blob: 74a733d329e763f34c02980f5c16712700efa1b0 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.container;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.DefaultConfiguration;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.DefaultConfigurationBuilder;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.container.ContainerUtil;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.ContextException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.DefaultContext;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Logger;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.ParameterException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.component.AvalonServiceComponentImpl;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.component.ServiceComponent;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.configuration.ComponentConfigurationPropertiesResolver;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.configuration.ComponentConfigurationPropertiesResolverImpl;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.constant.AvalonYaafiConstants;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.context.AvalonToYaafiContextMapper;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.context.YaafiToAvalonContextMapper;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.crypto.CryptoStreamFactory;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.role.RoleConfigurationParser;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.role.RoleConfigurationParserImpl;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.role.RoleEntry;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.util.ConfigurationUtil;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.util.InputStreamLocator;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.util.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.util.Validate;
* Yet another avalon framework implementation (YAAFI).
* @author <a href="">Siegfried Goeschl</a>
public class ServiceContainerImpl implements ServiceContainer, ServiceConstants {
/** Default timeout before disposing the container */
private static final int DISPOSAL_DELAY_DEFAULT = 0;
/** Default timeout before reconfiguring the container or services */
private static final int RECONFIGURATION_DELAY_DEFAULT = 2000;
/** The role configuration file to be used */
private String componentRolesLocation;
/** is the component role file encrypted? */
private String isComponentRolesEncrypted;
/** which flavour of component role file we have to parse? */
private String componentRolesFlavour;
/** The service configuration file to be used */
private String componentConfigurationLocation;
/** is the component configuration file encrypted? */
private String isComponentConfigurationEncrypted;
/** The parameters file to be used */
private String parametersLocation;
/** is the parameters file encrypted? */
private String isParametersEncrypted;
/** The application directory aka the current working directory */
private File applicationRootDir;
/** The directory for storing temporary files */
private File tempRootDir;
/** The logger to be used passed by the caller */
private Logger logger;
/** The service manager passed to the container */
private ServiceManager parentServiceManager;
/** The list of services instantiated */
private List<ServiceComponent> serviceList;
/** The map of services used for the lookup */
private Map<String, ServiceComponent> serviceMap;
/** The Avalon role configuration loaded by this class */
private Configuration roleConfiguration;
/** The Avalon service configuration loaded by this class */
private Configuration serviceConfiguration;
/** The temporary Avalon context passed to the implementation */
private Context callerContext;
/** The default Avalon context passed to the services */
private Context context;
/** The default Avalon parameters */
private Parameters parameters;
/** Is this instance already disposed? */
private volatile boolean isAlreadyDisposed;
/** Is this instance currently disposed? */
private volatile boolean isCurrentlyDisposing;
/** The type of container where YAAFI is embedded */
private String containerFlavour;
* The ms to wait before triggering a reconfiguration of the container or
* service
private int reconfigurationDelay;
/** The ms to wait before triggering a disposal of the container */
private int disposalDelay;
/** global flag for enabling/disabling dynamic proxies */
private boolean hasDynamicProxies;
/** The list of interceptor services applied to all services */
private List<String> defaultInterceptorServiceList;
/** The list of ServiceManagers as fallback service lookup */
private List<String> fallbackServiceManagerList;
* the configuration for running the ComponentConfigurationPropertiesResolver
private Configuration componentConfigurationPropertiesResolverConfig;
* Lock access during service initialization
private final ReentrantLock serviceLock = new ReentrantLock();
// Avalon Service Lifecycle
* Constructor using sensible defaults.
public ServiceContainerImpl() {
this.componentRolesLocation = COMPONENT_ROLE_VALUE;
this.componentConfigurationLocation = COMPONENT_CONFIG_VALUE;
this.parametersLocation = COMPONENT_PARAMETERS_VALUE;
this.isComponentConfigurationEncrypted = "false";
this.isComponentRolesEncrypted = "false";
this.isParametersEncrypted = "false";
this.isAlreadyDisposed = false;
this.isCurrentlyDisposing = false;
this.serviceList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<ServiceComponent>());
this.serviceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ServiceComponent>();
this.applicationRootDir = new File(new File("").getAbsolutePath());
this.tempRootDir = new File(System.getProperty("", "."));
this.fallbackServiceManagerList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
this.defaultInterceptorServiceList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
this.disposalDelay = DISPOSAL_DELAY_DEFAULT;
this.reconfigurationDelay = RECONFIGURATION_DELAY_DEFAULT;
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.LogEnabled#enableLogging(org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Logger)
public void enableLogging(Logger logger) {
Validate.notNull(logger, "logger");
this.logger = logger;
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Contextualizable#contextualize(org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context)
public void contextualize(Context context) throws ContextException {
Validate.notNull(context, "context");
// Argghhh - I need to to parse the Configuration before I can map the Context
this.callerContext = context;
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable#service(org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager)
public void service(ServiceManager serviceManager) throws ServiceException {
this.parentServiceManager = serviceManager;
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable#configure(org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration)
public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException {
Validate.notNull(configuration, "configuration");
// retrieve the reconfigurationDelay
this.reconfigurationDelay = configuration.getChild(RECONFIGURATION_DELAY_KEY)
// retrieve the disposal delay
this.disposalDelay = configuration.getChild(DISPOSAL_DELAY_KEY).getValueAsInteger(DISPOSAL_DELAY_DEFAULT);
// evaluate if we are using dynamic proxies
this.hasDynamicProxies = configuration.getChild(DYNAMICPROXY_ENABLED_KEY).getValueAsBoolean(false);
// retrieve the container flavour
this.getLogger().debug("Using the following container type : " + this.getContainerFlavour());
// process the caller-supplied context here
try {
// instantiate a mapper using the existing context - it might
// contain application specific entries we are not aware of
AvalonToYaafiContextMapper mapper = new AvalonToYaafiContextMapper(this.getTempRootDir(),
this.callerContext, this.getClassLoader());
// do the magic mapping
this.context = mapper.mapFrom(this.callerContext, this.getContainerFlavour());
// don't keep a reference of the caller-supplied context
this.callerContext = null;
} catch (ContextException e) {
String msg = "Failed to parse the caller-supplied context";
this.getLogger().error(msg, e);
throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
// evaluate componentRoles
Configuration currComponentRoles = configuration.getChild(COMPONENT_ROLE_KEYS);
// evaluate componentConfiguraion
Configuration currComponentConfiguration = configuration.getChild(COMPONENT_CONFIG_KEY);
// get the configuration for componentConfigurationPropertiesResolver
this.componentConfigurationPropertiesResolverConfig = configuration.getChild(COMPONENT_CONFIG_PROPERTIES_KEY);
// evaluate parameters
Configuration currParameters = configuration.getChild(COMPONENT_PARAMETERS_KEY);
// evaluate the default interceptors
Configuration currInterceptorList = configuration.getChild(INTERCEPTOR_LIST_KEY);
Configuration[] interceptorConfigList = currInterceptorList.getChildren(INTERCEPTOR_KEY);
for (int i = 0; i < interceptorConfigList.length; i++) {
String interceptorServiceName = interceptorConfigList[i].getValue(null);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(interceptorServiceName) && this.hasDynamicProxies()) {
this.getLogger().debug("Using the following default interceptor service : " + interceptorServiceName);
// evaluate a list of service managers managing their own set of services
// independent from the Avalon container. This service managers are used
// to find services implemented as Spring bean or remote web services.
Configuration currServiceManagerList = configuration.getChild(SERVICEMANAGER_LIST_KEY);
Configuration[] serviceManagerConfigList = currServiceManagerList.getChildren(SERVICEMANAGER_KEY);
for (int i = 0; i < serviceManagerConfigList.length; i++) {
String serviceManagerName = serviceManagerConfigList[i].getValue(null);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceManagerName)) {
this.getLogger().debug("Using the following fallback service manager : " + serviceManagerName);
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameterizable#parameterize(org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters)
public void parameterize(Parameters parameters) throws ParameterException {
this.parameters = parameters;
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Initializable#initialize()
public void initialize() throws Exception {
this.getLogger().debug("YAAFI Service Framework is starting up");
// set the directories being used
this.setApplicationRootDir((File) this.getContext().get(AvalonYaafiConstants.URN_AVALON_HOME));
this.setTempRootDir((File) this.getContext().get(AvalonYaafiConstants.URN_AVALON_TEMP));
// get the configuration files
this.roleConfiguration = loadConfiguration(this.componentRolesLocation, this.isComponentRolesEncrypted());
if (this.roleConfiguration == null) {
String msg = "Unable to locate the role configuration : " + this.componentRolesLocation;
throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
this.serviceConfiguration = loadConfiguration(this.componentConfigurationLocation,
// create the configuration properties
Properties componentConfigurationProperties = this.loadComponentConfigurationProperties();
// expand the componentConfiguration using the componentConfigurationProperties
ConfigurationUtil.expand(this.getLogger(), (DefaultConfiguration) this.serviceConfiguration,
// create the default parameters
if (this.getParameters() == null) {
this.parameters = this.loadParameters(this.parametersLocation, this.isParametersEncrypted());
// create the service implementation instances
List<ServiceComponent> currServiceList = this.createServiceComponents(this.roleConfiguration, this.getLogger());
// fill the service map mapping from a service name to an instance
for (int i = 0; i < this.getServiceList().size(); i++) {
ServiceComponent serviceComponent = (ServiceComponent) this.getServiceList().get(i);
this.getServiceMap().put(serviceComponent.getName(), serviceComponent);
// ensure that fallback service managers are available
for (int i = 0; i < this.fallbackServiceManagerList.size(); i++) {
String currServiceManagerName = (String) this.fallbackServiceManagerList.get(i);
if (this.getServiceMap().get(currServiceManagerName) == null) {
String msg = "The following fallback service manager was not found : " + currServiceManagerName;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// run the various lifecycle stages
// we are up and running
this.isCurrentlyDisposing = false;
this.isAlreadyDisposed = false;
this.getLogger().debug("YAAFI Avalon Service Container is up and running");
* Disposes the service container implementation.
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable#dispose()
public void dispose() {
if (this.isCurrentlyDisposing() || this.isAlreadyDisposed()) {
this.isCurrentlyDisposing = true;
if (this.getLogger() != null) {
this.getLogger().debug("Disposing all services");
// wait some time before disposing all services
synchronized (this) {
// de-commission all services
// dispose all services
// clean up
this.componentRolesLocation = null;
this.componentConfigurationLocation = null;
this.context = null;
this.parametersLocation = null;
this.roleConfiguration = null;
this.serviceConfiguration = null;
this.parameters = null;
this.fallbackServiceManagerList = null;
this.defaultInterceptorServiceList = null;
this.isCurrentlyDisposing = false;
this.isAlreadyDisposed = true;
if (this.getLogger() != null) {
this.getLogger().debug("All services are disposed");
* Reconfiguring the services. I'm not sure how to implement this properly since
* the Avalon docs is vague on this subject. For now we suspend, reconfigure and
* resume the services in the correct order.
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Reconfigurable#reconfigure(org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration)
public synchronized void reconfigure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException {
Validate.notNull(configuration, "configuration");
int exceptionCounter = 0;
ServiceComponent serviceComponent;
this.getLogger().warn("Reconfiguring all services ...");
// 1) wait for some time
// 2) store the new configuration
this.serviceConfiguration = configuration;
Properties componentConfigurationProperties = this.loadComponentConfigurationProperties();
ConfigurationUtil.expand(this.getLogger(), (DefaultConfiguration) this.serviceConfiguration,
// 3) reconfigure the services
for (int i = 0; i < this.getServiceList().size(); i++) {
serviceComponent = (ServiceComponent) this.getServiceList().get(i);
Configuration serviceComponentConfiguration = this.serviceConfiguration
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
String msg = "Reconfiguring of " + serviceComponent.getShorthand() + " failed";
// 4) check the result
if (exceptionCounter > 0) {
String msg = "The reconfiguration failed with " + exceptionCounter + " exception(s)";
throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
// Server Interface Implementation
* @see org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.container.ServiceLifecycleManager#getRoleEntry(java.lang.String)
public RoleEntry getRoleEntry(String name) throws ServiceException {
return this.getServiceComponentEx(name).getRoleEntry();
* @see org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.container.ServiceLifecycleManager#getRoleEntries()
public RoleEntry[] getRoleEntries() {
ServiceComponent serviceComponent;
List<ServiceComponent> serviceList = this.getServiceList();
RoleEntry[] result = new RoleEntry[serviceList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
serviceComponent = (ServiceComponent) serviceList.get(i);
result[i] = serviceComponent.getRoleEntry();
return result;
* @see org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.container.ServiceLifecycleManager#reconfigure(java.lang.String[])
public synchronized void reconfigure(String[] names) throws ServiceException, ConfigurationException {
Validate.notNull(names, "names");
Validate.noNullElements(names, "names");
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
// ensure that the service exists since during our reconfiguration
// we might use a stale reconfiguration entry
if (this.getServiceMap().get(names[i]) != null) {
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager#hasService(java.lang.String)
public boolean hasService(String name) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "name");
boolean result;
if (this.isCurrentlyDisposing() || this.isAlreadyDisposed()) {
return false;
// look at our available service
result = this.getLocalServiceComponent(name) != null;
// look at fallback service managers
if (!result)
result = this.hasFallbackService(name);
// if we haven't found anything ask the parent ServiceManager
if (!result && this.hasParentServiceManager())
result = this.getParentServiceManager().hasService(name);
return result;
* Lookup a service instance. The implementation uses the following mechanism
* <ul>
* <li>look for a matching local service
* <li>use the fallback service manager as they might know the service
* <li>ask the parent service manager
* </ul>
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager#lookup(java.lang.String)
public Object lookup(String name) throws ServiceException {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "name");
Object result = null;
ServiceComponent serviceManagerComponent;
if (this.isAlreadyDisposed())
String msg = "The container is disposed an no services are available";
throw new ServiceException(name, msg);
try {
// 1) check our local services
serviceManagerComponent = this.getLocalServiceComponent(name);
if (serviceManagerComponent != null) {
result = serviceManagerComponent.getInstance();
if (result != null && this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
String msg = "Located the service '" + name + "' in the local container";
// 2) look at fallback service managers
if (result == null) {
result = this.getFallbackService(name);
} catch (ServiceException e)
String msg = "Failed to lookup a service " + name;
this.getLogger().error(msg, e);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t)
String msg = "Failed to lookup a service " + name;
this.getLogger().error(msg, t);
throw new ServiceException(name, msg, t);
} finally
// 3) if we haven't found anything ask the parent ServiceManager
if (result == null && this.hasParentServiceManager())
result = this.getParentServiceManager().lookup(name);
if (result != null && this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
String msg = "Located the service '" + name + "' using the parent service manager";
// if we still haven't found anything then complain
if (result == null)
String msg = "The following component does not exist : " + name;
throw new ServiceException(AvalonYaafiConstants.AVALON_CONTAINER_YAAFI, name);
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager#release(java.lang.Object)
public void release(Object object) {
// AFAIK this is only useful for lifecycle management regarding
// lifestyle other than singleton.
* @see org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.container.ServiceContainer#decommission(java.lang.String)
public synchronized void decommission(String name) throws ServiceException {
ServiceComponent serviceComponent = this.getServiceComponentEx(name);
* @see org.apache.fulcrum.yaafi.framework.container.ServiceContainer#getParameters()
public Parameters getParameters() {
return this.parameters;
// Service Implementation
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
ToStringBuilder toStringBuilder = new ToStringBuilder(this);
toStringBuilder.append("applicationRootDir", this.getApplicationRootDir());
toStringBuilder.append("tempRootDir", this.getTempRootDir());
toStringBuilder.append("componentRolesLocation", this.componentRolesLocation);
toStringBuilder.append("componentConfigurationLocation", this.componentConfigurationLocation);
toStringBuilder.append("parametersLocation", parametersLocation);
toStringBuilder.append("logger", this.getLogger().getClass().getName());
toStringBuilder.append("hasDynamicProxies", this.hasDynamicProxies);
toStringBuilder.append("containerFlavour", this.containerFlavour);
toStringBuilder.append("componentRolesFlavour", this.componentRolesFlavour);
toStringBuilder.append("isComponentRolesEncrypted", this.isComponentRolesEncrypted);
toStringBuilder.append("isComponentConfigurationEncrypted", this.isComponentConfigurationEncrypted);
toStringBuilder.append("isParametersEncrypted", this.isParametersEncrypted);
return toStringBuilder.toString();
* Create a role configuration parser based on the container flavour.
* @return the role configuration parser
private RoleConfigurationParser createRoleConfigurationParser() {
return new RoleConfigurationParserImpl(this.getComponentRolesFlavour());
* Reconfigure a single service
* @param name the name of the service to be reconfigured
* @throws ServiceException the service was not found
* @throws ConfigurationException the reconfiguration failed
private void reconfigure(String name) throws ServiceException, ConfigurationException {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "name");
ServiceComponent serviceComponent = this.getServiceComponentEx(name);
// reconfigure the component
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
String msg = "Reconfiguring failed : " + serviceComponent.getShorthand();
this.getLogger().error(msg, e);
throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
String msg = "Reconfiguring failed : " + serviceComponent.getShorthand();
this.getLogger().error(msg, t);
throw new ConfigurationException(msg, t);
* Enforce that a service is known to simplify error handling.
* @param name the name of the service component
* @return the service component
* @throws ServiceException the service was not found
private ServiceComponent getServiceComponentEx(String name) throws ServiceException {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "name");
ServiceComponent result = (ServiceComponent) this.getServiceMap().get(name);
if (result == null) {
String msg = "The following component does not exist : " + name;
throw new ServiceException(AvalonYaafiConstants.AVALON_CONTAINER_YAAFI, name);
return result;
* Try to get a local service component.
* @param name the name of the service component
* @return the service component if any
private ServiceComponent getLocalServiceComponent(String name) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "name");
ServiceComponent result = (ServiceComponent) this.getServiceMap().get(name);
return result;
* Try to get a service component provided by a fallback service manager.
* @param name the name of the service component
* @return the service component if any
* @throws Exception getting the service failed
private Object getFallbackService(String name) throws Exception {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "name");
Object result = null;
ServiceComponent serviceManagerComponent;
for (int i = 0; i < this.fallbackServiceManagerList.size(); i++) {
String serviceManagerComponentName = (String) fallbackServiceManagerList.get(i);
serviceManagerComponent = this.getLocalServiceComponent(serviceManagerComponentName);
if (serviceManagerComponent != null) {
ServiceManager currServiceManager = (ServiceManager) serviceManagerComponent.getInstance();
if (currServiceManager.hasService(name)) {
result = currServiceManager.lookup(name);
if (result != null && this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
String msg = "Located the service '" + name + "' using the fallback service manager '"
+ serviceManagerComponentName + "'";
return result;
* Try to get a service provided by a fallback service manager.
* @param name the name of the service component
* @return the service component if any
private boolean hasFallbackService(String name) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "name");
ServiceComponent serviceManagerComponent;
for (int i = 0; i < this.fallbackServiceManagerList.size(); i++) {
String serviceManagerComponentName = (String) fallbackServiceManagerList.get(i);
serviceManagerComponent = this.getLocalServiceComponent(serviceManagerComponentName);
if (serviceManagerComponent != null) {
ServiceManager currServiceManager;
try {
currServiceManager = (ServiceManager) serviceManagerComponent.getInstance();
if (currServiceManager.hasService(name)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Unable to invoke fallback service manager '" + serviceManagerComponentName + "'";
this.getLogger().error(msg, e);
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
return false;
* @param string The location of the component configuration file
private void setComponentConfigurationLocation(String string) {
this.componentConfigurationLocation = string;
* @param string The location of the component role file
private void setComponentRolesLocation(String string) {
this.componentRolesLocation = string;
* @param string The location of the parameters file
private void setParametersLocation(String string) {
this.parametersLocation = string;
* @return The logger of the service container
private Logger getLogger() {
return this.logger;
* @return Returns the serviceMap.
private Map<String, ServiceComponent> getServiceMap() {
return this.serviceMap;
* Incarnation of a list of services.
* @param serviceList the list of available services
* @throws Exception the incarnation of a service failed
private void incarnateAll(List<ServiceComponent> serviceList) throws Exception {
ServiceComponent serviceComponent;
// configure all services
for (int i = 0; i < serviceList.size(); i++) {
serviceComponent = (ServiceComponent) this.getServiceList().get(i);
// incarnate all services
for (int i = 0; i < serviceList.size(); i++) {
serviceComponent = (ServiceComponent) this.getServiceList().get(i);
* Configure a single service component. After the invocation the service
* component is ready to be incarnated.
* @param serviceComponent The service component to be configured
* @throws Exception the configuration failed
private void configure(ServiceComponent serviceComponent) throws Exception {
this.getLogger().debug("Configuring the service component " + serviceComponent.getShorthand());
// map the context according to the Avalon component type
YaafiToAvalonContextMapper mapper = new YaafiToAvalonContextMapper(serviceComponent.getName(),
RoleEntry roleEntry = serviceComponent.getRoleEntry();
String componentFlavour = roleEntry.getComponentFlavour();
DefaultContext serviceComponentContext = mapper.mapTo(this.getContext(), componentFlavour);
// create the remaining Avalon artifacts for the service component
Logger serviceComponentLogger = this.getLogger().getChildLogger(roleEntry.getLogCategory());
Configuration serviceComponentConfiguration = this.serviceConfiguration.getChild(roleEntry.getShorthand());
Parameters serviceComponentParameters = this.getParameters();
// configure the service component with all the artifacts
// load the implementation class of the service
* Incarnation of a configured service component. After the incarnation the
* service component is operational.
* @param serviceComponent The service component to incarnate
* @exception Exception incarnating the service component failed
private void incarnate(ServiceComponent serviceComponent) throws Exception {
this.getLogger().debug("Incarnating the service " + serviceComponent.getShorthand());
* De-commission a ist of services.
* @param serviceList the list of services to decommission
private void decommissionAll(List<ServiceComponent> serviceList) {
for (int i = serviceList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ServiceComponent serviceComponent = (ServiceComponent) serviceList.get(i);
* Decommission of a single service component. Decommission consists of running
* the whole Avalon decommission lifecycle process for a service component.
* After decommission the service is not operational any longer. During
* decommissioning we ignore any exceptions since it is quite common that
* something goes wrong.
* @param serviceComponent The service component to decommission
private void decommission(ServiceComponent serviceComponent) {
this.getLogger().debug("Decommission the service " + serviceComponent.getShorthand());
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
String msg = "Decommissioning the following service failed : " + serviceComponent.getName();
this.getLogger().error(msg, e);
* Disposing a ist of services
* @param serviceList the list of services to dispose
private void disposeAll(List<ServiceComponent> serviceList) {
for (int i = serviceList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ServiceComponent serviceComponent = (ServiceComponent) serviceList.get(i);
* Disposing of a single service component.
* @param serviceComponent The service component to decommission
private void dispose(ServiceComponent serviceComponent) {
this.getLogger().debug("Disposing the service " + serviceComponent.getShorthand());
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
String msg = "Disposing the following service failed : " + serviceComponent.getName();
this.getLogger().error(msg, e);
private boolean isCurrentlyDisposing() {
return isCurrentlyDisposing;
private boolean isAlreadyDisposed() {
return isAlreadyDisposed;
* @return The list of currently know services
private List<ServiceComponent> getServiceList() {
return this.serviceList;
* @param list The list of known services
private void setServiceList(List<ServiceComponent> list) {
this.serviceList = list;
* Factory method for creating services. The service instances are not
* initialized at this point.
* @param roleConfiguration the role configuration file
* @param logger the logger
* @return the list of service components
* @throws ConfigurationException creating the service instance failed
private List<ServiceComponent> createServiceComponents(Configuration roleConfiguration, Logger logger)
throws ConfigurationException {
Validate.notNull(roleConfiguration, "roleConfiguration");
Validate.notNull(logger, "logger");
ArrayList<ServiceComponent> result = new ArrayList<ServiceComponent>();
ServiceComponent serviceComponent = null;
// create an appropriate instance of role configuration parser
RoleConfigurationParser roleConfigurationParser = this.createRoleConfigurationParser();
// extract the role entries
RoleEntry[] roleEntryList = roleConfigurationParser.parse(roleConfiguration);
// get the default interceptors defined for the container
List<String> defaultInterceptorList = this.getDefaultInterceptorServiceList();
// create the service components based on the role entries
for (int i = 0; i < roleEntryList.length; i++) {
try {
// add the default interceptors to all role entries
RoleEntry roleEntry = roleEntryList[i];
if (this.hasDynamicProxies()) {
} else {
serviceComponent = new AvalonServiceComponentImpl(roleEntry, this.getLogger(), logger);
} catch (Throwable t) {
String serviceComponentName = (serviceComponent != null ? serviceComponent.getName() : "unknown");
String msg = "Failed to load the service " + serviceComponentName;
this.getLogger().error(msg, t);
throw new ConfigurationException(msg, t);
return result;
* Load a configuration file either from a file or using the class loader.
* @param location the location of the file
* @param isEncrypted is the configuration encrypted
* @return The loaded configuration
* @throws Exception Something went wrong
private Configuration loadConfiguration(String location, String isEncrypted) throws Exception {
Configuration result = null;
InputStreamLocator locator = this.createInputStreamLocator();
InputStream is = locator.locate(location);
DefaultConfigurationBuilder builder = new DefaultConfigurationBuilder();
if (is != null) {
try {
is = this.getDecryptingInputStream(is, isEncrypted);
result =;
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Unable to parse the following file : " + location;
this.getLogger().error(msg, e);
throw e;
} finally {
return result;
* Load a configuration property file either from a file or using the class
* loader.
* @return The loaded property file
* @throws ConfigurationException Something went wrong
private Properties loadComponentConfigurationProperties() throws ConfigurationException {
Properties result;
ComponentConfigurationPropertiesResolver resolver;
String className = this.componentConfigurationPropertiesResolverConfig.getChild("resolver")
try {
Class<?> resolverClass = this.getClassLoader().loadClass(className);
resolver = (ComponentConfigurationPropertiesResolver) resolverClass.newInstance();
ContainerUtil.enableLogging(resolver, this.getLogger());
ContainerUtil.contextualize(resolver, this.getContext());
ContainerUtil.configure(resolver, this.componentConfigurationPropertiesResolverConfig);
result = resolver.resolve(null);
this.getLogger().debug("Using the following componentConfigurationProperties: " + result);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Resolving componentConfigurationProperties failed using the following class : " + className;
this.getLogger().error(msg, e);
throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e);
return result;
* Load the parameters
* @param location The location as a file
* @param isEncrypted is the file encrypted
* @return The loaded configuration
* @throws Exception Something went wrong
private Parameters loadParameters(String location, String isEncrypted) throws Exception {
InputStreamLocator locator = this.createInputStreamLocator();
InputStream is = locator.locate(location);
Parameters result = new Parameters();
if (is != null) {
try {
is = this.getDecryptingInputStream(is, isEncrypted);
Properties props = new Properties();
result = Parameters.fromProperties(props);
} finally {
return result;
* Creates a locator to find a resource either in the file system or in the
* classpath.
* @return the locator
private InputStreamLocator createInputStreamLocator() {
return new InputStreamLocator(this.getApplicationRootDir(), this.getLogger());
* Set the application directory of the container.
* @param dir The applicationRootDir to set.
private void setApplicationRootDir(File dir) {
this.getLogger().debug("Setting applicationRootDir to " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
Validate.notNull(dir, "applicationRootDir is <null>");
Validate.isTrue(dir.exists(), "applicationRootDir does not exist");
this.applicationRootDir = dir;
* @return Returns the applicationRootDir.
private File getApplicationRootDir() {
return this.applicationRootDir;
* @return Returns the serviceManager of the parent container
private ServiceManager getParentServiceManager() {
return this.parentServiceManager;
* @return is a parent ServiceManager available
private boolean hasParentServiceManager() {
return this.getParentServiceManager() != null;
* Set the temporary directory of the container.
* @param dir The tempRootDir to set.
private void setTempRootDir(File dir) {
this.getLogger().debug("Setting tempRootDir to " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
Validate.notNull(dir, "tempRootDir is <null>");
Validate.isTrue(dir.exists(), "tempRootDir does not exist");
Validate.isTrue(dir.canWrite(), "tempRootDir is not writeable");
this.tempRootDir = dir;
* @return Returns the tempRootDir.
private File getTempRootDir() {
return tempRootDir;
* @return Returns the isComponentConfigurationEncrypted.
private String isComponentConfigurationEncrypted() {
return isComponentConfigurationEncrypted;
* @param isComponentConfigurationEncrypted The
* isComponentConfigurationEncrypted to
* set.
private void setComponentConfigurationEncrypted(String isComponentConfigurationEncrypted) {
this.isComponentConfigurationEncrypted = isComponentConfigurationEncrypted;
* @return Returns the isComponentRolesEncrypted.
private String isComponentRolesEncrypted() {
return isComponentRolesEncrypted;
* @param isComponentRolesEncrypted The isComponentRolesEncrypted to set.
private void setComponentRolesEncrypted(String isComponentRolesEncrypted) {
this.isComponentRolesEncrypted = isComponentRolesEncrypted;
* @return Returns the isParametersEncrypted.
private String isParametersEncrypted() {
return isParametersEncrypted;
* @param isParametersEncrypted The isParametersEncrypted to set.
private void setParametersEncrypted(String isParametersEncrypted) {
this.isParametersEncrypted = isParametersEncrypted;
* Create a decrypting input stream using the default password.
* @param is the input stream to be decrypted
* @param isEncrypted the encryption mode (true|false|auto)
* @return an decrypting input stream
* @throws Exception reading the input stream failed
private InputStream getDecryptingInputStream(InputStream is, String isEncrypted) throws Exception {
return CryptoStreamFactory.getDecryptingInputStream(is, isEncrypted);
* @return Returns the containerFlavour.
private String getContainerFlavour() {
return containerFlavour;
* @param containerFlavour The containerFlavour to set.
private void setContainerFlavour(String containerFlavour) {
this.containerFlavour = containerFlavour;
* @return Returns the componentRolesFlavour.
private String getComponentRolesFlavour() {
return componentRolesFlavour;
* @param componentRolesFlavour The componentRolesFlavour to set.
private void setComponentRolesFlavour(String componentRolesFlavour) {
this.componentRolesFlavour = componentRolesFlavour;
* @return Returns the context.
private Context getContext() {
return context;
* @return Returns the hasDynamicProxies.
private boolean hasDynamicProxies() {
return this.hasDynamicProxies;
* @return Returns the defaultInterceptorServiceList.
private List<String> getDefaultInterceptorServiceList() {
return defaultInterceptorServiceList;
* @return the containers class loader
private ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return this.getClass().getClassLoader();
* Wait for the time configured as 'reconfigurationDelay' before reconfiguring
* the container or services.
private void waitForReconfiguration() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// nothing to do
* Wait for the time configured as 'disposalDelay' before disposing the
* container.
private void waitForDisposal() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// nothing to do
private void safeClose(InputStream is) {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
getLogger().error("Failed to close an input stream", e);