blob: c505cae9cf8290262453206467f4d3e1b8f7ce41 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* $Rev$ $Date$ */
* Test XML handling functions.
#include <assert.h>
#include "stream.hpp"
#include "string.hpp"
#include "list.hpp"
#include "value.hpp"
#include "element.hpp"
#include "xml.hpp"
namespace tuscany {
const string currencyXML =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
"<composite xmlns=\"\" targetNamespace=\"http://services\" name=\"currency\">\n"
" <component name=\"CurrencyConverterWebService\">\n"
" < class=\"services.CurrencyConverterImpl\"/>\n"
" <service name=\"CurrencyConverter\">\n"
" <>\n"
" </service>\n"
" </component>\n"
" <component name=\"CurrencyConverterWebService2\">\n"
" < class=\"services.CurrencyConverterImpl2\"/>\n"
" <service name=\"CurrencyConverter2\">\n"
" <binding.atom/>\n"
" </service>\n"
" <property name=\"currency\">US</property>\n"
" </component>\n"
const string customerXML =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
" <name>jdoe</name>\n"
" <address>\n"
" <city>san francisco</city>\n"
" <state>ca</state>\n"
" </address>\n"
" <account>\n"
" <id>1234</id>\n"
" <balance>1000</balance>\n"
" </account>\n"
" <account>\n"
" <id>6789</id>\n"
" <balance>2000</balance>\n"
" </account>\n"
" <account>\n"
" <id>4567</id>\n"
" <balance>3000</balance>\n"
" </account>\n"
const string abcXML =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
" <m>abc</m>\n"
" <m>def</m>\n"
" <m>xyz</m>\n"
" <m>tuv</m>\n"
const string xyzXML =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
" <m>\n"
" <id>123</id>\n"
" <name>abc</name>\n"
" </m>\n"
" <m>\n"
" <id>234</id>\n"
" <name>def</name>\n"
" </m>\n"
" <m>\n"
" <id>345</id>\n"
" <name>xyz</name>\n"
" </m>\n"
" <m>\n"
" <id>456</id>\n"
" <name>tuv</name>\n"
" </m>\n"
const bool isName(const value& token) {
return isTaggedList(token, attribute) && attributeName(token) == "name";
bool testReadXML() {
istringstream is(customerXML);
const list<value> c = readXML(streamList(is));
istringstream is(currencyXML);
const list<value> c = readXML(streamList(is));
const value composite = car(c);
assert(isTaggedList(composite, element));
assert(elementName(composite) == "composite");
assert(attributeValue(car(filter<value>(isName, elementChildren(composite)))) == string("currency"));
return true;
ostream* xmlWriter(const string& s, ostream* os) {
(*os) << s;
return os;
bool testWriteXML() {
istringstream is(customerXML);
const list<value> c = readXML(streamList(is));
ostringstream os;
writeXML<ostream*>(xmlWriter, &os, c);
assert(str(os) == customerXML);
istringstream is(currencyXML);
const list<value> c = readXML(streamList(is));
ostringstream os;
writeXML<ostream*>(xmlWriter, &os, c);
assert(str(os) == currencyXML);
return true;
bool testElements() {
const list<value> ad = mklist<value>(mklist<value>("city", string("san francisco")), mklist<value>("state", string("ca")));
const list<value> ac1 = mklist<value>(mklist<value>("id", string("1234")), mklist<value>("balance", 1000));
const list<value> ac2 = mklist<value>(mklist<value>("id", string("6789")), mklist<value>("balance", 2000));
const list<value> ac3 = mklist<value>(mklist<value>("id", string("4567")), mklist<value>("balance", 3000));
const list<value> c = mklist<value>(mklist<value>("customer", mklist<value>("name", string("jdoe")), cons<value>("address", ad), mklist<value>("account", mklist<value>(ac1, ac2, ac3))));
const list<value> e = valuesToElements(c);
const list<value> v = elementsToValues(e);
assert(v == c);
ostringstream os;
writeXML<ostream*>(xmlWriter, &os, e);
assert(str(os) == customerXML);
const list<value> c = mklist<value>(mklist<value>("customer", mklist<value>("name", string("jdoe")), cons<value>("address", ad), cons<value>("account", ac1), cons<value>("account", ac2), cons<value>("account", ac3)));
const list<value> e = valuesToElements(c);
const list<value> v = elementsToValues(e);
ostringstream os;
writeXML<ostream*>(xmlWriter, &os, e);
assert(str(os) == customerXML);
istringstream is(abcXML);
const list<value> c = readXML(streamList(is));
const list<value> v = elementsToValues(c);
const list<value> e = valuesToElements(v);
ostringstream os;
writeXML<ostream*>(xmlWriter, &os, e);
assert(str(os) == abcXML);
istringstream is(xyzXML);
const list<value> c = readXML(streamList(is));
const list<value> v = elementsToValues(c);
const list<value> e = valuesToElements(v);
ostringstream os;
writeXML<ostream*>(xmlWriter, &os, e);
assert(str(os) == xyzXML);
istringstream is(customerXML);
const list<value> c = readXML(streamList(is));
const list<value> v = elementsToValues(c);
const list<value> e = valuesToElements(v);
ostringstream os;
writeXML<ostream*>(xmlWriter, &os, e);
assert(str(os) == customerXML);
return true;
bool testValues() {
const list<value> l = mklist<value>(list<value>() + "ns1:echoString" + (list<value>() + "@xmlns:ns1" + string("")) + (list<value>() + "text" + string("Hello World!")));
const list<value> e = valuesToElements(l);
const failable<list<string> > lx = writeXML(e);
ostringstream os;
write(content(lx), os);
istringstream is(str(os));
const list<value> x = readXML(streamList(is));
const list<value> v = elementsToValues(x);
assert(v == l);
return true;
int main() {
tuscany::cout << "Testing..." << tuscany::endl;
tuscany::cout << "OK" << tuscany::endl;
return 0;