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# ATOM data conversion functions
from util import *
from elemutil import *
from xmlutil import *
# Convert a list of elements to a list of values representing an ATOM entry
def entryElementValues(e):
lt = filter(selector((element, "'title")), e)
t = "" if isNull(lt) else elementValue(car(lt))
li = filter(selector((element, "'id")), e)
i = "" if isNull(li) else elementValue(car(li))
lc = filter(selector((element, "'content")), e)
return append((element, "'entry", (element, "'title", t), (element, "'id", i)),
() if isNull(lc) else () if isAttribute(elementValue(car(lc))) else ((element, "'content", elementValue(car(lc))),))
# Convert a list of elements to a list of values representing ATOM entries
def entriesElementValues(e):
if isNull(e):
return e
return cons(entryElementValues(car(e)), entriesElementValues(cdr(e)))
# Convert a list of strings to a list of values representing an ATOM entry
def readATOMEntry(l):
e = readXML(l)
if isNull(e):
return ()
return (entryElementValues(car(e)),)
# Return true if a list of strings represents an ATOM feed
def isATOMFeed(l):
if not isXML(l):
return False
return contains(car(l), "<feed") and contains(car(l), "=\"\"")
# Return true if a list of strings represents an ATOM entry
def isATOMEntry(l):
if not isXML(l):
return False
return contains(car(l), "<entry") and not contains(car(l), "<feed") and contains(car(l), "=\"\"")
# Convert a list of strings to a list of values representing an ATOM feed
def readATOMFeed(l):
f = readXML(l)
if isNull(f):
return ()
t = filter(selector((element, "'title")), car(f))
i = filter(selector((element, "'id")), car(f))
e = filter(selector((element, "'entry")), car(f))
return (append(
(element, "'feed", (element, "'title", elementValue(car(t))), (element, "'id", elementValue(car(i)))),
# Convert a list of values representy an ATOM entry to a list of elements
def entryElement(l):
etitle = namedElementChild("'title", l)
title = elementValue(etitle) if elementHasValue(etitle) else ''
id = elementValue(namedElementChild("'id", l))
content = namedElementChild("'content", l)
text = False if isNull(content) else elementHasValue(content)
return append(append(
(element, "'entry", (attribute, "'xmlns", ""),
(element, "'title", (attribute, "'type", "text"), title),
(element, "'id", id)),
() if isNull(content) else (append(
(element, "'content", (attribute, "'type", "text" if text else "application/xml")), (elementValue(content),) if text else elementChildren(content)),)),
((element, "'link", (attribute, "'href", id)),))
# Convert a list of values representing ATOM entries to a list of elements
def entriesElements(l):
if isNull(l):
return l
return cons(entryElement(car(l)), entriesElements(cdr(l)))
# Convert a list of values representing an ATOM entry to an ATOM entry
def writeATOMEntry(ll):
l = ll if isNull(ll) else car(ll)
return writeXML((entryElement(l),), True)
# Convert a list of values representing an ATOM feed to an ATOM feed
def writeATOMFeed(ll):
l = ll if isNull(ll) else car(ll)
lt = filter(selector((element, "'title")), l)
t = '' if isNull(lt) else elementValue(car(lt))
li = filter(selector((element, "'id")), l)
i = '' if isNull(li) else elementValue(car(li))
f = (element, "'feed", (attribute, "'xmlns", ""),
(element, "'title", (attribute, "'type", "text"), t),
(element, "'id", i))
# Write ATOM entries
le = filter(selector((element, "'entry")), l)
if isNull(le):
return writeXML((f,), True)
# Write a single ATOM entry element with a list of values
if not isNull(le) and not isNull(car(le)) and isList(car(caddr(car(le)))):
fe = append(f, entriesElements(caddr(car(le))))
return writeXML((fe,), True)
# Write separate ATOM entry elements
fe = append(f, entriesElements(le))
return writeXML((fe,), True)