blob: b8aa86af160f3a8283eb4846fb1ee8562f42f873 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: udrutil.cpp
* Description: Generic utilities...
* Created: 01/01/2001
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include "sql_buffer.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "udrutil.h"
#include "udrdefs.h"
#include "udrglobals.h"
#include "LmLangManager.h"
#include "LmParameter.h"
#include "spinfo.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "ComRtUtils.h"
extern char *getDatatypeAsString(Int32 datatype, NABoolean extFormat = FALSE);
FILE *UdrTraceFile = stdout;
#define TF_STRING(x) ( (x) ? ("TRUE") : ("FALSE") )
void displaySqlBuffer(SqlBuffer *sbuf, Lng32 sbuflen, ostream &os)
os << "Display an SQL Buffer:" << endl;
os << " Buffer Size : " << sbuf->get_buffer_size() << endl;
os << " Used Size : " << sbuf->get_used_size() << endl;
os << " Free Size : "
<< (sbuf->get_buffer_size() - sbuf->get_used_size()) << endl;
switch (sbuf->bufType())
case SqlBufferBase::NORMAL_:
os << " Buffer Type : Normal" << endl;
case SqlBufferBase::DENSE_:
os << " Buffer Type : Dense" << endl;
case SqlBufferBase::OLT_:
os << " Buffer Type : OLT" << endl;
os << " Buffer Type : Unknown ("
<< sbuf->bufType() << ")" << endl;
os << " Packed? : " << TF_STRING(sbuf->packed()) << endl;
os << " Empty? : " << TF_STRING(sbuf->isFull()) << endl;
os << " Full? : " << TF_STRING(sbuf->isEmpty()) << endl;
os << " Free? : " << TF_STRING(sbuf->isFree()) << endl;
Lng32 numtuppdescs = sbuf->getTotalTuppDescs();
os << " Total Tupp Descs : " << numtuppdescs << endl;
os << " Processed Tupp Descs : " << sbuf->getProcessedTuppDescs() << endl;
char csig[100];
convertInt64ToAscii(sbuf->getSignature(), csig);
os << " Signature : " << csig << endl;
tupp_descriptor *td;
char *ctupp;
ControlInfo *ci;
for (Lng32 i = 1; i <= numtuppdescs; i++)
td = sbuf->getTuppDescriptor(i);
if (td == NULL)
ctupp = td->getTupleAddress();
if (td->isDataTuple())
ServerDebug("Data Tuple:");
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Ref Count : "
<< td->getReferenceCount() << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Allocated Size: "
<< td->getAllocatedSize() << endl;
dumpBuffer((unsigned char *)ctupp, td->getAllocatedSize());
else if (td->isStatsTuple())
ServerDebug("Stats Tuple:");
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Ref Count : "
<< td->getReferenceCount() << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Allocated Size: "
<< td->getAllocatedSize() << endl;
else if (td->isDiagsTuple())
ServerDebug("Diags Tuple:");
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Ref Count : "
<< td->getReferenceCount() << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Allocated Size: "
<< td->getAllocatedSize() << endl;
else if (td->isControlTuple())
ServerDebug("Control Tuple:");
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Ref Count : "
<< td->getReferenceCount() << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Allocated Size: "
<< td->getAllocatedSize() << endl;
ci = (ControlInfo *)td->getTupleAddress();
up_state us = ci->getUpState();
down_state ds = ci->getDownState();
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") UpState : " << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Parent Index : "
<< us.parentIndex << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Down Index : "
<< us.downIndex << endl;
switch (us.status)
case ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Status : Q_NO_DATA" << endl;
case ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Status : Q_OK_MMORE" << endl;
case ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Status : Q_SQLERROR" << endl;
case ex_queue::Q_INVALID:
os << " Tupp(" << i<< ") Status : Q_INVALID" << endl;
case ex_queue::Q_GET_DONE:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Status : Q_GET_DONE" << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Request : Unknown ("
<< us.status << ")" << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Match Nbr : " << us.getMatchNo() << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") DownState : " << endl;
switch (ds.request)
case ex_queue::GET_N:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Request : GET_N" << endl;
case ex_queue::GET_ALL:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Request : GET_ALL" << endl;
case ex_queue::GET_NOMORE:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Request : GET_NOMORE" << endl;
case ex_queue::GET_EMPTY:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Request : GET_EMPTY" << endl;
case ex_queue::GET_EOD:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Request : GET_EOD" << endl;
case ex_queue::GET_NEXT_N:
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Request : GET_NEXT_N" << endl;
case ex_queue::GET_NEXT_N_MAYBE_WAIT:
os << " Tupp(" << i
<< ") Request : GET_NEXT_N_MAYBE_WAIT" << endl;
case ex_queue::GET_NEXT_0_MAYBE_WAIT:
os << " Tupp(" << i
<< ") Request : GET_NEXT_0_MAYBE_WAIT" << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Request : Unknown ("
<< ds.request << ")" << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i
<< ") Request : " << ds.request << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i
<< ") Request Value : " << ds.requestValue << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i
<< ") Nbr Get Nexts : " << ds.numGetNextsIssued << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i
<< ") Parent Index : " << ds.parentIndex << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i
<< ") Buff Seq Nbr : " << ci->getBufferSequenceNumber() << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Diags Area? : "
<< TF_STRING(ci->getIsDiagsAreaPresent()) << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Ext Diags Area? : "
<< TF_STRING(ci->getIsExtDiagsAreaPresent()) << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Data Row? : "
<< TF_STRING(ci->getIsDataRowPresent()) << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Stats Area? : "
<< TF_STRING(ci->getIsStatsAreaPresent()) << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") ExtStats Area? : "
<< TF_STRING(ci->getIsExtStatsAreaPresent()) << endl;
} // if (td->isControlTuple())
// some other type of tuple...
ServerDebug("Unknown Tuple:");
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Ref Count : "
<< td->getReferenceCount() << endl;
os << " Tupp(" << i << ") Allocated Size: "
<< td->getAllocatedSize() << endl;
} // for (long i = 1; i <= numtuppdescs; i++)
os << endl;
} // displaySqlBuffer
// This method is not invoked from anywhere, need to determine if we should keep it, if so, we have to add
// a way to invoke it.
void displayStatement(SQLSTMT_ID s)
cout << " Statement ID :" << endl;
cout << " Version :" << s.version << endl;
cout << " Name Mode :" << s.name_mode << endl;
cout << " Module :" << endl;
cout << " Version :" << s.module->version << endl;
cout << " Name :" << s.module->module_name << endl;
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
char ct[100];
convertInt64ToAscii(s.module->creation_timestamp, ct);
cout << " Creation Timestamp :" << ct << endl;
cout << " Char Set :" << s.module->charset << endl;
cout << " Name Length :" << s.module->module_name_len << endl;
cout << " Identifier :" << s.identifier << endl;
cout << " Handle :" << s.handle << endl;
cout << " Char Set :" << s.charset << endl;
cout << " Identifier Length :" << s.identifier_len << endl;
} // displayStatement
void dumpLmParameter(LmParameter &p, Lng32 i, const char *prefix)
if (prefix == NULL)
prefix = "";
ServerDebug("%s [%ld] Name [%s]", prefix, i,
p.getParamName() ? p.getParamName() : "");
ServerDebug("%s FS type %s, prec %d, scale %d, charset %d", prefix,
(Int32) p.prec(), (Int32) p.scale(), (Int32) p.encodingCharSet());
ServerDebug("%s direction %s, collation %d, objMap %ld, resultSet %s",
getDirectionName(p.direction()), (Int32) p.collation(),
(Int32) p.objMapping(), TF_STRING(p.resultSet()));
ServerDebug("%s IN offset %d, len %d, null offset %d, null len %d",
prefix, (Int32) p.inDataOffset(), (Int32) p.inSize(),
(Int32) p.inNullIndOffset(), (Int32) p.inNullIndSize());
ServerDebug("%s vclen offset %d, vclen len %d", prefix,
(Int32) p.inVCLenIndOffset(), (Int32) p.inVCLenIndSize());
ServerDebug("%s OUT offset %d, len %d, null offset %d, null len %d",
prefix, (Int32) p.outDataOffset(), (Int32) p.outSize(),
(Int32) p.outNullIndOffset(), (Int32) p.outNullIndSize());
ServerDebug("%s vclen offset %d, vclen len %d", prefix,
(Int32) p.outVCLenIndOffset(), (Int32) p.outVCLenIndSize());
} // dumpLmParameter
void dumpBuffer(unsigned char *buffer)
dumpBuffer(buffer, str_len((char *)buffer));
void dumpBuffer(unsigned char *buffer, size_t len)
if (buffer == NULL)
// We will print the buffer 16 characters at a time. For each group
// of 16 characters will we build two strings. One we call the "hex"
// string and the other the "ascii" string. They will be formatted
// as follows:
// hex: "<hex pair> <hex pair> ..."
// ascii: "<ascii value><ascii value>..."
// where each <hex pair> is a 4-character hex representation of
// 2-bytes and each <ascii value> is 1 character.
const Int32 CHARS_PER_LINE = 16;
const Int32 HEX_BUF_LEN =
(2 * CHARS_PER_LINE) // 2 hex characters per byte of input
+ (CHARS_PER_LINE / 2) // one space between each <hex pair>
+ 1; // null terminator
// The 100-byte pads in the following two buffers are only used as
// safeguards to prevent corrupting the stack. The code should work
// without the padding.
char hexBuf[HEX_BUF_LEN + 100];
char asciiBuf[ASCII_BUF_LEN + 100];
size_t i, j, hexOffset, asciiOffset;
size_t startingOffset;
Int32 nCharsWritten;
// This message will be used for buffer overflow assertion failures
const char *msg = "Buffer overflow in dumpBuffer() routine";
i = 0;
while (i < len)
// Initialize the two buffers with blank padding and null
// terminators
memset(hexBuf, ' ', HEX_BUF_LEN);
memset(asciiBuf, ' ', ASCII_BUF_LEN);
hexBuf[HEX_BUF_LEN - 1] = '\0';
asciiBuf[ASCII_BUF_LEN - 1] = '\0';
hexOffset = 0;
asciiOffset = 0;
startingOffset = i;
// Inside the following for loop hexOffset should be incremented
// by 2 or 3 and asciiOffset incremented by 1.
for (j = 0; j < CHARS_PER_LINE && i < len; j++, i++)
// Write a 2-character hex value to the hex buffer. The %X
// format expects an int value.
nCharsWritten = sprintf(&hexBuf[hexOffset], "%02X",
(Int32) buffer[i]);
UDR_ASSERT(nCharsWritten == 2, msg);
hexOffset += 2;
// Add a space to the hex buffer following each pair of bytes
if (j % 2 == 1)
hexBuf[hexOffset++] = ' ';
// Write one character to the ascii buffer
char c;
if (!isprint(buffer[i]))
c = '.';
c = buffer[i];
asciiBuf[asciiOffset++] = c;
} // for (j = 0; j < CHARSPERLINE && i < len; j++, i++)
UDR_ASSERT(hexOffset < HEX_BUF_LEN, msg);
UDR_ASSERT(asciiOffset < ASCII_BUF_LEN, msg);
UDR_ASSERT(hexBuf[HEX_BUF_LEN - 1] == '\0', msg);
UDR_ASSERT(asciiBuf[ASCII_BUF_LEN - 1] == '\0', msg);
ServerDebug("%08X %-*s | %s", (Int32) startingOffset,
(Int32) (HEX_BUF_LEN - 1), hexBuf, asciiBuf);
} // while (i < len)
} // dumpBuffer
void dumpComCondition(ComCondition *cc, char *ind)
//ServerDebug("%s Class Origin : %s", ind, cc->getClassOrigin());
//ServerDebug("%s Sub Class Origin : %s", ind, cc->getSubClassOrigin());
//ServerDebug("%s Message : %s", ind, cc->getMessageText());
//ServerDebug("%s Message Length : %ld", ind,
// (long) cc->getMessageLength());
ServerDebug("%s Condition Nbr : %ld", ind,
(Lng32) cc->getConditionNumber());
ServerDebug("%s SQL Code : %ld", ind, (Lng32) cc->getSQLCODE());
ServerDebug("%s Server Name : %s", ind, cc->getServerName());
ServerDebug("%s Connection Name : %s", ind, cc->getConnectionName());
ServerDebug("%s Constraint Name : %s", ind, cc->getConstraintName());
ServerDebug("%s Constraint Catalog : %s", ind,
ServerDebug("%s Constraint Schema : %s", ind, cc->getConstraintSchema());
ServerDebug("%s Catalog Name : %s", ind, cc->getCatalogName());
ServerDebug("%s Schema Name : %s", ind, cc->getSchemaName());
ServerDebug("%s Table Name : %s", ind, cc->getTableName());
ServerDebug("%s Column Name : %s", ind, cc->getColumnName());
ServerDebug("%s Cursor Name : ", ind, cc->getSqlID());
ServerDebug("%s Row Number : %ld", ind, (Lng32) cc->getRowNumber());
for (Int32 jj=0; jj<ComCondition::NumOptionalParms;jj++)
if (cc->getOptionalString(jj) != NULL)
ServerDebug("%s OptionalString(%ld) : %s",
ind, (Lng32) jj, cc->getOptionalString(jj));
if (cc->getOptionalInteger(jj) != ComDiags_UnInitialized_Int)
ServerDebug("%s OptionalInteger(%ld): %ld",
ind, (Lng32) jj, (Lng32) cc->getOptionalInteger(jj));
} // dumpComCondition...
void dumpDiagnostics (ComDiagsArea *diags, Lng32 indent)
ComCondition *cc;
Lng32 ii;
Lng32 nbrW, nbrE, nbrA;
Lng32 indmax;
if (indent > 99)
indmax = 99;
indmax = indent;
char ind[100];
Lng32 indIdx = 0;
for (indIdx = 0; indIdx < indmax; indIdx++)
ind[indIdx] = ' ';
ind[indIdx] = '\0';
nbrW = diags->getNumber(DgSqlCode::WARNING_);
nbrE = diags->getNumber(DgSqlCode::ERROR_);
nbrA = diags->getNumber(); // errors followed by warnings...
ServerDebug(" ");
ServerDebug("%sContents of Diagnostics Area:", ind );
ServerDebug("%s-----------------------------", ind );
ServerDebug("%sMain Error : %ld", ind,
(Lng32) diags->mainSQLCODE());
ServerDebug("%sNumber : %ld", ind,
(Lng32) diags->getNumber());
ServerDebug("%sAre More? : %s", ind,
(diags->areMore() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
ServerDebug("%sRow Count : %ld", ind,
(Lng32) diags->getRowCount());
ServerDebug("%sCost : %le", ind,
(double) diags->getCost());
ServerDebug("%sAvg Stream Wait Time : %ld", ind,
(Lng32) diags->getAvgStreamWaitTime());
ServerDebug("%sLength Limit : %ld", ind,
(Lng32) diags->getLengthLimit());
ServerDebug("%sSQL Function : %ld", ind,
(Lng32) diags->getFunction());
ServerDebug("%sSQL Function Name : %s", ind,
ServerDebug("%sNbr Warnings : %ld", ind, (Lng32) nbrW);
ServerDebug("%sNbr Errors : %ld", ind, (Lng32) nbrE);
for (ii=1; ii <= nbrW; ii++)
cc = diags->getWarningEntry(ii);
ServerDebug("%sWarning(%ld) :", ind, (Lng32) ii);
dumpComCondition(cc, ind);
for (ii=1; ii <= nbrE; ii++)
cc = diags->getErrorEntry(ii);
ServerDebug("%sError(%ld) :", ind, (Lng32) ii);
dumpComCondition(cc, ind);
ServerDebug(" ");
// errors and warnings in order added
for (ii=1; ii <= nbrA; ii++)
ServerDebug("%sErrors/Warnings(%ld) :", ind, (Lng32) ii);
dumpComCondition(cc, ind);
} // dumpDiagnostics
const char *getDirectionName(ComColumnDirection d)
switch (d)
case COM_INPUT_COLUMN: return "IN";
case COM_OUTPUT_COLUMN: return "OUT";
case COM_INOUT_COLUMN: return "INOUT";
return ComRtGetUnknownString((Int32) d);
const char * getLmResultSetMode(const LmResultSetMode &rs)
switch (rs)
case RS_NONE: return "RS_NONE";
case RS_SET: return "RS_SET";
return ComRtGetUnknownString((Int32) rs);
void ServerDebug(const char *formatString, ...)
static Int32 pid = getpid();
fprintf(UdrTraceFile, "[%04d] ", pid);
va_list args;
va_start(args, formatString);
vfprintf(UdrTraceFile, formatString, args);
fprintf(UdrTraceFile, "\n");
void doMessageBox(UdrGlobals *UdrGlob, Int32 trLevel,
NABoolean moduleType, const char * moduleName)
if (UdrGlob && UdrGlob->traceLevel_ >= trLevel && moduleType)
MessageBox(NULL, moduleName ,
UdrGlob->serverName_, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void sleepIfPropertySet(LmLanguageManager &lm,
const char *property,
ComDiagsArea *d)
Lng32 delay = 0;
if (getLmProperty(lm, property, delay, d) && delay > 0)
Sleep(delay * 1000);
NABoolean getLmProperty(LmLanguageManager &lm,
const char *property,
Lng32 &result,
ComDiagsArea *diags)
NABoolean ok = FALSE;
char buf[100];
NABoolean isSet = FALSE;
LmResult r = lm.getSystemProperty(property, buf, 100, isSet, diags);
if (r == LM_OK && isSet && buf[0] != 0)
result = atol(buf);
ok = TRUE;
return ok;
#endif // _DEBUG
// This function is used by the signal/trap/exit handler code.
// It is moved from UdrFFDC.cpp file to avoid compilation errors.
// Inclusion of spinfo.h and TFDS header file cause some re-definitions.
void getActiveRoutineInfo(UdrGlobals *UdrGlob,
char *routineName,
char *routineType,
char *routineLanguage,
NABoolean &isRoutineActive)
SPInfo *currSP = NULL;
ComRoutineLanguage language;
routineName[0] = '\0';
routineType[0] = '\0';
routineLanguage[0] = '\0';
isRoutineActive = FALSE;
currSP = (UdrGlob ? UdrGlob->getCurrSP() : NULL);
if (currSP == NULL)
strcpy (routineName, currSP->getSqlName());
language = currSP->getLanguage();
switch (language)
strcpy(routineLanguage, "JAVA");
// following is a kluge until we propagate routine type from the plan
strcpy(routineType, "Stored Procedure");
strcpy(routineLanguage, "C");
// following is a kluge until we propagate routine type from the plan
strcpy(routineType, "UDF");
strcpy(routineLanguage, "C++");
// following is a kluge until we propagate routine type from the plan
strcpy(routineType, "UDF");
LmLanguageManager *lm = (UdrGlob ? UdrGlob->getLM(language) : NULL);
if (lm == NULL)
isRoutineActive = lm->isRoutineActive();