blob: 548a04e544cbd82ca70dfd93668ae41f2e5087b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// **********************************************************************
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// File: MVMemo.cpp
// Description:
// Created: 12/04/07
// ***********************************************************************
#include "QmsMVMemo.h"
#include "QRLogger.h"
//#define DEBUG_MVMEMO
// Class MVMemoPhysicalExpression
MVMemoPhysicalExpression::MVMemoPhysicalExpression(const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map,
Int32 groupNumber,
const MVDetailsPtr mv,
: MVMemoLogicalExpression(map->getHashKey(), groupNumber, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
const NAString& MVMemoPhysicalExpression::getMVName()
return mv_->getMVName();
// Class MVMemoGroup
* Create a new logical expression for the hash key and insert it into the
* logical expression list.
* @param key Hash key of new logical expression.
* @param heap For allocating the new logical expression object.
* @return The new logical expression object.
MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr MVMemoGroup::addLogicalExpression(const NAString& key,
MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr newExpr = new (heap)
MVMemoLogicalExpression(key, getGroupNumber(), ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap));
return newExpr;
* Create a new physical expression for the hash key and insert it into the
* physical expression list.
* @param key Hash key of new physical expression.
* @param mv The MV details
* @param hasGroupBy Is this MVMemoGroup representing MVs with a groupby clause?
* @param heap For allocating the new physical expression object.
* @return TRUE if a new physical expression was added, or
* FALSE if this is a duplicate.
NABoolean MVMemoGroup::addPhysicalExpression(const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map,
const MVDetailsPtr mv,
const QRJBBPtr jbb,
NABoolean hasGroupby,
const NAString& mvName = mv->getMVName();
if (physicalExprsHash_.contains(&mvName))
// One is enough.
return FALSE;
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr newExpr = new (heap)
MVMemoPhysicalExpression(map, getGroupNumber(), mv, heap);
physicalExprsHash_.insert(&mvName, newExpr);
// This is a Groupby node - handle the lattice index.
if (hasGroupby)
if (groupLattice_ == NULL)
// This is the first MV in this group. Create a new GroupLattice object.
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Lower initial max keys in debug mode so existing dev tests will
// exercise code for bitmap resizing.
groupLattice_ = new(heap) QRGroupLattice(heap, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(10));
groupLattice_ = new(heap) QRGroupLattice(heap, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(50));
// Insert the new MV into the lattice index.
groupLattice_->insert(map, jbb);
catch (...)
"Caught exception creating group lattice or inserting mv");
return TRUE;
* Add the MVs in this group to the list of candidates so far.
* @param[out] candidateList List of MV candidates so far
* @param subGraph The subGraph of the group.
* @param jbb The JBB of the query descriptor, for matching the groupby list.
* @param heap The heap pointer from which to allocate the MVCandidate objects.
* @param isPreferredMatch If TRUE, set the isPreferredMatch flag of the candidates.
void MVMemoGroup::getPhysicalExpressions(MVCandidatesForJBBPtr mvCandidates,
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr querySubGraphMap,
QRJBBPtr jbb,
CollHeap* heap,
NABoolean isPreferredMatch,
ElementPtrList* minimizedGroupingList)
if (groupLattice_ != NULL)
try //@ZXtry
// This is a groupby node - get the MVs from the lattice index.
MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr jbbSubset =
groupLattice_->search(jbb, mvCandidates, querySubGraphMap, minimizedGroupingList);
if (jbbSubset)
// The MVCandidates in this JbbSubset still don't have the MV subGraphMap set.
// For each MV in the jbbSubset, find the corresponding subGraphMap in the
// PhysicalExpression, by MV name.
CollIndex maxEntries = jbbSubset->entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
MVCandidatePtr mv = (*jbbSubset)[i];
const NAString& mvName = mv->getMvDetails()->getMVName();
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr mvSubGraphMap = getSubGraphMapForMV(mvName);
catch (...)
"Caught exception searching group lattice or setting subgraph maps");
if (physicalExprsHash_.entries() == 0)
MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr jbbSubset = new(heap)
MVCandidatesForJBBSubset(mvCandidates, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
// No Groupby - get the MVs from the physical expressions.
// For each physical expression in this group.
GroupExpressionHashIterator iterator(physicalExprsHash_);
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr expr = NULL;
const NAString* mvName = NULL;
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < iterator.entries(); j++)
// Get the MV details
iterator.getNext(mvName, expr);
MVDetailsPtr mv = expr->getMVDetails();
"Found MV: %s!", mvName->data() );
// Insert into the result list.
jbbSubset->insert(mv, jbb, isPreferredMatch, NULL, expr->getMvSubGraphMap(), heap);
} // MVMemoGroup::getPhysicalExpressions()
* Remove a physical expression for an MV that has been dropped.
* @param key The hash key for the MV to remove.
void MVMemoGroup::removePhysicalExpression(MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr expr)
const NAString& mvName = expr->getMVDetails()->getMVName();
if (groupLattice_ != NULL)
try //@ZXtry
catch (...)
"Caught exception removing entry from group lattice");
* @param name
* @return
void MVMemoGroup::dropMV(const NAString& name)
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr expr = physicalExprsHash_.getFirstValue(&name);
if (expr != NULL)
if (groupLattice_)
try //@ZXtry
catch (...)
"Caught exception removing mvDetails from group lattice");
* An MV is being renamed. The MV name is the key of the physicalExprsHash_
* hash table. Start the rename operation by removing the MV from the hash
* table when the MVDetails object inside it still holds the old name.
* Keep a pointer to the physical expression object in a temp data member.
void MVMemoGroup::startRenameMV(const NAString& oldName)
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr expr = physicalExprsHash_.getFirstValue(&oldName);
expr != NULL, QRLogicException,
"Can't find the MV to rename in the MVMemoGroup.");
tempExpr_ = expr;
* An MV is being renamed. The MV name is the key of the physicalExprsHash_
* hash table. Finish the rename operation by re-inserting the physical
* expression when the MVDetails object inside it holds the new name.
void MVMemoGroup::FinishRenameMV()
physicalExprsHash_.insert(&tempExpr_->getMVName(), tempExpr_);
tempExpr_ = NULL;
Int32 MVMemoGroup::getNumOfMVs()
return physicalExprsHash_.entries();
* This method can be used to dump detailed usage stats to the log file,
* including MVMemo hash keys and LatticeIndex graphs.
* Currently not used.
void MVMemoGroup::reportStats(NAString& text)
text += "\n== These MVs:";
GroupExpressionHashIterator iterator(physicalExprsHash_);
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr expr = NULL;
const NAString* mvName = NULL;
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < iterator.entries(); j++)
// Get the MV details
iterator.getNext(mvName, expr);
text += " ";
text += *mvName;
text += "\nUse this key:\n";
const NAString& hashKey = expr->getHashKey();
text += hashKey;
if (groupLattice_)
* Create a ProposedMV object and add to it all the MVs that are in physical
* expressions in this group.
* If this group has a GroupBy, cascade the work to the LatticeIndex.
void MVMemoGroup::collectMVGroups(WorkloadAnalysisPtr workload, Int32 minQueriesPerMV, CollHeap* heap)
if (physicalExprsHash_.entries() == 0)
// Iterate over all the physical expressions.
// In case of a GroupBy, we don't really need the iterator,
// but we do need to get the pointer to the subgraph map
// from the first element.
GroupExpressionHashIterator iterator(physicalExprsHash_);
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr physExpr = NULL;
const NAString* mvName = NULL;
iterator.getNext(mvName, physExpr);
if (groupLattice_)
// The LatticeIndex will create a ProposedMV object for each node
// with a different GroupBy list.
groupLattice_->collectMVGroups(workload, minQueriesPerMV, heap);
if (physicalExprsHash_.entries() >= minQueriesPerMV)
// No GroupBy - so add all the MVs to the proposedMV objects.
ProposedMVPtr proposedMV = new(heap) ProposedMV(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
// Get the MV details
proposedMV->addMV(physExpr->getMVDetails(), physExpr->getMvSubGraphMap());
iterator.getNext(mvName, physExpr);
} while (physExpr != NULL);
// Class MVMemo
// Delete the groups in the groups array.
for (CollIndex i=0; i<groupsArray_.entries(); i++)
MVMemoGroupPtr group = groupsArray_[i];
// The group hash hash pointers to the same groups.
* Search algorithm of a query in MVMemo.\n
* - Create a HubIterator object for insert operations on the hub of the MV.\n
* - For each subexpression hashKey produced by the HubIterator:\n
* - Lookup hashKey in the MVMEMO hash table.\n
* - If an expression was found:\n
* - If hashKey represents a base table, and exp is a physical
* expression for an MV
* - Provide the MV information to the HubIterator, so it will
* rewrite its own join graph.\n
* - Else (an expression exp was not found so no corresponding group exists)\n
* - Create an empty group g.\n
* - Create a logical expression on the hash key and add it to the group g.\n
* - Insert the logical expression into the MVMEMO hash table.\n
* - If the hashKey involves a self join\n
* - For each equivalent hash key from the HubIterator\n
* - Create a new logical expression for the new hash key\n
* - Add the logical expression into group g.\n
* - Insert the logical expression into the MVMEMO hash table.\n
* - With g as the last group found or inserted, representing the top
* of the hub, if g has any matching MVs, mark them as preferred matches.\n
* @param jbb The JBB from the MV descriptor to insert into MVMemo.
* @param mv The details of the MV being inserted.
void MVMemo::insert(QRJBBPtr jbb, MVDetailsPtr mv)
QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph = NULL;
const QRMVMiscPtr miscElement = mv->getMvDescriptor()->getMisc();
NABoolean isWorkloadAnalysisMode = miscElement != NULL && miscElement->isFromQuery();
OperationType op = OP_INSERT;
// Insert only the top, full join graph if this is a MAV/MAJV or if
// we are in workload analysis mode.
if (mv->hasGroupBy() ||
isWorkloadAnalysisMode )
// Create a HubIterator for the JBB
HubIteratorPtr hubIterator = createHubIteratorForJBB(jbb, mv, op, heap_);
// Heuristic method to check if self join processing should be skipped.
NABoolean isSelfJoinTooBig = hubIterator->isSelfJoinTooBig();
do // For each subgraph produced by the HubIterator
subGraph = hubIterator->nextSubGraph();
if (subGraph == NULL)
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map = subGraph->getSubGraphMap(op);
NABoolean isDuplicate = FALSE;
NABoolean found = handleInsertedSubgraph(map, jbb, mv, isDuplicate);
if (isDuplicate)
map = NULL;
// Do self-join processing only if:
// 1. This is a self-join graph.
// 2. The self-join is not too big.
// 3. An MV with a duplicate hash key was not already inserted.
// 3. This expression was not found in MVMemo (so we did not already
// go through this process) or this is the top expression
// of the join graph (so we need to insert the MV in all the groups).
if ( subGraph->isSelfJoin() &&
!isSelfJoinTooBig &&
!isDuplicate &&
(!found || (NULL != map && map->isFull())) )
// Generate all the equivalent hash keys, and insert them all.
while (map->hasNextEquivalentMap())
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr equivalentMap = map->nextEquivalentMap();
if (equivalentMap == NULL)
handleInsertedSubgraph(equivalentMap, jbb, mv, isDuplicate);
if (isDuplicate)
equivalentMap = NULL;
if (map && (!map->isFull()))
// The map is only needed later if we inserted a physical expression.
map = NULL;
} while (hubIterator->hasNext());
} // MVMemo::insert()
* Search algorithm of query matches in MVMemo.\n
* - Create a HubIterator object for search operations on the hub of the MV.\n
* - For each subexpression hashKey produced by the HubIterator:\n
* - Lookup hashKey in the MVMEMO hash table.\n
* - If an expression was not found:\n
* - If hashKey represents a base table, and exp is a physical
* expression for an MV, provide the MV information to the
* HubIterator, so it will rewrite its own join graph.\n
* - If exp is a logical expression, and the corresponding
* group includes physical expressions for MVs, add those
* MVs to the candidate list.\n
* - Else (an expression exp was found)\n
* - Call HubIterator to report this subexpression as missing,
* so no supersets of it will be attempted.\n
* - With g as the last group found or inserted, representing the top
* of the hub, if g has any matching MVs, mark them as preferred matches.
* @param jbb The JBB from the query descriptor, to search for MVs matching it.
* @param[out] candidateList List of MV candidates so far
* @param heap The request heap.
void MVMemo::search(QRJBBPtr jbb, MVCandidatesForJBBPtr mvCandidates, CollHeap* heap)
"==========>>> Matching JBB: %s.", jbb->getID().data());
// Create a HubIterator for the JBB
HubIteratorPtr hubIterator = createHubIteratorForJBB(jbb, NULL, OP_SEARCH, heap);
// Before we start the iteration, check for the IndirectGroupBy case
// Are there any tables we can reduce because they are joined on a unique key?
const QRJoinSubGraphPtr mini = hubIterator->getMinimizedSubGraph();
if (mini != NULL)
// OK, are there any MVs that correspond to the minimized subgraph?
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map = mini->getSubGraphMap(OP_SEARCH);
MVMemoGroupPtr group = probeForSubGraph(hubIterator, map);
if (group != NULL)
// Transform the grouping list to use only fact table columns.
GroupingListMinimizer minimizer(jbb, map, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap_));
ElementPtrList* minimizedGroupingList = minimizer.calcIndirectGroupingList();
if (minimizedGroupingList == NULL)
// Could not minimize grouping list - cleanup.
// Use the minimized grouping list to probe the GroupLattice for matching MVs.
group->getPhysicalExpressions(mvCandidates, map, jbb, heap, FALSE, minimizedGroupingList);
do // For each subexpression hashKey produced by the HubIterator
const QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph = hubIterator->nextSubGraph();
if (subGraph == NULL)
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map = subGraph->getSubGraphMap(OP_SEARCH);
"Probing for hash key: \n%s", map->getHashKey().data());
MVMemoGroupPtr group = probeForSubGraph(hubIterator, map);
if (group != NULL)
// Was this the last subexpression?
NABoolean isTopOfQuery = (FALSE == hubIterator->hasNext());
// Add them to the list of candidates so far.
group->getPhysicalExpressions(mvCandidates, map, jbb, heap, isTopOfQuery, NULL);
} while (hubIterator->hasNext());
} // MVMemo::search()
* Analyze a JBB and create a HubIterator for it. This method is used both
* when inserting an MV, as well as when matching a query.
* @param jbb The JBB definition from the MV or Query Descriptor.
* @param op Is this an insert or a search operation?
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate objects. This should be the
* main heap for MVs, and the request heap for queries.
HubIteratorPtr MVMemo::createHubIteratorForJBB(const QRJBBPtr jbb,
MVDetailsPtr mv,
OperationType op,
CollHeap* heap)
// Create a new join graph for this JBB.
QRJoinGraphPtr joinGraph = new (heap) QRJoinGraph(heap);
joinGraph->initFromJBB(jbb, mv);
HubIteratorPtr iter = new(heap) HubIterator(joinGraph, op, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
return iter;
* Insert a new logical expression for a new subgraph.
* If the subgraph is for the full joingraph, add a physical expression as well.
* This version of the method creates a new group for each equivalent self-join
* logical expression. The version with the 'group' parameter, puts all the
* equivalent logical expressions in the same group. This is the way its
* described in the IS doc, and is probably better, but it still has a bug
* where the MV is disqualified when matched.
* @param map The subGraphMap to be inserted.
* @param jbb The JBB element of the descriptor
* @param mv The MVDetails of the MV being inserted.
* @return TRUE if hash key was found in MVMemo, FALSE if inserted a new group.
NABoolean MVMemo::handleInsertedSubgraph(QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map,
QRJBBPtr jbb,
MVDetailsPtr mv,
NABoolean& isDuplicate)
isDuplicate = FALSE;
const NAString& key = map->getHashKey();
MVMemoGroupPtr group = NULL;
"Checking hash key: \n%s",;
NABoolean found = contains(key);
if (found) // Was the expression found in the hash table?
// Yes - The expression hash key was found.
MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr expr = getExpression(key);
Int32 groupNumber = expr->getGroupNumber();
group = getGroup(groupNumber);
// Found an existing logical expression - ignore.
" Found existing group %d.\n", groupNumber);
// No - the expression hash key was not found in the hash table.
if (group==NULL)
// Create a new group for it.
group = allocateNewGroup();
// Create a new logical expression and add it to the group and to the hash table.
MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr newExpr =
group->addLogicalExpression(key, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap_));
" Inserted hash key in new group %d.\n", group->getGroupNumber());
} // else - group not found
if (map->isFull())
// This hash key is for the full MV - insert a physical expression.
isDuplicate = !group->addPhysicalExpression(map, mv, jbb, map->hasGroupBy(), ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap_));
" Inserted the MV in group %d.\n", group->getGroupNumber());
return found;
} // MVMemo::handleInsertedSubgraph()
MVMemoGroupPtr MVMemo::probeForSubGraph(HubIteratorPtr hubIterator, const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map)
const NAString& key = map->getHashKey();
if(contains(key)) // Was the expression found in the hash table?
// Yes - The expression hash key was found.
MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr expr = getExpression(key);
if (expr->isPhysical())
// The expression is not for a table - its for an MV.
// Use the MV's information to rewrite the query join graph, so
// that it will use base tables rather than the MV.
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr physicalExpr = static_cast<MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr>(expr);
// Are there any MVs in this group?
MVMemoGroupPtr group = getGroup(expr->getGroupNumber());
"Found group no. %d.\n", group->getGroupNumber());
if (group->hasPhysicalExpressions())
return group;
//debugMessage1("Didn't find group for: %s",;
// No - the expression hash key was not found in the hash table.
// Delete the map object only if its not used in any MV candidates.
return NULL;
* This method can be used to dump detailed usage stats to the log file,
* including MVMemo hash keys and LatticeIndex graphs.
* Currently not used.
void MVMemo::reportStats(Int32 numOfMVs)
typedef NAPtrList<MVMemoGroupPtr> GroupList;
NAArray<GroupList*> groupsOrderedArray(heap_, numOfMVs);
MVMemoGroupPtr currentGroup=NULL;
CollIndex currentGroupSize=0;
GroupList* currentGroupList = NULL;
// Sort the groups into an array of lists according to the group size.
CollIndex maxEntries=groupsArray_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
currentGroup = groupsArray_[i];
currentGroupSize = currentGroup->getNumOfMVs();
if (currentGroupSize == 0)
if (groupsOrderedArray.used(currentGroupSize))
currentGroupList = groupsOrderedArray[currentGroupSize];
currentGroupList = new(heap_) GroupList(heap_);
groupsOrderedArray.insertAt(currentGroupSize, currentGroupList);
// Dump the stats to the log.
NAString text("\n", heap_);
char buff[100];
text += "=============================\n";
text += "== MVMemo Usage Statistics ==\n";
text += "=============================\n";
text = "";
CollIndex groupsProcessed = 0;
maxEntries = groupsOrderedArray.entries();
for (currentGroupSize=0; groupsProcessed<maxEntries; currentGroupSize++)
if (!groupsOrderedArray.used(currentGroupSize))
sprintf(buff, "\n===== MVMemoGroups of size: %d\n", currentGroupSize);
QRLogger::log(CAT_MVMEMO_STATS, LL_DEBUG, buff);
currentGroupList = groupsOrderedArray[currentGroupSize];
CollIndex maxGroups = currentGroupList->entries();
for (CollIndex j=0; j<maxGroups; j++)
currentGroup = (*currentGroupList)[j];
text = "";
// Cleanup
delete currentGroupList;
groupsOrderedArray[currentGroupSize] = NULL;
* Iterate over all the MVMemo groups to collect proposed MVs.
void MVMemo::collectMVGroups(WorkloadAnalysisPtr workload, Int32 minQueriesPerMV, CollHeap* heap)
CollIndex maxEntries=groupsArray_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
groupsArray_[i]->collectMVGroups(workload, minQueriesPerMV, heap);
// Class GroupingListMinimizer
* GroupingListMinimizer class constructor
GroupingListMinimizer::GroupingListMinimizer(const QRJBBPtr jbb,
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map,
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
,partitionedGroupingList_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_SMALL, TRUE, heap) // Pass NAString::hashKey
* Verify that none of the query aggregate functions use columns from
* reduced tables.
NABoolean GroupingListMinimizer::verifyAggregateFunctions()
// For each element in the query output list
CollIndex maxEntries = outputs_->entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
QROutputPtr output = (*outputs_)[i];
QRElementPtr elem = output->getOutputItem();
// If its an expression
if (elem->getElementType() == ET_Expr)
QRExprPtr expr = elem->downCastToQRExpr();
QRExplicitExprPtr expl = expr->getExprRoot();
// If its an aggregate function
if (expl->containsAnAggregate(heap_))
const ElementPtrList& inputs = expr->getInputColumns(heap_);
// Check all the expression input columns
CollIndex maxEntries2 = inputs.entries();
for (CollIndex j=0; j<maxEntries2; j++)
QRElementPtr inputElem = inputs[j]->getReferencedElement();
if (inputElem->getElementType() == ET_Column)
QRColumnPtr col = inputElem->downCastToQRColumn();
const NAString& tableID = col->getTableID();
// Is the input column from a reduced table?
if (isReducedTable(tableID))
"Output %s is an aggregate function on an Indirect roupBy reduced table.",
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
NABoolean GroupingListMinimizer::isReducedTable(const NAString& tableID)
CollIndex maxEntries = tablesToReduce_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
if (tablesToReduce_[i]->getID() == tableID)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Add a column to the grouping column list.
* Ignore duplicates.
void GroupingListMinimizer::addGroupingCol(QRElementPtr groupingCol)
const NAString& tableID = groupingCol->downCastToQRColumn()->getTableID();
ElementPtrList* tableCols = NULL;
// Find the grouping list columns from this table.
if (partitionedGroupingList_.contains(&tableID))
tableCols = partitionedGroupingList_.getFirstValue(&tableID);
tableCols = new (heap_) ElementPtrList(heap_);
partitionedGroupingList_.insert(&tableID, tableCols);
// Is this column already on the grouping list?
const NAString& colID = groupingCol->getID();
CollIndex maxEntries = tableCols->entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
if ((*tableCols)[i]->getID() == colID)
// Yes, this is a duplicate - just ignore it.
// Not a duplicate - add it to the list.
* Populate the partitionedGroupingList_ data structure.
void GroupingListMinimizer::partitionGroupingList()
// For each element in the grouping list.
CollIndex maxEntries = fullGroupingList_.entries();
QRColumnPtr groupingCol = NULL;
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
QRElementPtr groupingElem = fullGroupingList_[i]->getReferencedElement();
if (groupingElem->getElementType() == ET_JoinPred)
// This grouping column is part of an equality set.
// Use the first column in the equality set.
QRJoinPredPtr jp = groupingElem->downCastToQRJoinPred();
const ElementPtrList& eqList = jp->getEqualityList();
if (eqList[0]->getElementType() == ET_Column)
QRElementPtr colRefedElem;
colRefedElem = eqList[0]->getReferencedElement();
groupingCol = colRefedElem->downCastToQRColumn();
groupingElem->getElementType() == ET_Column, QRLogicException,
"Grouping by join preds on expressions not yet supported.");
groupingElem->getElementType() == ET_Column, QRLogicException,
"Grouping by expressions not yet supported.");
groupingCol = groupingElem->downCastToQRColumn();
// Add the grouping column to the partitionedGroupingList_.
* Reduce a table by translating grouping columns from it to the foreign
* key columns used to join to this table.
void GroupingListMinimizer::reduceTable(JoinGraphTablePtr table)
// First get the list of foreign key columns from the joining table,
// and reduce them from the join graph.
ElementPtrList pointingCols(heap_);
// Next check if this table has any grouping columns at all.
const NAString& tableID = table->getID();
ElementPtrList* tableCols = partitionedGroupingList_.getFirstValue(&tableID);
if (tableCols == NULL)
// Add them to the partitionedGroupingList_
CollIndex maxEntries = pointingCols.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
QRElementPtr newGroupingCol = pointingCols[i];
// Remove this table from the partitionedGroupingList_.
delete tableCols;
"Table %s was reduced.", table->getName().data());
* After all the tables in tablesToReduce_ were reduced, make sure none of
* them were added back by reducing some other table.
NABoolean GroupingListMinimizer::verifyTablesWereReduced()
CollIndex maxEntries = tablesToReduce_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = tablesToReduce_[i];
const NAString& tableID = table->getID();
if (partitionedGroupingList_.contains(&tableID))
"Table %s was reduced and then re-added. Aborting Indirect GroupBy algorithm.",
table->getName().data() );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Prepare the result list of grouping columns.
ElementPtrList* GroupingListMinimizer::prepareResult()
ElementPtrList* result = new(heap_) ElementPtrList(heap_);
// Iterate on the partitionedGroupingList_ hash table.
PartitionedGroupingListIterator iter(partitionedGroupingList_);
const NAString* key;
ElementPtrList* value;
CollIndex maxEntries = iter.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
iter.getNext(key, value);
return result;
* Log a message with the resulting grouping list.
void GroupingListMinimizer::dumpResult(ElementPtrList* result)
"All dimension tables were successfully reduced!");
NAString msg(heap_);
msg = "New Grouping list is: ";
CollIndex maxEntries = result->entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
if (i!=0)
msg += ", ";
msg += (*result)[i]->getID();
msg += ".";
* Run the Indirect GroupBy minimization algorithm.
ElementPtrList* GroupingListMinimizer::calcIndirectGroupingList()
// First verify that there are no aggregate functions on dimension table columns.
if (verifyAggregateFunctions() == FALSE)
return NULL;
// Populate the main data structure.
// Create a local copy of the table list.
JoinGraphTableList tablesToReduce(tablesToReduce_);
// Keep reducing tables as long as tables are being reduced.
NABoolean tableWasReduced = FALSE;
tableWasReduced = FALSE;
// Do loop backwards because we will be deleting tables we reduce.
for (Int32 i=tablesToReduce.entries()-1; i>=0; i--)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = tablesToReduce[i];
if (table->isOnTheEdge() == FALSE)
tableWasReduced = TRUE;
} while (tableWasReduced);
if (tablesToReduce.entries() > 0)
// Not all the tables in the list were reduced. Abort.
"Table %s could not be reduced.", tablesToReduce[0]->getName().data() );
return NULL;
// Check that partitionedGroupingList_ does not contain any of the tables in tablesToReduce_
if (verifyTablesWereReduced() == FALSE)
return NULL;
// Create the new grouping list.
ElementPtrList* result = prepareResult();
return result;