VTA Chisel Wide memory interface. (#32)

* VTA Chisel Wide memory interface.
* Added SyncQueue with tests - Implementation uses sync memory to implement larger queues.
* AXI 64/128/256/512 data bits support by AXIParams->dataBits
    A wide implementation of load/store is used when AXI interface data width
    is larger than number of bits in a tesor.
    Instructions are stored as 64bit tensors to allow 64bit address alignment
* TensorLoad is modified to replace all VME load operations.
    Multiple simultaneous requests can be generated. Load is pipelined
    and separated from request generation.
* TensorStore -> TensorStoreNarrowVME TensorStoreWideVME. The narrow one is the original one
* TensorLoad -> TensorLoadSimple (original) TensorLoadWideVME TensorStoreNarrowVME
* LoadUop -> LoadUopSimple is the original one. The new one is based on TensorLoad
* Fetch -> FetchVME64 FetchWideVME. Reuse communication part from TensorLoad.
* DPI intreface changed to transfer more than 64bit. svOpenArrayHandle is used. tsim library compilation now requires verilator
* Compute is changed to use TensorLoad style of load uop.
* VME changed to generate/queue/respond to multiple simultaneous load requests

* code formatting fix

* Update to Chisel 3.4.3 PR Port to the latest stable Chisel release (#33)
* Fix Makefile to use Chisel -o instead of top name and .sv instead of .v
* fix reset to reset.asBool
* fix SyncQueue to deprecated module.io
* fix toBools to asBools

* include Verialted.cpp verilated_dpi.cpp directly in module.cc to provide verilator array acces fuctionality and avoid compilation warnings

* fix module io warnings

* comments

* Jenkinsfile ci pipeline fix

* Jenkinsfile ci pipeline fix. only for lint,cpu,i386

* Reenable tsim tests

* style fix

* comments cleanup

* AXI constants commented. Moved write id to VME

* comments cleanup

* comments cleanup
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/resources/verilog/VTAMemDPI.v b/hardware/chisel/src/main/resources/verilog/VTAMemDPI.v
index e0ed949..9823550 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/resources/verilog/VTAMemDPI.v
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/resources/verilog/VTAMemDPI.v
@@ -18,51 +18,80 @@
 module VTAMemDPI #
-( parameter LEN_BITS = 8,
-  parameter ADDR_BITS = 64,
-  parameter DATA_BITS = 64
-  input                        clock,
-  input                        reset,
-  input                        dpi_req_valid,
-  input                        dpi_req_opcode,
-  input         [LEN_BITS-1:0] dpi_req_len,
-  input        [ADDR_BITS-1:0] dpi_req_addr,
-  input                        dpi_wr_valid,
-  input        [DATA_BITS-1:0] dpi_wr_bits,
-  output logic                 dpi_rd_valid,
-  output logic [DATA_BITS-1:0] dpi_rd_bits,
-  input                        dpi_rd_ready
-  import "DPI-C" function void VTAMemDPI
+  ( parameter LEN_BITS = 8,
+    parameter ADDR_BITS = 64,
+    parameter DATA_BITS = 64,
+    parameter STRB_BITS = DATA_BITS/8
+  )
-    input  byte     unsigned req_valid,
-    input  byte     unsigned req_opcode,
-    input  byte     unsigned req_len,
-    input  longint  unsigned req_addr,
-    input  byte     unsigned wr_valid,
-    input  longint  unsigned wr_value,
-    output byte     unsigned rd_valid,
-    output longint  unsigned rd_value,
-    input  byte     unsigned rd_ready
+    input                        clock,
+    input                        reset,
+    input                        dpi_req_ar_valid,
+    input [LEN_BITS-1:0]         dpi_req_ar_len,
+    input [7:0]                  dpi_req_ar_id,
+    input [ADDR_BITS-1:0]        dpi_req_ar_addr,
+    input                        dpi_req_aw_valid,
+    input [LEN_BITS-1:0]         dpi_req_aw_len,
+    input [ADDR_BITS-1:0]        dpi_req_aw_addr,
+    input                        dpi_wr_valid,
+    input [DATA_BITS-1:0]        dpi_wr_bits_data,
+    input [STRB_BITS-1:0]        dpi_wr_bits_strb,
+    output logic                 dpi_rd_valid,
+    output logic [7:0]           dpi_rd_bits_id,
+    output logic [DATA_BITS-1:0] dpi_rd_bits_data,
+    input                        dpi_rd_ready
-  typedef logic        dpi1_t;
-  typedef logic  [7:0] dpi8_t;
-  typedef logic [31:0] dpi32_t;
-  typedef logic [63:0] dpi64_t;
+  import "DPI-C" function void VTAMemDPI
+    (
+      input byte     unsigned rd_req_valid,
+      input byte     unsigned rd_req_len,
+      input byte     unsigned rd_req_id,
+      input longint  unsigned rd_req_addr,
+      input byte     unsigned wr_req_valid,
+      input byte     unsigned wr_req_len,
+      input longint  unsigned wr_req_addr,
+      input byte     unsigned wr_valid,
+      input longint  unsigned wr_value[],
+      input longint  unsigned wr_strb,
+      output byte    unsigned rd_valid,
+      output byte    unsigned rd_id,
+      output longint unsigned rd_value[],
+      input byte     unsigned rd_ready
+    );
+  parameter blockNb = DATA_BITS/64;
+  generate
+    if (blockNb*64 != DATA_BITS) begin
+      $error("-F- 64 bit data blocks expected.");
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  generate
+    if (STRB_BITS > 64) begin
+      $error("-F- Strb bits should not exceed 64. Fix strb transfer");
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  typedef logic         dpi1_t;
+  typedef logic [7:0]         dpi8_t;
+  typedef logic [31:0]       dpi32_t;
+  typedef logic [63:0]       dpi64_t;
+  typedef longint        dpi_data_t [blockNb-1:0];
   dpi1_t  __reset;
-  dpi8_t  __req_valid;
-  dpi8_t  __req_opcode;
-  dpi8_t  __req_len;
-  dpi64_t __req_addr;
+  dpi8_t  __rd_req_valid;
+  dpi8_t  __rd_req_len;
+  dpi8_t  __rd_req_id;
+  dpi64_t __rd_req_addr;
+  dpi8_t  __wr_req_valid;
+  dpi8_t  __wr_req_len;
+  dpi64_t __wr_req_addr;
   dpi8_t  __wr_valid;
-  dpi64_t __wr_value;
+  dpi_data_t __wr_value;
+  dpi64_t __wr_strb;
   dpi8_t  __rd_valid;
-  dpi64_t __rd_value;
+  dpi_data_t __rd_value;
+  dpi8_t  __rd_id;
   dpi8_t  __rd_ready;
   always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
@@ -71,36 +100,70 @@
   // delaying outputs by one-cycle
   // since verilator does not support delays
+  integer i;
   always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
     dpi_rd_valid <= dpi1_t ' (__rd_valid);
-    dpi_rd_bits  <= __rd_value;
+    for (i = 0; i < blockNb; i = i +1) begin
+      dpi_rd_bits_data[64 * i +: 64]  <= __rd_value[i];
+    end
+    dpi_rd_bits_id    <= __rd_id;
-  assign __req_valid  = dpi8_t ' (dpi_req_valid);
-  assign __req_opcode = dpi8_t ' (dpi_req_opcode);
-  assign __req_len    = dpi_req_len;
-  assign __req_addr   = dpi_req_addr;
+  assign __rd_req_valid  = dpi8_t ' (dpi_req_ar_valid);
+  assign __rd_req_len    = dpi8_t ' (dpi_req_ar_len);
+  assign __rd_req_id     = dpi_req_ar_id;
+  assign __rd_req_addr   = dpi64_t ' (dpi_req_ar_addr);
+  assign __wr_req_valid  = dpi8_t ' (dpi_req_aw_valid);
+  assign __wr_req_len    = dpi8_t ' (dpi_req_aw_len);
+  assign __wr_req_addr   = dpi64_t ' (dpi_req_aw_addr);
+  generate
+    if (STRB_BITS != 64) begin
+      localparam [63 - STRB_BITS:0] strbfill = 0;
+      assign __wr_strb    = {strbfill, dpi_wr_bits_strb};
+    end
+    else begin
+      assign __wr_strb    = dpi_wr_bits_strb;
+    end
+  endgenerate
   assign __wr_valid   = dpi8_t ' (dpi_wr_valid);
-  assign __wr_value   = dpi_wr_bits;
+  genvar j;
+  generate
+  for (j = 0; j < blockNb; j = j +1) begin
+    assign __wr_value[j] = dpi_wr_bits_data[64 * j +: 64];
+  end
+  endgenerate
   assign __rd_ready   = dpi8_t ' (dpi_rd_ready);
   // evaluate DPI function
   always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
-    if (reset | __reset) begin
-      __rd_valid = 0;
-      __rd_value = 0;
+    if(reset) begin
+      dpi_rd_valid <= 0;
+      dpi_rd_bits_data <= 0;
+      dpi_rd_bits_id <= 0;
     else begin
-        __req_valid,
-        __req_opcode,
-        __req_len,
-        __req_addr,
+        __rd_req_valid,
+        __rd_req_len,
+        __rd_req_id,           
+        __rd_req_addr,
+        __wr_req_valid,
+        __wr_req_len,
+        __wr_req_addr,
+        __wr_strb,
+        __rd_id,
-    end
-  end
+      dpi_rd_valid <= dpi1_t ' (__rd_valid);
+      for (i = 0; i < blockNb; i = i +1) begin
+        dpi_rd_bits_data[64 * i +: 64] <= __rd_value[i];
+      end
+      dpi_rd_bits_id <= __rd_id;
+    end // else: !if(reset | __reset)
+  end // always_ff @
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/Compute.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/Compute.scala
index 0055a25..94669bc 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/Compute.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/Compute.scala
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
 package vta.core
 import scala.math.pow
+import scala.math.sqrt
 import chisel3._
 import chisel3.util._
 import vta.util.config._
+import vta.util._
 import vta.shell._
 /** Compute.
@@ -55,15 +57,16 @@
   val s = Seq.tabulate(2)(_ =>
     Module(new Semaphore(counterBits = 8, counterInitValue = 0)))
-  val loadUop = Module(new LoadUop)
+  val loadUop = Module(new LoadUopTop)
   val tensorAcc = Module(new TensorLoad(tensorType = "acc"))
   val tensorGemm = Module(new TensorGemm)
   val tensorAlu = Module(new TensorAlu)
-  // try to use the acc closest to top IO
+  //try to use the acc closest to top IO
   val topAccGrpIdx = tensorGemm.io.acc.closestIOGrpIdx
-  val inst_q = Module(new Queue(UInt(INST_BITS.W), p(CoreKey).instQueueEntries))
+  val inst_q = Module(new SyncQueue(UInt(INST_BITS.W), p(CoreKey).instQueueEntries))
   // decode
   val dec = Module(new ComputeDecode)
@@ -205,7 +208,7 @@
     RegNext(dec.io.isGemm, init = false.B), tensorGemm.io.out.wr(0).valid, tensorAlu.io.out.wr(0).valid)
   io.out.wr(0).bits.idx := Mux(
     RegNext(dec.io.isGemm, init = false.B), tensorGemm.io.out.wr(0).bits.idx, tensorAlu.io.out.wr(0).bits.idx)
-  // put mux/Reg into every gemm group to build pipe (for Mux select) tree over distance
+  //put mux/Reg into every gemm group to build pipe (for Mux select) tree over distance
   val chunkWidth = io.out.wr(0).bits.data.getWidth / tensorGemm.io.acc.splitWidth
   val outDataBits = Wire(Vec(tensorGemm.io.acc.splitWidth, UInt(chunkWidth.W)))
   io.out.wr(0).bits.data := outDataBits.asTypeOf(io.out.wr(0).bits.data)
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/Fetch.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/Fetch.scala
index 0ea35a3..66eaa43 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/Fetch.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/Fetch.scala
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 import chisel3.util._
 import vta.util.config._
 import vta.shell._
+import vta.util._
 /** Fetch.
@@ -53,143 +54,21 @@
       val st = Decoupled(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
-  val entries_q = 1 << (mp.lenBits - 1) // one-instr-every-two-vme-word
-  val inst_q = Module(new Queue(UInt(INST_BITS.W), entries_q))
-  val dec = Module(new FetchDecode)
-  val s1_launch = RegNext(io.launch)
-  val pulse = io.launch & ~s1_launch
+  val forceSimpleFetch = false // Force use original implementation of fetch
-  val raddr = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr))
-  val rlen = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len))
-  val ilen = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len))
-  val xrem = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.ins_count))
-  val xsize = (io.ins_count << 1.U) - 1.U
-  val xmax = (1 << mp.lenBits).U
-  val xmax_bytes = ((1 << mp.lenBits) * mp.dataBits / 8).U
-  val sIdle :: sReadCmd :: sReadLSB :: sReadMSB :: sDrain :: Nil = Enum(5)
-  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
-  // control
-  switch(state) {
-    is(sIdle) {
-      when(pulse) {
-        state := sReadCmd
-        when(xsize < xmax) {
-          rlen := xsize
-          ilen := xsize >> 1.U
-          xrem := 0.U
-        }.otherwise {
-          rlen := xmax - 1.U
-          ilen := (xmax >> 1.U) - 1.U
-          xrem := xsize - xmax
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadCmd) {
-      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.ready) {
-        state := sReadLSB
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadLSB) {
-      when(io.vme_rd.data.valid) {
-        state := sReadMSB
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadMSB) {
-      when(io.vme_rd.data.valid) {
-        when(inst_q.io.count === ilen) {
-          state := sDrain
-        }.otherwise {
-          state := sReadLSB
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sDrain) {
-      when(inst_q.io.count === 0.U) {
-        when(xrem === 0.U) {
-          state := sIdle
-        }.elsewhen(xrem < xmax) {
-          state := sReadCmd
-          rlen := xrem
-          ilen := xrem >> 1.U
-          xrem := 0.U
-        }.otherwise {
-          state := sReadCmd
-          rlen := xmax - 1.U
-          ilen := (xmax >> 1.U) - 1.U
-          xrem := xrem - xmax
-        }
-      }
-    }
+  if (forceSimpleFetch) {
+    require (mp.dataBits <= 128, "-F- Simple VME data transfer doesnt support fetch data wider than instruction.")
-  // read instructions from dram
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    raddr := io.ins_baddr
-  }.elsewhen(state === sDrain && inst_q.io.count === 0.U && xrem =/= 0.U) {
-    raddr := raddr + xmax_bytes
+  if (mp.dataBits >= 128 && !forceSimpleFetch) {
+    // wide cacheline
+    val fetch = Module(new FetchWideVME(debug))
+    io <> fetch.io
+  } else {
+    require(mp.dataBits == 64, "-F- Cannot make simple Fetch for more than 64 bit data read")
+    val fetch = Module(new Fetch64Bit(debug)) // Simple
+    io <> fetch.io
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.valid := state === sReadCmd
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr := raddr
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len := rlen
-  io.vme_rd.data.ready := inst_q.io.enq.ready
-  val lsb = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.data.bits))
-  val msb = io.vme_rd.data.bits
-  val inst = Cat(msb, lsb)
-  when(state === sReadLSB) { lsb := io.vme_rd.data.bits }
-  inst_q.io.enq.valid := io.vme_rd.data.valid & state === sReadMSB
-  inst_q.io.enq.bits := inst
-  // decode
-  dec.io.inst := inst_q.io.deq.bits
-  // instruction queues
-  io.inst.ld.valid := dec.io.isLoad & inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain
-  io.inst.co.valid := dec.io.isCompute & inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain
-  io.inst.st.valid := dec.io.isStore & inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain
-  io.inst.ld.bits := inst_q.io.deq.bits
-  io.inst.co.bits := inst_q.io.deq.bits
-  io.inst.st.bits := inst_q.io.deq.bits
-  // check if selected queue is ready
-  val deq_sel = Cat(dec.io.isCompute, dec.io.isStore, dec.io.isLoad).asUInt
-  val deq_ready =
-    MuxLookup(deq_sel,
-      false.B, // default
-      Array(
-        "h_01".U -> io.inst.ld.ready,
-        "h_02".U -> io.inst.st.ready,
-        "h_04".U -> io.inst.co.ready
-      ))
-  // dequeue instruction
-  inst_q.io.deq.ready := deq_ready & inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain
-  // debug
-  if (debug) {
-    when(state === sIdle && pulse) {
-      printf("[Fetch] Launch\n")
-    }
-    // instruction
-    when(inst_q.io.deq.fire()) {
-      when(dec.io.isLoad) {
-        printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [L] %x\n", inst_q.io.deq.bits)
-      }
-      when(dec.io.isCompute) {
-        printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [C] %x\n", inst_q.io.deq.bits)
-      }
-      when(dec.io.isStore) {
-        printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [S] %x\n", inst_q.io.deq.bits)
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/FetchVME64.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/FetchVME64.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f51472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/FetchVME64.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.core
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.shell._
+import vta.util._
+/** Fetch.
+ *
+ * The fetch unit reads instructions (tasks) from memory (i.e. DRAM), using the
+ * VTA Memory Engine (VME), and push them into an instruction queue called
+ * inst_q. Once the instruction queue is full, instructions are dispatched to
+ * the Load, Compute and Store module queues based on the instruction opcode.
+ * After draining the queue, the fetch unit checks if there are more instructions
+ * via the ins_count register which is written by the host.
+ *
+ * Additionally, instructions are read into two chunks (see sReadLSB and sReadMSB)
+ * because we are using a DRAM payload of 8-bytes or half of a VTA instruction.
+ * This should be configurable for larger payloads, i.e. 64-bytes, which can load
+ * more than one instruction at the time. Finally, the instruction queue is
+ * sized (entries_q), depending on the maximum burst allowed in the memory.
+ */
+class Fetch64Bit(debug: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
+  val vp = p(ShellKey).vcrParams
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val launch = Input(Bool())
+    val ins_baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val ins_count = Input(UInt(vp.regBits.W))
+    val vme_rd = new VMEReadMaster
+    val inst = new Bundle {
+      val ld = Decoupled(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+      val co = Decoupled(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+      val st = Decoupled(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    }
+  })
+  val entries_q = 1 << (mp.lenBits - 1) // one-instr-every-two-vme-word
+  val inst_q = Module(new SyncQueue(UInt(INST_BITS.W), entries_q))
+  val dec = Module(new FetchDecode)
+  val s1_launch = RegNext(io.launch, init = false.B)
+  val pulse = io.launch & ~s1_launch
+  val raddr = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr))
+  val rlen = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len))
+  val ilen = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len))
+  val xrem = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.ins_count))
+  val xsize = (io.ins_count << 1.U) - 1.U
+  val xmax = (1 << mp.lenBits).U
+  val xmax_bytes = ((1 << mp.lenBits) * mp.dataBits / 8).U
+  val sIdle :: sReadCmd :: sReadLSB :: sReadMSB :: sDrain :: Nil = Enum(5)
+  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  // control
+  switch(state) {
+    is(sIdle) {
+      when(pulse) {
+        state := sReadCmd
+        when(xsize < xmax) {
+          rlen := xsize
+          ilen := xsize >> 1.U
+          xrem := 0.U
+        }.otherwise {
+          rlen := xmax - 1.U
+          ilen := (xmax >> 1.U) - 1.U
+          xrem := xsize - xmax
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadCmd) {
+      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.ready) {
+        state := sReadLSB
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadLSB) {
+      when(io.vme_rd.data.valid) {
+        state := sReadMSB
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadMSB) {
+      when(io.vme_rd.data.valid) {
+        when(inst_q.io.count === ilen) {
+          state := sDrain
+        }.otherwise {
+          state := sReadLSB
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sDrain) {
+      when(inst_q.io.count === 0.U) {
+        when(xrem === 0.U) {
+          state := sIdle
+        }.elsewhen(xrem < xmax) {
+          state := sReadCmd
+          rlen := xrem
+          ilen := xrem >> 1.U
+          xrem := 0.U
+        }.otherwise {
+          state := sReadCmd
+          rlen := xmax - 1.U
+          ilen := (xmax >> 1.U) - 1.U
+          xrem := xrem - xmax
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // read instructions from dram
+  when(state === sIdle) {
+    raddr := io.ins_baddr
+  }.elsewhen(state === sDrain && inst_q.io.count === 0.U && xrem =/= 0.U) {
+    raddr := raddr + xmax_bytes
+  }
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.valid := state === sReadCmd
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr := raddr
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len := rlen
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.tag := 0.U // Cannot reorder requests as a queue is used
+  io.vme_rd.data.ready := inst_q.io.enq.ready
+  val lsb = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.data.bits.data))
+  val msb = io.vme_rd.data.bits.data
+  val inst = Cat(msb, lsb)
+  when(state === sReadLSB) { lsb := io.vme_rd.data.bits.data }
+  inst_q.io.enq.valid := io.vme_rd.data.valid & state === sReadMSB
+  inst_q.io.enq.bits := inst
+  // decode
+  dec.io.inst := inst_q.io.deq.bits
+  // instruction queues
+  io.inst.ld.valid := dec.io.isLoad & inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain
+  io.inst.co.valid := dec.io.isCompute & inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain
+  io.inst.st.valid := dec.io.isStore & inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain
+  assert(!(inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain) || dec.io.isLoad || dec.io.isCompute || dec.io.isStore,
+    "-F- Fetch: Unknown instruction type")
+  io.inst.ld.bits := inst_q.io.deq.bits
+  io.inst.co.bits := inst_q.io.deq.bits
+  io.inst.st.bits := inst_q.io.deq.bits
+  // check if selected queue is ready
+  val deq_sel = Cat(dec.io.isCompute, dec.io.isStore, dec.io.isLoad).asUInt
+  val deq_ready =
+    MuxLookup(deq_sel,
+      false.B, // default
+      Array(
+        "h_01".U -> io.inst.ld.ready,
+        "h_02".U -> io.inst.st.ready,
+        "h_04".U -> io.inst.co.ready
+      ))
+  // dequeue instruction
+  inst_q.io.deq.ready := deq_ready & inst_q.io.deq.valid & state === sDrain
+  // debug
+  if (debug) {
+    when(state === sIdle && pulse) {
+      printf("[Fetch] Launch\n")
+    }
+    // instruction
+    when(inst_q.io.deq.fire()) {
+      when(dec.io.isLoad) {
+        printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [L] %x\n", inst_q.io.deq.bits)
+      }
+      when(dec.io.isCompute) {
+        printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [C] %x\n", inst_q.io.deq.bits)
+      }
+      when(dec.io.isStore) {
+        printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [S] %x\n", inst_q.io.deq.bits)
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/FetchWideVME.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/FetchWideVME.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f55b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/FetchWideVME.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.core
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.shell._
+/** Fetch.
+ *
+ * The fetch unit reads instructions (tasks) from memory (i.e. DRAM), using the
+ * VTA Memory Engine (VME), and push them into an instruction queue called
+ * inst_q. Once the instruction queue is full, instructions are dispatched to
+ * the Load, Compute and Store module queues based on the instruction opcode.
+ * After draining the queue, the fetch unit checks if there are more instructions
+ * via the ins_count register which is written by the host.
+ *
+ * Additionally, instructions are read into two chunks (see sReadLSB and sReadMSB)
+ * because we are using a DRAM payload of 8-bytes or half of a VTA instruction.
+ * This should be configurable for larger payloads, i.e. 64-bytes, which can load
+ * more than one instruction at the time. Finally, the instruction queue is
+ * sized (entries_q), depending on the maximum burst allowed in the memory.
+ */
+class FetchWideVME(debug: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
+  val vp = p(ShellKey).vcrParams
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val launch = Input(Bool())
+    val ins_baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val ins_count = Input(UInt(vp.regBits.W))
+    val vme_rd = new VMEReadMaster
+    val inst = new Bundle {
+      val ld = Decoupled(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+      val co = Decoupled(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+      val st = Decoupled(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    }
+  })
+  val tp = new TensorParams("fetch")
+  val tensorsInClNb = tp.clSizeRatio
+  val tensorsInClNbWidth = log2Ceil(tensorsInClNb)
+  val inst_q = Seq.fill(tensorsInClNb) {
+    require((tp.memDepth/tensorsInClNb) * tensorsInClNb == tp.memDepth,
+      "-F- Unexpected queue depth to instructions in cacheline ratio")
+    SyncReadMem(tp.memDepth/tensorsInClNb, UInt(tp.tensorSizeBits.W))
+  }
+  // sample start
+  val s1_launch = RegNext(io.launch, init = false.B)
+  val start = io.launch & ~s1_launch
+  val xrem = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.ins_count))
+  // fit instruction into 64bit chunks
+  val elemsInInstr = INST_BITS/64
+  val xsize = io.ins_count << log2Ceil(elemsInInstr)
+  // max size of transfer is limited by a buffer size
+  val xmax = (((1 << mp.lenBits) << log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio)).min(tp.memDepth)).U
+  val elemNb = Reg(xsize.cloneType)
+  val sIdle :: sRead :: sDrain :: Nil = Enum(3)
+  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  val isBusy = state === sRead
+  val vmeStart = start || (state === sRead && RegNext(state, init = sIdle) === sDrain)
+  val dramOffset  = RegInit(UInt(mp.addrBits.W), init = 0.U)
+  val vmeCmd = Module (new GenVMECmdWideFetch(debug))
+  vmeCmd.io.start := vmeStart
+  vmeCmd.io.isBusy := isBusy & ~vmeStart
+  vmeCmd.io.ins_baddr := Mux(start, io.ins_baddr, io.ins_baddr + (dramOffset << log2Ceil(tp.tensorSizeBits / 8)))
+  vmeCmd.io.vmeCmd <> io.vme_rd.cmd
+  val readLen = vmeCmd.io.readLen
+  val vmeCmdDone = vmeCmd.io.done & ~vmeStart
+  vmeCmd.io.xsize := elemNb
+  vmeCmd.io.sram_offset := 0.U // this is a queue we reload
+  io.vme_rd.data.ready := true.B
+  val pipeDelayQueueDeqV = RegNext(io.vme_rd.data.valid, init = false.B)
+  val pipeDelayQueueDeqF = pipeDelayQueueDeqV // fire()
+  val pipeDelayQueueDeqB = RegNext(io.vme_rd.data.bits)
+  // Nb of CLs requestd, not received.
+  val clCntIdxWdth = log2Ceil(tp.memDepth/tensorsInClNb) + 1
+  val clInFlight = Reg(UInt(clCntIdxWdth.W))
+  when(start) {
+    clInFlight := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && !pipeDelayQueueDeqF) {
+    clInFlight := clInFlight + readLen
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && pipeDelayQueueDeqF) {
+    clInFlight := clInFlight + readLen - 1.U
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && !io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && pipeDelayQueueDeqF) {
+    assert(clInFlight > 0.U)
+    clInFlight := clInFlight - 1.U
+  }.otherwise {
+    clInFlight := clInFlight
+  }
+  // number of entries in a queue
+  val queueCount = Reg(UInt((tp.memAddrBits + 1).W))
+  val queueHead  = Wire(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+  val queueHeadNext  = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+  val forceRead  = Wire(Bool())
+  forceRead := false.B
+  // control
+  switch(state) {
+    is(sIdle) {
+      when(start) {
+        state := sRead
+        dramOffset := 0.U
+        when(xsize < xmax) {
+          elemNb := xsize
+          xrem := 0.U
+        }.otherwise {
+          elemNb := xmax
+          xrem := xsize - xmax
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sRead) {
+      when(vmeCmdDone && clInFlight === 0.U) {
+        forceRead := true.B
+        state := sDrain
+      }
+    }
+    is(sDrain) {
+      when(queueCount === 0.U) {
+        dramOffset := dramOffset + elemNb
+        when(xrem === 0.U) {
+          state := sIdle
+        }.elsewhen(xrem < xmax) {
+          state := sRead
+          elemNb := xrem
+          xrem := 0.U
+        }.otherwise {
+          state := sRead
+          elemNb := xmax
+          xrem := xrem - xmax
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //---------------------
+  //--- Read VME data ---
+  //---------------------
+  val readData = Module(new ReadVMEDataWide("fetch", debug))
+  readData.io.start := vmeStart
+  readData.io.vmeData.valid := pipeDelayQueueDeqV
+  readData.io.vmeData.bits := pipeDelayQueueDeqB
+  assert(readData.io.vmeData.ready === true.B)
+  //--------------------
+  //--- Write memory ---
+  //--------------------
+  val wmask = readData.io.destMask
+  val wdata = readData.io.destData
+  val widx  = readData.io.destIdx
+  for (i <- 0 until tensorsInClNb) {
+    when(wmask(i) && pipeDelayQueueDeqF) {
+      inst_q(i).write(widx(i), wdata(i))
+    }
+  }
+  if (debug) {
+    when (io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
+      printf(s"[TensorLoad] fetch data rdDataDestIdx:%x rdDataDestMask:%b\n",
+        widx.asUInt,
+        wmask.asUInt)
+    }
+  }
+  // read-from-sram
+  // queue head points to the first elem of instruction
+  val rIdx = queueHead >> tensorsInClNbWidth // SP idx
+  // rMask selects the first elem of instruction
+  val rMask = if (tensorsInClNbWidth > 0) {
+    UIntToOH(queueHead(tensorsInClNbWidth - 1, 0))
+    } else {
+      1.U
+    }
+  val deqElem = Wire(Bool())
+  val rdataVec =   for (i <- 0 until tensorsInClNb) yield {
+    // expand mask to select all elems of instruction
+    val maskShift = i%elemsInInstr
+    inst_q(i).read(rIdx, VecInit((rMask<<maskShift).asTypeOf(rMask).asBools)(i) && (deqElem || forceRead))
+  }
+  // instruction is a elemsInInstr number of elements
+  // combine them into one instruction
+  val rdata = Wire(Vec(elemsInInstr, UInt((tp.tensorSizeBits).W)))
+  for (i <- 0 until elemsInInstr) {
+    // expand mask to select all elems of instruction
+    rdata(i) := Mux1H(RegNext((rMask << i).asTypeOf(rMask)), rdataVec)
+  }
+  val canRead = queueCount >= elemsInInstr.U && state === sDrain
+  // instruction queues
+  // use 2-enty queue to create one pipe stage for valid-ready interface
+  val readInstrPipe = Module(new Queue(UInt(INST_BITS.W), 2))
+  // decode
+  val dec = Module(new FetchDecode)
+  dec.io.inst := readInstrPipe.io.deq.bits
+  readInstrPipe.io.enq.valid := canRead
+  readInstrPipe.io.enq.bits := rdata.asTypeOf(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+  deqElem := readInstrPipe.io.enq.fire()
+  readInstrPipe.io.deq.ready := (
+    (dec.io.isLoad & io.inst.ld.ready) ||
+    (dec.io.isCompute & io.inst.co.ready) ||
+    (dec.io.isStore & io.inst.st.ready))
+  io.inst.ld.valid := dec.io.isLoad & readInstrPipe.io.deq.valid
+  io.inst.co.valid := dec.io.isCompute & readInstrPipe.io.deq.valid
+  io.inst.st.valid := dec.io.isStore & readInstrPipe.io.deq.valid
+  io.inst.ld.bits := readInstrPipe.io.deq.bits
+  io.inst.co.bits := readInstrPipe.io.deq.bits
+  io.inst.st.bits := readInstrPipe.io.deq.bits
+  when(start) {
+    queueCount := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(deqElem && pipeDelayQueueDeqF) {
+    assert(queueCount > 0.U, "-F- Decrement zero counter")
+    val readCount = PopCount(wmask)
+    assert(readCount > 0.U, "-F- Must push something")
+    queueCount := queueCount + readCount - elemsInInstr.U
+  }.elsewhen(deqElem) {
+    assert(queueCount > 0.U, "-F- Decrement zero counter")
+    queueCount := queueCount - elemsInInstr.U
+  }.elsewhen (pipeDelayQueueDeqF) {
+    val numLoaded = PopCount(wmask)
+    assert(tp.memDepth.U - numLoaded >= queueCount, "-F- Counter overflow")
+    queueCount := queueCount + PopCount(wmask)
+  }.otherwise {
+    queueCount := queueCount
+  }
+  when(start) {
+    queueHead := 0.U
+    queueHeadNext := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(deqElem) {
+    queueHead := queueHeadNext + elemsInInstr.U // read ahead
+    when (queueCount - elemsInInstr.U === 0.U) {
+      queueHeadNext := 0.U
+    }.otherwise {
+      queueHeadNext := queueHeadNext + elemsInInstr.U
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    assert(reset.asBool || state === sIdle || queueCount =/= 0.U ||
+      (queueCount === 0.U && queueHeadNext === 0.U))
+    queueHead := queueHeadNext
+    queueHeadNext := queueHeadNext
+  }
+  // check if selected queue is ready
+  val deq_sel = Cat(dec.io.isCompute, dec.io.isStore, dec.io.isLoad).asUInt
+  val deq_ready =
+    MuxLookup(deq_sel,
+      false.B, // default
+      Array(
+        "h_01".U -> io.inst.ld.ready,
+        "h_02".U -> io.inst.st.ready,
+        "h_04".U -> io.inst.co.ready
+      ))
+  // debug
+  if (debug) {
+    when(start) {
+      printf("[Fetch] Launch\n")
+    }
+    when(io.inst.ld.fire()) {
+      printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [L] %x\n", dec.io.inst)
+    }
+    when(io.inst.co.fire()) {
+      printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [C] %x\n", dec.io.inst)
+    }
+    when(io.inst.st.fire()) {
+      printf("[Fetch] [instruction decode] [S] %x\n", dec.io.inst)
+    }
+  }
+class GenVMECmdWideFetch(debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val isBusy = Input(Bool())
+    val ins_baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vmeCmd = Decoupled(new VMECmd)
+    val readLen = Output(UInt((mp.lenBits + 1).W))
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+    val xsize = Input(UInt(M_SIZE_BITS.W))
+    val sram_offset = Input(UInt(M_SRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W))
+  })
+  val cmdGen = Module (new GenVMECmdWide(tensorType = "fetch", debug))
+  cmdGen.io.start := io.start
+  cmdGen.io.isBusy := io.isBusy
+  cmdGen.io.baddr := io.ins_baddr
+  io.vmeCmd <> cmdGen.io.vmeCmd
+  io.readLen :=  cmdGen.io.readLen
+  io.done :=  cmdGen.io.done
+  cmdGen.io.ysize := 1.U
+  cmdGen.io.xsize := io.xsize
+  cmdGen.io.xstride := io.xsize
+  cmdGen.io.dram_offset := 0.U
+  cmdGen.io.sram_offset := io.sram_offset
+  cmdGen.io.xpad_0 := 0.U
+  cmdGen.io.xpad_1 := 0.U
+  cmdGen.io.ypad_0 := 0.U
+  cmdGen.io.updateState := io.vmeCmd.fire()
+  cmdGen.io.canSendCmd := true.B
+  when(io.start) {
+    val tp = new TensorParams("fetch")
+    assert(io.ins_baddr%(tp.tensorSizeBits/8).U === 0.U, "-F- Fetch DRAM address expected to be tensor size aligned.")
+  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/LoadUop.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/LoadUop.scala
index e9f5d40..74e08cd 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/LoadUop.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/LoadUop.scala
@@ -50,14 +50,11 @@
   override def cloneType = new UopClient().asInstanceOf[this.type]
-/** LoadUop.
+/** LoadUopTop.
- * Load micro-ops (uops) from memory, i.e. DRAM, and store them in the
- * uop-scratchpad. Currently, micro-ops are 32-bit wide and loaded in
- * group of 2 given the fact that the DRAM payload is 8-bytes. This module
- * should be modified later on to support different DRAM sizes efficiently.
+ * Top wrapper of load uop implementations.
-class LoadUop(debug: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
+class LoadUopTop(debug: Boolean = false)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module {
   val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
   val io = IO(new Bundle {
     val start = Input(Bool())
@@ -67,160 +64,40 @@
     val vme_rd = new VMEReadMaster
     val uop = new UopClient
-  val numUop = 2 // store two uops per sram word
-  val uopBits = p(CoreKey).uopBits
-  val uopBytes = uopBits / 8
-  val uopDepth = p(CoreKey).uopMemDepth / numUop
-  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
-  val raddr = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr))
-  val xcnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len))
-  val xlen = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len))
-  val xrem = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.xsize))
-  val xsize = (dec.xsize >> log2Ceil(numUop)) + dec.xsize(0) + (dec.sram_offset % 2.U) - 1.U
-  val xmax = (1 << mp.lenBits).U
-  val xmax_bytes = ((1 << mp.lenBits) * mp.dataBits / 8).U
+  // force simple load uop implementation be careful if
+  // define simple tensor load
+  val forceSimpleLoadUop = false;
-  val dram_even = (dec.dram_offset % 2.U) === 0.U
-  val sram_even = (dec.sram_offset % 2.U) === 0.U
-  val sizeIsEven = (dec.xsize % 2.U) === 0.U
+  if (forceSimpleLoadUop) {
+    require(mp.dataBits == 64, "-F- Original LoadUop supports only 64 bit memory data transfer")
-  val sIdle :: sReadCmd :: sReadData :: Nil = Enum(3)
-  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+    val loadUop = Module(new LoadUopSimple(debug))
-  // control
-  switch(state) {
-    is(sIdle) {
-      when(io.start) {
-        state := sReadCmd
-        when(xsize < xmax) {
-          xlen := xsize
-          xrem := 0.U
-        }.otherwise {
-          xlen := xmax - 1.U
-          xrem := xsize - xmax
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadCmd) {
-      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.ready) {
-        state := sReadData
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadData) {
-      when(io.vme_rd.data.valid) {
-        when(xcnt === xlen) {
-          when(xrem === 0.U) {
-            state := sIdle
-          }.otherwise {
-            raddr := raddr + xmax_bytes
-            when(xrem < xmax) {
-              state := sReadCmd
-              xlen := xrem
-              xrem := 0.U
-            }
-            .otherwise {
-              state := sReadCmd
-              xlen := xmax - 1.U
-              xrem := xrem - xmax
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
+    loadUop.io.start := io.start
+    io.done := loadUop.io.done
+    loadUop.io.baddr := io.baddr
+    loadUop.io.vme_rd <> io.vme_rd
-  // read-from-dram
-  val maskOffset = VecInit(Seq.fill(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS)(true.B)).asUInt
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    when(dram_even) {
-      raddr := io.baddr | (maskOffset & (dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(uopBytes)))
-    }.otherwise {
-      raddr := (io.baddr | (maskOffset & (dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(uopBytes)))) - uopBytes.U
-    }
-  }
+    loadUop.io.dec := io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+    loadUop.io.uop.idx <> io.uop.idx
+    io.uop <> loadUop.io.uop
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.valid := state === sReadCmd
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr := raddr
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len := xlen
+  } else {
+    val loadUop = Module(new TensorLoad(tensorType = "uop"))
+    loadUop.io.tensor.tieoffWrite()
-  io.vme_rd.data.ready := state === sReadData
+    loadUop.io.start := io.start
+    io.done := loadUop.io.done
+    loadUop.io.baddr := io.baddr
+    loadUop.io.vme_rd <> io.vme_rd
-  when(state =/= sReadData) {
-    xcnt := 0.U
-  }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
-    xcnt := xcnt + 1.U
-  }
+    loadUop.io.inst := io.inst
+    require(loadUop.tp.splitWidth == 1 && loadUop.tp.splitLength == 1, "-F- UOP tensor split read is not expected")
+    loadUop.io.tensor.rd(0).idx <> io.uop.idx
+    io.uop.data.valid := loadUop.io.tensor.rd(0).data.valid
+    io.uop.data.bits <> loadUop.io.tensor.rd(0).data.bits.asTypeOf(new UopDecode)
-  val waddr = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(uopDepth).W))
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    waddr := dec.sram_offset >> log2Ceil(numUop)
-  }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
-    waddr := waddr + 1.U
-  }
-  val wdata = Wire(Vec(numUop, UInt(uopBits.W)))
-  val mem = SyncReadMem(uopDepth, chiselTypeOf(wdata))
-  val wmask = Reg(Vec(numUop, Bool()))
-  when(sram_even) {
-    when(sizeIsEven) {
-      wmask := "b_11".U.asTypeOf(wmask)
-    }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
-      when(dec.xsize === 1.U) {
-        wmask := "b_01".U.asTypeOf(wmask)
-      }.otherwise {
-        wmask := "b_11".U.asTypeOf(wmask)
-      }
-    }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
-      when((xcnt === xlen - 1.U) && (xrem === 0.U)) {
-        wmask := "b_01".U.asTypeOf(wmask)
-      }.otherwise {
-        wmask := "b_11".U.asTypeOf(wmask)
-      }
-    }
-  }.otherwise {
-    when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
-      wmask := "b_10".U.asTypeOf(wmask)
-    }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
-      when(sizeIsEven && (xcnt === xlen - 1.U) && (xrem === 0.U)) {
-        wmask := "b_01".U.asTypeOf(wmask)
-      }.otherwise {
-        wmask := "b_11".U.asTypeOf(wmask)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  wdata := io.vme_rd.data.bits.asTypeOf(wdata)
-  when(dram_even === false.B && sram_even) {
-    wdata(0) := io.vme_rd.data.bits.asTypeOf(wdata)(1)
-  }.elsewhen(sram_even === false.B && dram_even) {
-    wdata(1) := io.vme_rd.data.bits.asTypeOf(wdata)(0)
-  }
-  when(io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
-    mem.write(waddr, wdata, wmask)
-  }
-  // read-from-sram
-  io.uop.data.valid := RegNext(io.uop.idx.valid)
-  // delay LSB of idx by a cycle because of the one-cycle memory read latency
-  val sIdx = RegNext(io.uop.idx.bits % numUop.U)
-  val rIdx = io.uop.idx.bits >> log2Ceil(numUop)
-  val memRead = mem.read(rIdx, io.uop.idx.valid)
-  val sWord = memRead.asUInt.asTypeOf(wdata)
-  val sUop = sWord(sIdx).asTypeOf(io.uop.data.bits)
-  io.uop.data.bits <> sUop
-  // done
-  io.done := state === sReadData & io.vme_rd.data.valid & xcnt === xlen & xrem === 0.U
-  // debug
-  if (debug) {
-    when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
-      printf("[LoadUop] cmd addr:%x len:%x rem:%x\n", raddr, xlen, xrem)
-    }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/LoadUopSimple.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/LoadUopSimple.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de7b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/LoadUopSimple.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.core
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.shell._
+class LoadUopSimple(debug: Boolean = false)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module {
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+    val dec = Input(new MemDecode)
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vme_rd = new VMEReadMaster
+    val uop = new UopClient
+  })
+  val uopsPerMemXfer = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits / p(CoreKey).uopBits
+  require(p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits % p(CoreKey).uopBits == 0)
+  val uopBits = p(CoreKey).uopBits
+  val uopBytes = uopBits / 8
+  val uopDepth = p(CoreKey).uopMemDepth / uopsPerMemXfer
+  val dataBytes = mp.dataBits / 8
+  val dec = io.dec
+  val raddr = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr))
+  val xcnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len))
+  val xlen = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len))
+  val xrem = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.xsize))
+  val xmax = (1 << mp.lenBits).U
+  val xmax_bytes = ((1 << mp.lenBits) * dataBytes).U
+  // Align DRAM address to data and do not cross page boundary.
+  val data_align_bits = WireInit(UInt(raddr.getWidth.W), dataBytes.U - 1.U)
+  val beat_bytes_bits = log2Ceil(mp.dataBits >> 3)
+  val xfer_bytes = Reg(chiselTypeOf(xmax_bytes))
+  // DRAM address width must be the same as AXI araddr since anything above will
+  // be silently truncated, enforce this here.
+  val dram_byte_addr = WireInit(UInt(raddr.getWidth.W), dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(uopBytes))
+  // Here we are assuming io.baddr | dram_byte_addr === io.baddr + dram_byte_addr.
+  val unaligned_addr = io.baddr | dram_byte_addr
+  val xfer_init_addr = unaligned_addr & ~data_align_bits
+  val xfer_next_addr = raddr + xfer_bytes
+  val xfer_init_bytes = xmax_bytes - xfer_init_addr % xmax_bytes
+  val xfer_init_beats = xfer_init_bytes >> beat_bytes_bits
+  val xfer_next_bytes = xmax_bytes - xfer_next_addr % xmax_bytes
+  val xfer_next_beats = xfer_next_bytes >> beat_bytes_bits
+  val dram_even = (dec.dram_offset % 2.U) === 0.U
+  val sram_even = (dec.sram_offset % 2.U) === 0.U
+  val sizeIsEven = (dec.xsize % 2.U) === 0.U
+  val sIdle :: sReadCmd :: sReadData :: Nil = Enum(3)
+  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  val first = RegInit(init=false.B)
+  // control
+  switch(state) {
+    is(sIdle) {
+      xfer_bytes := xfer_init_bytes
+      when(io.start) {
+        state := sReadCmd
+        first := true.B
+        raddr := xfer_init_addr
+        // Number of total beats in the load transfer.
+        val xsize = if (uopsPerMemXfer == 1) {
+          dec.xsize
+        } else {
+          ((dec.xsize +& 1.U + dec.dram_offset(0)) >> 1)
+        }
+        when(xsize <= xfer_init_beats) {
+          xlen := xsize - 1.U
+          xrem := 0.U
+        }.otherwise {
+          xlen := xfer_init_beats - 1.U
+          xrem := xsize - xfer_init_beats
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadCmd) {
+      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.ready) {
+        state := sReadData
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadData) {
+      when(io.vme_rd.data.valid) {
+        when(xcnt === xlen) {
+          when(xrem === 0.U) {
+            state := sIdle
+          }.otherwise {
+            state := sReadCmd
+            raddr := xfer_next_addr
+            xfer_bytes := xfer_next_bytes
+            when(xrem <= xfer_next_beats) {
+              xlen := xrem - 1.U
+              xrem := 0.U
+            }.otherwise {
+              xlen := xfer_next_beats - 1.U
+              xrem := xrem - xfer_next_beats
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // read-from-dram
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.valid := state === sReadCmd
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr := raddr
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len := xlen
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.tag := dec.sram_offset
+  io.vme_rd.data.ready := state === sReadData
+  when(state =/= sReadData) {
+    xcnt := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
+    xcnt := xcnt + 1.U
+  }
+  val waddr = IndexedSeq.fill(uopsPerMemXfer) { Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(uopDepth).W))}
+  when(state === sIdle) {
+    val so = dec.sram_offset >> log2Ceil(uopsPerMemXfer)
+    if (uopsPerMemXfer == 1) {
+      waddr(0) := so
+    } else {
+      when (!sram_even &&  dram_even) { // 10
+        waddr(0) := so + 1.U
+        waddr(1) := so
+      }.elsewhen (sram_even && !dram_even) { // 01
+        waddr(0) := so
+        waddr(1) := so - 1.U
+      }.otherwise {
+        waddr(0) := so
+        waddr(1) := so
+      }
+    }
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
+    for (i <- 0 until uopsPerMemXfer) {
+      waddr(i) := waddr(i) + 1.U
+    }
+  }
+  val mems = IndexedSeq.fill(uopsPerMemXfer) { SyncReadMem(uopDepth, UInt(uopBits.W))}
+  val last = (xcnt === xlen) && (xrem === 0.U)
+  val wmask = Wire(Vec(uopsPerMemXfer, Bool()))
+  for (i <- 0 until uopsPerMemXfer) {
+    wmask(i) := true.B
+  }
+  when (io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
+    when (first) {
+      first := false.B
+      if (uopsPerMemXfer == 2) {
+        when(!sram_even && !dram_even) {
+          wmask(0) := false.B
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    when(last) {
+      if (uopsPerMemXfer == 2) {
+        when(dram_even ^ sizeIsEven) {
+          when (sram_even ^ sizeIsEven) {
+            wmask(1) := false.B
+          }.otherwise{
+            wmask(0) := false.B
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  val wdata = Wire(Vec(uopsPerMemXfer, UInt(uopBits.W)))
+  wdata := io.vme_rd.data.bits.data.asTypeOf(wdata)
+  if (uopsPerMemXfer == 2) {
+    when(dram_even =/= sram_even) { // swap
+      wdata(0) := io.vme_rd.data.bits.data.asTypeOf(wdata)(1)
+      wdata(1) := io.vme_rd.data.bits.data.asTypeOf(wdata)(0)
+    }
+  }
+  when(io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
+    for { i <- 0 until mems.size} {
+      when (wmask(i)) {
+        mems(i).write(waddr(i), wdata(i))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  io.done := io.vme_rd.data.fire() & last
+  // ----------- read-from-sram -------------
+  io.uop.data.valid := RegNext(io.uop.idx.valid)
+  // delay LSB of idx by a cycle because of the one-cycle memory read latency
+  val rIdx = io.uop.idx.bits >> log2Ceil(uopsPerMemXfer)
+  val m0 = mems(0).read(rIdx, io.uop.idx.valid)
+  if (uopsPerMemXfer == 2) {
+    val m1 = mems(1).read(rIdx, io.uop.idx.valid)
+    val sIdx = RegNext(io.uop.idx.bits % uopsPerMemXfer.U)
+    io.uop.data.bits <> Mux(sIdx =/= 0.U, m1, m0).asTypeOf(io.uop.data.bits)
+  } else {
+    io.uop.data.bits <> m0.asTypeOf(io.uop.data.bits)
+  }
+  if (false) {
+    // Report initial part of the uop state after
+    //   the clock transition where io.done is high
+    val memDumpGuard = RegNext(io.done,init=false.B)
+    when (memDumpGuard) {
+      for {
+        idx <- 0 until scala.math.min(8,uopDepth)
+        i <- 0 until uopsPerMemXfer} {
+        val s = mems(i)(idx).asTypeOf(io.uop.data.bits)
+        printf(s"uop: $idx $i u0: %x u1: %x u2: %x\n", s.u0, s.u1, s.u2)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // debug
+  if (debug) {
+    when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
+      printf("[LoadUop] cmd addr:%x len:%x rem:%x\n", raddr, xlen, xrem)
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoad.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoad.scala
index 8b31253..24fb841 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoad.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoad.scala
@@ -19,10 +19,15 @@
 package vta.core
+import scala.math.pow
 import chisel3._
 import chisel3.util._
 import vta.util.config._
 import vta.shell._
 /** TensorLoad.
  * Load 1D and 2D tensors from main memory (DRAM) to input/weight
@@ -45,300 +50,26 @@
     val tensor = new TensorClient(tensorType)
-  require(tp.numMemBlock > 0, s"-F- Unexpected data to tensor bit size ratio. ${tensorType} ${tp.numMemBlock}")
-  require(tp.splitWidth == 1 && tp.splitLength == 1, s"-F- Cannot do split direct access")
+  override def desiredName = "TensorLoad" + tensorType.capitalize
-  val sizeFactor = tp.tensorLength * tp.numMemBlock
-  val strideFactor = tp.tensorLength * tp.tensorWidth
+  val forceSimpleTensorLoad = false // force a simple implemetation of TL
-  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
-  val dataCtrl = Module(
-    new TensorDataCtrl(tensorType, sizeFactor, strideFactor))
-  val dataCtrlDone = RegInit(false.B)
-  val yPadCtrl0 = Module(new TensorPadCtrl(padType = "YPad0", sizeFactor))
-  val yPadCtrl1 = Module(new TensorPadCtrl(padType = "YPad1", sizeFactor))
-  val xPadCtrl0 = Module(new TensorPadCtrl(padType = "XPad0", sizeFactor))
-  val xPadCtrl1 = Module(new TensorPadCtrl(padType = "XPad1", sizeFactor))
-  val tag = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.numMemBlock).W))
-  val set = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.tensorLength).W))
-  val sIdle :: sYPad0 :: sXPad0 :: sReadCmd :: sReadData :: sXPad1 :: sYPad1 :: Nil =
-    Enum(7)
-  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
-  // control
-  switch(state) {
-    is(sIdle) {
-      when(io.start) {
-        when(dec.ypad_0 =/= 0.U) {
-          state := sYPad0
-        }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U) {
-          state := sXPad0
-        }.otherwise {
-          state := sReadCmd
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sYPad0) {
-      when(yPadCtrl0.io.done) {
-        when(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U) {
-          state := sXPad0
-        }.otherwise {
-          assert(tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U, "-F- Should not happen mid tensor row read")
-          state := sReadCmd
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sXPad0) {
-      when(xPadCtrl0.io.done) {
-        assert(tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U, "-F- Should not happen mid tensor row read")
-        state := sReadCmd
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadCmd) {
-      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.ready) {
-        state := sReadData
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadData) {
-      when(io.vme_rd.data.valid) {
-        when(dataCtrl.io.done) {
-          when(dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
-            state := sXPad1
-          }.elsewhen(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) {
-            state := sYPad1
-          }.otherwise {
-            state := sIdle
-          }
-        }.elsewhen(dataCtrl.io.stride) {
-          when(dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
-            state := sXPad1
-          }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U) {
-            state := sXPad0
-          }.otherwise {
-            assert(tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U, "-F- Should not happen mid tensor row read")
-            state := sReadCmd
-          }
-        }.elsewhen(dataCtrl.io.split) {
-          state := sReadCmd
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sXPad1) {
-      when(xPadCtrl1.io.done) {
-        when(dataCtrlDone) {
-          when(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) {
-            state := sYPad1
-          }.otherwise {
-            state := sIdle
-          }
-        }.otherwise {
-          when(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U) {
-            state := sXPad0
-          }.otherwise {
-            assert(tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U, "-F- Should not happen mid tensor row read")
-            state := sReadCmd
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sYPad1) {
-      when(yPadCtrl1.io.done && dataCtrlDone) {
-        state := sIdle
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // data controller
-  dataCtrl.io.start := state === sIdle & io.start
-  dataCtrl.io.inst := io.inst
-  dataCtrl.io.baddr := io.baddr
-  dataCtrl.io.xinit := io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()
-  dataCtrl.io.xupdate := io.vme_rd.data.fire()
-  dataCtrl.io.yupdate := io.vme_rd.data.fire()
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    dataCtrlDone := false.B
-  }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire() && dataCtrl.io.done) {
-    dataCtrlDone := true.B
-  }
-  // pad
-  yPadCtrl0.io.start := dec.ypad_0 =/= 0.U & state === sIdle & io.start
-  yPadCtrl1.io.start := dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U &
-    ((io.vme_rd.data.fire() & dataCtrl.io.done & dec.xpad_1 === 0.U) |
-      (state === sXPad1 & xPadCtrl1.io.done & dataCtrlDone))
-  xPadCtrl0.io.start := dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U &
-    ((state === sIdle & io.start) |
-      (state === sYPad0 & yPadCtrl0.io.done) |
-      (io.vme_rd.data.fire() & ~dataCtrlDone & dataCtrl.io.stride & dec.xpad_1 === 0.U) |
-      (state === sXPad1 & xPadCtrl1.io.done & ~dataCtrlDone))
-  xPadCtrl1.io.start := dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U & io.vme_rd.data.fire() &
-    ((dataCtrl.io.done) | (~dataCtrl.io.done & dataCtrl.io.stride & dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U))
-  yPadCtrl0.io.inst := io.inst
-  yPadCtrl1.io.inst := io.inst
-  xPadCtrl0.io.inst := io.inst
-  xPadCtrl1.io.inst := io.inst
-  // read-from-dram
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.valid := state === sReadCmd
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr := dataCtrl.io.addr
-  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len := dataCtrl.io.len
-  io.vme_rd.data.ready := state === sReadData
-  // write-to-sram
-  val isZeroPad = state === sYPad0 |
-    state === sXPad0 |
-    state === sXPad1 |
-    state === sYPad1
-  when(state === sReadCmd && tag =/= (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U) { // split read inside row of mem blocks
-    tag := tag
-  }.elsewhen(state === sIdle || state === sReadCmd || tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U) {
-    tag := 0.U
-  }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire() || isZeroPad) {
-    tag := tag + 1.U
-  }
-  when(state === sIdle || (dataCtrlDone && ~isZeroPad) ||
-    (set === (tp.tensorLength - 1).U && tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U)) {
-    set := 0.U
-  }.elsewhen((io.vme_rd.data.fire() || isZeroPad) && tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U) {
-    set := set + 1.U
-  }
-  val waddr_cur = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
-  val waddr_nxt = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    waddr_cur := dec.sram_offset
-    waddr_nxt := dec.sram_offset
-  }.elsewhen((io.vme_rd.data.fire() || isZeroPad)
-    && set === (tp.tensorLength - 1).U
-    && tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U)
-  {
-    waddr_cur := waddr_cur + 1.U
-  }.elsewhen(dataCtrl.io.stride && io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
-    waddr_cur := waddr_nxt + dec.xsize
-    waddr_nxt := waddr_nxt + dec.xsize
-  }
-  val tensorFile = Seq.fill(tp.tensorLength) {
-    SyncReadMem(tp.memDepth, Vec(tp.numMemBlock, UInt(tp.memBlockBits.W)))
-  }
-  val wmask = Seq.fill(tp.tensorLength) { Wire(Vec(tp.numMemBlock, Bool())) }
-  val wdata = Seq.fill(tp.tensorLength) {
-    Wire(Vec(tp.numMemBlock, UInt(tp.memBlockBits.W)))
-  }
-  val no_mask = Wire(Vec(tp.numMemBlock, Bool()))
-  no_mask.foreach { m =>
-    m := true.B
-  }
-  for (i <- 0 until tp.tensorLength) {
-    for (j <- 0 until tp.numMemBlock) {
-      wmask(i)(j) := tag === j.U
-      wdata(i)(j) := Mux(isZeroPad, 0.U, io.vme_rd.data.bits)
-    }
-    val tdata = io.tensor.wr(0).bits.data(i).asUInt.asTypeOf(wdata(i))
-    val muxWen =
-      Mux(state === sIdle,
-        io.tensor.wr(0).valid,
-        (io.vme_rd.data.fire() | isZeroPad) & set === i.U)
-    val muxWaddr = Mux(state === sIdle, io.tensor.wr(0).bits.idx, waddr_cur)
-    val muxWdata = Mux(state === sIdle, tdata, wdata(i))
-    val muxWmask = Mux(state === sIdle, no_mask, wmask(i))
-    when(muxWen) {
-      tensorFile(i).write(muxWaddr, muxWdata, muxWmask)
-    }
-  }
-  // read-from-sram
-  val rvalid = RegNext(io.tensor.rd(0).idx.valid)
-  io.tensor.rd(0).data.valid := rvalid
-  val rdata =
-    tensorFile.map(_.read(io.tensor.rd(0).idx.bits, io.tensor.rd(0).idx.valid))
-  rdata.zipWithIndex.foreach {
-    case (r, i) =>
-      io.tensor.rd(0).data.bits(i) := r.asUInt.asTypeOf(io.tensor.rd(0).data.bits(i))
-  }
-  // done
-  val done_no_pad = io.vme_rd.data.fire() & dataCtrl.io.done & dec.xpad_1 === 0.U & dec.ypad_1 === 0.U
-  val done_x_pad = state === sXPad1 & xPadCtrl1.io.done & dataCtrlDone & dec.ypad_1 === 0.U
-  val done_y_pad = state === sYPad1 & dataCtrlDone & yPadCtrl1.io.done
-  io.done := done_no_pad | done_x_pad | done_y_pad
-  // debug
-  if (debug) {
-    if (tensorType == "inp") {
-      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] cmd addr:%x len:%x\n",
-          dataCtrl.io.addr,
-          dataCtrl.io.len)
-      }
-      when(state === sYPad0) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] sYPad0\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sYPad1) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] sYPad1\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sXPad0) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] sXPad0\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sXPad1) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] sXPad1\n")
-      }
-    } else if (tensorType == "wgt") {
-      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] cmd addr:%x len:%x\n",
-          dataCtrl.io.addr,
-          dataCtrl.io.len)
-      }
-      when(state === sYPad0) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] sYPad0\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sYPad1) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] sYPad1\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sXPad0) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] sXPad0\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sXPad1) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] sXPad1\n")
-      }
-    } else if (tensorType == "acc") {
-      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] cmd addr:%x len:%x\n",
-          dataCtrl.io.addr,
-          dataCtrl.io.len)
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc info] dec.xsize: %d, dec.ysize: %d, dec.xstride: %d\n",
-          dec.xsize, dec.ysize, dec.xstride)
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc i2fo] dec.xpad_1: %d dec.xpad_0: %d dec.ypad_1: %d dec.ypad_0: %d\n",
-          dec.xpad_1, dec.xpad_0, dec.ypad_1, dec.ypad_0)
-        printf("tp.tensorLength: %d, tp.numMemBlock: %d, tp.tensorLength: %d, tp.tensorWidth: %d\n",
-          tp.tensorLength.U, tp.numMemBlock.U, tp.tensorLength.U, tp.tensorWidth.U)
-      }
-      when(state === sYPad0) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] sYPad0\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sYPad1) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] sYPad1\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sXPad0) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] sXPad0\n")
-      }
-      when(state === sXPad1) {
-        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] sXPad1\n")
-      }
-    }
+  if (forceSimpleTensorLoad) {
+    // use
+    val tensorLoad = Module(new TensorLoadSimple(tensorType, debug))
+    io <> tensorLoad.io
+  } else if (mp.dataBits >= tp.tensorSizeBits) {
+    // cacheline is wider than tensor size,
+    // macro memory bitwidth by cache size
+    // bank by tansor size
+    val tensorLoad = Module(new TensorLoadWideVME(tensorType, debug))
+    io <> tensorLoad.io
+  } else {
+    // tensor is wider than cacheline, bank by
+    // macro memory bitwidth by tansor size
+    // bank by cacheline size
+    val tensorLoad = Module(new TensorLoadNarrowVME(tensorType, debug))
+    io <> tensorLoad.io
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadNarrowVME.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadNarrowVME.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..746e54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadNarrowVME.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.core
+import scala.math.pow
+import scala.math.sqrt
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.shell._
+/** TensorLoad.
+ *
+ * Load 1D and 2D tensors from main memory (DRAM) to input/weight
+ * scratchpads (SRAM). Also, there is support for zero padding, while
+ * doing the load.
+ */
+class TensorLoadNarrowVME(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+    val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vme_rd = new VMEReadMaster
+    val tensor = new TensorClient(tensorType)
+  })
+  val writePipeLatency = tp.writePipeLatency
+  val sIdle :: sBusy :: Nil =
+    Enum(2)
+  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  val isBusy = state === sBusy
+  val localDone = Wire(Bool())
+  when(io.start) {
+    state := sBusy
+  }.elsewhen(localDone) {
+    state := sIdle
+  }
+  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+  val vmeDataBitsPipe = RegNext(io.vme_rd.data.bits)
+  val vmeDataValidPipe = RegNext(io.vme_rd.data.valid, init = false.B)
+  val vmeDataReadyPipe = RegNext(io.vme_rd.data.ready, init = false.B)
+  val vmeDataFirePipe = vmeDataValidPipe & vmeDataReadyPipe
+  //--------------------------------------
+  //--- Generate data load VME command ---
+  //--------------------------------------
+  val vmeCmd = Module (new GenVMECmd(tensorType, debug))
+  vmeCmd.io.start := io.start
+  vmeCmd.io.isBusy := isBusy
+  vmeCmd.io.inst := io.inst
+  vmeCmd.io.baddr := io.baddr
+  vmeCmd.io.vmeCmd <> io.vme_rd.cmd
+  val readLen = vmeCmd.io.readLen
+  val commandsDone = vmeCmd.io.done
+  // count how many blocks not received
+  val blkIdxWdth = log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio * tp.memDepth) // the size of scratchpad in blocks
+  // Nb of data blocks requestd, not received. TODO: smaller width parameter
+  val blocksInFlight = Reg(UInt(blkIdxWdth.W))
+  when(io.start) {
+    blocksInFlight := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && !vmeDataFirePipe) {
+    blocksInFlight := blocksInFlight + readLen
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && vmeDataFirePipe) {
+    blocksInFlight := blocksInFlight + readLen - 1.U
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && !io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && vmeDataFirePipe) {
+    assert(blocksInFlight > 0.U)
+    blocksInFlight := blocksInFlight - 1.U
+  }.otherwise {
+    blocksInFlight := blocksInFlight
+  }
+  //---------------------
+  //--- Read VME data ---
+  //---------------------
+  val readData = Module(new ReadVMEData(tensorType, debug))
+  readData.io.start := io.start
+  readData.io.vmeData.valid := vmeDataValidPipe
+  readData.io.vmeData.bits := vmeDataBitsPipe
+  assert(!readData.io.vmeData.valid || readData.io.vmeData.ready,
+    "-F- Expecting const ready. Fix ReadVMEData to receive data 1 cyce after ready")
+  io.vme_rd.data.ready := readData.io.vmeData.ready
+  val rdDataDestCol = readData.io.col // this is an index of a col in tensor
+  val rdDataDestIdx = readData.io.idx // this is an index of a tensor
+  //-------------------------
+  //--- Fill zero padding ---
+  //-------------------------
+  val fillPadding = Module(new ZeroPadding(tensorType, debug))
+  fillPadding.io.canWriteMem := !vmeDataFirePipe
+  fillPadding.io.inst := RegNext(io.inst) // stage it to move from instr queue
+  fillPadding.io.start := RegNext(io.start, init = false.B)// stage it to move from instr que
+  val isZeroPadWrite = fillPadding.io.tensorIdx.valid // Store zero filled tensor, zpDestIdx is valid
+  val zpDestIdx = fillPadding.io.tensorIdx.bits // Tensor index
+  val paddingDone = fillPadding.io.done
+  //--------------------
+  //--- Write memory ---
+  //--------------------
+  val memSizeRatio = tp.tsSizeRatio
+  val splitDataFactor = tp.splitWidth * tp.splitLength
+  val splitMemBlockFactor = if (splitDataFactor > memSizeRatio) {
+    require((splitDataFactor/memSizeRatio) * memSizeRatio == splitDataFactor,
+      "-F- Cannot split tensor data memBlockBits further.")
+    splitDataFactor/memSizeRatio
+  }else {
+    1
+  }
+  val groupMemBlockFactor = if (splitDataFactor > memSizeRatio) {
+    1
+  }else {
+    require((memSizeRatio/splitDataFactor) * splitDataFactor == memSizeRatio,
+      "-F- Cannot group tensor data memBlockBits into groups.")
+    memSizeRatio/splitDataFactor
+  }
+  // one macro has a VME memory read bit width or read/write group bit width
+  //different groups can read/write scratchpad separately
+  val tensorFile = Seq.fill(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor
+  ) {
+    SyncReadMem(tp.memDepth, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W))
+  }
+  require(splitDataFactor * groupMemBlockFactor == memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor,
+    "-F- Wrong split of data")
+  //-------------------------------
+  //--- Write address vector ------
+  //-------------------------------
+  // split data to build pipe tree
+  val splitFactorL0 = pow(2,log2Ceil(memSizeRatio) / 2).toInt
+  val splitFactorL1 = pow(2,log2Ceil(memSizeRatio) - log2Ceil(memSizeRatio) / 2).toInt
+  require(splitFactorL0 * splitFactorL1 == memSizeRatio)
+  // tensor load instruction writes a VME data block or a whole tensor
+  val waddrTensInstrTmp = Mux(isZeroPadWrite, zpDestIdx, rdDataDestIdx)
+  val waddrTensInstrPipe = VecInit((for (j <- 0 until splitFactorL1) yield {
+    ShiftRegister(waddrTensInstrTmp, if (writePipeLatency > 0) 1 else 0)
+  }).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitFactorL0) yield {
+    elem
+  }).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitMemBlockFactor) yield {
+    ShiftRegister(elem, if (writePipeLatency < 2) 0 else writePipeLatency - 1)
+  }))
+  require(waddrTensInstrPipe.size == memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor)
+  val waddrDirect = (VecInit((for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
+    io.tensor.wr(grIdx).bits.idx
+  }).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until groupMemBlockFactor) yield {elem}))).asTypeOf(
+    Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, io.tensor.wr(0).bits.idx.cloneType)
+  )
+  val waddr = Wire(Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, waddrTensInstrTmp.cloneType))
+  for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
+    waddr(j) := Mux(
+      ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
+      waddrDirect(j),
+      waddrTensInstrPipe(j))
+  }
+  //-------------------------------
+  //--- Write enable vector -------
+  //-------------------------------
+  val dataOffset = rdDataDestCol
+  // get en sygnal and duplicate
+  val wenTensInstr = VecInit((for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio) yield {
+    Mux(isZeroPadWrite, true.B, dataOffset === j.U && vmeDataFirePipe)
+  }).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitMemBlockFactor) yield {elem}))
+  val wenDirect = VecInit((for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
+    io.tensor.wr(grIdx).valid
+  }).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until groupMemBlockFactor) yield {elem}))
+  val wen = Wire(Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, Bool()))
+  for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
+    wen(j) := Mux(
+      ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
+      wenDirect(j),
+      ShiftRegister(wenTensInstr(j), writePipeLatency))
+  }
+  require(tp.memBlockBits % tp.tensorElemBits == 0)
+  //-------------------------------
+  //--- Write data vector ---------
+  //-------------------------------
+  val wdataTensInstrDataPipe = VecInit((for (j <- 0 until splitFactorL0) yield {
+    ShiftRegister(vmeDataBitsPipe.data, if (writePipeLatency > 0) 1 else 0)
+  }).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitFactorL1) yield {
+    elem
+  }).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until splitMemBlockFactor) yield {
+    require(elem.getWidth == tp.memBlockBits)
+    ShiftRegister(
+      elem.asTypeOf(Vec(splitMemBlockFactor, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W)))(k),
+      if (writePipeLatency < 2) 0 else writePipeLatency - 1)
+  }))
+  require(wdataTensInstrDataPipe.size == memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor)
+  val wdataTensInstr = Wire(Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W)))
+  for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
+    // pipe 1 stage paddingControl per group
+    val padValue = 0.U
+    wdataTensInstr(j) := Mux(
+      ShiftRegister(isZeroPadWrite, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B),
+      ShiftRegister(padValue /* a single group total data bits */, writePipeLatency),
+      wdataTensInstrDataPipe(j))
+  }
+  // THIS wdataDirect writes continous scratchpad data space
+  // It is WRONG for ACC batch > 1
+  // maps group data bits to continous sequence of mem blocks
+  // but wr(x).bits.data is a window in a tensor
+  val wdataDirect = VecInit((for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
+    io.tensor.wr(grIdx).bits.data
+  }).flatMap(elem => for (k <- 0 until groupMemBlockFactor) yield {
+    elem.asTypeOf(Vec(groupMemBlockFactor, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W)))(k)
+  }))
+  val wdata = Wire(Vec(memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor, UInt((tp.memBlockBits/splitMemBlockFactor).W)))
+  for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
+    wdata(j) := Mux(
+      ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
+      wdataDirect(j),
+      wdataTensInstr(j))
+  }
+  for (j <- 0 until memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor) {
+    when(wen(j)) {
+      tensorFile(j).write(waddr(j), wdata(j))
+    }
+  }
+  if (debug) {
+    when(isZeroPadWrite) {
+      printf(s"[TensorLoad] $tensorType isZeroPadWrite data zpDestIdx:%d\n",
+        zpDestIdx)
+    }
+    when (vmeDataFirePipe) {
+      printf(s"[TensorLoad] $tensorType data rdDataDestCol:%d rdDataDestIdx:%d\n",
+        rdDataDestCol,
+        rdDataDestIdx)
+    }
+  }
+  // read-from-sram
+  for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
+    val rvalid = ShiftRegister(
+      io.tensor.rd(grIdx).idx.valid, tp.readTensorLatency + 1, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
+    io.tensor.rd(grIdx).data.valid := rvalid
+  }
+  val memsInGroup = memSizeRatio * splitMemBlockFactor / splitDataFactor
+  for (grIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
+    io.tensor.rd(grIdx).data.bits :=
+      VecInit(for (memBlkIdx <- 0 until memsInGroup) yield {
+        tensorFile(grIdx * memsInGroup + memBlkIdx).read(
+          ShiftRegister(io.tensor.rd(grIdx).idx.bits, tp.readTensorLatency),
+          ShiftRegister(io.tensor.rd(grIdx).idx.valid, tp.readTensorLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B))
+      }).asTypeOf(io.tensor.rd(grIdx).data.bits)
+  }
+  // done
+  val loadDone = blocksInFlight === 0.U && commandsDone && state === sBusy
+  localDone := loadDone && paddingDone
+  io.done := ShiftRegister(localDone, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
+//--- Fill zero padding ---
+// Fill tensors with zeros if padding is defined
+// stride must be used (xstride and ysize) if xpad_0 or xpad_1
+// are not zero and matrix has more than one row of tensors
+// zp states enumerate different types of padding blocks
+// TOP - width = dec.xpad_0 + dec.xstride + dec.xpad_1; height = dec.ypad_0
+// LEFT - width = dec.xpad_0; height = dec.ysize
+// RIGHT - width = dec.xpad_1; height = dec.ysize
+// BOT - width = dec.xpad_0 + dec.xstride + dec.xpad_1; height = dec.ypad_1
+// SKIP - dec.xpad_0 == 0 && dec.xpad_1
+//Fill algorithm fills row by row from TOP then sides, then BOT
+class ZeroPadding(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val canWriteMem  = Input(Bool())
+    val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    val tensorIdx = Output(ValidIO(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W)))
+    val start  = Input(Bool())
+    val done   = Output(Bool())
+  })
+  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+  val isZeroPadWrite = Wire(Bool()) // Store zero filled tensor, zpDestIdx is valid
+  val zpDestIdx = Wire(dec.sram_offset.cloneType) // Tensor index
+  val sZpIdle :: sZpTop :: sZpSideLeft :: sZpSideRight :: sZpSideBoth :: sZpSideSkip :: sZpBot :: Nil =
+    Enum(7)
+  val zpState = RegInit(sZpIdle)
+  val paddingDone = zpState === sZpIdle // Done filling zero tensors
+  val zpColIdx = Reg(UInt((dec.xpad_0.getWidth + dec.xsize.getWidth + dec.xpad_1.getWidth).W))
+  val zpNewFillBlock = Wire(Bool()) // separate new fill block <-> inside block  row change and column idx calculation
+  // Define padding area iterators
+  val zpRowIdx = Reg(UInt((dec.ypad_0.getWidth + dec.ysize.getWidth + dec.ypad_1.getWidth).W)) // current padding row
+  // current padding column
+  val zpDestRowOffset = Reg(dec.sram_offset.cloneType) // one-dimentional offset for zpRowIdx
+  zpRowIdx := zpRowIdx
+  zpColIdx := zpColIdx
+  zpDestRowOffset := zpDestRowOffset
+  zpNewFillBlock := false.B
+  //state change val
+  val zpLastDataRow = zpRowIdx === dec.ypad_0 + dec.ysize - 1.U
+  val zpTopLastIdx = dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize + dec.xpad_1 - 1.U // last index of total width
+  val zpWideLineEnd = (zpState === sZpSideBoth || zpState === sZpSideRight) && zpColIdx === zpTopLastIdx
+  val zpNarwLineEnd = zpState === sZpSideLeft && zpColIdx === dec.xpad_0 - 1.U
+  val zpFillLineEnd = zpWideLineEnd || zpNarwLineEnd
+  when(io.start) {
+    zpRowIdx := 0.U
+    zpDestRowOffset := dec.sram_offset
+    zpColIdx := 0.U
+    when(dec.xpad_0 === 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U && dec.ypad_0 === 0.U) {
+      zpColIdx := dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize
+    }
+    when(dec.ypad_0 =/= 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpTop
+    }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U && dec.xpad_1 === 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpSideLeft
+    }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 === 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpSideRight
+    }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpSideBoth
+    }.elsewhen(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpSideSkip
+    }.otherwise {
+      zpState := sZpIdle // nothing to fill
+    }
+  }.elsewhen(
+    io.canWriteMem &&
+    zpState  === sZpTop &&
+    zpRowIdx === dec.ypad_0 - 1.U &&  /*we know ypad_0 > 0 */
+    zpColIdx === zpTopLastIdx) {
+    zpNewFillBlock := true.B
+    zpColIdx := 0.U
+    when(dec.xpad_0 === 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+      zpColIdx := dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize
+    }
+    when(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U && dec.xpad_1 === 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpSideLeft
+    }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 === 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpSideRight
+    }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U && dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpSideBoth
+    }.elsewhen(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+      zpState := sZpSideSkip
+    }.otherwise {
+      zpState := sZpIdle // nothing to fill
+    }
+  }.elsewhen(
+    zpLastDataRow &&  // last row before ypad_1
+    ((zpFillLineEnd && io.canWriteMem) || // last zero tensor in xpad_0 or xpad_1
+      zpState === sZpSideSkip)) /* no padding in data rows */ {
+    zpNewFillBlock := true.B
+    when(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) { // also no dec.xpad_1 no xpad_0
+      zpColIdx := 0.U // first index for ypad_1 area
+      zpState := sZpBot // if more padding is needed go to count data rows
+    }.otherwise {
+      zpState := sZpIdle // nothing to fill
+    }
+  }.elsewhen(
+    io.canWriteMem &&
+    zpState  === sZpBot &&
+    zpRowIdx === dec.ypad_0 + dec.ysize + dec.ypad_1 - 1.U &&  /*we know ypad_1 > 0 */
+    zpColIdx === zpTopLastIdx) {
+    zpNewFillBlock := true.B
+    zpColIdx := 0.U
+    zpState := sZpIdle
+  }.otherwise {
+    zpState := zpState
+  }
+  // allowed to  write memory when data reader is inactive
+  isZeroPadWrite := zpState =/= sZpIdle && zpState =/= sZpSideSkip && io.canWriteMem
+  zpDestIdx := zpDestRowOffset + zpColIdx
+  //increment row
+  // and set zpColIdx on a row change
+  val incrementRow = Wire(Bool())
+  incrementRow := false.B
+  when(
+    ((((zpState === sZpTop || zpState === sZpSideBoth || zpState === sZpSideRight || zpState === sZpBot) &&
+      zpColIdx === zpTopLastIdx) ||
+    (zpState === sZpSideLeft  && zpColIdx === dec.xpad_0 - 1.U))&& io.canWriteMem) ||
+    zpState === sZpSideSkip) {
+    zpDestRowOffset := zpDestRowOffset + zpTopLastIdx + 1.U // count rows in one-dimentional destination matrix
+    zpRowIdx := zpRowIdx + 1.U
+    incrementRow := true.B
+    when(!zpNewFillBlock) { // column may be reset on block type change
+      when(zpState === sZpSideRight) {
+        zpColIdx := dec.xpad_0 + dec.xsize
+      }.otherwise {
+        zpColIdx := 0.U
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //increment column if it is not done on block change or row in block change
+  when(isZeroPadWrite && !zpNewFillBlock && !incrementRow) {
+    when(zpState === sZpSideBoth && zpColIdx === dec.xpad_0 - 1.U) {
+      zpColIdx := zpColIdx + dec.xsize + 1.U// skip data tensors
+    }.otherwise {
+      zpColIdx := zpColIdx + 1.U
+    }
+  }
+  io.done := zpState === sZpIdle
+  io.tensorIdx.valid := isZeroPadWrite
+  io.tensorIdx.bits := zpDestIdx
+//--- Read VME data ---
+// Read VME data. Generate Memory index and data
+// transaction TAG is a data block offset in scratchpad
+// Different transactions are identified by tag change
+class ReadVMEData(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val vmeData = Flipped(Decoupled(new VMEData))
+    val idx = Output(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+    val col = Output(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio).W))
+  })
+  io.vmeData.ready := true.B // always ready to read VME data
+  require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.tensorSizeBits)) == tp.tensorSizeBits,
+    "-F- Tensor bit size must be 2^. Using shift and bits to divide.")
+  require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.memBlockBits)) == tp.memBlockBits,
+    "-F- Tensor bit size must be 2^. Using shift and bits to divide.")
+  require(tp.tsSizeRatio >= 1,
+    "-F- Tensor bit size must equal or greater than read puls width.")
+  val blkOffsetWidth = log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio)
+  val rdDataDestCol = Wire(UInt(blkOffsetWidth.W)) // this is an index of a cl in a tensor
+  val rdDataDestIdx = Wire(UInt(M_SRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W)) // this is an index of a tensor
+  io.vmeData.ready := true.B // always ready to read VME data
+  //decode data destination
+  val vmeTagDecode = io.vmeData.bits.tag
+  val vmeTagDecodeLast = Reg(vmeTagDecode.cloneType) // store tag to identify a new burst
+  val rdDataIdx = vmeTagDecode(vmeTagDecode.getWidth - 1, blkOffsetWidth)
+  val rdDataCol = if (tp.tsSizeRatio == 1) 0.U else vmeTagDecode(blkOffsetWidth - 1, 0)
+  val rdDataDestColNext = Reg(rdDataDestCol.cloneType) // this is an index in a col in tensor
+  val rdDataDestIdxNext = Reg(UInt(M_SRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W)) // this is an index of a tensor
+  val vmeTagDecodeLastValid = Wire(Bool())
+  val vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext = RegNext(
+    next = vmeTagDecodeLastValid,
+    init = false.B)
+  when(io.start) {
+    vmeTagDecodeLastValid :=false.B // reset tag valid
+  }.elsewhen(io.vmeData.fire()) {
+    vmeTagDecodeLastValid := true.B // set tag valid on a new read
+  }.otherwise {
+    vmeTagDecodeLastValid := vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext // keep value
+  }
+  rdDataDestCol := DontCare
+  rdDataDestIdx := DontCare
+  when(io.vmeData.fire()) {
+    when (
+      !vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext ||
+      (vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext &&
+        vmeTagDecode.asUInt =/= vmeTagDecodeLast.asUInt)) {
+      vmeTagDecodeLast := vmeTagDecode // a new burst
+      rdDataDestCol := rdDataCol
+      rdDataDestIdx := rdDataIdx
+      rdDataDestColNext := rdDataCol + 1.U //increment col in tensor
+      rdDataDestIdxNext := rdDataIdx
+    }.otherwise {
+      rdDataDestCol := rdDataDestColNext //continue burst read
+      rdDataDestColNext := rdDataDestColNext + 1.U //increment col in tensor
+      rdDataDestIdx := rdDataDestIdxNext
+      when(rdDataDestCol === (tp.tsSizeRatio - 1).U) {
+        rdDataDestIdxNext := rdDataDestIdxNext + 1.U //increment tensor index
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  io.idx := rdDataDestIdx
+  io.col := rdDataDestCol
+// transaction TAG is a data block offset in scratchpad
+// Different transactions are identified by tag change
+class GenVMECmd(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val isBusy = Input(Bool())
+    val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vmeCmd = Decoupled(new VMECmd)
+    val readLen = Output(UInt((mp.lenBits + 1).W))
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+  })
+  val sizeFactor = tp.tsSizeRatio
+  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+  val rdCmdExtAddr = Reg(UInt(mp.addrBits.W)) // current address in the row
+  val maxTransfer = (1 << mp.lenBits).U // max number of blocks in transfer
+  // from old data ctrl
+  val elemBytes = tp.tensorLength * tp.tensorWidth * tp.tensorElemBits / 8 // bytes in tensor
+  val maskOffset = VecInit(Seq.fill(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS)(true.B)).asUInt
+  val xfer_init_addr = io.baddr | (maskOffset & (dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(elemBytes)))
+  val maxTrBytes = maxTransfer << (log2Ceil(mp.dataBits) - 3)
+  //Align first transfer to maxTrBytes boundary. It occures on every dec.xsize transfer
+  //all other transfers in the row will end at maxTrBytes boundary
+  val firstMaxTransfer = (maxTrBytes - rdCmdExtAddr % maxTrBytes) >> (log2Ceil(mp.dataBits) - 3)
+  //--------------------------------------
+  //--- Generate data load VME command ---
+  //--------------------------------------
+  val rdCmdStartIdxValid = Wire(Bool()) // Command is valid
+  val startIssueCmdRead = Wire(Bool()) // First transaction in dec.xsize transfer
+  val rdCmdStartIdx = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.memDepth).W)) // Scratchpad data block index for the first transaction
+  val readLen = Wire(UInt((mp.lenBits + 1).W)) // read cmd transaction length. It is <= maxTransfer
+  val commandsDone = RegInit(true.B) // Done generating VME commands
+  val stride = Wire(Bool()) // flags change to the next row to read
+  val blocksReadSize = (dec.xsize << log2Ceil(sizeFactor)) // how many blocks to read in a singl src row
+  val blocksReadNb = Reg(blocksReadSize.cloneType)
+  val rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin = Reg(UInt(mp.addrBits.W)) // starting address in the row
+  val newReadRow = Reg(Bool()) // flags the first read of dec.xsize
+  // set which source row of data to read. dec.ysize defines the number of rows
+  val srcRowIdx = Reg(UInt(dec.ysize.getWidth.W)) // current row of stride read
+  when (io.start) {
+    srcRowIdx := 0.U // 1st row
+  }.elsewhen (stride) {
+    srcRowIdx := srcRowIdx + 1.U // increment row
+  }.otherwise {
+    srcRowIdx := srcRowIdx // stay in the row
+  }
+  // set how many blocks of data being loaded
+  commandsDone := commandsDone
+  when (io.start || stride) {
+    blocksReadNb := 0.U
+    commandsDone := false.B
+  }.elsewhen (io.vmeCmd.fire()) {
+    val nextBlRNb = blocksReadNb + readLen
+    blocksReadNb := nextBlRNb // THIS IS WHEN A NEW VME CMD HAPPENS
+    when (nextBlRNb === blocksReadSize && srcRowIdx === dec.ysize - 1.U) {
+      commandsDone := true.B
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    blocksReadNb := blocksReadNb
+  }
+  //when the whole xsize row read commands send, go for the next src row
+  when((blocksReadNb === blocksReadSize - readLen) && (srcRowIdx =/= dec.ysize - 1.U) && io.vmeCmd.fire()) {
+    stride := true.B
+  }.otherwise {
+    stride := false.B
+  }
+  assert(!io.isBusy || blocksReadSize >= blocksReadNb)// define how many block to read at this cycle
+  val blocksRemained = blocksReadSize - blocksReadNb
+  when (newReadRow) {
+    when(blocksRemained < firstMaxTransfer) {
+      readLen := blocksRemained
+    }.otherwise {
+      readLen := firstMaxTransfer
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    when(blocksRemained < maxTransfer) {
+      readLen := blocksRemained
+    }.otherwise {
+      readLen := maxTransfer
+    }
+  }
+  // block index of the read data row (xsize). Modified by zero padding
+  val totalWidth = dec.xsize + dec.xpad_0 + dec.xpad_1 // width of scratchpad matrix in tensors
+  // instead of multiplying total width by ypad_0 do incremental addition.
+  //Should cost ypad_0 cycles to issue 1st read cmd
+  // counts src matrix with y padding rows of tensors
+  val currentRowIdx = Reg(UInt((dec.ysize.getWidth + dec.ypad_0.getWidth).W))
+  // start to issue read cmd
+  rdCmdStartIdxValid := currentRowIdx >= dec.ypad_0 &&
+    currentRowIdx < (dec.ysize + dec.ypad_0) &&
+    io.isBusy &&
+    !commandsDone
+  when (io.start) {
+    currentRowIdx := 0.U
+    rdCmdStartIdx := dec.sram_offset + dec.xpad_0 // this index is in tensors
+  }.elsewhen (io.isBusy && (currentRowIdx < dec.ypad_0 || stride)) {
+    rdCmdStartIdx := rdCmdStartIdx + totalWidth
+    currentRowIdx := currentRowIdx + 1.U
+  }
+  startIssueCmdRead := false.B
+  when(blocksReadNb === 0.U && rdCmdStartIdxValid) {
+    startIssueCmdRead := true.B
+  }
+  rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin := rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin
+  when (io.start) {
+    rdCmdExtAddr := xfer_init_addr
+    rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin := xfer_init_addr
+    newReadRow := true.B
+  }.elsewhen (io.vmeCmd.fire()) {
+    when(stride) {
+      val memRow = rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin + (dec.xstride << log2Ceil(elemBytes))
+      rdCmdExtAddr := memRow //  go to the next source matrix row with xstride tensors offset
+      rdCmdExtAddrRowBegin := memRow
+      newReadRow := true.B
+    }.otherwise {
+      newReadRow := false.B
+      // go to the next tranaction same continous data block
+      rdCmdExtAddr := rdCmdExtAddr + (readLen << (log2Ceil(mp.dataBits) - 3))
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    rdCmdExtAddr := rdCmdExtAddr
+    newReadRow := newReadRow
+  }
+  //-------------------------------------
+  //--- execute VME data load command ---
+  //-------------------------------------
+  require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.tensorSizeBits)) == tp.tensorSizeBits,
+    "-F- Tensor size must be 2^. Using shift and bits to divide.")
+  require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.memBlockBits)) == tp.memBlockBits,
+    "-F- Read pulsewidth must be 2^ . Using shift and bits to divide.")
+  //first log2Ceil(tp.numMemBlock) bits encode block offset in a row,
+  //then log2Ceil(tp.tensorLength) bits for a row in a tensor, then tensor index
+  val blkOffset = log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio)
+  val blkIdxWdth = log2Ceil(tp.tsSizeRatio * tp.memDepth) // the size of scratchpad in blocks
+  val rdCmdDestBlockIdx = Wire(UInt(blkIdxWdth.W)) // dataBits size block index in a scratchpad
+  val rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext = Reg(rdCmdDestBlockIdx.cloneType) // dataBits size block index in a scratchpad
+  rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext := rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext
+  rdCmdDestBlockIdx := rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext
+  // block position in a scratchpad
+  val rdCmdValid = Wire(Bool())
+  //increment scratch pad destination index
+  when(rdCmdStartIdxValid) {
+    rdCmdValid := true.B
+    when(startIssueCmdRead) {
+      rdCmdDestBlockIdx := rdCmdStartIdx << blkOffset // it is aligned by tensor size
+      rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext:= rdCmdDestBlockIdx + readLen
+    }.elsewhen (io.vmeCmd.fire()) {
+      // increment block position by transaction length
+      rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext:= rdCmdDestBlockIdxNext + readLen
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    rdCmdValid := false.B
+  }
+  if(debug) {
+    when (io.vmeCmd.fire()) {
+      printf(s"[GenVMECmd] $tensorType cmd data rdCmdDestBlockIdx:%b " +
+        s" length:%d \n",
+        rdCmdDestBlockIdx,
+        readLen)
+    }
+  }
+  // read-from-dram
+  require(io.vmeCmd.bits.tag.getWidth >= rdCmdDestBlockIdx.getWidth,
+    "-F- Not enough VME tag bits to store transaction tag.")
+  io.vmeCmd.valid := rdCmdValid
+  io.vmeCmd.bits.addr := rdCmdExtAddr
+  io.vmeCmd.bits.len := readLen - 1.U
+  assert(!io.vmeCmd.valid || ((readLen << log2Ceil(mp.dataBits/8)) <= (maxTrBytes - rdCmdExtAddr % maxTrBytes)),
+    s"-F- ${tensorType} DRAM page alignment failure. DRAM " +
+    s"address + len overlaps mp.lenBits*memBlockSize alignment %x %x",
+    rdCmdExtAddr, readLen)
+  io.vmeCmd.bits.tag := rdCmdDestBlockIdx
+  io.readLen := readLen
+  io.done := commandsDone
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadSimple.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadSimple.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ef007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadSimple.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.core
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.experimental._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.shell._
+/** TensorLoad.
+ *
+ * Load 1D and 2D tensors from main memory (DRAM) to input/weight
+ * scratchpads (SRAM). Also, there is support for zero padding, while
+ * doing the load. Zero-padding works on the y and x axis, and it is
+ * managed by TensorPadCtrl. The TensorDataCtrl is in charge of
+ * handling the way tensors are stored on the scratchpads.
+ */
+class TensorLoadSimple(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+    val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vme_rd = new VMEReadMaster
+    val tensor = new TensorClient(tensorType)
+  })
+  require(tp.numMemBlock > 0, s"-F- Unexpected data to tensor bit size ratio. ${tensorType} ${tp.numMemBlock}")
+  require(tp.splitWidth == 1 && tp.splitLength == 1, s"-F- Cannot do split direct access")
+  val sizeFactor = tp.tensorLength * tp.numMemBlock
+  val strideFactor = tp.tensorLength * tp.tensorWidth
+  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+  val dataCtrl = Module(
+    new TensorDataCtrl(tensorType, sizeFactor, strideFactor))
+  val dataCtrlDone = RegInit(false.B)
+  val yPadCtrl0 = Module(new TensorPadCtrl(padType = "YPad0", sizeFactor))
+  val yPadCtrl1 = Module(new TensorPadCtrl(padType = "YPad1", sizeFactor))
+  val xPadCtrl0 = Module(new TensorPadCtrl(padType = "XPad0", sizeFactor))
+  val xPadCtrl1 = Module(new TensorPadCtrl(padType = "XPad1", sizeFactor))
+  val tag = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.numMemBlock).W))
+  val set = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.tensorLength).W))
+  val sIdle :: sYPad0 :: sXPad0 :: sReadCmd :: sReadData :: sXPad1 :: sYPad1 :: Nil =
+    Enum(7)
+  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  // control
+  switch(state) {
+    is(sIdle) {
+      when(io.start) {
+        when(dec.ypad_0 =/= 0.U) {
+          state := sYPad0
+        }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U) {
+          state := sXPad0
+        }.otherwise {
+          state := sReadCmd
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sYPad0) {
+      when(yPadCtrl0.io.done) {
+        when(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U) {
+          state := sXPad0
+        }.otherwise {
+          assert(tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U, "-F- Should not happen mid tensor row read")
+          state := sReadCmd
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sXPad0) {
+      when(xPadCtrl0.io.done) {
+        assert(tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U, "-F- Should not happen mid tensor row read")
+        state := sReadCmd
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadCmd) {
+      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.ready) {
+        state := sReadData
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadData) {
+      when(io.vme_rd.data.valid) {
+        when(dataCtrl.io.done) {
+          when(dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+            state := sXPad1
+          }.elsewhen(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+            state := sYPad1
+          }.otherwise {
+            state := sIdle
+          }
+        }.elsewhen(dataCtrl.io.stride) {
+          when(dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+            state := sXPad1
+          }.elsewhen(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U) {
+            state := sXPad0
+          }.otherwise {
+            assert(tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U, "-F- Should not happen mid tensor row read")
+            state := sReadCmd
+          }
+        }.elsewhen(dataCtrl.io.split) {
+          state := sReadCmd
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sXPad1) {
+      when(xPadCtrl1.io.done) {
+        when(dataCtrlDone) {
+          when(dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U) {
+            state := sYPad1
+          }.otherwise {
+            state := sIdle
+          }
+        }.otherwise {
+          when(dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U) {
+            state := sXPad0
+          }.otherwise {
+            assert(tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U, "-F- Should not happen mid tensor row read")
+            state := sReadCmd
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sYPad1) {
+      when(yPadCtrl1.io.done && dataCtrlDone) {
+        state := sIdle
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // data controller
+  dataCtrl.io.start := state === sIdle & io.start
+  dataCtrl.io.inst := io.inst
+  dataCtrl.io.baddr := io.baddr
+  dataCtrl.io.xinit := io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()
+  dataCtrl.io.xupdate := io.vme_rd.data.fire()
+  dataCtrl.io.yupdate := io.vme_rd.data.fire()
+  when(state === sIdle) {
+    dataCtrlDone := false.B
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire() && dataCtrl.io.done) {
+    dataCtrlDone := true.B
+  }
+  // pad
+  yPadCtrl0.io.start := dec.ypad_0 =/= 0.U & state === sIdle & io.start
+  yPadCtrl1.io.start := dec.ypad_1 =/= 0.U &
+    ((io.vme_rd.data.fire() & dataCtrl.io.done & dec.xpad_1 === 0.U) |
+      (state === sXPad1 & xPadCtrl1.io.done & dataCtrlDone))
+  xPadCtrl0.io.start := dec.xpad_0 =/= 0.U &
+    ((state === sIdle & io.start) |
+      (state === sYPad0 & yPadCtrl0.io.done) |
+      (io.vme_rd.data.fire() & ~dataCtrlDone & dataCtrl.io.stride & dec.xpad_1 === 0.U) |
+      (state === sXPad1 & xPadCtrl1.io.done & ~dataCtrlDone))
+  xPadCtrl1.io.start := dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U & io.vme_rd.data.fire() &
+    ((dataCtrl.io.done) | (~dataCtrl.io.done & dataCtrl.io.stride & dec.xpad_1 =/= 0.U))
+  yPadCtrl0.io.inst := io.inst
+  yPadCtrl1.io.inst := io.inst
+  xPadCtrl0.io.inst := io.inst
+  xPadCtrl1.io.inst := io.inst
+  // read-from-dram
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.valid := state === sReadCmd
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.addr := dataCtrl.io.addr
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.len := dataCtrl.io.len
+  io.vme_rd.cmd.bits.tag := dec.sram_offset
+  io.vme_rd.data.ready := state === sReadData
+  // write-to-sram
+  val isZeroPad = state === sYPad0 |
+    state === sXPad0 |
+    state === sXPad1 |
+    state === sYPad1
+  when(state === sReadCmd && tag =/= (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U) { // split read inside row of mem blocks
+    tag := tag
+  }.elsewhen(state === sIdle || state === sReadCmd || tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U) {
+    tag := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_rd.data.fire() || isZeroPad) {
+    tag := tag + 1.U
+  }
+  when(state === sIdle || (dataCtrlDone && ~isZeroPad) ||
+    (set === (tp.tensorLength - 1).U && tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U)) {
+    set := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen((io.vme_rd.data.fire() || isZeroPad) && tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U) {
+    set := set + 1.U
+  }
+  val waddr_cur = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+  val waddr_nxt = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+  when(state === sIdle) {
+    waddr_cur := dec.sram_offset
+    waddr_nxt := dec.sram_offset
+  }.elsewhen((io.vme_rd.data.fire() || isZeroPad)
+    && set === (tp.tensorLength - 1).U
+    && tag === (tp.numMemBlock - 1).U)
+  {
+    waddr_cur := waddr_cur + 1.U
+  }.elsewhen(dataCtrl.io.stride && io.vme_rd.data.fire()) {
+    waddr_cur := waddr_nxt + dec.xsize
+    waddr_nxt := waddr_nxt + dec.xsize
+  }
+  val tensorFile = Seq.fill(tp.tensorLength) {
+    SyncReadMem(tp.memDepth, Vec(tp.numMemBlock, UInt(tp.memBlockBits.W)))
+  }
+  if (false) {
+    val memDumpGuard = WireInit(false.B)
+    when (memDumpGuard) {
+      for {
+        idx <- 0 until scala.math.min(64,tp.memDepth)
+        i <- 0 until tp.tensorLength} {
+        val f = (Seq.fill(tp.numMemBlock){ "%x"}).mkString(" ")
+        val s = tensorFile(i)(idx)
+        val d = Seq.tabulate(tp.numMemBlock){ j => s(j)}
+        printf(s"$tensorType: $idx $i $f\n", d:_*)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  val wmask = Seq.fill(tp.tensorLength) { Wire(Vec(tp.numMemBlock, Bool())) }
+  val wdata = Seq.fill(tp.tensorLength) {
+    Wire(Vec(tp.numMemBlock, UInt(tp.memBlockBits.W)))
+  }
+  val no_mask = Wire(Vec(tp.numMemBlock, Bool()))
+  no_mask.foreach { m =>
+    m := true.B
+  }
+  for (i <- 0 until tp.tensorLength) {
+    for (j <- 0 until tp.numMemBlock) {
+      wmask(i)(j) := tag === j.U
+      wdata(i)(j) := Mux(isZeroPad, 0.U, io.vme_rd.data.bits.data)
+    }
+    val tdata = io.tensor.wr(0).bits.data(i).asUInt.asTypeOf(wdata(i))
+    val muxWen =
+      Mux(state === sIdle,
+        io.tensor.wr(0).valid,
+        (io.vme_rd.data.fire() | isZeroPad) & set === i.U)
+    val muxWaddr = Mux(state === sIdle, io.tensor.wr(0).bits.idx, waddr_cur)
+    val muxWdata = Mux(state === sIdle, tdata, wdata(i))
+    val muxWmask = Mux(state === sIdle, no_mask, wmask(i))
+    when(muxWen) {
+      tensorFile(i).write(muxWaddr, muxWdata, muxWmask)
+    }
+  }
+  // read-from-sram
+  val rvalid = RegNext(io.tensor.rd(0).idx.valid)
+  io.tensor.rd(0).data.valid := rvalid
+  val rdata =
+    tensorFile.map(_.read(io.tensor.rd(0).idx.bits, io.tensor.rd(0).idx.valid))
+  rdata.zipWithIndex.foreach {
+    case (r, i) =>
+      io.tensor.rd(0).data.bits(i) := r.asUInt.asTypeOf(io.tensor.rd(0).data.bits(i))
+  }
+  // done
+  val done_no_pad = io.vme_rd.data.fire() & dataCtrl.io.done & dec.xpad_1 === 0.U & dec.ypad_1 === 0.U
+  val done_x_pad = state === sXPad1 & xPadCtrl1.io.done & dataCtrlDone & dec.ypad_1 === 0.U
+  val done_y_pad = state === sYPad1 & dataCtrlDone & yPadCtrl1.io.done
+  io.done := done_no_pad | done_x_pad | done_y_pad
+  // debug
+  if (debug) {
+    if (tensorType == "inp") {
+      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] cmd addr:%x len:%x\n",
+          dataCtrl.io.addr,
+          dataCtrl.io.len)
+      }
+      when(state === sYPad0) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] sYPad0\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sYPad1) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] sYPad1\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sXPad0) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] sXPad0\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sXPad1) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [inp] sXPad1\n")
+      }
+    } else if (tensorType == "wgt") {
+      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] cmd addr:%x len:%x\n",
+          dataCtrl.io.addr,
+          dataCtrl.io.len)
+      }
+      when(state === sYPad0) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] sYPad0\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sYPad1) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] sYPad1\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sXPad0) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] sXPad0\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sXPad1) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [wgt] sXPad1\n")
+      }
+    } else if (tensorType == "acc") {
+      when(io.vme_rd.cmd.fire()) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] cmd addr:%x len:%x\n",
+          dataCtrl.io.addr,
+          dataCtrl.io.len)
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc info] dec.xsize: %d, dec.ysize: %d, dec.xstride: %d\n",
+          dec.xsize, dec.ysize, dec.xstride)
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc i2fo] dec.xpad_1: %d dec.xpad_0: %d dec.ypad_1: %d dec.ypad_0: %d\n",
+          dec.xpad_1, dec.xpad_0, dec.ypad_1, dec.ypad_0)
+        printf("tp.tensorLength: %d, tp.numMemBlock: %d, tp.tensorLength: %d, tp.tensorWidth: %d\n",
+          tp.tensorLength.U, tp.numMemBlock.U, tp.tensorLength.U, tp.tensorWidth.U)
+      }
+      when(state === sYPad0) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] sYPad0\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sYPad1) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] sYPad1\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sXPad0) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] sXPad0\n")
+      }
+      when(state === sXPad1) {
+        printf("[TensorLoad] [acc] sXPad1\n")
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadWideVME.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadWideVME.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f50530a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorLoadWideVME.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.core
+import scala.math.pow
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.shell._
+/** TensorLoad.
+ *
+ * Load Cachelines from main memory (DRAM) into SRAM
+ * Mux Cachelines to tensor size memory blocks in
+ * scratchpads (SRAM). Also, there is support for zero padding, while
+ * doing the load. Zero-padding works on the y and x axis, and it is
+ * managed by ZeroPadding.
+ * Read tensors from SRAM.
+ * banks number (BN) = CachLineSize (CS) / Tensor bit size (TS)
+ * the number of banks is pow of 2
+ * Scratchpad: Seq(BN) {Mem(TensorsNb/BN, TS)}
+ * Cacheline: Vec(BN,CS/BN)
+ * Load:
+ *          Scratchpad
+ *       bank1      bank2
+ *         |          |
+ *        ---        ---
+ * wmask-/   \     -/   \
+ *       -----      -----
+ *        | |        | |
+ *  c     | |        | |
+ *  a  -----|--------  |
+ *  c       |          |
+ *  h       |          |
+ *  e       |          |
+ *  l       |          |
+ *  i ------------------
+ *  n
+ *  e
+ */
+class TensorLoadWideVME(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+    val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vme_rd = new VMEReadMaster
+    val tensor = new TensorClient(tensorType)
+  })
+  // the delay cycles of write pipe. Needed to deliver singal over physical distance
+  val writePipeLatency = tp.writePipeLatency
+  val sIdle :: sBusy :: Nil =
+    Enum(2)
+  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  val isBusy = state === sBusy
+  val localDone = Wire(Bool())
+  when(io.start) {
+    state := sBusy
+  }.elsewhen(localDone) {
+    state := sIdle
+  }
+  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+  val readVMEDataLatency = tp.readVMEDataLatency
+  val vmeDataBitsPipe = ShiftRegister(io.vme_rd.data.bits, readVMEDataLatency, en = true.B)
+  val vmeDataValidPipe = ShiftRegister(io.vme_rd.data.valid, readVMEDataLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
+  val vmeDataReadyPipe = ShiftRegister(io.vme_rd.data.ready, readVMEDataLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B)
+  val vmeDataFirePipe = vmeDataValidPipe & vmeDataReadyPipe
+  //--------------------------------------
+  //--- Generate data load VME command ---
+  //--------------------------------------
+  val vmeCmd = Module (new GenVMECmdWideTL(tensorType, debug))
+  vmeCmd.io.start := io.start
+  vmeCmd.io.isBusy := isBusy
+  vmeCmd.io.inst := io.inst
+  vmeCmd.io.baddr := io.baddr
+  vmeCmd.io.vmeCmd <> io.vme_rd.cmd
+  val readLen = vmeCmd.io.readLen
+  val commandsDone = vmeCmd.io.done
+  require (mp.dataBits >= tp.tensorSizeBits,
+    "-F- Chacheline width must be larger than tensor bit size")
+  require(pow(2, log2Ceil(mp.dataBits)) == mp.dataBits,
+    "-F- Chacheline width must be pow of 2")
+  require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.tensorSizeBits)) == tp.tensorSizeBits,
+    "-F- Tensor size bits must be pow of 2")
+  // me mux puts tensors in a single memory line of Cacheline (CL) bits
+  val tensorsInClNb = tp.clSizeRatio
+  val tensorsInClNbWidth = log2Ceil(tensorsInClNb)
+  //--------------------------------------
+  //--- count how many CLs not receved ---
+  //--------------------------------------
+  // the address size of scratchpad memory
+  val clCntIdxWdth = log2Ceil(tp.memDepth/tensorsInClNb) + 1
+  // Nb of CLs requestd, not received.
+  val clInFlight = Reg(UInt(clCntIdxWdth.W))
+  when(io.start) {
+    clInFlight := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && !vmeDataFirePipe) {
+    clInFlight := clInFlight + readLen
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && vmeDataFirePipe) {
+    clInFlight := clInFlight + readLen - 1.U
+  }.elsewhen(isBusy && !io.vme_rd.cmd.fire() && vmeDataFirePipe) {
+    assert(clInFlight > 0.U)
+    clInFlight := clInFlight - 1.U
+  }.otherwise {
+    clInFlight := clInFlight
+  }
+  //---------------------
+  //--- Read VME data ---
+  //---------------------
+  val readData = Module(new ReadVMEDataWide(tensorType, debug))
+  readData.io.start := io.start
+  readData.io.vmeData.valid := vmeDataValidPipe
+  readData.io.vmeData.bits := vmeDataBitsPipe
+  assert(!readData.io.vmeData.valid || readData.io.vmeData.ready,
+    "-F- Expecting const ready. Fix ReadVMEData to receive data piped after ready")
+  io.vme_rd.data.ready := readData.io.vmeData.ready
+  // write mask defined number of elems strating with offset in SRAM line
+  val rdDataWrIdx  = readData.io.destIdx // SP index vector
+  val rdDataWrData = readData.io.destData // SP data vector
+  val rdDataWrEn   = readData.io.destMask // write enable vector
+  //-------------------------
+  //--- Fill zero padding ---
+  //-------------------------
+  val fillPadding = Module(new ZeroPadding(tensorType, debug))
+  fillPadding.io.canWriteMem := !vmeDataFirePipe
+  fillPadding.io.inst := io.inst
+  fillPadding.io.start := io.start
+  val isZeroPadWrite = fillPadding.io.tensorIdx.valid // Store zero filled tensor, zpDestIdx is valid
+  val zpDestIdx = fillPadding.io.tensorIdx.bits >>  tensorsInClNbWidth // SP idx
+  val zpDestMask =
+    if (tensorsInClNb == 1) 1.U
+    else  UIntToOH(fillPadding.io.tensorIdx.bits (tensorsInClNbWidth - 1, 0)) // tensor in a memory line
+  val paddingDone = fillPadding.io.done
+  //--------------------
+  //--- Write memory ---
+  //--------------------
+  // depth is reduced by dataBlock/tensorSize ratio
+  // width is dataBlock bits split into tensor bits
+  // each tensor is split into group bits
+  // group bits can be read/written independently
+  val splitDataFactor = tp.splitWidth * tp.splitLength
+  val splitMemFactor = tp.splitMemsFactor
+  val groupSizeBits = tp.tensorSizeBits/splitDataFactor
+  val memSizeBits = groupSizeBits/splitMemFactor
+  val tensorFile = Seq.fill(tensorsInClNb * splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor) {
+    SyncReadMem(tp.memDepth/tensorsInClNb, UInt(memSizeBits.W))
+  }
+  // direct write
+  val directWrIdx = for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
+    io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).bits.idx >> tensorsInClNbWidth // SP idx
+  }
+  val directWrMask = for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
+    Mux(
+      io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).valid,
+      if(tensorsInClNb == 1) 1.U
+      else UIntToOH(io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).bits.idx(tensorsInClNbWidth - 1, 0)),// tensor in a memory line
+      0.U)
+  }
+  // THIS directWrData writes continous scratchpad data space
+  // It is WRONG for ACC is batch is > 1
+  // maps group data bits to continous sequence of mem blocks
+  // but wr(x).bits.data is a window in a tensor
+  val directWrData = VecInit(for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
+    io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).bits.data
+  }).asTypeOf(UInt(tp.tensorSizeBits.W))
+  val wmask = Wire(Vec(tensorsInClNb*splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor, Bool()))
+  for (i <- 0 until tensorsInClNb) {
+    for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
+      for (memIdx <- 0 until splitMemFactor) { // duplicate control
+        wmask(i*splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor + grpIdx * splitMemFactor + memIdx) :=
+          Mux(
+            ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
+            directWrMask(grpIdx)(i),
+            Mux(
+              ShiftRegister(isZeroPadWrite, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B),
+              ShiftRegister(zpDestMask(i), writePipeLatency),
+              Mux(
+                ShiftRegister(vmeDataFirePipe, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B),
+                ShiftRegister(rdDataWrEn(i), writePipeLatency),
+                false.B)))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  val wdata = Wire(Vec(tensorsInClNb*splitDataFactor, UInt(groupSizeBits.W)))
+  for (i <- 0 until tensorsInClNb){
+    for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
+      val zpDestData = 0.U
+      wdata(i*splitDataFactor + grpIdx) := Mux(
+        ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
+        io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).bits.data.asTypeOf(UInt(groupSizeBits.W)),
+        Mux(
+          ShiftRegister(isZeroPadWrite, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B),
+          ShiftRegister(zpDestData /* group size zero */, writePipeLatency),
+          ShiftRegister(
+            (rdDataWrData(i).asTypeOf(Vec(splitDataFactor, UInt(groupSizeBits.W))))(grpIdx), writePipeLatency)))
+    }
+  }
+  val widx = Wire(Vec(tensorsInClNb*splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor, UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W)))
+  for (i <- 0 until tensorsInClNb) {
+    for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
+      for (memIdx <- 0 until splitMemFactor) { // duplicate control
+        widx(i*splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor + grpIdx * splitMemFactor + memIdx) :=
+          Mux(
+            ShiftRegister(state === sIdle, writePipeLatency, resetData = true.B, en = true.B),
+            directWrIdx(grpIdx),
+            Mux(
+              ShiftRegister(isZeroPadWrite, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B),
+              ShiftRegister(zpDestIdx, writePipeLatency),
+              ShiftRegister(rdDataWrIdx(i), writePipeLatency)))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (i <- 0 until tensorsInClNb) {
+    for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
+      for (memIdx <- 0 until splitMemFactor) { // duplicate control
+        when(wmask(i*splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor + grpIdx * splitMemFactor + memIdx)) {
+          tensorFile(i*splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor + grpIdx * splitMemFactor + memIdx).write(
+            widx(i*splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor + grpIdx * splitMemFactor + memIdx),
+            wdata(i*splitDataFactor + grpIdx).asTypeOf(
+              Vec(splitMemFactor, UInt(memSizeBits.W)))(memIdx))
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (debug) {
+    when(isZeroPadWrite) {
+      printf(s"[TensorLoad] $tensorType isZeroPadWrite data zpDestIdx:%d\n",
+        zpDestIdx)
+    }
+  }
+  // read-from-sram
+  for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
+    val rIdx = io.tensor.rd(grpIdx).idx.bits >> tensorsInClNbWidth // SP idx
+    val rMask =
+      Mux(
+        io.tensor.rd(grpIdx).idx.valid,
+        if(tensorsInClNb == 1) 1.U
+        else UIntToOH(io.tensor.rd(grpIdx).idx.bits(tensorsInClNbWidth - 1, 0)),// tensor in a memory line
+        0.U)
+    val rdataVec =   for (i <- 0 until tensorsInClNb) yield {
+      VecInit(for (memIdx <- 0 until splitMemFactor) yield {
+        tensorFile(
+          i*splitDataFactor*splitMemFactor + grpIdx * splitMemFactor + memIdx).read(
+            ShiftRegister(rIdx, tp.readTensorLatency),
+            ShiftRegister(VecInit(rMask.asBools)(i), tp.readTensorLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B))
+      }).asUInt
+    }
+    val rdata = Wire(UInt(tp.tensorSizeBits.W))
+    rdata := Mux1H(ShiftRegister(rMask, tp.readTensorLatency + 1), rdataVec)
+    io.tensor.rd(grpIdx).data.bits := rdata.asTypeOf(io.tensor.rd(grpIdx).data.bits.cloneType)
+    val rvalid = ShiftRegister(
+      io.tensor.rd(grpIdx).idx.valid, tp.readTensorLatency + 1, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
+    io.tensor.rd(grpIdx).data.valid := rvalid
+  }
+  // done
+  val loadDone = clInFlight === 0.U && commandsDone && state === sBusy
+  localDone := loadDone && paddingDone
+  io.done := ShiftRegister(localDone, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
+//--- Read VME data ---
+// Read VME data. Generate Memory index and data
+// transaction TAG is a data block offset in scratchpad
+// Different transactions are identified by atag change
+class ReadVMEDataWide(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val wmaskWidth = mp.dataBits/tp.tensorSizeBits
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val vmeData = Flipped(Decoupled(new VMEData))
+    val destIdx  = Output(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W)))
+    val destData = Output(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(tp.tensorSizeBits.W)))
+    val destMask = Output(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, Bool()))
+  })
+  io.vmeData.ready := true.B // always ready to read VME data
+  require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.tensorLength)) == tp.tensorLength,
+    "-F- Tensor length must be 2^. Using shift and bits to divide.")
+  val blkIdxWdth = log2Ceil(tp.memDepth) // the size of scratchpad in cache lines
+  //decode data destination
+  val vmeTagDecode = io.vmeData.bits.tag
+  val vmeTagDecodeLast = Reg(vmeTagDecode.cloneType) // store tag to identify a new burst
+  val clBytes = mp.dataBits / 8 // cacheline bytes
+  val elemBytes = tp.tensorLength * tp.tensorWidth * tp.tensorElemBits / 8 // bytes in tensor
+  val rdDataMaskDecodeWidth = if (wmaskWidth == 1) 1 else (log2Ceil(wmaskWidth) + 1)
+  val rdDataElemIdx = vmeTagDecode(vmeTagDecode.getWidth - 1, 2 * rdDataMaskDecodeWidth)
+  val rdFstOffsetNb = if (rdDataMaskDecodeWidth == 0) {
+    0.U
+  } else {
+    val readOffset  = vmeTagDecode(2 * rdDataMaskDecodeWidth - 1, rdDataMaskDecodeWidth)
+    readOffset
+  }
+  val rdLstNb = if (rdDataMaskDecodeWidth == 0) {
+    1.U
+  } else {
+    val readNb  = vmeTagDecode(rdDataMaskDecodeWidth - 1, 0)
+    assert(!io.vmeData.valid || readNb > 0.U,"-F- Expecting some elements to read")
+    readNb
+  }
+  val wrMask1st = if (rdDataMaskDecodeWidth == 0) {
+    1.U
+  } else {
+    Reverse(VecInit(for(idx <- 0 until wmaskWidth) yield {
+      idx.U < tp.clSizeRatio.U - rdFstOffsetNb
+    }).asUInt)
+  }
+  val wrMaskLast = if (rdDataMaskDecodeWidth == 0) {
+    1.U
+  } else {
+    VecInit(for(idx <- 0 until wmaskWidth) yield {
+      idx.U < rdLstNb
+    }).asUInt
+  }
+  val rdDataElemDestIdx = Wire(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W)) // this is an idx  of a tensor
+  val rdDataElemDestIdxNext = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+  val rdDataClDestIdx = rdDataElemDestIdx >> log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio)
+  val rdDataDestElemOffset = rdDataElemDestIdx % tp.clSizeRatio.U
+  val vmeTagDecodeLastValid = Wire(Bool())
+  val vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext = RegNext(
+    next = vmeTagDecodeLastValid,
+    init = false.B)
+  when(io.start) {
+    vmeTagDecodeLastValid :=false.B // reset tag valid
+  }.elsewhen(io.vmeData.fire()) {
+    vmeTagDecodeLastValid := true.B // set tag valid on a new read
+  }.otherwise {
+    vmeTagDecodeLastValid := vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext // keep value
+  }
+  val isFirstPulse = Wire(Bool())
+  val isLastPulse = io.vmeData.bits.last
+  val wmaskSel =
+    Mux(
+      isFirstPulse && isLastPulse,
+      wrMask1st & wrMaskLast,
+      Mux(
+        isFirstPulse,
+        wrMask1st,
+        Mux(
+          isLastPulse,
+          wrMaskLast,
+          ((1 << wmaskWidth) - 1).U)))
+  val wmask = Mux(io.vmeData.fire(), wmaskSel, 0.U)
+  rdDataElemDestIdx := DontCare
+  isFirstPulse := false.B
+  when(io.vmeData.fire()) {
+    when (
+      !vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext ||
+      (vmeTagDecodeLastValidNext &&
+        vmeTagDecode.asUInt =/= vmeTagDecodeLast.asUInt)) {
+      vmeTagDecodeLast := vmeTagDecode // a new burst
+      isFirstPulse := true.B
+      rdDataElemDestIdx := rdDataElemIdx
+      // dont incrememt first partial read pulse
+      rdDataElemDestIdxNext := rdDataElemIdx + PopCount(wmask)
+    }.otherwise {
+      rdDataElemDestIdxNext := rdDataElemDestIdxNext + PopCount(wmask)
+      rdDataElemDestIdx := rdDataElemDestIdxNext
+    }
+  }
+  val srcData  = io.vmeData.bits.data.asTypeOf(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(tp.tensorSizeBits.W)))
+  val srcOffset = Wire(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt((log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio) + 1).W)))
+  val srcIdx = Wire(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio).W)))
+  // D(j+d) = S(j+s)  replace i=j+d --> D(i) = S(i-d+s)
+  for (i <- 0 until tp.clSizeRatio) {
+    srcOffset(i) := i.U + Mux(isFirstPulse, rdFstOffsetNb, 0.U)
+    srcIdx(i) := srcOffset(i) -% rdDataDestElemOffset
+    val srcIdxOH = UIntToOH(srcIdx(i))
+    io.destData(i) := Mux1H(srcIdxOH,srcData)
+    io.destMask(i) := Mux1H(srcIdxOH, wmask)
+    //if dest offset overflow, incr that dest idx
+    val incrIdx = if (tp.clSizeRatio == 1 ) {
+      0.U
+    } else {
+      Mux(srcOffset(i) >= rdDataDestElemOffset, 0.U, 1.U)
+    }
+    io.destIdx(i) := rdDataClDestIdx + incrIdx
+  }
+// transaction TAG is a data block offset in scratchpad
+// Different transactions are identified by atag change
+class GenVMECmdWide(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val isBusy = Input(Bool())
+    val updateState = Input(Bool())
+    val canSendCmd = Input(Bool())
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vmeCmd = Decoupled(new VMECmd)
+    val readLen = Output(UInt((mp.lenBits + 1).W))
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+    val fstPulseDataStart = Output(UInt((log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio) + 1).W))
+    val lstPulseDataEnd = Output(UInt((log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio) + 1).W))
+    val spElemIdx = Output(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+    val ysize = Input(UInt(M_SIZE_BITS.W))
+    val xsize = Input(UInt(M_SIZE_BITS.W))
+    val xstride = Input(UInt(M_STRIDE_BITS.W))
+    val dram_offset = Input(UInt(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W))
+    val sram_offset = Input(UInt(M_SRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W))
+    val xpad_0 = Input(UInt(M_PAD_BITS.W))
+    val xpad_1 = Input(UInt(M_PAD_BITS.W))
+    val ypad_0 = Input(UInt(M_PAD_BITS.W))
+  })
+  val clBytes = mp.dataBits / 8 // cacheline bytes
+  val elemBytes = tp.tensorLength * tp.tensorWidth * tp.tensorElemBits / 8 // bytes in tensor
+  val stride = Wire(Bool()) // flags change to the next row to read
+  //----------------------------------------
+  //--- Count lines of DRAM memory lines ---
+  //----------------------------------------
+  // set which source row of data to read. io.ysize defines the number of rows
+  val dramLineIdx = Reg(UInt(io.ysize.getWidth.W)) // current row of stride read
+  when (io.start) {
+    dramLineIdx := 0.U // 1st row
+  }.elsewhen (stride) {
+    dramLineIdx := dramLineIdx + 1.U // increment row
+  }.otherwise {
+    dramLineIdx := dramLineIdx // stay in the row
+  }
+  // calculate address of DRAM memory line begin (initial/stride)
+  val maskOffset = VecInit(Seq.fill(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS)(true.B)).asUInt
+  val dramInitialAddr = (io.dram_offset << log2Ceil(elemBytes)).asTypeOf(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+  val xferElemInitAddr = io.baddr | dramInitialAddr // SHOULD have + here?
+  //aling address to CL size
+  // lower bits - elem offset in a cachline
+  val dramClAddrAlignNotMask = ((BigInt(1) << log2Ceil(clBytes)) - 1).U.asTypeOf(xferElemInitAddr)
+  // upper bits - cacheline alinement
+  val dramClAddrAlignMask = ~dramClAddrAlignNotMask
+  val xferClInitAddr = xferElemInitAddr & dramClAddrAlignMask
+  val rdLineElemBeginAddr = Reg(UInt(mp.addrBits.W)) // DRAM address of xsize tensors memory line
+  val rdLineClBeginAddr = rdLineElemBeginAddr & dramClAddrAlignMask
+  // begin of the next DRAM memory line
+  val nextLineBeginElemAddr = rdLineElemBeginAddr + (io.xstride << log2Ceil(elemBytes))
+  val nextLineBeginClAddr = nextLineBeginElemAddr & dramClAddrAlignMask
+  when (io.start) {
+    rdLineElemBeginAddr := xferElemInitAddr
+  }.elsewhen (stride) {
+    rdLineElemBeginAddr := nextLineBeginElemAddr
+  }.otherwise {
+    rdLineElemBeginAddr := rdLineElemBeginAddr
+  }
+  //-----------------------------------------------------
+  //--- Calculate current DRAM address of transaction ---
+  //-----------------------------------------------------
+  val rdLen = Wire(UInt((mp.lenBits + 1).W)) // read cmd transaction length. It is <= maxTransfer
+  val rdLineAddr = Reg(UInt(mp.addrBits.W)) // current DRAM address of command
+  when (io.start) {
+    rdLineAddr := xferClInitAddr
+  }.elsewhen (io.updateState) {
+    when(stride) {
+      rdLineAddr := nextLineBeginClAddr
+    }.otherwise {
+      rdLineAddr := rdLineAddr + (rdLen << log2Ceil(clBytes))
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    rdLineAddr := rdLineAddr
+  }
+  //total load length in cachelines
+  val rdLineBytes = io.xsize << log2Ceil(elemBytes)
+  //First transaction in a line length (1st or stride)
+  val maxTransfer = (1 << mp.lenBits).U // max number of pulses in transfer
+  val maxTrBytes = maxTransfer << log2Ceil(clBytes)
+  val rdLen1stMaxTransBytes = maxTrBytes - rdLineClBeginAddr % maxTrBytes
+  // get the number of cachelines till maxTrBytes aligned address
+  val rdLen1stMaxTransClNb = rdLen1stMaxTransBytes >> log2Ceil(clBytes)
+  //Transaction begin mask. Number of tensors to read from right
+  val rd1stPulseOffsetBytes = rdLineElemBeginAddr % clBytes.U
+  assert(rd1stPulseOffsetBytes >> log2Ceil(elemBytes) <= tp.clSizeRatio.U,
+    "-F- Expecting the number of tensors to skip in CL")
+  val rd1stPulseOffsetTensNb =  Wire(UInt((log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio) + 1).W))
+  rd1stPulseOffsetTensNb := rd1stPulseOffsetBytes >> log2Ceil(elemBytes)
+  val rdLineClNbTmp = (rdLineBytes + rd1stPulseOffsetBytes) >> log2Ceil(clBytes)
+  val rdLineClNb =
+    Mux((rdLineBytes + rd1stPulseOffsetBytes) % clBytes.U === 0.U, rdLineClNbTmp, rdLineClNbTmp + 1.U)
+  //Transaction end mask. Number of tensors to read from left
+  val rdLastPulseBytes =  (rdLineElemBeginAddr + rdLineBytes) % clBytes.U
+  assert(rdLastPulseBytes >> log2Ceil(elemBytes) <= (clBytes/elemBytes).U,
+    "-F- Expecting the number of active tensors in CL")
+  val rdLastPulseTensNb =  Wire(UInt((log2Ceil(clBytes/elemBytes) + 1).W))
+  val rdLastPulseTensNbTmp =  rdLastPulseBytes >> log2Ceil(elemBytes)
+  rdLastPulseTensNb :=  Mux(rdLastPulseTensNbTmp === 0.U, (clBytes/elemBytes).U, rdLastPulseTensNbTmp)
+  //--------------------------------------
+  //--- Generate data load VME command ---
+  //--------------------------------------
+  val rdCmdStartIdxValid = Wire(Bool()) // Command is valid
+  val startIssueCmdRead = Wire(Bool()) // First transaction in io.xsize transfer
+  val rdCmdStartIdx = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.memDepth).W)) // Scratchpad data block index for the first transaction
+  val commandsDone = RegInit(true.B) // Done generating VME commands
+  // counts the number of CLs read in a xsize line
+  val clReadIdx = Reg(UInt((io.xsize.getWidth + log2Ceil(elemBytes) - log2Ceil(clBytes)).W))
+  val newReadRow = clReadIdx === 0.U // flags the first read of io.xsize
+  // set how many blocks of data being loaded
+  commandsDone := commandsDone
+  when (io.start || stride) {
+    clReadIdx := 0.U
+    commandsDone := false.B
+  }.elsewhen (io.updateState) {
+    val nextClIdx = clReadIdx + rdLen
+    clReadIdx := nextClIdx // THIS IS WHEN A NEW VME CMD HAPPENS
+    when (nextClIdx === rdLineClNb && dramLineIdx === io.ysize - 1.U) {
+      commandsDone := true.B
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    clReadIdx := clReadIdx
+  }
+  //when the whole xsize row read commands are sent, go for the next src row
+  when((clReadIdx === rdLineClNb - rdLen) && (dramLineIdx =/= io.ysize - 1.U) && io.updateState) {
+    stride := true.B
+  }.otherwise {
+    stride := false.B
+  }
+  // current transaction tensors to read nb in 1st and last pulses
+  val rdCmd1stPluseOffsetTensNb = Wire(rd1stPulseOffsetTensNb.cloneType)
+  val rdCmdLastPluseTensNb = Wire(rdLastPulseTensNb.cloneType)
+  when(newReadRow) {
+    // first read in line
+    rdCmd1stPluseOffsetTensNb := rd1stPulseOffsetTensNb
+  }.otherwise {
+    // any other read
+    rdCmd1stPluseOffsetTensNb := 0.U
+  }
+  when (clReadIdx === rdLineClNb - rdLen) {
+    // last read in line
+    rdCmdLastPluseTensNb := rdLastPulseTensNb
+  }.otherwise {
+    // any other read
+    rdCmdLastPluseTensNb := (clBytes/elemBytes).U
+  }
+  //when the whole xsize row read commands are sent, go for the next src row
+  when((clReadIdx === rdLineClNb - rdLen) && (dramLineIdx =/= io.ysize - 1.U) && io.updateState) {
+    stride := true.B
+  }.otherwise {
+    stride := false.B
+  }
+  assert(!io.isBusy || rdLineClNb >= clReadIdx)// define how many cachelines to read at this cycle
+  val clRemained = rdLineClNb - clReadIdx
+  when (newReadRow) {
+    when(clRemained < rdLen1stMaxTransClNb) {
+      rdLen := clRemained
+    }.otherwise {
+      rdLen := rdLen1stMaxTransClNb
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    when(clRemained < maxTransfer) {
+      rdLen := clRemained
+    }.otherwise {
+      rdLen := maxTransfer
+    }
+  }
+  // block index of the read data row (xsize). Modified by zero padding
+  val totalWidth = io.xsize + io.xpad_0 + io.xpad_1 // width of scratchpad matrix in tensors
+  // instead of multiplying total width by ypad_0 do incremental addition.
+  //Should cost ypad_0 cycles to issue 1st read cmd
+  // counts src matrix with y padding rows of tensors
+  val currentRowIdx = Reg(UInt((io.ysize.getWidth + io.ypad_0.getWidth).W))
+  // start to issue read cmd
+  rdCmdStartIdxValid := currentRowIdx >= io.ypad_0 &&
+    currentRowIdx < (io.ysize + io.ypad_0) &&
+    io.isBusy &&
+    !commandsDone
+  when (io.start) {
+    currentRowIdx := 0.U
+    rdCmdStartIdx := io.sram_offset + io.xpad_0 // this index is in tensors
+  }.elsewhen (io.isBusy && (currentRowIdx < io.ypad_0 || stride)) {
+    rdCmdStartIdx := rdCmdStartIdx + totalWidth
+    currentRowIdx := currentRowIdx + 1.U
+  }
+  startIssueCmdRead := false.B
+  when(newReadRow && rdCmdStartIdxValid) {
+    startIssueCmdRead := true.B
+  }
+  //-------------------------------------
+  //--- execute VME data load command ---
+  //-------------------------------------
+  require(pow(2, log2Ceil(tp.tensorLength)) == tp.tensorLength,
+    "-F- Tensor length must be 2^. Using shift and bits to divide.")
+  val blkIdxWdth = log2Ceil(tp.memDepth) // the size of scratchpad
+  val rdCmdDestElemIdx = Wire(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W)) // element(tensor) size block index in a scratchpad
+  val rdCmdDestElemIdxNext = Reg(rdCmdDestElemIdx.cloneType)
+  rdCmdDestElemIdxNext := rdCmdDestElemIdxNext
+  rdCmdDestElemIdx := rdCmdDestElemIdxNext
+  val rdCmdValid = Wire(Bool())
+  // the number of tensors read in transaction
+  val rdCmdTransactionTensNb = (rdLen << log2Ceil(clBytes/elemBytes)) - rdCmd1stPluseOffsetTensNb
+  //increment scratch pad destination index
+  when(rdCmdStartIdxValid) {
+    rdCmdValid := true.B
+    when(startIssueCmdRead) {
+      rdCmdDestElemIdx := rdCmdStartIdx
+      rdCmdDestElemIdxNext:= rdCmdStartIdx + rdCmdTransactionTensNb
+    }.elsewhen (io.updateState) {
+      // increment block position by transaction length
+      rdCmdDestElemIdxNext:= rdCmdDestElemIdxNext + rdCmdTransactionTensNb
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    rdCmdValid := false.B
+  }
+  // read-from-dram
+  require(io.vmeCmd.bits.tag.getWidth >= rdCmdDestElemIdx.getWidth +
+    rdCmdLastPluseTensNb.getWidth + rdCmd1stPluseOffsetTensNb.getWidth,
+    s"-F- Tensor ${tensorType} Not enough VME tag bits to store transaction" +
+    s" tag. need:${rdCmdDestElemIdx.getWidth + rdCmdLastPluseTensNb.getWidth + rdCmd1stPluseOffsetTensNb.getWidth}")
+  io.vmeCmd.valid := rdCmdValid && io.canSendCmd
+  io.vmeCmd.bits.addr := rdLineAddr
+  io.vmeCmd.bits.len := rdLen - 1.U
+  assert(!io.vmeCmd.valid || ((rdLen << log2Ceil(clBytes)) <= maxTrBytes - rdLineAddr % maxTrBytes),
+    s"-F- ${tensorType} DRAM page alignment failure. DRAM " +
+    s"address + len overlaps mp.lenBits*memBlockSize alignment %x %x",
+    rdLineAddr, rdLen)
+  io.vmeCmd.bits.tag := Cat(rdCmdDestElemIdx, Cat(rdCmd1stPluseOffsetTensNb, rdCmdLastPluseTensNb))
+  io.readLen := rdLen
+  io.spElemIdx := rdCmdDestElemIdx // scratchpad tensor idx
+  io.fstPulseDataStart := rdCmd1stPluseOffsetTensNb // first pulse data start
+  io.lstPulseDataEnd := rdCmdLastPluseTensNb // last pulse data end
+  io.done := commandsDone
+class GenVMECmdWideTL(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val isBusy = Input(Bool())
+    val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vmeCmd = Decoupled(new VMECmd)
+    val readLen = Output(UInt((mp.lenBits + 1).W))
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+  })
+  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+  val cmdGen = Module (new GenVMECmdWide(tensorType, debug))
+  cmdGen.io.start := io.start
+  cmdGen.io.isBusy := io.isBusy
+  cmdGen.io.baddr := io.baddr
+  io.vmeCmd <> cmdGen.io.vmeCmd
+  io.readLen :=  cmdGen.io.readLen
+  io.done :=  cmdGen.io.done
+  cmdGen.io.ysize := dec.ysize
+  cmdGen.io.xsize := dec.xsize
+  cmdGen.io.xstride := dec.xstride
+  cmdGen.io.dram_offset := dec.dram_offset
+  cmdGen.io.sram_offset := dec.sram_offset
+  cmdGen.io.xpad_0 := dec.xpad_0
+  cmdGen.io.xpad_1 := dec.xpad_1
+  cmdGen.io.ypad_0 := dec.ypad_0
+  cmdGen.io.updateState := io.vmeCmd.fire()
+  cmdGen.io.canSendCmd := true.B
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStore.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStore.scala
index f1556ef..99bffa6 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStore.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStore.scala
@@ -41,228 +41,22 @@
     val vme_wr = new VMEWriteMaster
     val tensor = new TensorClient(tensorType)
-  val tensorLength = tp.tensorLength
-  val tensorWidth = tp.tensorWidth
-  val tensorElemBits = tp.tensorElemBits
-  val memBlockBits = tp.memBlockBits
-  val memDepth = tp.memDepth
-  val numMemBlock = tp.numMemBlock
-  require(numMemBlock > 0, s"-F- TensorStore doesnt support pulse width" +
-    s"wider than tensor width. Needed for stride support tensorWidth=${tensorWidth}")
-  require(tp.splitWidth == 1 && tp.splitLength == 1, s"-F- ${tensorType} Cannot do split direct access")
-  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
-  val waddr_cur = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.addr))
-  val waddr_nxt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.addr))
-  val xcnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.len))
-  val xlen = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.len))
-  val xrem = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.xsize))
-  val xsize = (dec.xsize << log2Ceil(tensorLength * numMemBlock))
-  val xmax = (1 << mp.lenBits).U
-  val xmax_bytes = ((1 << mp.lenBits) * mp.dataBits / 8).U
-  val ycnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.ysize))
-  val ysize = dec.ysize
-  val tag = Reg(UInt(8.W))
-  val set = Reg(UInt(8.W))
+  override def desiredName = "TensorStore" + tensorType.capitalize
-  val xfer_bytes = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.addr))
-  val xstride_bytes = dec.xstride << log2Ceil(tensorLength * tensorWidth)
-  val maskOffset = VecInit(Seq.fill(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS)(true.B)).asUInt
-  val elemBytes = (p(CoreKey).batch * p(CoreKey).blockOut * p(CoreKey).outBits) / 8
-  val pulse_bytes_bits = log2Ceil(mp.dataBits >> 3)
+  val forceSimpleStore = false // force original store flow. Narrow it is
-  val xfer_init_addr = io.baddr | (maskOffset & (dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(elemBytes)))
-  val xfer_split_addr = waddr_cur + xfer_bytes
-  val xfer_stride_addr = waddr_nxt + xstride_bytes
-  val xfer_init_bytes   = xmax_bytes - xfer_init_addr % xmax_bytes
-  val xfer_init_pulses  = xfer_init_bytes >> pulse_bytes_bits
-  val xfer_split_bytes  = xmax_bytes - xfer_split_addr % xmax_bytes
-  val xfer_split_pulses = xfer_split_bytes >> pulse_bytes_bits
-  val xfer_stride_bytes = xmax_bytes - xfer_stride_addr % xmax_bytes
-  val xfer_stride_pulses= xfer_stride_bytes >> pulse_bytes_bits
-  val sIdle :: sWriteCmd :: sWriteData :: sReadMem :: sWriteAck :: Nil = Enum(5)
-  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
-  // control
-  switch(state) {
-    is(sIdle) {
-      xfer_bytes := xfer_init_bytes
-      when (io.start) {
-        state := sWriteCmd
-        when (xsize < xfer_init_pulses) {
-          assert(xsize > 0.U, "Idle => WriteCmd, init, without xrem: must have positive xsize")
-          xlen := xsize - 1.U
-          xrem := 0.U
-        }.otherwise {
-          xlen := xfer_init_pulses - 1.U
-          assert(xsize >= xfer_init_pulses,
-            "Idle => WriteCmd, init, with xrem: must have xsize no smaller than xfer_init_pulses")
-          xrem := xsize - xfer_init_pulses
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sWriteCmd) {
-      when(io.vme_wr.cmd.ready) {
-        state := sWriteData
-      }
-    }
-    is(sWriteData) {
-      when(io.vme_wr.data.ready) {
-        when(xcnt === xlen) {
-          state := sWriteAck
-        }.elsewhen(tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U) {
-          state := sReadMem
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadMem) {
-      state := sWriteData
-    }
-    is(sWriteAck) {
-      when(io.vme_wr.ack) {
-        when(xrem === 0.U) {
-          when(ycnt === ysize - 1.U) {
-            state := sIdle
-          }.otherwise { // stride
-            state := sWriteCmd
-            xfer_bytes := xfer_stride_bytes
-            when(xsize < xfer_stride_pulses) {
-              assert(xsize > 0.U, "WriteAck => WriteCmd, stride, without xrem: must have positive xsize")
-              xlen := xsize - 1.U
-              xrem := 0.U
-            }.otherwise {
-              xlen := xfer_stride_pulses - 1.U
-              assert(xsize >= xfer_stride_pulses,
-                "WriteAck => WriteCmd, stride, with xrem: must have xsize no smaller than xfer_stride_pulses")
-              xrem := xsize - xfer_stride_pulses
-            }
-          }
-        } // split
-        .elsewhen(xrem < xfer_split_pulses) {
-          state := sWriteCmd
-          xfer_bytes := xfer_split_bytes
-          assert(xrem > 0.U, "WriteAck => WriteCmd, split, without xrem: must have positive xrem")
-          xlen := xrem - 1.U
-          xrem := 0.U
-        }
-        .otherwise {
-          state := sWriteCmd
-          xfer_bytes := xfer_split_bytes
-          xlen := xfer_split_pulses - 1.U
-          assert(xrem >= xfer_split_pulses,
-            "WriteAck => WriteCmd, split, with xrem: must have xrem no smaller than xfer_split_pulses")
-          xrem := xrem - xfer_split_pulses
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // write-to-sram
-  val tensorFile = Seq.fill(tensorLength) {
-    SyncReadMem(memDepth, Vec(numMemBlock, UInt(memBlockBits.W)))
-  }
-  val wdata_t = Wire(Vec(numMemBlock, UInt(memBlockBits.W)))
-  val no_mask = Wire(Vec(numMemBlock, Bool()))
-  wdata_t := DontCare
-  no_mask.foreach { m =>
-    m := true.B
-  }
-  for (i <- 0 until tensorLength) {
-    val inWrData = io.tensor.wr(0).bits.data(i).asUInt.asTypeOf(wdata_t)
-    when(io.tensor.wr(0).valid) {
-      tensorFile(i).write(io.tensor.wr(0).bits.idx, inWrData, no_mask)
-    }
-  }
-  // read-from-sram
-  val stride = state === sWriteAck &
-    io.vme_wr.ack &
-    xcnt === xlen + 1.U &
-    xrem === 0.U &
-    ycnt =/= ysize - 1.U
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    ycnt := 0.U
-  }.elsewhen(stride) {
-    ycnt := ycnt + 1.U
-  }
-  when(state === sWriteCmd || tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U) {
-    tag := 0.U
-  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
-    tag := tag + 1.U
-  }
-  when(
-    state === sWriteCmd || (state =/= sReadMem && set === (tensorLength - 1).U && tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U)) {
-    set := 0.U
-  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire() && tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U) {
-    set := set + 1.U
-  }
-  val raddr_cur = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
-  val raddr_nxt = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    raddr_cur := dec.sram_offset
-    raddr_nxt := dec.sram_offset
-  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire() && set === (tensorLength - 1).U && tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U) {
-    raddr_cur := raddr_cur + 1.U
-  }.elsewhen(stride) {
-    raddr_cur := raddr_nxt + dec.xsize
-    raddr_nxt := raddr_nxt + dec.xsize
-  }
-  val tread = Seq.tabulate(tensorLength) { i =>
-    i.U ->
-      tensorFile(i).read(raddr_cur, state === sWriteCmd | state === sReadMem)
-  }
-  val mdata = MuxLookup(set, 0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(wdata_t)), tread)
-  // write-to-dram
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    waddr_cur := xfer_init_addr
-    waddr_nxt := xfer_init_addr
-  }.elsewhen(state === sWriteAck && io.vme_wr.ack && xrem =/= 0.U) {
-    waddr_cur := xfer_split_addr
-  }.elsewhen(stride) {
-    waddr_cur := xfer_stride_addr
-    waddr_nxt := xfer_stride_addr
-  }
-  io.vme_wr.cmd.valid := state === sWriteCmd
-  io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.addr := waddr_cur
-  io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.len := xlen
-  io.vme_wr.data.valid := state === sWriteData
-  io.vme_wr.data.bits := mdata(tag)
-  when(state === sWriteCmd) {
-    xcnt := 0.U
-  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
-    xcnt := xcnt + 1.U
-  }
-  // disable external read-from-sram requests
-  io.tensor.tieoffRead()
-  // done
-  io.done := state === sWriteAck & io.vme_wr.ack & xrem === 0.U & ycnt === ysize - 1.U
-  // debug
-  if (debug) {
-    when(io.vme_wr.cmd.fire()) {
-      printf("[TensorStore] ysize:%x ycnt:%x raddr:%x waddr:%x len:%x rem:%x\n",
-        ysize, ycnt, raddr_cur, waddr_cur, xlen, xrem)
-    }
-    when(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
-      printf("[TensorStore] data:%x\n", io.vme_wr.data.bits)
-    }
-    when(io.vme_wr.ack) {
-      printf("[TensorStore] ack\n")
-    }
+  if (mp.dataBits >= tp.tensorSizeBits && !forceSimpleStore) {
+    // cacheline is wider than tensor size,
+    // macro memory bitwidth by cache size
+    // bank by tansor size
+    val tensorStore = Module(new TensorStoreWideVME(tensorType, debug))
+    io <> tensorStore.io
+  } else {
+    // tensor is wider than cacheline, bank by
+    // macro memory bitwidth by tensor size
+    // bank by cacheline size
+    val tensorStore = Module(new TensorStoreNarrowVME(tensorType, debug))
+    io <> tensorStore.io
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStoreNarrowVME.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStoreNarrowVME.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbef36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStoreNarrowVME.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.core
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.shell._
+/** TensorStore.
+ *
+ * Store 1D and 2D tensors from out-scratchpad (SRAM) to main memory (DRAM).
+ */
+class TensorStoreNarrowVME(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+    val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vme_wr = new VMEWriteMaster
+    val tensor = new TensorClient(tensorType)
+  })
+  val tensorLength = tp.tensorLength
+  val tensorWidth = tp.tensorWidth
+  val tensorElemBits = tp.tensorElemBits
+  val memBlockBits = tp.memBlockBits
+  val memDepth = tp.memDepth
+  val numMemBlock = tp.numMemBlock
+  require(numMemBlock > 0, s"-F- TensorStore doesnt support pulse width" +
+    s"wider than tensor width. Needed for stride support tensorWidth=${tensorWidth}")
+  require(tp.splitWidth == 1 && tp.splitLength == 1, s"-F- ${tensorType} Cannot do split direct access")
+  val writePipeLatency = tp.writePipeLatency
+  // Store write is delayed by writePipeLatency
+  // postpone start by the same number of cycles
+  // expects instr and baddr are valid from start till done
+  val localStart = ShiftRegister(io.start, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
+  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+  val waddr_cur = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.addr))
+  val waddr_nxt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.addr))
+  val xcnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.len))
+  val xlen = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.len))
+  val xrem = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.xsize))
+  val xsize = (dec.xsize << log2Ceil(tensorLength * numMemBlock))
+  val xmax = (1 << mp.lenBits).U
+  val xmax_bytes = ((1 << mp.lenBits) * mp.dataBits / 8).U
+  val ycnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(dec.ysize))
+  val ysize = dec.ysize
+  val tag = Reg(UInt(8.W))
+  val set = Reg(UInt(8.W))
+  val xfer_bytes = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.addr))
+  val xstride_bytes = dec.xstride << log2Ceil(tensorLength * tensorWidth)
+  val maskOffset = VecInit(Seq.fill(M_DRAM_OFFSET_BITS)(true.B)).asUInt
+  val elemBytes = (p(CoreKey).batch * p(CoreKey).blockOut * p(CoreKey).outBits) / 8
+  val pulse_bytes_bits = log2Ceil(mp.dataBits >> 3)
+  val xfer_init_addr = io.baddr | (maskOffset & (dec.dram_offset << log2Ceil(elemBytes)))
+  val xfer_split_addr = waddr_cur + xfer_bytes
+  val xfer_stride_addr = waddr_nxt + xstride_bytes
+  val xfer_init_bytes   = xmax_bytes - xfer_init_addr % xmax_bytes
+  val xfer_init_pulses  = xfer_init_bytes >> pulse_bytes_bits
+  val xfer_split_bytes  = xmax_bytes - xfer_split_addr % xmax_bytes
+  val xfer_split_pulses = xfer_split_bytes >> pulse_bytes_bits
+  val xfer_stride_bytes = xmax_bytes - xfer_stride_addr % xmax_bytes
+  val xfer_stride_pulses= xfer_stride_bytes >> pulse_bytes_bits
+  val sIdle :: sWriteCmd :: sWriteData :: sReadMem :: sWriteAck :: Nil = Enum(5)
+  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  // control
+  switch(state) {
+    is(sIdle) {
+      xfer_bytes := xfer_init_bytes
+      when (localStart) {
+        state := sWriteCmd
+        when (xsize < xfer_init_pulses) {
+          assert(xsize > 0.U)
+          xlen := xsize - 1.U
+          xrem := 0.U
+        }.otherwise {
+          xlen := xfer_init_pulses - 1.U
+          assert(xsize >= xfer_init_pulses)
+          xrem := xsize - xfer_init_pulses
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sWriteCmd) {
+      when(io.vme_wr.cmd.ready) {
+        state := sWriteData
+      }
+    }
+    is(sWriteData) {
+      when(io.vme_wr.data.ready) {
+        when(xcnt === xlen) {
+          state := sWriteAck
+        }.elsewhen(tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U) {
+          state := sReadMem
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadMem) {
+      state := sWriteData
+    }
+    is(sWriteAck) {
+      when(io.vme_wr.ack) {
+        when(xrem === 0.U) {
+          when(ycnt === ysize - 1.U) {
+            state := sIdle
+          }.otherwise { // stride
+            state := sWriteCmd
+            xfer_bytes := xfer_stride_bytes
+            when(xsize < xfer_stride_pulses) {
+              assert(xsize > 0.U)
+              xlen := xsize - 1.U
+              xrem := 0.U
+            }.otherwise {
+              xlen := xfer_stride_pulses - 1.U
+              assert(xsize >= xfer_stride_pulses)
+              xrem := xsize - xfer_stride_pulses
+            }
+          }
+        } // split
+        .elsewhen(xrem < xfer_split_pulses) {
+          state := sWriteCmd
+          xfer_bytes := xfer_split_bytes
+          assert(xrem > 0.U)
+          xlen := xrem - 1.U
+          xrem := 0.U
+        }
+        .otherwise {
+          state := sWriteCmd
+          xfer_bytes := xfer_split_bytes
+          xlen := xfer_split_pulses - 1.U
+          assert(xrem >= xfer_split_pulses)
+          xrem := xrem - xfer_split_pulses
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // write-to-sram
+  val tensorFile = Seq.fill(tensorLength) {
+    SyncReadMem(memDepth, Vec(numMemBlock, UInt(memBlockBits.W)))
+  }
+  val wdata_t = Wire(Vec(numMemBlock, UInt(memBlockBits.W)))
+  val no_mask = Wire(Vec(numMemBlock, Bool()))
+  wdata_t := DontCare
+  no_mask.foreach { m =>
+    m := true.B
+  }
+  for (i <- 0 until tensorLength) {
+    val inWrData = io.tensor.wr(0).bits.data(i).asUInt.asTypeOf(wdata_t)
+    when(ShiftRegister(io.tensor.wr(0).valid, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)) {
+      tensorFile(i).write(ShiftRegister(io.tensor.wr(0).bits.idx, writePipeLatency),
+      ShiftRegister(inWrData, writePipeLatency), no_mask)
+    }
+  }
+  // read-from-sram
+  val stride = state === sWriteAck &
+    io.vme_wr.ack &
+    xcnt === xlen + 1.U &
+    xrem === 0.U &
+    ycnt =/= ysize - 1.U
+  when(state === sIdle) {
+    ycnt := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(stride) {
+    ycnt := ycnt + 1.U
+  }
+  when(state === sWriteCmd || tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U) {
+    tag := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
+    tag := tag + 1.U
+  }
+  when(
+    state === sWriteCmd || (state =/= sReadMem && set === (tensorLength - 1).U && tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U)) {
+    set := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire() && tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U) {
+    set := set + 1.U
+  }
+  val raddr_cur = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+  val raddr_nxt = Reg(UInt(tp.memAddrBits.W))
+  when(state === sIdle) {
+    raddr_cur := dec.sram_offset
+    raddr_nxt := dec.sram_offset
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire() && set === (tensorLength - 1).U && tag === (numMemBlock - 1).U) {
+    raddr_cur := raddr_cur + 1.U
+  }.elsewhen(stride) {
+    raddr_cur := raddr_nxt + dec.xsize
+    raddr_nxt := raddr_nxt + dec.xsize
+  }
+  val tread = Seq.tabulate(tensorLength) { i =>
+    i.U ->
+      tensorFile(i).read(raddr_cur, state === sWriteCmd | state === sReadMem)
+  }
+  val mdata = MuxLookup(set, 0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(wdata_t)), tread)
+  // write-to-dram
+  when(state === sIdle) {
+    waddr_cur := xfer_init_addr
+    waddr_nxt := xfer_init_addr
+  }.elsewhen(state === sWriteAck && io.vme_wr.ack && xrem =/= 0.U) {
+    waddr_cur := xfer_split_addr
+  }.elsewhen(stride) {
+    waddr_cur := xfer_stride_addr
+    waddr_nxt := xfer_stride_addr
+  }
+  io.vme_wr.cmd.valid := state === sWriteCmd
+  io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.addr := waddr_cur
+  io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.len := xlen
+  io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.tag := dec.sram_offset
+  io.vme_wr.data.valid := state === sWriteData
+  io.vme_wr.data.bits.data := mdata(tag)
+  io.vme_wr.data.bits.strb := Fill(io.vme_wr.data.bits.strb.getWidth, true.B)
+  when(state === sWriteCmd) {
+    xcnt := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
+    xcnt := xcnt + 1.U
+  }
+  // disable external read-from-sram requests
+  io.tensor.tieoffRead()
+  // done
+  io.done := state === sWriteAck & io.vme_wr.ack & xrem === 0.U & ycnt === ysize - 1.U
+  // debug
+  if (debug) {
+    when(io.vme_wr.cmd.fire()) {
+      printf("[TensorStore] ysize:%x ycnt:%x raddr:%x waddr:%x len:%x rem:%x\n",
+        ysize, ycnt, raddr_cur, waddr_cur, xlen, xrem)
+    }
+    when(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
+      printf("[TensorStore] data:%x\n", io.vme_wr.data.bits.data)
+      printf("[TensorStore] strb:%x\n", io.vme_wr.data.bits.strb)
+    }
+    when(io.vme_wr.ack) {
+      printf("[TensorStore] ack\n")
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStoreWideVME.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStoreWideVME.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a3cea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorStoreWideVME.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.core
+import scala.math.pow
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.shell._
+/** TensorStore.
+ *
+ * Store 1D and 2D tensors from out-scratchpad (SRAM) to main memory (DRAM).
+ */
+class TensorStoreWideVME(tensorType: String = "none", debug: Boolean = false)(
+    implicit p: Parameters)
+    extends Module {
+  val tp = new TensorParams(tensorType)
+  val mp = p(ShellKey).memParams
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val start = Input(Bool())
+    val done = Output(Bool())
+    val inst = Input(UInt(INST_BITS.W))
+    val baddr = Input(UInt(mp.addrBits.W))
+    val vme_wr = new VMEWriteMaster
+    val tensor = new TensorClient(tensorType)
+  })
+  val writePipeLatency = tp.writePipeLatency
+  // Store write is delayed by writePipeLatency
+  // postpone start by the same number of cycles
+  // expects instr and baddr are valid from start till done
+  val localStart = ShiftRegister(io.start, writePipeLatency, resetData = false.B, en = true.B)
+  val dec = io.inst.asTypeOf(new MemDecode)
+  val sIdle :: sWriteCmd :: sWriteData :: sWriteAck :: Nil = Enum(4)
+  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  val cmdGen = Module (new GenVMECmdWide(tensorType, debug))
+  cmdGen.io.ysize := dec.ysize
+  cmdGen.io.xsize := dec.xsize
+  cmdGen.io.xstride := dec.xstride
+  cmdGen.io.dram_offset := dec.dram_offset
+  cmdGen.io.sram_offset := dec.sram_offset
+  cmdGen.io.xpad_0 := 0.U
+  cmdGen.io.xpad_1 := 0.U
+  cmdGen.io.ypad_0 := 0.U
+  cmdGen.io.start := localStart
+  cmdGen.io.isBusy := state =/= sIdle
+  cmdGen.io.baddr := io.baddr
+  cmdGen.io.updateState := state === sWriteCmd
+  cmdGen.io.canSendCmd := cmdGen.io.updateState
+  io.vme_wr.cmd <> cmdGen.io.vmeCmd
+  val commandsDone =  cmdGen.io.done
+  // latch cmd parameters
+  val readLenReg = Reg(cmdGen.io.readLen.cloneType)
+  val readLen = Wire(readLenReg.cloneType)
+  val fstPulseDataStartReg = Reg(cmdGen.io.fstPulseDataStart.cloneType)
+  val fstPulseDataStart = Wire(fstPulseDataStartReg.cloneType)
+  val lstPulseDataEndReg = Reg(cmdGen.io.lstPulseDataEnd.cloneType)
+  val lstPulseDataEnd = Wire(lstPulseDataEndReg.cloneType)
+  val spElemIdxReg = Reg(cmdGen.io.spElemIdx.cloneType)
+  val spElemIdx = Wire(spElemIdxReg.cloneType)
+  when (cmdGen.io.updateState) {
+    readLen    := cmdGen.io.readLen
+    readLenReg := readLen
+    fstPulseDataStart    := cmdGen.io.fstPulseDataStart
+    fstPulseDataStartReg := fstPulseDataStart
+    lstPulseDataEnd    := cmdGen.io.lstPulseDataEnd
+    lstPulseDataEndReg := lstPulseDataEnd
+    spElemIdx    := cmdGen.io.spElemIdx
+    spElemIdxReg := spElemIdx
+  }.otherwise {
+    readLenReg := readLenReg
+    readLen    := readLenReg
+    fstPulseDataStartReg := fstPulseDataStartReg
+    fstPulseDataStart    := fstPulseDataStartReg
+    lstPulseDataEndReg := lstPulseDataEndReg
+    lstPulseDataEnd    := lstPulseDataEndReg
+    spElemIdxReg := spElemIdxReg
+    spElemIdx    := spElemIdxReg
+  }
+  val xcnt = Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.vme_wr.cmd.bits.len))
+  xcnt := xcnt
+  // control
+  val updateState = Wire(Bool())
+  updateState := false.B
+  switch(state) {
+    is(sIdle) {
+      when (localStart) {
+        state := sWriteCmd
+      }
+    }
+    is(sWriteCmd) {
+      when(io.vme_wr.cmd.fire()) {
+        state := sWriteData
+        updateState := true.B
+        xcnt := 0.U
+      }
+    }
+    is(sWriteData) {
+      when(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
+        when(xcnt === readLen - 1.U) {
+          state := sWriteAck
+        }.otherwise {
+          xcnt := xcnt + 1.U
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    is(sWriteAck) {
+      when(io.vme_wr.ack) {
+        when(commandsDone) {
+          state := sIdle
+        }.otherwise { // stride
+          state := sWriteCmd
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //--------------------
+  //--- Write memory ---
+  //--------------------
+  val splitDataFactor = tp.splitWidth * tp.splitLength
+  val groupSizeBits = tp.tensorSizeBits/splitDataFactor
+  val tensorFile = Seq.fill(tp.clSizeRatio * splitDataFactor) {
+    SyncReadMem(tp.memDepth/tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(groupSizeBits.W))
+  }
+  // direct write
+  for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) {
+    val directWrIdx = io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).bits.idx >> log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio) // SP idx
+    val directWrTensorIdx =
+      if(tp.clSizeRatio == 1) 0.U
+      else io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).bits.idx(log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio) - 1, 0)
+    for (i <- 0 until tp.clSizeRatio) {
+      when(ShiftRegister(io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).valid && directWrTensorIdx === i.U, writePipeLatency,
+        resetData = false.B, en = true.B)) {
+        tensorFile(i*splitDataFactor + grpIdx).write(ShiftRegister(directWrIdx, writePipeLatency),
+          ShiftRegister(io.tensor.wr(grpIdx).bits.data.asUInt, writePipeLatency))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //--------------------
+  //--- Read memory ---
+  //--------------------
+  // first pulse doesnt reead whole data size, it is bounded by DRAM data alignment
+  // ! - data pulse boundary
+  // . - tenzor boundary
+  // tz - not used
+  // TZ - tensor to store
+  // =TZ= - first pulse tensor
+  //  DRAM !-tz-.-tz-.=TZ=!-TZ-.-TZ-.-TZ-!
+  //
+  //  SRAM !-tz-.=TZ=.-TZ-!-TZ-.-TZ-.-tz-!
+  val isFirstPulse = io.vme_wr.data.fire() && xcnt === 0.U
+  assert(state =/= sWriteData || readLen > 0.U)
+  val firstPulseTenzorsNb = tp.clSizeRatio.U - fstPulseDataStart
+  val isLastPulse = io.vme_wr.data.fire() && xcnt === readLen - 1.U
+  val spReadAddrReg = Reg(UInt(M_SRAM_OFFSET_BITS.W))
+  val spReadAddr = Wire(spReadAddrReg.cloneType)
+  val srcElemOffsetReg = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio).W))
+  val srcElemOffset = Wire(srcElemOffsetReg.cloneType)
+  val incrFstIdx = Mux((spElemIdx % tp.clSizeRatio.U) < fstPulseDataStart.asTypeOf(UInt(width = 8.W)), 0.U , 1.U)
+  spReadAddr := DontCare
+  when(state === sWriteCmd) {
+    // init by data block index
+    spReadAddr := spElemIdx >> log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio)
+    spReadAddrReg := spReadAddr + incrFstIdx
+    srcElemOffset := spElemIdx % tp.clSizeRatio.U
+    srcElemOffsetReg := (spElemIdx + firstPulseTenzorsNb) % tp.clSizeRatio.U
+  }.elsewhen(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
+    spReadAddrReg := spReadAddrReg + 1.U
+    spReadAddr := spReadAddrReg
+    srcElemOffset := (spElemIdx + firstPulseTenzorsNb) % tp.clSizeRatio.U
+    srcElemOffsetReg := srcElemOffset
+  }.otherwise {
+    spReadAddrReg := spReadAddrReg
+    srcElemOffsetReg := srcElemOffsetReg
+    srcElemOffset := srcElemOffsetReg
+  }
+  val dstData   = Wire(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(tp.tensorSizeBits.W)))
+  val srcData   = Wire(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(tp.tensorSizeBits.W)))
+  val srcMemIdx = Wire(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, spReadAddr.cloneType))
+  val dstOffset = Wire(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt((log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio) + 1).W)))
+  val dstIdx    = Wire(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(log2Ceil(tp.clSizeRatio).W)))
+  // D(j+d) = S(j+s)  replace i=j+d --> D(i) = S(i-d+s)
+  for (i <- 0 until tp.clSizeRatio) {
+    //if src offset overflow, incr that dest idx, read next memory row
+    val incrIdx = if (tp.clSizeRatio == 1 ) {
+      0.U
+    } else {
+      Mux(i.U >= srcElemOffset, 0.U, 1.U)
+    }
+    srcMemIdx(i) := spReadAddr + incrIdx
+    //read memory
+    srcData(i) := VecInit(for (grpIdx <- 0 until splitDataFactor) yield {
+      tensorFile(i*splitDataFactor + grpIdx).read(
+        srcMemIdx(i),
+        state === sWriteCmd | (state === sWriteData && io.vme_wr.data.fire()))
+    }).asTypeOf(UInt(tp.tensorSizeBits.W))
+    // crossbar src to dst
+    dstOffset(i) := i.U + spElemIdx % tp.clSizeRatio.U
+    dstIdx(i) := dstOffset(i)  -% fstPulseDataStart
+    dstData(i) := Mux1H(UIntToOH(dstIdx(i)), srcData)
+  }
+  // build valid bytes strb
+  val tensorSizeBytes = tp.tensorSizeBits/8
+  val validBytes = Wire(Vec(tp.clSizeRatio, UInt(tensorSizeBytes.W)))
+  val tensorBytesOnes = (BigInt(1) << tensorSizeBytes) - 1
+  when(isFirstPulse && !isLastPulse) {
+    for (i <- 0 until tp.clSizeRatio) {
+      validBytes(i) := Mux(i.U < fstPulseDataStart && fstPulseDataStart =/= 0.U, 0.U, tensorBytesOnes.U)
+    }
+  }.elsewhen (!isFirstPulse && isLastPulse) {
+    for (i <- 0 until tp.clSizeRatio) {
+      validBytes(i) := Mux(i.U >= lstPulseDataEnd && lstPulseDataEnd =/= 0.U, 0.U, tensorBytesOnes.U)
+    }
+  }.elsewhen (isFirstPulse && isLastPulse) {
+    for (i <- 0 until tp.clSizeRatio) {
+      validBytes(i) := Mux((i.U < fstPulseDataStart  && fstPulseDataStart =/= 0.U)
+        || (i.U >= lstPulseDataEnd && lstPulseDataEnd =/= 0.U), 0.U, tensorBytesOnes.U)
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    for (i <- 0 until tp.clSizeRatio) {
+      validBytes(i) := tensorBytesOnes.U
+    }
+  }
+  io.vme_wr.data.valid := state === sWriteData
+  io.vme_wr.data.bits.data := dstData.asUInt
+  io.vme_wr.data.bits.strb := validBytes.asUInt
+  // disable external read-from-sram requests
+  io.tensor.tieoffRead()
+  // done
+  io.done := state === sWriteAck & commandsDone & io.vme_wr.ack
+  // debug
+  if (debug) {
+    when(io.vme_wr.data.fire()) {
+      printf("[TensorStore] data:%x\n", io.vme_wr.data.bits.data)
+      printf("[TensorStore] strb:%x\n", io.vme_wr.data.bits.strb)
+    }
+    when(io.vme_wr.ack) {
+      printf("[TensorStore] ack\n")
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorUtil.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorUtil.scala
index dfdecf4..6e79548 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorUtil.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/core/TensorUtil.scala
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
     else if (tensorType == "fetch") {
       // make fetch a 64 bit data to be able to read
       // 64 bit aligned address. It works for wide cacheline
+      // fetch tensorload is not used for narrow data load
       require(p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits >= INST_BITS,
         "-F- Cannot make fetch tensor narrower than data pulse. TODO: narrow fetch with tensors")
       (1, 1, 64)
@@ -79,9 +80,66 @@
+  // the number of cycles Instruction write is delayed
+  // Idle state writes are not delayed
+  // inserted regs are used to physically deliver signal to memories
+  val writePipeLatency =
+    if (tensorType == "inp") {
+      0 // VME data load cmd write (per group)
+    } else if (tensorType == "wgt") {
+      0 // VME data load cmd write (per group)
+    } else if (tensorType == "acc") {
+      0 // VME data load cmd write (per group)
+    } else if (tensorType == "fetch") {
+      0
+    } else if (tensorType == "uop") {
+      0
+    } else if (tensorType == "out") {
+      0 // direct write from core
+    } else {
+      0
+    }
+  // the number of cycles Idle state data read is delayed
+  // inserted regs are used to physically deliver signal to memories
+  val readTensorLatency =
+    if (tensorType == "inp") {
+      0 // GEMM inp data read (per memsplit)
+    } else if (tensorType == "wgt") {
+      0
+    } else if (tensorType == "acc") {
+      0
+    } else if (tensorType == "fetch") {
+      0
+    } else if (tensorType == "uop") {
+      0
+    } else if (tensorType == "out") {
+      0
+    } else {
+      0
+    }
+  // the number of cycles vme data signals are delayed
+  // This is a global delay of VME data signals. One for all groups
+  val readVMEDataLatency =
+    if (tensorType == "inp") {
+      0 // VME data signals delay
+    } else if (tensorType == "wgt") {
+      0 // VME data signals delay
+    } else if (tensorType == "acc") {
+      0  // VME data signals delay
+    } else if (tensorType == "fetch") {
+      0
+    } else if (tensorType == "uop") {
+      0 // VME data signals delay
+    } else if (tensorType == "out") {
+      0
+    } else {
+      0
+    }
   // acc/wgt parts are grouped to form
   // a physically compact compute entity
   val (splitLength, splitWidth) =
     if (tensorType == "inp") {
       (1, 1)
@@ -94,7 +152,6 @@
       // continous data and may be placed into different memory
       // modules. But the whole idea of a group to localize
       // piece of wgt to piece of acc data transformation
-      //
       (1, p(CoreKey).blockOutFactor)
     } else if (tensorType == "fetch") {
       (1, 1)
@@ -126,6 +183,15 @@
+  // this split doesnt change tensorLoad interface, but
+  // allows pipe VME write control signals per group of memory modules
+  val splitMemsFactor =
+    if (tensorType == "inp") {
+      1
+    } else {
+      1
+    }
   val memAddrBits = log2Ceil(memDepth)
   val tensorSizeBits = tensorLength * tensorWidth * tensorElemBits
@@ -177,7 +243,8 @@
   def paramsStr () = {
     s" ${tensorType} ${tensorSizeBits*memDepth/8} Byte. length:${tensorLength} width:${tensorWidth}" +
-    s" data bits:${tensorElemBits} mem depth:${memDepth} groups split length:${splitLength}"
+    s" data bits:${tensorElemBits} mem depth:${memDepth} groups split length:${splitLength}" +
+    s" split width:${splitWidth} pipe write:${writePipeLatency}"
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/dpi/VTAMemDPI.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/dpi/VTAMemDPI.scala
index c52260d..48a2e9a 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/dpi/VTAMemDPI.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/dpi/VTAMemDPI.scala
@@ -21,52 +21,89 @@
 import chisel3._
 import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.experimental.IntParam
 import vta.util.config._
 import vta.interface.axi._
 import vta.shell._
 /** Memory DPI parameters */
-trait VTAMemDPIParams {
-  val dpiLenBits = 8
-  val dpiAddrBits = 64
-  val dpiDataBits = 64
+case class VTAMemDPIParams(
+    dpiDelay  : Int,
+    dpiLenBits: Int,
+    dpiAddrBits: Int,
+    dpiDataBits: Int,
+    dpiTagBits: Int
+) {}
+case object DpiKey extends Field[VTAMemDPIParams]
 /** Memory master interface.
  * This interface is tipically used by the Accelerator
-class VTAMemDPIMaster extends Bundle with VTAMemDPIParams {
+class MemRequest(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
+  val len =   (UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits.W))
+  val addr = (UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits.W))
+  val id = (UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.idBits.W))
+class VTAMemDPIData(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
+  val data = UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits.W)
+  val id   = UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.idBits.W)
+  override def cloneType =
+  new VTAMemDPIData().asInstanceOf[this.type]
+class VTAMemDPIWrData(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
+  val data = UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits.W)
+  val strb = UInt((p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits/8).W)
+  override def cloneType =
+  new VTAMemDPIWrData().asInstanceOf[this.type]
+class VTAMemDPIMaster(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
   val req = new Bundle {
-    val valid = Output(Bool())
-    val opcode = Output(Bool())
-    val len = Output(UInt(dpiLenBits.W))
-    val addr = Output(UInt(dpiAddrBits.W))
+    val ar_valid = Output(Bool())
+    val ar_len =   Output(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.lenBits.W))
+    val ar_addr = Output(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits.W))
+    val ar_id   = Output(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.idBits.W))
+    val aw_valid = Output(Bool())
+    val aw_addr = Output(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits.W))
+    val aw_len  = Output(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.lenBits.W))
-  val wr = ValidIO(UInt(dpiDataBits.W))
-  val rd = Flipped(Decoupled(UInt(dpiDataBits.W)))
+  val wr = ValidIO(new VTAMemDPIWrData)
+  val rd = Flipped(Decoupled(new VTAMemDPIData))
 /** Memory client interface.
  * This interface is tipically used by the Host
-class VTAMemDPIClient extends Bundle with VTAMemDPIParams {
+class VTAMemDPIClient(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
   val req = new Bundle {
-    val valid = Input(Bool())
-    val opcode = Input(Bool())
-    val len = Input(UInt(dpiLenBits.W))
-    val addr = Input(UInt(dpiAddrBits.W))
+    val ar_valid = Input(Bool())
+    val ar_len =   Input(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.lenBits.W))
+    val ar_addr = Input(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits.W))
+    val ar_id   = Input(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.idBits.W))
+    val aw_valid = Input(Bool())
+    val aw_addr = Input(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits.W))
+    val aw_len  = Input(UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.lenBits.W))
-  val wr = Flipped(ValidIO(UInt(dpiDataBits.W)))
-  val rd = Decoupled(UInt(dpiDataBits.W))
+  val wr = Flipped(ValidIO(new VTAMemDPIWrData))
+  val rd = (Decoupled(new VTAMemDPIData))
 /** Memory DPI module.
  * Wrapper for Memory Verilog DPI module.
-class VTAMemDPI extends BlackBox with HasBlackBoxResource {
+class VTAMemDPI(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox(
+  Map(
+    "LEN_BITS" -> IntParam(p(ShellKey).memParams.lenBits),
+    "ADDR_BITS" -> IntParam(p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits),
+    "DATA_BITS" -> IntParam(p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits))) with HasBlackBoxResource {
   val io = IO(new Bundle {
     val clock = Input(Clock())
     val reset = Input(Reset())
@@ -75,110 +112,127 @@
-class VTAMemDPIToAXI(debug: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
+class VTAMemDPIToAXI(debug: Boolean = true)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module {
   val io = IO(new Bundle {
     val dpi = new VTAMemDPIMaster
     val axi = new AXIClient(p(ShellKey).memParams)
-  val opcode = RegInit(false.B)
-  val len = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(io.dpi.req.len)))
-  val addr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(io.dpi.req.addr)))
-  val sIdle :: sReadAddress :: sReadData :: sWriteAddress :: sWriteData :: sWriteResponse :: Nil =
-    Enum(6)
-  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
+  //Read request interface for sw memory manager
+  val ar_valid = RegInit(false.B)
+  val ar_len = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(io.dpi.req.ar_len)))
+  val ar_addr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(io.dpi.req.ar_addr)))
+  val ar_id   = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(io.dpi.req.ar_len)))
+  val rd_data = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(io.dpi.rd.bits.data)))
+  val rIdle :: readData :: Nil = Enum(2)
+  val rstate = RegInit(rIdle)
+  //Write request interface for sw memomry manager
+  val aw_valid = RegInit(false.B)
+  val aw_len = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(io.dpi.req.aw_len)))
+  val aw_addr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(chiselTypeOf(io.dpi.req.aw_addr)))
+  val wIdle :: writeAddress :: writeData :: writeResponse :: Nil = Enum(4)
+  val wstate = RegInit(wIdle)
+  //Read Interface to Memory Manager
+  val counter = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
+  val dpiDelay = 16.U
+  val dpiReqQueue = Module(new Queue(new MemRequest, 256))
+  dpiReqQueue.io.enq.valid     := io.axi.ar.valid  & dpiReqQueue.io.enq.ready
+  dpiReqQueue.io.enq.bits.addr := io.axi.ar.bits.addr
+  dpiReqQueue.io.enq.bits.len  := io.axi.ar.bits.len
+  dpiReqQueue.io.enq.bits.id   := io.axi.ar.bits.id
-  switch(state) {
-    is(sIdle) {
-      when(io.axi.ar.valid) {
-        state := sReadAddress
-      }.elsewhen(io.axi.aw.valid) {
-        state := sWriteAddress
+  when(dpiReqQueue.io.deq.valid && counter < dpiDelay){
+    counter := counter + 1.U
+  }.elsewhen(dpiReqQueue.io.deq.valid && counter === dpiDelay){
+    counter := counter
+  }.otherwise{
+    counter := 0.U
+  }
+  switch(rstate){
+    is(rIdle){
+      when(dpiReqQueue.io.deq.valid && dpiReqQueue.io.deq.bits.len =/=0.U && counter === dpiDelay){
+        rstate := readData
-    is(sReadAddress) {
-      when(io.axi.ar.valid) {
-        state := sReadData
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadData) {
-      when(io.axi.r.ready && io.dpi.rd.valid && len === 0.U) {
-        state := sIdle
-      }
-    }
-    is(sWriteAddress) {
-      when(io.axi.aw.valid) {
-        state := sWriteData
-      }
-    }
-    is(sWriteData) {
-      when(io.axi.w.valid && io.axi.w.bits.last) {
-        state := sWriteResponse
-      }
-    }
-    is(sWriteResponse) {
-      when(io.axi.b.ready) {
-        state := sIdle
+    is(readData) {
+      when(io.axi.r.ready && io.dpi.rd.valid && ar_len === 1.U) {
+        rstate := rIdle
-  when(state === sIdle) {
-    when(io.axi.ar.valid) {
-      opcode := false.B
-      len := io.axi.ar.bits.len
-      addr := io.axi.ar.bits.addr
-    }.elsewhen(io.axi.aw.valid) {
-      opcode := true.B
-      len := io.axi.aw.bits.len
-      addr := io.axi.aw.bits.addr
-    }
-  }.elsewhen(state === sReadData) {
-    when(io.axi.r.ready && io.dpi.rd.valid && len =/= 0.U) {
-      len := len - 1.U
+  when(rstate === rIdle) {
+    when(dpiReqQueue.io.deq.ready){
+      ar_len :=  dpiReqQueue.io.deq.bits.len
+      ar_addr := dpiReqQueue.io.deq.bits.addr
+      ar_id   := dpiReqQueue.io.deq.bits.id
-  io.dpi.req.valid := (state === sReadAddress & io.axi.ar.valid) | (state === sWriteAddress & io.axi.aw.valid)
-  io.dpi.req.opcode := opcode
-  io.dpi.req.len := len
-  io.dpi.req.addr := addr
-  io.axi.ar.ready := state === sReadAddress
-  io.axi.aw.ready := state === sWriteAddress
-  io.axi.r.valid := state === sReadData & io.dpi.rd.valid
-  io.axi.r.bits.data := io.dpi.rd.bits
-  io.axi.r.bits.last := len === 0.U
+  .elsewhen(rstate === readData){
+    when(io.axi.r.ready && io.dpi.rd.valid && ar_len =/= 0.U){
+      ar_len := ar_len - 1.U
+    }
+  }
+dpiReqQueue.io.deq.ready :=  ((dpiReqQueue.io.deq.valid && (rstate === rIdle)) && (counter === dpiDelay))
+when(rstate === rIdle && dpiReqQueue.io.deq.valid){
+  io.dpi.req.ar_len  := dpiReqQueue.io.deq.bits.len
+  io.dpi.req.ar_addr := dpiReqQueue.io.deq.bits.addr
+  io.dpi.req.ar_id   := dpiReqQueue.io.deq.bits.id
+  io.dpi.req.ar_valid := dpiReqQueue.io.deq.ready
+  }.otherwise{
+    io.dpi.req.ar_len  := ar_len
+    io.dpi.req.ar_addr := ar_addr
+    io.dpi.req.ar_id   := ar_id
+    io.dpi.req.ar_valid  := (dpiReqQueue.io.deq.ready)
+  }
+  io.axi.ar.ready := dpiReqQueue.io.enq.ready
+  io.axi.r.valid := io.dpi.rd.valid
+  io.axi.r.bits.data := io.dpi.rd.bits.data
+  io.axi.r.bits.last := (ar_len === 0.U && io.dpi.rd.valid)
   io.axi.r.bits.resp := 0.U
   io.axi.r.bits.user := 0.U
-  io.axi.r.bits.id := 0.U
-  io.dpi.rd.ready := state === sReadData & io.axi.r.ready
+  io.axi.r.bits.id := io.dpi.rd.bits.id
+  io.dpi.rd.ready  := io.axi.r.ready
-  io.dpi.wr.valid := state === sWriteData & io.axi.w.valid
-  io.dpi.wr.bits := io.axi.w.bits.data
-  io.axi.w.ready := state === sWriteData
+  //Write Request
+  switch(wstate){
+    is(wIdle){
+      when(io.axi.aw.valid){
+        wstate := writeAddress
+      }
+    }
+    is(writeAddress) {
+      when(io.axi.aw.valid) {
+        wstate := writeData
+      }
+    }
+    is(writeData) {
+      when(io.axi.w.valid && io.axi.w.bits.last) {
+        wstate := writeResponse
+      }
+    }
+    is(writeResponse) {
+      when(io.axi.b.ready) {
+        wstate := wIdle
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  when(wstate === wIdle){
+    when(io.axi.aw.valid){
+      aw_len := io.axi.aw.bits.len
+      aw_addr := io.axi.aw.bits.addr
+    }
+  }
+  io.dpi.req.aw_addr := aw_addr
+  io.dpi.req.aw_len  := aw_len
+  io.dpi.req.aw_valid := RegNext(io.axi.aw.valid) & (wstate === writeAddress)
+  io.axi.aw.ready := wstate === writeAddress
+  io.dpi.wr.valid := wstate === writeData & io.axi.w.valid
+  io.dpi.wr.bits.data := io.axi.w.bits.data
+  io.dpi.wr.bits.strb := io.axi.w.bits.strb
+  io.axi.w.ready := wstate === writeData
-  io.axi.b.valid := state === sWriteResponse
+  io.axi.b.valid := wstate === writeResponse
   io.axi.b.bits.resp := 0.U
   io.axi.b.bits.user := 0.U
   io.axi.b.bits.id := 0.U
-  if (debug) {
-    when(state === sReadAddress && io.axi.ar.valid) {
-      printf("[VTAMemDPIToAXI] [AR] addr:%x len:%x\n", addr, len)
-    }
-    when(state === sWriteAddress && io.axi.aw.valid) {
-      printf("[VTAMemDPIToAXI] [AW] addr:%x len:%x\n", addr, len)
-    }
-    when(io.axi.r.fire()) {
-      printf("[VTAMemDPIToAXI] [R] last:%x data:%x\n",
-        io.axi.r.bits.last,
-        io.axi.r.bits.data)
-    }
-    when(io.axi.w.fire()) {
-      printf("[VTAMemDPIToAXI] [W] last:%x data:%x\n",
-        io.axi.w.bits.last,
-        io.axi.w.bits.data)
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/interface/axi/AXI.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/interface/axi/AXI.scala
index 5151590..1370006 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/interface/axi/AXI.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/interface/axi/AXI.scala
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 case class AXIParams(
     coherent: Boolean = false,
-    idBits: Int = 1,
+    idBits: Int = 8,
     addrBits: Int = 32,
     dataBits: Int = 64,
     lenBits: Int = 8,
@@ -190,6 +190,9 @@
     r.ready := false.B
+  // These values are not changed in VTA
+  // Usually means that there is no implementation for
+  // alternative behavior
   def setConst() {
     aw.bits.user := params.userConst.U
     aw.bits.burst := params.burstConst.U
@@ -199,10 +202,7 @@
     aw.bits.qos := params.qosConst.U
     aw.bits.region := params.regionConst.U
     aw.bits.size := params.sizeConst.U
-    aw.bits.id := params.idConst.U
-    w.bits.id := params.idConst.U
     w.bits.user := params.userConst.U
-    w.bits.strb := Fill(params.strbBits, true.B)
     ar.bits.user := params.userConst.U
     ar.bits.burst := params.burstConst.U
     ar.bits.lock := params.lockConst.U
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@
     ar.bits.qos := params.qosConst.U
     ar.bits.region := params.regionConst.U
     ar.bits.size := params.sizeConst.U
-    ar.bits.id := params.idConst.U
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/shell/VME.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/shell/VME.scala
index 41b24d1..77dc069 100644
--- a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/shell/VME.scala
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/shell/VME.scala
@@ -18,22 +18,31 @@
 package vta.shell
 import chisel3._
 import chisel3.util._
 import vta.util.config._
 import vta.util.genericbundle._
 import vta.interface.axi._
 /** VME parameters.
  * These parameters are used on VME interfaces and modules.
-case class VMEParams() {
-  val nReadClients: Int = 5
-  val nWriteClients: Int = 1
+case class VMEParams
+  (val nReadClients: Int = 5,
+    val nWriteClients: Int = 1,
+    val clientBits : Int = 3,
+    val RequestQueueDepth : Int = 16,
+    val vmeParams : Int = 18,
+    val clientCmdQueueDepth : Int = 1,
+    val clientTagBitWidth : Int = 21,
+    val clientDataQueueDepth : Int = 16) {
+  val RequestQueueMaskBits : Int = RequestQueueDepth.toInt
   require(nReadClients > 0,
-    s"\n\n[VTA] [VMEParams] nReadClients must be larger than 0\n\n")
+  s"\n\n[VTA] [VMEParams] nReadClients must be larger than 0\n\n")
     nWriteClients == 1,
     s"\n\n[VTA] [VMEParams] nWriteClients must be 1, only one-write-client support atm\n\n")
@@ -46,11 +55,37 @@
  * This interface is used for creating write and read requests to memory.
+class clientTag(implicit p:Parameters) extends Bundle{
+  val clientBits = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.clientBits
+  val RequestQueueDepth = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.RequestQueueDepth
+  val RequestQueueMaskBits = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.RequestQueueMaskBits
+  val client_id  = UInt(clientBits.W)
+  val client_tag = UInt(p(ShellKey).vmeParams.clientTagBitWidth.W)
+  val client_mask = UInt(RequestQueueMaskBits.W)
+  override def cloneType =
+  new clientTag().asInstanceOf[this.type]
 class VMECmd(implicit p: Parameters) extends VMEBase {
   val addrBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits
   val lenBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.lenBits
+  val tagBits  = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.clientTagBitWidth
   val addr = UInt(addrBits.W)
   val len = UInt(lenBits.W)
+  val tag = UInt(tagBits.W)
+class VMECmdData(implicit p: Parameters) extends VMEBase {
+  val data = UInt(p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits.W)
+  val last = Bool()
+class VMEData(implicit p: Parameters) extends VMEBase {
+  val dataBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits
+  val data = UInt(dataBits.W)
+  val tag = UInt(p(ShellKey).vmeParams.clientTagBitWidth.W)
+  val last = Bool()
+  override def cloneType =
+  new VMEData().asInstanceOf[this.type]
 /** VMEReadMaster.
@@ -61,9 +96,9 @@
 class VMEReadMaster(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
   val dataBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits
   val cmd = Decoupled(new VMECmd)
-  val data = Flipped(Decoupled(UInt(dataBits.W)))
+  val data = Flipped(Decoupled(new VMEData))
   override def cloneType =
-    new VMEReadMaster().asInstanceOf[this.type]
+  new VMEReadMaster().asInstanceOf[this.type]
 /** VMEReadClient.
@@ -74,9 +109,25 @@
 class VMEReadClient(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
   val dataBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits
   val cmd = Flipped(Decoupled(new VMECmd))
-  val data = Decoupled(UInt(dataBits.W))
+  val data = Decoupled(new VMEData)
   override def cloneType =
-    new VMEReadClient().asInstanceOf[this.type]
+  new VMEReadClient().asInstanceOf[this.type]
+/** VMEWriteData.
+ *
+ * This interface is used by the VME to handle write requests from modules inside
+ * the core.
+ */
+class VMEWriteData(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
+  val dataBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits
+  val strbBits = dataBits/8
+  val data = UInt(dataBits.W)
+  val strb = UInt(strbBits.W)
+  override def cloneType =
+  new VMEWriteData().asInstanceOf[this.type]
 /** VMEWriteMaster.
@@ -87,10 +138,10 @@
 class VMEWriteMaster(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
   val dataBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits
   val cmd = Decoupled(new VMECmd)
-  val data = Decoupled(UInt(dataBits.W))
+  val data = Decoupled(new VMEWriteData)
   val ack = Input(Bool())
   override def cloneType =
-    new VMEWriteMaster().asInstanceOf[this.type]
+  new VMEWriteMaster().asInstanceOf[this.type]
 /** VMEWriteClient.
@@ -101,10 +152,10 @@
 class VMEWriteClient(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
   val dataBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits
   val cmd = Flipped(Decoupled(new VMECmd))
-  val data = Flipped(Decoupled(UInt(dataBits.W)))
+  val data = Flipped(Decoupled(new VMEWriteData))
   val ack = Output(Bool())
   override def cloneType =
-    new VMEWriteClient().asInstanceOf[this.type]
+  new VMEWriteClient().asInstanceOf[this.type]
 /** VMEMaster.
@@ -141,63 +192,174 @@
     val mem = new AXIMaster(p(ShellKey).memParams)
     val vme = new VMEClient
+  val clientCmdQueueDepth = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.clientCmdQueueDepth
+  val clientDataQueueDepth = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.clientDataQueueDepth
+  val RequestQueueDepth = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.RequestQueueDepth
+  val RequestQueueAddrWidth = log2Ceil(RequestQueueDepth.toInt)
+  val dataBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.dataBits
   val nReadClients = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.nReadClients
-  val rd_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new VMECmd, nReadClients))
-  val rd_arb_chosen = RegEnable(rd_arb.io.chosen, rd_arb.io.out.fire())
-  for (i <- 0 until nReadClients) { rd_arb.io.in(i) <> io.vme.rd(i).cmd }
-  val sReadIdle :: sReadAddr :: sReadData :: Nil = Enum(3)
-  val rstate = RegInit(sReadIdle)
-  switch(rstate) {
-    is(sReadIdle) {
-      when(rd_arb.io.out.valid) {
-        rstate := sReadAddr
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadAddr) {
-      when(io.mem.ar.ready) {
-        rstate := sReadData
-      }
-    }
-    is(sReadData) {
-      when(io.mem.r.fire() && io.mem.r.bits.last) {
-        rstate := sReadIdle
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  val sWriteIdle :: sWriteAddr :: sWriteData :: sWriteResp :: Nil = Enum(4)
-  val wstate = RegInit(sWriteIdle)
   val addrBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits
   val lenBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.lenBits
-  val wr_cnt = RegInit(0.U(lenBits.W))
+  val idBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.idBits
+  val vmeTag_array = SyncReadMem(RequestQueueDepth,(new(clientTag)))
+  val vmeTag_array_wr_data = Wire(new(clientTag))
+  val vmeTag_array_wr_addr = Wire(UInt(RequestQueueAddrWidth.W))
+  val vmeTag_array_rd_addr = Wire(UInt(RequestQueueAddrWidth.W))
+  val vmeTag_array_wr_en  = Wire(Bool())
+  val localTag_out  = Wire(new(clientTag))
+  val availableEntriesEn = Wire(Bool())
+  val availableEntriesNext = Wire(UInt(RequestQueueDepth.W))
+  val availableEntries     = Reg(availableEntriesNext.cloneType)
+  val freeTagLocation  = Wire(UInt(RequestQueueDepth.W))
+  val (resetEntry,newEntry,firstPostn) = firstOneOH(availableEntries.asUInt)
+  val updateEntry = Wire(UInt(RequestQueueDepth.W))
+  when(io.mem.r.bits.last & io.mem.r.valid){
+  availableEntriesNext := updateEntry | availableEntries
+  }.elsewhen(availableEntriesEn && availableEntries =/= 0.U && !(io.mem.r.bits.last & io.mem.r.valid)){
+  availableEntriesNext:= newEntry
+  }.otherwise{
+  availableEntriesNext:= availableEntries
+  }
+  when(reset.toBool){
+  availableEntries := VecInit(Seq.fill(RequestQueueDepth)(true.B)).asUInt
+  updateEntry := 0.U
+  }.otherwise{
+  availableEntries := availableEntriesNext
+  updateEntry := VecInit(IndexedSeq.tabulate(RequestQueueDepth){ i => i.U === (io.mem.r.bits.id).asUInt }).asUInt
+  }
+  // Cmd Queues for eaach VME client
+  val VMEcmd_Qs = IndexedSeq.fill(5){ Module(new Queue(new VMECmd, clientCmdQueueDepth))}
-  when(wstate === sWriteIdle) {
-    wr_cnt := 0.U
-  }.elsewhen(io.mem.w.fire()) {
-    wr_cnt := wr_cnt + 1.U
+  //---------------------------------------
+  //--- Find available buffer entries -----
+  //---------------------------------------
+  def firstOneOH (in: UInt) = {
+    val oneHotIdx = for(bitIdx <- 0 until in.getWidth) yield {
+      if (bitIdx == 0){
+        in(0)
+      }
+      else{
+        in(bitIdx) && ~in(bitIdx-1,0).orR
+      }
+    }
+    val oHot = VecInit(oneHotIdx).asUInt
+    val newVec = in&(~oHot) // turn bit to 0
+    val bitPostn = PriorityEncoder(oneHotIdx)
+    (oHot, newVec,bitPostn)
+  }
+  val default_tag = Wire(new(clientTag))
+  default_tag.client_tag  := 0.U
+  default_tag.client_id  := 0.U
+  default_tag.client_mask := 0.U
+  val cmd_valids = for { q <- VMEcmd_Qs } yield q.io.deq.valid
+  val vme_select = PriorityEncoder(cmd_valids :+ true.B)
+  val any_cmd_valid = cmd_valids.foldLeft(false.B){ case (x,y) => x || y}
+  availableEntriesEn := io.mem.ar.ready & any_cmd_valid
+  for { i <- 0 until 5} {
+    VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.enq.valid := io.vme.rd(i).cmd.valid  & VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.enq.ready
+    VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.enq.bits  := io.vme.rd(i).cmd.bits
+    VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.deq.ready := io.mem.ar.ready &
+    (vme_select === i.U) & (availableEntries.asUInt =/= 0.U) &
+    !(io.mem.r.bits.last & io.mem.r.valid)
+    io.vme.rd(i).cmd.ready := VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.enq.ready
-  switch(wstate) {
-    is(sWriteIdle) {
-      when(io.vme.wr(0).cmd.valid) {
+  vmeTag_array_wr_addr := firstPostn.asUInt
+  val cmd_readys = for { q <- VMEcmd_Qs} yield q.io.deq.ready
+  val any_cmd_ready = cmd_readys.foldLeft(false.B){ case (x,y) => x || y}
+  vmeTag_array_wr_en := any_cmd_ready
+  when(vmeTag_array_wr_en){
+    val rdwrPort = vmeTag_array(vmeTag_array_wr_addr)
+    rdwrPort  := vmeTag_array_wr_data
+  }
+  io.mem.ar.bits.addr := 0.U
+  io.mem.ar.bits.len  := 0.U
+  io.mem.ar.valid     := 0.U
+  io.mem.ar.bits.id   := 0.U
+  vmeTag_array_wr_data := default_tag
+  // Last assign wins so do this in reverse order
+  for { i <- 4 to 0 by -1} {
+    when(VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.deq.ready){
+      io.mem.ar.bits.addr := VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.deq.bits.addr
+      io.mem.ar.bits.len  := VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.deq.bits.len
+      io.mem.ar.valid     := VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.deq.valid
+      io.mem.ar.bits.id   := vmeTag_array_wr_addr
+      vmeTag_array_wr_data.client_id  := i.U
+      vmeTag_array_wr_data.client_tag := VMEcmd_Qs(i).io.deq.bits.tag
+      vmeTag_array_wr_data.client_mask := resetEntry
+    }
+  }
+  // We need one clock cycle to look up the local tag from the
+  // centralized tag buffer vmeTag_array
+  // Adding a flop stage for mem.r.data, mem.r.last, mem.r.valid
+  // till local tag lookup is performed.
+  io.mem.r.ready  := true.B
+  vmeTag_array_rd_addr :=  io.mem.r.bits.id
+  localTag_out         :=  vmeTag_array(vmeTag_array_rd_addr)
+  freeTagLocation      :=  localTag_out.client_mask
+  for (i <- 0 until nReadClients) {
+    io.vme.rd(i).data.valid := ((RegNext(io.mem.r.valid, init = false.B)) && ((localTag_out.client_id) === i.U)
+    && io.vme.rd(i).data.ready)
+    //VME doesnt stop on not ready
+    assert(io.vme.rd(i).data.ready || ~io.vme.rd(i).data.valid)
+    io.vme.rd(i).data.bits.data := RegNext(io.mem.r.bits.data, init = false.B)
+    io.vme.rd(i).data.bits.last := RegNext(io.mem.r.bits.last, init = false.B)
+    io.vme.rd(i).data.bits.tag  := localTag_out.client_tag
+  }
+  // VME <-> AXI write interface
+  val wr_len = RegInit(0.U(lenBits.W))
+  val wr_addr = RegInit(0.U(addrBits.W))
+  val sWriteIdle :: sWriteAddr :: sWriteData :: sWriteResp :: Nil = Enum(4)
+  val wstate = RegInit(sWriteIdle)
+  val wr_cnt = RegInit(0.U(lenBits.W))
+  io.vme.wr(0).cmd.ready := wstate === sWriteIdle
+  io.vme.wr(0).ack := io.mem.b.fire()
+  io.vme.wr(0).data.ready := wstate === sWriteData & io.mem.w.ready
+  io.mem.aw.valid := wstate === sWriteAddr
+  io.mem.aw.bits.addr := wr_addr
+  io.mem.aw.bits.len := wr_len
+  io.mem.aw.bits.id  := p(ShellKey).memParams.idConst.U // no support for multiple writes
+  io.mem.w.valid := wstate === sWriteData & io.vme.wr(0).data.valid
+  io.mem.w.bits.data := io.vme.wr(0).data.bits.data
+  io.mem.w.bits.strb := io.vme.wr(0).data.bits.strb
+  io.mem.w.bits.last := wr_cnt === wr_len
+  io.mem.w.bits.id   := p(ShellKey).memParams.idConst.U // no support for multiple writes
+  io.mem.b.ready := wstate === sWriteResp
+  when(io.vme.wr(0).cmd.fire()) {
+    wr_len := io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.len
+    wr_addr := io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.addr
+  }
+  when(wstate === sWriteIdle) {
+    wr_cnt := 0.U
+  }
+  .elsewhen(io.mem.w.fire()){
+    wr_cnt := wr_cnt + 1.U
+  }
+  switch(wstate){
+    is(sWriteIdle){
+      when(io.vme.wr(0).cmd.valid){
         wstate := sWriteAddr
-    is(sWriteAddr) {
-      when(io.mem.aw.ready) {
+    is(sWriteAddr){
+      when(io.mem.aw.ready){
         wstate := sWriteData
-    is(sWriteData) {
-      when(
-        io.vme
-          .wr(0)
-          .data
-          .valid && io.mem.w.ready && wr_cnt === io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.len) {
+    is(sWriteData){
+      when(io.vme.wr(0).data.valid && io.mem.w.ready && wr_cnt === wr_len) {
         wstate := sWriteResp
@@ -207,54 +369,28 @@
-  // registers storing read/write cmds
-  val rd_len = RegInit(0.U(lenBits.W))
-  val wr_len = RegInit(0.U(lenBits.W))
-  val rd_addr = RegInit(0.U(addrBits.W))
-  val wr_addr = RegInit(0.U(addrBits.W))
-  when(rd_arb.io.out.fire()) {
-    rd_len := rd_arb.io.out.bits.len
-    rd_addr := rd_arb.io.out.bits.addr
-  }
-  when(io.vme.wr(0).cmd.fire()) {
-    wr_len := io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.len
-    wr_addr := io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.addr
-  }
-  // rd arb
-  rd_arb.io.out.ready := rstate === sReadIdle
-  // vme
-  for (i <- 0 until nReadClients) {
-    io.vme.rd(i).data.valid := rd_arb_chosen === i.asUInt & io.mem.r.valid
-    io.vme.rd(i).data.bits := io.mem.r.bits.data
-  }
-  io.vme.wr(0).cmd.ready := wstate === sWriteIdle
-  io.vme.wr(0).ack := io.mem.b.fire()
-  io.vme.wr(0).data.ready := wstate === sWriteData & io.mem.w.ready
-  // mem
-  io.mem.aw.valid := wstate === sWriteAddr
-  io.mem.aw.bits.addr := wr_addr
-  io.mem.aw.bits.len := wr_len
-  io.mem.w.valid := wstate === sWriteData & io.vme.wr(0).data.valid
-  io.mem.w.bits.data := io.vme.wr(0).data.bits
-  io.mem.w.bits.last := wr_cnt === io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.len
-  io.mem.b.ready := wstate === sWriteResp
-  io.mem.ar.valid := rstate === sReadAddr
-  io.mem.ar.bits.addr := rd_addr
-  io.mem.ar.bits.len := rd_len
-  io.mem.r.ready := rstate === sReadData & io.vme.rd(rd_arb_chosen).data.ready
-  // AXI constants - statically defined
+  // AXI constants - statically define
+/** VTA Memory Engine (VME).
+ *
+ * This unit multiplexes the memory controller interface for the Core. Currently,
+ * it supports single-writer and multiple-reader mode and it is also based on AXI.
+ */
+class VMETop(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val mem = new AXIMaster(p(ShellKey).memParams)
+    val vme = new VMEClient
+  })
+  val forceSimpleVME = false // force simple vme for simple tensor load/uop/fetch
+  if (forceSimpleVME) {
+    val vme = Module(new VMESimple)
+    io <> vme.io
+  } else {
+    val vme = Module(new VME)
+    io <> vme.io
+  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/shell/VMESimple.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/shell/VMESimple.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e430d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/shell/VMESimple.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.shell
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+import vta.util.genericbundle._
+import vta.interface.axi._
+/** VTA Memory Engine (VME).
+ *
+ * This unit multiplexes the memory controller interface for the Core. Currently,
+ * it supports single-writer and multiple-reader mode and it is also based on AXI.
+ */
+class VMESimple(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val mem = new AXIMaster(p(ShellKey).memParams)
+    val vme = new VMEClient
+  })
+  val nReadClients = p(ShellKey).vmeParams.nReadClients
+  val rd_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new VMECmd, nReadClients))
+  val rd_arb_chosen = RegEnable(rd_arb.io.chosen, rd_arb.io.out.fire())
+  for (i <- 0 until nReadClients) { rd_arb.io.in(i) <> io.vme.rd(i).cmd }
+  val sReadIdle :: sReadAddr :: sReadData :: Nil = Enum(3)
+  val rstate = RegInit(sReadIdle)
+  switch(rstate) {
+    is(sReadIdle) {
+      when(rd_arb.io.out.valid) {
+        rstate := sReadAddr
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadAddr) {
+      when(io.mem.ar.ready) {
+        rstate := sReadData
+      }
+    }
+    is(sReadData) {
+      when(io.mem.r.fire() && io.mem.r.bits.last) {
+        rstate := sReadIdle
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  val sWriteIdle :: sWriteAddr :: sWriteData :: sWriteResp :: Nil = Enum(4)
+  val wstate = RegInit(sWriteIdle)
+  val addrBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.addrBits
+  val lenBits = p(ShellKey).memParams.lenBits
+  val wr_cnt = RegInit(0.U(lenBits.W))
+  when(wstate === sWriteIdle) {
+    wr_cnt := 0.U
+  }.elsewhen(io.mem.w.fire()) {
+    wr_cnt := wr_cnt + 1.U
+  }
+  switch(wstate) {
+    is(sWriteIdle) {
+      when(io.vme.wr(0).cmd.valid) {
+        wstate := sWriteAddr
+      }
+    }
+    is(sWriteAddr) {
+      when(io.mem.aw.ready) {
+        wstate := sWriteData
+      }
+    }
+    is(sWriteData) {
+      when(
+        io.vme
+          .wr(0)
+          .data
+          .valid && io.mem.w.ready && wr_cnt === io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.len) {
+        wstate := sWriteResp
+      }
+    }
+    is(sWriteResp) {
+      when(io.mem.b.valid) {
+        wstate := sWriteIdle
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // registers storing read/write cmds
+  val rd_len = RegInit(0.U(lenBits.W))
+  val wr_len = RegInit(0.U(lenBits.W))
+  val rd_addr = RegInit(0.U(addrBits.W))
+  val wr_addr = RegInit(0.U(addrBits.W))
+  when(rd_arb.io.out.fire()) {
+    rd_len := rd_arb.io.out.bits.len
+    rd_addr := rd_arb.io.out.bits.addr
+  }
+  when(io.vme.wr(0).cmd.fire()) {
+    wr_len := io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.len
+    wr_addr := io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.addr
+  }
+  // rd arb
+  rd_arb.io.out.ready := rstate === sReadIdle
+  val localTag = Reg(Vec(nReadClients, UInt(p(ShellKey).vmeParams.clientTagBitWidth.W)))
+  // vme
+  for (i <- 0 until nReadClients) {
+    io.vme.rd(i).data.valid := rd_arb_chosen === i.asUInt & io.mem.r.valid
+    io.vme.rd(i).data.bits.data := io.mem.r.bits.data
+    io.vme.rd(i).data.bits.last := io.mem.r.bits.last
+    io.vme.rd(i).data.bits.tag := localTag(i)
+    when (io.vme.rd(i).cmd.fire()) {
+      localTag(i) := io.vme.rd(i).cmd.bits.tag
+    }
+  }
+  io.vme.wr(0).cmd.ready := wstate === sWriteIdle
+  io.vme.wr(0).ack := io.mem.b.fire()
+  io.vme.wr(0).data.ready := wstate === sWriteData & io.mem.w.ready
+  // mem
+  io.mem.aw.valid := wstate === sWriteAddr
+  io.mem.aw.bits.addr := wr_addr
+  io.mem.aw.bits.len := wr_len
+  io.mem.w.valid := wstate === sWriteData & io.vme.wr(0).data.valid
+  io.mem.w.bits.data := io.vme.wr(0).data.bits.data
+  io.mem.w.bits.last := wr_cnt === io.vme.wr(0).cmd.bits.len
+  io.mem.w.bits.strb := Fill(p(ShellKey).memParams.strbBits, true.B)
+  io.mem.b.ready := wstate === sWriteResp
+  io.mem.ar.valid := rstate === sReadAddr
+  io.mem.ar.bits.addr := rd_addr
+  io.mem.ar.bits.len := rd_len
+  io.mem.ar.bits.id  := 0.U
+  io.mem.r.ready := rstate === sReadData & io.vme.rd(rd_arb_chosen).data.ready
+  // AXI constants - statically defined
+  io.mem.setConst()
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/util/SyncQueue.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/util/SyncQueue.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e77c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/main/scala/util/SyncQueue.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package vta.util
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+//! Queue with SRAM one port or 1r1W
+class SyncQueue[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    pipe: Boolean = false,
+    flow: Boolean = false)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val forceSimpleQueue = false // Force usage of Queue
+  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
+  require (!pipe, "-F- Not supported")
+  require (!flow, "-F- Not supported")
+  if (forceSimpleQueue) {
+    val queue = Module(new Queue(genType.asUInt, entries))
+    io <> queue.io
+  } else {
+    val queue = Module(new SyncQueue2PortMem(genType.asUInt, entries))
+    io <> queue.io
+  }
+// Implement a Queue on a single-port memory
+// pipe/flow not supported
+// combine DoubleQueue with a 3-entry Queue
+// Queue is required to buffer DoubleQueue latency
+class SyncQueue1PortMem[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    pipe: Boolean = false,
+    flow: Boolean = false)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
+  require (!pipe, "-F- Not supported")
+  require (!flow, "-F- Not supported")
+  if (entries < 4 ) {
+    val queue =  Module(new Queue(genType.asUInt, entries))
+    io <> queue.io
+  } else {
+    val queue = Module(new SyncQueue1PortMemImpl(genType.asUInt, entries))
+    io <> queue.io
+  }
+class SyncQueue1PortMemImpl[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    pipe: Boolean = false,
+    flow: Boolean = false)
+    extends Module() {
+  require (!pipe, "-F- Not supported")
+  require (!flow, "-F- Not supported")
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
+  require (entries > 3, "-F- TODO: small queue implemetation")
+  val doubleQueue = Module(new DoubleQueue(genType.asUInt, entries))
+  val buffer = Module(new Queue(genType.asUInt, 3))
+  val doubleQueueHasValues = doubleQueue.io.count =/= 0.U
+  val bufferInValid = Mux(doubleQueueHasValues, doubleQueue.io.deq.valid, io.enq.valid)
+  val bufferInBits = Mux(doubleQueueHasValues, doubleQueue.io.deq.bits, io.enq.bits)
+  buffer.io.enq.valid := bufferInValid
+  buffer.io.enq.bits := bufferInBits
+  io.deq <> buffer.io.deq
+  doubleQueue.io.enq.bits := io.enq.bits
+  doubleQueue.io.enq.valid := io.enq.fire() && (!buffer.io.enq.ready || doubleQueueHasValues)
+  doubleQueue.io.deq.ready := buffer.io.enq.ready
+  val count = Wire(UInt(log2Up(entries + 1).W))
+  val countNext = RegEnable(
+    next = count,
+    init = 0.U,
+    enable = io.enq.fire() || io.deq.fire())
+  when (io.enq.fire() && !io.deq.fire()) {
+    assert(countNext < entries.U)
+    count := countNext + 1.U
+  }.elsewhen (!io.enq.fire() && io.deq.fire()) {
+    assert(countNext > 0.U)
+    count := countNext - 1.U
+  }.otherwise {
+    count := countNext
+  }
+  io.count := countNext
+  io.enq.ready :=  countNext =/= entries.U
+  io.deq.valid :=  countNext =/= 0.U
+  assert(io.deq.valid === buffer.io.deq.valid)
+  assert(io.enq.ready === buffer.io.enq.ready || doubleQueue.io.enq.ready)
+class SyncQueue2PortMem[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    pipe: Boolean = false,
+    flow: Boolean = false)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
+  require (!pipe, "-F- Not supported")
+  require (!flow, "-F- Not supported")
+  if (entries < 4 ) {
+    val queue = Module(new Queue(genType.asUInt, entries))
+    io <> queue.io
+  } else {
+    val queue = Module(new SyncQueue2PortMemImpl(genType.asUInt, entries))
+    io <> queue.io
+  }
+class SyncQueue2PortMemImpl[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    pipe: Boolean = false,
+    flow: Boolean = false)
+    extends Module() {
+  require (!pipe, "-F- Not supported")
+  require (!flow, "-F- Not supported")
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
+  require (entries > 3, "-F- TODO: small queue implemetation")
+  val memoryQueue = Module(new OneCycleQueue(genType.asUInt, entries, ""))
+  val buffer = Module(new Queue(genType.asUInt, 3))
+  val memoryQueueHasValues = memoryQueue.io.count =/= 0.U
+  val bufferInValid = Mux(memoryQueueHasValues, memoryQueue.io.deq.valid, io.enq.valid)
+  val bufferInBits = Mux(memoryQueueHasValues, memoryQueue.io.deq.bits, io.enq.bits)
+  buffer.io.enq.valid := bufferInValid
+  buffer.io.enq.bits := bufferInBits
+  io.deq <> buffer.io.deq
+  memoryQueue.io.enq.bits := io.enq.bits
+  memoryQueue.io.enq.valid := io.enq.fire() && (!buffer.io.enq.ready || memoryQueueHasValues)
+  memoryQueue.io.deq.ready := buffer.io.enq.ready
+  val count = Wire(UInt(log2Up(entries + 1).W))
+  val countNext = RegEnable(
+    next = count,
+    init = 0.U,
+    enable = io.enq.fire() || io.deq.fire())
+  when (io.enq.fire() && !io.deq.fire()) {
+    assert(countNext < entries.U)
+    count := countNext + 1.U
+  }.elsewhen (!io.enq.fire() && io.deq.fire()) {
+    assert(countNext > 0.U)
+    count := countNext - 1.U
+  }.otherwise {
+    count := countNext
+  }
+  io.count := countNext
+  io.enq.ready :=  countNext =/= entries.U
+  io.deq.valid :=  countNext =/= 0.U
+  assert(io.deq.valid === buffer.io.deq.valid)
+  assert(io.enq.ready === buffer.io.enq.ready || memoryQueue.io.enq.ready)
+//combines two TwoCycle one-port memory queues into a queue
+// with a latency 3
+class DoubleQueue[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
+  require(entries > 1, "Zero size not tested")
+  val entriesRam0 = entries/2
+  val entriesRam1 = entries - entriesRam0
+  val queue0 = Module(new TwoCycleQueue(genType.asUInt, entriesRam0, "q0"))
+  val queue1 = Module(new TwoCycleQueue(genType.asUInt, entriesRam1, "q1"))
+  val enqRR = Wire(Bool())
+  enqRR := RegEnable(
+    next = ~enqRR,
+    init = 1.U,
+    enable = io.enq.fire())
+  val deqRR = Wire(Bool())
+  deqRR := RegEnable(
+    next = ~deqRR,
+    init = 1.U,
+    enable = io.deq.fire())
+  val do_enq0 = WireInit(io.enq.fire() && enqRR)
+  val do_enq1 = WireInit(io.enq.fire() && ~enqRR)
+  val deq0 = WireInit(io.deq.fire() && deqRR)
+  val deq1 = WireInit(io.deq.fire() && ~deqRR)
+  val do_deq0_next = RegNext(deq0 && do_enq0)
+  val do_deq1_next = RegNext(deq1 && do_enq1)
+  val do_deq0 = (deq0 && ~do_enq0) || do_deq0_next
+  val do_deq1 = (deq1 && ~do_enq1) || do_deq1_next
+  val do_deq = WireInit(io.deq.fire())
+  val full  = !queue0.io.enq.ready && !queue1.io.enq.ready
+  val empty = !queue0.io.deq.valid && !queue1.io.deq.valid
+  queue0.io.enq.bits := io.enq.bits
+  queue0.io.enq.valid := do_enq0
+  queue1.io.enq.bits := io.enq.bits
+  queue1.io.enq.valid := do_enq1
+  queue0.io.deq.ready := do_deq0
+  queue1.io.deq.ready := do_deq1
+  io.deq.valid := !empty
+  io.enq.ready := !full
+  when(do_deq0) {
+    assert(queue0.io.deq.valid, "-F- Deq empty queue 0")
+  }
+  when(do_deq1) {
+    assert(queue1.io.deq.valid, "-F- Deq empty queue 1")
+  }
+  when(do_enq0) {
+    assert(queue0.io.enq.ready, "-F- Enq full queue 0")
+  }
+  when(do_enq1) {
+    assert(queue1.io.enq.ready, "-F- Enq full queue 1")
+  }
+  io.deq.bits := Mux(deqRR, queue0.io.deq.bits, queue1.io.deq.bits)
+  io.count := queue0.io.count +& queue1.io.count
+// one-port memory queue
+// enq and deq should not overlap
+// two subsequent enq should be cycle separated
+// two subsequent deq can be next cycle
+class TwoCycleQueue[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    val qname: String)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
+  val ram0 = Module(new OnePortMem(genType.asUInt, entries, qname))
+  val enq_ptr = Counter(entries)
+  val deq_ptr = Counter(entries)
+  val maybe_full = RegInit(false.B)
+  val ptr_match = enq_ptr.value === deq_ptr.value
+  val empty = ptr_match && !maybe_full
+  val full = ptr_match && maybe_full
+  val do_enq = WireInit(io.enq.fire())
+  val do_deq = WireInit(io.deq.fire())
+  // check protocol
+  val enq_next = RegNext(do_enq)
+  assert(!(enq_next && do_enq), "-F- Expecting two cycle behavior on enq")
+  assert(!do_enq || !do_deq, "-F- No simultaneous R/W")
+  when(do_deq) {
+    deq_ptr.inc()
+  }
+  when(do_enq =/= do_deq) {
+    maybe_full := do_enq
+  }
+  val firstRead = RegEnable(next = do_enq && io.count === 0.U, init = false.B, enable = true.B)
+  io.deq.valid := !empty && !firstRead
+  io.enq.ready := !full
+  when (do_enq) {
+    enq_ptr.inc()
+  }
+  val memAddr = Wire(enq_ptr.value.cloneType)
+  memAddr := enq_ptr.value
+  when(!do_enq) {
+    when(firstRead) {// output the 1st written data
+      memAddr := deq_ptr.value
+    }.elsewhen (do_deq) {
+      val wrap = deq_ptr.value === (entries - 1).U
+      when (wrap) {
+        memAddr := 0.U // initiate read of the next entry
+      }.otherwise {
+        memAddr := (deq_ptr.value + 1.U) // initiate read of the next entry
+      }
+    }.otherwise {
+      memAddr := deq_ptr.value
+    }
+  }
+  ram0.io.wr_en  := do_enq
+  ram0.io.wr_data := io.enq.bits.asUInt
+  ram0.io.ch_en := do_deq || firstRead || do_enq
+  io.deq.bits := ram0.io.rd_data
+  ram0.io.addr :=  memAddr
+  val ptr_diff = enq_ptr.value - deq_ptr.value
+  if (isPow2(entries)) {
+    io.count := Mux(maybe_full && ptr_match, entries.U, 0.U) | ptr_diff
+  } else {
+    io.count := Mux(
+      ptr_match,
+      Mux(
+        maybe_full,
+        entries.asUInt, 0.U),
+        Mux(
+          deq_ptr.value > enq_ptr.value,
+          entries.asUInt + ptr_diff, ptr_diff))
+  }
+class OneCycleQueue[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    val qname: String)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
+  val ram0 = Module(new TwoPortMem(genType.asUInt, entries, qname))
+  val enq_ptr = Counter(entries)
+  val deq_ptr = Counter(entries)
+  val maybe_full = RegInit(false.B)
+  val ptr_match = enq_ptr.value === deq_ptr.value
+  val empty = ptr_match && !maybe_full
+  val full = ptr_match && maybe_full
+  val do_enq = WireInit(io.enq.fire())
+  val do_deq = WireInit(io.deq.fire())
+  when(do_deq) {
+    deq_ptr.inc()
+  }
+  when(do_enq =/= do_deq) {
+    maybe_full := do_enq
+  }
+  when (do_enq) {
+    enq_ptr.inc()
+  }
+  val firstRead = RegEnable(next = do_enq && io.count === 0.U, init = false.B, enable = true.B)
+  io.deq.valid := !empty && !firstRead
+  io.enq.ready := !full
+  assert(!firstRead || !do_deq, "-F- Cannot have deq with first read as queue output is not valid yet")
+  val rdAddr = Wire(enq_ptr.value.cloneType)
+  when(firstRead) {// output the 1st written data
+    rdAddr := deq_ptr.value
+  }.elsewhen (do_deq) {
+    val wrap = deq_ptr.value === (entries - 1).U
+    when (wrap) {
+      rdAddr := 0.U // initiate read of the next entry
+    }.otherwise {
+      rdAddr := (deq_ptr.value + 1.U) // initiate read of the next entry
+    }
+  }.otherwise {
+    rdAddr := deq_ptr.value
+  }
+  ram0.io.wr_en  := do_enq
+  ram0.io.wr_data := io.enq.bits.asUInt
+  ram0.io.wr_addr := enq_ptr.value
+  ram0.io.rd_en := do_deq || firstRead
+  ram0.io.rd_addr := rdAddr
+  io.deq.bits := ram0.io.rd_data
+  val ptr_diff = enq_ptr.value - deq_ptr.value
+  if (isPow2(entries)) {
+    io.count := Mux(maybe_full && ptr_match, entries.U, 0.U) | ptr_diff
+  } else {
+    io.count := Mux(
+      ptr_match,
+      Mux(
+        maybe_full,
+        entries.asUInt, 0.U),
+        Mux(
+          deq_ptr.value > enq_ptr.value,
+          entries.asUInt + ptr_diff, ptr_diff))
+  }
+// one-port memory implementation
+class MemIO[T <: Data](gen: T, entries: Int) extends Bundle
+  val wr_en   = Input(Bool())
+  val wr_data = Input(gen.cloneType)
+  val ch_en   = Input(Bool())
+  val rd_data = Output(gen.cloneType)
+  val addr    = Input(UInt(16.W)) // i dont care
+  override def cloneType: this.type = new MemIO(gen, entries).asInstanceOf[this.type]
+class OnePortMem[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    val qname: String)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new MemIO(genType, entries))
+  val mem = SyncReadMem(entries, genType.asUInt)
+  // detected as one-port sync mem interface
+  io.rd_data := DontCare
+  when(io.ch_en) {
+    val rdwrPort = mem(io.addr)
+    when (io.wr_en) { rdwrPort := io.wr_data }
+      .otherwise    { io.rd_data := rdwrPort }
+  }
+// two-port memory implementation
+class MemIO2P[T <: Data](gen: T, entries: Int) extends Bundle
+  val wr_en   = Input(Bool())
+  val wr_addr = Input(UInt(16.W)) // i dont care
+  val wr_data = Input(gen.cloneType)
+  val rd_en   = Input(Bool())
+  val rd_addr = Input(UInt(16.W)) // i dont care
+  val rd_data = Output(gen.cloneType)
+  override def cloneType: this.type = new MemIO2P(gen, entries).asInstanceOf[this.type]
+class TwoPortMem[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int,
+    val qname: String)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new MemIO2P(genType, entries))
+  val mem = SyncReadMem(entries, genType.asUInt)
+  when (io.wr_en ) {
+    mem.write(io.wr_addr, io.wr_data.asUInt)
+  }
+  io.rd_data := DontCare
+  when (io.rd_en)  {
+    io.rd_data := mem.read(io.rd_addr, io.rd_en)
+  }
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/test/scala/unittest/SyncQueue2PortMemTest.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/test/scala/unittest/SyncQueue2PortMemTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8916ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/test/scala/unittest/SyncQueue2PortMemTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package unittest
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.iotesters.{ChiselFlatSpec, Driver, PeekPokeTester}
+import scala.util.Random
+import unittest.util._
+import vta.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+class Checker2P(c: SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt], t: PeekPokeTester[SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]]) {
+  def bits (bits: Int) = {
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.deq.bits, bits)
+    t.expect(c.io.rq.deq.bits, bits)
+  }
+  def ready (bits: Int) = {
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.enq.ready, bits)
+    t.expect(c.io.rq.enq.ready, bits)
+  }
+  def valid (bits: Int) = {
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.deq.valid, bits)
+    t.expect(c.io.rq.deq.valid, bits)
+  }
+  def status () = {
+    val rv = t.peek(c.io.rq.enq.ready)
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.enq.ready, rv)
+    val rc = t.peek(c.io.rq.count)
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.count, rc)
+    val vv = t.peek(c.io.rq.deq.valid)
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.deq.valid, vv)
+    if (vv != 0) {
+      val bv = t.peek(c.io.rq.deq.bits)
+      t.expect(c.io.tq.deq.bits, bv)
+    }
+    t.peek(c.io.rq.count)
+    t.peek(c.io.tq.count)
+  }
+class TestSyncQueue2PLongRead(c: SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
+  val chr = new Checker2P (c, this)
+  def testFillRW(depth: Int) = {
+    val qsize = peek(c.io.tq.count)
+    require(qsize == 0, s"-F- An empty queue is expected ${qsize}")
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+    chr.ready(1)
+    step(1)
+    // fill up to depth
+    for (i <- 10 until 10 + depth) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, i)
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 1)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // read and write same cycle
+    for (i <- 30 + depth until 30 + depth * 2) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 1)
+      poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 1)
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, i)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // read out
+    for (i <- 0 until depth + 1) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+      poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 1)
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, 99)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+  }
+  for (i <- 1 until 28) {
+    testFillRW(i)
+  }
+class TestSyncQueue2PWaveRead(c: SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
+  val chr = new Checker2P (c, this)
+  def testFillRW(depth: Int) = {
+    val qsize = peek(c.io.tq.count)
+    require(qsize == 0, s"-F- An empty queue is expected ${qsize}")
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+    chr.ready(1)
+    step(1)
+    // fill up to depth
+    for (i <- 10 until 10 + depth) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, i)
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 1)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // read out, no write
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 1)
+    for (i <- 0 until 7) {
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // fill more
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 1)
+    for (i <- 0 until 13) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, 99 + i)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // read out, no write
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 1)
+    for (i <- 1 until 14 + depth) {
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+  }
+  // read
+  for (i <- 1 until 28) {
+    testFillRW(i)
+  }
+class SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val tq = new QueueIO(genType, entries)
+    val rq = new QueueIO(genType, entries)
+    })
+  val tq = Module(new SyncQueue2PortMem(genType.asUInt, entries))
+  val rq = Module(new Queue(genType.asUInt, entries))
+  io.tq <> tq.io
+  io.rq <> rq.io
+  tq.io.enq.valid := RegNext(io.tq.enq.valid)
+  tq.io.enq.bits := RegNext(io.tq.enq.bits)
+  tq.io.deq.ready := RegNext(io.tq.deq.ready)
+  //connect reference queue inport to test input
+  rq.io.enq.valid := RegNext(io.tq.enq.valid)
+  rq.io.enq.bits := RegNext(io.tq.enq.bits)
+  rq.io.deq.ready := RegNext(io.tq.deq.ready)
+class SyncQueue2PTestLongRead24 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueue2PTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 24),
+  (c:SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueue2PLongRead(c))
+class SyncQueue2PTestLongRead13 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueue2PTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 13),
+  (c:SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueue2PLongRead(c))
+class SyncQueue2PTestWaveRead24 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueue2PTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 24),
+  (c:SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueue2PWaveRead(c))
+class SyncQueue2PTestWaveRead1 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueue2PTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 1),
+  (c:SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueue2PWaveRead(c))
+class SyncQueue2PTestWaveRead2 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueue2PTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 2),
+  (c:SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueue2PWaveRead(c))
+class SyncQueue2PTestWaveRead3 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueue2PTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 3),
+  (c:SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueue2PWaveRead(c))
+class SyncQueue2PTestWaveRead4 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueue2PTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 4),
+  (c:SyncQueue2PTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueue2PWaveRead(c))
diff --git a/hardware/chisel/src/test/scala/unittest/SyncQueueTest.scala b/hardware/chisel/src/test/scala/unittest/SyncQueueTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..105d0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/chisel/src/test/scala/unittest/SyncQueueTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package unittest
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.iotesters.{ChiselFlatSpec, Driver, PeekPokeTester}
+import scala.util.Random
+import unittest.util._
+import vta.util._
+import vta.util.config._
+class TestOnePortMem(c: OnePortMem[UInt]) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
+  // write a:0 d:24
+  println("-----------------------------")
+  println("Cycle 0 write 24 to address 0")
+  poke (c.io.wr_en, 1)
+  poke (c.io.wr_data, 24)
+  poke (c.io.ch_en, 1)
+  poke (c.io.addr, 0)
+  step(1)
+  println("-----------------------------")
+  // read a:0
+  println("Cycle 1 read address 0")
+  poke (c.io.wr_en, 0)
+  poke (c.io.addr, 0)
+  poke (c.io.ch_en, 1)
+  step(1)
+  println("-----------------------------")
+  // write a:1 d:99
+  println("Cycle 2 write 99 to address 1")
+  poke (c.io.wr_en, 1)
+  poke (c.io.wr_data, 99)
+  poke (c.io.ch_en, 1)
+  poke (c.io.addr, 1)
+  // read d:24
+  println("Cycle 2 read expect data 24")
+  expect (c.io.rd_data, 24)
+  step(1)
+  println("-----------------------------")
+  println("Cycle 3 should still read data 24")
+  poke (c.io.ch_en, 0)
+  // read d:24
+  expect (c.io.rd_data, 24)
+  step(1)
+  println("-----------------------------")
+  println("Cycle 4 read address 0")
+  poke (c.io.wr_en, 0)
+  poke (c.io.addr, 0)
+  poke (c.io.ch_en, 1)
+  step(1)
+  println("-----------------------------")
+  // write a:1 d:99
+  poke (c.io.wr_en, 0)
+  poke (c.io.wr_data, 99)
+  poke (c.io.ch_en, 0)
+  poke (c.io.addr, 1)
+  // read d:24
+  println("Cycle 5 read expect data 24")
+  expect (c.io.rd_data, 24)
+  step(1)
+  println("-----------------------------")
+class Checker(c: SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt], t: PeekPokeTester[SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]]) {
+  def bits (bits: Int) = {
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.deq.bits, bits)
+    t.expect(c.io.rq.deq.bits, bits)
+  }
+  def ready (bits: Int) = {
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.enq.ready, bits)
+    t.expect(c.io.rq.enq.ready, bits)
+  }
+  def valid (bits: Int) = {
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.deq.valid, bits)
+    t.expect(c.io.rq.deq.valid, bits)
+  }
+  def status () = {
+    val rv = t.peek(c.io.rq.enq.ready)
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.enq.ready, rv)
+    val rc = t.peek(c.io.rq.count)
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.count, rc)
+    val vv = t.peek(c.io.rq.deq.valid)
+    t.expect(c.io.tq.deq.valid, vv)
+    if (vv != 0) {
+      val bv = t.peek(c.io.rq.deq.bits)
+      t.expect(c.io.tq.deq.bits, bv)
+    }
+    t.peek(c.io.rq.count)
+    t.peek(c.io.tq.count)
+  }
+class TestSyncQueueLongRead(c: SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
+  val chr = new Checker (c, this)
+  def testFillRW(depth: Int) = {
+    val qsize = peek(c.io.tq.count)
+    require(qsize == 0, s"-F- An empty queue is expected ${qsize}")
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+    chr.ready(1)
+    step(1)
+    // fill up to depth
+    for (i <- 10 until 10 + depth) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, i)
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 1)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // read and write same cycle
+    for (i <- 30 + depth until 30 + depth * 2) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 1)
+      poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 1)
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, i)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // read out
+    for (i <- 0 until depth + 1) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+      poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 1)
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, 99)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+  }
+  for (i <- 1 until 28) {
+    testFillRW(i)
+  }
+class TestSyncQueueWaveRead(c: SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
+  val chr = new Checker (c, this)
+  def testFillRW(depth: Int) = {
+    val qsize = peek(c.io.tq.count)
+    require(qsize == 0, s"-F- An empty queue is expected ${qsize}")
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+    chr.ready(1)
+    step(1)
+    // fill up to depth
+    for (i <- 10 until 10 + depth) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, i)
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 1)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // read out, no write
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 1)
+    for (i <- 0 until 7) {
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // fill more
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 1)
+    for (i <- 0 until 13) {
+      poke (c.io.tq.enq.bits, 99 + i)
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+    // read out, no write
+    poke (c.io.tq.enq.valid, 0)
+    poke (c.io.tq.deq.ready, 1)
+    for (i <- 1 until 14 + depth) {
+      chr.status()
+      step(1)
+    }
+  }
+  // read
+  for (i <- 1 until 28) {
+    testFillRW(i)
+  }
+class SyncQueueTestWrapper[T <: Data](
+    gen: T,
+    val entries: Int)
+    extends Module() {
+  val genType = gen
+  val io = IO(new Bundle {
+    val tq = new QueueIO(genType, entries)
+    val rq = new QueueIO(genType, entries)
+    })
+  val tq = Module(new SyncQueue1PortMem(genType.asUInt, entries))
+  val rq = Module(new Queue(genType.asUInt, entries))
+  io.tq <> tq.io
+  io.rq <> rq.io
+  tq.io.enq.valid := RegNext(io.tq.enq.valid)
+  tq.io.enq.bits := RegNext(io.tq.enq.bits)
+  tq.io.deq.ready := RegNext(io.tq.deq.ready)
+  // connect reference queue inport to test input
+  rq.io.enq.valid := RegNext(io.tq.enq.valid)
+  rq.io.enq.bits := RegNext(io.tq.enq.bits)
+  rq.io.deq.ready := RegNext(io.tq.deq.ready)
+class SyncQueueTestLongRead24 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueueTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 24),
+  (c:SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueueLongRead(c))
+class SyncQueueTestLongRead13 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueueTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 13),
+  (c:SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueueLongRead(c))
+class SyncQueueTestWaveRead24 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueueTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 24),
+  (c:SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueueWaveRead(c))
+class OnePorMemTest extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new OnePortMem(UInt(16.W), 16, ""),
+  (c:OnePortMem[UInt]) => new TestOnePortMem(c))
+class SyncQueueTestWaveRead1 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueueTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 1),
+  (c:SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueueWaveRead(c))
+class SyncQueueTestWaveRead2 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueueTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 2),
+  (c:SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueueWaveRead(c))
+class SyncQueueTestWaveRead3 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueueTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 3),
+  (c:SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueueWaveRead(c))
+class SyncQueueTestWaveRead4 extends GenericTest(
+  "Queue",
+  (p:Parameters) => new SyncQueueTestWrapper(UInt(16.W), 4),
+  (c:SyncQueueTestWrapper[UInt]) => new TestSyncQueueWaveRead(c))
diff --git a/hardware/dpi/tsim_device.cc b/hardware/dpi/tsim_device.cc
index ffa192b..be19108 100644
--- a/hardware/dpi/tsim_device.cc
+++ b/hardware/dpi/tsim_device.cc
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
  * under the License.
+#include <cassert>
 #include <chrono>
 #include <thread>
 #include <vta/dpi/tsim.h>
+#include <verilated.h>
 #ifdef VM_TRACE_FST
@@ -58,19 +60,25 @@
                resp_valid, resp_value);
-void VTAMemDPI(dpi8_t req_valid,
-               dpi8_t req_opcode,
-               dpi8_t req_len,
-               dpi64_t req_addr,
+void VTAMemDPI(dpi8_t rd_req_valid,
+               dpi8_t rd_req_len,
+               dpi8_t rd_req_id,
+               dpi64_t rd_req_addr,
+               dpi8_t wr_req_valid,
+               dpi8_t wr_req_len,
+               dpi64_t wr_req_addr,
                dpi8_t wr_valid,
-               dpi64_t wr_value,
+               const svOpenArrayHandle wr_value,
+               dpi64_t wr_strb,
                dpi8_t* rd_valid,
-               dpi64_t* rd_value,
+               dpi8_t* rd_id,
+               const svOpenArrayHandle  rd_value,
                dpi8_t rd_ready) {
   assert(_mem_dpi != nullptr);
-  (*_mem_dpi)(_ctx, req_valid, req_opcode, req_len,
-              req_addr, wr_valid, wr_value,
-              rd_valid, rd_value, rd_ready);
+  (*_mem_dpi)(_ctx, rd_req_valid, rd_req_len, rd_req_id,
+              rd_req_addr, wr_req_valid, wr_req_len, wr_req_addr, 
+              wr_valid, wr_value, wr_strb,
+              rd_valid, rd_id,rd_value, rd_ready);
diff --git a/include/vta/dpi/tsim.h b/include/vta/dpi/tsim.h
index 8e13def..750e3f2 100644
--- a/include/vta/dpi/tsim.h
+++ b/include/vta/dpi/tsim.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <tvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <svdpi.h>
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -75,14 +76,19 @@
 typedef void (*VTAMemDPIFunc)(
     VTAContextHandle self,
-    dpi8_t req_valid,
-    dpi8_t req_opcode,
-    dpi8_t req_len,
-    dpi64_t req_addr,
+    dpi8_t rd_req_valid,
+    dpi8_t rd_req_len,
+    dpi8_t rd_req_id,
+    dpi64_t rd_req_addr,
+    dpi8_t wr_req_valid,
+    dpi8_t wr_req_len,
+    dpi64_t wr_req_addr,
     dpi8_t wr_valid,
-    dpi64_t wr_value,
+    const svOpenArrayHandle wr_value,
+    dpi64_t wr_strb,
     dpi8_t* rd_valid,
-    dpi64_t* rd_value,
+    dpi8_t* rd_id,
+    const svOpenArrayHandle rd_value,
     dpi8_t rd_ready);
 /*! \brief The type of VTADPIInit function pointer */
diff --git a/src/dpi/module.cc b/src/dpi/module.cc
index bb8284c..def1305 100644
--- a/src/dpi/module.cc
+++ b/src/dpi/module.cc
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
+#include <assert.h>
 #include <tvm/runtime/module.h>
 #include <tvm/runtime/packed_func.h>
@@ -37,6 +38,10 @@
 #include "../vmem/virtual_memory.h"
+// Include verilator array access functions code
+#include "verilated.cpp"
+#include "verilated_dpi.cpp"
 namespace vta {
 namespace dpi {
@@ -56,7 +61,8 @@
 struct MemResponse {
   uint8_t valid;
-  uint64_t value;
+  uint8_t id;
+  uint64_t* value;
 template <typename T>
@@ -118,16 +124,29 @@
 class MemDevice {
-  void SetRequest(uint8_t opcode, uint64_t addr, uint32_t len);
-  MemResponse ReadData(uint8_t ready);
-  void WriteData(uint64_t value);
+  void  SetRequest(
+    uint8_t  rd_req_valid,
+    uint64_t rd_req_addr,
+    uint32_t rd_req_len,
+    uint32_t rd_req_id,
+    uint64_t wr_req_addr,
+    uint32_t wr_req_len,
+    uint8_t  wr_req_valid);
+  MemResponse ReadData(uint8_t ready, int blkNb);
+  void WriteData(svOpenArrayHandle value, uint64_t wr_strb);
   uint64_t* raddr_{0};
   uint64_t* waddr_{0};
   uint32_t rlen_{0};
+  uint32_t rid_{0};
   uint32_t wlen_{0};
   std::mutex mutex_;
+  uint64_t dead_beef_ [8] = {0xdeadbeefdeadbeef,0xdeadbeefdeadbeef,
+                              0xdeadbeefdeadbeef,0xdeadbeefdeadbeef,
+                              0xdeadbeefdeadbeef,0xdeadbeefdeadbeef,
+                              0xdeadbeefdeadbeef,0xdeadbeefdeadbeef };
 void SimDevice::Wait() {
@@ -180,36 +199,74 @@
-void MemDevice::SetRequest(uint8_t opcode, uint64_t addr, uint32_t len) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
-  void * vaddr = vta::vmem::VirtualMemoryManager::Global()->GetAddr(addr);
+void MemDevice::SetRequest(
+  uint8_t  rd_req_valid,
+  uint64_t rd_req_addr,
+  uint32_t rd_req_len,
+  uint32_t rd_req_id,
+  uint64_t wr_req_addr,
+  uint32_t wr_req_len,
+  uint8_t  wr_req_valid) {
-  if (opcode == 1) {
-    wlen_ = len + 1;
-    waddr_ = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(vaddr);
-  } else {
-    rlen_ = len + 1;
-    raddr_ = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(vaddr);
+  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+  if(rd_req_addr !=0 ){
+    void * rd_vaddr = vta::vmem::VirtualMemoryManager::Global()->GetAddr(rd_req_addr);
+    if(rd_req_valid == 1) {
+      rlen_ = rd_req_len + 1;
+      rid_  = rd_req_id;
+      raddr_ = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(rd_vaddr);
+    }
+  }
+  if(wr_req_addr != 0){
+    void * wr_vaddr = vta::vmem::VirtualMemoryManager::Global()->GetAddr(wr_req_addr);
+    if (wr_req_valid == 1) {
+      wlen_ = wr_req_len + 1;
+      waddr_ = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(wr_vaddr);
+    } 
-MemResponse MemDevice::ReadData(uint8_t ready) {
+MemResponse MemDevice::ReadData(uint8_t ready, int blkNb) {
   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
   MemResponse r;
   r.valid = rlen_ > 0;
-  r.value = rlen_ > 0 ? *raddr_ : 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef;
+  r.value = rlen_ > 0 ? raddr_ : dead_beef_;
+  r.id    = rid_;
   if (ready == 1 && rlen_ > 0) {
-    raddr_++;
+    raddr_ += blkNb;
     rlen_ -= 1;
   return r;
-void MemDevice::WriteData(uint64_t value) {
+void MemDevice::WriteData(svOpenArrayHandle value, uint64_t wr_strb) {
+  int lftIdx = svLeft(value, 1);
+  int rgtIdx = svRight(value, 1);
+  int blkNb  = lftIdx - rgtIdx + 1;
+  assert(lftIdx >= 0);
+  assert(rgtIdx >= 0);
+  assert(lftIdx >= rgtIdx);
+  assert(blkNb > 0);
+  // supported up to 64bit strb
+  assert(blkNb <= 8);
   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+  int strbMask = 0xff;
   if (wlen_ > 0) {
-    *waddr_ = value;
-    waddr_++;
+    for (int idx = 0 ; idx < blkNb; ++idx) {
+      int strbFlags = (wr_strb >> (idx * 8)) & strbMask;
+      if (!(strbFlags == 0 || strbFlags == strbMask)) {
+        LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected strb data " << (void*)wr_strb;
+      }
+      if (strbFlags != 0) {
+        uint64_t* elemPtr = (uint64_t*)svGetArrElemPtr1(value, rgtIdx + idx);
+        assert(elemPtr != NULL);
+        waddr_[idx] = (*elemPtr);
+      }
+    }
+    waddr_ += blkNb;
     wlen_ -= 1;
@@ -229,9 +286,9 @@
       const ObjectPtr<Object>& sptr_to_self) final {
     if (name == "WriteReg") {
       return TypedPackedFunc<void(int, int)>(
-          [this](int addr, int value){
-            this->WriteReg(addr, value);
-          });
+        [this](int addr, int value){
+           this->WriteReg(addr, value);
+        });
     } else {
       LOG(FATAL) << "Member " << name << "does not exists";
       return nullptr;
@@ -241,7 +298,7 @@
   void Init(const std::string& name) {
     VTADPIInitFunc finit =  reinterpret_cast<VTADPIInitFunc>(
-        GetSymbol("VTADPIInit"));
+      GetSymbol("VTADPIInit"));
     CHECK(finit != nullptr);
     finit(this, VTASimDPI, VTAHostDPI, VTAMemDPI);
     ftsim_ = reinterpret_cast<VTADPISimFunc>(GetSymbol("VTADPISim"));
@@ -314,24 +371,65 @@
   void MemDPI(
-      dpi8_t req_valid,
-      dpi8_t req_opcode,
-      dpi8_t req_len,
-      dpi64_t req_addr,
+      dpi8_t rd_req_valid,
+      dpi8_t rd_req_len,
+      dpi8_t rd_req_id,
+      dpi64_t rd_req_addr,
+      dpi8_t wr_req_valid,
+      dpi8_t wr_req_len,
+      dpi64_t wr_req_addr,
       dpi8_t wr_valid,
-      dpi64_t wr_value,
+      const svOpenArrayHandle wr_value,
+      dpi64_t wr_strb,
       dpi8_t* rd_valid,
-      dpi64_t* rd_value,
+      dpi8_t*  rd_id,
+      const svOpenArrayHandle rd_value,
       dpi8_t rd_ready) {
-    MemResponse r = mem_device_.ReadData(rd_ready);
-    *rd_valid = r.valid;
-    *rd_value = r.value;
+    // check data pointers
+    // data is expected to come in 64bit chunks
+    // up to 512 bits total
+    // more bits require wider strb data
+    assert(wr_value != NULL);
+    assert(svDimensions(wr_value) == 1);
+    assert(svSize(wr_value, 1) <= 8);
+    assert(svSize(wr_value, 0) == 64);
+    assert(rd_value != NULL);
+    assert(svDimensions(rd_value) == 1);
+    assert(svSize(rd_value, 1) <= 8);
+    assert(svSize(rd_value, 0) == 64);
+    int lftIdx = svLeft(rd_value, 1);
+    int rgtIdx = svRight(rd_value, 1);
+    int blkNb  = lftIdx - rgtIdx + 1;
+    assert(lftIdx >= 0);
+    assert(rgtIdx >= 0);
+    assert(lftIdx >= rgtIdx);
+    assert(blkNb > 0);
     if (wr_valid) {
-      mem_device_.WriteData(wr_value);
+      mem_device_.WriteData(wr_value, wr_strb);
-    if (req_valid) {
-      mem_device_.SetRequest(req_opcode, req_addr, req_len);
+    if (rd_req_valid || wr_req_valid) {
+     mem_device_.SetRequest(
+       rd_req_valid,
+       rd_req_addr,
+       rd_req_len,
+       rd_req_id,
+       wr_req_addr,
+       wr_req_len,
+       wr_req_valid);
+    MemResponse r = mem_device_.ReadData(rd_ready, blkNb);
+    *rd_valid = r.valid;
+    for (int idx = 0; idx < blkNb; idx ++) {
+      uint64_t* dataPtr = (uint64_t*)svGetArrElemPtr1(rd_value, rgtIdx + idx);
+      assert(dataPtr != NULL);
+      (*dataPtr) = r.value[idx];
+    }
+    *rd_id     = r.id;
   static void VTASimDPI(
@@ -352,25 +450,31 @@
       dpi8_t resp_valid,
       dpi32_t resp_value) {
-        req_valid, req_opcode, req_addr,
-        req_value, req_deq, resp_valid, resp_value);
+      req_valid, req_opcode, req_addr,
+      req_value, req_deq, resp_valid, resp_value);
   static void VTAMemDPI(
     VTAContextHandle self,
-    dpi8_t req_valid,
-    dpi8_t req_opcode,
-    dpi8_t req_len,
-    dpi64_t req_addr,
+    dpi8_t rd_req_valid,
+    dpi8_t rd_req_len,
+    dpi8_t rd_req_id,
+    dpi64_t rd_req_addr,
+    dpi8_t wr_req_valid,
+    dpi8_t wr_req_len,
+    dpi64_t wr_req_addr,
     dpi8_t wr_valid,
-    dpi64_t wr_value,
+    const svOpenArrayHandle wr_value,
+    dpi64_t wr_strb,
     dpi8_t* rd_valid,
-    dpi64_t* rd_value,
+    dpi8_t*   rd_id,    
+    const svOpenArrayHandle rd_value,
     dpi8_t rd_ready) {
-        req_valid, req_opcode, req_len,
-        req_addr, wr_valid, wr_value,
-        rd_valid, rd_value, rd_ready);
+      rd_req_valid, rd_req_len, rd_req_id,
+      rd_req_addr, wr_req_valid, wr_req_len, wr_req_addr,
+      wr_valid, wr_value, wr_strb,
+      rd_valid, rd_id, rd_value, rd_ready);
diff --git a/tests/scripts/docker_bash.sh b/tests/scripts/docker_bash.sh
index cdda5d4..e68d6af 100755
--- a/tests/scripts/docker_bash.sh
+++ b/tests/scripts/docker_bash.sh
@@ -67,12 +67,6 @@
 echo ""
-# FIXME(zhanghao): re-enable the tsim test after ISA is updated
-if [[ ${COMMAND[@]}  == "./tests/scripts/task_python_vta_tsim.sh" ]]; then
-  echo "Skip '${COMMAND[@]}'"
-  exit
 echo "Running '${COMMAND[@]}' inside ${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}..."
 # By default we cleanup - remove the container once it finish running (--rm)