| Apache Tuscany Alert Aggregator Demo |
| ==================================== |
| |
| The alert aggregator demo provides an application, implemented using SCA, that |
| aggregates feeds together and exposes them using the following bindings: |
| |
| binding.ws |
| binding.jsonrpc |
| binding.feed |
| |
| The easiest way to get going is to build the demo |
| |
| cd alert-aggregator-webapp |
| ant package |
| |
| This will build a war file |
| |
| demo-alert-aggregator-webapp.war |
| |
| This war can be deployed to your web application container and tested (the war |
| has been tested with Tomcat 6.0.10). |
| |
| The Web Application |
| ------------------- |
| |
| Once deployed point your browser at |
| |
| http://localhost:8080/demo-alert-aggregator-webapp |
| |
| Taking care to ensure the host name and port number match your local |
| configuration. |
| |
| This launches a Javascript application in the browser that uses JSONRPC |
| to contact the server and retrieve a list of alert sources and alerts that |
| these sources are providing. |
| |
| The default sources that you see are stored in the following file: |
| |
| demo-alert-aggregator-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/sources.xml |
| |
| This file has the following contents: |
| |
| <ns0:Config xmlns:ns0="http://tuscany.apache.org/sca/demos/aggregator/types"> |
| <ns0:Source Id="0" FeedType="rss"> |
| <ns0:Name>BBC News</ns0:Name> |
| <ns0:Address>http://news.bbc.co.uk/</ns0:Address> |
| <ns0:LastChecked>10-Jun-2007 16:34:03</ns0:LastChecked> |
| <ns0:FeedAddress>http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/world/rss.xml</ns0:FeedAddress> |
| </ns0:Source> |
| <ns0:Source Id="1" FeedType="rss"> |
| <ns0:Name>Engadget</ns0:Name> |
| <ns0:Address>http://www.engadget.com</ns0:Address> |
| <ns0:LastChecked>10-Jun-2007 16:34:03</ns0:LastChecked> |
| <ns0:FeedAddress>http://www.engadget.com/rss.xml</ns0:FeedAddress> |
| </ns0:Source> |
| </ns0:Config> |
| |
| You may want to adjust the "LastChecked" values to change the number of |
| alerts that are displayed in the first instance. |
| |
| Using A Feed Reader |
| ------------------- |
| |
| As this SCA application also uses the binding.feed binding you can use your |
| favourite feed reader to read the aggregated alerts. To do this point your |
| feed reader at |
| |
| http://localhost:8080/demo-alert-aggregator-webapp/services/AlertsFeedServiceRSS |
| |
| Again taking care to ensure that the host name and port number match you |
| local configuration. |
| |
| Using Web Services |
| ------------------ |
| |
| The SCA application also uses binding.ws to provide a SOAP/HTTP interface. |
| The demo client that uses this interface is not yet available. |
| |
| Building The Sample Using Ant |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| With the binary distribution the sample can be built using Ant as follows: |
| |
| cd alert-aggregator-webapp |
| ant package |
| |
| Building The Sample Using Maven |
| ------------------------------- |
| |
| With the source and binary distributions the sample can be built using Maven |
| as follows: |
| |
| cd alert-aggregator-webapp |
| mvn |
| |
| The Maven build runs an integration test after building the war file. |