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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComAnsiNamePart.h
* Description: An object of this class represents one part (catalog,
* schema, object or column) of a fully qualified ANSI
* name. An ANSI name part can be either a ANSI SQL
* regular identifier or delimited identifier.
* Created: 7/20/95
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include "NAWinNT.h" // for wchar (tcr)
#include <iosfwd>
using namespace std;
#include <string.h>
#include "ComOperators.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ComSizeDefs.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "NAString.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// External declarations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComRoutineActionNamePart;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computed internal-format column name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// + 16 // MAX_FUNNY_NAME_LENGTH - funny-suffix-max-len-in-bytes defined in w:/sqlshare/CatSQLShare.h
// // InternalIdentifierHasDivColNamePrefix() returns TRUE if the internal
// // identifier has the DIVISION_ name prefix; otherwise, returns FALSE.
// NABoolean InternalIdentifierHasDivColNamePrefix (const char * internalColName); // in
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to convert ANSI SQL names from the current for-internal-
// processing character set (i.e., the Unicode UTF-8 character set) to
// the Unicode UCS-2/UTF-16 encoding format and vice versa.
// Similar APIs with char* and NAWchar* parameters in place of
// NAString and NAWString parameters are declared and defined
// in the header and source files w:/common/ComDistribution.h and
// .cpp for used by low-level code like the one in the source
// file w:/comexe/LateBindInfo.cpp which cannot use the process heap.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// returned error code described in w:/common/csconvert.h
Int32 ComAnsiNameToUTF8 ( const NAWString &inAnsiNameInUCS2 // in - valid ANSI SQL name in UCS2/UTF16
, NAString & outBuf4AnsiNameInUTF8 // out - out buffer in UTF8
// returned error code described in w:/common/csconvert.h
Int32 ComAnsiNameToUCS2 ( const NAString & inAnsiNameInUTF8 // in - input C string in UTF8
, NAWString & outAnsiNameInUCS2 // out - out buffer containing UCS2/UTF16 chars
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definition of class ComAnsiNamePart
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComAnsiNamePart : public NABasicObject
// global friend functions
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, const ComAnsiNamePart &name);
// enumerations
// Please use the enumerated constants defined in w:/common/ComSizeDefs.h
// instead of the following definitions for new code.
// nobody use this enum ... MAX_DELIMIDENT_LEN = MAX_IDENTIFIER_EXT_LEN,
MAX_ANSI_NAME_INT_LEN = 3 * MAX_IDENTIFIER_INT_LEN + 2, // what is this ???
MAX_OLD_ANSI_IDENTIFIER_LEN = 258, // See comexe/LateBindInfo.h and BDR
MAX_OLD_ANSI_NAME_EXT_LEN = 776 }; // used in BDR
// ANSI 5.2 SR 8 + 9:
// The first is the max number of internal characters,
// the second the max of external chars in a delimited identifier
// (the most pathological example, an ident which internally is
// 128 dquotes -- externally is 128 pairs of dquotes (i.e. quoted quotes)
// all delimited fore and aft with a dquote.
enum formatEnum { EXTERNAL_FORMAT ,
// EXTERNAL_FORMAT the input identifier is in external
// format, ANSI format, the format used by the user
// INTERNAL_FORMAT the input identifier is in internal
// format, the format stored in the
// schema metadata tables
// constructors
// Default constructor. This method creates an empty object.
ComAnsiNamePart (CollHeap * h=0,
unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT);
// copy ctor
ComAnsiNamePart (const ComAnsiNamePart & orig, CollHeap * h=0) ;
ComAnsiNamePart (const NAString &name,
formatEnum format = EXTERNAL_FORMAT,
CollHeap * h=0,
unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT);
// toInternalIdentifierFlags is the sames as pv_flags in ToInternalIdentifier() declared in NAString.h
ComAnsiNamePart (const char *name, size_t nameLen,
formatEnum format = EXTERNAL_FORMAT,
CollHeap * h=0,
unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT);
// Checks the input ANSI SQL name component which is in the
// specified format.
// In the first ctor, the input name component cannot contain
// any null character;
// in the second,
// the name component is exactly nameLen bytes long, and
// may contain null characters.
// If the input name component is legal, construct the object
// from the input name component; otherwise, construct an
// empty object.
ComAnsiNamePart ( const NAString &externalNameParts
,size_t &count
,CollHeap * h=0
,NABoolean createDropalias = FALSE
,NABoolean acceptCircumflex = FALSE
,unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT
ComAnsiNamePart (const char *externalNameParts,
size_t externalNPLen,
size_t &count,
CollHeap * h=0,
unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT);
// Scans (parses) the specified input string
// for an external-format ANSI SQL name part.
// The first character in the input string must be the first
// character of the name part. Note that the input string
// can include other input besides the name part.
// The method copies the name part if it is found, and
// returns the length of the scanned name part via the
// parameter count. The method also computes the corre-
// sponding internal-format name part and stores the
// computed internal name.
// If the name part is not found or is illegal (for example,
// the name part is too long), the method returns the number
// of bytes examined when the identifier is determined
// to be invalid, and constructs an empty object.
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ComAnsiNamePart ();
// virtual cast functions
virtual ComRoutineActionNamePart * castToComRoutineActionNamePart();
virtual const ComRoutineActionNamePart * castToComRoutineActionNamePart() const;
// type conversion operator
operator const char * () const { return (const char *)externalName_; }
// Returns a pointer to the external-format ANSI SQL name component.
// assignment operators
ComAnsiNamePart& operator= (const ComAnsiNamePart& );
ComAnsiNamePart& operator= (const NAString &externalName);
// The specified external name on the right-hand side
// must be a valid ANSI SQL name component, in external
// format. If not, this object (on the left-hand side)
// will be cleared.
// logical operator
NABoolean operator== (const ComAnsiNamePart &rhs) const;
inline Int32 compareTo (const ComAnsiNamePart &rhs) const;
// accessors
// Use these two methods only if input strings have been parsed.
void setExternalName (const NAString &name) { externalName_ = name; }
void setInternalName (const NAString &name) { internalName_ = name; }
const NAString &getData () const { return externalName_; }
const NAString &getExternalName () const { return externalName_; }
// Returns the ANSI SQL name component, in external format.
const NAString &getInternalName () const { return internalName_; }
// Returns the ANSI SQL name component, in internal format,
// without padded trailing white spaces.
NABoolean isEmpty () const { return externalName_.isNull(); }
NABoolean isValid () const { return NOT isEmpty(); }
// The method returns TRUE if the object contains a legal
// ANSI SQL name component. The method returns FALSE if
// the object is empty (does not contain an ANSI SQL name
// component). An object is empty if it is created by
// the default constructor or the input ANSI SQL name
// component is illegal.
NABoolean isDelimitedIdentifier () const;
// The method returns TRUE if the ANSI SQL name component
// (identifier) is a delimited identifier. The method
// returns FALSE if the identifier is invalid or is not a
// delimited identifier.
// mutators
void clear() { externalName_ = internalName_ = ""; }
// Makes this object an empty object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean scanAnsiNamePart ( const NAString &externalNameParts
, size_t &count
, NABoolean createDropAlias = FALSE
, NABoolean acceptCircumflex = FALSE
, unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT
// This method scans (parses) for one external-format ANSI
// SQL name part in the (possibly multi-part) input string.
// That is, given "xx.yy.zz", the name is set to XX and the
// count returns as 2.
// The method returns TRUE if the name part is found, and
// returns the length of the scanned name part, and sets
// the corresponding internal-format name; otherwise, the
// method returns FALSE.
// The syntax of ANSI SQL name part is defined on page 78
// of the ANSI X3H2-93-004 (also known as SQL-92) standard.
// The ANSI SQL name component is referred to as
// <actual identifier> in the standard.
// externalNameParts IN
// This parameter contains the input string containing an
// external-format ANSI SQL actual identifier.
// count IN OUT
// This param's IN value must be either 0 (scan entire NAString)
// or 1 (scan till bad character) is described in more detail
// in the .cpp file.
// The length, in bytes, of the scanned name component is
// returned via this parameter. If an error occurs, this
// parameter contains the number of characters examined
// when the identifier is determined to be invalid.
// Any separating dot is not included in this count.
// NABoolean createDropAlias = FALSE IN
// NABoolean acceptCircumflex = FALSE IN
// unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT
// IN
// Same as the pv_flags parameter in ToInternalIdentifier() routine
// data member this->externalName_ OUT
// data member this->internalName_ OUT
// The method puts the internal-format name computed from
// the scanned externalNameParts into data member internalName_.
// If an error occurs, internalName_ contains an empty string.
NABoolean copyExternalName (const NAString &externalName);
NABoolean copyInternalName (const NAString &internalName);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString externalName_;
NAString internalName_;
CollHeap * heap_;
unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags_;
}; // class ComAnsiNamePart
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 ComAnsiNamePart::compareTo (const ComAnsiNamePart &rhs) const
if (this EQU &rhs) return 0;
else return internalName_.compareTo (rhs.internalName_);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// declaration of function ComDeriveRandomInternalName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ComBoolean ComDeriveRandomInternalName( Lng32 nameCharSet,
const ComString &inputNameInInternalFormat,
ComString &generatedNameInInternalFormat,
NAHeap *h = 0 );
ComBoolean ComIsRandomInternalName(const ComString &inputName);