[RFC] Name mangling in IRModules (#84)

* [RFC] RFC-name-mangling-ir-modules

* Add clarification around handling `global_symbol` and NameSupply in IRModules

* Update
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+++ b/rfcs/0077_name_mangling_ir_modules.md
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+- Feature Name: name_mangling_ir_modules
+- Start Date: 2022-06-29
+- RFC PR: [apache/tvm-rfcs#84](https://github.com/apache/tvm-rfcs/pull/84)
+- GitHub Issue: [apache/tvm#0000](https://github.com/apache/tvm/issues/0000)
+- Github PR: [apache/tvm#12066](https://github.com/apache/tvm/pull/12066)
+# Summary
+[summary]: #summary
+This RFC proposes a clean-up of the current name mangling strategy.
+# Motivation
+[motivation]: #motivation
+One reason for this RFC is that currently, it is difficult to know at various points in the compiler whether a `name_hint` is final or has yet to be mangled.  Name mangling is performed in various places:
+- `tvm::runtime::get_name_mangled` prefixes a name (usually module name) with a function name and is called from
+    - the AOT executor to create the main function and set the "`global_symbol"` attribute. It is also used to obtain the main function name and run it. See `AOTExecutorCodegen::CreateMainFunc` and `AOTExecutorCodegen::Run`
+    - During TE lowering in `TECompilerImpl::Lower`.
+    - In the `source_module.cc` to perform codegen for the C runtime.
+    - In the `NameMangleExtFuncs::Run`, name mangling is applied to all the module functions before AOT codegen.
+- `tvm::relay::tec::GetUniqueName` is used to avoid conflicts between multiple variables/functions that have the same name.
+    - in the `TECompilerImpl::LowerInternal` and `LowerShape`.
+Additionally, multiple `GlobalVars` having the same name are created throughout the code. In `TECompilerImpl::LowerInternal`, they are reduced to single values.
+This RFC aims to unify the creation of unique `GlobalVars` and refactor the current `GlobalVar` name mangling to be done through a single entity. 
+# Guide-level explanation
+[guide-level-explanation]: #guide-level-explanation
+The changes are internal to TVM. 
+The code writer is expected to avoid as much as possible calling the constructor of `GlobalVar` and instead use a `GlobalVarSupply` to generate one:
+- The `GlobalVarSupply` is constructed by passing a `NameSupply` that is used to generate unique strings for the `name_hint` member of `GlobalVars`.
+- The `NameSupply` can be constructed by passing a `String prefix` (usually a module name) that can then be prepended  to the `String`s generated: `auto name_supply = NameSupply(mod_name);`
+A `GlobalVarSupply` can be derived from an existing `IRModule` or an array of `IRModules`. 
+When a pass generates new `GlobalVars`, a `GlobalVarSupply` can be created from the current `IRModule`. Then, `GlobalVarSupply::FreshGlobal`
+can be used to guarantee uniqueness of new `GlobalVars`.
+GlobalVarSupply var_supply = GlobalVarSupply(mod);
+GlobalVar var = var_supply->FreshGlobal(gv_name);
+mod-Add(var, func);  
+When generating a `GlobalVarSupply` from an existing `IRModule`, the module name is used as a prefix for 
+new `GlobalVars`. The module name is expected to be specified as an attribute to the IRModule. Otherwise,
+a default module name is used.
+The `GlobalVarSupply` contains two methods to provide a `GlobalVar`:
+- `GlobalVar UniqueGlobalFor(String name, bool add_prefix)` performs a cache lookup and returns a `GlobalVar`. If a miss occurs, a new `GlobalVar` is created, inserted into the cache, and returned. The `add_prefix` boolean defaults to `true`. If it is `false`, then the `prefix_` field will not be added to the `GlobalVar`.
+- `GlobalVar FreshGlobal(const String name, bool add_prefix)` guarantees to return a newly constructed `GlobalVar` that is guaranteed not to conflict by name with other `GlobalVars` generated by the same `GlobalVarSupply` object. 
+The functionality of `add_prefix` is as described above.
+The name mangling in case of conflict is currently performed by appending `_1_2_3..._n` to the `name` parameter. 
+An improvement is to treat the integer suffix 
+separately from the string prefix. 
+The following text snippet provides the general idea of mangling improvement:
+x = get_next_name("fun12", existing_names=["func12", "func13", "func4"])
+assert x == "func14"
+This can be useful to avoid the current confusion caused by having multiple names in form:
+The `NameSupply` can be used when `GlobalVars` are not needed but uniqueness of strings is required. 
+The methods exposed by the `NameSupply` are similar to the ones exposed by the `GlobalVarSupply`:
+- `String FreshName(const String& name, bool add_prefix)` to retreive a unique `String`.
+- `String ReserveName(const String& name, bool add_prefix)` to mark a name as in use with the `NameSupply`.
+- `bool ContainsName(const String& name, bool add_prefix)` to check if a `String` is already in use.
+# Reference-level explanation
+[reference-level-explanation]: #reference-level-explanation
+The `GlobalVarSupply` and `NameSupply` will be implemented as a class in TVM following the usual design, extending `Object` and `ObjectRef` and will be accessible through FFI.
+The `GlobalVarSupply` will contain a `NameSupply` and a map of `String -> GlobalVar`. 
+The `NameSupply` will contain an internal map of `String -> Int` used to provide unique names.
+Additional refactorings to the compiler will be performed as part of this RFC. For example, the `GlobalVar` deduplication in `TECompilerImpl::LowerInternal` will be removed by changing the signature of `tvm::LowerSchedule`.
+# Drawbacks
+[drawbacks]: #drawbacks
+- There might be cases when creating new `GlobalVars` without using a `GlobalVarSupply` might be needed. For example, in `IRModule::FromExprInContext`, the expression might already be annotated with a global symbol.
+We must be sure that the `GlobalVarSupply` interacts well with the `global_symbol` attribute. This can be done by calling 
+- Ensuring that the `GlobalVarSupply` and `NameSupply` are always used when possible is not enforceable. This RFC aims to
+deduplicate the various implementations of `GetUniqueName`. 
+# **Rationale and alternatives**
+An alternative way to unify name supplying and mangling in IR modules is to create a compiler pass that does the job. 
+The benefit of this is that the implementation would not be very intrusive. The downside is that it could only address name mangling inside IRModules. 
+There are cases when String uniqueness is required outside an IRModule. 
+# Future possibilities
+[future-possibilities]: #future-possibilities
+Currently, the name mangling method is hardcoded in `NameSupply`. It might prove beneficial in the future
+to allow a lambda function to be passed when constructing a `NameSupply`. 