType == "YPad1")
Mux(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U, dec.ypad_1 - 1.U, 0.U)
val sIdle :: sActive :: Nil = Enum(2)
val state = RegInit(sIdle)
switch(state) {
is(sIdle) {
when(io.start) {
state := sActive
is(sActive) {
when(ycnt === ymax && xcnt === xmax) {
state := sIdle
when(state === sIdle) {
xmax := xval
ymax := yval
when(state === sIdle || xcnt === xmax) {
xcnt := 0.U
}.elsewhen(state === sActive) {
xcnt := xcnt + 1.U
when(state === sIdle || ymax === 0.U) {
ycnt := 0.U
}.elsewhen(state === sActive && xcnt === xmax) {
ycnt := ycnt + 1.U
io.done := state === sActive & ycnt === ymax & xcnt === xmax
/** TensorDataCtrl. Data controller for TensorLoad. */
class TensorDataCtrl(tensorType: String = "none",
sizeFactor: Int = 1, strideFactor: Int = 1)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val start = Input(Bool())
val done = Output(Bool())
val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
val xinit = Input(Bool())
val xupdate = Input(Bool())
val yupdate = Input(Bool())
val stride = Output(Bool())
val split = Output(Bool())
val commit = Output(Bool())
val addr = Output(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
val len = Output(UInt(mp.lenBits.W))
val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
val caddr = Reg(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
val baddr = Reg(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
val len = Reg(UInt(mp.lenBits.W))
val xmax_bytes = ((1 << mp.lenBits) * mp.dataBits / 8).U
val xcnt = Reg(UInt(mp.lenBits.W))
val xrem = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.xsize))
val xsize = (dec.xsize << log2Ceil(sizeFactor)) - 1.U
val xmax = (1 << mp.lenBits).U
val ycnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.ysize))
val stride = xcnt === len &
xrem === 0.U &
ycnt =/= dec.ysize - 1.U
val split = xcnt === len & xrem =/= 0.U
when(io.start || (io.xupdate && stride)) {
when(xsize < xmax) {
len := xsize
xrem := 0.U
}.otherwise {
len := xmax - 1.U
xrem := xsize - xmax
}.elsewhen(io.xupdate && split) {
when(xrem < xmax) {
len := xrem
xrem := 0.U
}.otherwise {
len := xmax - 1.U
xrem := xrem - xmax
when(io.xinit) {
xcnt := 0.U
}.elsewhen(io.xupdate) {
xcnt := xcnt + 1.U
when(io.start) {
ycnt := 0.U
}.elsewhen(io.yupdate && stride) {
ycnt := ycnt + 1.U
val maskOffset = VecInit(Seq.fill(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS)(true.B)).asUInt
val elemBytes =
if (tensorType == "inp") {
(p(CoreKey).batch * p(CoreKey).blockIn * p(CoreKey).inpBits) / 8
} else if (tensorType == "wgt") {
(p(CoreKey).blockOut * p(CoreKey).blockIn * p(CoreKey).wgtBits) / 8
} else {
(p(CoreKey).batch * p(CoreKey).blockOut * p(CoreKey).accBits) / 8
when(io.start) {
caddr := io.baddr | (maskOffset & (dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(elemBytes)))
baddr := io.baddr | (maskOffset & (dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(elemBytes)))
}.elsewhen(io.yupdate) {
when(split) {
caddr := caddr + xmax_bytes
}.elsewhen(stride) {
caddr := baddr + (dec.xstride << log2Ceil(elemBytes))
baddr := baddr + (dec.xstride << log2Ceil(elemBytes))
io.stride := stride
io.split := split
io.commit := xcnt === len
io.addr := caddr
io.len := len
io.done := xcnt === len &
xrem === 0.U &
ycnt === dec.ysize - 1.U