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<title>Fulcrum CommonsEmail Service</title>
<author email="">Siegfried Goeschl</author>
<section name="Configuration">
<subsection name="Role Configuration">
description="Simplifies the usage of commons-email"
<subsection name="Component Configuration">
The default domain to use if the caller-supplied
domain name was not found
Contains a list of domains
Represents a single domain
The name of the domain.
This field is used to match a given argument to
a domain. If no value is supplied than the
'domainName' is used
The SMTP host being used for creating the underlying mail session.
If no value is supplied than the SystemProperty ''
is used.
The SMTP port being used for creating the underlying mail session.
The socket connection timeout value in milliseconds. This settings
is only applicable for javamail-1.3.3 or higer.
The socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds. This settings
is only applicable for javamail-1.3.3 or higer.
The email address of the email sender
The name of the email sender. This setting is
ignored if no 'mailFromEmail' is defined.
The email address of the email reply address
The name of the email reply address. This setting
is ignored if no 'mailReplyToEmail' is defined.
The bounce address being used by the SMTP server.
Setting the 'mail.debug' property for the underlying mail session.
If it is not set the default value 'false' is used.
The mail character set to use, e.g. "ISO-8859-1" to solve
problems with national characters in the message
Shall we dump the generated MimeMessage before sending it?
If it is not set the default value 'false' is used.
Skip sending of the MimeMessage?
Contains the authentication related stuff
The type of authentication being used [smtpauth|popbeforesmtp|none]
The POP server for 'popbeforesmtp'. This setting is
only useful in combination with 'popbeforesmtp'. If no
value is supplied the default value is 'mailSmtpHost'
The username for the authentication
The password for the authentication
The list of email headers entries
The name of the email header
The value of the email header
Contains the email addresses of the enforced recipients
Contains the enforced TO address
Contains the enforced CC address
Contains the enforced BCC address
Contains the enforced BCC address
Contains the configuration for the application hooks
Is the hook for a sucscessfully send email enabled?
Is the hook for an undeliverd email enabled?
Is the hook for an unsent email enabled?
<subsection name="Component Configuration Example 1">
This is a minimal domain configuration - here we
use a SMTP server on localhost:6025 using SMTP
authenication. Since we defined a default domain
all mails will use the same configuration.
<subsection name="Component Configuration Example 2">
This is a full blown example. We define a domain 'test'
using the SMTP server on localhost:6025 using SMTP
auhtentication. We also define the 'from' and 'replyTo'
since it can be overwritten by the application. Furthermore
all mail recipients are overwritten to ensure that the
emails are delivered to a test account.
<mailFromName>E-Billing Test</mailFromName>
<mailReplyToName>E-Billing Test</mailReplyToName>
<property name="X-Mailer">Sendmail</property>
<property name="X-Priority">1</property>
<property name="Disposition-Notification-To"></property>