blob: ef921def212c4c99e68eddf2cab5bcdaaa3d1901 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef HSUTIL_H
#define HSUTIL_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: hs_util.h
* Description: Utility functions.
* Created: 03/25/96
* Language: C++
#include "Int64.h"
#include "hs_const.h"
#include "hs_cli.h"
struct HSColumnStruct;
Lng32 FormatRow(const HSColumnStruct *srcDesc,
const char *src,
HSDataBuffer &target);
NABoolean isHBaseMeta(const ComObjectName& objectName);
NABoolean isHBaseMeta(const QualifiedName& qualifiedName);
NABoolean isHBaseUmdHistograms(const ComObjectName& objectName);
NABoolean isHBaseUmdHistograms(const QualifiedName& qualifiedName);
NABoolean isSpecialObject(const NAString& tableName);
NABoolean isSpecialObject(const ComObjectName& objectName);
NABoolean isSpecialObject(const QualifiedName& qualifiedName);
NAString getTableName(const NAString name, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace);
void TrafToHiveSampleTableName(NAString& name);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the root of fx = 0.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
double xValue( const double x0
, const double n
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the uppercase value of passed character.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline Int32 hs_toupper(Int32 c)
if (c >= 'a' && c<='z') return c-32;
else return c;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A strcasecmp implementation. Note that this does not return if there is
// a null terminator earlier than 'length'.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline Int32 hs_strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, Int32 length)
Int32 diff;
for (Int32 i=0; i<length; i++, s1++, s2++)
if ((diff = hs_toupper(*s1) - hs_toupper(*s2))) return diff;
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// UEC estimator, to estimate the UEC in a population, based on a sample.
// The sample UEC, sample row count, estimated population size, and
// sample frequency information are provided as input. The estimation
// method is a linear weighted combination of the unsmoothed jacknife and
// Shlosser methods. The unsmoothed jacknife and Shlosser UEC estimates
// are returned via ref. parameters Duj and Dsh, respectively. The
// coefficient of variation, a measure of data skew, is returned via
// ref. parameter coeffOfVar. The weighting of the Shlosser method is
// defined to be the computed coefficient of variation, divided by
// DshMax, with a maximum weight value of 1. The weighting of the
// unsmoothed jacknife estimate is 1 minus the Shlosser weight.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class FrequencyCounts;
double lwcUecEstimate(double sampleUec, double sampleRowCnt,
double estTotalRowCnt, FrequencyCounts *fi,
double DshMax, double &coeffOfVar, double &Duj, double &Dsh);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make a dual histid by toggling the last digit: even to odd, odd to even.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline ULng32 DualHistid(ULng32 histid)
if (histid & 0x1)
return (histid & 0xFFFFFFFE);
return (histid | 0x1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines to extract individual bytes from an unsigned long.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define byte0(value) (Int32)((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24)
#define byte1(value) (Int32)((value & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
#define byte2(value) (Int32)((value & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
#define byte3(value) (Int32)((value & 0xFF))
inline ULng32 roundup4(ULng32 value)
ULng32 floor = value & 0xFFFFFFFC;
return((value != floor) ? (floor + 4) : value);
inline ULng32 roundup8(ULng32 value)
ULng32 floor = value & 0xFFFFFFF8;
return((value != floor) ? (floor + 8) : value);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class for managing an array of pointers.
// HSPtrObj<T> *t = new HSPtrObj<T>[100];
// delete [] t will delete each individual element which pt_ points to.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class T> class HSPtrObj {
: pt_(NULL) {}
delete pt_;
pt_ = NULL;
// Add a conversion operator to T* if needed.
// operator T*() { return pt_; }
// pt points to a single object.
T *pt_;
template <class T> class HSPtrArray {
: pt_(NULL), len_(0) {}
delete [] pt_;
pt_ = NULL;
// Add a conversion operator to T* if needed.
// operator T*() { return pt_; }
// pt points to an array of T.
T *pt_;
Lng32 len_;
void ConvWcharToHexadecimal(const NAWchar *source,
ULng32 sourceLength,
NAString &output);
COM_VERSION getTableSchemaVersion(const NAString& tableName);
Int64 getDefaultSampleSize(Int64 tblRowCount);
Int64 getDefaultSlidingSampleSize(Int64 tblRowCount);
// time related routines for use w/ readTime and statsTime
// Guardian JulianTimestamp time of UNIX "epoch", 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970
//const Int64 HS_EPOCH_TIMESTAMP=210866760000000000LL;
Int64 hs_getBaseTime();
Int64 hs_getEpochTime();
Int64 hs_getEpochTime(Int64);
char *hs_formatTimestamp(char *);
char *hs_formatTimestamp(Int64, char *);
Int64 getTimeDiff(NABoolean reset = FALSE);
// This method returns the location of histogram tables.
// If the location is to be returned for an InMemory table, then it returns
// it based on the volatile schema location.
// If CQD HISTOGRAMS_SCHEMA is set and not null, then its contents are
// returned as the location.
// Otherwise, the input regularLocation is returned.
// INPUT: regularLocation: contains the location that was generated by
// the caller. See caller for how this is generated.
// inMemObj: if this is an InMemory object.
NAString getHistogramsTableLocation(
NAString regularLocation, NABoolean inMemObj);
// getRowCountForFetchFuncs() - this function returns the rowcount based
// on whether this is NT, Linux, or NSK.
double getRowCountForFetchFuncs(HSTableDef *tabDef, NABoolean &isEstimate);
// RIAA class to propagate WMS monitoring CQD values to secondary compiler, and
// reset them when the object goes out of scope. Used in entry points to Update Stats.
// NOTE: When an instance of this class is declared in the same scope as an instance
// of HSErrorCatcher, declare the WMSController variable BEFORE the
// HSErrorCatcher. This ensures that the HSErrorCatcher destructor will be
// called first, and avoids the situation where the calls to HSFuncExecQuery
// in WMSController's destructor would cause the CLI diagnostics area to be
// cleared before HSErrorCatcher's dtor had a chance to extract any errors
// from it.
class WMSController
: needReset_(FALSE),
// Turn CQDs off in our secondary compiler if necessary.
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(WMS_QUERY_MONITORING) == DF_OFF)
needReset_ = TRUE;
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(WMS_CHILD_QUERY_MONITORING) == DF_OFF)
needChildReset_ = TRUE;
// Restore original settings if they were changed.
if (needReset_)
if (needChildReset_)
NABoolean needReset_;
NABoolean needChildReset_;
#endif /* HSUTIL_H */