Building the Apache Tuscany SCA source distribution | |
=================================================== | |
Initial Setup | |
------------- | |
1) Install J2SE 6.x JDK, which can be downloaded from | | | |
2) Make sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the newly installed | |
JDK location, and that your PATH includes %JAVA_HOME%\bin (windows) or | |
$JAVA_HOME/bin (unix). | |
3) Install Maven 2.0.7 or higher (2.2.1 recommended), which can be downloaded from | | Make sure that your PATH includes | |
the MVN_HOME/bin directory. | |
4) Make sure that your MAVEN_OPTS environment variable has -Xmx128M (or more), | |
you can manually do this by executing the following in your prompt : | |
Windows users: | |
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx128M | |
Unix users: | |
export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx128M | |
Building | |
-------- | |
1) Change to the top level directory of Apache Tuscany source distribution. | |
2) Run | |
$> mvn | |
This will compile Apache Tuscany and run all of the tests in the source | |
distribution. | |
Depending on the load of remote Maven 2.0 repositories, you may have | |
to run "mvn" several times utill the required dependencies are | |
all located in your local maven repository. It usually takes some time for | |
maven to download required dependencies in the first build. Once all the | |
dependencies have been downloaded you may use the -o option to run maven | |
in offline mode, for example, 'mvn clean install -o'. | |