blob: 70e0961b09af56befc7bb2d45592668bc32ef242 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.tuscany.das.rdb.graphbuilder.impl;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* A ResultSetRow is used to transform a row of a ResultSet into a set of EDataObjects.
public class ResultSetRow {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ResultSetRow.class);
private final ResultMetadata metadata;
private final boolean recursive;
private final int resultSetSize;
private Collection allTableNames;
private Set recursiveTablePropertyNames;
private Set tablesWithNoPK = new HashSet();
private String[] tablePropertyNames;
private String[] columnPropertyNames;
private boolean[] isPKColumn;
private int[] indexesForPKs;
private Map indexesByTablePropertyName = new HashMap();
private Map tableMap = new HashMap();
private List allTableData = new ArrayList();
private ResultSet currentResultSet;
* Method ResultSetRow.
* @param m
* the result metadata
public ResultSetRow(ResultMetadata m) throws SQLException {
this.metadata = m;
this.recursiveTablePropertyNames = m.getRecursiveTypeNames();
this.recursive = (recursiveTablePropertyNames.size() > 0);
this.resultSetSize = m.getResultSetSize();
* Processes a single row in the ResultSet.
* @param rs
* A ResultSet positioned on the desired row
public final void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
// clear previous data
for (Iterator itTableData = allTableData.iterator(); itTableData.hasNext(); ) {
TableData tableData = (TableData);
allTableData = new ArrayList();
// set current resultSet
currentResultSet = rs;
// process row
if (recursive) {
} else {
public final TableData processRowForTable(String tablePropertyName) throws SQLException {
int[] indexes = (int[]) indexesByTablePropertyName.get(tablePropertyName);
TableData table = getRawData(tablePropertyName);
int count = indexes.length;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
int i = indexes[j];
if (!isPKColumn[i]) {
// skipping primary key columns since they've already been processed by processRow()
Object data = getObject(currentResultSet, i);
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Adding column: " + columnPropertyNames[i] + "\tValue: "
+ data + "\tTable: "
+ tablePropertyNames[i]);
table.addData(columnPropertyNames[i], false, data);
return table;
private void processNonRecursiveRow() throws SQLException {
// parse primary keys only
// the rest will be parsed as needed
int count = indexesForPKs.length;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
int i = indexesForPKs[j];
Object data = getObject(currentResultSet, i);
if (data == null) {
// primary key is null, check other columns
String tablePropertyName = tablePropertyNames[i];
// if table data already exists then this has already been done
if (!tableMap.containsKey(tablePropertyName)) {
TableData table = getRawData(tablePropertyName);
// add table data only if not empty
if (!table.isTableEmpty()) {
table.addData(columnPropertyNames[i], true, data);
} else {
// add table data
TableData table = getRawData(tablePropertyNames[i]);
if (!allTableData.contains(table)) allTableData.add(table);
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Adding column: " + columnPropertyNames[i] + "\tValue: "
+ data + "\tTable: "
+ tablePropertyNames[i]);
table.addData(columnPropertyNames[i], true, data);
//get all table names involved in current result set
//can not use metadata.getAllTablePropertyNames()
//as it gives table names for all tables from Config
private void getAllTableNamesForRS(){
allTableNames = new HashSet(resultSetSize);
for (int i = 1; i <= resultSetSize; i++) {
private void cacheMetadata() {
tablePropertyNames = new String[resultSetSize + 1];
columnPropertyNames = new String[resultSetSize + 1];
isPKColumn = new boolean[resultSetSize + 1];
String tablePropertyName = null;
boolean isPK;
List pkColumnList = new ArrayList();
// loop thru indexes
for (int i = 1; i <= resultSetSize; i++) {
columnPropertyNames[i] = metadata.getColumnPropertyName(i);
tablePropertyName = metadata.getTablePropertyName(i);
tablePropertyNames[i] = tablePropertyName;
List indexes = (List) indexesByTablePropertyName.get(tablePropertyName);
if (indexes == null) {
indexes = new ArrayList();
indexesByTablePropertyName.put(tablePropertyName, indexes);
indexes.add(new Integer(i));
isPK = metadata.isPKColumn(i);
isPKColumn[i] = isPK;
if (isPK) {
pkColumnList.add(new Integer(i));
// reorganize indexes by table property name
for (Iterator itTablePropertyNames = indexesByTablePropertyName.keySet().iterator(); itTablePropertyNames.hasNext(); ) {
tablePropertyName = (String);
List indexes = (List) indexesByTablePropertyName.get(tablePropertyName);
int count = indexes.size();
int[] indexArray = new int[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
indexArray[i] = ((Integer) indexes.get(i)).intValue();
indexesByTablePropertyName.put(tablePropertyName, indexArray);
// reorganize indexes for PKs
int count = pkColumnList.size();
indexesForPKs = new int[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
indexesForPKs[i] = ((Integer) pkColumnList.get(i)).intValue();
private void getTablesWithNoPK(){
//case when result set omits PK column, take care of compound PKs too
boolean tableRSHasPK;
Iterator itr = allTableNames.iterator();
tableRSHasPK = false;
String currentTableName = (String);
HashSet pks = metadata.getAllPKsForTable(currentTableName);
HashSet pksInRS = new HashSet();
for(int j=1; j<=resultSetSize; j++){
if(currentTableName.equals(tablePropertyNames[j]) &&
isPKColumn[j] ){
//if pks null, means its classic case when all cols should be PKs
if(pks == null){
tableRSHasPK = true;
//case when there were cols in cfg but could not find any PK in it and no ID column in cfg
else if(pks != null && pks.size()==1 && pks.contains("")){
tableRSHasPK = false;
else if(pks != null && pksInRS.size() == pks.size()){
Iterator itr1 = pks.iterator();
int indx=0;
if(indx == 0){
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("has PK TRUE - matched");
tableRSHasPK = true;
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("has PK FALSE- mismatched");
tableRSHasPK = false;
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("has PK FALSE - rest all cases");
if (!tableRSHasPK) tablesWithNoPK.add(currentTableName);
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("table "+currentTableName+" hasValidPK "+tableRSHasPK);
private void checkResultSetMissesPK(){
//Default is TRUE(from TableData), so consider only FALSE case
Iterator itr = tablesWithNoPK.iterator();
String currentTableName = (String);
TableData table = getRawData(currentTableName);
private void processRecursiveRow() throws SQLException {
int i = 1;
// create map to keep track of recursive indexes
// each recursive table contains a 0-based index to keep track of the sequence
Map recursiveIndexes = new HashMap();
for (Iterator itTablePropertyNames = recursiveTablePropertyNames.iterator(); itTablePropertyNames.hasNext(); ) {
recursiveIndexes.put(, new Integer(-1));
// loop thru result set columns
// assuming that the columns of each recursive table are grouped together (metadata do not allow for further granularity)
while (i <= resultSetSize) {
TableData table;
String tablePropertyName = tablePropertyNames[i];
if (recursiveTablePropertyNames.contains(tablePropertyName)) {
// increment current recursive index for table
int recursiveIndex = ((Integer) recursiveIndexes.get(tablePropertyName)).intValue() + 1;
recursiveIndexes.put(tablePropertyName, new Integer(recursiveIndex));
// get table data
table = getRecursiveRawData(tablePropertyName, recursiveIndex);
} else {
table = getRawData(tablePropertyNames[i]);
while ((i <= resultSetSize) && (isPKColumn[i])) {
Object data = getObject(currentResultSet, i);
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Adding column: " + columnPropertyNames[i]
+ "\tValue: " + data + "\tTable: "
+ tablePropertyNames[i]);
table.addData(columnPropertyNames[i], true, data);
while ((i <= resultSetSize) && (!isPKColumn[i])) {
Object data = getObject(currentResultSet, i);
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Adding column: " + columnPropertyNames[i]
+ "\tValue: " + data + "\tTable: "
+ tablePropertyNames[i]);
table.addData(columnPropertyNames[i], false, data);
// skip table if empty
if (table.isTableEmpty()) {
} else {
* @param rs
* @param metadata
* @param i
* @return
private Object getObject(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException {
Object data = rs.getObject(i);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
return null;
return metadata.convert(i, data);
* Returns a HashMap that holds data for the specified table If the HashMap
* doesn't exist, it will be created. This is used internally to build
* the ResultSetRow, whereas getTable is used externally to retrieve existing table data.
* @param tableName
* The name of the table
* @return HashMap
private TableData getRawData(String tableName) {
TableData table = (TableData) tableMap.get(tableName);
if (table == null) {
table = new TableData(tableName);
tableMap.put(tableName, table);
return table;
private TableData getRecursiveRawData(String tableName, int recursiveIndex) {
String key = tableName + ":" + recursiveIndex;
TableData table = (TableData) tableMap.get(key);
if (table == null) {
table = new TableData(tableName, recursiveIndex);
tableMap.put(key, table);
return table;
public List getAllTableData() {
return this.allTableData;
public boolean isRecursive() {
return recursive;