blob: 04b0d4e4903de5dbf81879787b5c740b45cada39 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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/* $Rev$ $Date$ */
#ifndef tuscany_http_hpp
#define tuscany_http_hpp
* CURL HTTP client functions.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <curl/easy.h>
#include <apr.h>
#include <apr_lib.h>
#include <apr_network_io.h>
#include <apr_portable.h>
#include <apr_poll.h>
#include <apr_uri.h>
#include "string.hpp"
#include "gc.hpp"
#include "list.hpp"
#include "value.hpp"
#include "element.hpp"
#include "monad.hpp"
#include "parallel.hpp"
#include "../scheme/io.hpp"
#include "../atom/atom.hpp"
#include "../rss/rss.hpp"
#include "../json/json.hpp"
namespace tuscany {
namespace http {
* Enable CURL verbose debug log.
* CURL library runtime, one per process.
class CURLRuntime {
CURLRuntime() {
} curlRuntime;
* Represents a CURL session handle.
class CURLSession {
CURLSession() : p(), h(*(new (gc_new<handles>()) handles())), owner(false), ca(emptyString), cert(emptyString), key(emptyString), cookie(emptyString), timeout(0) {
CURLSession(const string& ca, const string& cert, const string& key, const string& cookie, const int timeout) : p(), h(*(new (gc_new<handles>()) handles())), owner(true), ca(ca), cert(cert), key(key), cookie(cookie), timeout(timeout) {
CURLSession(const CURLSession& c) : p(c.p), h(c.h), owner(false), ca(, cert(c.cert), key(c.key), cookie(c.cookie), timeout(c.timeout) {
CURLSession& operator=(const CURLSession& c) = delete;
~CURLSession() {
if (!owner)
if (h.h == NULL)
class handles {
handles() : h(NULL), sock(NULL), wpollset(NULL), wpollfd(NULL), rpollset(NULL), rpollfd(NULL) {
handles(const handles& c) : h(c.h), sock(c.sock), wpollset(c.wpollset), wpollfd(c.wpollfd), rpollset(c.rpollset), rpollfd(c.rpollfd) {
CURL* h;
apr_socket_t* sock;
apr_pollset_t* wpollset;
apr_pollfd_t* wpollfd;
apr_pollset_t* rpollset;
apr_pollfd_t* rpollfd;
friend class CURLSession;
friend CURL* const handle(const CURLSession& cs);
friend apr_socket_t* const sock(const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<CURL*> setup(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<bool> cleanup(const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<bool> connect(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<bool> send(const char* const c, const size_t l, const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<size_t> recv(char* const c, const size_t l, const CURLSession& cs);
const gc_child_pool p;
handles& h;
const bool owner;
friend CURL* const handle(const CURLSession& cs);
friend apr_socket_t* const sock(const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<CURL*> setup(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<bool> cleanup(const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<bool> connect(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<bool> send(const char* const c, const size_t l, const CURLSession& cs);
friend const failable<size_t> recv(char* const c, const size_t l, const CURLSession& cs);
const string ca;
const string cert;
const string key;
const string cookie;
const int timeout;
* Returns the CURL handle used by a CURL session.
CURL* const handle(const CURLSession& cs) {
return cs.h.h;
* Return an apr_socket_t for the socket used by a CURL session.
apr_socket_t* const sock(const CURLSession& cs) {
return cs.h.sock;
* Convert a socket fd to an apr_socket_t.
apr_socket_t* const sock(const int sd, const gc_pool& p) {
int fd = sd;
apr_socket_t* s = NULL;
apr_os_sock_put(&s, &fd, pool(p));
return s;
* Convert a CURL return code to an error string.
const string curlreason(const CURLcode rc) {
return curl_easy_strerror(rc);
* Convert an APR status to an error string.
const string apreason(const apr_status_t rc) {
char buf[256];
return apr_strerror(rc, buf, sizeof(buf));
* Escape a URI or a query argument.
const char escape_c2x[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
const string escape(const string& unesc, const char* reserv) {
char* const copy = (char*)apr_palloc(gc_current_pool(), 3 * length(unesc) + 3);
const unsigned char* s = (const unsigned char *)c_str(unesc);
unsigned char* d = (unsigned char*)copy;
unsigned c;
while ((c = *s)) {
if (!apr_isalnum(c) && !strchr(reserv, c)) {
*d++ = '%';
*d++ = escape_c2x[c >> 4];
*d++ = escape_c2x[c & 0xf];
else {
*d++ = (unsigned char)c;
*d = '\0';
return copy;
const string escapeURI(const string& uri) {
debug(uri, "http::escapeURI::uri");
const string e = escape(uri, "?$-_.+!*'(),:@&=/~%");
debug(e, "http::escapeURI::result");
return e;
const string escapeArg(const string& arg) {
debug(arg, "http::escapeArg::arg");
const string e = escape(arg, "-_.~");
debug(e, "http::escapeArg::result");
return e;
* Return true if a URI is absolute.
const bool isAbsolute(const string& uri) {
return contains(uri, "://");
* Parse a URI and return its host name.
const string hostName(const string& uri, const gc_pool& p) {
apr_uri_t u;
const apr_status_t rc = apr_uri_parse(pool(p), c_str(uri), &u);
if (rc != APR_SUCCESS)
return emptyString;
if (u.hostname == NULL)
return emptyString;
return u.hostname;
* Parse a URI and return its scheme.
const string scheme(const string& uri, const gc_pool& p) {
apr_uri_t u;
const apr_status_t rc = apr_uri_parse(pool(p), c_str(uri), &u);
if (rc != APR_SUCCESS)
return emptyString;
if (u.scheme == NULL)
return emptyString;
return u.scheme;
* Return the first subdomain name in a host name.
const string subDomain(const string& host) {
return substr(host, 0, find(host, '.'));
* Return the top domain name in a host name.
const string topDomain(const string& host) {
const size_t d = find(host, '.');
return d == length(host) ? host : substr(host, d + 1);
* Setup a CURL session
const failable<CURL*> setup(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
// Init CURL session
if (cs.h.h != NULL)
cs.h.h = curl_easy_init();
debug(cs.h.h, "http::setup::init::h");
CURL* const ch = cs.h.h;
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "libcurl/1.0");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
// Setup protocol options
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY, true);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, cs.timeout);
// Setup SSL options
if ( != emptyString) {
debug(, "http::setup::ca");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, c_str(;
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
} else
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
if (cs.cert != emptyString) {
debug(cs.cert, "http::setup::cert");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, c_str(cs.cert));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE, "PEM");
if (cs.key != emptyString) {
debug(cs.key, "http::setup::key");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, c_str(cs.key));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE, "PEM");
if (cs.cookie != emptyString) {
debug(cs.cookie, "http::setup::cookie");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, c_str(cs.cookie));
// Set up HTTP basic auth if requested
apr_uri_t u;
apr_pool_t* const p = gc_current_pool();
const apr_status_t prc = apr_uri_parse(p, c_str(url), &u);
if (prc == APR_SUCCESS) {
if (u.user != NULL) {
debug(u.user, "http::setup::user");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_USERNAME, u.user);
if (u.password != NULL) {
debug(u.password, "http::setup::pass");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, u.password);
if (u.user != NULL || u.password != NULL) {
// Set target URL, omitting the user:password part
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_URL, c_str(escapeURI(apr_uri_unparse(p, &u, APR_URI_UNP_OMITUSERINFO))));
return ch;
// Set target URL
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_URL, c_str(escapeURI(url)));
return ch;
* Cleanup a CURL session
const failable<bool> cleanup(const CURLSession& cs) {
if (cs.h.h == NULL)
return true;
debug(cs.h.h, "http::cleanup::cleanup::h");
cs.h.h = NULL;
return true;
* Context passed to the read callback function.
class CURLReadContext {
CURLReadContext(const list<string>& ilist) : ilist(ilist) {
gc_mutable_ref<list<string> > ilist;
* Called by CURL to read data to send.
size_t readCallback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data) {
CURLReadContext& rcx = *(CURLReadContext*)data;
if (isNull((const list<string>)rcx.ilist))
return 0;
const list<string> f(fragment(rcx.ilist, size * nmemb));
const string s = car(f);
rcx.ilist = cdr(f);
memcpy(ptr, c_str(s), length(s));
return length(s);
* Context passed to CURL write callback function.
template<typename R> class CURLWriteContext {
CURLWriteContext(const lambda<const R(const string&, const R)>& reduce, const R& accum) : reduce(reduce), accum(accum) {
const lambda<const R(const string&, const R)> reduce;
gc_mutable_ref<R> accum;
* Called by CURL to write received data.
template<typename R> size_t writeCallback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data) {
CURLWriteContext<R>& wcx = *(CURLWriteContext<R>*)data;
const size_t realsize = size * nmemb;
wcx.accum = wcx.reduce(string((const char*)ptr, realsize), wcx.accum);
return realsize;
* Apply an HTTP verb to a list containing a list of headers and a list of content, and
* a reduce function used to process the response.
curl_slist* headers(curl_slist* const cl, const list<string>& h) {
if (isNull(h))
return cl;
return headers(curl_slist_append(cl, c_str(string(car(h)))), cdr(h));
template<typename R> const failable<list<R> > apply(const list<list<string> >& hdr, const lambda<const R(const string&, const R)>& reduce, const R& initial, const string& url, const string& verb, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::apply::url");
debug(verb, "http::apply::verb");
// Setup the CURL session
const failable<CURL*> fch = setup(url, cs);
if (!hasContent(fch)) {
return mkfailure<list<R>>(fch);
CURL* const ch = content(fch);
// Set the request headers
curl_slist* hl = headers(NULL, car(hdr));
hl = curl_slist_append(hl, "X-Accept: text/x-scheme; charset=utf-8");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, hl);
// Convert request body to a string
// TODO use HTTP chunking instead
ostringstream os;
write(cadr(hdr), os);
const string s = str(os);
const size_t sz = length(s);
// Setup the read, write header and write data callbacks
CURLReadContext rcx(mklist(s));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, (size_t (*)(void*, size_t, size_t, void*))readCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_READDATA, &rcx);
CURLWriteContext<R> hcx(reduce, initial);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, (size_t (*)(void*, size_t, size_t, void*))(writeCallback<R>));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &hcx);
CURLWriteContext<R> wcx(reduce, initial);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, (size_t (*)(void*, size_t, size_t, void*))(writeCallback<R>));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &wcx);
// Apply the HTTP verb
if (verb == "POST") {
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, sz);
} else if (verb == "PUT") {
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, sz);
} else if (verb == "PATCH") {
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PATCH");
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, sz);
} else if (verb == "DELETE")
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
const CURLcode rc = curl_easy_perform(ch);
// Free the headers
if (hl != NULL)
// Return the HTTP return code or content
if (rc) {
return mkfailure<list<R> >(string(curl_easy_strerror(rc)));
long httprc;
curl_easy_getinfo (ch, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httprc);
if (httprc != 200 && httprc != 201) {
return mkfailure<list<R> >(string("HTTP code not 200"), (int)httprc, (httprc != 301 && httprc != 302 && httprc != 404));
return mklist<R>(hcx.accum, wcx.accum);
* Evaluate an expression remotely, at the given URL.
const failable<value> evalExpr(const value& expr, const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::evalExpr::url");
debug(expr, "http::evalExpr::input");
// Convert expression to a JSON-RPC request
const failable<list<string> > jsreq = json::jsonRequest(1, car<value>(expr), cdr<value>(expr));
if (!hasContent(jsreq))
return mkfailure<value>(jsreq);
// POST it to the URL
const list<string> h = mklist<string>("Content-Type: application/json-rpc");
const failable<list<list<string> > > res = apply<list<string> >(mklist<list<string> >(h, content(jsreq)), rcons<string>, list<string>(), url, "POST", cs);
if (!hasContent(res))
return mkfailure<value>(res);
// Parse and return JSON-RPC result
const failable<value> rval = json::jsonResultValue(cadr<list<string> >(content(res)));
debug(rval, "http::evalExpr::result");
if (!hasContent(rval))
return mkfailure<value>(rval);
return content(rval);
* Find and return a header.
const maybe<string> header(const char* const prefix, const list<string>& h) {
if (isNull(h))
return maybe<string>();
const string s = car(h);
if (find(s, prefix) != 0)
return header(prefix, cdr(h));
const string l(substr(s, length(prefix)));
return substr(l, 0, find_first_of(l, "\r\n"));
* Find and return a location header.
const string location(const list<string>& h) {
const maybe<string> l = header("Location: ", h);
return hasContent(l)? content(l) : emptyString;
* Convert a location to an entry id.
const value entryId(const failable<string> l) {
if (!hasContent(l))
return nilListValue;
const string ls(content(l));
return value(mklist<value>(string(substr(ls, find_last(ls, '/') + 1))));
* Find and return a content-type header.
const string contentType(const list<string>& h) {
const maybe<string> ct = header("Content-Type: ", h);
return hasContent(ct)? content(ct) : emptyString;
* HTTP GET, return the resource at the given URL.
template<typename R> const failable<list<R> > get(const lambda<const R(const string&, const R)>& reduce, const R& initial, const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::get::url");
const list<list<string> > req = mklist(list<string>(), list<string>());
return apply(req, reduce, initial, url, "GET", cs);
* HTTP GET, return a list of values representing the resource at the given URL.
const failable<value> getcontent(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::get::url");
// Get the contents of the resource at the given URL
const failable<list<list<string> > > res = get<list<string>>(rcons<string>, list<string>(), url, cs);
if (!hasContent(res))
return mkfailure<value>(res);
const list<string> ls(reverse(cadr(content(res))));
// Return the content as a list of values
const value val(mkvalues(ls));
debug(val, "http::get::result");
return val;
* Convert an HTTP content response to a value.
const failable<value> responseValue(const list<list<string> > res) {
// Parse the returned content
const string ct = contentType(car(res));
debug(ct, "http::responseValue::contentType");
const list<string> ls(reverse(cadr(res)));
debug(ls, "http::responseValue::content");
if (contains(ct, "text/x-scheme")) {
// Read a Scheme value
ostringstream os;
write(ls, os);
istringstream is(str(os));
const value val(content(scheme::readValue(is)));
debug(val, "http::responseValue::result");
return val;
if (atom::isATOMEntry(ls)) {
// Read an ATOM entry
const value val(elementsToValues(content(atom::readATOMEntry(ls))));
debug(val, "http::responseValue::result");
return val;
if (contains(ct, "application/atom+xml") || atom::isATOMFeed(ls)) {
// Read an ATOM feed
const value val(elementsToValues(content(atom::readATOMFeed(ls))));
debug(val, "http::responseValue::result");
return val;
if (contains(ct, "application/rss+xml") || rss::isRSSFeed(ls)) {
// Read an RSS feed
const value val(elementsToValues(content(rss::readRSSFeed(ls))));
debug(val, "http::responseValue::result");
return val;
if (contains(ct, "text/javascript") || contains(ct, "application/json") || json::isJSON(ls)) {
// Read a JSON document
const value val(content(json::readValue(ls)));
debug(val, "http::responseValue::result");
return val;
if (contains(ct, "application/x-javascript")) {
// Read a JSON document enclosed in a javascript function call
// Extract the JSON out of the enclosing parenthesis
ostringstream os;
write(ls, os);
const string s = str(os);
const size_t fp = find(s, '(');
const size_t lp = find_last(s, ')');
const list<string> jls = mklist<string>(substr(s, fp + 1, lp - (fp + 1)));
debug(jls, "http::responseValue::javascript::content");
const value val(content(json::readValue(jls)));
debug(val, "http::responseValue::result");
return val;
if (contains(ct, "text/xml") || contains(ct, "application/xml") || xml::isXML(ls)) {
// Read an XML document
const value val(elementsToValues(content(xml::readElements(ls))));
debug(val, "http::responseValue::result");
return val;
// Return the content type and a content list
const value val(mklist<value>(ct, mkvalues(ls)));
debug(val, "http::responseValue::result");
return val;
* HTTP GET, return a list of values representing the resource at the given URL.
const failable<value> get(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::get::url");
// Get the contents of the resource at the given URL
const failable<list<list<string> > > res = get<list<string> >(rcons<string>, list<string>(), url, cs);
if (!hasContent(res))
return mkfailure<value>(res);
// Parse the returned content
return responseValue(content(res));
* Form an HTTP content request.
const failable<list<list<string> > > writeRequest(const failable<list<string> >& ls, const string& ct) {
if (!hasContent(ls))
return mkfailure<list<list<string> > >(ls);
const list<list<string> > req = mklist<list<string> >(mklist<string>(string("Content-Type: ") + ct), content(ls));
debug(req, "http::writeRequest::req");
return req;
* Convert a value to an HTTP content request.
const failable<list<list<string> > > contentRequest(const value& c, unused const string& url) {
// Write in the format requested by the client, if any
const list<value> fmt = assoc<value>("format", nilListValue);
if (!isNull(fmt)) {
if (cadr(fmt) == "scheme")
return writeRequest(scheme::writeValue(c), "text/x-scheme; charset=utf-8");
if (cadr(fmt) == "json")
return writeRequest(json::writeValue(c), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
if (cadr(fmt) == "xml")
return writeRequest(xml::writeElements(valuesToElements(c)), "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
// Write a simple value as a JSON value
if (!isList(c)) {
debug(c, "http::contentRequest::value");
return writeRequest(json::writeValue(c), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
// Write an empty list as a JSON value
if (isNull((list<value>)c)) {
debug(nilListValue, "http::contentRequest::empty");
return writeRequest(json::writeValue(c), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
// Write content-type / content-list pair
if (isString(car<value>(c)) && !isNull(cdr<value>(c)) && isList(cadr<value>(c)))
return writeRequest(convertValues<string>(cadr<value>(c)), car<value>(c));
// Write an assoc value as a JSON value
if (isSymbol(car<value>(c)) && !isNull(cdr<value>(c))) {
debug(c, "http::contentRequest::assoc");
return writeRequest(json::writeValue(c), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
// Write an ATOM feed or entry
const list<value> e = valuesToElements(c);
if (isList(car<value>(e)) && !isNull(car<value>(e))) {
const list<value> el = car<value>(e);
if (isSymbol(car<value>(el)) && car<value>(el) == element && !isNull(cdr<value>(el)) && isSymbol(cadr<value>(el)) && elementHasChildren(el) && !elementHasValue(el)) {
if (cadr<value>(el) == atom::feed)
return writeRequest(atom::writeATOMFeed(e), "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8");
if (cadr<value>(el) == atom::entry)
return writeRequest(atom::writeATOMEntry(e), "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8");
// Write any other compound value as a JSON value
return writeRequest(json::writeValue(c), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
const failable<value> post(const value& val, const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::post::url");
// Convert value to a content request
const failable<list<list<string> > > req = contentRequest(val, url);
if (!hasContent(req))
return mkfailure<value>(req);
debug(content(req), "http::post::input");
// POST it to the URL
const failable<list<list<string> > > res = apply<list<string>>(content(req), rcons<string>, list<string>(), url, "POST", cs);
if (!hasContent(res))
return mkfailure<value>(res);
// Return the new entry id from the HTTP location header, if any
const string loc = location(car(content(res)));
if (length(loc) != 0) {
const value eid(entryId(location(car(content(res)))));
debug(eid, "http::post::result");
return eid;
// Return the returned content
return responseValue(content(res));
const failable<value> put(const value& val, const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::put::url");
// Convert value to a content request
const failable<list<list<string> > > req = contentRequest(val, url);
if (!hasContent(req))
return mkfailure<value>(req);
debug(content(req), "http::put::input");
// PUT it to the URL
const failable<list<list<string> > > res = apply<list<string> >(content(req), rcons<string>, list<string>(), url, "PUT", cs);
if (!hasContent(res))
return mkfailure<value>(res);
debug(true, "http::put::result");
return trueValue;
const failable<value> patch(const value& val, const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::put::patch");
// Convert value to a content request
const failable<list<list<string> > > req = contentRequest(val, url);
if (!hasContent(req))
return mkfailure<value>(req);
debug(content(req), "http::patch::input");
// PATCH it to the URL
const failable<list<list<string> > > res = apply<list<string> >(content(req), rcons<string>, list<string>(), url, "PATCH", cs);
if (!hasContent(res))
return mkfailure<value>(res);
debug(true, "http::patch::result");
return trueValue;
const failable<value, string> del(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::delete::url");
const list<list<string> > req = mklist(list<string>(), list<string>());
const failable<list<list<string> > > res = apply<list<string> >(req, rcons<string>, list<string>(), url, "DELETE", cs);
if (!hasContent(res))
return mkfailure<value>(res);
debug(true, "http::delete::result");
return trueValue;
* Returns the current host name.
const string hostName() {
char h[256];
if (gethostname(h, 256) == -1)
return "localhost";
return h;
* Create an APR pollfd for a socket.
apr_pollfd_t* const pollfd(apr_socket_t* const s, const int e, const gc_pool& p) {
apr_pollfd_t* pfd = gc_new<apr_pollfd_t>(p);
pfd->p = pool(p);
pfd->desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET;
pfd->reqevents = (apr_int16_t)e;
pfd->rtnevents = (apr_int16_t)e;
pfd->desc.s = s;
pfd->client_data = NULL;
return pfd;
* Connect to a URL.
const failable<bool> connect(const string& url, const CURLSession& cs) {
debug(url, "http::connect::url");
// Setup the CURL session
const failable<CURL*> fch = setup(url, cs);
if (!hasContent(fch)) {
return mkfailure<bool>(fch);
CURL* const ch = content(fch);
// Connect
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY, true);
const CURLcode rc = curl_easy_perform(ch);
if (rc) {
return mkfailure<bool>(string(curl_easy_strerror(rc)));
// Convert the connected socket to an apr_socket_t
int sd;
const CURLcode grc = curl_easy_getinfo(ch, CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET, &sd);
if (grc) {
return mkfailure<bool>(string(curl_easy_strerror(grc)));
cs.h.sock = sock(sd, cs.p);
// Create pollsets and pollfds which can be used to poll the socket
const apr_status_t rpcrc = apr_pollset_create(&cs.h.rpollset, 1, pool(cs.p), 0);
if (rpcrc != APR_SUCCESS) {
return mkfailure<bool>(apreason(rpcrc));
cs.h.rpollfd = pollfd(cs.h.sock, APR_POLLIN, cs.p);
apr_pollset_add(cs.h.rpollset, cs.h.rpollfd);
const apr_status_t wpcrc = apr_pollset_create(&cs.h.wpollset, 1, pool(cs.p), 0);
if (wpcrc != APR_SUCCESS) {
return mkfailure<bool>(apreason(wpcrc));
cs.h.wpollfd = pollfd(cs.h.sock, APR_POLLOUT, cs.p);
apr_pollset_add(cs.h.wpollset, cs.h.wpollfd);
return true;
* Send an array of chars.
const failable<bool> send(const char* const c, const size_t l, const CURLSession& cs) {
// Send the data
size_t wl = 0;
const CURLcode rc = curl_easy_send(cs.h.h, c, (size_t)l, &wl);
if (rc == CURLE_OK && wl == (size_t)l)
return true;
if (rc != CURLE_AGAIN) {
return mkfailure<bool>(curlreason(rc));
// If the socket was not ready, wait for it to become ready
const apr_pollfd_t* pollfds;
apr_int32_t pollcount;
const apr_status_t pollrc = apr_pollset_poll(cs.h.wpollset, -1, &pollcount, &pollfds);
if (pollrc != APR_SUCCESS)
return mkfailure<bool>(apreason(pollrc));
// Send what's left
return send(c + wl, l - wl, cs);
* Receive an array of chars.
const failable<size_t> recv(char* const c, const size_t l, const CURLSession& cs) {
// Receive data
size_t rl;
const CURLcode rc = curl_easy_recv(cs.h.h, c, (size_t)l, &rl);
if (rc == CURLE_OK)
return (size_t)rl;
if (rc == 1)
return 0;
if (rc != CURLE_AGAIN) {
return mkfailure<size_t>(curlreason(rc));
// If the socket was not ready, wait for it to become ready
const apr_pollfd_t* pollfds;
apr_int32_t pollcount;
const apr_status_t pollrc = apr_pollset_poll(cs.h.rpollset, -1, &pollcount, &pollfds);
if (pollrc != APR_SUCCESS) {
return mkfailure<size_t>(apreason(pollrc));
// Receive again
return recv(c, l, cs);
* Converts a list of key value pairs to a query string.
ostringstream& queryString(const list<value>& args, ostringstream& os) {
if (isNull(args))
return os;
const list<value> arg = car(args);
debug(arg, "http::queryString::arg");
if (isNull(arg) || isNull(cdr(arg)))
return queryString(cdr(args), os);
os << car(arg) << "=" << c_str(cadr(arg));
if (!isNull(cdr(args)))
os << "&";
return queryString(cdr(args), os);
const string queryString(const list<value>& args) {
ostringstream os;
return str(queryString(args, os));
* Filter path segment in a list of arguments.
const bool filterPath(const value& arg) {
return isString(arg) || isSymbol(arg);
* Filter query string arguments in a list of arguments.
const bool filterQuery(const value& arg) {
return isList(arg);
* Escape a query string argument.
const value escapeQuery(const value& arg) {
return arg;
//return mklist<value>(car<value>(arg), escapeArg(cadr<value>(arg)));
* HTTP client proxy function.
class proxy {
proxy(const string& uri, const string& ca, const string& cert, const string& key, const string& cookie, const int timeout) : uri(uri), cs(mksession(ca, cert, key, cookie, timeout)) {
const value operator()(const list<value>& args) const {
debug(args, "http::proxy::args");
const value fun = car(args);
if (fun == "get") {
const list<value> lp = filter<value>(filterPath, cadr(args));
debug(lp, "http::proxy::path");
const list<value> lq = map<value, value>(escapeQuery, filter<value>(filterQuery, cadr(args)));
debug(lq, "http::proxy::query");
const value q = queryString(lq);
const failable<value> val = get(uri + (string)path(lp) + (q != emptyString? string("?") + (string)q : emptyString), *cs);
return content(val);
if (fun == "post") {
const failable<value> val = post(caddr(args), uri + (string)path(cadr(args)), *cs);
return content(val);
if (fun == "put") {
const failable<value> val = put(caddr(args), uri + (string)path(cadr(args)), *cs);
return content(val);
if (fun == "patch") {
const failable<value> val = patch(caddr(args), uri + (string)path(cadr(args)), *cs);
return content(val);
if (fun == "delete") {
const failable<value> val = del(uri + (string)path(cadr(args)), *cs);
return content(val);
const failable<value> val = evalExpr(args, uri, *cs);
return content(val);
const string uri;
const perthread_ptr<http::CURLSession> cs;
const perthread_ptr<http::CURLSession> mksession(const string& ca, const string& cert, const string& key, const string& cookie, const int timeout) {
const gc_pool cp = gc_current_pool();
const lambda<const gc_ptr<http::CURLSession>()> newsession = [ca, cert, key, cookie, timeout, cp]() -> const gc_ptr<http::CURLSession> {
const gc_scoped_pool sp(pool(cp));
return new (gc_new<http::CURLSession>()) http::CURLSession(ca, cert, key, cookie, timeout);
return *(new (gc_new<perthread_ptr<http::CURLSession> >()) perthread_ptr<CURLSession>(newsession));
#endif /* tuscany_http_hpp */