blob: de1201ea2df6ce2d25ff161971cc0b19ccc1f0f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
import org.apache.maven.model.FileSet;
import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
import org.apache.maven.model.PluginExecution;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
* A Maven plugin that generates an Ant build.xml file for Tuscany SCA samples.
* Build dependencies and additional build steps like WSDL2Java for example are
* automatically determined from the pom.xml file describing the module's Maven build.
* @version $Rev$ $Date$
* @goal generate
* @phase generate-sources
* @requiresDependencyResolution test
* @description Generate Ant build script for an SCA project
public class AntGeneratorMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* The project to generate an Ant build for.
* @parameter expression="${project}"
* @required
private MavenProject project;
* Used for resolving artifacts
* @component
private ArtifactResolver resolver;
* Factory for creating artifact objects
* @component
private ArtifactFactory factory;
* The local repository where the artifacts are located
* @parameter expression="${localRepository}"
* @required
private ArtifactRepository localRepository;
* The remote repositories where artifacts are located
* @parameter expression="${project.remoteArtifactRepositories}"
private List remoteRepositories;
* The current user system settings for use in Maven.
* @parameter expression="${settings}"
* @required
* @readonly
private Settings settings;
* The main class name.
* @parameter
private String mainClass;
* If set true then only the dependency file is created. The dependency
* file can then be included in a hand generated build.xml file
* @parameter
private Boolean buildDependencyFileOnly;
* The build.xml file to generate.
* @parameter expression="${basedir}/build.xml"
private String buildFile;
* The build-dependency.xml file to generate.
* @parameter expression="${basedir}/build-dependency.xml"
private String buildDependencyFile;
* The path to the root dir so that build.xml files can be generated at any level
* in the distribution hierarchy
* @parameter expression="../.."
private String pathToRootDir;
* Additional run targets and corresponding class names
* @parameter
private Map<String, String> runTargets;
* Set this to true if test source needs to be compiled
* @parameter
private boolean testSource;
* Additional jar files to be produced
* @parameter
private List<JarFile> jarFiles;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
if ((buildDependencyFileOnly != null) &&
(buildDependencyFileOnly == true)){
} else {
* Generate Ant build dependency XML file
private void generateBuildDependencyFile() throws MojoExecutionException {
getLog().info("Generating " + buildDependencyFile);
// Open the target build-dependency.xml file
File targetFile = new File(buildDependencyFile);
PrintWriter pw;
try {
pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(targetFile));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(e.toString());
// Generate the Apache license header
// Generate Ant filesets representing the build dependencies
* Generate Ant build XML file
private void generateBuildFile() throws MojoExecutionException {
getLog().info("Generating " + buildFile);
// Open the target build.xml file
File targetFile = new File(buildFile);
PrintWriter pw;
try {
pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(targetFile));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(e.toString());
// Determine the project packaging
String packaging = project.getPackaging().toLowerCase();
// Generate the Apache license header
pw.println("<project name=\"" + project.getArtifactId() + "\" default=\"compile\">");
// Generate the compile target
int base = project.getBasedir().toString().length() + 1;
pw.println(" <target name=\"compile\">");
pw.println(" <mkdir dir=\"target/classes\"/>");
// Generate any pre-compilation tasks
// Generate the compile task
pw.println(" <javac destdir=\"target/classes\" debug=\"on\" source=\"1.5\" target=\"1.5\">");
for (String source: (List<String>)project.getCompileSourceRoots()) {
if (source.length() > base) {
source = source.substring(base);
} else {
source = ".";
pw.println(" <src path=\"" + source + "\"/>");
pw.println(" <classpath>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"tuscany.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"3rdparty.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" </classpath>");
pw.println(" </javac>");
pw.println(" <copy todir=\"target/classes\">");
for (FileSet resource: (List<FileSet>)project.getResources()) {
String source = resource.getDirectory();
if (source.length() > base) {
source = source.substring(base);
if (source.equals(".")){
pw.println(" <fileset dir=\".\" includes=\"*\" excludes=\"src, target, pom.xml, build.xml\"/>");
} else {
pw.println(" <fileset dir=\"" + source + "\"/>");
} else {
if (project.getResources().size() > 1) {
pw.println(" <fileset dir=\".\" excludes=\"**/*.java, pom.xml, build.xml, target\"/>");
source = ".";
pw.println(" </copy>");
// Compile test source using code cut and pasted from above
if (testSource) {
pw.println(" <mkdir dir=\"target/test-classes\"/>");
pw.println(" <javac destdir=\"target/test-classes\" debug=\"on\" source=\"1.5\" target=\"1.5\">");
for (String source: (List<String>)project.getTestCompileSourceRoots()) {
if (source.length() > base) {
source = source.substring(base);
} else {
source = ".";
pw.println(" <src path=\"" + source + "\"/>");
pw.println(" <classpath>");
pw.println(" <fileset dir=\"target/classes\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"tuscany.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"3rdparty.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" </classpath>");
pw.println(" </javac>");
pw.println(" <copy todir=\"target/test-classes\">");
for (FileSet resource: (List<FileSet>)project.getTestResources()) {
String source = resource.getDirectory();
if (source.length() > base) {
source = source.substring(base);
if (source.equals(".")){
pw.println(" <fileset dir=\".\" includes=\"*\" excludes=\"src, target, pom.xml, build.xml\"/>");
} else {
pw.println(" <fileset dir=\"" + source + "\"/>");
} else {
if (project.getTestResources().size() > 1) {
pw.println(" <fileset dir=\".\" excludes=\"**/*.java, pom.xml, build.xml, target\"/>");
source = ".";
pw.println(" </copy>");
// Build a JAR
if (packaging.equals("jar")) {
pw.println(" <jar destfile=\"target/" + project.getArtifactId() + ".jar\" basedir=\"target/classes\">");
pw.println(" <manifest>");
if (mainClass != null) {
pw.println(" <attribute name=\"Main-Class\" value=\"" + mainClass + "\"/>");
pw.println(" </manifest>");
pw.println(" </jar>");
} else if (packaging.equals("war")) {
// Build a WAR
pw.println(" <war destfile=\"target/" + project.getArtifactId() + ".war\" webxml=\"src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml\">");
pw.println(" <fileset dir=\"src/main/webapp\"/>");
pw.println(" <lib refid=\"tuscany.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" <lib refid=\"3rdparty.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" <classes dir=\"target/classes\"/>");
pw.println(" </war>");
// Build additional JARs
if (jarFiles != null) {
for (JarFile jarFile: jarFiles) {
pw.println(" <jar destfile=\"" + jarFile.getDestfile() + "\">");
if (jarFile.getFilesets() != null) {
for (String fileset: jarFile.getFilesets()) {
pw.println(" <fileset " + fileset + "/>");
pw.println(" </jar>");
// Finish the compile target
pw.println(" </target>");
// Generate a package target alongside the compile target
// Tuscany SCA samples use "package" as the target for webapps
pw.println(" <target name=\"package\" depends=\"compile\"/>");
// Generate the run target
if (mainClass != null) {
pw.println(" <target name=\"run\">");
pw.println(" <java classname=\"" + mainClass + "\" fork=\"true\">");
pw.println(" <classpath>");
pw.println(" <pathelement location=\"target/" + project.getArtifactId() + ".jar\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"tuscany.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"3rdparty.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" </classpath>");
pw.println(" </java>");
pw.println(" </target>");
// Generate other run targets
if (runTargets != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> element: runTargets.entrySet()) {
pw.println(" <target name=\"" + element.getKey() + "\">");
pw.println(" <java classname=\"" + element.getValue() + "\" fork=\"true\">");
pw.println(" <classpath>");
pw.println(" <pathelement location=\"target/" + project.getArtifactId() + ".jar\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"tuscany.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"3rdparty.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" </classpath>");
pw.println(" </java>");
pw.println(" </target>");
// Generate the clean target
pw.println(" <target name=\"clean\">");
pw.println(" <delete dir=\"target\" includeemptydirs=\"true\"/>");
pw.println(" </target>");
// Generate Ant filesets representing the build dependencies
* Generate Ant filesets representing the build dependencies.
* @param pw PrintWriter to write to
private void generateBuildDependencies(PrintWriter pw) {
// Determine the module dependencies
List<String> tuscanyModules = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> otherModules = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Artifact artifact: (List<Artifact>)project.getRuntimeArtifacts()) {
if (artifact.getGroupId().startsWith("")) {
} else {
// Sort lists of modules, making output deterministic
// Generate filesets for the tuscany and 3rd party dependencies
pw.println(" <fileset id=\"tuscany.jars\" dir=\"" + pathToRootDir + "/modules\">");
for (String name: tuscanyModules) {
pw.println(" <include name=\"" + name +"\"/>");
pw.println(" </fileset>");
pw.println(" <fileset id=\"3rdparty.jars\" dir=\"" + pathToRootDir + "/lib\">");
for (String name: otherModules) {
pw.println(" <include name=\"" + name +"\"/>");
pw.println(" </fileset>");
* Extract plugin execution configurations out of the Maven model. This handles
* nested configurations with a base configuration and a collection of nested
* configuration elements, for example:
* <configuration>
* <schemaFiles>
* <configuration>
* <fileName>x.wsdl</fileName>
* </configuration>
* <configuration>
* <fileName>y.wsdl</fileName>
* </configuration>
* </schemaFiles>
* <noNotification>true</noNotification>
* </configuration>
* @param execution Maven plugin execution model
* @return a list of maps containing the plugin configuration key value pairs
private static List<Map<String, String>> pluginConfigurations(PluginExecution execution) {
List<Map<String, String>> configurations = new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>();
Map<String, String> topConfiguration = new HashMap<String, String>();
Xpp3Dom dom = (Xpp3Dom)execution.getConfiguration();
for (Xpp3Dom element: dom.getChildren()) {
if (element.getChildCount() != 0) {
// Handle nested configuration element, create a child configuration
// for each
for (Xpp3Dom childConfigurationElement: element.getChildren()) {
Map<String, String> childConfiguration = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (Xpp3Dom childElement: childConfigurationElement.getChildren()) {
childConfiguration.put(childElement.getName(), childElement.getValue());
} else {
// Handle top level key value pair element
topConfiguration.put(element.getName(), element.getValue());
// Return the top configuration or the child configurations merged
// with the top one
if (configurations.isEmpty()) {
} else {
for (Map<String, String> configuration: configurations) {
return configurations;
* Generate Ant tasks for the pre-compilation generation plugins
* used in the Maven module.
* @param pw PrintWriter to write to
* @return list of directories containing generated source to compile
private void generatePreCompileTasks(PrintWriter pw) {
String baseDir = project.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath() + '/';
List<Plugin> plugins = (List<Plugin>)project.getBuildPlugins();
for (Plugin plugin: plugins) {
// Generate Ant task equivalent to the Tuscany SDO plugin
if ("org.apache.tuscany.sdo".equals(plugin.getGroupId()) && "tuscany-sdo-plugin".equals(plugin.getArtifactId())) {
for (PluginExecution execution: (List<PluginExecution>)plugin.getExecutions()) {
for (Map<String, String> configuration: pluginConfigurations(execution)) {
pw.println(" <java classname=\"org.apache.tuscany.sdo.generate.XSD2JavaGenerator\" fork=\"true\">");
// Generate the various code generation options
for (Map.Entry<String, String> element: configuration.entrySet()) {
String key = element.getKey();
String value = element.getValue();
if (key.equals("schemaNamespace")) {
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-schemaNamespace\"/>");
pw.println(" <arg value=\"" + value + "\"/>");
if (key.equals("javaPackage")) {
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-javaPackage\"/>");
pw.println(" <arg value=\"" + value + "\"/>");
if (key.equals("prefix")) {
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-prefix\"/>");
pw.println(" <arg value=\"" + value + "\"/>");
if (key.equals("noInterfaces") && "true".equals(value)) {
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-noInterfaces\"/>");
if (key.equals("noNotification") && "true".equals(value)) {
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-noNotification\"/>");
if (key.equals("noContainer") && "true".equals(value)) {
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-noContainment\"/>");
if (key.equals("noUnsettable") && "true".equals(value)) {
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-noUnsettable\"/>");
// Generate target directory parameter
String targetDirectory = configuration.get("targetDirectory");
if (targetDirectory == null) {
targetDirectory = "target/sdo-source";
} else if (targetDirectory.startsWith(baseDir)) {
targetDirectory = targetDirectory.substring(baseDir.length());
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-targetDirectory\"/>");
pw.println(" <arg value=\"" + targetDirectory + "\"/>");
// Generate schema file parameter
String schemaFile = configuration.get("schemaFile");
if (schemaFile == null) {
schemaFile = configuration.get("fileName");
if (schemaFile != null) {
if (schemaFile.startsWith(baseDir)) {
schemaFile = schemaFile.substring(baseDir.length());
pw.println(" <arg value=\"" + schemaFile + "\"/>");
pw.println(" <classpath>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"tuscany.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"3rdparty.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" </classpath>");
pw.println(" </java>");
// Generate Ant task equivalent to the Tuscany WSDL2Java plugin
else if ("".equals(plugin.getGroupId()) && "tuscany-maven-wsdl2java".equals(plugin.getArtifactId())) {
for (PluginExecution execution: (List<PluginExecution>)plugin.getExecutions()) {
for (Map<String, String> configuration: pluginConfigurations(execution)) {
pw.println(" <java classname=\"\" fork=\"true\">");
// Generate the various code generation options
for (Map.Entry<String, String> element: configuration.entrySet()) {
String key = element.getKey();
String value = element.getValue();
if (key.equals("javaPackage")) {
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-javaPackage\"/>");
pw.println(" <arg value=\"" + value + "\"/>");
// Generate target directory parameter
String targetDirectory = configuration.get("targetDirectory");
if (targetDirectory == null) {
targetDirectory = "target/wsdl2java-source";
} else if (targetDirectory.startsWith(baseDir)) {
targetDirectory = targetDirectory.substring(baseDir.length());
pw.println(" <arg value=\"-targetDirectory\"/>");
pw.println(" <arg value=\"" + targetDirectory + "\"/>");
// Generate WSDL file parameter
String wsdlFile = configuration.get("wsdlFile");
if (wsdlFile == null) {
wsdlFile = configuration.get("fileName");
if (wsdlFile != null) {
if (wsdlFile.startsWith(baseDir)) {
wsdlFile = wsdlFile.substring(baseDir.length());
pw.println(" <arg value=\"" + wsdlFile + "\"/>");
pw.println(" <classpath>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"tuscany.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" <fileset refid=\"3rdparty.jars\"/>");
pw.println(" </classpath>");
pw.println(" </java>");
* Generate license header.
* @param pw PrintWriter to write to
private void generateLicenseHeader(PrintWriter pw) {
pw.println(" * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one");
pw.println(" * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file");
pw.println(" * distributed with this work for additional information");
pw.println(" * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file");
pw.println(" * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the");
pw.println(" * \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance");
pw.println(" * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at");
pw.println(" * ");
pw.println(" *");
pw.println(" * ");
pw.println(" * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,");
pw.println(" * software distributed under the License is distributed on an");
pw.println(" * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the");
pw.println(" * specific language governing permissions and limitations");
pw.println(" * under the License.");