blob: fdf7818bd6bbea6600c01f22e841ce5d434d7ff5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef _UDRGLOBALS_H_
#define _UDRGLOBALS_H_
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: udrglobals.h
* Description: Class declaration for UDR globals
* Created: 4/10/2001
* Language: C++
#include <time.h>
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ComSqlId.h"
#include "UdrExeIpc.h"
#include "UdrStreams.h"
#include "sqlcli.h"
#include "charinfo.h"
// Defines for Max lengths for current user name and current role names stored in
// UdrGlobals and used in filling up the UDRINFO struct to be passed to UDF.
// On NT, role name is same as user name. Length consists of 30 bytes for domain
// name, 1 for the backslash character and 20 for the user name.
// On NSK, user name is big enough to accommodate LDAP name (128 bytes). Role
// name is mapped to a Guardian user id of the form GROUP.USER (8 + 1 + 8 bytes)
// Forward declarations
#include "LmError.h"
class LmLanguageManager;
class LmLanguageManagerJava;
class LmJavaOptions;
class LmLanguageManagerC;
class NAHeap;
class SPList;
class SPInfo;
// class UdrGlobals
class UdrGlobals
UdrGlobals(NAHeap *udrheap = NULL, NAHeap *ipcheap = NULL);
NAHeap *getUdrHeap() const { return udrHeap_; }
NAHeap *getIpcHeap() const { return ipcHeap_; }
IpcEnvironment *getIpcEnvironment() const { return ipcEnv_; }
NAList<UdrServerReplyStream *>& getReplyStreams() { return replyStreams_; }
void addReplyStream(UdrServerReplyStream *stream)
{ replyStreams_.insert(stream); }
GuaReceiveControlConnection *getControlConnection() const
{ return ctrlConn_; }
SPList *getSPList() { return spList_; }
void resetAllStats();
void displayStats(ostream& out, Lng32 indent);
NABoolean getCommandLineMode() const { return commandLineMode_; }
void setCommandLineMode(NABoolean b) { commandLineMode_ = b; }
LmLanguageManagerJava *getJavaLM() const { return javaLanguageManager_; }
LmLanguageManagerJava *getOrCreateJavaLM(LmResult &result, // OUT
ComDiagsArea *diags // OUT
LmLanguageManagerC *getCLM() const { return cLanguageManager_; }
LmLanguageManagerC *getOrCreateCLM(LmResult &result, // OUT
ComDiagsArea *diags // OUT
void destroyCLM();
LmLanguageManager *getOrCreateLM(LmResult &result,
ComRoutineLanguage language,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
LmLanguageManager *getLM(ComRoutineLanguage language) const;
// In some scenarios it is necessary to detach from the JVM and shut
// it down. These functions provide the interface. destroyJavaLM()
// only shuts down the LM but leaves the JVM
// alive. destroyJavaLMAndJVM() does that too, but also brings down
// the JVM.
void destroyJavaLM();
void destroyJavaLMAndJVM();
LmJavaOptions *getJavaOptions();
CharInfo::CharSet getIsoMapping() { return isoMapping_; }
SPInfo *getCurrSP () { return currSP_ ; }
void setCurrSP (SPInfo *sp) { currSP_ = sp; }
const char *getCurrentUserName() const { return currentUserName_; }
const char *getSessionUserName() const { return sessionUserName_; }
const char *getCurrentRoleName() const { return currentRoleName_; }
// global variables...
Lng32 cliSqlViolation_; // True - SPJ with NO SQL attribute issued SQL call
Lng32 cliXactViolation_; // True - SPJ issued a BEGIN, COMMIT, or ABORT
Lng32 cliSqlError_; // True - SQL Error occurred while in SPJ
Lng32 cliXactWasAborted_; // True - Transaction abort occurred while in SPJ
IpcMessageObjSize currentMsgSize_; // Size of current request messaqe
NABoolean exitPrintPid_; // True - Print NT Pid on End message at shutdown
ComUInt16 gNumOpeners_; // For initial release either 0 or 1.
// Future: Number of Openers when multithreading
GuaProcessHandle gOpenerPhandle_[UDRMAXOPENERS_V100];
// The NSK process handle of each opener.
// See /executor/udrexeipc.h for maximum
SQLCTX_HANDLE initCliContextHandle_; // There must be an initial CLI context
// or CLI calls will return an error.
NABoolean logFileProvided_; // True - Trace Facility log file has been
// provided by user
time_t ltime_; // Used to provide Udr Server start and
// stop time in logging.
Int64 nextUniqueIdentifier_; // To generate process-wide unique numbers
Lng32 objectCount_; // Used during message processing to identify
// number of objects in a message
SQLCTX_HANDLE prevCliContextHandle_;
// Used to preserve context during CLI calls
Lng32 replyCount_; // reply count since start of Server
Lng32 requestCount_; // request count since start of Server
char serverName_[MAXSERVERNAME]; // Value of 'Udr Server' for
// logging messages
NABoolean showInvoke_; // True - activate logging for invoke message
NABoolean showLoad_; // True - activate logging for load message
NABoolean showMain_; // True - activate logging for main message
// processing loop
NABoolean showSPInfo_; // True - activate logging for SPInfo class
NABoolean showUnload_; // True - activate logging for unload message
Int32 traceLevel_; // Trace Facility - level of trace.
// See udrdefs.h for values
// Logging for Result Set related messages
NABoolean showRSLoad_; // True - activate logging for RS load msg
NABoolean showRSFetch_; // True - activate logging for RS invoke msg
NABoolean showRSContinue_; // True - activate logging for RS continue msg
NABoolean showRSClose_; // True - activate logging for RS close msg
NABoolean showRSUnload_; // True - activate logging for RS unload msg
// Flag to activate detailed trace reporting and logging
NABoolean verbose_;
// Statistics for all UDRs
Int64 numReqUDR_;
Int64 numErrUDR_;
Int64 numReqSP_;
Int64 numErrSP_;
Int64 numReqDataSP_;
Int64 numErrDataSP_;
Int64 numReqLoadSP_;
Int64 numReqInvokeSP_;
Int64 numReqContinueSP_;
Int64 numReqUnloadSP_;
Int64 numErrLoadSP_;
Int64 numErrInvokeSP_;
Int64 numErrContinueSP_;
Int64 numErrUnloadSP_;
Int64 numErrLMCall_;
Int64 numErrCLICall_;
Int64 numTotalSPs_;
Int64 numCurrSPs_;
Int64 numTotalRSets_;
Int64 numCurrRSets_;
// Statistics for result sets
Int64 numReqRSLoad_;
Int64 numReqRSFetch_;
Int64 numReqRSContinue_;
Int64 numReqRSClose_;
Int64 numReqRSUnload_;
Int64 numErrRSLoad_;
Int64 numErrRSFetch_;
Int64 numErrRSContinue_;
Int64 numErrRSClose_;
Int64 numErrRSUnload_;
NAHeap *udrHeap_; // pointer to heap for process duration storage
NAHeap *ipcHeap_; // pointer to heap for message duration storage
IpcEnvironment *ipcEnv_; // IpcEnvironment of this Server process
GuaReceiveControlConnection *ctrlConn_; // Initial conn from client
SPList *spList_; // List of SPInfo's
// List of streams that have work to do
NAList<UdrServerReplyStream *> replyStreams_;
LmLanguageManagerJava *javaLanguageManager_;
LmJavaOptions *javaOptions_;
LmLanguageManagerC *cLanguageManager_;
// commandLineMode_ will be TRUE if a command-line operation is
// being performed, as opposed to this instance running inside an
// MXUDR server.
NABoolean commandLineMode_;
CharInfo::CharSet isoMapping_;
// currently active SPInfo
SPInfo *currSP_;
// current user name to be passed to udrinfo struct
char currentUserName_[MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
// session user name to be passed to udrinfo struct
char sessionUserName_[MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
// session user name to be passed to udrinfo struct
char currentRoleName_[MAX_ROLE_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
}; // UdrGlobals
#endif // _UDRGLOBALS_H_