blob: e205862769788b0bddbe84f80f8f161fdfb55b57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef HSLA_H
#define HSLA_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: hs_la.h
* Description: Function to retrieve some lable info.
* Created: 03/25/96
* Language: C++
#include "hs_const.h"
#include "hs_util.h"
#include "hiveHook.h"
#include "HDFSHook.h"
struct HSColumnStruct;
class HSTableDef : public NABasicObject
enum labelDetail {MIN_INFO, MAX_INFO};
enum tblOrigin {SQ_TBL, HIVE_TBL, HBASE_TBL};
// Factory function to create an instance of the appropriate subclass.
static HSTableDef* create(CollHeap* heap,
const ComObjectName &tableName,
const hs_table_type tableType,
const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_TABLE_NAME);
HSTableDef(const ComObjectName &tableName,
const hs_table_type tableType,
const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace);
virtual NABoolean objExists(NABoolean createExternalTable = FALSE) = 0;
virtual NABoolean publicSchemaExists() = 0;
Lng32 getColNum(const char *colName, NABoolean errIfNotFound = TRUE) const;
char* getColName(Lng32 colNum) const;
HSColumnStruct& getColInfo(Lng32 colNum) const;
virtual NAString getNodeName() const = 0;
NAString getObjectFullName() const;
NATable* getNATable() const {return naTbl_;}
void setNATable();
virtual NAString getCatalogLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const = 0;
NAString getPrimaryLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
virtual NAString getHistLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const = 0;
NAString getCatName(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
NAString getSchemaName(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
NAString getObjectName(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
virtual Lng32 getColumnNames() = 0;
ComObjectType getObjectType() const {return objectType_;}
virtual Lng32 getFileType() const = 0;
Lng32 getErrorCode() const {return retcode_;}
Lng32 getNumCols() const {return numCols_;}
virtual Lng32 getNumPartitions() const = 0;
virtual Lng32 getRecordLength() const = 0;
Int64 getObjectUID() const {return objectUID_;}
virtual Int64 getModTime() const = 0;
virtual Lng32 getIsFormat2Table() const = 0;
ComAnsiNameSpace getNameSpace() const {return nameSpace_;}
NABoolean isVolatile() const { return isVolatile_; }
virtual void getRowChangeCounts(Int64 &inserts, Int64 &deletes, Int64 &updates) = 0;
virtual void resetRowCounts() = 0;
virtual Int64 getRowCount(NABoolean &isEstimate,
Int32 &errorCode,
Int32 &breadCrumb,
NABoolean estimateIfNecessary = TRUE) = 0;
virtual Int64 getRowCount(NABoolean &isEstimate,
Int64 &numInserts,
Int64 &numDeletes,
Int64 &numUpdates,
Int64 &numPartitions,
Int64 &minRowCtPerPartition,
Int32 &errorCode,
Int32 &breadCrumb,
NABoolean estimateIfNecessary
) = 0;
Int64 getRowCountUsingSelect();
ComDiskFileFormat getObjectFormat() const {return objActualFormat_;}
virtual Lng32 collectFileStatistics() const = 0;
NABoolean isMetadataObject() const {return isMetadataObject_;}
virtual NABoolean isInMemoryObjectDefn() const = 0;
NABoolean hasSyskey() const {return hasSyskey_;}
virtual Lng32 getTotalVarcharLength() const = 0;
virtual Lng32 getBlockSize() const = 0;
// This should be called only once - it sets the hasSyskey_ flag.
virtual Lng32 setHasSyskeyFlag() = 0;
// SQ, Hive, or Hbase table?
virtual tblOrigin getTblOrigin() const = 0;
void addTruncatedSelectList(NAString & qry);
NABoolean setObjectUID(NABoolean createExternalObject);
NAString *tableName_;
NAString *ansiName_;
NAString *guardianName_;
NATable *naTbl_;
ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace_;
NAString *catalog_;
NAString *schema_;
NAString *object_;
Int64 objectUID_;
ComDiskFileFormat objActualFormat_;
hs_table_type objFormat_;
Lng32 numCols_;
NABoolean labelAccessed_;
HSColumnStruct *colInfo_;
Lng32 retcode_;
NABoolean isVolatile_;
ComObjectType objectType_;
NABoolean isMetadataObject_;
NABoolean hasSyskey_;
virtual void GetLabelInfo(labelDetail detail = MIN_INFO) = 0;
virtual Lng32 DescribeColumnNames() = 0;
class HSSqTableDef : public HSTableDef
HSSqTableDef(const ComObjectName& tableName,
const hs_table_type tableType,
const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_TABLE_NAME)
: HSTableDef(tableName, tableType, nameSpace),
NABoolean objExists(NABoolean createExternalTable = FALSE);
NABoolean publicSchemaExists();
NAString getNodeName() const;
NAString getCatalogLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
NAString getHistLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const {return getPrimaryLoc(format);}
Lng32 getFileType() const
return -1;
Lng32 getNumPartitions() const
return -1;
Lng32 getRecordLength() const
return -1;
Int64 getModTime() const;
Lng32 getIsFormat2Table() const
return -1;
virtual Lng32 getColumnNames();
void getRowChangeCounts(Int64 &inserts, Int64 &deletes, Int64 &updates);
void resetRowCounts();
Int64 getRowCount(NABoolean &isEstimate,
Int32 &errorCode,
Int32 &breadCrumb,
NABoolean estimateIfNecessary = TRUE);
Int64 getRowCount(NABoolean &isEstimate,
Int64 &numInserts,
Int64 &numDeletes,
Int64 &numUpdates,
Int64 &numPartitions,
Int64 &minRowCtPerPartition,
Int32 &errorCode,
Int32 &breadCrumb,
NABoolean estimateIfNecessary
Lng32 collectFileStatistics() const;
NABoolean isInMemoryObjectDefn() const {return inMemoryObjectDefn_;}
Lng32 getTotalVarcharLength() const ;
Lng32 getBlockSize() const
return -1;
tblOrigin getTblOrigin() const
return SQ_TBL;
// This should be called only once - it sets the hasSyskey_ flag.
Lng32 setHasSyskeyFlag();
void GetLabelInfo(labelDetail detail = MIN_INFO);
Lng32 DescribeColumnNames();
NABoolean inMemoryObjectDefn_;
class HSHiveTableDef : public HSTableDef
HSHiveTableDef(const ComObjectName &tableName,
const hs_table_type tableType,
const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_TABLE_NAME)
: minPartitionRows_(-1),
HSTableDef(tableName, tableType, nameSpace)
NABoolean objExists(NABoolean createExternalTable = FALSE);
NABoolean publicSchemaExists()
return FALSE;
NAString getNodeName() const;
NAString getCatalogLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
NAString getHistLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
Lng32 getFileType() const
return -1;
Lng32 getNumPartitions() const
return tableStats_->entries();
Lng32 getRecordLength() const
return tableStats_->getEstimatedRecordLength();
Int64 getModTime() const
return tableStats_->getValidationTimestamp();
Lng32 getIsFormat2Table() const
return 0; // nsk only
virtual Lng32 getColumnNames();
void getRowChangeCounts(Int64 &inserts, Int64 &deletes, Int64 &updates)
//@ZXhive -- need to issue a warning if NECESSARY is used on a hive
// table, indicating that the only case it works for is if
// opt has requested stats where there are none (see header
// comment for AddNecessaryColumns()).
inserts = deletes = updates = 0;
void resetRowCounts()
Int64 getRowCount(NABoolean &isEstimate,
Int32 &errorCode,
Int32 &breadCrumb,
NABoolean estimateIfNecessary = TRUE)
isEstimate = TRUE;
errorCode = 0;
breadCrumb = -3;
return (estimateIfNecessary ? tableStats_->getEstimatedRowCount() : 0);
Int64 getRowCount(NABoolean &isEstimate,
Int64 &numInserts,
Int64 &numDeletes,
Int64 &numUpdates,
Int64 &numPartitions,
Int64 &minRowCtPerPartition,
Int32 &errorCode,
Int32 &breadCrumb,
NABoolean estimateIfNecessary);
Lng32 collectFileStatistics() const
return 0;
NABoolean isInMemoryObjectDefn() const
return FALSE;
Lng32 getTotalVarcharLength() const
// Used for row count estimation for sq tables. Not needed for hive.
return 0;
Lng32 getBlockSize() const
return tableStats_->getEstimatedBlockSize();
Lng32 setHasSyskeyFlag()
return 0;
tblOrigin getTblOrigin() const
return HIVE_TBL;
void GetLabelInfo(labelDetail detail = MIN_INFO)
Lng32 DescribeColumnNames();
const HHDFSTableStats* tableStats_;
hive_tbl_desc* hiveTblDesc_;
Int64 minPartitionRows_;
class HSHbaseTableDef : public HSTableDef
HSHbaseTableDef(const ComObjectName &tableName,
const hs_table_type tableType,
const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_TABLE_NAME)
: minPartitionRows_(-1),
HSTableDef(tableName, tableType, nameSpace)
NABoolean objExists(NABoolean createExternalTable = FALSE);
NABoolean publicSchemaExists()
return FALSE;
NAString getNodeName() const;
NAString getCatalogLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
NAString getHistLoc(formatType format = INTERNAL_FORMAT) const;
Lng32 getFileType() const
return -1;
Lng32 getNumPartitions() const;
Lng32 getRecordLength() const
//return tableStats_->getEstimatedRecordLength();
return 100;
Int64 getModTime() const
//return tableStats_->getValidationTimestamp();
return 0;
Lng32 getIsFormat2Table() const
return 0; // nsk only
virtual Lng32 getColumnNames();
void getRowChangeCounts(Int64 &inserts, Int64 &deletes, Int64 &updates)
//@ZXhbase -- need to issue a warning if NECESSARY is used on an HBase
// table, indicating that the only case it works for is if
// opt has requested stats where there are none (see header
// comment for AddNecessaryColumns()).
// USAS will be part of Enterprise version of TOPL.
inserts = deletes = updates = 0;
void resetRowCounts()
Int64 getRowCount(NABoolean &isEstimate,
Int32 &errorCode,
Int32 &breadCrumb,
NABoolean estimateIfNecessary = TRUE);
Int64 getRowCount(NABoolean &isEstimate,
Int64 &numInserts,
Int64 &numDeletes,
Int64 &numUpdates,
Int64 &numPartitions,
Int64 &minRowCtPerPartition,
Int32 &errorCode,
Int32 &breadCrumb,
NABoolean estimateIfNecessary);
Lng32 collectFileStatistics() const
return 0;
NABoolean isInMemoryObjectDefn() const
return FALSE;
Lng32 getTotalVarcharLength() const
// Used for row count estimation for sq tables. Not needed for HBase.
return 0;
Lng32 getBlockSize() const
//return tableStats_->getEstimatedBlockSize();
return 100;
Lng32 setHasSyskeyFlag()
return 0;
tblOrigin getTblOrigin() const
return HBASE_TBL;
void GetLabelInfo(labelDetail detail = MIN_INFO)
Lng32 DescribeColumnNames();
Int64 minPartitionRows_;
#endif /* HSLA_H */