blob: 32f2bcd8eb0ded92fe903467d7a5815f2af82f30 [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>Fulcrum Cache</title>
<author email="">Eric Pugh</author>
<release version="1.1.1" date="in subversion">
<action dev="gk" type="update">
Backward-incompatible change: Global default cache frequency setting is now in milliseconds,
as already the ehcache and the JCS.
<action dev="gk" type="update">
- Test: Use tags to skip long running tests, minor fixes in log4j2 configuration and test assertion.
- Update tests to JUnit 5 and dependencies to Fulcrum Testcontainer 1.0.9 and Turbine Parent 8
- Updated EHCache to v2.10.9.2.
<action dev="gk" type="update">
Update JCS to commons-jcs3-core
<action dev="gk" type="update">
- Updated JCSCacheService to jcs3, as such Java 8 is required.
- Add logging configuration for EHcache and JCS
<action type="fix" dev="gk">
Fix JCS cache object mapping to maxlife in seconds from expiry milliseconds.
<action type="fix" dev="gk">
Fixed bug in CachedObject expires assignment, use AtomicInteger instead of synchronized stale
<action type="update" dev="gk">
Tests updated to Junit 5
<action dev="painter" type="update">
- Update to use release 1.0.8 of yaafi and testcontainer
- Updated EHCache
<action dev="tv" type="update">
- Generify
- Update ehcache dependency to 2.9.0
- Update to commons-jcs-2.0-beta1
- Replace viewcvs with viewvc. Fixes TRB-95
<release version="1.1.0" date="2010-03-31">
<action type="update" dev="tv">
Refactored all implementations to be in the impl-package.
<action type="update" dev="tv">
Added a EHCache based implementation of the GlobalCacheService interface.
<action type="update" dev="sgoeschl" date="2010-03-22">
Pulling in commons-logging-1.1.1 to avoid the 1.1 version
which depends on an outdated Avalon framework
<action type="update" dev="sgoeschl" date="2010-03-18">
Updating the M2 build.
<action type="update" dev="sgoeschl">
Improved maven-1.1 build (default goal now in project.xml)
<action type="add" dev="sgoeschl">
Added M2 build but it is still a bit rough
<action type="update" dev="seade" issue="TRB-17" due-to="Thomas Vandahl">
Added new JCSCacheService. Thanks to Thomas Vandahl.
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
Add new EHCacheService based on EHCache from
<release version="1.0.5" date="2004-11-24">
<action dev="epugh" type="remove">
Remove CacheServiceFacade. It was a code smell.
<action dev="epugh" type="update">
Make long running tests optional. They often fail for random reasons.
<action dev="epugh" type="update">
Remove extra dependencies.
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
Added patch from Peter Courcoux adding new methods,
getKeys() and getCachedObjects() together with
associated unit tests.
<release version="1.0-alpha-3" date="">
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
Added CacheServiceFacade class.
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
Integrated howto documentation on main page.