blob: 8336182691ec4f129cfa6d1a5ee7dd647f8d9015 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the configuration file for Torque.
# Note that strings containing "," (comma) characters must backslash
# escape the comma (i.e. '\,')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# T O R Q U E P R O P E R T I E S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# These are your database settings. Look in the
# org.apache.torque.pool.* packages for more information.
# The parameters to connect to the default database. You MUST
# configure these properly.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# For JNDI configuration please see:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shared Pool Data Source Factory
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
#torque.defaults.pool.maxActive = 100
#torque.defaults.pool.testOnBorrow = true
#torque.defaults.pool.validationQuery = SELECT 1
#torque.defaults.connection.driver = ${turbine_database_driver}
#torque.defaults.connection.url = ${turbine_database_url}${turbine_database_name}
#torque.defaults.connection.user = ${turbine_database_user}
#torque.defaults.connection.password = ${turbine_database_password}
#torque.dsfactory.${turbine_database_name}.connection.driver = ${turbine_database_driver}
#torque.dsfactory.${turbine_database_name}.connection.url = ${turbine_database_url}${turbine_database_name}
#torque.dsfactory.${turbine_database_name}.connection.user = ${turbine_database_user}
#torque.dsfactory.${turbine_database_name}.connection.password = ${turbine_database_password}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Determines if the quantity column of the IDBroker's id_table should
# be increased automatically if requests for ids reaches a high
# volume.
# Determines whether the managers cache instances of the business objects.
# And also whether the MethodResultCache will really cache results.
torque.manager.useCache = true
# Determines if IDBroker should prefetch IDs or not. If set to false
# this property has the effect of shutting off the housekeeping thread
# that attempts to prefetch the id's. It also sets the # of id's grabbed
# per request to 1 regardless of the settings in the database.
# Default: true
torque.idbroker.prefetch = true
# Controls the starting id of table entries when creating SQL for
# the id-table. If you have two projects that use the same id-table
# in the same database with different tables, make sure that they have
# different initialID settings and the ranges (initialID is incremented
# for every new table) don't overlap.
torque.idbroker.initialId = 101
# The start value of the ID broker for supplying IDs to Torque. This value
# is incremented every time Torque requests ID keys from the broker. If you
# pre-load your table straight from SQL, make sure that you don't accidentially
# overlap with this setting, because Torque doesn't keep record of what IDs are
# already taken in the database. If you overlap, inserting new objects will fail
# because the ID assigned by Torque is already taken.
torque.idBroker.initialIdValue = 100
# For performance reasons, the ID Broker does not request a single ID at a time
# but fetches a whole range and increments the current next ID Value in the ID
# Table by this step. If you have to do lots of inserts straight in a row, increment
# this value to get slightly better performance.
torque.idbroker.initialIdStep = 500
# IDBroker can grab its own connection from the pool to use when retrieving
# more id's to minimize the amount of time ID_TABLE will be locked.
# Some usage of IDBroker or assumptions made by connection pools or jdbc
# drivers may disallow this optimization in which case the property
# should be set to false.
torque.idbroker.usenewconnection = true
# Comment if not using shared data source factory