blob: 1cfc18f4f23a0970a495e3dbc95127bada414379 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef SQLSTATS_H
#define SQLSTATS_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SqlStats.h
* Description:
* Created: 2/28/06
* Language: C++
#include "seabed/fs.h"
#define STATS_INITAL_SEG_SIZE 4*1024*1024
#define STATS_MAX_SEG_SIZE 64*1024*1024
#define RMS_SHARED_MEMORY_ADDR 0x10000000
// make the permission rw by owner only so we cannot attach to other
// instances' segments
#define RMS_SHMFLAGS 0600
#define RMS_SEM_NAME "/rms."
// outputs and returns semaphore name
extern char *gRmsSemName_;
extern void *gRmsSharedMemoryAddr_;
char *getRmsSemName();
void *getRmsSharedMemoryAddr();
// make the permission rw by owner only so we cannot use other
// instances' seamphore
#define RMS_SEMFLAGS 0600
class ExStatisticsArea;
class ProcessStats;
class HashQueue;
class SyncHashQueue;
class ExMasterStats;
class ExRMSStats;
class RecentSikey;
class StatsGlobals;
class ExOperStats;
class ExProcessStats;
class MemoryMonitor;
#include "rts_msg.h"
#include "ComTdb.h"
#include "SQLCLIdev.h"
#include "memorymonitor.h"
#define PID_MAX_DEFAULT 65536
#define PID_MAX_DEFAULT_MAX 131072
#define PID_MAX_DEFAULT_MIN 32768
typedef struct GlobalStatsArray
pid_t processId_;
SB_Verif_Type phandleSeqNum_;
ProcessStats *processStats_;
} GlobalStatsArray;
class StmtStats
StmtStats(NAHeap *heap, pid_t pid, char *queryId, Lng32 queryIdLen,
void *backRef, Lng32 fragId,
char *sourceStr = NULL, Lng32 sourceStrLen = 0, Lng32 sqlSrcStrLen = 0,
NABoolean isMaster = FALSE);
void deleteMe();
void setStatsArea(ExStatisticsArea *stats);
NAHeap *getHeap()
{ return heap_; }
pid_t getPid()
{ return pid_; }
Lng32 getFragId()
{ return fragId_; }
ExStatisticsArea *getStatsArea()
{ return stats_; }
Int64 getLastMergedTime() { return lastMergedTime_; }
//unsigned short getLastMergedStatsType() { return lastMergedStatsType_; }
ExStatisticsArea *getMergedStats() { return mergedStats_; }
void setMergedStats(ExStatisticsArea *stats);
// void setLastMergedStatsType(unsigned short type) { lastMergedStatsType_ = type; }
NABoolean isMaster()
return (flags_ & IS_MASTER_) != 0;
void setMaster(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= IS_MASTER_ : flags_ &= ~IS_MASTER_);
NABoolean canbeGCed()
return (flags_ & CAN_BE_GCED_) != 0;
void setTobeGCed(NABoolean v = TRUE)
(v ? flags_ |= CAN_BE_GCED_ : flags_ &= ~CAN_BE_GCED_);
void setMergeReqd(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= FORCE_MERGE_ : flags_ &= ~FORCE_MERGE_);
NABoolean mergeReqd()
return (flags_ & FORCE_MERGE_) != 0;
NABoolean deleteStats()
if (isMaster())
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
NABoolean isStmtStatsUsed()
return (refCount_ > 0);
void setStmtStatsUsed(NABoolean v)
if (v)
if (refCount_ > 0)
NABoolean isDeleteError()
return (flags_ & IS_DELETE_ERROR_) != 0;
void setDeleteError(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= IS_DELETE_ERROR_ : flags_ &= ~IS_DELETE_ERROR_);
NABoolean aqrInProgress() { return (flags_ & AQR_IN_PROGRESS_) != 0; }
void setAqrInProgress(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= AQR_IN_PROGRESS_: flags_ &= ~AQR_IN_PROGRESS_); }
NABoolean isWMSMonitoredCliQuery()
return (flags_ & WMS_MONITORED_CLI_QUERY_) != 0;
void setWMSMonitoredCliQuery(NABoolean v)
NABoolean calledFromRemoveQuery()
return (flags_ & CALLED_FROM_REMOVE_QUERY) != 0;
void setCalledFromRemoveQuery(NABoolean v)
char *getQueryId() { return queryId_; }
Lng32 getQueryIdLen() { return queryIdLen_; }
ExMasterStats *getMasterStats();
void reuse(void *backRef);
void setParentQid(char *parentQid, Lng32 parentQidLen, char *parentQidSystem,
Lng32 parentQidSystemLen, short myCpu, short myNodeId);
inline NABoolean updateChildQid() { return updateChildQid_; }
void setExplainFrag(void *explainFrag, Lng32 len, Lng32 topNodeOffset);
RtsExplainFrag *getExplainInfo() { return explainInfo_; }
void deleteExplainFrag();
ULng32 getFlags() const { return flags_; }
NABoolean reportError(pid_t pid);
enum Flags
IS_MASTER_ = 0x0001,
CAN_BE_GCED_ = 0x0002,
NOT_USED_1 = 0x0004,
FORCE_MERGE_ = 0x0008,
STMT_STATS_USED_ = 0x0010, // Unused Flag
IS_DELETE_ERROR_ = 0x0020,
AQR_IN_PROGRESS_ = 0x0040,
WMS_MONITORED_CLI_QUERY_=0x0080, // Is this a CLI query monitored by WMS
NAHeap *heap_;
pid_t pid_;
char *queryId_;
Lng32 queryIdLen_;
ExMasterStats *masterStats_;
ExStatisticsArea *stats_;
Int64 lastMergedTime_;
ExStatisticsArea *mergedStats_;
ULng32 flags_;
void *backRef_; // This member is for the debug purposes to analyze halts
// It should never be used
// It points to Statement object for master and ExEspStmtGlobals
// for Esps
short refCount_;
Lng32 fragId_;
RtsExplainFrag *explainInfo_;
NABoolean updateChildQid_;
class QueryIdInfo
friend class StatsGlobals;
str_cpy_all(eye_catcher_, QUERYID_INFO_EYE_CATCHER, 4);
ss_ = NULL;
operStats_ = NULL;
QueryIdInfo(StmtStats *ss, ExOperStats *operStats)
str_cpy_all(eye_catcher_, QUERYID_INFO_EYE_CATCHER, 4);
ss_ = ss;
operStats_ = operStats;
char eye_catcher_[4];
StmtStats *ss_;
ExOperStats *operStats_;
class ProcessStats
ProcessStats(NAHeap *heap, short nid, pid_t pid);
NAHeap *getHeap()
return heap_;
void setStatsArea(ExStatisticsArea *stats);
ExStatisticsArea *getStatsArea()
return stats_;
void setQueryIdInfo(QueryIdInfo *queryIdInfo)
if (queryIdInfo_ != NULL)
NADELETE(queryIdInfo_, QueryIdInfo, heap_);
queryIdInfo_ = queryIdInfo;
QueryIdInfo *getQueryIdInfo()
{ return queryIdInfo_; }
void updateMemStats(NAHeap *exeHeap, NAHeap *ipcHeap);
inline size_t getExeMemHighWM();
inline size_t getExeMemAlloc();
inline size_t getExeMemUsed();
inline size_t getIpcMemHighWM();
inline size_t getIpcMemAlloc();
inline size_t getIpcMemUsed();
inline ExProcessStats *getExProcessStats() { return exProcessStats_; }
StmtStats *addQuery(pid_t pid, char *queryId, Lng32 queryIdLen, void *backRef,
Lng32 fragId, char *sourceStr, Lng32 sourceStrLen,
Lng32 sqlSourceLen, NABoolean isMaster);
NAHeap *heap_;
ExStatisticsArea *stats_ ;
QueryIdInfo *queryIdInfo_;
ExProcessStats *exProcessStats_;
// The RecentSikey class is to support the CLI call which a compiler will
// use to see if its cache of queries and metadata needs to be updated
// because of a REVOKE. These RecentSikey objects are organized in a
// HashQueue in the StatsGlobals. When MXSSCP processes a
// SecInvalidKeyRequest, it updates the structure, inserting new
// RecentSikey values if needed, and setting the RecentSikey's
// revokeTimestamp_. The StatsGlobals semaphore protects the reading of
// the table by the CLI as well as the updating by the MXSSCP.
// The MXSSCP performs maintenance on the RecentSikey HashQueue
// periodically, by removing entries that have have a revokeTimestamp_
// older than 24 hours.
class RecentSikey
Int64 revokeTimestamp_;
class StatsGlobals
StatsGlobals(void *baseAddr, short envType, Lng32 maxSegSize);
static void* operator new (size_t size, void* loc = 0);
void addProcess(pid_t pid, NAHeap *heap);
void removeProcess(pid_t pid, NABoolean calledDuringAdd = FALSE);
ProcessStats *checkProcess(pid_t pid);
void setStatsArea(pid_t pid, ExStatisticsArea *stats)
if (statsArray_[pid].processStats_ != NULL)
ExStatisticsArea *getStatsArea(pid_t pid)
if (statsArray_[pid].processStats_ != NULL)
return statsArray_[pid].processStats_->getStatsArea();
return NULL;
StmtStats *addQuery(pid_t pid, char *queryId, Lng32 queryIdLen, void *backRef,
Lng32 fragId, char *sourceStr = NULL, Lng32 sourceStrLen = 0,
NABoolean isMaster = FALSE);
static StmtStats *addStmtStats(NAHeap * heap,
pid_t pid, char *queryId, Lng32 queryIdLen,
char *sourceStr, Lng32 sourceStrLen);
// returns 0 if query is deleted
// returns 1 if query is not deleted because MergedStats is present
short removeQuery(pid_t pid, StmtStats *stmtStats,
NABoolean removeAlways = FALSE,
NABoolean globalScan = FALSE,
NABoolean calledFromRemoveProcess = FALSE);
// global scan when the stmtList is positioned from begining and searched for pid
int openStatsSemaphore(Long &semId);
int getStatsSemaphore(Long &semId, pid_t pid);
void releaseStatsSemaphore(Long &semId, pid_t pid);
int releaseAndGetStatsSemaphore(Long &semId,
pid_t pid, pid_t releasePid);
void cleanupDanglingSemaphore(NABoolean checkForSemaphoreHolder);
void checkForDeadProcesses(pid_t myPid);
SyncHashQueue *getStmtStatsList() { return stmtStatsList_; }
ExStatisticsArea *getStatsArea(char *queryId, Lng32 queryIdLen);
StmtStats *getMasterStmtStats(const char *queryId, Lng32 queryIdLen, short activeQueryNum);
StmtStats *getStmtStats(char *queryId, Lng32 queryIdLen);
StmtStats *getStmtStats(pid_t pid, short activeQueryNum);
StmtStats *getStmtStats(short activeQueryNum);
StmtStats *getStmtStats(pid_t pid, char *queryId, Lng32 queryIdLen,
Lng32 fragId);
StmtStats *getStmtStats(short cpu, pid_t pid, Int64 timeStamp, Lng32 queryNumber);
ExRMSStats *getRMSStats() { return rmsStats_; }
void doFullGC();
Lng32 registerQuery(ComDiagsArea &diags, pid_t pid, SQLQUERY_ID *queryId,
Lng32 fragId, Lng32 tdbId, Lng32 explainTdbId,
short statsCollectionType,
Lng32 instNum, ComTdb::ex_node_type tdbType,
char *tdbName, Lng32 tdbNameLen);
Lng32 deregisterQuery(ComDiagsArea &diags, pid_t pid, SQLQUERY_ID *queryId,
Lng32 fragId);
Lng32 updateStats(ComDiagsArea &diags, SQLQUERY_ID *query_id,
void *operatorStats,
Lng32 operatorstatsLen);
void *getStatsSharedSegAddr()
return statsSharedSegAddr_;
Lng32 getVersion()
return version_;
void getMemOffender(ExStatisticsArea *statsArea,
size_t memThreshold);
ExProcessStats *getExProcessStats(pid_t pid);
// CURRENT_SHARED_OBJECTS_VERSION_ is used to ensure that all of the
// RTS executables use structures in shared memory in the same way.
// This value should be incremented whenever classes within this file
// or classes in NAMemory.h are modified. If a merge from another stream
// occurs and the following value is marked as a conflict, then this
// value should be incremented. For release 2.4 development, this value
// starts at 2400. For R2.93, the value starts are 2930 and for R2.5,
// the value starts at 2500.
void setSscpInitialized(NABoolean toggle)
isSscpInitialized_ = toggle;
NABoolean IsSscpInitialized()
return (isSscpInitialized_ == TRUE);
enum RTSEnvType
NABoolean globalRtsEnv() { return (NABoolean) rtsEnvType_; };
inline short getStoreSqlSrcLen() { return storeSqlSrcLen_; }
inline void setStoreSqlSrcLen(short len) { storeSqlSrcLen_ = len; }
inline NAHeap *getStatsHeap() { return &statsHeap_; }
inline pid_t getSemPid() { return semPid_; }
inline pid_t getSsmpPid();
inline Int64 getSsmpTimestamp();
inline pid_t getConfiguredPidMax() { return configuredPidMax_; }
inline void setSsmpDumpTimestamp(Int64 dumpTime)
{ ssmpDumpedTimestamp_ = dumpTime; }
inline Int64 getSsmpDumpTimestamp()
{ return ssmpDumpedTimestamp_; }
Int64 getLastGCTime();
void setLastGCTime(Int64 gcTime) ;
void incStmtStatsGCed(short inc) ;
void incSsmpReqMsg(Int64 msgBytes);
void incSsmpReplyMsg(Int64 msgBytes);
void incSscpReqMsg(Int64 msgBytes);
void incSscpReplyMsg(Int64 msgBytes);
void setSscpOpens(short numSscps);
void setSscpDeletedOpens(short numSscps);
static const char *rmsEnvType(RTSEnvType envType);
void setSscpTimestamp(Int64 timestamp);
void setSsmpTimestamp(Int64 timestamp);
void setSscpPid(pid_t pid);
void setSsmpPid(pid_t pid);
void setSscpPriority(short pri);
void setSsmpPriority(short pri);
void setRMSStatsResetTimestamp(Int64 timestamp);
void setNodesInCluster(short numNodes);
void incProcessRegd();
void decProcessRegd();
void incProcessStatsHeaps();
void decProcessStatsHeaps();
inline short getCpu() { return cpu_; }
inline short getNodeId() { return nodeId_; }
inline void setAbortedSemPid()
{ abortedSemPid_ = semPid_; }
Int64 getNewestRevokeTimestamp() const { return newestRevokeTimestamp_; }
void cleanupOldSikeys(Int64 gcInterval);
Lng32 getSecInvalidKeys(
CliGlobals * cliGlobals,
Int64 lastCallTimestamp,
Int32 maxNumSiKeys,
Int32 *returnedNumSiKeys);
Int32 checkLobLock(CliGlobals *cliGlobals,char *&lobLockId);
void mergeNewSikeys(Int32 numSikeys,
SQL_QIKEY sikeys[]);
MemoryMonitor *getMemoryMonitor() { return memMonitor_; }
void createMemoryMonitor();
void init();
NABoolean isShmDirty() { return isBeingUpdated_; }
void setShmDirty() { isBeingUpdated_ = TRUE; }
void cleanup_SQL(pid_t pidToCleanup, pid_t myPid);
void verifyAndCleanup(pid_t pidThatDied, SB_Int64_Type seqNum);
void updateMemStats(pid_t pid, NAHeap *exeMem, NAHeap *ipcHeap);
SB_Phandle_Type *getSsmpProcHandle() { return &ssmpProcHandle_; }
SB_Phandle_Type *getSscpProcHandle() { return &sscpProcHandle_; }
SyncHashQueue *getRecentSikeys() { return recentSikeys_; }
SyncHashQueue *getLobLocks() { return lobLocks_;}
void setSsmpProcSemId(Long semId) { ssmpProcSemId_ = semId; }
Long &getSsmpProcSemId() { return ssmpProcSemId_; }
void setSscpProcSemId(Long semId) { sscpProcSemId_ = semId; }
void setSeabedError(Int32 error) { seabedError_ = error; }
NABoolean getInitError(pid_t pid, NABoolean &reportError );
void *statsSharedSegAddr_;
Lng32 version_; // A field used to prevent downrev compiler or other
// incompatible programs to store objects in the
// shared memory
Long sscpProcSemId_;
SB_Phandle_Type sscpProcHandle_;
Long ssmpProcSemId_;
SB_Phandle_Type ssmpProcHandle_;
GlobalStatsArray *statsArray_;
SyncHashQueue *stmtStatsList_;
short cpu_;
pid_t semPid_; // Pid of the process that holds semaphore lock - This element is used for debugging purpose only
Int64 semPidCreateTime_; // Creation timestamp - pid recycle workaround.
NAHeap statsHeap_;
NABoolean isSscpInitialized_;
short rtsEnvType_; // 1 - Global Environment
// 0 - Private environment
short storeSqlSrcLen_;
ExRMSStats *rmsStats_;
short nodeId_;
pid_t abortedSemPid_;
pid_t errorSemPid_;
pid_t releasingSemPid_;
timespec releasingTimestamp_;
timespec lockingTimestamp_;
Int32 seabedError_;
bool seabedPidRecycle_; //if true, then the most recent call to
// cleanupDanglingSemaphore detected the semaphore
// holding process is gone, but its pid was
// recycled.
SyncHashQueue *recentSikeys_;
Int64 newestRevokeTimestamp_; // Allows CLI call w/o use if a semaphore.
NABoolean isBeingUpdated_;
pid_t pidToCheck_;
pid_t maxPid_;
Int64 ssmpDumpedTimestamp_;
MemoryMonitor *memMonitor_;
SyncHashQueue *lobLocks_;
pid_t configuredPidMax_;
Int64 pidViolationCount_;
StatsGlobals * shareStatsSegment(Int32 &shmid, NABoolean checkForSSMP = TRUE);
short getMasterCpu(char *uniqueStmtId, Lng32 uniqueStmtIdLen, char *nodeName, short maxLen, short &cpu);
short getStmtNameInQid(char *uniqueStmtId, Lng32 uniqueStmtIdLen, char *stmtName, short maxLen);
NABoolean filterStmtStats(ExMasterStats *masterStats, short activeQueryNum, short &queryNum);
short getRTSSemaphore();
void releaseRTSSemaphore();
SB_Phandle_Type *getMySsmpPhandle();
short getDefineNumericValue(char * defineName, short *numValue);