blob: f0b8b5245fa5f2bd2f96105ac6e46ad3329896b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// ***********************************************************************
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// -*-C++-*-
// ***********************************************************************
// File: SharedPtrCollections.h
// Description: Provide classes that properly handle SharedPtr classes
// within NAList and NAArray collections. Some functions
// must be overridden to properly handle the reference
// counting mechanism in the SharedPtr class.
// Created: 04/04/07
// Language: C++
// ***********************************************************************
#include "SharedPtr.h"
#include "Collections.h"
// Define shared pointer list and array types in a simliar way
// to the current LIST and ARRAY.
#define SHPTR_LIST(Type) NAShPtrList<Type>
#define SHPTR_ARRAY(Type) NAShPtrArray<Type>
// ***********************************************************************
// NAShPtrList class
// Description: A specialization of the NAList (LIST) class . This
// class just overrides some of the behavior to work
// correctly with shared pointers.
// ***********************************************************************
template <class T>
class NAShPtrList : public NAList<T> {
NAShPtrList(CollIndex initLen = 0) : NAList<T>(initLen) {}
NAShPtrList(CollHeap * heap, CollIndex initLen = 0)
: NAList<T>(heap, initLen) {}
NAShPtrList(const NAShPtrList<T> &other, CollHeap *heap=0)
: NAList<T>(other, heap) {}
// The destructor in the Collections base class calls deallocate(),
// but will call the Collections deallocate() instead of the
// one defined here. It is necessary to call decrAllRefCount()
// here to insure the shared pointers decrement their reference
// counts.
~NAShPtrList() { decrAllRefCount(); }
// Reduce the reference count on all members.
void decrAllRefCount() {
CollIndex maxSize = NACollection<T>::getSize();
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) {
if (NACollection<T>::getUsage(i) != UNUSED_COLL_ENTRY)
this->usedEntry(i) = 0;
// Clear the list of smart pointers (but don't deallocate memory).
void clear() {
// Deallocate the list of smart pointers. This is not meant to be used
// by external users of the NAShPtrList class.
virtual void deallocate() {
// Decrement the reference count and remove a particular element
// in the list
NABoolean removeAt(const CollIndex index) {
if (index >= NAList<T>::entries())
return FALSE;
(*this)[index] = 0;
return NAList<T>::removeAt(index);
// ***********************************************************************
// NAShPtrArray class
// Description: A specialization of the NAArray (ARRAY) class . This
// class just overrides some of the behavior to work
// correctly with shared pointers.
// ***********************************************************************
template <class T>
class NAShPtrArray : public NAArray<T> {
NAShPtrArray(CollIndex initLen = 0) : NAArray<T>(initLen) {}
NAShPtrArray(CollHeap * heap, CollIndex initLen = 0)
: NAArray<T>(heap, initLen) {}
NAShPtrArray(const NAShPtrArray<T> &other, CollHeap *heap=0)
: NAArray<T>(other, heap) {}
// The destructor in the Collections base class calls deallocate(),
// but will call the Collections deallocate() instead of the
// one defined here. It is necessary to call decrAllRefCount()
// here to insure the shared pointers decrement their reference
// counts.
~NAShPtrArray() { decrAllRefCount(); }
// Reduce the reference count on all members.
void decrAllRefCount() {
CollIndex maxSize = NACollection<T>::getSize();
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) {
if (NAArray<T>::used(i))
this->usedEntry(i) = 0;
// Clear the array of smart pointers (but don't deallocate memory)
void clear() {
// Deallocate the array of smart pointers. This is not meant to be called
// by users of the NAShPtrArray class.
virtual void deallocate() {
// Remove an entry from the NAShPtrArray object at a particular index.
NABoolean remove(CollIndex index) {
if (NAArray<T>::used(index)) {
this->usedEntry(index) = 0;
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;