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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComLocationNames.h
* Description: classes representing location names
* Created: 10/20/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ComOperators.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "ComGuardianFileNameParts.h"
#include "ComSizeDefs.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComLocationName;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions relating to location names
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Various sizes - eventually, those that redefine sizes from ComSizeDefs
// should be substituted with those definitions wherever used.
// maximum length allowed for Guardian system names (including
// the backslash prefix)
// maximum length allowed for Guardian volume names (including
// the dollar sign prefix)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File-scope helper functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns the separator separating the system name
// part and volume name part of a fully qualified
// location name in Guardian format.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definition of class ComLocationName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComLocationName
enum locationNameFormat { UNKNOWN_LOCATION_NAME_FORMAT
enum inputFormat { UNKNOWN_INPUT_FORMAT
// constructors
// Default constructor. The object is considered
// as empty and valid until the method expand() is
// invoked and returns a successful condition.
// After expand() is invoked and returns a successful
// condition the object is no longer empty.
ComLocationName(const char * locationName);
// Please read the comments associating with the
// following initializing contructors for information
// about this initializing constructor. The two
// constructors are almost the same. The difference
// is that this contructor accepts locationName in
// either the NSK Guardian or NSK OSS format.
ComLocationName(const char * locationName,
locationNameFormat locNameFormat);
// If locNameFormat contains OSS_LOCATION_NAME_FORMAT,
// the input location name is considered as valid
// if it is either empty or a valid OSS path name
// with one of the following formats:
// /G/volume
// /E/system/G/volume
// /G/volume/subvol/file00
// /E/system/G/volume/subvol/file00
// where
// system is a Guardian system name part without
// the backslash prefix. Currently, system
// can only be the case-insensitive string
// "NSK" (without quotes).
// volume is a Guardian volume name part without
// the dollar sign prefix
// subvol is the Guardian subvolume name part
// file00 is the Guardian file name part with the
// "00" (two zero digits, not including
// quotes) suffix.
// If locNameFormat contains GUARDIAN_LOCATION_NAME_FORMAT,
// the input location name is considered as valid
// if it is empty, a valid Guardian volume name, or
// a valid Guardian file name with the "00" (two zero
// digits, not including quotes) suffix. For example,
// $volume
// \system.$volume
// $volume.subvol.file00
// \system.$volume.subvol.file00
// If the input location name is empty, the behavior
// of this contructor is the same as that of the
// default constructor.
// If the input location name is valid, copies the
// name to this object; otherwise, the object is
// empty and considered as being invalid. Note that
// leading white spaces in the input location name
// is not allowed.
// If the system name part is not specified, the
// object will not contain any system name part
// until the method expand() is invoked and returns
// a successful condition.
// If the subvolume and file name parts do not
// appear, the object will not contain any subvolume
// and file name parts. The invocation of the method
// expand() does not affect the subvolume and file
// name parts in this object.
ComLocationName(const ComLocationName & locationName);
// copy constructor
ComLocationName( const ComNodeName & nodeName
, const ComVolumeName & volumeName
, const char * fileSuffix);
// Constructor using metadata representation
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ComLocationName();
// assignment operators
ComLocationName & operator=(const ComLocationName & rhs);
ComLocationName & operator=(const char * rhsLocName);
// The specified location name on the right-hand side
// must be a valid location name; otherwise, this
// object (on the left-hand side) will be cleared and
// considered as empty and invalid.
// For information about finding out whether the specified
// location name is valid or not, please read the
// comments associating with the initialize constructor.
// Note that rhsLocName can contain the location name in
// either NSK Guardian format or NSK OSS format.
// accessors
NAString getGuardianFullyQualifiedName(void) const;
// returns the resolved, fully-qualified location name in
// Guardian format. If the object has not yet fully-expanded,
// this method invokes the method expand() first
// (before returning the expanded location name). If the object
// is invalid or empty, returns an empty string.
// The subvolume and file name parts will not be included in
// the fully expanded name unless they appeared in the input
// location name (passed to an initialize constructor).
inline const ComNodeName & getGuardianSystemNamePart() const;
// returns the system name part, in Guardian format,
// of the location name. If the system name part
// is not specified and the method expand() has not
// been invoked, returns an empty string. If the
// sytem name part is not specified but the method
// expand() has been invoked, returns the default
// system name. If the input location name (passed
// to an initialize constructor) was invalid, returns
// an empty name.
inline const ComVolumeName & getGuardianVolumeNamePart() const;
// returns the volume name part, in Guardian format,
// of the location name. If the default constructor
// was invoked (that is, no input OSS location name
// was specified), returns an empty string. If the
// input location name (passed to an initialize
// constructor) was invalid, returns an empty name.
inline const ComSubvolumeName & getSubvolumeNamePart() const;
// returns the subvolume name part of the input
// location name (passed to an initialize constructor).
// If the subvolume name part is not specified or the
// input location name is invalid, returns an empty
// name.
inline const ComFileName & getFileNamePart() const;
// returns the file name part of the input location
// name (passed to the initialize constructor). If the
// file name part was not specified, returns an empty
// string. If the input location name (passed to an
// initialize constructor) is invalid, returns an empty
// name.
NAString getFileSuffixPart() const;
// the MetaData stores the subvolume name and file
// name part in a single field. This method returns
// this information in this form.
inline inputFormat getInputFormat() const;
// returns the format of the input OSS path name.
// If the default constructor was invoked, returns
// INPUT_NOT_SPECIFIED. If the format of the input
// location name is not one of the allowed format,
NAString getInputFormatAsNAString() const;
// Same as getInputFormat() except that this method
// returns a string instead of an enumerated constant.
// This method is used for tracing purposes.
inline const char * getSystemNamePartWithoutBackslashPrefix() const;
// returns the system name part, in Guardian format
// without the backslash prefix, of the location
// name. For more information, please read the comments
// associating with the method getGuardianSystemNamePart().
inline const char * getVolumeNamePartWithoutDollarPrefix() const;
// returns the volume name part, in Guardian format
// without the dollar sign prefix, of the location
// name. For more information, please read the comments
// associating with the method getGuardianVolumeNamePart().
inline NABoolean isEmpty() const;
// returns TRUE if this object is empty; returns FALSE
// otherwise. This object can only be empty when
// (1) the specified (input) location name is invalid or
// (2) the object was instantiated by the invocation of the
// default constructor and the method expand() has not been
// invoked (or it has been invoked but returned an
// unsuccessful condition).
inline NABoolean isExpanded() const;
// returns TRUE if the object has been expanded; returns
// FALSE otherwise. The object is expanded when the method
// expand() is invoked and returns successful condition.
// For more information, please refer the comments describing
// the method expand().
inline NABoolean isValid() const;
// returns TRUE if (1) the object contains a valid location or
// (2) the object was instantiated by the default constructor
// and the method expand() has not been invoked (or it has been
// invoked but returned an unsuccessful condition).
// Returns FALSE otherwise.
// mutators
void copy(const char * locName, locationNameFormat locNameFormat);
// assigns the location name contained in locName to the
// object. The format of the input location name can be
// either NSK OSS format or NSK Guardian format
// (locNameFormat contains OSS_LOCATION_NAME_FORMAT or
NABoolean expand(void);
// If the object is invalid, does nothing and returns FALSE;
// otherwise, makes sure that the object contains system name
// part and volume name part. If they were not specified,
// uses the default values. If the operation was successful,
// sets the isExpanded() bit in the object to TRUE and
// return TRUE.
// If the object does not contain the volume name part and
// this method cannot find a default volume, it inserts an
// error message to diagsArea, does not change the content
// of the isExpanded() bit (in the object) and returns FALSE.
NABoolean expand(const ComNodeName & defaultSystemName,
const ComVolumeName & defaultVolumeName);
// returns FALSE and does nothing if the object is
// invalid. Please note that the method isExpanded()
// returns FALSE when expand() has not yet been invoked
// or when expand() has been invoked but has returned
// Otherwise, expands the location name (using the input
// default value(s) if needed) and then returns TRUE
// this is the first time expand() is invoked. After
// expand() is invoked and returns TRUE, subsequent
// invocations of expand() will not alter the contents of
// the object, and the input parameters will be ignored
// by expand(); expand() will continue to return TRUE
// however. Please note that after expand() is invoked
// and returns TRUE, the method isExpanded() will return
// TRUE when invoked.
// Please note that the letters in the input system and
// volume names can be in any cases (either upper- or
// lower-case). expand() will convert all letters in
// the specified default name parts to upper-case letters
// before using them.
// methods
void clear();
void copyOssLocationName(const char * ossLocName);
void copyGuardianLocationName(const char * guardianLocName);
// data members
NABoolean isExpanded_;
inputFormat inputFormat_;
ComNodeName systemNamePart_;
ComVolumeName volumeNamePart_;
ComSubvolumeName subvolumeNamePart_;
ComFileName fileNamePart_;
}; // class ComLocationName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ComLocationName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline const ComNodeName &
ComLocationName::getGuardianSystemNamePart() const
return systemNamePart_;
inline const ComVolumeName &
ComLocationName::getGuardianVolumeNamePart() const
return volumeNamePart_;
inline const ComSubvolumeName &
ComLocationName::getSubvolumeNamePart() const
return subvolumeNamePart_;
inline const ComFileName &
ComLocationName::getFileNamePart() const
return fileNamePart_;
inline ComLocationName::inputFormat
ComLocationName::getInputFormat() const
return inputFormat_;
inline const char *
ComLocationName::getSystemNamePartWithoutBackslashPrefix() const
return systemNamePart_.getNodeNameWithoutBackslash();
inline const char *
ComLocationName::getVolumeNamePartWithoutDollarPrefix() const
return volumeNamePart_.getVolumeNameWithoutDollar();
inline NABoolean
ComLocationName::isEmpty() const
// Please note that every input location name passed to the
// initializing constructor always includes the volume name
// part. Therefore, the volumeNamePart_
// data member is used to help determining whether the object
// is empty or not.
return volumeNamePart_.isNull();
inline NABoolean
ComLocationName::isExpanded() const
return isExpanded_;
inline NABoolean
ComLocationName::isValid() const
return (inputFormat_ NEQ UNKNOWN_INPUT_FORMAT);