blob: c574db515e66cdc4640780b0506e84cdaa6c4dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "NAMemory.h"
template <class Elem> class ComPointerList;
template <class Elem, class Key> class ComOrderedSet;
template <class Elem, class Key> class ComOrderedPointerSet;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class ComPointerList
template <class Elem> class ComPointerList
// Default constructor.
// Methods of this class uses the heap for pointer array allocations only.
ComPointerList ( CollHeap * heap = NULL
, const CollIndex initSize = ARRAY_INITIAL_SIZE
, const CollIndex increment = ARRAY_INCREMENT_SIZE
virtual ~ComPointerList ();
// Accessors
CollIndex entries (void) const
{return inUse_;};
// Operators
Elem & operator[] (const CollIndex index);
const Elem & operator[] (const CollIndex index) const;
// Mutators
// Insert element at specified position.
virtual void insertAt ( const Elem & element, const CollIndex index); // Insert the element pointer into the array
// Insert element pointer at the end. Declared as NABoolean so that ComOrderedSet can override.
// Will unconditionally return TRUE.
virtual NABoolean insert (const Elem & element, CollIndex & position); // Return position of inserted element
virtual NABoolean insert (const Elem & element);
// Element removal.
virtual void remove (const CollIndex index); // Remove a single element pointer
virtual void clear (void); // Remove all element pointers
CollHeap * heap_; // User defined heap or NULL
CollIndex inUse_; // Number of elements in use
// Copy constructor, don't implement
ComPointerList (const ComPointerList<Elem> & rhs);
Elem ** arr_; // Array of pointers to elements
CollIndex allocated_; // Number of allocated elements.
CollIndex increment_; // The size of the chunk for allocation
void abortIfOutOfBounds (const CollIndex index) const; // Aborts if index is out of bounds
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class ComOrderedPointerSet
template <class Elem, class Key> class ComOrderedPointerSet : public ComPointerList<Elem>
// Default constructor.
// Methods of this class don't use the heap.
ComOrderedPointerSet ( CollHeap * heap = NULL
, const CollIndex initSize = ARRAY_INITIAL_SIZE
, const CollIndex increment = ARRAY_INCREMENT_SIZE
: ComPointerList<Elem> (heap, initSize, increment)
, lastInserted_ (0)
virtual ~ComOrderedPointerSet () {};
// Accessors
CollIndex find (const Key & key) const; // Find an element that may be in the list
// Mutators
// Insert element pointer in the order specified by the element class' comparison operators.
// Return TRUE if the element was inserted, FALSE if it exists in the set already.
// Maintains lastInserted_. These two methods are intended for the situation where the element
// already has been constructed
virtual NABoolean insert (const Elem & element, CollIndex & position); // Return position of inserted element
virtual NABoolean insert (const Elem & element);
// The next two methods are intended for the situation where the element will not be
// constructed if it is in the set already. insertAt should never be called without a
// preceding call to findPositionToInsert.
NABoolean findPositionToInsert (CollIndex & position, const Key & key) const; // Return TRUE if element is there already, FALSE if not.
virtual void insertAt ( const Elem & element, const CollIndex index); // Insert the element pointer into the array, maintain lastInserted_
// Insert all elements from another pointer set.
void merge (const ComOrderedPointerSet<Elem, Key> & sourceList);
// Element removal.
virtual void remove (const CollIndex index); // Remove a single element pointer
virtual void clear (void); // Remove all element pointers
// Copy constructor, don't implement
ComOrderedPointerSet (const ComOrderedPointerSet<Elem, Key> & rhs);
CollIndex lastInserted_; // The index of the last inserted element. Ordering optimisation.
// Class ComOrderedSet
template <class Elem, class Key> class ComOrderedSet : public ComOrderedPointerSet<Elem, Key>
// Default constructor
ComOrderedSet ( CollHeap * heap = NULL
, const CollIndex initSize = ARRAY_INITIAL_SIZE
, const CollIndex increment = ARRAY_INCREMENT_SIZE
: ComOrderedPointerSet<Elem, Key> (heap, initSize, increment)
virtual ~ComOrderedSet (void);
// Mutators
// Element removal.
virtual void remove (const CollIndex index); // Remove and deallocate a single entry
virtual void clear (void); // Remove and deallocate all entries
// Element insertion. Insert a pointer to a copy of the element
virtual NABoolean insert (const Elem & element, CollIndex & position); // Return position of inserted element
virtual NABoolean insert (const Elem & element);
// Insert a copy of each element from another ordered set.
inline void merge (const ComOrderedSet<Elem, Key> & sourceList);
// Copy constructor, don't implement
ComOrderedSet (const ComOrderedSet<Elem, Key> & rhs);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is done similarly to Tools.h++: if we want to instantiate
// templates at compile time, the compiler needs to know the
// implementation of the template functions. Do this by setting the
// preprocessor define NA_COMPILE_INSTANTIATE.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ComPointerList.cpp"