blob: 229042abd2015f472ddf2fa6121dcf25938e3b04 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- distributed with this work for additional information
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<!-- TPCD Query 10 -->
<!-- (Default schema is TRAFODION.TPCD) -->
<!-- select -->
<!-- c_custkey, c_name, -->
<!-- cast (sum(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)) -->
<!-- as numeric(18,2)) as revenue, -->
<!-- c_acctbal, n_name, c_address, c_phone, c_comment -->
<!-- from customer,orders,lineitem, nation -->
<!-- where -->
<!-- c_custkey = o_custkey -->
<!-- and l_orderkey = o_orderkey -->
<!-- and o_orderdate >= date '1993-10-01' -->
<!-- and o_orderdate < date '1993-10-01' + interval '3' month -->
<!-- and l_returnflag = 'R' -->
<!-- and c_nationkey = n_nationkey -->
<!-- group by c_custkey, c_name, c_acctbal, c_phone, n_name, -->
<!-- c_address, c_comment; -->
<JBB id="B1">
<Table id="T1" TS="2007-09-22 10:30:45">TRAFODION.TPCD.CUSTOMER</Table>
<Table id="T3" TS="2007-09-22 10:30:45">TRAFODION.TPCD.LINEITEM</Table>
<Table id="T4" TS="2007-09-22 10:30:45">TRAFODION.TPCD.NATION</Table>
<Table id="T2" TS="2007-09-22 10:30:45">TRAFODION.TPCD.ORDERS</Table>
<JoinPred id="J1">
<Column id="C1" tableId="T1">C_CUSTKEY</Column>
<Column id="C2" tableId="T2">O_CUSTKEY</Column>
<JoinPred id="J2">
<Column id="C3" tableId="T3">L_ORDERKEY</Column>
<Column id="C4" tableId="T2">O_ORDERKEY</Column>
<JoinPred id="J3">
<Column id="C5" tableId="T1">C_NATIONKEY</Column>
<Column id="C6" tableId="T4">N_NATIONKEY</Column>
<Range id="R1">
<Column id="C7" tableId="T2">O_ORDERDATE</Column>
<NumericVal scale='0'>
DATE '1993-10-01'
<Range id="R2">
<Column id="C7" tableId="T2">O_ORDERDATE</Column>
<NumericVal scale='0'>
DATE '1994-01-01'
<Range id="R3">
<Column id="C9" tableId="T3">L_RETURNFLAG</Column>
<Column id="C10" tableId="T1">C_CUSTKEY</Column>
<Column id="C11" tableId="T1">C_NAME</Column>
<Column id="C12" tableId="T1">C_ACCTBAL</Column>
<Column id="C13" tableId="T1">C_PHONE</Column>
<Column id="C14" tableId="T4">N_NAME</Column>
<Column id="C15" tableId="T1">C_ADDRESS</Column>
<Column id="C16" tableId="T1">C_COMMENT</Column>
<Output id="O1" name="C_CUSTKEY">
<Column id="C17" tableId="T1">C_CUSTKEY</Column>
<Output id="O2" name="REVENUE">
<Expr id="S1">
cast(sum(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)) as numeric(18,2))
<Column id="C18" tableId="T3">L_EXTENDEDPRICE</Column>
<Column id="C19" tableId="T3">L_DISCOUNT</Column>
<Output id="O3" name="C_ACCTBAL">
<Column id="C20" tableId="T1">C_ACCTBAL</Column>
<Output id="O4" name="N_NAME">
<Column id="C21" tableId="T4">N_NAME</Column>
<Output id="O5" name="C_ADDRESS">
<Column id="C22" tableId="T1">C_ADDRESS</Column>
<Output id="O6" name="C_PHONE">
<Column id="C23" tableId="T1">C_PHONE</Column>
<Output id="O7" name="C_COMMENT">
<Column id="C24" tableId="T1">C_COMMENT</Column>