blob: e10f3c6377a64a53d24acf5bba47f4b3967b57b5 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComMisc.cpp
* Description: Miscellaneous global functions
* Created: 11/07/09
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "Platform.h"
#include "ComOperators.h"
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "ComMisc.h"
#include "ComDistribution.h" // enumToLiteral, literalToEnum, literalAndEnumStruct
#include "CmpSeabaseDDL.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
// define the enum-to-literal function
#define ComDefXLateE2L(E2L,eType,array) void E2L (const eType e, NAString &l) \
{ NABoolean found; char lit[100]; \
enumToLiteral (array, occurs(array), e, lit, found); \
ComASSERT(found); l = lit; }
// define the literal-to-enum function
#define ComDefXLateL2E(L2E,eType,array) eType L2E(const char * l) \
{ NABoolean found; \
eType result = (eType) literalToEnum (array, occurs(array), l, found); \
ComASSERT(found); \
return result; }
// Define both
#define ComDefXLateFuncs(L2E,E2L,eType,array) ComDefXLateL2E(L2E,eType,array);ComDefXLateE2L(E2L,eType,array)
// systemCatalog: if passed in, is the name of traf system catalog.
// default is TRAFODION.
NABoolean ComIsTrafodionReservedSchema(
const NAString &systemCatalog,
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName)
if (catName.isNull())
return FALSE;
NAString trafSysCat;
if (NOT systemCatalog.isNull())
trafSysCat = systemCatalog;
if ((catName == trafSysCat) &&
(schName == SEABASE_DTM_SCHEMA) ||
(schName == SEABASE_MD_SCHEMA) ||
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// schema names of pattern "_%_" are reserved for internal system schemas.
NABoolean ComIsTrafodionReservedSchemaName(
const NAString &schName)
if (([0] == '_') &&
([schName.length()-1] == '_'))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// schema names of pattern "_HV_ ... _" and "_HB_ ... _" are reserved to store
// external hive and hbase tables
NABoolean ComIsTrafodionExternalSchemaName (
const NAString &schName,
NABoolean * isHive)
Int32 len (schName.length());
// skip double quotes around schName
NABoolean quoted = FALSE;
if ((len > 2) &&
(schName(0) == '"') &&
(schName(len-1) == '"'))
quoted = TRUE;
len = len - 2;
if (isHive)
*isHive = FALSE;
// check for HIVE
Int32 prefixLen = sizeof(HIVE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX);
if (len > prefixLen &&
(schName((quoted ? 1 : 0), prefixLen-1) == HIVE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX &&
schName((quoted ? 1 : 0) + len-1) == '_' ))
if (isHive)
*isHive = TRUE;
return TRUE;
// check for HBASE
prefixLen = sizeof(HBASE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX);
if (len > prefixLen &&
(schName((quoted ? 1 : 0), prefixLen-1) == HBASE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX &&
schName((quoted ? 1 : 0) + len-1) == '_' ))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// schema name "_HB_MAP_" is used to store external hbase table mapped
// to trafodion relational table
NABoolean ComIsHbaseMappedSchemaName (
const NAString &schName)
return (schName == HBASE_EXT_MAP_SCHEMA);
// external format of an HBase mapped table used by
// users: HBASE."_MAP_".<tablename>
NABoolean ComIsHBaseMappedExtFormat(const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart)
if ((catalogNamePart == HBASE_SYSTEM_CATALOG) &&
(schemaNamePart == HBASE_MAP_SCHEMA))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// internal format of HBase mapped table as stored in traf
// metadata: TRAFODION."_HB_MAP_".<tablename>
NABoolean ComIsHBaseMappedIntFormat(const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart)
if ((catalogNamePart == TRAFODION_SYSCAT_LIT) &&
(schemaNamePart == HBASE_EXT_MAP_SCHEMA))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void ComConvertHBaseMappedIntToExt(const NAString &inCatName,
const NAString &inSchName,
NAString &outCatName,
NAString &outSchName)
void ComConvertHBaseMappedExtToInt(const NAString &inCatName,
const NAString &inSchName,
NAString &outCatName,
NAString &outSchName)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// function: ComConvertNativeNameToTrafName
// this function converts the native HIVE or HBASE object name into its
// Trafodion external name format.
// params:
// catalogName - catalog name to identify HBASE or HIVE native table
// schemaName - external name of the HBASE or HIVE schema
// objectName - external name of the HBASE of HIVE table
// If it is not HIVE or HBASE, just return the qualified name
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString ComConvertNativeNameToTrafName (
const NAString &catalogName,
const NAString &schemaName,
const NAString &objectName)
// generate new schema name
NAString tempSchemaName;
if (catalogName == HIVE_SYSTEM_CATALOG)
else if(catalogName == HBASE_SYSTEM_CATALOG)
return catalogName + NAString(".") +
schemaName + NAString(".") +
ComAnsiNamePart externalAnsiName(schemaName, ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT);
tempSchemaName += externalAnsiName.getInternalName();
tempSchemaName.append ("_");
// Catalog name is "TRAFODION"
NAString convertedName (CmpSeabaseDDL::getSystemCatalogStatic());
convertedName += ".";
// append transformed schema name, convert internal name to external format
ComAnsiNamePart internalAnsiName(tempSchemaName, ComAnsiNamePart::INTERNAL_FORMAT);
convertedName += internalAnsiName.getExternalName();
// object name is appended without change
convertedName += NAString(".") + objectName;
return convertedName;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// function: ComConvertTrafNameToNativeName
// this function converts the Trafodion external table name
// into its native name format. Both names are in external format.
// Example: TRAFODION."_HV_HIVE_".abc becomes
// params:
// catalogName - catalog name of the external table
// schemaName - schema name of the extenal table
// objectName - object name of the external table
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString ComConvertTrafNameToNativeName(
const NAString &catalogName,
const NAString &schemaName,
const NAString &objectName)
NAString tempSchemaName;
ComAnsiNamePart externalAnsiSchemaName(schemaName, ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT);
tempSchemaName += externalAnsiSchemaName.getInternalName();
NAString tempCatalogName;
NASubString prefix = tempSchemaName.subString(HIVE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX, 0);
if ( prefix.length() > 0 ) {
tempSchemaName.remove(0, prefix.length());
tempSchemaName.remove(tempSchemaName.length()-1, 1); // remove the trailing "_"
tempCatalogName = HIVE_SYSTEM_CATALOG;
} else {
// do not reuse prefix here because it becomes immutable after the above
// subString() call.
NASubString prefix2 = tempSchemaName.subString(HBASE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX, 0);
if ( prefix2.length() > 0 ) {
tempSchemaName.remove(0, prefix2.length());;
tempSchemaName.remove(tempSchemaName.length()-1, 1); // remove the trailing "_"
NAString convertedName;
ComAnsiNamePart internalAnsiCatalogName(tempCatalogName, ComAnsiNamePart::INTERNAL_FORMAT);
convertedName += internalAnsiCatalogName.getExternalName();
convertedName += ".";
ComAnsiNamePart internalAnsiSchemaName(tempSchemaName, ComAnsiNamePart::INTERNAL_FORMAT);
convertedName += internalAnsiSchemaName.getExternalName();
convertedName += ".";
convertedName += objectName;
return convertedName;
// Hive names specified in the query may have any of the following
// forms after they are fully qualified:
// hive.hive.t, hive.`default`.t, hive.hivesch.t, hive.hivesch
// These names are valid in traf environment only and are used to determine
// if hive ddl is being processed.
// Return equivalent native hive names of the format:
// `default`.t, `default`.t, hivesch.t, hivesch
// Return NULL string in case of an error.
NAString ComConvertTrafHiveNameToNativeHiveName(
const NAString &catalogName,
const NAString &schemaName,
const NAString &objectName)
NAString newHiveName;
if (catalogName.compareTo(HIVE_SYSTEM_CATALOG, NAString::ignoreCase) != 0)
// Invalid hive name in traf environment.
return newHiveName;
if (schemaName.compareTo(HIVE_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_EXE, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0) // matches 'default'
newHiveName += NAString("`") + schemaName + "`";
if (NOT objectName.isNull())
newHiveName += ".";
else if (schemaName.compareTo(HIVE_SYSTEM_SCHEMA, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0) // matches 'hive'
// set fully qualified hive default schema name `default`
newHiveName += NAString("`default`");
if (NOT objectName.isNull())
newHiveName += ".";
else // user schema name
newHiveName += schemaName;
if (NOT objectName.isNull())
newHiveName += ".";
if (NOT objectName.isNull())
newHiveName += objectName;
return newHiveName;
NABoolean ComTrafReservedColName(
const NAString &colName)
if ((colName == TRAF_SALT_COLNAME) ||
return TRUE;
([colName.length()-1] == '_'))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Int32 ComGenerateUdrCachedLibName(NAString libname,Int64 redeftime, NAString schemaName, NAString userid, NAString &cachedLibName, NAString &cachedLibPath)
NAString libPrefix, libSuffix;
struct stat statbuf;
NAString redefTimeString = Int64ToNAString(redeftime);
size_t lastDot = libname.last('.');
if (lastDot != NA_NPOS)
libSuffix = libname(lastDot,libname.length()-lastDot);
libPrefix = libname(0,lastDot);
//when isolated user support is added we will pass an actual userid.
//By default we assume DB__ROOT.
if (userid.length()!=0)
cachedLibPath = getenv("TRAF_VAR") ;
cachedLibPath += "/udr";
if ( stat(cachedLibPath, &statbuf) != 0)
if (mkdir(cachedLibPath,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))
return errno;
cachedLibPath += "/"+ userid ;
if (stat(cachedLibPath, &statbuf) != 0)
if (mkdir(cachedLibPath,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR))//Only this user has
//permission to read/write/execute in this directory and below.
return errno;
cachedLibPath += "/";
cachedLibPath += getenv("UDR_CACHE_LIBDIR");
if ( stat(cachedLibPath, &statbuf) != 0)
if (mkdir(cachedLibPath,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))
return errno;
cachedLibPath += "/" + schemaName;
if ( stat(cachedLibPath, &statbuf) != 0)
if (mkdir(cachedLibPath,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))
return errno;
cachedLibPath = getenv("TRAF_VAR") ;
cachedLibPath += "/udr";
if ( stat(cachedLibPath, &statbuf) != 0)
if (mkdir(cachedLibPath,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))
return errno;
cachedLibPath += "/"+ NAString("DB__ROOT") ;
if (stat(cachedLibPath, &statbuf) != 0)
if (mkdir(cachedLibPath,S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH)) // these permissions
//need to change when we have isolated user support so only DB_ROOT
//can access this directory. Right now we allow all to access this directory
return errno;
cachedLibPath += "/";
cachedLibPath += getenv("UDR_CACHE_LIBDIR");
if ( stat(cachedLibPath, &statbuf) != 0)
if (mkdir(cachedLibPath,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))
return errno;
cachedLibPath += "/" + schemaName;
if ( stat(cachedLibPath, &statbuf) != 0)
if (mkdir(cachedLibPath,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))
return errno;
cachedLibName += libPrefix + "_" ;
cachedLibName += redefTimeString;
cachedLibName += libSuffix ;
return 0;