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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: UdfDllInteraction.h
* Description: Classes that define interaction of a TMUDF with a DLL
* Created: 3/01/2010
* Language: C++
#include "LmCommon.h"
#include "sqludr.h"
#include "BindWA.h"
#include "ExExeUtilCli.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class TMUDFDllInteraction;
// forward references
class TableMappingUDF;
namespace tmudr {
class UDRInvocationInfo;
// if other RelExprs need a DLL interation we may need
// to define a common base class then.
// class TMUDFDllInteraction represents the metadata needed to interact
// with a specific compiler interface for one or more TMUDFs. It can
// be shared between multiple invocations of these TMUDFs.
// Todo: A cache, for now we create one for each TableMappingUDR RelExpr.
class TMUDFDllInteraction : public NABasicObject
public :
NABoolean describeParamsAndMaxOutputs(TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
BindWA * bindWA);
NABoolean createOutputInputColumnMap(TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
ValueIdMap &result);
NABoolean describeDataflow(TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
ValueIdSet &valuesRequiredByParent,
ValueIdSet &selectionPreds,
ValueIdSet &predsEvaluatedByUDF,
ValueIdSet &predsToPushDown);
NABoolean describeConstraints(TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode);
NABoolean describeStatistics(TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
NABoolean degreeOfParallelism(TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
TMUDFPlanWorkSpace * pws,
int &dop);
NABoolean finalizePlan(TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
tmudr::UDRPlanInfo *planInfo);
// methods for retrieving statistics specified by the UDR
CostScalar getResultCardinality(TableMappingUDF *tmudfNode);
CostScalar getCardinalityScaleFactorFromFunctionType(
TableMappingUDF *tmudfNode);
CostScalar getOutputColumnUEC(TableMappingUDF *tmudfNode,
int colNum);
// helper methods for routine invocation and error handling
NABoolean invokeRoutine(tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo::CallPhase cp,
TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
tmudr::UDRPlanInfo *planInfo = NULL,
ComDiagsArea *diags = NULL);
static void processReturnStatus(const tmudr::UDRException &e,
TableMappingUDF *tmudfNode);
static void processReturnStatus(const tmudr::UDRException &e,
const char * routineName,
ComDiagsArea *diags = NULL);
// do not use this for things other than routine invocations,
// since that could lead to resource leaks
ExeCliInterface cliInterface_;
// Class used to convert Trafodion classes to and from the C++
// compiler interface classes defined in sqludr.h.
// This class is a friend of many of the C++ compiler interface classes
// and therefore it can set private data members that the UDF writer
// should not set directly
class TMUDFInternalSetup
// these methods could be made methods of the C++ interface itself, but
// that would expose them to the UDF writer, who should not call them,
// therefore we make this class a friend and implement them here as static
// member functions
// methods to convert Trafodion objects to tmudr objects
// (allocated on system heap, if needed)
static tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *createInvocationInfoFromRelExpr(
TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
char *&constBuffer,
int &constBufferLength,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
static NABoolean setTypeInfoFromNAType(
tmudr::TypeInfo &tgt,
const NAType *src,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
static tmudr::ColumnInfo *createColumnInfoFromNAColumn(
const NAColumn *src,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
static NABoolean setTableInfoFromNAColumnArray(
tmudr::TableInfo &tgt,
const NAColumnArray *src,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
static NABoolean setPredicateInfoFromValueIdSet(
tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *tgt,
const ValueIdList &udfOutputColumns,
const ValueIdSet &predicates,
ValueIdList &convertedPredicates,
NABitVector &usedColPositions);
static NABoolean removeUnusedColumnsAndPredicates(
tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *tgt);
static NABoolean createConstraintInfoFromRelExpr(
TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode);
static NABoolean setChildOutputStats(
tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *tgt,
TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputLP);
// methods to convert tmudr objects to Trafodion objects (allocated on NAHeap)
static NAType *createNATypeFromTypeInfo(
const tmudr::TypeInfo &src,
int colNumForDiags,
NAHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
static NAColumn *createNAColumnFromColumnInfo(
const tmudr::ColumnInfo &src,
int position,
NAHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
static NAColumnArray * createColumnArrayFromTableInfo(
const tmudr::TableInfo &tableInfo,
TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
NAHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
static NABoolean createConstraintsFromConstraintInfo(
const tmudr::TableInfo &tableInfo,
TableMappingUDF * tmudfNode,
NAHeap *heap);
// invoke private constructors/destructors of the interface structs
static tmudr::UDRPlanInfo *createUDRPlanInfo(
tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *invocationInfo,
int planNum);
static void setOffsets(tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *invocationInfo,
ExpTupleDesc *inParamTupleDesc,
ExpTupleDesc *outputTupleDesc,
ExpTupleDesc **inputTupleDescs);
static void deleteUDRInvocationInfo(tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *toDelete);
static void deleteUDRPlanInfo(tmudr::UDRPlanInfo *toDelete);