blob: 4c206ec5dbc85376fde1cc8b20ebd1ab86a4da06 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Represent the reference to the callback service. This class basically wraps a Tuscany EndpointReference.
* The callback EPR is selected based on the are 3 basic scenarios we are trying to cater for
* A/ <component name="MyComponent">
* <service name="MyService>
* blank OR <>
* </service>
* </component>
* B/ <component name="MyComponent">
* <service name="MyService>
* <binding.someremotebinding/>
* </service>
* </component>
* C/ <component name="MyComponent">
* <service name="MyService>
* some binding
* <callback>
* <binding.someremotebinding/>
* </callback>
* </service>
* </component>
* A - the callback binding will default to and the expectation is that
* the callback endpoint will be established by looking it up in the registry
* hence the forward call must contain the SCA target name referring to the
* callback service
* B - the callback binding defaults to be the forward binding taking all of its
* configuration. The callback target URI is taken from the forward message and
* put into the callback binding URI
* C - the callback binding is as specified by the user. If the user has not specified
* a binding URI then the URI from the forward message will be placed in the
* callback binding URI. This may or may not lead to happiness depending on whether
* the forward and callback bindings are compatible
* The callback proxy, and this class, is instantiated whenever a new callback proxy is
* required as follows:
* If the service component implementation is STATELESS then each incoming message
* creates a new service instance and hence a new set of callback proxies
* If the service component implementation is COMPOSITE then only a single instance
* of the component implementation will exist and the callback proxy will be retrieved
* via the RequestContext.
* Following the Tuscany runtime model for normal references we don't cache callback
* proxies across component implementation instances. Hence there will be one
* instance of this class for each callback proxy, however created, and the class
* will refer to a single callback service. To put it another way, messages from
* multiple clients (presenting different callback services) will be called back to
* via different callback proxies and hence a single instance of this class will
* not be required to handle more than one callback address.
public class CallbackServiceReferenceImpl<B> extends ServiceReferenceImpl<B> {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CallbackServiceReferenceImpl.class.getName());
private RuntimeEndpointReference callbackEPR;
private List<? extends EndpointReference> callbackEPRs;
private Endpoint resolvedEndpoint;
// Holds the ID of the Message that caused the creation of this CallbackServiceReference
private String msgID;
// Holds the URI of the target callback service from the Message that caused the
// creation of this CallbackServiceReference
private CallbackHandler callbackHandler;
* Public constructor for Externalizable serialization/deserialization
* TODO - we need to serialize the msgID and callbackURI
public CallbackServiceReferenceImpl() {
public CallbackServiceReferenceImpl(Class<B> interfaze,
List<? extends EndpointReference> callbackEPRs) {
super(interfaze, null, getCompositeContext(callbackEPRs));
this.callbackEPRs = callbackEPRs;
Message msgContext = ThreadMessageContext.getMessageContext();
// Capture the Message ID from the message which caused the creation of this
// CallBackServiceReference
this.msgID = (String) msgContext.getHeaders().get(Constants.MESSAGE_ID);
// Capture the callback URI from the message which caused the creation of this
// CallBackServiceReference. This code is more complex that needs be for the time being
// to cater for bindings that still use the approach of constructing a callback endpoint
// to model the callback URI. With these changes the binding can just set a CallbackHandler
// in the forward message to get the same effect. Some bindings don't do that hence
// the various checks
this.resolvedEndpoint = null;
if (msgContext.getFrom() != null){
resolvedEndpoint = msgContext.getFrom().getCallbackEndpoint();
if (resolvedEndpoint != null){
if (resolvedEndpoint.getBinding() == null){
this.callbackHandler = new CallbackHandler(resolvedEndpoint.getURI());
} else if (resolvedEndpoint.getBinding().getType().equals(SCABinding.TYPE)){
this.callbackHandler = new CallbackHandler(resolvedEndpoint.getURI());
} else {
this.callbackHandler = new CallbackHandler(resolvedEndpoint.getBinding().getURI());
} else {
this.callbackHandler = (CallbackHandler)msgContext.getHeaders().get(Constants.CALLBACK);
if (callbackHandler == null){
this.callbackHandler = new CallbackHandler(null);
if (callbackHandler.getCallbackTargetURI() != null){
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Selecting callback EPR using address from forward message: " + callbackHandler.getCallbackTargetURI());
} else {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Selecting callback EPR using address but callback URI is null");
// Work out which callback EPR to use
callbackEPR = selectCallbackEPR(msgContext);
if (callbackEPR == null) {
throw new ServiceRuntimeException("No callback binding found for " + msgContext.getTo().toString());
// configure the callback EPR with the callback address
if (callbackHandler.getCallbackTargetURI() != null) {
callbackEPR = setCallbackAddress(callbackEPR);
this.resolvedEndpoint = callbackEPR.getTargetEndpoint();
public CallbackHandler getCallbackHandler() {
return callbackHandler;
* Gets the message ID associated with this callback reference. All calls through the proxy backed by
* this CallbackServiceReference will use the same msgID
* @return the message ID
public String getMsgID() {
return msgID;
private static CompositeContext getCompositeContext(List<? extends EndpointReference> callbackEPRs) {
if(!callbackEPRs.isEmpty()) {
RuntimeEndpointReference epr = (RuntimeEndpointReference) callbackEPRs.get(0);
return epr.getCompositeContext();
return null;
protected B createProxy() throws Exception {
return proxyFactory.createCallbackProxy(this);
public RuntimeEndpointReference getCallbackEPR() {
return callbackEPR;
public Endpoint getResolvedEndpoint() {
return resolvedEndpoint;
private RuntimeEndpointReference selectCallbackEPR(Message msgContext) {
// look for callback binding with same name as service binding
Endpoint to = msgContext.getTo();
if (to == null) {
//FIXME: need better exception
throw new ServiceRuntimeException("Destination for forward call is not available");
for (EndpointReference epr : callbackEPRs) {
if (epr.getBinding().getName().equals(to.getBinding().getName())) {
return (RuntimeEndpointReference) epr;
// if no match, look for callback binding with same type as service binding
for (EndpointReference epr : callbackEPRs) {
if (epr.getBinding().getType().equals(to.getBinding().getType())) {
return (RuntimeEndpointReference) epr;
// no suitable callback wire was found
return null;
private RuntimeEndpointReference setCallbackAddress(RuntimeEndpointReference endpointReference) {
try {
RuntimeEndpointReference epr = endpointReference;
if (callbackHandler.getCloneCallbackWire()){
epr = (RuntimeEndpointReference)endpointReference.clone();
// TUSCANY-3932
// If it's the default binding then we're going to look the callback endpoint
// up in the registry. Most remote protocols, which may be used as delegates
// for, will expect to deal with absolute URLs so flip the
// callback endpoint back to force the lookup to happen
if (epr.getBinding().getType().equals(SCABinding.TYPE)){
// A/ create a callback endpoint to allow the
// callback lookup to take place
// if an endpoint it provided in the forward message use it or
// if not create one
if (resolvedEndpoint == null ){
RuntimeEndpoint callbackEndpoint = (RuntimeEndpoint)assemblyFactory.createEndpoint();
} else {
} else {
// B/ and C/ assume that the callback EPR is already resolved
// and set the binding URI if one is provided with the
// forward message. Some bindings may want to do other
// things to determine the callback URI to the
// CallbackHandler will be sent in the callback message
// header. This is particularly true if the clone isn't
// called above because resetting the URI will not
// be thread safe.
if ( callbackHandler.getCallbackTargetURI() != null ){
} else {
// do nothing and rely on whatever the user has configured
// in the SCDL
return epr;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// will not happen
throw new ServiceRuntimeException(e);