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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package vta.util.config
// taken from
abstract class Field[T] private (val default: Option[T]) {
def this() = this(None)
def this(default: T) = this(Some(default))
abstract class View {
final def apply[T](pname: Field[T]): T = apply(pname, this)
final def apply[T](pname: Field[T], site: View): T = {
val out = find(pname, site)
require(out.isDefined, s"Key ${pname} is not defined in Parameters")
final def lift[T](pname: Field[T]): Option[T] = lift(pname, this)
final def lift[T](pname: Field[T], site: View): Option[T] =
find(pname, site).map(_.asInstanceOf[T])
protected[config] def find[T](pname: Field[T], site: View): Option[T]
abstract class Parameters extends View {
final def ++(x: Parameters): Parameters =
new ChainParameters(this, x)
final def alter(
f: (View, View, View) => PartialFunction[Any, Any]): Parameters =
Parameters(f) ++ this
final def alterPartial(f: PartialFunction[Any, Any]): Parameters =
Parameters((_, _, _) => f) ++ this
final def alterMap(m: Map[Any, Any]): Parameters =
new MapParameters(m) ++ this
protected[config] def chain[T](site: View,
tail: View,
pname: Field[T]): Option[T]
protected[config] def find[T](pname: Field[T], site: View) =
chain(site, new TerminalView, pname)
object Parameters {
def empty: Parameters = new EmptyParameters
def apply(f: (View, View, View) => PartialFunction[Any, Any]): Parameters =
new PartialParameters(f)
class Config(p: Parameters) extends Parameters {
def this(f: (View, View, View) => PartialFunction[Any, Any]) =
protected[config] def chain[T](site: View, tail: View, pname: Field[T]) =
p.chain(site, tail, pname)
override def toString = this.getClass.getSimpleName
def toInstance = this
// Internal implementation:
private class TerminalView extends View {
def find[T](pname: Field[T], site: View): Option[T] = pname.default
private class ChainView(head: Parameters, tail: View) extends View {
def find[T](pname: Field[T], site: View) = head.chain(site, tail, pname)
private class ChainParameters(x: Parameters, y: Parameters) extends Parameters {
def chain[T](site: View, tail: View, pname: Field[T]) =
x.chain(site, new ChainView(y, tail), pname)
private class EmptyParameters extends Parameters {
def chain[T](site: View, tail: View, pname: Field[T]) = tail.find(pname, site)
private class PartialParameters(
f: (View, View, View) => PartialFunction[Any, Any])
extends Parameters {
protected[config] def chain[T](site: View, tail: View, pname: Field[T]) = {
val g = f(site, this, tail)
if (g.isDefinedAt(pname)) Some(g.apply(pname).asInstanceOf[T])
else tail.find(pname, site)
private class MapParameters(map: Map[Any, Any]) extends Parameters {
protected[config] def chain[T](site: View, tail: View, pname: Field[T]) = {
val g = map.get(pname)
if (g.isDefined) Some(g.get.asInstanceOf[T]) else tail.find(pname, site)