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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComSchemaName.h
* Description: ComSchemaName represents ANSI SQL schema names.
* The external-format of the schema name is following:
* [ <catalog-name-part> . ] <schema-name-part>
* Created: 9/12/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <iostream>
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "ComAnsiNamePart.h"
#include "ComVersionDefs.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definition of class ComSchemaName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComSchemaName
// global friend functions
friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, const ComSchemaName &name);
// constructors
ComSchemaName ();
// Default constructor
ComSchemaName (const NAString &externalSchemaName);
// Initializing constructor. The method copies the input
// schema name if it is legal. If the input schema name
// does not include the catalog name part, the catalog
// name part saved in this object is empty. If the input
// schema name is illegal, the constructed object is empty.
// This method assumes that the parameter externalSchemaName
// contains only the external-format schema name. Therefore,
// the method treats the following input as illegal because
// the input contain other characters besides a schema name:
// "catalog_name_part.schema_name_part.object_name_part"
// (The double-quotes in the example are not part of the ANSI
// SQL name. They are used to represent a C string constant.)
ComSchemaName (const NAString &externalSchemaName,
size_t &count);
// Same as above except that this method also returns
// the length of the number of bytes examined via the
// parameter count.
// If the schema name is not found or is illegal, the
// parameter count contains the number of bytes examined
// when the name is determined to be invalid. If the
// input schema name is legal, the parameter count
// contains the length of the input schema name.
ComSchemaName (const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart);
// Initializing constructor. Only the schema name part is
// specified. The catalog name part in the constructed
// object is empty.
ComSchemaName (const ComAnsiNamePart &catalogNamePart,
const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart);
// Initializing constructor.
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ComSchemaName ();
// assignment operators
ComSchemaName& operator= (const NAString &rhsSchemaName);
// accessors
NAString getExternalName(NABoolean = FALSE) const;
// returns an empty string if this object is empty; otherwise,
// returns the ANSI SQL schema name, in external-format (the
// format used by ANSI SQL users). If the catalog name part
// does not exist (in this object), it will not be included
// in the returned object name (in external format).
const ComAnsiNamePart &getCatalogNamePart () const{return catalogNamePart_;}
const NAString &getCatalogNamePartAsAnsiString (NABoolean = FALSE) const;
const ComAnsiNamePart &getSchemaNamePart () const {return schemaNamePart_;}
const NAString &getSchemaNamePartAsAnsiString (NABoolean = FALSE) const;
inline NABoolean operator== (const ComSchemaName &rhs) const;
// mutator
void clear ();
// Makes all name parts in this object empty.
inline void setCatalogNamePart (const ComAnsiNamePart &catalogNamePart);
inline void setSchemaNamePart (const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart);
void setDefinitionSchemaName (const COM_VERSION version);
// other methods
inline NABoolean isEmpty () const;
inline NABoolean isValid () const;
// private methods
void initializeDataMembers ();
NABoolean scan (const NAString &schemaName, size_t &bytesScanned);
// This method scans the specified external-format ANSI
// SQL schema name.
// The method returns TRUE and decomposes the input schema
// name and then stores the name components into the data
// members if the schema name is valid. The method also
// returns the length of the scanned name via the
// parameter count.
// If the schema name is not found or is illegal, the method
// returns FALSE and the number of bytes examined (via
// parameter count) when the name is determined to be
// invalid. In this case, the method does not change the
// contents of the data members.
// This method assumes that the parameter schemaName
// contains only the external-format schema name. Therefore,
// the method treats the following input as illegal because
// the input contain other characters besides a schema name:
// "catalog_name_part.schema_name_part.object_name_part"
// (The double-quotes in the example are not part of the ANSI
// SQL name. They are used to represent a C string constant.)
NABoolean scan (const NAString &schemaName);
// Same as above except that this method does not return
// the number of bytes scanned.
// private data members
ComAnsiNamePart catalogNamePart_;
ComAnsiNamePart schemaNamePart_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ComSchemaName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ComSchemaName::isEmpty() const
return (schemaNamePart_.isEmpty() AND catalogNamePart_.isEmpty());
ComSchemaName::isValid() const
// catalogNamePart_ can be empty.
return (schemaNamePart_.isValid());
ComSchemaName::setCatalogNamePart (const ComAnsiNamePart &catalogNamePart)
catalogNamePart_ = catalogNamePart;
ComSchemaName::setSchemaNamePart (const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart)
schemaNamePart_ = schemaNamePart;
inline NABoolean
ComSchemaName::operator== (const ComSchemaName &rhs) const
return (getSchemaNamePart().getInternalName() EQU rhs.getSchemaNamePart().getInternalName() AND
getCatalogNamePart().getInternalName() EQU rhs.getCatalogNamePart().getInternalName());