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<title>Fulcrum TestContainer</title>
<author email="">Eric Pugh</author>
<!-- author email="">Quinton McCombs</author -->
<release version="2.0.0" date="in GIT">
<action type="update" dev="gk">
Java 11 minimum
<action type="update" dev="gk">
Yaafi Log4j2Logger as default logger in YaafiContainer instead of Avalon ConsoleLogger
<action type="update" dev="gk">
Update junit to 4.13.2, junit.jupiter.version to 5.10.0, junit.platform to 1.9.3, Mockito 5.4.0, Fulcrum-yaafi 2.0.0
<release version="1.0.9" date="2021-01-04">
<action type="update" dev="painter">
Update junit to 4.13.1, junit.jupiter.version to 5.7.0, junit.platform to 1.7.0
<action type="update" dev="painter">
Update junit and jupiter dependencies, source cleanup for Turbine compliance
<release version="1.0.8" date="2019-01-06">
<action type="update" dev="painter">
Update Fulcrum dependencies
<action type="update" dev="gk">
Add support for JUnit 5.
Use in surefire testing now the default fork model ( reuseForks = true, forkCount=1).
<action type="update" dev="gk">
Update to Log4J2 Core with Log4J1.2 bridge v2.11.1, Jupiter v5.3.2, Platform v1.3.2.
<action type="fix" dev="painter">
Fix build, Javadoc, Update Mockito v2.23.0
<action type="update" dev="tv">
Update parent
<action type="update" dev="sgoeschl">
Clean up the source code and javadocs.
<release version="1.0.7" date="2015-08-08">
<action type="update" dev="gk">
Added JUnit 4 Support
<action type="update" dev="sgoeschl">
Making the log level for the YAAFIContainer configurable
<release version="1.0.6" date="2009-05-03">
<action dev="tv" type="add">
Added a Maven-2 build
<action dev="tv" type="fix">
Added the missing log4j-dependency
<release version="1.0.5" date="2005-05-13">
<action dev="sgoeschl" type="change">
Changed the implementation wo work with fulcrum-yaafi 1.0.4-dev
since the initalization changed.
<release version="1.0.4" date="2004-11-24">
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
By default use Yaafi as the Test container, but you can swap to ECM for
more "real" testing if required by doing containerType=CONTAINER_ECM;.
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
Add helper "resolve" method that delegates to "lookup" to faciliate
using in both Merlin and ECM enviroments.
<action dev="epugh" type="add" due-to="Ben Gidley">
Tweak documentation to be more explicit on where config files
are pulled from.
<release version="1.0-alpha-2" date="in cvs">
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
Add additional context value urn:avalon:home to be more
Merlin friendly.
<release version="1.0-alpha-2" date="02-13-2004">
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
allow setup method of subclasses to throw exceptions if they want..
<release version="1.0-alpha-2" date="10-31/2003">
<action dev="epugh" type="update">
Changed the name of the component app root to "componentAppRoot" from
"ComponentAppRoot". This matches what Turbine uses. Really, this should
be a configurable thing, not a hardcoded context value.
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
TestContainer can accept either the split role.xml, config.xml
or just a single combined xml file. Additionally, by lazy loading
the container, you can swap between container configurations in
the various unit tests.
<action dev="quintonm" type="add">
TestContainer component was added. This is to be used for
testing of the components so that we do not have a dependancy
on Plexus. The test container is based on ECM, which is what
Turbine is using. A base class for unit tests is also included.