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Intake XML input constraints DTD, Version 2.4
The input-data element is the root of the intake XML
definition file.
basePackage: Base package to use for specifying the class names of
mapped objects. This value will be prepended to the
class name of the mapped object to form the
fully qualified class name.
Default: ""
groupPrefix: Prefix to be assigned to all groups within the input-data
element. This is used to make group name unique if the
same group name is used in multiple definition files.
Default: null
<!ELEMENT input-data (group+)>
<!ATTLIST input-data
basePackage CDATA #IMPLIED
groupPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED
The group element defines an intake group.
key: A short identified for the group. It is only used in
query parameters so it does not have to be descriptive.
This value must be unique across all groups in the
enclosing input-data element.
Default: N/A
name: Name of the group. This is the value used to get the
group from the Intake Service. It must be unique across
all groups in the enclosing input-data element.
Default: N/A
mapToObject: Class name of the object that will be mapped to the
group. Instances of this class can be used to set
the values of the fields within the group. The
Intake Service can also set the attributes of
the object from the fields in the group.
This class name actually used by the intake service
will be basePackage+"."+mapToObject.
Effective class name =
Default: null
poolCapacity: Capacity of the pool used to store instances of the fields
within this group.
Default: 128
Used in: input-data
<!ELEMENT group (field+)>
<!ATTLIST group
pool-capacity CDATA #IMPLIED
The field element defines a field within a group. This will be used to
validate one HTML input field.
key: A short identifier for the field. It is only used in
query parameters. It must be unique across all fields
within the enclosing group element.
Default: N/A
name: The name of the field. This is the identifier used to
get the field from the Intake Service. It must be unique
across all fields all fields within the enclosing group
Default: N/A
displayName: An optional name for the field that can be used for display
on HTML forms. This is intended to be a friendly name for
Default: name
displaySize: An optional size value to use when create the HTML input tag
for this field.
type: Type of data contained in the field.
Default: "String"
defaultValue: Default value to be used for the value of the field if one
is not supplied my the mapped object.
Default: null
emptyValue: Value to be used for the value of the field if it is not
supplied by the parameters returned from an input form.
Default: null
multiValued: If this is true, the field will accept multiple values.
Otherwise, the field only accepts a single value.
Default: false
validator: Name of the class used for validating the value of the
field. This is used to have the field validated by a custom
validator object. If this is not set, a default validator
will be used according to the field type.
If the the name of the class is not fully qualified, it will
be prepended with org.apache.fulcrum.intake.validator.
For example: a value of "NumberValidator" will be read as
Default: default validator for the field type.
fieldClass: Name of the class used for handling the field. This is used to
customize field types. The attribute is only interpreted if the
type attribute is set to "custom".
If the the name of the class is not fully qualified, it will
be prepended with org.apache.fulcrum.intake.model.
For example: a value of "CurrencyField" will be read as
mapToObject: Class name of the mapped object. This will override the
mapToObject attribute of the enclosing group element.
Default: mapToObject from the enclosing group element
mapToProperty: Name of the property within the mapped object that
will be mapped to the field. This value has no meaning
if mapToObject is not set.
This is used to determine the names of the getter and
setter methods in the mapped object. The actually
attribute within the object is never accessed directly.
When determining the name of the getter and setter methods,
the first character of the value of mapToProperty is made
uppercase. It is the prepended with either "get" or "set"
The getter method must not take any parameters. The setter
method must take exactly one parameter. For more information
of the details of determining the methods, see the javadocs
for java.beans.PropertyDescriptor.
Note: Specifying an empty string for the value of this attribute
will have the effect of not mapping this field. This is very
useful in cases where the group has a value for mapToObject but
there are fields in the group which should not be mapped.
Default: The name of the field.
Used in: group
<!ELEMENT field (rule*,required-message?)>
<!ATTLIST field
displayName CDATA #IMPLIED
displaySize CDATA #IMPLIED
type ( boolean | BigDecimal | int | float | FileItem | UploadPart
| String | DateString | ComboKey | double | short
| long | custom ) "String"
multiValued ( true | false ) "false"
mapToProperty CDATA #IMPLIED
validator CDATA #IMPLIED
defaultValue CDATA #IMPLIED
The rule element is used to describe validation rules for fields.
name: Name of the rule. The valid rule names vary by field type.
Default: N/A
value: Value passed to the rule. The meaning of this attribute
varies by rule.
Default: N/A
PCDATA: Error message set for the field if the validation rule
Default: ""
Used in: field
<!ATTLIST rule
Use the required rule instead.
The required-message element is a way of marking a field as required.
PCDATA: Error message set for the field if a value is not specified
for the field in the query data.
Default: ""
Used in: field
<!ELEMENT required-message (#PCDATA)>