blob: cedd697da9197b8ca12d41feca5c02ee786d4216 [file] [log] [blame]
Intel OpenCL for FPGA Setup
To compile and run VTA on Intel® OpenCL for FPGA compatible devices, you need to first install and configure Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL environment on your system. Detailed installation instructions of the SDK can be found at `Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Getting Started Guide <>`_.
If you have Intel® OpenCL for FPGA compatible hardware accelerator card(s) installed on your system, you could compile and run the VTA design on actual hardware. However, if you do not have any compatible card available, you may still try and test VTA in software emulation or cycle-accurate simulation modes, please jump to section 'Compile VTA kernel in Emulation Mode' for more details.
Verify hardware installation
To verify your hardware installation, simple use the aoc utility provided by Intel.
.. code:: bash
$ aocl list-devices
Device Name:
BSP Install Location:
Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Phys Dev Name Status Information
acla10_ref0 Passed Arria 10 Reference Platform (acla10_ref0)
PCIe dev_id = 2494, bus:slot.func = 3b:00.00, Gen3 x8
FPGA temperature = 45.7383 degrees C.
To perform a simple test on your installed acceleration cards, you could use the diagnose option of the aocl utility.
.. code:: bash
$ aocl diagnose all
ICD System Diagnostics
Write top speed = 6024.05 MB/s
Read top speed = 6083.50 MB/s
Throughput = 6053.77 MB/s
For detailed usage of aoc/aocl command, please refer to `Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Programming Guide <>`_.
VTA Kernel Compilation
To run TVM-VTA on Intel® OpenCL for FPGA compatible devices, firstly you need to configure the VTA target properly.
.. code:: bash
$ cd <tvm root>/3rdparty/vta-hw/config
$ cp intelfocl_sample.json
After updating vta_config, you need to re-compile the TVM:
.. code:: bash
$ cd <tvm root>
$ make
Before compiling your VTA kernel for Intel OpenCL for FPGA devices, you need to make sure all the required environment variables have been set correctly.
.. code:: bash
Change your directory to hardware/intelfocl:
.. code:: bash
$ cd <tvm root>/3rdparty/vta-hw/hardware/intelfocl
Simply enter ``make`` for hardware compilation and generate the VTA bitstream for your Intel OpenCL for FPGA device. Please note this process may take hours or even days to complete.
.. code:: bash
$ make
aoc: Running OpenCL parser....
aoc: Compiling for FPGA. This process may take several hours to complete.
If the hardware compilation is successful, the generated bitstream can be found at <tvm root>/3rdparty/vta-hw/build/hardware/intelfocl/<config>/vta_opencl.aocx
Test your compiled VTA kernel
The intelfocl target uses a local RPC session and you need to program your FPGA acceleration card using the correct bitstream before any calculation. To configure that, make sure the following instructions are added to your python script.
.. code:: python
if env.TARGET in ("intelfocl"):
remote = rpc.LocalSession()
vta.program_fpga(remote, bitstream="<your bitstream path>")
You can now run VTA tutorial test scripts to test your kernel on Intel® OpenCL for FPGA compatible devices!
.. code:: bash
$ python vta/tutorials/ Using FPGA device: fa510q : Arria 10 Reference Platform (acla10_ref0)
oclfpga/ Using Bitstream: vta_opencl.aocx
Successful vector add test!
Compile VTA kernel in Emulation Mode
As hardware compilation takes hours or even days to compile, you can quickly verify your VTA design via software emulation mode. What's more, the running of emulation mode does not depend on actual hardware. That means you could try and test your design even without possession of an compatible Intel® OpenCL for FPGA™ acceleration card!
As we are using emulation mode provided by Intel® OpenCL for FPGA™ SDK, we will still need to configure the VTA target to "intelfocl".
.. code:: bash
$ cd <tvm root>/3rdparty/vta-hw/config
$ vim
$ cd <tvm root>
$ make
To compile you VTA design for emulation, instead of typing ``make``, you need to enter ``make emulator`` instead.
.. code:: bash
$ cd <tvm root>/3rdparty/vta-hw/hardware/intelfocl
$ make emulator
Emulator flow is successful.
To execute emulated kernel, invoke host with
For multi device emulations replace the 1 with the number of devices you wish to emulate
The compiled bitstream could be found at <tvm root>/3rdparty/vta-hw/build/hardware/intelfocl/<config>/vta_opencl_emu.aocx
As suggested by the compilation output, you should set environment variable CL_CONTEXT_EMULATOR_DEVICE_INTELFPGA before running your application.
.. code:: bash
$ CL_CONTEXT_EMULATOR_DEVICE_INTELFPGA=1 python vta/tutorials/ Using FPGA device: fa510q : Arria 10 Reference Platform (acla10_ref0)
oclfpga/ Using Bitstream: vta_opencl.aocx
Successful vector add test!
Tested Boards
This version of VTA design has been successfully tested on the following Intel® OpenCL for FPGA™ compatible acceleration cards:
* Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel Arria® 10
* Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card (Intel FPGA PAC) D5005
* Intel Arria® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit
* Intel Stratix® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit
* 4Paradigm ATX800 Acceleration Card
* 4Paradigm ATX810 Acceleration Card
* 4Paradigm ATX900 Acceleration Card
* Flyslice FA510Q
* Flyslice FA728Q