blob: 2f8f4f9760b2a09032f4e7f5ef8f623dcdb80654 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: hs_globals.h
* Description: Global structures.
* Created: 03/25/96
* Language: C++
#include "hs_const.h"
#include "hs_cont.h"
#include "hs_cli.h"
#include "hs_la.h"
#include "BloomFilter.h"
#include "nawstring.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "ComVersionDefs.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "NABitVector.h"
#include <exp_function.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Externals.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComDiagsArea;
extern THREAD_P Int32 lengthOfSortBufrs ;
extern THREAD_P char * sortBuffer1 ;
extern THREAD_P char * sortBuffer2 ;
typedef NAHashDictionary<NAString, double> JitLogHashType;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct HSColumnStruct;
struct HSColGroupStruct;
struct HSColDesc;
class HSGlobalsClass;
class HSInterval;
class HSHistogram;
class HSInMemoryTable;
class AbstractFastStatsHist;
Lng32 AddNecessaryColumns();
Lng32 AddAllColumnsForIUS();
void createSampleOption(Lng32 sampleType, double samplePercent, NAString &sampleOpt,
Int64 sampleValue1=0, Int64 sampleValue2=0);
Lng32 doubleToHSDataBuffer(const double dbl, HSDataBuffer& dbf);
Lng32 managePersistentSamples();
template <class T>
Lng32 setBufferValue(T& value,
const HSColGroupStruct *group,
HSDataBuffer &boundary);
// An instance of ISFixedChar represents a value of a fixed-length character
// string (either single or double-byte) retrieved into memory for use by
// internal sort. A pointer to the actual string is maintained, and definitions
// are provided for all operators used by the template functions that implement
// the internal sort processing.
// The static member variable 'length' is used to store the fixed length of the
// referenced strings, avoiding the need to store it separately for each
// instance. However, the class is used for strings of any length, so before
// processing a char(n) column for internal sort, setLength(n) must be called.
// The length is in bytes, not characters.
// memcmp is used in the implementation of equality operators, because this
// will work for both single and double-byte strings. For UCS2 comparison we
// use na_wcsnncmp(), but for regular character columns we use memcmp.
// When a char column is sorted, the actual strings remain in place in the
// buffer they are originally read into. An array of ISFixedChar objects that
// reference those strings are exchanged instead to perform the sort.
class ISFixedChar
: content(NULL)
// Copy ctor used by placeWidePivot() to create an instance that is the
// pivot value. Can't use reference to existing element in array, because
// it will be overwritten as elems are moved around during sort.
ISFixedChar(const ISFixedChar& other)
content = other.content;
void static setLength(Int32 len)
length = len;
Int32 static getLength()
return length;
void static setCaseInsensitive(NABoolean ci)
caseInsensitive = ci;
static void setColCollation(CharInfo::Collation Collation)
colCollation = Collation;
static void setCharSet(CharInfo::CharSet CharSet)
charset = CharSet;
char* getContent()
return content;
void setContent(char* ptr)
content = ptr;
// Have to define new[] and delete[] here if we want to use NAHeap, because
// NABasicObject does not define array versions of those operators. Even if
// it did, we wouldn't subclass it because it would make the objects bigger
// (NABasicObject has a heap ptr member variable).
void* operator new[](size_t size)
return STMTHEAP->allocateMemory(size, FALSE);
void operator delete[](void *addr)
// Note that we forego the usual convention of having operator= return a
// reference to the assigned-to object. This is just to make this operation
// as efficient as possible, since it will be performed many times.
void operator=(const ISFixedChar &rhs)
content = rhs.content;
void operator=(char* ptr)
content = ptr;
// Compare this object to rhs, returning negative value if less, 0 if equal,
// and positive value if greater.
Int32 compare(const ISFixedChar &rhs);
Int32 operator==(const ISFixedChar &rhs)
// Note that case insensitive is not supported with non-binary collation.
if (CollationInfo::isSystemCollation(colCollation))
return (Collated_cmp(content, rhs.content, length, colCollation,
sortBuffer1, sortBuffer2 ) == 0);
// UCS2 cols not supported in MODE_SPECIAL_1 or 2 and do not support case insensitivity.
// memcmp() can be used here because we are looking for equality.
if (!caseInsensitive) return !memcmp(content, rhs.content, length);
else return !hs_strncasecmp(content, rhs.content, length);
Int32 operator!=(const ISFixedChar &rhs)
return !(*this == rhs);
Int32 operator<(const ISFixedChar &rhs)
return (compare(rhs) < 0);
Int32 operator<=(const ISFixedChar &rhs)
return (compare(rhs) <= 0);
Int32 operator>(const ISFixedChar &rhs)
return (compare(rhs) > 0);
Int32 operator>=(const ISFixedChar &rhs)
return (compare(rhs) >= 0);
// These operators must be defined to allow this type to be used with
// existing templates.
operator Int64() { fail("Int64()", __LINE__); return 0; };
operator Int32() { fail("int()", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator/(Int32 i) { fail("/", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator%(Int32 i) { fail("%", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator>=(Int32 i) { fail(">=", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator<(Int32 i) { fail("<", __LINE__); return 0; };
ISFixedChar& operator-() { fail("-", __LINE__); return *this; };
// Give internal error if undefined operator invoked.
void fail(const char* opName, Lng32 line);
// To make ISFixedChar as lightweight as possible, we use a static member to hold
// the length and case sensitivity, rather than repeating it for each instance.
// These must be set before each char column is processed.
// Likewise with column collation.
static THREAD_P Int32 length;
static THREAD_P NABoolean caseInsensitive;
static THREAD_P CharInfo::Collation colCollation;
static THREAD_P CharInfo::CharSet charset;
// The content is a fixed-length string, where the length is the current
// value of the static 'length' member variable.
char* content;
// This class extends ISFixedChar and is used to represent values of a fixed-length
// character string being processed for IUS. It is used in two ways:
// 1) In the arrays of interval boundary values and MFV values used in
// processIUSColumns. When used for this purpose, the 'content' (inherited)
// member variable has a single, fixed value, which the instance owns and
// takes responsibility for deleting.
// 2) To serially represent the values of a column in an in-memory table. In
// this case, a single instance of the class is used in conjunction with
// the IUSValueIterator class and assumes each in-memory value of the
// column in turn as the next() member function is called to move the
// content ptr to the next value. These values assumed by the ptr are
// addresses within the strData buffer of HSColGroupStruct, and so are
// not owned by this class.
class IUSFixedChar : public ISFixedChar
IUSFixedChar(NABoolean ownsContent = TRUE)
: ISFixedChar(),
virtual ~IUSFixedChar()
// Content may be allocated and owned for this subclass, but not ISFixedChar.
if (ownsContent_)
// Assignment from an HSDataBuffer is how the object is initialized to an
// interval boundary or MFV value.
void operator=(const HSDataBuffer& buff);
// Move content ptr to start of next value.
void next()
content += (length * (charset == CharInfo::UNICODE ? sizeof(NAWchar) : 1));
// If TRUE, content must be deleted when this object goes away.
NABoolean ownsContent_;
// This class performs the same function as ISFixedChar, except for varying
// length character strings. See the documentation of ISFixedChar for more
// information. The essential difference is that an ISVarChar object points
// to storage that includes the actual length of the string in the first two
// bytes, followed immediately by the string itself.
class ISVarChar
: content(NULL)
char* getContent()
return content;
short getLength()
return *(Int16*)content;
void setContent(char* ptr)
content = ptr;
void static setDeclaredLength(Int32 len)
declaredLength = len;
void static setCaseInsensitive(NABoolean ci)
caseInsensitive = ci;
static void setColCollation(CharInfo::Collation Collation)
colCollation = Collation;
static void setCharSet(CharInfo::CharSet CharSet)
charset = CharSet;
// Have to define new[] and delete[] here if we want to use NAHeap. Even if
// NABasicObject defined the array forms of these operators, we wouldn't
// subclass it because it would make the objects bigger (NABasicObject has
// a heap ptr member variable).
void* operator new[](size_t size)
return STMTHEAP->allocateMemory(size, FALSE);
void operator delete[](void *addr)
// Note that we forego the usual convention of having operator= return a
// reference to the assigned-to object. This is just to make this operation
// as efficient as possible, since it will be performed many times.
void operator=(const ISVarChar &rhs)
content = rhs.content;
void operator=(char* ptr)
content = ptr;
// Compare this object to rhs, returning negative value if less, 0 if equal,
// and positive value if greater.
Int32 compare(const ISVarChar &rhs);
Int32 operator==(const ISVarChar &rhs);
Int32 operator!=(const ISVarChar &rhs)
return !(*this == rhs);
Int32 operator<(const ISVarChar &rhs)
return compare(rhs) < 0;
Int32 operator>(const ISVarChar &rhs)
return compare(rhs) > 0;
Int32 operator<=(const ISVarChar &rhs)
return compare(rhs) <= 0;
Int32 operator>=(const ISVarChar &rhs)
return compare(rhs) >= 0;
// These operators must be defined to allow this type to be used with
// existing templates.
operator Int64() { fail("Int64()", __LINE__); return 0; };
operator Int32() { fail("int()", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator/(Int32 i) { fail("/", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator*(Int32 i) { fail("*", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator%(Int32 i) { fail("%", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator>=(Int32 i) { fail(">=", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator<(Int32 i) { fail("<", __LINE__); return 0; };
ISVarChar& operator-() { fail("-", __LINE__); return *this; };
// Give internal error if undefined operator invoked.
void fail(const char* opName, Lng32 line);
// To make ISVarChar as lightweight as possible, we use a static members to
// hold column attributes, rather than repeating them for each instance.
// They must be set before each char column is processed.
static THREAD_P Int32 declaredLength;
static THREAD_P NABoolean caseInsensitive;
static THREAD_P CharInfo::Collation colCollation;
static THREAD_P CharInfo::CharSet charset;
// The content pointed to by objects of this class consists of a 2-byte
// field giving the length in bytes, immediately followed by a string
// represented by that number of bytes.
char* content;
// IUSVarChar extends ISVarChar in much the same way and for the same purposes
// that IUSFixedChar does for ISFixedChar. The implementations of next() and
// the assignment from HSDataBuffer differ due to the presence of a length
// indicator for varchars.
class IUSVarChar : public ISVarChar
IUSVarChar(NABoolean ownsContent = TRUE)
: ISVarChar(),
virtual ~IUSVarChar()
// Content may be allocated and owned for this subclass, but not ISVarChar.
if (ownsContent_)
void operator=(const HSDataBuffer& buff);
void next()
// strData contains declared (not just actual) number of chars.
content += (sizeof(Int16) + // # bytes in length field
(declaredLength * (charset == CharInfo::UNICODE ? sizeof(NAWchar) : 1)));
// Each piece of varchar data (including the data length) is placed
// at the even-address boundary. See switch statement case for
// VARCHAR in method HSGlobalsClass::processInternalSortNulls().
// Here we follow the same logic (for pointer "content").
if ( ( (ULong(content)) & 1) == 1 )
NABoolean ownsContent_;
//---------------------------------- FOR MC CHANGES --------------------------------------------------
// for MC
// The iterator classes are used by the MCWrapper objects to help compare columns of a given type.
// The MCIterator class hierarchy is as follows:
// MCIterator
// |
// |
// -------------------------------------------------------
// | | |
// | | |
// MCiFixedCharIterator MCNonCharIterator MCVarCharIterator
class MCIterator
MCIterator() : nullInd(NULL) {};
virtual ~MCIterator() {}
// compares two values in athe array of data maintained by this
// iterator. "left" and "right" and indices into this array.
// The method returns a negative value if less, 0 if equal,
// and positive value if greater.
virtual Int32 compare (Int32 left, Int32 right) = 0;
virtual void print (ofstream& fout, Int32 index) = 0;
NABoolean isNull(Int32 index)
return (nullInd && nullInd->testBit(index));
void dumpBits (const char* f_name, Int32 nRows)
ofstream fileout(f_name, ios::app);
fileout << "================ Printing bit Set ================\n";
if (!nullInd)
fileout << "no nullable";
for (Int32 i =0; i < nRows; i++)
if (nullInd->testBit(i))
fileout << "NULL\n";
fileout << "NOT NULL\n";
fileout << "================ Printing bit Set ================\n";
Lng32 ISdatatype;
// bitmap of null (data) columns
NABitVector* nullInd;
// template class for all non-character datatypes iterators
template <class T>
class MCNonCharIterator : public MCIterator
MCNonCharIterator(T* ptr)
: vp(ptr)
virtual ~MCNonCharIterator()
T* getContent(Int32 index)
T* vp1 = vp + index;
return (vp1);
Int32 compare (Int32 left, Int32 right)
if (this->nullInd)
NABoolean leftNull = (this->nullInd->testBit(left));
NABoolean rightNull = (this->nullInd->testBit(right));
if (leftNull || rightNull)
if (leftNull && rightNull)
return 0;
else if (leftNull) // null sorts higher than non-null
return 1;
return -1;
T* vp1 = vp + left;
T* vp2 = vp + right;
if (*vp1 == *vp2)
return 0;
else if (*vp1 > *vp2)
return 1;
return -1;
void print (ofstream& fout, Int32 index)
T* vp1 = vp + index;
if (nullInd && nullInd->testBit(index))
fout << "NULL";
fout << *vp1;
T* vp;
// fixed charater type iterator
class MCFixedCharIterator : public MCIterator
MCFixedCharIterator(char* ptr, Int32 newLength)
: vp(ptr)
virtual ~MCFixedCharIterator()
void copyToISFixChar(ISFixedChar& fixChar, Int32 index)
fixChar.setContent(vp + (index*length));
Int32 compare (Int32 leftIndex, Int32 rhIndex)
if (nullInd)
NABoolean leftNull = (nullInd->testBit(leftIndex));
NABoolean rightNull = (nullInd->testBit(rhIndex));
if (leftNull || rightNull)
if (leftNull && rightNull)
return 0;
else if (leftNull) // null sorts higher than non-null
return 1;
return -1;
char* vp1 = vp + (leftIndex*length);
char* vp2 = vp + (rhIndex*length);
// Note that case insensitive is not supported with non-binary collation.
if (CollationInfo::isSystemCollation(colCollation))
return Collated_cmp(vp1, vp2, length, colCollation, sortBuffer1, sortBuffer2);
// UCS2 cols not supported in MODE_SPECIAL_1 or 2 and do not support case insensitivity.
if (!caseInsensitive)
if (charset != CharInfo::UNICODE)
return memcmp(vp1, vp2, length);
return na_wcsnncmp((const wchar_t *)vp1, length/sizeof(NAWchar),
(const wchar_t *)vp2, length/sizeof(NAWchar));
return hs_strncasecmp(vp1, vp2, length);
void print (ofstream& fout, Int32 index)
char* vp2 = vp + (index*length);
if (nullInd && nullInd->testBit(index))
fout << "NULL";
char *temp = new char[length+1];
strncpy (temp, vp2, length);
temp[length] = '\0';
fout << temp;
delete temp;
// These must be set before each char column is processed.
NABoolean caseInsensitive;
CharInfo::Collation colCollation;
CharInfo::CharSet charset;
char* vp;
Int32 length;
// variable charater type iterator
class MCVarCharIterator : public MCIterator
MCVarCharIterator(char* ptr)
: vp(ptr)
MCVarCharIterator(MCVarCharIterator& rh)
vp = rh.vp;
rowLength = rh.rowLength;
void copyToISVarChar (ISVarChar& varChar, Int32 index)
varChar.setContent(vp + (index*rowLength));
virtual ~MCVarCharIterator()
Int32 compare (Int32 leftIndex, Int32 rhIndex)
if (nullInd)
NABoolean leftNull = (nullInd->testBit(leftIndex));
NABoolean rightNull = (nullInd->testBit(rhIndex));
if (leftNull || rightNull)
if (leftNull && rightNull)
return 0;
else if (leftNull) // null sorts higher than non-null
return 1;
return -1;
char* vp1 = vp + (leftIndex*rowLength);
char* vp2 = vp + (rhIndex*rowLength);
short len1 = *(short *) vp1;
short len2 = *(short *) vp2;
// Note that case insensitive is not supported with non-binary collation.
if (CollationInfo::isSystemCollation(colCollation))
return Collated_cmp(vp1+VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES,
MAXOF(len1, len2),
colCollation, sortBuffer1, sortBuffer2);
// UCS2 cols not supported in MODE_SPECIAL_1 or 2 and do not support case insensitivity.
if (!caseInsensitive)
if (charset != CharInfo::UNICODE)
return memcmp(vp1+VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES,
MAXOF(len1, len2));
return na_wcsnncmp((const wchar_t*)(vp1+VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES), len1/sizeof(NAWchar),
(const wchar_t*)(vp2+VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES), len2/sizeof(NAWchar));
return hs_strncasecmp(vp1+VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES,
MAXOF(len1, len2));
void print (ofstream& fout, Int32 index)
char* vp2 = vp + (index*rowLength);
if (nullInd && nullInd->testBit(index))
fout << "NULL";
short strLen = *(short *) vp2;
char *temp = new char[strLen+1];
strncpy (temp, vp2+sizeof(short), strLen);
temp[strLen] = '\0';
fout << temp;
delete temp;
Int32 rowLength;
// These must be set before each char column is processed.
NABoolean caseInsensitive;
CharInfo::Collation colCollation;
CharInfo::CharSet charset;
char* vp;
// MCWrapper class is used to encapsulte MC rows
// Each MCWrapper object represents a row of the MC. The MCWrapper class has static iterators to encapsulte columns.
// These iterators are used by the internal sort to compare rows.
// Example: let's assume our data consists of 3 rows with each row has 2 columns. Column 1 of type Int32 and Column 2
// of type Int64. Column 2 is a nullable column. Column1 and Column 2 iterators point to where the actual data
// is.
// MCWrapper objects Iterator objects
// row1: index=0, cols ----| |- col1: MCNonCharIterator<Int32> --> Int32* vp --> 1,12,3
// row2: index=1, cols ----| ------------------------|- col2: MCNonCharIterator<Int64> --> Int64* vp --> 10,4,NULL
// row3: index=2, cols ----|
class MCWrapper
: index_ (0)
void setIndex (Int32 newIndex)
index_ = newIndex;
// Have to define new[] and delete[] here if we want to use NAHeap, because
// NABasicObject does not define array versions of those operators. Even if
// it did, we wouldn't subclass it because it would make the objects bigger
// (NABasicObject has a heap ptr member variable).
MCWrapper(const MCWrapper &other)
index_ = other.index_;
// Have to define new[] and delete[] here if we want to use NAHeap, because
// NABasicObject does not define array versions of those operators. Even if
// it did, we wouldn't subclass it because it would make the objects bigger
// (NABasicObject has a heap ptr member variable).
void* operator new[](size_t size)
return STMTHEAP->allocateMemory(size, FALSE);
void operator delete[](void *addr)
// Note that we forego the usual convention of having operator= return a
// reference to the assigned-to object. This is just to make this operation
// as efficient as possible, since it will be performed many times.
void operator=(const MCWrapper& rh)
index_ = rh.index_;
Int32 operator==(const MCWrapper& rh)
Int32 i = 0;
//if (index_ == rh.index_)
//return (TRUE);
while ((i < numOfCols_) && (cols_[i]->compare(index_, rh.index_) == 0))
return (i == numOfCols_);
Int32 operator!=(const MCWrapper& rh)
return !(*this == rh);
Int32 operator<(const MCWrapper& rh)
Int32 i = 0;
Int32 result = 0;
while ((i < numOfCols_) && ((result = (cols_[i]->compare(index_, rh.index_))) == 0))
return (result < 0);
// are all MC columns nullable?
static NABoolean areAllMCColsNullable()
Int32 i = 0;
NABoolean allNullable = TRUE;
while ((i < numOfCols_) && allNullable)
if (!cols_[i++]->nullInd)
allNullable = FALSE;
return allNullable;
// are all MC columns' values null?
static NABoolean areAllMCColsNull(Int32 rowIndex)
Int32 i = 0;
NABoolean allNulls = TRUE;
// first check is defensive since we should not be
// calling this method if any of the columns is
// not nullable
while ((i < numOfCols_) && allNulls)
if (!cols_[i]->nullInd || !(cols_[i]->nullInd->testBit(rowIndex)))
allNulls = FALSE;
return allNulls;
// for debugging - print all the values of a given column
void print_column (const char* f_name, NABoolean printHeader, NABoolean printFooter, Int32 col)
if (!f_name)
ofstream fileout(f_name, ios::app);
if (printHeader)
fileout << "================ Printing new MC Data Set ================\n";
allCols_[col]->print(fileout, index_);
fileout << "\n";
if (printFooter)
fileout << "================ Done Printing MC Data Set ================\n\n";
// for debugging - print all the values of all columns
void print (const char* f_name, NABoolean printHeader, NABoolean printFooter)
if (!f_name)
ofstream fileout(f_name, ios::app);
if (printHeader)
fileout << "================ Printing new MC Data Set ================\n";
Int32 i = 0;
while (i < numOfCols_)
cols_[i++]->print(fileout, index_);
fileout << " ";
fileout << "\n";
if (printFooter)
fileout << "================ Done Printing MC Data Set ================\n\n";
static Lng32 setupMCColumnIterator (HSColGroupStruct *group, MCIterator** iter, MCIterator** iter2,
Int32 &currentLoc, Int32 &notNullLoc, Int32 numRows);
static void setupMCIterators(HSColGroupStruct *mgroup, Int32 numRows);
// free up all memory allocated by the iterators (columns)
void freeColsMem()
Int32 numAllCols = numOfAllCols_-1;
while (numAllCols >= 0)
cols_ = NULL;
allCols_ = NULL;
// all MC columns that have data (columns that are all nulls are excluded)
static THREAD_P MCIterator** cols_;
// all MC columns
static THREAD_P MCIterator** allCols_;
static THREAD_P Int32 numOfCols_;
static THREAD_P Int32 numOfAllCols_;
// number of null rows for this MC
static THREAD_P Int32 nullCount_;
// index of this MC row
Int32 index_;
// These operators must be defined to allow this type to be used with
// existing templates.
operator Int64() { fail("Int64()", __LINE__); return 0; };
operator Int32() { fail("int()", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator/(Int32 i) { fail("/", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator%(Int32 i) { fail("%", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator>=(Int32 i) { fail(">=", __LINE__); return 0; };
Int32 operator<(Int32 i) { fail("<", __LINE__); return 0; };
MCWrapper& operator-() { fail("-", __LINE__); return *this; };
// Give internal error if undefined operator invoked.
void fail(const char* opName, Lng32 line);
//---------------------------------- END of MC IS classes --------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Linked to HSColGroupStruct.
// The HSColGroupStruct now has a "NASet" of HSColumnStruct rather than a linked list
// to avoid duplicate permutations of the same set of columns.
// This implies that the operator == needs to be defined to allow the set insertion
// to work correctly.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct HSColumnStruct : public NABasicObject
NAString *colname; /* column name */
NAString *externalColumnName; /* column name to use in SQL (e.g. with delimiters) */
Lng32 colnum; /* column position in table */
Lng32 position; /* position in grouplist */
Lng32 datatype;
Lng32 caseInsensitive;/* 1 if char col is not case sensitive, else 0 */
Lng32 nullflag; /* 1 if col value can be null, else 0 */
CharInfo::CharSet charset;
CharInfo::Collation colCollation; /* column's collation enum value */
Lng32 length;
Lng32 precision;
Lng32 scale;
HSColumnStruct(const HSColumnStruct &src, NAMemory *h=STMTHEAP);
: colname(new(STMTHEAP) NAString(STMTHEAP)),
externalColumnName(new(STMTHEAP) NAString(STMTHEAP)),
colnum(-1), position(0), datatype(-1), nullflag(-1),
length(-1), precision(-1), scale(-1),
HSColumnStruct& operator=(const HSColumnStruct& rhs);
NABoolean operator==(const HSColumnStruct&) const;
void addTruncatedColumnReference(NAString & qry);
typedef NASet<HSColumnStruct> HSColSet; /* set of column structs */
// This enumerates the various states a single-column group can be in with
// respect to internal sort.
// NOTE: Any changes or additions to this enum must be mirrored in the
// SortStateName array defined in hs_globals.cpp.
enum SortState
UNPROCESSED, // Hasn't been selected yet
PENDING, // Selected for batch currently being processed
OVERRAN, // Selected for batch currently being processed but
// there isn't enough memory (happens only with
// varchar compaction where we underestimated average
// varchar size)
PROCESSED, // Already processed
DONT_TRY, // Memory allocation failed, don't try this one again
SKIP, // SKIP for the time being
NO_STATS // no stats found during IUS processing
// Used by MC in-memory logic. Every MC has a weight to group MCs
// in group sets that can be processed together
class MCWeight
MCWeight () : u(0), v(0), w(0) {};
Int32 operator== (const MCWeight &rhs)
return ((u == rhs.u) && (v == rhs.v) && (w == rhs.w));
Int32 operator< (const MCWeight &rhs)
return ((u < rhs.u) ||
(u==rhs.u) && (v > rhs.v) ||
(u==rhs.u) && (v == rhs.v) && (w < rhs.w));
Int32 operator<= (const MCWeight &rhs)
return ((*this < rhs) || (*this == rhs));
void clear ()
u = v = w = 0;
NABoolean isNull()
return ((u == 0) && (v == 0) && (w == 0));
// number of other MCs this MC has common columns with
Int32 u;
// number of distinct columns that are used by this MC
// but not by other MCs this MC has common columns with
Int32 v;
// number of columns that are only used by this MC
Int32 w;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Linked to HSGlobalsClass.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct HSColGroupStruct : public NABasicObject
HSColSet colSet; /* set of column structs */
Lng32 colCount; /* #columns in group */
NAString *clistr; /* general query statement */
ULng32 oldHistid; /* old histogram_id */
ULng32 newHistid; /* new histogram_id */
NAString oldHistidList; /* a list of old hist ids, in case of duplicates */
NAString *colNames; /* list of columns in group*/
HSHistogram *groupHist; /* histogram for group */
HSColGroupStruct *next;
HSColGroupStruct *prev; /* reverse list for SHOWSTATS */
HSColGroupStruct *mcis_next; /* For MC IS to point to next neighbor*/
char readTime[TIMESTAMP_CHAR_LEN+1]; /* read time; carry over to new hist */
double coeffOfVar; /* coefficient of variation (skew of this hist) */
double oldAvgVarCharSize; /* average varchar size from previous histograms */
Int64 rowsRead; /* number of rows read for IS so far */
Int64 sumSize; /* sum of varchar size for IS so far */
double avgVarCharSize; /* average varchar size, -1 for other types */
char reason; /* automation reason */
char newReason; /* automation reason for updated hist */
NABoolean skewedValuesCollected; /* Applies to only MC Groups */
// These member items are used for internal sort of single-column groups.
SortState state; /* Internal sort status */
NABoolean delayedRead;
size_t memNeeded; /* memory required, in bytes */
size_t strMemAllocated; /* memory allocated, in bytes, for char data;
if compacted, this is just the area used
for compacted data */
void *data; /* Storage for column values */
void *nextData; /* Ptr to next place to store a value */
void *strData; /* Storage for char cols; data/nextdata */
void *strNextData; /* will be ptrs to this */
NABoolean strDataConsecutive; /* True if strData is as originally read */
void *varcharFetchBuffer; /* Direct fetch addr for varchar values that will be compacted */
short *nullIndics; /* Storage for null indicators */
Int64 nullCount; /* Number of null values */
NABoolean eligibleForVarCharCompaction; /* true if OK to use compaction on internal sort */
Lng32 ISdatatype; /* converted type for sorting */
Lng32 ISlength; /* len of converted type */
Lng32 ISvcLenUsed; /* varchar only; if compacted, is avg length which is usually < ISlength */
Lng32 ISprecision; /* prec of converted type */
Lng32 ISscale; /* scale of converted type */
NAString ISSelectExpn; /* select list expn to retrieve col */
Int64 prevRowCount; /* rowcount from existing histogram */
Int64 prevUEC; /* uec from existing histogram */
Int64 colSecs; /* Time to sort/group data for column */
CountingBloomFilter* cbf; /* A bloom filter for IUS */
NAString& cbfFileNameSuffix() { return *colSet[0].colname; }
void* boundaryValues; /* List of bounary values for IUS */
void* MFVValues; /* List of MFV values for IUS */
AbstractFastStatsHist* fastStatsHist;
// These member items are used for internal sort of multi-column groups.
NABitVector* mcis_nullIndBitMap; /* used by MC */
NABitVector* mcis_colsUsedMap; /* used by MC: which single cols used by this MC */
NABitVector* mcis_colsMissingMap; /* used by MC: which single cols not used by this MC but */
size_t mcis_totalMCmemNeeded; /* memory required, in bytes for MC structures overhead*/
void *mcis_data; /* copy of Storage for column values used by MC*/
void *mcis_nextData; /* copy Ptr to next place to store a value used by MC*/
Int32 mcis_rowsRead; /* used for MC: total number of rows read for IS */
Int32 mcs_usingme; /* used for MC: number of MCs using this single column */
MCWeight mcis_groupWeight; /* used by MC: weight of the MC */
NABoolean mcis_groupHead; /* used by MC: is this a group head */
NABoolean mcis_memFreed; /* used by MC: is memory used by IS for this SC freed */
NABoolean mcis_readAsIs; /* used for MC IS where a column is read to memory again */
/* are used by its neighbors. Used to compute group weight */
NABoolean allKeysInsertedIntoCBF;
Int32 backwardWarningCount; // for UERR_UNEXPECTED_BACKWARDS_DATA warnings
// Stuff used to test memory allocation failures.
static Int32 allocCount;
Lng32 filterTargets[MAX_FILTER_COUNT];
void initFilter();
NABoolean allocFilter(Lng32 count);
// @ZX Should we allow this to be called for non-varchar?
NABoolean isCompacted()
if (!DFS2REC::isAnyVarChar(ISdatatype))
return FALSE;
// TODO: next line causes a compilation error... why?
//HS_ASSERT(ISvcLenUsed > 0 && ISvcLenUsed <= ISlength);
return ISlength != ISvcLenUsed;
void setISlength(Lng32 len, Lng32 maxVarCharLengthInBytes);
// Size in bytes allocated for per varchar value in strData.
size_t varcharContentSize()
return varcharContentSize(ISvcLenUsed);
// For a compacted varchar, size in bytes of a single value in fetch buffer
// (prior to compaction).
size_t inflatedVarcharContentSize()
return varcharContentSize(ISlength);
// Calculate size to allocate for strData.
size_t strDataMemNeeded(Int64 rows);
// Calculate tha average actual varchar size for the stats
// collected on the current run.
NABoolean computeAvgVarCharSize() const
if ( (colCount == 1) AND
(DFS2REC::isAnyVarChar(colSet[0].datatype)) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void print(); /* DEBUG: print all groups */
NABoolean allocateISMemory(Int64 rows, NABoolean allocStrData = TRUE,
NABoolean recalcMemNeeded = FALSE);
void freeISMemory(NABoolean freeStrData = TRUE, NABoolean freeMCData=TRUE);
NAString generateTextForColumnCast();
// Returned value is the number of bytes needed to represent a single varchar
// value of the given length. The len parameter could be the declared length
// of a varchar column, or if varchars are being compacted, the estimated
// average actual length, or the actual length of a specific compacted varchar.
// To this we add the size of the length field, and a byte if necessary for the
// proper alignment of the Int16 length field.
static inline size_t varcharContentSize(Lng32 len)
return len // declared or avg estimated varchar len
+ (len % 2) // possible alignment byte
+ VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES; // size of len field
// This is the primary template for value iterators that assume the values of
// an in-memory column in sequence. This is used for all columns that are
// represented in memory by non-character types. Specializations are defined
// further down for fixed and varying character strings.
template <class T>
class IUSValueIterator
IUSValueIterator(T* ptr)
: vp(ptr)
virtual ~IUSValueIterator()
void init(HSColGroupStruct* group);
void next()
T* dataRepPtr() const
return vp;
T& val() const
return *vp;
size_t size() const
return sizeof(T);
T* vp;
// Specialization of iterator template for char types.
template <>
class IUSValueIterator <IUSFixedChar>
IUSValueIterator(IUSFixedChar* ptr)
: vp(ptr)
virtual ~IUSValueIterator()
void init(HSColGroupStruct* group)
void next()
char* dataRepPtr() const
return vp->getContent();
IUSFixedChar& val() const
return *vp;
size_t size() const
return vp->getLength();
IUSFixedChar* vp;
// Specialization of iterator template for varchar types.
template <>
class IUSValueIterator <IUSVarChar>
IUSValueIterator(IUSVarChar* ptr)
: vp(ptr)
virtual ~IUSValueIterator()
void init(HSColGroupStruct* group)
void next()
char* dataRepPtr() const
// Point past length field to actual string part.
return vp->getContent() + VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES;
IUSVarChar& val() const
return *vp;
size_t size() const
// Actual length of this varchar value.
return vp->getLength();
IUSVarChar* vp;
// Thrown in allocateISMemory to exit from the series of allocations if one fails.
class ISMemAllocException
ISMemAllocException() {}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: HSGlobalsClass
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class HSGlobalsClass : public NABasicObject
// Following function requires access to groupListFromTable().
friend Lng32 AddExistingColumns();
// parser errors
// Set CQDs controlling min/max HBase cache size to minimize risk of
// scanner timeout.
NABoolean setHBaseCacheSize(double sampleRatio);
NABoolean setHiveMaxStringLengthInBytes(void);
// Reset any CQDs set above
void resetCQDs(void);
// Static fns for determining minimum table sizes for sampling, and for
// using lowest sampling rate, under default sampling protocol.
static Int64 getMinRowCountForSample();
static Int64 getMinRowCountForLowSample();
// Used by IUS for in-memory tables, and by internal Sort.
static void getMemoryRequirements(HSColGroupStruct* group, Int64 rows);
static void getMemoryRequirementsForOneGroup(HSColGroupStruct* group, Int64 rows);
// used by internal sort for MC to compute MC memory requirements
void getMCMemoryRequirements(HSColGroupStruct* group, Int64 rows);
void getMemoryRequirementsForOneMCGroup(HSColGroupStruct* group, Int64 rows);
static Int32 allocateMemoryForColumns(HSColGroupStruct* group, Int64 rows, HSColGroupStruct* mgr = NULL /* used for MC IS */);
static Int32 allocateMemoryForIUSColumns(HSColGroupStruct* group, Int64 rows,
HSColGroupStruct* delGroup, Int64 delRows,
HSColGroupStruct* insGroup, Int64 insRows);
// For internal sort or IUS, remove and count nulls for each column from the
// rowset just read.
static Lng32 processInternalSortNulls(Lng32 rowsRead, HSColGroupStruct* firstGroup);
// Default name of Hive catalog, from cqd HIVE_CATALOG.
static THREAD_P NAString* defaultHiveCatName;
// See if catName is the name of a Hive catalog.
static NABoolean isHiveCat(const NAString& catName)
return (((defaultHiveCatName != NULL) && (catName == (*defaultHiveCatName))) ||
// Default name of Hbase catalog, from cqd SEABASE_CATALOG.
static THREAD_P NAString* defaultHbaseCatName;
// See if catName is the name of an HBase catalog.
static NABoolean isHbaseCat(const NAString& catName)
return ((catName == TRAFODION_SYSCAT_LIT) || isNativeHbaseCat(catName));
static NABoolean isNativeHbaseCat(const NAString& catName)
return (((defaultHbaseCatName != NULL) && (catName == (*defaultHbaseCatName))) ||
static NABoolean isNativeCat(const NAString& catName)
return (isNativeHbaseCat(catName) || isHiveCat(catName));
static NABoolean isTrafodionCatalog(const NAString& catName)
return (catName == TRAFODION_SYSCAT_LIT);
static NABoolean isHBaseUMDHistogram(const NAString& tableName)
{ return (tableName == HBASE_HIST_NAME ||
tableName == HBASE_HISTINT_NAME); }
static void resetJitLogThresholdHash () { jitLogThresholdHash = NULL; }
HSGlobalsClass(ComDiagsArea &diags);
// Intialize stats schema on demand
Lng32 InitializeStatsSchema();
//Process USTAT options
Lng32 Initialize();
//Checks privileges
NABoolean isAuthorized(NABoolean isShowStats);
//Based on USTAT options used, it may not be necessary
// to collect statistics. This method will tell you if
// they are needed or not.
inline NABoolean StatsNeeded() const {return statsNeeded_;}
//Determines histograms for Single-Column groups
Lng32 CollectStatistics();
//Determines histograms for Single-Column groups using Hive backing sample
// and fast-stats algorithm with CBFs.
Lng32 CollectStatisticsWithFastStats();
// Select the next set of columns to process with faststats.
CollIndex selectFastStatsBatch(HSColGroupStruct** colGroups);
// Process columns marked PENDING with faststats.
Lng32 processFastStatsBatch(CollIndex numCols, HSColGroupStruct** colGroups);
//Update histogram tables with newly generated statistics
Lng32 FlushStatistics(NABoolean &statsWritten);
//Drive the gathering and printing of generated statistics
Lng32 GetStatistics(NAString& outStr, Space& space);
//Reverse the column list to fix the order
HSColGroupStruct* ReverseList(HSColGroupStruct* list);
// Make adjustments to the interval count before creating histograms
Lng32 getAdjustedIntervalCount(HSColGroupStruct *group,
Lng32 intCount,
Int64 rowCount,
Lng32 rowsetSize,
NABoolean &singleIntervalPerUec,
Lng32 &gapIntCount,
Lng32 &highFreqIntCount);
//Add specified group to the singleGroup or multiGroup list as appropriate.
void addGroup(HSColGroupStruct *group);
// Remove a single group.
void removeGroup(HSColGroupStruct* groupToRemove);
// Remove the most recently added groups.
NABoolean removeGroups(Lng32 numGroupsToRemove,
HSColGroupStruct* oldSingle,
HSColGroupStruct* oldMulti);
//Locate single-column group that mathes colnum
HSColGroupStruct* findGroup(const Lng32 colnum);
HSColGroupStruct* findGroupAndPos(const Lng32 colnum, Int32 &pos);
//Locate group that matches given group
HSColGroupStruct* findGroup(const HSColGroupStruct *tableGroup);
// check if all MCs have been computed and processed
NABoolean allMCGroupsProcessed(NABoolean forIS=FALSE);
//Return TRUE if 'entry' is a duplicate entry in 'list'.
NABoolean findDuplicate(const HSColGroupStruct *entry,
HSColGroupStruct *list);
//Delete histograms in list from HISTOGRAMS and HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS tables.
Lng32 removeHists(NAString &hists, char *uid, const char *operation);
//Log the current contents of this class.
void log(HSLogMan* LM);
// Takes action necessary before throwing exception for an assertion failure.
void preAssertionFailure(const char* condition, const char* fileName, Lng32 lineNum);
// Derive a return code from the contents of the diagnostics area.
Lng32 getRetcodeFromDiags();
NABoolean canDoIUS()
{ return okToPerformIUS() && wherePredicateSpecifiedForIUS(); };
NABoolean okToPerformIUS();
NABoolean useIUSForHistograms();
NABoolean wherePredicateSpecifiedForIUS();
NAString& getWherePredicateForIUS();
Lng32 validateIUSWhereClause();
NABoolean getPersistentSampleTableForIUS(NAString& tableName,
Int64 &requestedRows,
Int64 &sampleRows,
double &sampleRate,
NABoolean forceToFetch = TRUE);
Lng32 updatePersistentSampleTableForIUS(NAString& sampleTableName, double sampleRate,
NAString& targetTableName);
void generateIUSDeleteQuery(const NAString& smplTable, NAString& queryText, NABoolean transactional);
void generateIUSSelectInsertQuery(const NAString& smplTable,
const NAString& sourceTable,
NAString& queryText);
void getCBFFilePrefix(NAString& sampleTableName, NAString& filePrefix);
void detectPersistentCBFsForIUS(NAString& sampleTableName, HSColGroupStruct *group);
Lng32 UpdateIUSPersistentSampleTable(Int64 oldSampleSize, Int64 requestedSampleSize, Int64& newSampleSize);
Lng32 readCBFsIntoMemForIUS(NAString& sampleTableName, HSColGroupStruct* group);
Lng32 writeCBFstoDiskForIUS(NAString& sampleTableName, HSColGroupStruct* group);
Lng32 deletePersistentCBFsForIUS(NAString& sampleTableName, HSColGroupStruct* group, SortState stateToDelete);
void logDiagArea(const char* title);
Lng32 begin_IUS_work();
Lng32 end_IUS_work();
// Populate the hash table used to determine when a ustat statement has run
// too long and needs to have logging enabled.
static void initJITLogData();
// Get the JIT logging time threshold currently in effect.
double getJitLogThreshold() const
return jitLogThreshold;
// Look up the source table being operated on and find its max elapsed time
// before logging should be activated.
void setJitLogThreshold()
double* thresholdPtr = jitLogThresholdHash->getFirstValue(user_table);
jitLogThreshold = (thresholdPtr ? *thresholdPtr : 0);
// Get the overall start time for the current ustat statement (in seconds
// since epoch).
Int64 getStmtStartTime() const
return stmtStartTime;
// Set the overall start time for the current ustat statement (in seconds
// since epoch). At certain points this will be compared to the current
// time to see how long the statement has been executing.
void setStmtStartTime(Int64 time)
stmtStartTime = time;
// Compare the elapsed time so far for the ustat statement, and activate
// logging if it exceeds the threshold currently in effect. If no threshold
// has been established for the source table, stmtStartTime will be 0 and
// logging will not be activated regardless of how long we've been running.
void checkTime(const char* checkPointName)
if (!jitLogOn &&
stmtStartTime > 0 &&
hs_getEpochTime() - stmtStartTime > jitLogThreshold)
startJitLogging(checkPointName, hs_getEpochTime() - stmtStartTime);
// Dynamically turn on logging in response to a statement that has been running
// far longer than expected.
void startJitLogging(const char* checkPointName, Int64 elapsedSeconds);
static void setPerformISForMC(NABoolean x) { performISForMC_ = x; }
static NABoolean performISForMC() { return performISForMC_; }
HSTableDef *objDef; /* object definition */
NAString *catSch; /* catalog+schema name */
NAString *user_table; /* object name */
NABoolean isHbaseTable; /* ustat on HBase table */
NABoolean isHiveTable; /* ustat on Hive table */
NABoolean hasOversizedColumns; /* set to TRUE for tables */
/* having gigantic columns */
ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace; /* object namespace ++MV*/
Int64 numPartitions; /* # of partns in object */
NAString *hstogram_table; /* HISTOGRM table */
NAString *hsintval_table; /* HISTINTS table */
NAString *hsperssamp_table; /* PERSISTENT_SAMPLES table */
NAString *hssample_table; /* SAMPLING table */
NABoolean externalSampleTable; /* ownership of sample tab */
hs_table_type tableType; /* GUARDIAN | ANSI format */
ComDiskFileFormat tableFormat; /* SQL/MP | SQL/MX table */
NAString *statstime; /* time of execution */
ULng32 statsTimeInt; /* time of execution */
Int64 actualRowCount; /* actual #rows */
Int64 sampleRowCount; /* sampled #rows */
Int64 rowChangeCount; /* rows IUD since last reset */
HSColGroupStruct *dupGroup; /* list of duplicate hists */
Int64 minRowCtPerPartition_; /* minimal rows per partition */
Lng32 optFlags; /* syntax option flags */
Lng32 intCount; /* #intervals */
Int64 sampleValue1; /* sample option: value1 */
Int64 sampleValue2; /* sample option: value2 */
double sampleTblPercent; /* the sample % to use */
NABoolean sampleOptionUsed; /* SAMPLE specified */
NAString *sampleOption; /* SAMPLE option used */
NABoolean sampleTableUsed; /* sample table created */
NABoolean samplingUsed; /* sample (w/wo sample tbl)*/
NABoolean unpartitionedSample; /* sample tbl not partitned*/
NABoolean isUpdatestatsStmt; /* is update stats command */
Lng32 groupCount; /* total #column groups */
Lng32 singleGroupCount; /* #single-column groups */
HSColGroupStruct *singleGroup; /* single-column group list*/
HSColGroupStruct *multiGroup; /* multi-column group list */
Lng32 parserError; /* SYNTAX | SEMANTIC */
Lng32 errorCount; /* total #errors found */
NAString errorFile; /* file in error */
Lng32 errorLine; /* file location of error */
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea; /* diagnostic area */
static THREAD_P COM_VERSION schemaVersion; /* metadata version */
static THREAD_P Lng32 autoInterval; /* automation interval. If 0, it is disabled. */
Int64 sampleSeconds; /* time to create sample table. 0 if no sampling */
Int64 columnSeconds; /* average time to read a column into memory */
/* for internal sort */
short samplePercentX100; /* sampling percent to create sample table * 100 */
NABoolean allMissingStats; /* TRUE if all hists to create are missing stats. */
NABoolean requestedByCompiler; /* TRUE if ustats called by compiler. */
double sampleRateAsPercetageForIUS; /* sample rate in percentage
for one instance of persistent
sample table */
NABoolean sample_I_generated;
Lng32 maxCharColumnLengthInBytes; /* the value of USTAT_MAX_CHAR_COL_LENGTH_IN_BYTES */
// Error recovery flags so we can reset CQDs that we set
// during CollectStatistics() (We do this because the
// HSHandleError macro commonly used makes it hard to
// do the resets reliably in CollectStatistics itself. Sigh.)
NABoolean hbaseCacheSizeCQDsSet_;
NABoolean hiveMaxStringLengthCQDSet_;
//++ MV
// special parser flags (see contr. and destr.)
ULng32 savedParserFlags;
//Generated unique histogram IDs for all groups
Lng32 MakeAllHistid();
//Builds group list from HISTOGRAMS table
Lng32 groupListFromTable(HSColGroupStruct*& groupList,
NABoolean skipEmpty=FALSE,
NABoolean exclusive=FALSE); // do we need exclusive locks on the accessed rows
//Computes Multi-Column statistics, based on Single-Column statistics
Lng32 ComputeMCStatistics(NABoolean usingIS=FALSE /* try using IS to compute MCs */);
//Calculate final ROWCOUNT and UEC due to sampling
Lng32 FixSamplingCounts(HSColGroupStruct *group);
//Clear all histograms based on object_uid
Lng32 ClearAllHistograms();
//Clear selected histograms based on object_uid and hist_id
Lng32 ClearSelectHistograms();
//Delete all orphan histograms for SQL/MP tables.
Lng32 DeleteOrphanHistograms();
//Insert new statistics + Delete old statistics
Lng32 WriteStatistics();
//Gather and create output string for generated histograms
Lng32 DisplayHistograms(NAString& displayData, Space& space,const ULng32 oldHistId, const char* colnames);
//Internal sort functions.
// When performing internal sort, determines the amount of memory required
// for each column that will be read into memory.
Int64 getInternalSortMemoryRequirements(NABoolean performISForMC);
// Get maximum amount of memory to use for internal sort.
Int64 getMaxMemory();
// re-order multi-column and single-column groups to maximize the number
// of multi-column group stats that can be done in memory
NABoolean orderMCGroupsNeeded();
void orderMCGroups (HSColGroupStruct* s_group_back[]);
// helper functions for orderMCGroups
void computeMCGroupsWeight();
void computeSingleUsedCols();
void reorderMCGroupsByWeight();
void formGroupSets();
void reorderSingleGroupsByWeight (HSColGroupStruct* s_group_back[], Int32 colsOrder[], Int32 &headGroupCols);
void freeMCISmemory(HSColGroupStruct* s_group_back[], Int32 colsOrder[], Int32 &headGroupCols);
void reArrangeMCGroups();
// Select a set of columns that will fit in available memory so they can
// be sorted internally.
Int32 selectSortBatch(Int64 rows, NABoolean ISonlyWhenBetter,
NABoolean trySampleInMemory);
// Select a set of columns that can be IUS updated in memory in one batch.
// 'curentRows' is the number of rows currently in the sample table,
// 'futureRows' is the number of rows to be populated in sample table
// after IUS, 'ranOut' set to TRUE when no enough memory to perform
// any IUS, and 'colsSelected' indicates # of columns selected for
// IUS in this batch.
Lng32 selectIUSBatch(Int64 currentRows, Int64 futureRows,NABoolean& ranOut, Int32& colsSelected);
// Determine if all groups (both single and MC) can fit in memory for internal sort.
// No space is actually allocated and no state is set for each group.
NABoolean allGroupsFitInMemory(Int64 rows);
// Determine the next batch of columns to be processed with internal sort
// by calling selectSortBatch() and ensuring that adequate memory can be
// allocated for those columns.
Int32 getColsToProcess(Int64 rows,
NABoolean internalSortWhenBetter,
NABoolean trySampleTableBypass = FALSE);
// If we decide to create and load a sample table, deallocate column memory
// and reset PENDING group states back to UNPROCESSED before creating and
// loading the sample table. We'll call getColsToProcess to reallocate it
// again afterwards.
void deallocatePendingMemory(void);
// After an allocation failure, this is called to reduce the amount of
// memory we estimate is available.
static void memReduceAllowance();
// When a memory allocation fails, return any memory already allocated for
// the group for internal sort, and set any PENDING columns back to
// UNPROCESSED state. This function cannot fail.
static void memRecover(HSColGroupStruct* group, NABoolean firstFailed, Int64 rows,
HSColGroupStruct* mgroup);
// Allocate memory for the columns selected for an internal sort batch.
//Int32 allocateMemoryForColumns(Int64 rows);
Int32 allocateMemoryForInternalSortColumns(Int64 rows);
Lng32 prepareToReadColumnsIntoMem(HSCursor *cursor, Int64 rows);
// Reads all values for selected columns into memory, where they can be
// sorted and then grouped into intervals.
Lng32 readColumnsIntoMem(HSCursor *cursor, Int64 maxRows);
// Iterates through group list for single columns, and calls sorting
// routine for each column marked as PENDING.
Lng32 sortByColInMem();
// Creates histograms for columns once they are sorted.
Lng32 createStats(Int64 rowsAllocated);
// Creates histograms for the columns specified in group.
Lng32 createStatsForColumn(HSColGroupStruct* group, Int64 rowsAllocated);
// Collect statistics by incrementally updating persistent sample table and
// possibly histograms as well.
Lng32 doIUS(NABoolean& done);
// Collect stats by incrementally updating histograms where possible. Persistent
// sample is also incrementally updated.
Lng32 doFullIUS(Int64 currentSampleSize, Int64 futureSampleSize, NABoolean& done);
// Causes persistent sample table to be incrementally updated, and other
// preparatory tasks so RUS can be performed using persistent sample.
Lng32 prepareToUsePersistentSample (Int64 currentSampleSize, Int64 futureSampleSize);
// Incrementally update histograms for a selected batch of columns
Lng32 CollectStatisticsForIUS(Int64 currentSampleSize, Int64 futureSampleSize);
// Prepare for IUS. This method implements the 1st algorithm which
// does not requre persistent CBFs. It performs the following:
// 1. Check the existentce of the persistable table S
// 2. Update the sample table with S-D and S-D+I
// 3. Optionally trim the final sample table to the same size as before.
Lng32 computeSampleSizeForIUS(Int64& currentSampleSize, Int64& futureSampleSize);
void setMemoryRequirementForIUS(HSColGroupStruct *group, Int64 futureSampleSize);
Lng32 prepareForIUSAlgorithm1(Int64& rows /* # of rows in the sample table */);
// Generate the incremental sample (aka sample set I)
Lng32 generateSampleI(Int64 currentSampleSize, Int64 futureSampleSize);
Lng32 moreColsForIUS();
// Use In-memory tables to update histograms incrementally.
Lng32 incrementHistograms();
Lng32 initIUSIntervals(HSColGroupStruct* group,
HSColGroupStruct* delGroup,
HSColGroupStruct* insGroup,
UInt32 histID,
Int16 numIntervals);
Int32 processIUSColumn(HSColGroupStruct* smplGroup,
HSColGroupStruct* delGroup,
HSColGroupStruct* insGroup);
NABoolean statsNeeded_; /* statistics are needed */
UstatContextID contID_; /* context ID */
static THREAD_P float ISMemPercentage_; /* % of available physical memory to use for internal sort */
NABoolean currentRowCountIsEstimate_; /* Row count est flag */
//HSInMemoryTable* iusSampleInMem;
HSInMemoryTable* iusSampleDeletedInMem;
HSInMemoryTable* iusSampleInsertedInMem;
// used by IUS code for clean up purposes
NABoolean sampleIExists_;
// For IUS, once the persistent sample table has been successfully updated
// in accordance with the IUS predicate, these ptrs will point to the requested
// (expected) and actual number of rows in the sample table. end_IUS_work will
// pass these ptrs to the function that updates the sample table's row in
// SB_PERSISTENT_SAMPLES. If non-null, the values are used for the corresponding
// columns in that table.
Int64* PST_IUSrequestedSampleRows_;
Int64* PST_IUSactualSampleRows_;
template <class T>
Int32 processIUSColumn(T* ptr,
const NAWchar* format,
HSColGroupStruct* smplGroup,
HSColGroupStruct* delGroup,
HSColGroupStruct* insGroup);
// This function is used by convertBoundaryOrMFVValue() for types that can't
// be handled by a simple call to na_swscanf().
template <class T>
T convertToISdatatype(T*,
const HSDataBuffer& valToConvert,
HSColGroupStruct* group);
// Template for converting the value in an HSDataBuffer (used for interval
// boundary and MFV values) to any non-char type. The converted value goes
// in element 'index' of the array 'convertedValues'.
template <class T>
void convertBoundaryOrMFVValue(const HSDataBuffer& valToConvert,
HSColGroupStruct* group,
Int32 index,
T* convertedValues,
const NAWchar* format)
// Can just use na_swscanf() unless the column's in-memory type was mapped
// from its original type, or is a fixed numeric with nonzero scale.
Int32 actualDatatype = group->colSet[0].datatype;
if (group->ISdatatype != actualDatatype ||
(actualDatatype >= REC_MIN_BINARY && actualDatatype <= REC_MAX_BINARY
&& group->colSet[0].scale > 0))
convertedValues[index] = convertToISdatatype((T*)NULL, valToConvert, group);
na_swscanf((const NAWchar*), format, convertedValues+index);
// Template specialization for converting value in an HSDataBuffer to an
// instance of IUSFixedChar.
void convertBoundaryOrMFVValue(const HSDataBuffer& valToConvert,
HSColGroupStruct* group,
Int32 index,
IUSFixedChar* convertedValues,
const NAWchar* format)
convertedValues[index] = valToConvert;
// Template specialization for converting value in an HSDataBuffer to an
// instance of IUSVarChar.
void convertBoundaryOrMFVValue(const HSDataBuffer& valToConvert,
HSColGroupStruct* group,
Int32 index,
IUSVarChar* convertedValues,
const NAWchar* format)
convertedValues[index] = valToConvert;
double computeAvgCharLengthForIUS(HSColGroupStruct* group,
HSColGroupStruct* delGroup,
HSColGroupStruct* insGroup);
Int32 estimateAndTestIUSStats(HSColGroupStruct* smplGroup,
HSColGroupStruct* delGroup,
HSColGroupStruct* insGroup,
HSHistogram* hist,
CountingBloomFilter* cbf,
Lng32 numNonNullIntervals,
double scaleFactor,
Int32 nullCount,
Int64* intvlRC);
Lng32 mergeDatasetsForIUS();
Lng32 mergeDatasetsForIUS(
HSColGroupStruct* smplGroup, Int64 smplrows,
HSColGroupStruct* delGroup, Int64 delrows,
HSColGroupStruct* insGroup, Int64 insrows);
template <class T_IUS, class T_IS>
Int32 mergeDatasetsForIUS(T_IUS* ptr, T_IS* dummyPtr,
HSColGroupStruct* smplGroup, Int64 smplrows,
HSColGroupStruct* delGroup, Int64 delrows,
HSColGroupStruct* insGroup, Int64 insrows);
template <class T>
class HSHiLowValues
NABoolean seenAtLeastOneValue_; // initially FALSE
// the next two are valid only if seenAtLeastOneValue_ is TRUE
T hiValue_; // highest value seen so far
T lowValue_; // lowest value seen so far
HSHiLowValues() : seenAtLeastOneValue_(FALSE) { };
void findHiLowValues(T& val)
if (seenAtLeastOneValue_)
if (val < lowValue_)
lowValue_ = val;
else if (val > hiValue_)
hiValue_ = val;
seenAtLeastOneValue_ = TRUE;
lowValue_ = val;
hiValue_ = val;
template <class T>
Int16 findInterval(Int16 numInt, T* boundaries, T& val)
Int16 low = 1;
Int16 high = numInt;
Int16 current;
//@ZX need to check special case of single interval
while (high > low+1)
current = low + ((high - low) / 2);
if (val <= boundaries[current])
high = current;
low = current;
if (val <= boundaries[low])
return low;
return high;
Int32 logCBF(const char*, CountingBloomFilter* cbf);
// Hash table mapping table names to the elapsed time thresholds for
// activating just-in-time logging. This is used to capture log info for
// Ustat statements running long past their expected execution time.
// The hash table is a static member so we can set it up once and reuse
// it for any subsequent ustat stmt.
static THREAD_P JitLogHashType* jitLogThresholdHash;
double jitLogThreshold;
Int64 stmtStartTime;
NABoolean jitLogOn;
// For IUS, was the SB_PERSISTENT_SAMPLES row for the source table updated?
// The change is undone by the HSGlobalsClass dtor, so we need to account for
// the possibility that an IUS statement failed prior to making the change.
// Otherwise, a concurrent IUS operation could have its changes to the row
// overwritten.
NABoolean PSRowUpdated;
static THREAD_P NABoolean performISForMC_;
}; // class HSGlobalsClass
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Column descriptor to store column info returned from CLI.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct HSColDesc : public NABasicObject
Lng32 datatype;
Lng32 length;
Lng32 precision;
Lng32 scale;
Lng32 nullflag;
Lng32 dataOffset;
Lng32 indDataOffset;
char *data;
char *indData;
Lng32 groupNum;
NABoolean isSingleColGroup;
: data(NULL), indData(NULL),
inline NABoolean isNull(const char *dataBuf) const
return (nullflag &&
(dataBuf[indDataOffset] == (char)0xFF));
inline NABoolean isNull() const
return (nullflag &&
(*indData == (char)0xFF));
// only if datatype == REC_BYTE_V_ASCII.
inline Int32 varcharLen(const char *dataBuf) const
short len;
memcpy((char *)&len, &dataBuf[dataOffset], VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES);
return (Int32)len;
inline Int32 varcharLen() const
short len;
memcpy((char *)&len, data, VARCHAR_LEN_FIELD_IN_BYTES);
return (Int32)len;
inline void rebase(const Lng32 base)
dataOffset -= base;
indDataOffset -= base;
// Constants used by FrequencyCounts: the size of the
// hash table, a prime number, and the number of f_i
// values stored explicitly in a dense array. Can't use
// static const ints for these, because they are used as
// bounds in array declarations.
#define FC_NUM_HT_BUCKETS 389
// Class to maintain frequency counts (f_i) of a set of
// values, used for estimating UECs from a sample. f_1
// is the number of values that occur exactly one time in
// a sample, f_2 the number of values that occur exactly 2
// times, and so on.
// Note: Normally, this class would be a 'public NABasicObject'.
// However, we need an array of these objects on the heap
// and the following do not work when it is an NABasicObject:
// - FrequencyCounts *arr = new FrequencyCounts[x];
// delete [] arr;
// - FrequencyCounts *arr = new (STMTHEAP) FrequencyCounts[x];
// NADELETEARRAY(arr, x, FrequencyCounts, STMTHEAP);
// With the form it is, we can use the standard C++ method
// of alloc/dealloc (the MX STMTHEAP method does not work).
class FrequencyCounts
// Copy assignment is used when an interval is copied while removing
// undersized gap intervals.
FrequencyCounts& operator=(const FrequencyCounts& rhs);
// reset all the frequency counts to 0
void reset();
// increment f_i by value specified (default 1).
void increment(Int64 i, ULng32 val=1);
// return f_i
ULng32 operator[](Int64 i);
// merge frequency counts into specified object (i.e., f)
void mergeTo(FrequencyCounts &f);
// Copy constructor is left undefined.
FrequencyCounts(const FrequencyCounts& other);
// for i in the range 1..(FC_NUM_STORED_VALUES-1), f_i values are
// stored in array fiArr_. the value of f_i is fiArr_[i].
// for i >= FC_NUM_STORED_VALUES, nonzero i and f_i values are
// stored in hash table bigfiHT_.
// hash table entry
struct entry
ULng32 ix_;
ULng32 value_;
struct entry *next_;
// helper methods
void resetHT();
void incrementHT(ULng32 ix, ULng32 val);
ULng32 lookupHT(ULng32 ix);
struct entry *newEntry(ULng32 ix, ULng32 value);
struct entry *hashToBucket(ULng32 ix);
// array of fi values and hash table
struct entry bigfiHT_[FC_NUM_HT_BUCKETS];
class HSInterval
Int64 rowCount_;
Int64 uecCount_;
HSDataBuffer boundary_;
Int64 MFVrowCount_; // stores Most Frequent Value frequency (rowcount)
Int64 MFV2rowCount_; // second Most Frequent Value frequency (rowcount)
HSDataBuffer mostFreqVal_; // stores Most Frequent Value
double gapMagnitude_; // leave as 0 for non-gap intervals
NABoolean highFreq_; // if TRUE, an interval for a high-frequency value
double squareCntSum_; // the summation of the square of all value counts
// squaredCntSum_ is used to calculate skew for
// sampling UEC estimation and std dev of freq.
Int64 origUec_; // to save original interval UEC, needed to compute stdev
Int64 origRC_; // to save original interval RC, needed to scale MFV properly
Int64 origMFV_; // to save original interval MFV, needed to scale MFV properly
// The GapKeeper class tracks the n largest gaps as they are discovered.
// It maintains a sorted array of gap magnitudes, and provides a function
// to insert a new gap if it is among the largest.
class GapKeeper
GapKeeper(Int32 gapsToKeep);
NABoolean insert(double gap);
double smallest();
Int32 qualifyingGaps(double minAcceptableGap);
// Copy ctor and assignment not used.
GapKeeper(const GapKeeper&);
GapKeeper& operator=(const GapKeeper&);
Int32 gapsToKeep_;
double *gaps_;
class HSHistogram : public NABasicObject
HSHistogram(Lng32 intcount, Int64 rowcount, Lng32 gapIntervals, Lng32 highFreqIntervals,
NABoolean sampleUsed = FALSE,
NABoolean singleIntervalPerUec = FALSE);
void deleteFiArray();
Lng32 processIntervalValues(boundarySet<myVarChar>* boundaryRowSet,
HSColGroupStruct* group,
Int64 &rowsInSet,
double currentGapAvg);
Lng32 updateMCInterval(const HSDataBuffer &lowval,
const HSDataBuffer &hival);
void addNullInterval(const Int64 nullCount, const Lng32 colCount);
// The value returned by getNumIntervals does not include the 0th interval,
// which is used only to store the minimum value.
inline Lng32 getNumIntervals() const {return currentInt_;}
inline NABoolean hasNullInterval() const {return hasNull_;}
void getOrigTotalCounts(Int64 &rowCount, Int64 &uecCount);
void getTotalCounts(Int64 &rowCount, Int64 &uecCount);
Int64 getTotalUec();
Int64 getTotalRowCount();
Lng32 getLowValue(HSDataBuffer &lval, NABoolean addParen=TRUE);
Lng32 getHighValue(HSDataBuffer &hval, NABoolean addParen=TRUE);
Int64 getHighFreqThreshold()
{ return highFreqThreshold_; }
inline Int64 getIntRowCount(const Lng32 intNum) const {return intArry_[intNum].rowCount_;}
inline Int64 getIntUec(const Lng32 intNum) const {return intArry_[intNum].uecCount_;}
inline double getIntSquareSum(const Lng32 intNum) const {return intArry_[intNum].squareCntSum_;}
inline Int64 getIntOrigUec(const Lng32 intNum) const {return intArry_[intNum].origUec_;}
inline Int64 getIntOrigRC(const Lng32 intNum) const {return intArry_[intNum].origRC_;}
inline Int64 getIntMFVRowCount(const Lng32 intNum) const {return intArry_[intNum].MFVrowCount_;}
inline Int64 getIntMFV2RowCount(const Lng32 intNum) const {return intArry_[intNum].MFV2rowCount_;}
inline Int64 getIntOrigMFV(const Lng32 intNum) const {return intArry_[intNum].origMFV_;}
void setIntRowCount(const Lng32 intNum, const Int64 value) { intArry_[intNum].rowCount_ = value; }
void addIntRowCount(const Lng32 intNum, const Int64 value) { intArry_[intNum].rowCount_ += value; }
void setIntOrigUec(const Lng32 intNum, const Int64 value) { intArry_[intNum].origUec_ = value; }
void setIntOrigRC(const Lng32 intNum, const Int64 value) { intArry_[intNum].origRC_ = value; }
void setIntMFVRowCount(const Lng32 intNum, const Int64 value) { intArry_[intNum].MFVrowCount_ = value; }
void setIntMFV2RowCount(const Lng32 intNum, const Int64 value) { intArry_[intNum].MFV2rowCount_ = value; }
void setIntOrigMFV(const Lng32 intNum, const Int64 value) { intArry_[intNum].origMFV_= value; }
void setIntUec(const Lng32 intNum, const Int64 value) { intArry_[intNum].uecCount_ = value; }
Lng32 getParenthesizedIntBoundary(Lng32 intNum, HSDataBuffer &intBoundary);
const HSDataBuffer& getIntBoundary(Lng32 intNum) { return intArry_[intNum].boundary_; }
const HSDataBuffer& getIntMFV(Lng32 intNum) { return intArry_[intNum].mostFreqVal_; }
Lng32 getParenthesizedIntMFV(Lng32 intNum, HSDataBuffer &mostFreqVal);
FrequencyCounts *fi(const ULng32 intNum)
{ return fi_ ? &(fi_[intNum]) : 0; }
void removeLesserGapIntervals(double trueGapAvg);
double getGapMultiplier()
{ return gapMultiplier_; }
GapKeeper gapKeeper_;
// Used by IUS when reading existing histograms from metadata. currentInt_ is
// the number of intervals actually used (intCount_ is the number available).
void setCurrentInt(const Lng32 numInts) { currentInt_ = numInts; }
void setHasNull(NABoolean val) { hasNull_ = val; }
void setIntBoundary(const Lng32 intNum, const char* value, Int16 len)
{ intArry_[intNum].boundary_.copyFrom(value, len, TRUE); }
void setIntBoundary(const Lng32 intNum, const HSDataBuffer & newBoundary)
{ intArry_[intNum].boundary_ = newBoundary; }
void setIntMFVValue(const Lng32 intNum, const char* value, Int16 len)
{ intArry_[intNum].mostFreqVal_.copyFrom(value, len, TRUE); }
void adjustMFVand2MFV(const Lng32 i, double newEstRow, double newEstUec);
void setIntSquareSum(const Lng32 intNum, double sum) {intArry_[intNum].squareCntSum_ = sum;}
void maintainEndIntervalForIUS(float avgRCPerInterval, Lng32 intNum);
void setMaxStddev(double x) { maxStddev_ = x; };
double getMaxStddev() { return maxStddev_ ; };
void logIntervals(Lng32 curr = -1, Lng32 lookahead = -1);
void logAll(const char* title);
// Copy ctor and assignment not used.
HSHistogram(const HSHistogram&);
HSHistogram& operator=(const HSHistogram&);
Lng32 mergeInterval(const Lng32 intervalToMerge,
const Lng32 prevInterval,
const double gapThreshold);
void mergeMFVs(const Lng32 to, const Lng32 from);
Lng32 intCount_; // # of intervals that can be used
Lng32 maxAllowedInts_; // the total allocated intervals (allows for extras
// during gap/freq encoding).
Lng32 currentInt_; // current interval
Int64 remRows_; // remainder rows to spread accross intervals
Int64 step_; // MAX data points per interval
Int64 originalStep_; // unlike step_, not adjusted after each interval
HSInterval *intArry_; // interval array
NABoolean hasNull_; // NULL bounddary is used
FrequencyCounts *fi_; // frequency counts (per interval)
double gapMultiplier_; // Gap avg. times this is "big gap" threshold
Lng32 gapIntCount_; // # gap intervals created; not all will be kept
Lng32 targetGapIntervals_; // keep this many gap intervals
Lng32 highFreqIntervalsAllotted_; // # added for high freq values; don't include
// when calculating step size
Lng32 highFreqIntervalsUsed_;// # of allotted high frequency intvls actually used
Int64 highFreqThreshold_; // row count for a single value beyond which
// a separate interval is formed
NABoolean singleIntervalPerUec_; // flag indicates if this histogram
// will be a 'single interval per
// uec' histogram
double maxStddev_;
// Have to define this function within class definition since it uses a
// template (Microsoft compiler gives error C2660 when it is invoked if
// defined in a separate file).
/* METHOD: addIntervalData() */
/* PURPOSE: Add the passed value and its row */
/* count to the current interval, or */
/* to a new one if the row count is */
/* too big to fit in the current one. */
/* PARAMS: value - the unique value. */
/* group - used to construct */
/* external format string*/
/* numRows - the number of entries */
/* equal to 'value' */
/* bigGap - if true, indicates a */
/* gap of sufficient */
/* size to create an */
/* interval for it. */
/* gapMagnitude - Size of the gap that*/
/* precedes this value. */
/* final - indicates that this is*/
/* (or may be, if using */
/* of query sort/group, */
/* which reads a rowset */
/* at a time) the last */
/* unique value to be */
/* added. */
/* RETCODE: 0 - successful */
/* -1 - failure */
/* ASSUMPTIONS: The data is SORTED(increasing) */
/* NOTES: bndry: )[----](----]...(----] */
/* int# 0 1 2 ... n */
template <class T>
Lng32 addIntervalData(T& value,
const HSColGroupStruct *group,
const Int64 numRows,
NABoolean bigGap,
double gapMagnitude,
NABoolean final)
HSLogMan *LM = HSLogMan::Instance();
Lng32 retcode = 0;
HSDataBuffer result;
static T lastValue, mostFreqVal;
static Int64 MFVrows = 0, MFV2rows = 0;
// Interval(0) is a special interval and we only need to format its
// boundary, which serves as the minimum value of interval(1) (and hence
// the whole histogram). Use the initial value to start off interval(1)
// and return.
if (currentInt_ == 0)
setBufferValue(value, group, intArry_[0].boundary_);
intArry_[currentInt_].uecCount_ = 1;
// Interval 1 can't be gap, but it may be a high frequency interval.
if (numRows < step_ && numRows > highFreqThreshold_)
intArry_[currentInt_].highFreq_ = TRUE;
if (LM->LogNeeded())
"Interval 1 used as high frequency interval with " PF64 " rows",
// Start a new interval if the current value's rowcount would overflow the
// current interval, or if this value or the last was the single value included
// in a gap interval. Otherwise, add the rowcount to the current interval.
else if (currentInt_ < intCount_ &&
(intArry_[currentInt_].rowCount_ + numRows > step_ || // bucket overflow
numRows > highFreqThreshold_ || // next intvl will be for high freq
bigGap || // next intvl will be for for gap
intArry_[currentInt_].gapMagnitude_ > 0 || // current intvl is for gap
intArry_[currentInt_].highFreq_)) // current intvl is for high freq
// Complete information for interval and start new one:
// Save boundary and most frequent values.
setBufferValue(lastValue, group, intArry_[currentInt_].boundary_);
setBufferValue(mostFreqVal, group, intArry_[currentInt_].mostFreqVal_);
intArry_[currentInt_].MFVrowCount_ = MFVrows;
intArry_[currentInt_].MFV2rowCount_ = MFV2rows;
MFVrows = MFV2rows = 0; // Clear these for next interval;
intArry_[currentInt_].uecCount_ = 1;
// If the current value is the high end of a big gap, set a nonzero gap
// value for the next interval. This will cause that interval to be
// completed with only that value when this function is called with the
// next value. If the interval contains a single uec with a row count >=
// the target bucket height, don't mark it as a gap because we want to
// keep it a separate interval and not merge it with an adjacent interval
// if it turns out not to be one of the biggest gaps.
if (numRows < step_)
if (numRows > highFreqThreshold_)
intArry_[currentInt_].highFreq_ = TRUE;
if (LM->LogNeeded())
"Interval %d used as high frequency interval with " PF64 " rows",
currentInt_, numRows);
else if (bigGap)
intArry_[currentInt_].gapMagnitude_ = gapMagnitude;
if (NOT singleIntervalPerUec_)
// Adjust the interval threshold (STEP_) by the remainder rows
// and intervals. Update remRows by subtracting the row count of the
// interval just completed. Subtract the number of unused intervals
// that were designated for high frequency values and gaps before
// dividing to find new step size. The gap count is imprecise because
// some will be merged back.
remRows_ = MAXOF(remRows_ - intArry_[currentInt_ - 1].rowCount_, 1);
// If gaps are being processed, there may be a shortfall of
// intervals due to undersized gap intervals, which will drive
// the step size higher. Here we release reserve intervals if
// necessary to try to keep the step size from exceeding its
// original value by more than 10%.
Int32 remainingIntervalsAvailable;
// Increase # of intervals until current step less than
// 110% of original (or we use up all available intervals).
do {
remainingIntervalsAvailable =
- (highFreqIntervalsAllotted_ - highFreqIntervalsUsed_)
- (MAXOF(0, (Lng32)((targetGapIntervals_ - gapIntCount_) * 1.5)))
- (currentInt_ - 1)));
intCount_++; // This is the only place intCount_ is increased.
step_ = remRows_ / remainingIntervalsAvailable;
while (intCount_ <= maxAllowedInts_ && step_ > 1.1 * originalStep_);
intCount_--; // This was incremented one too many times.
double numRowsd = (double) numRows;
intArry_[currentInt_].rowCount_ += numRows;
intArry_[currentInt_].squareCntSum_ += numRowsd * numRowsd;
if (fi_)
// Update most frequent values.
if (numRows > MFVrows)
MFV2rows = MFVrows;
MFVrows = numRows;
mostFreqVal = value;
else if (numRows > MFV2rows)
MFV2rows = numRows;
// If this is the last distinct value, set it as interval boundary value
// instead of waiting for a value that forces start of a new interval.
// If not doing internal sort, final=true may just mean end of a rowset,
// but we have to set the boundary value and mostFreqVal in case it is the
// last rowset. If not, the actual final value of the interval will
// overwrite it. This is why we save lastValue even if final is true.
if (final)
setBufferValue(value, group, intArry_[currentInt_].boundary_);
setBufferValue(mostFreqVal, group, intArry_[currentInt_].mostFreqVal_);
intArry_[currentInt_].MFVrowCount_ = MFVrows;
intArry_[currentInt_].MFV2rowCount_ = MFV2rows;
MFVrows = MFV2rows = 0; // Clear these for next interval/column;
lastValue = value;
return retcode;
class HSInMemoryTable : public NABasicObject
HSInMemoryTable(NAString& tblName, NAString& condition,
Int64 maxRows, double sampleRate = 0)
: tableName_(tblName),
rows_(maxRows), // replaced in populate() w/actual # rows read
virtual ~HSInMemoryTable()
HSColGroupStruct* getColumns() const { return columns_; }
void setNumRows(Int64 x) {
rows_ = x;
HSGlobalsClass::getMemoryRequirements(columns_, rows_);
Int64 getNumRows() const { return rows_; }
// method for algorithm 2
void generateSelectList(NAString& queryText);
void generateInsertSelectDQuery(NAString& targetTbl, NAString& smplTable,
NAString& queryTex);
void generateInsertSelectIQuery(NAString& targetTbl, NAString& sourceTable,
NAString& queryText,
NABoolean hasOversizedColumns, HSTableDef * objDef,
Int64 currentSampleSize, Int64 futureSampleSize,
Int64 sourceSetSize);
void generateSelectDQuery(NAString& smplTable, NAString& queryTex);
void generateSelectIQuery(NAString& smplTable, NAString& queryText);
// method for algorithm 1
void generateDeleteQuery(NAString& smplTable, NAString& queryText, NABoolean rollback);
void generateInsertQuery(NAString& smplTable, NAString& sourceTable,
NAString& queryText, NABoolean rollback);
Lng32 populate(NAString& queryText);
// The data is actually deallocated by calling freeISMemory() from
// HSGlobalsClass::incrementHistograms() for each column as soon as the
// column is successfully handled by IUS (the data is preserved for use
// by RUS/IS if IUS can't be performed). This function just resets the
// flag that would cause assertion failure when populate() is called, as
// it must be to load data for the next batch of IUS columns.
void depopulate() {
isPopulated_ = FALSE;
void logState(const char* title);
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
HSInMemoryTable(const HSInMemoryTable&);
HSInMemoryTable& operator=(const HSInMemoryTable&);
void setUpColumns();
NAString tableName_;
NAString whereCondition_;
Int64 rows_;
double sampleRate_;
HSColGroupStruct* columns_;
NABoolean isPopulated_;
}; // class HSInMemoryTable
#endif /* HSGLOBALS_H */