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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: IpcSockets.h
* Description: IPC code using the socket interface
* Created: 2/5/96
* Language: C++
#include "IpcMessageObj.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcEnvironment;
class IpcMessageBuffer;
struct sockaddr; // OS-specific
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A typedef for a port number as defined in /etc/services and a literal
// to indicate an unspecified port number
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef ULng32 SockPortNumber;
const SockPortNumber NoSockPortNumber = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An error number for a socket operation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SockErrNo
// initialize to a specific error number (values from errno.h)
SockErrNo(Int32 e = 0) : errno_(e) {}
// check whether an error is set
inline NABoolean hasError() const { return errno_ != 0; }
// get the error number
inline Int32 geterrno() const { return errno_; }
// set the error number from the global variable "errno" or its
// replacement in GUARDIAN
Int32 setFromerrno();
// clear the error
inline void clear() { errno_ = 0; }
Int32 errno_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An Internet address of the form a.b.c.d (4 bytes).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct SockRawIPAddress
// binary form of the address
unsigned char ipAddress_[4];
class SockIPAddress
friend class SockSocket;
SockIPAddress(const SockRawIPAddress a) { a_ = a; }
SockIPAddress(const struct sockaddr &);
// set address from a node name, NULL means local host
// resolves the host name and stores the result in the object
SockErrNo set(const char *hostName = NULL);
inline const SockRawIPAddress & getRawAddress() const { return a_; }
// binary form of the address
SockRawIPAddress a_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description of a service as maintained by inetd and /etc/services
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SockService
SockService(const char *serviceName,
SockPortNumber defaultPortNumber = NoSockPortNumber);
inline SockPortNumber getPortNumber() const { return portNum_; }
inline SockErrNo getError() const { return lastError_; }
// each service is assigned a port number which should be the same
// for all nodes in the network
SockPortNumber portNum_;
SockErrNo lastError_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The TCP protocol as defined in /etc/protocols (always 6)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Int32 SockTCPProtocol = 6;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A socket datatype (UNIX uses int for a socket)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef Int32 SockFdesc;
const SockFdesc InvalidFdesc = -1;
const SockFdesc SockStdin = 0;
const SockFdesc SockStdout = 1;
class SockSocket
// default constructor for a TCP/IP socket (creates it)
SockSocket(IpcEnvironment *env);
// make a socket from an existing file descriptor or SockSocket
SockSocket(SockFdesc fd,IpcEnvironment *env);
// the destructor closes the socket
// set this socket from an existing file descriptor, but only if there
// is no real socket created yet for this object
void setFdesc(SockFdesc fd)
{ assert(fdesc_ == InvalidFdesc); fdesc_ = fd; }
SockFdesc getFdesc() const { return fdesc_; }
// creates a duplicate handle for fdesc_
SockFdesc getDuplicateFdesc_();
// bind or connect the socket to the specified port on the specified
// IP address
inline SockPortNumber bind(const SockIPAddress &ipAddr,SockPortNumber port)
{ return bindOrConnect(ipAddr,port,TRUE); }
inline SockPortNumber connect(const SockIPAddress &ipAddr,
SockPortNumber port)
{ return bindOrConnect(ipAddr,port,FALSE); }
// listen at the port
SockPortNumber listen(SockPortNumber port = NoSockPortNumber);
// receive a message from a newly created server what the listner port is
SockPortNumber receiveListnerPortNum();
// assign this socket to standard input/output and close the existing
// file descriptor (this assignment stays beyond fork() and exec() calls)
void assignToStdInOut();
// try to send a message within the specified time interval (call has to be
// repeated with the same parameters until it returns TRUE)
NABoolean send(IpcMessageBuffer *message,
IpcTimeout timeout = IpcInfiniteTimeout);
// Try to receive data within a given timeout period and create a
// new buffer if none is passed in. The call returns FALSE if it times
// out before an entire message could be received. It then has to be
// retried, passing the same parameters in that were returned the
// previous time. The returned message buffer (may be returned even
// on a FALSE return value) is owned by the caller. Check the error
// status of the socket (getError() and hasError() methods) after each call.
// In an error case the method returns TRUE and sets the message length to 0.
// If a buffer is passed in, it has to be long enough to hold the entire
// message. The receive call interprets the incoming message header in
// order to find out the message length.
NABoolean receive(IpcMessageBuffer *&message,
IpcTimeout timeout);
// Try to accept a new connection request from a client, try for
// the given timeout. Return whether a new client request was accepted
// and if the return value is TRUE, fill in the file descriptor of
// the newly created socket.
NABoolean accept(SockFdesc &fdesc, IpcTimeout timeout);
// error information
SockErrNo setFromerrno(const char *msg);
SockErrNo getError() const { return lastError_; }
NABoolean hasError() const { return lastError_.hasError(); }
SockPortNumber bindOrConnect(const SockIPAddress &ipAddr,
SockPortNumber port,
NABoolean bindOnly);
SockFdesc fdesc_;
SockErrNo lastError_;
// remember partially completed receive operations
IpcMessageObjSize expectedBytes_;
IpcMessageObjSize receivedBytesSoFar_;
IpcMessageBuffer *partiallyReceivedBuffer_;
// environment information, needed to allocate memory from the heap
IpcEnvironment *environment_;
#endif /* IPCSOCKETS_H */