blob: 16a0649fe9af01b5fa957a05acebf434fae3df29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* $Rev$ $Date$ */
#ifndef tuscany_list_hpp
#define tuscany_list_hpp
* Simple list functions.
#include <assert.h>
#include "string.hpp"
#include "fstream.hpp"
#include "function.hpp"
namespace tuscany {
* Debug utilities. Counters used to track instances of lists.
long countLists = 0;
long countILists = 0;
long countCLists = 0;
long countELists = 0;
inline const bool resetListCounters() {
countLists = countILists = countCLists = countELists = 0;
return true;
inline const bool checkListCounters() {
return countLists == 0;
inline const bool printListCounters() {
cout << "countLists " << countLists << endl;
cout << "countELists " << countELists << endl;
cout << "countILists " << countILists << endl;
cout << "countCLists " << countCLists << endl;
return true;
#define resetListCounters()
#define checkListCounters() true
#define printListCounters()
* Debug utilities. Macro used to write the contents of a list to
* a string, easier to watch in a debugger than the list itself.
#define debug_watchList() do { \
this->watch = watchList(*this); \
} while (0)
#define debug_watchList();
* A car/cdr lisp-like pair, base structure to construct lists.
template<typename T> class list {
inline list() : car() {
inline list(const T& car, const lambda<list<T>()>& cdr) : car(car), cdr(cdr) {
inline list(const list& p) : car(, cdr(p.cdr) {
watch =;
list<T>& operator=(const list<T>& p) = delete;
inline ~list() {
inline const bool operator==(const list<T>& p) const {
if(this == &p)
return true;
return isNil(p.cdr);
return false;
if(!(car ==
return false;
if(cdr == p.cdr)
return true;
return cdr() == p.cdr();
inline const bool operator<(const list<T>& p) const {
if(this == &p)
return false;
if (isNil(cdr))
return !isNil(p.cdr);
if (isNil(p.cdr))
return false;
if (car <
return true;
if (car !=
return false;
return cdr() < p.cdr();
inline const bool operator>(const list<T>& p) const {
if(this == &p)
return false;
if (isNil(cdr))
return false;
if (isNil(p.cdr))
return true;
if (car >
return true;
if (car !=
return false;
return cdr() > p.cdr();
inline const bool operator!=(const list<T>& p) const {
return !this->operator==(p);
inline operator const list<list<T> >() const {
return (list<list<T> >)T(*this);
template<typename X> friend const string watchList(const list<X>& p);
string watch;
template<typename X> friend const bool isNil(const list<X>& p);
template<typename X> friend const X car(const list<X>& p);
template<typename X> friend const list<X> cdr(const list<X>& p);
template<typename X> friend const bool setlist(list<X>& target, const list<X>& l);
const T car;
const lambda<list<T>()> cdr;
* Debug utility used to write the contents of a list to a string, easier
* to watch than the list itself in a debugger.
template<typename T> inline const string watchList(const list<T>& p) {
return "()";
odebugstream os;
os << "(" << car(p) << " ...)";
return str(os);
* Returns true if the given list is nil.
template<typename T> inline const bool isNil(const list<T>& p) {
return isNil(p.cdr);
* Write a list to an output stream.
template<typename T> inline ostream& writeHelper(ostream& out, const list<T>& l) {
if (isNil(l))
return out;
out << " " << car(l);
return writeHelper(out, cdr(l));
template<typename T> inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const list<T>& l) {
return out << "()";
out << "(" << car(l);
writeHelper<T>(out, cdr(l));
return out << ")";
* Construct a (lazy) list from a value and a lambda function that returns the cdr.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cons(const T& car, const lambda<const list<T>()>& cdr) {
return list<T> (car, cdr);
* Construct a list from a value and a cdr list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cons(const T& car, const list<T>& cdr) {
return list<T> (car, result(cdr));
* Cons variations for use with the reduce and reduceRight functions.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> lcons(const list<T>& cdr, const T& car) {
return cons<T>(car, cdr);
template<typename T> inline const list<T> rcons(const T& car, const list<T>& cdr) {
return cons<T>(car, cdr);
* Construct a list of one value.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> mklist(const T& car) {
return list<T> (car, result(list<T> ()));
* Construct a list of two values.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> mklist(const T& a, const T& b) {
return cons(a, mklist(b));
* Construct a list of three values.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> mklist(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c) {
return cons(a, cons(b, mklist(c)));
* Construct a list of four values.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> mklist(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& d) {
return cons(a, cons(b, cons(c, mklist(d))));
* Construct a list of five values.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> mklist(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& d, const T& e) {
return cons(a, cons(b, cons(c, cons(d, mklist(e)))));
* Construct a list of six values.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> mklist(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& d, const T& e, const T& f) {
return cons(a, cons(b, cons(c, cons(d, cons(e, mklist(f))))));
* Returns the car of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T car(const list<T>& p) {
// Abort if trying to access the car of a nil list
* Returns the cdr of a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cdr(const list<T>& p) {
return p.cdr();
* Returns the car of the cdr (the 2nd element) of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T cadr(const list<T>& p) {
return car(cdr(p));
* Returns the 3rd element of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T caddr(const list<T>& p) {
return car(cdr(cdr(p)));
* Returns the 4th element of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T cadddr(const list<T>& p) {
return car(cdr(cdr(cdr(p))));
* Returns the 5th element of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T caddddr(const list<T>& p) {
return car(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(p)))));
* Returns the 6th element of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T cadddddr(const list<T>& p) {
return car(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(p))))));
* Returns the 7th element of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T caddddddr(const list<T>& p) {
return car(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(p)))))));
* Returns the 8th element of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T cadddddddr(const list<T>& p) {
return car(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(p))))))));
* Returns a list of elements from the 3rd to the end of a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cddr(const list<T>& p) {
return cdr(cdr(p));
* Returns a list of elements from the 4th to the end of a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cdddr(const list<T>& p) {
return cdr(cdr(cdr(p)));
* Returns a list of elements from the 5th to the end of a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cddddr(const list<T>& p) {
return cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(p))));
* Returns a list of elements from the 6th to the end of a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cdddddr(const list<T>& p) {
return cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(p)))));
* Returns a list of elements from the 7th to the end of a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cddddddr(const list<T>& p) {
return cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(p))))));
* Returns a list of elements from the 8th to the end of a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> cdddddddr(const list<T>& p) {
return cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(cdr(p)))))));
* Returns the length of a list.
template<typename T> inline const size_t length(const list<T>& p) {
const lambda<size_t(const size_t, const list<T>&)> lengthRef = [&lengthRef](const size_t c, const list<T>& p) -> const size_t {
return c;
return lengthRef(c + 1, cdr(p));
return lengthRef(0, p);
* Appends a list and a lambda function returning a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> append(const list<T>&a, const lambda<const list<T>()>& fb) {
return fb();
return cons<T>(car(a), [a, fb]() { return append(cdr(a), fb); });
* Appends two lists.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> append(const list<T>&a, const list<T>& b) {
return append(a, result(b));
* Append a value to a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> operator+(const list<T>& l, const T& v) {
return append(l, mklist(v));
template<typename T, typename V> const list<T> inline operator+(const list<T>& l, const V& v) {
return append(l, mklist<T>(v));
* Map a lambda function on a list.
template<typename T, typename R> inline const list<R> map(const lambda<const R(const T)>& f, const list<T>& p) {
return list<R> ();
return cons(f(car(p)), map(f, cdr(p)));
* Run a reduce lambda function on a list.
template<typename T, typename R> inline const R reduce(const lambda<const R(const R, const T)>& f, const R& initial, const list<T>& p) {
const lambda<const R(const R&, const list<T>&p)> reduceAccumulate = [f, &reduceAccumulate](const R& acc, const list<T>& p) -> R {
return acc;
return reduceAccumulate(f(acc, car(p)), cdr(p));
return reduceAccumulate(initial, p);
template<typename T, typename R> inline const R reduceRight(const lambda<const R(const T, const R)>& f, const R& initial, const list<T>& p) {
const lambda<const R(const list<T>&p, const R&)> reduceRightAccumulate = [f, &reduceRightAccumulate](const list<T>& p, const R& acc) -> R {
return acc;
return reduceRightAccumulate(cdr(p), f(car(p), acc));
return reduceRightAccumulate(p, initial);
* Run a filter lambda function on a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> filter(const lambda<const bool(const T)>& f, const list<T>& p) {
return list<T> ();
if(f(car(p))) {
const lambda<const list<T>(const lambda<const bool(const T)>, const list<T>)> ff(filter<T>);
return cons(car(p), curry(ff, f, cdr(p)));
return filter(f, cdr(p));
* Returns a list pointing to a member of a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> member(const T& t, const list<T>& p) {
return list<T> ();
if(t == car(p))
return p;
return member(t, cdr(p));
* Reverse a list.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> reverseIter(const list<T>& acc, const list<T>& p) {
return acc;
return reverseIter(cons(car(p), acc), cdr(p));
template<typename T> inline const list<T> reverse(const list<T>& p) {
return reverseIter(list<T> (), p);
* Returns a sequence of values between the given bounds.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> seq(const T& start, const T& end) {
if(start == end)
return mklist(start);
if(start < end)
return cons<T>(start, [start, end] { return seq<T> (start + 1, end); });
return cons<T>(start, [start, end] { return seq<T> (start - 1, end); });
* Returns the i-th element of a list.
template<typename T> inline const T listRef(const list<T>& l, const size_t i) {
if (i == 0)
return car(l);
return listRef(cdr(l), i - 1);
* Returns the first pair matching a key from a list of key value pairs.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> assoc(const T& k, const list<list<T> >& p) {
return list<T> ();
if(k == car(car(p)))
return car(p);
return assoc(k, cdr(p));
* Returns a list of lists containing elements from two input lists.
template<typename T> inline const list<list<T> > zip(const list<T>& a, const list<T>& b) {
if (isNil(a) || isNil(b))
return list<list<T> >();
return cons<list<T> >(mklist<T>(car(a), car(b)), zip(cdr(a), cdr(b)));
* Converts a list of key value pairs to a list containing the list of keys and the list of values.
template<typename T> inline const list<T> unzipKeys(const list<list<T> >& l) {
if (isNil(l))
return list<T>();
return cons(car(car(l)), unzipKeys(cdr(l)));
template<typename T> inline const list<T> unzipValues(const list<list<T> >& l) {
if (isNil(l))
return list<T>();
return cons(cadr(car(l)), unzipValues(cdr(l)));
template<typename T> inline const list<list<T> > unzip(const list<list<T> >& l) {
return mklist<list<T> >(unzipKeys(l), unzipValues(l));
#endif /* tuscany_list_hpp */