blob: c026914a45fd531656b55c6d959e2775c00ac15e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef RELSCAN_H
#define RELSCAN_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RelScan.h
* Description: Relational scan (both physical and logical operators)
* Created: 4/28/94
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "SearchKey.h"
#include "mdam.h"
#include "mdamkey.h"
#include "disjuncts.h"
#include "OptUtilIncludes.h"
#include "CmpContext.h"
#include "SchemaDB.h"
#include "HbaseSearchSpec.h"
#include "OptHints.h"
#include "ExpHbaseDefs.h"
#include <vector>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Scan;
class FileScan;
// a helper class used by class Scan
class ScanIndexInfo;
class IndexProperty;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BindWA;
class CostScalar;
class Generator;
class GenericUpdate;
class LogicalProperty;
class NormWA;
class SimpleCostVector;
class TableDesc;
class MVInfoForDML;
class DeltaDefinition;
class MvRefreshBuilder;
class QueryAnalysis;
class CANodeId;
class JBBSubsetAnalysis;
class QRDescGenerator;
class RangeSpecRef;
class MVMatch;
class CommonSubExprRef;
MdamFlags used to indicate promise of key access of an index
#ifndef MDAM_FLAGS
#define MDAM_FLAGS
enum MdamFlags { UNDECIDED,
IndexJoinSelectivityEnum indicates if the cost of index join would
exceed the cost of scanning the base table or not.
enum IndexJoinSelectivityEnum {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A helper class for class Scan that identifies sets of indexes to be
// used in transformations of this scan to an index join (a join between
// an index and another scan node). Only the friends should use this
// class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ScanIndexInfo : public NABasicObject
friend class Scan;
friend class IndexJoinRule1;
friend class IndexJoinRule2;
friend class OrOptimizationRule;
const ValueIdSet& inputsToIndex,
const ValueIdSet& outputsFromIndex,
const ValueIdSet& indexPredicates,
const ValueIdSet& joinPredicates,
const ValueIdSet& outputsFromRightScan,
const ValueIdSet& indexColumns,
IndexProperty* ixProp
ScanIndexInfo(const ScanIndexInfo & other);
ValueIdSet inputsToIndex_;
ValueIdSet outputsFromIndex_;
ValueIdSet indexPredicates_;
ValueIdSet joinPredicates_;
ValueIdSet outputsFromRightScan_;
ValueIdSet indexColumns_;
SET(IndexProperty *) usableIndexes_;
NABoolean transformationDone_;
Helper class used to encapsulate properties of an index like promise
of key access, viability of index join. Default inputLogProp used to
calculate cost of index join.
class IndexProperty : public NABasicObject
IndexProperty(IndexDesc * index,
MdamFlags mdamFlag = MDAM_ON,
IndexJoinSelectivityEnum selectivity = INDEX_ONLY_INDEX,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inELP = NULL):
//mutator functions
void setSelectivity(IndexJoinSelectivityEnum selectivity)
{ selectivityEnum_ = selectivity; }
void setMdamFlag(MdamFlags mdamFlag)
{ mdamFlag_ = mdamFlag ; }
void setInputEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inELP)
{ inputEstLogProp_ = inELP; }
//Accessor functions
IndexDesc * getIndexDesc() const
{ return index_; }
MdamFlags getMdamFlag() const
{ return mdamFlag_; }
IndexJoinSelectivityEnum getSelectivity() const
{ return selectivityEnum_; }
EstLogPropSharedPtr getInputEstLogProp() const
{ return inputEstLogProp_; }
void updatePossibleIndexes(SET(IndexProperty *) & ixOnlyIndexes, Scan * );
COMPARE_RESULT compareIndexPromise(const IndexProperty *) const;
IndexDesc * index_;
MdamFlags mdamFlag_;
IndexJoinSelectivityEnum selectivityEnum_;
EstLogPropSharedPtr inputEstLogProp_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Scan operator forms the leaf nodes of a tree of relational
// expressions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Scan : public RelExpr
// constructor
Scan(OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_SCAN,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
NABoolean stream = FALSE ) :
RelExpr(otype, NULL, NULL, oHeap),
userTableName_("", oHeap),
stream_ (stream),
embeddedUpdateOrDelete_ (FALSE),
Scan(const CorrName& name,
NABoolean stream = FALSE) :
RelExpr(REL_SCAN, NULL, NULL, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
userTableName_(name, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
stream_ (stream),
embeddedUpdateOrDelete_ (FALSE),
Scan(const CorrName& name,
TableDesc * tabId,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_SCAN,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
NABoolean stream = FALSE) :
RelExpr(otype, NULL, NULL, oHeap),
userTableName_(name, oHeap),
stream_ (stream),
embeddedUpdateOrDelete_ (FALSE),
Scan(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
const CorrName& name,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
RelExpr(otype, NULL, NULL, oHeap),
userTableName_(name, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
stream_ (FALSE),
embeddedUpdateOrDelete_ (FALSE),
// virtual destructor
virtual ~Scan() {}
// append an ascii-version of RelExpr into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cwa) const;
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// change literals of a cacheable query into ConstantParameters
virtual RelExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA);
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual NABoolean isHbaseScan() { return FALSE; }
// get and set the table name
virtual const CorrName & getTableName() const { return userTableName_; }
virtual CorrName & getTableName() { return userTableName_; }
virtual const CorrName * getPtrToTableName() const { return &userTableName_; }
virtual void setTableName(CorrName &userTableName)
userTableName_ = userTableName;
// Methods for accessing and updating the TableDesc
TableDesc * getTableDesc() const { return tabId_; }
void setTableDesc(TableDesc * tdesc) { tabId_ = tdesc; }
TableDesc * getTableDescForBaseSelectivity() { return tabId_; }
// This method computes the base selectivity for this table. It is defined
// cardinality after applying all local predicates with empty input logical
// properties over the base cardinality without hints
CostScalar computeBaseSelectivity() const;
const SET(IndexProperty *) & getIndexOnlyIndexes() { return indexOnlyIndexes_; }
const LIST(ScanIndexInfo *) & getPossibleIndexJoins()
{ return possibleIndexJoins_; }
Lng32 getNumIndexJoins() { return numIndexJoins_; }
void setNumIndexJoins(Lng32 n) { numIndexJoins_ = n; }
void setHbaseAccessOptions(HbaseAccessOptions *v) { hbaseAccessOptions_ = v; }
HbaseAccessOptions *getHbaseAccessOptions() const { return hbaseAccessOptions_; }
// the maximal number of index joins that a scan node will be
// transformed into
static const Lng32 MAX_NUM_INDEX_JOINS;
NABoolean isHiveTable() const;
NABoolean isHbaseTable() const;
NABoolean isSeabaseTable() const;
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// MV --
NABoolean virtual isIncrementalMV() { return TRUE; }
void virtual collectMVInformation(MVInfoForDDL *mvInfo,
NABoolean isNormalized);
RelExpr *bindExpandedMaterializedView(BindWA *bindWA, NATable *naTable);
void projectCurrentEpoch(BindWA *bindWA);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for rewriting its
// value expressions.
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// The set of values that I can potentially produce as output.
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
virtual void getPotentialOutputValuesAsVEGs(ValueIdSet & outputs) const ;
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
// synthesize complementary Referential opt constraints
// used to eliminate redundant joins and match extra-hub tables.
void synthCompRefOptConstraints(NormWA * normWAPtr) ;
// finish synthesis of logical properties by setting the cardinality
// attributes
virtual void finishSynthEstLogProp();
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// Generate the read access set.
virtual SubTreeAccessSet * calcAccessSets(CollHeap *heap);
// reconcile GroupAttribute
virtual NABoolean reconcileGroupAttr(GroupAttributes *newGroupAttr);
// find out which indexes on the base table are usable for this scan
void addIndexInfo();
NABoolean updateableIndex(IndexDesc*, ValueIdSet& preds,
NABoolean & needsHalloweenProtection);
NABoolean requiresHalloweenForUpdateUsingIndexScan();
// iterate over the usable indexes (index-only and index joins)
CollIndex numUsableIndexes();
IndexDesc *getUsableIndex(CollIndex indexNum,
IndexProperty **indexOnlyInfo = NULL,
ScanIndexInfo **indexJoinInfo = NULL);
// add all base cols that contribute to local VEGPredicates to vs
void addBaseColsFromVEGPreds(ValueIdSet &vs) const;
// set the list of indexonly indexes externally
void setIndexOnlyScans(const SET(IndexProperty *) &ixonly)
{ indexOnlyIndexes_ = ixonly; }
const SET(IndexDesc *)& deriveIndexOnlyIndexDesc();
const SET(IndexDesc *)& deriveIndexJoinIndexDesc();
const SET(IndexDesc *)& getIndexJoinIndexDesc(){ return indexJoinScans_; }
inline void setComputedPredicates(const ValueIdSet &ccPreds)
{ generatedCCPreds_ = ccPreds; }
const LIST(ScanIndexInfo *) &getIndexInfo()
{ return possibleIndexJoins_; }
const ValueIdSet &getComputedPredicates() const { return generatedCCPreds_; }
// set (restrict) the potential output values that this node can produce
void setPotentialOutputValues(const ValueIdSet &po)
{ potentialOutputs_ = po; }
Cardinality getBaseCardinality() const
{ return baseCardinality_; }
void setBaseCardinality(Cardinality newCard)
{ baseCardinality_ = newCard; }
void setTableAttributes(CANodeId nodeId);
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
void copyIndexInfo(RelExpr *derivedNode);
void removeIndexInfo();
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual void computeMyRequiredResources(RequiredResources & reqResources,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
const StmtLevelAccessOptions accessOptions() const { return accessOptions_; }
StmtLevelAccessOptions &accessOptions() { return accessOptions_; }
const SelectivityHint * getSelectivityHint() const
{ return (suppressHints_ ? NULL : tabId_->getSelectivityHint()); }
const CardinalityHint * getCardinalityHint() const
{ return (suppressHints_ ? NULL : tabId_->getCardinalityHint()); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scan::normalizeNode()
// Invokes ItemExpr::normalizeNode() & then performs mdamBuildDisjuncts
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
RelExpr * normalizeNode ( NormWA & normWARef );
virtual NABoolean prepareMeForCSESharing(
const ValueIdSet &outputsToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &predicatesToRemove,
const ValueIdSet &commonPredicatesToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &inputsToRemove,
ValueIdSet &valuesForVEGRewrite,
ValueIdSet &keyColumns,
CSEInfo *info);
// synthesizes compRefOpt constraints.
virtual void processCompRefOptConstraints(NormWA * normWAPtr) ;
// checks if the scan on the referenced table contains predicates of the form
//table.col = 1, or table.col > 1, or (fktable.col = 1 and fktable.col = table.col)
// in these examples the col in table.col has to be a non key column. If its a key
//column then the predicate is not reducing in the foreignkey-uniquekey sense because
// if there table.uniquekey = fktable.foriegnkey type predicate then that predicate
// will ensure that table.uniquekey = 1 type predicate is also applied to the
// foreign key side and therefore it does not destroy the FK-UK relation.
NABoolean containsReducingPredicates(const ValueIdSet& keyCols) const;
void setForceIndexInfo() { forcedIndexInfo_ = TRUE; }
void resetForceIndexInfo() { forcedIndexInfo_ = FALSE; }
NABoolean isIndexInfoForced() const { return forcedIndexInfo_; }
void setSuppressHints(NABoolean x = TRUE) { suppressHints_ = x; }
NABoolean areHintsSuppressed() const { return suppressHints_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Vertical Partitioning related methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// checks if TableDesc has vertical partitions
NABoolean isVerticalPartitionTableScan() const
{ return (!tabId_->getVerticalPartitions().isEmpty()); }
// Returns isSingleVPScan
NABoolean isSingleVerticalPartitionScan() const { return isSingleVPScan_; }
// Sets isSingleVPScan
void setSingleVerticalPartitionScan(NABoolean isSingleVPScan)
{ isSingleVPScan_ = isSingleVPScan; }
// find out which vertical partitions are needed for this scan
// and what columns does each of them provide
void getRequiredVerticalPartitions
(SET(IndexDesc *) & requiredVPs,
SET(ValueIdSet *) & columnsProvidedByVP) const;
// if update where current of, updateQry is set to TRUE.
// if del where cur of, set to FALSE.
void bindUpdateCurrentOf(BindWA *bindWA, NABoolean updateQry);
ValueIdList & pkeyHvarList() { return pkeyHvarList_; }
OptSqlTableOpenInfo *getOptStoi() const { return stoi_; };
void setOptStoi(OptSqlTableOpenInfo *stoi) { stoi_ = stoi; };
Float32 samplePercent() const { return samplePercent_; };
void samplePercent(Float32 sp) { samplePercent_ = sp; };
NABoolean checkForCardRange(const ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
CostScalar & newRowCount /* in and out */);
NABoolean isSampleScan() const { return samplePercent_ >= 0; };
inline ValueIdSet & sampledColumns() { return sampledColumns_; };
inline const ValueIdSet & sampledColumns() const { return sampledColumns_; };
Lng32 clusterSize() const { return clusterSize_; };
void clusterSize(Lng32 cs) { clusterSize_ = cs; };
NABoolean isClusterSampling() const { return clusterSize_ > 0; };
NABoolean noSecurityCheck() { return (scanFlags_ & NO_SECURITY_CHECK) != 0; }
void setNoSecurityCheck(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? scanFlags_ |= NO_SECURITY_CHECK : scanFlags_ &= ~NO_SECURITY_CHECK); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This routine checks whether a table is both read and updated
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual rwErrorStatus checkReadWriteConflicts(NormWA & normWARef);
// QSTUFF ^^
// 10-040128-2749 -begin
// check if Mdam is enabled based on the context,Current Controltable
// setting and defaults.
NABoolean isMdamEnabled(const Context *context);
// 10-040128-2749 -end
// MV --
// Force the Scan to be in the reverse order of the clustering index.
NABoolean forceInverseOrder() const { return (scanFlags_ & FORCE_INVERSE_ORDER) != 0; }
void setForceInverseOrder(NABoolean v=TRUE)
{ (v ? scanFlags_ |= FORCE_INVERSE_ORDER : scanFlags_ &= ~FORCE_INVERSE_ORDER); }
void setExtraOutputColumns(ValueIdSet outputCols)
{ extraOutputColumns_ = outputCols; }
const ValueIdSet& getExtraOutputColumns() const
{ return extraOutputColumns_;}
void setRewrittenMV() { isRewrittenMV_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isRewrittenMV() const { return isRewrittenMV_;}
virtual NABoolean pilotAnalysis(QueryAnalysis* qa);
JBBSubsetAnalysis* getJBBSubsetAnalysis();
ItemExpr * applyAssociativityAndCommutativity(QRDescGenerator *descGenerator,
CollHeap *heap, ItemExpr *ptrToOldTree, NormWA& normWARef,
NABoolean& transformationStatus);
NABoolean shrinkNewTree(OperatorTypeEnum op, ItemExpr *ptrToNewTree,
RangeSpecRef* xref, NormWA& normWARef);
// for MVQR: return the list of matching MVs
NAList<MVMatch*> getMatchingMVs()
{ return matchingMVs_; };
// Insert an MV match (for query rewrite purposes) into the list of potential
// replacements for the Scan. Preferred matches are inserted at the
// front of the list, non-preferred matches go at the end.
void addMVMatch(MVMatch* match, NABoolean isPreferred)
if (isPreferred)
matchingMVs_.insertAt(0, match);
CommonSubExprRef *getCommonSubExpr() const { return commonSubExpr_; }
void setCommonSubExpr(CommonSubExprRef *cse) { commonSubExpr_ = cse; }
// Find the most promising index from the LIST, for index joins
IndexProperty* findSmallestIndex(const LIST(ScanIndexInfo *)&) const;
// Find the most promising index from the set, for index only scans
IndexProperty* findSmallestIndex(const SET(IndexProperty *)& indexes) const;
// A help method to compute the cpu resource
computeCpuResourceRequired(const CostScalar& rowsToScan, const CostScalar& rowSize);
// Compute the cpu resource for index join scan and index only scan.
CostScalar computeCpuResourceForIndexJoinScans(CANodeId tableId);
CostScalar computeCpuResourceForIndexOnlyScans(CANodeId tableId);
// Compute the amount of work for one index join scan.
// indexPredicates specifies the predicates on the index. The amout of the
// work is only computed for the key columns contained in the predicates.
CostScalar computeCpuResourceForIndexJoin(CANodeId tableId, IndexDesc* iDesc,
ValueIdSet& indexPredicates,
CostScalar& rowsToScan);
// The work is only computed for the key columns contained in ikeys.
CostScalar computeCpuResourceForIndexJoin(CANodeId tableId, IndexDesc* iDesc,
const ValueIdList& ikeys,
CostScalar& rowsToScan);
// the first param to this method, vid, is assumed to a OR predicate
// that meets all logical conditions such that it can be transformed
// to a IN subquery to be implemeneted using a semijoin
// this method applies various heuristics and returns a TRUE/FALSE
// answer as to whether applying the transformation will yield
// better plans. Method is called in Normalizer so we use
// heuristics rather than computed cost.
NABoolean passSemiJoinHeuristicCheck(ValueId vid, Lng32 numValues,
Lng32 numParams, ValueId colVid) const ;
// NO_SECURITY_CHECK: if this Scan node was created as part of another
// operation (ex., UPDATE becomes UPDATE(SCAN) in parser),
// then no security check is needed.
enum ScanFlags { NO_SECURITY_CHECK = 0x0001,
Cardinality baseCardinality_; // from table statistics
// the user-specified name of the table
CorrName userTableName_;
// a unique identifier for the table
TableDesc * tabId_;
// The following two fields are set once by calling addIndexInfo().
// all indexes that can deliver all the required values
SET(IndexProperty *) indexOnlyIndexes_;
SET(IndexDesc *) indexOnlyScans_;
SET(IndexDesc *) indexJoinScans_;
// all indexes that can't deliver all the required values plus
// some info about each of those indexes, calculated by addIndexInfo
LIST(ScanIndexInfo *) possibleIndexJoins_;
ValueIdSet generatedCCPreds_;
// the values that this logical scan node can deliver after this
// set has been initialized to something other than an empty set
ValueIdSet potentialOutputs_;
// indicate how many index joins on this table we've already done before
// creating this node
Lng32 numIndexJoins_;
// Contains user specified BROWSE, STABLE or REPEATABLE access type and
// user specified SHARE or EXCLUSIVE lock mode.
StmtLevelAccessOptions accessOptions_;
// See bindUpdateCurrentOf() for details on how this list is created.
ValueIdList pkeyHvarList_;
// Indicates whether this Scan node is a Scan of a single vertical
// partition. It applies to only Scan nodes that have been generated by
// the VPJoinRule from a Scan of a vertically partitioned table. It is
// set to TRUE in VPJoinRule::nextSubstitute.
NABoolean isSingleVPScan_;
// tables open information which is necessary during the open of a sql table.
OptSqlTableOpenInfo *stoi_;
// -- Triggers
RelExpr *buildTriggerTransitionTableView(BindWA *bindWA);
// The following data members are added to enable sampling in the
// scan operator. Currently Scan performs sampling also only if:
// 1. There are no selection predicates
// 2. The scan is not on multiple VP tables
// 3. Reverse ordering is not specified
// The Sample enabled scan performs only random sampling with relative
// size specification (as a percentage of the table size).
// The sampled columns - for mapping the value ids between RelSample and
// Scan
ValueIdSet sampledColumns_;
// Sample size in percentage (of the table size). Set to > 0.0 if sampling
// and -1.0 otherwise.
Float32 samplePercent_;
// Cluster size for sampling (in number of blocks). Set to > 0 if cluster
// sampling, 0 otherwise.
Lng32 clusterSize_;
// MV --
// These are columns prepared by the TCB during execution and projected
// for logging purposes.
ValueIdSet extraOutputColumns_;
NABoolean isRewrittenMV_; // default is FALSE
// see enum ScanFlags
ULng32 scanFlags_;
NABoolean embeddedUpdateOrDelete_;
// scan produces a continuous stream without returning an end-of-data
NABoolean stream_;
// is this scan created by a rule that wants to force a specific index?
NABoolean forcedIndexInfo_;
// do not apply hints (e.g. used for inner table of index join)
NABoolean suppressHints_;
// hbase options. Like: number of trafodion row versions to retrieve from hbase.
HbaseAccessOptions *hbaseAccessOptions_;
// List of MV matches that can be substituted for the SCAN using query rewrite.
NAList<MVMatch*> matchingMVs_;
// pointer to the common subexpression, if this is a scan of a
// materialized common subexpr
CommonSubExprRef *commonSubExpr_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileScan : Physical Operator
// The filescan operator differs from its logical Scan operator in
// that selection predicates have been further divided into.
// Also, an Index has been attached to it and it is guaranteed to
// be an index only scan (the predicates_ are covered by the
// attached index columns)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward so that FileScan knows about it:
class FileScanOptimizer; // declared in ScanOptimizer.h
class FileScan : public Scan
FileScan(const CorrName& tableName,
TableDesc * tableDescPtr,
const IndexDesc *indexDescPtr,
const NABoolean isReverseScan,
const Cardinality& baseCardinality,
StmtLevelAccessOptions& accessOptions,
GroupAttributes * groupAttributesPtr,
const ValueIdSet& selectionPredicates,
const Disjuncts& disjuncts,
const ValueIdSet &generatedCCPreds,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_FILE_SCAN
FileScan(const CorrName& name,
TableDesc * tabId,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_FILE_SCAN,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: Scan (name, tabId, otype, oHeap), indexDesc_(indexDesc),
executorPredTree_(NULL), reverseScan_(FALSE),
numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_ (-1),
estRowsAccessed_ (0),
// destructor
virtual ~FileScan() {}
// The set of values that I can potentially produce as output.
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
virtual NABoolean patternMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// the FileScan node is purely physical
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
PhysicalProperty * synthHiveScanPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
ValueIdList &sortOrderVEG);
PhysicalProperty * synthHbaseScanPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
ValueIdList &sortOrderVEG);
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object that provides access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this type.
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
// method to do code generation
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
short codeGenForHive(Generator*);
short genForTextAndSeq(Generator * generator,
Queue * &hdfsFileInfoList,
Queue * &hdfsFileRangeBeginList,
Queue * &hdfsFileRangeNumList,
char* &hdfsHostName,
Int32 &hdfsPort,
NABoolean &doMultiCursor,
NABoolean &doSplitFileOpt,
NABoolean &isHdfsCompressed);
static short genForOrc(Generator * generator,
const HHDFSTableStats* hTabStats,
const PartitioningFunction * mypart,
Queue * &hdfsFileInfoList,
Queue * &hdfsFileRangeBeginList,
Queue * &hdfsFileRangeNumList,
char* &hdfsHostName,
Int32 &hdfsPort);
static TrafDesc *createHbaseTableDesc(const char * table_name);
// Return a (short-lived) reference to the respective predicates
const ValueIdList & getBeginKeyPred() const { return beginKeyPred_; }
const ValueIdList & getEndKeyPred() const { return endKeyPred_; }
// executor predicates accessor functions:
const ValueIdSet& getExecutorPredicates() const
{ return executorPredicates_; }
void setExecutorPredicates(const ValueIdSet& executorPredicates)
{ executorPredicates_ = executorPredicates;
executorPredicates_ -= getComputedPredicates(); }
// Naked access to executorPredicates_ only because there is code
// in precodegen that needs this (old code) (don't use this, use
// get/set functions above):
ValueIdSet& executorPred() { return executorPredicates_; }
ItemExpr * getExecutorPredTree() { return executorPredTree_; }
ValueIdSet & retrievedCols() { return retrievedCols_; }
NABoolean getReverseScan() const { return reverseScan_; }
// void setReverseScan(NABoolean rs) { reverseScan_ = rs; }
// IndexDesc * indexDesc() { return indexDesc_; }
const IndexDesc * getIndexDesc() const { return indexDesc_; }
void setIndexDesc (const IndexDesc* idx) {indexDesc_ = idx;}
// for code generator who shouldn't access phys. props:
const PartitioningFunction *getPartFunc() const;
//used to retrieve the operator type
virtual const NAString getText() const;
//used to retrieve the description
virtual const NAString getTypeText() const;
inline bool isFullScanPresent()const
if (pathKeys_ && pathKeys_->isFullScanPresent())
return true;
return false;
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
void setSearchKey(SearchKey *searchKeyPtr)
{ pathKeys_ = searchKeyPtr; }
const SearchKey * getSearchKeyPtr() const
{ return pathKeys_; }
const SearchKey * getSearchKey() const
{ return getSearchKeyPtr(); }
// Naked access to pathKeys_ only because there is code
// in precodegen that needs this (old code):
SearchKey* searchKey()
{ return pathKeys_; }
HivePartitionAndBucketKey * getHiveSearchKey() { return hiveSearchKey_; }
void setHiveSearchKey(HivePartitionAndBucketKey *s) { hiveSearchKey_ = s; }
// adds Explain information to this node. Implemented in
// Generator/GenExplain.C
ExplainTuple *addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *explainTuple,
ComTdb * tdb,
Generator *generator);
MdamKey* mdamKeyPtr() { return mdamKeyPtr_; }
const MdamKey* getMdamKeyPtr() const { return mdamKeyPtr_; }
void setMdamKey(MdamKey *mdamKeyPtr)
{ mdamKeyPtr_ = mdamKeyPtr; }
MdamFlags getMdamFlag()const { return mdamFlag_; }
void setMdamFlag(MdamFlags mdamFlag) { mdamFlag_ = mdamFlag; }
const Disjuncts& getDisjuncts() const;
virtual NABoolean okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) ;
virtual void addPartKeyPredsToSelectionPreds(
const ValueIdSet& partKeyPreds,
const ValueIdSet& pivs);
virtual Lng32 getNumberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess() const
// make sure that value has been initialized before using it:
CMPASSERT(numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_ > -1);
return numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_;
virtual void setNumberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess(const Lng32& blocks)
DCMPASSERT(blocks > -1);
numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_ = blocks;
virtual PlanPriority computeOperatorPriority
(const Context* context,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// generate CONTROL QUERY SHAPE fragment for this node.
// -----------------------------------------------------
virtual short generateShape(CollHeap * space, char * buf, NAString * shapeStr = NULL);
inline const CostScalar getEstRowsAccessed() const
{ return estRowsAccessed_; }
inline void setEstRowsAccessed(CostScalar r) { estRowsAccessed_ = r; }
virtual void setSkipRowsToPreventHalloween()
{ skipRowsToPreventHalloween_ = TRUE; }
inline const ValueIdList &minMaxHJColumns() const { return minMaxHJColumns_; }
inline void addMinMaxHJColumn(const ValueId &col) { minMaxHJColumns_.insert(col); }
CostScalar getProbes() const { return probes_;};
CostScalar getSuccessfulProbes() const { return successfulProbes_; };
CostScalar getUniqueProbes() const { return uniqueProbes_; };
CostScalar getDuplicatedSuccProbes() const { return duplicateSuccProbes_; }
CostScalar getFailedProbes() const { return failedProbes_; }
CostScalar getTuplesProcessed() const { return tuplesProcessed_; }
void setProbes(CostScalar x) { probes_ = x;};
void setSuccessfulProbes(CostScalar x) { successfulProbes_ = x; };
void setUniqueProbes(CostScalar x) { uniqueProbes_ = x; };
void setDuplicatedSuccProbes(CostScalar x) { duplicateSuccProbes_ = x; }
void setFailedProbes(CostScalar x) { failedProbes_ = x; }
void setTuplesProcessed(CostScalar x) { tuplesProcessed_ = x; }
void setDoUseSearchKey(NABoolean x) { doUseSearchKey_ = x; };
NABoolean getDoUseSearchKey() { return doUseSearchKey_ ; };
Lng32& partns,
const ValueIdSet& partitioningKeyColumns,
const ValueIdList& partitioningKeyColumnsList,
const ValueIdList& partitioningKeyColumnsOrder);
Int32 getComputedNumOfActivePartiions() const { return computedNumOfActivePartitions_; }
void setRetrievedCols(const ValueIdSet &retrievedCols)
{ retrievedCols_ = retrievedCols; }
//--------------- Disjuncts -------------------
MdamKey *mdamKeyPtr_;
const Disjuncts *disjunctsPtr_;
// computed predicates that are reflected in the disjuncts
// (those are predicates on computed columns that are
// computed from regular predicates)
//--------------- Search key ----------------
// A key object. It cannot be constant because some of its
// members are modified in GenPreCode.C:FileScan:preCodeGen
SearchKey * pathKeys_;
// a search key for the partitioning key (maybe same as pathKeys_)
SearchKey * partKeys_;
// For Hive tables, a bit mask of selected Hive partitions and buckets
HivePartitionAndBucketKey *hiveSearchKey_;
// the index descriptor
const IndexDesc *indexDesc_;
// scan direction
const NABoolean reverseScan_;
//--------- Members to be used at code generation:
// executor predicates
ValueIdSet executorPredicates_;
ItemExpr * executorPredTree_;
// Columns to be retrieved from filesystem
ValueIdSet retrievedCols_;
// key predicates
ValueIdList beginKeyPred_;
ValueIdList endKeyPred_;
// helper functions:
void init();
// Estimate of number of blocks that DP2 needs to read
// per access. This value is passed to DP2 by the executor,
// DP2 uses it to decide whether it will do read ahead
// or not.
// Its value is -1 if uninitialized
Lng32 numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_;
MdamFlags mdamFlag_;
// This flag is needed only by EXPLAIN.
NABoolean skipRowsToPreventHalloween_;
// Estimated number of Dp2 rows accessed.
CostScalar estRowsAccessed_;
// columns used for min/max hash join optimization
ValueIdList minMaxHJColumns_;
// probe counts, transfered from ScanOptimizerFileScan
// The total number of probes
CostScalar probes_;
// The total number of probes that return data
CostScalar successfulProbes_;
// The number of distinct probes (successful and failed)
CostScalar uniqueProbes_;
// The number of successful probes (successfulProbes_) that
// are not unique. duplicateSuccProbes = successfulProbes -
// uniqueSuccProbes.
CostScalar duplicateSuccProbes_;
// the number of probes do not return
// data. failedProbes = probes - successfulProbes
CostScalar failedProbes_;
// total number of tuples processed under 'probes_' probes
CostScalar tuplesProcessed_;
NABoolean doUseSearchKey_;
// number of active partitions computed only from the Range Part Func
// and the search key (partKey_)
Int32 computedNumOfActivePartitions_;
}; // class FileScan
class DP2Scan : public FileScan
// constructor
DP2Scan(const CorrName& tableName,
TableDesc * tableDescPtr,
const IndexDesc *indexDescPtr,
const NABoolean isReverseScan,
const Cardinality& baseCardinality,
StmtLevelAccessOptions& accessOptions,
GroupAttributes * groupAttributesPtr,
const ValueIdSet& selectionPredicates,
const Disjuncts& disjuncts
DP2Scan(const CorrName & name,
TableDesc *tableDesc,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_FILE_SCAN)
: FileScan (name, tableDesc, indexDesc, otype)
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object that provides access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this type.
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* \brief HbaseAccess Class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// At some point of time, we need to revisit the class hierarchy for Scan
// HbaseAccess, FileScan. Quite many code in FileScan (such as costing) is
// relevant to both HbaseAccess and Hive scan, and yet there are those not
// relevant at all (MDAM). A possible new class hierarchy can be as follows.
// Scan -> FileScan(with general cost) -> SQFileScan (SQ specific costing code)-> DP2SCan
// -> HiveFileSCan
// -> HbaseFileSCan
class HbaseAccess : public FileScan
enum AccessType
enum SNPType
//latest snapshot support --
enum LatestSnpSupportEnum {
latest_snp_index_table,// index table not supported with latest snapshot
latest_snp_no_snapshot_available,//snapshot not available
latest_snp_not_trafodion_table, // not a trafodion table
latest_snp_small_table //table is smaller than a certain threshold
class SortValue
bool operator < (const SortValue & other ) const
return (str_ < other.str_);
bool operator == (const SortValue & other ) const
return (str_ == other.str_);
NAString str_;
ValueId vid_;
// constructor
//! HbaseAccess Constructor
HbaseAccess(CorrName &corrName,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_HBASE_ACCESS,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
HbaseAccess(CorrName &corrName,
TableDesc *tableDesc,
IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const NABoolean isReverseScan,
const Cardinality& baseCardinality,
StmtLevelAccessOptions& accessOptions,
GroupAttributes * groupAttributesPtr,
const ValueIdSet& selectionPredicates,
const Disjuncts& disjuncts,
const ValueIdSet& generatedCCPreds,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_HBASE_ACCESS,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
HbaseAccess(CorrName &corrName,
NABoolean isRW, NABoolean isCW,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
HbaseAccess(OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_HBASE_ACCESS,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// destructors
//! ~HbaseAccess Destructor
virtual ~HbaseAccess();
virtual RelExpr *bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
virtual ExplainTuple * addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *explainTuple,
ComTdb * tdb,
Generator *generator);
//! getPotentialOutputValues method
// a virtual function for computing the potential outputValues
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
virtual Lng32 numParams() { return 1; }
// acessors
//! getVirtualTableName method
// returns a const char pointer to the name of the virtual Table
// should return a CorrName?##
virtual const char *getVirtualTableName()
return getTableName().getQualifiedNameObj().getObjectName().data();
//used to retrieve the operator type
virtual const NAString getText() const;
//! getArity method
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 0; }
// mutators
//! createVirtualTableDesc method
// creates a TrafDesc for the Virtual Table
// virtual TrafDesc *createVirtualTableDesc();
static TrafDesc *createVirtualTableDesc(const char * name,
NABoolean isRW = FALSE,
NABoolean isCW = FALSE,
NAArray<HbaseStr> * hbaseKeys = NULL,
NAMemory * heap = NULL);
static TrafDesc *createVirtualTableDesc(const char * name,
NAList<char*> &colNameList,
NAList<char*> &colValList);
// return TRUE, if col lengths in virtual desc is same as current default values.
// return FALSE, if they are different. If they are, caller will clear the cache
// and generate a new descriptor.
static NABoolean validateVirtualTableDesc(NATable * naTable);
NAList<HbaseSearchKey*>& getHbaseSearchKeys() { return listOfSearchKeys_; };
void addSearchKey(HbaseSearchKey* sk)
{ listOfSearchKeys_.insertAt(listOfSearchKeys_.entries(), sk); };
//! getPotentialOutputValues method
// computes the output values the node can generate
// Relies on TableValuedFunctions implementation.
// determine which columns to retrieve from the file
void computeRetrievedCols();
//! preCodeGen method
// method to do preCode generation
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
static short processNonSQHbaseKeyPreds(Generator * generator,
ValueIdSet &preds,
ListOfUniqueRows &listOfUniqueRows,
ListOfRangeRows &listOfRangeRows);
static short processSQHbaseKeyPreds(Generator * generator,
NAList<HbaseSearchKey*>& searchKeys,
ListOfUniqueRows &listOfUniqueRows,
ListOfRangeRows &listOfRangeRows);
//! codeGen method
// virtual method used by the generator to generate the node
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
//! copyTopNode
// used to create an Almost complete copy of the node
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
//! synthLogProp method
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
//! synthEstLogProp method
// used by the compiler to estimate cost
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
//! getText method
// used to display the name of the node.
// virtual const NAString getText() const;
AccessType &accessType() { return accessType_; }
NABoolean isRW() { return isRW_; }
NABoolean isCW() { return isCW_; }
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const { return FALSE; }
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const { return TRUE; }
virtual NABoolean isHbaseScan() { return TRUE; }
static int createAsciiColAndCastExpr(Generator * generator,
const NAType &givenType,
ItemExpr *&asciiValue,
ItemExpr *&castValue,
NABoolean srcIsInt32Varchar = FALSE);
static int createAsciiColAndCastExpr2(Generator * generator,
ItemExpr * colNode,
const NAType &givenType,
ItemExpr *&asciiValue,
ItemExpr *&castValue,
NABoolean alignedFormat = FALSE);
// used for hbase map table where data is stored in string format
static int createAsciiColAndCastExpr3(Generator * generator,
const NAType &givenType,
ItemExpr *&asciiValue,
ItemExpr *&castValue);
static short genRowIdExpr(Generator * generator,
const NAColumnArray & keyColumns,
NAList<HbaseSearchKey*>& searchKeys,
ex_cri_desc * work_cri_desc,
const Int32 work_atp,
const Int32 rowIdAsciiTuppIndex,
const Int32 rowIdTuppIndex,
ULng32 &rowIdAsciiRowLen,
ExpTupleDesc* &rowIdAsciiTupleDesc,
UInt32 &rowIdLength,
ex_expr* &rowIdExpr,
NABoolean encodeKeys);
static short genRowIdExprForNonSQ(Generator * generator,
const NAColumnArray & keyColumns,
NAList<HbaseSearchKey*>& searchKeys,
ex_cri_desc * work_cri_desc,
const Int32 work_atp,
const Int32 rowIdAsciiTuppIndex,
const Int32 rowIdTuppIndex,
ULng32 &rowIdAsciiRowLen,
ExpTupleDesc* &rowIdAsciiTupleDesc,
UInt32 &rowIdLength,
ex_expr* &rowIdExpr);
static short genListsOfRows(Generator * generator,
NAList<HbaseRangeRows> &listOfRangeRows,
NAList<HbaseUniqueRows> &listOfUniqueRows,
Queue* &tdbListOfRangeRows,
Queue* &tdbListOfUniqueRows);
static short genColName(Generator * generator,
ItemExpr * col_node,
char* &colNameInList);
static short genListOfColNames(Generator * generator,
const IndexDesc * indexDesc,
ValueIdList &columnList,
Queue* &listOfColNames);
static void addReferenceFromItemExprTree(ItemExpr * ie,
NABoolean addCol, NABoolean addHBF,
ValueIdSet &colRefVIDset);
static void addColReferenceFromVIDlist(const ValueIdList &exprList,
ValueIdSet &colRefVIDset);
static void addReferenceFromVIDset(const ValueIdSet &exprList,
NABoolean addCol, NABoolean addHBF,
ValueIdSet &colRefVIDset);
static void addColReferenceFromRightChildOfVIDarray(ValueIdArray &exprList,
ValueIdSet &colRefVIDset);
static short createHbaseColId(const NAColumn * nac,
NAString &cid,
NABoolean isSecondaryIndex = FALSE);
static short returnDups(std::vector<SortValue> &myvector,
ValueIdList &srcVIDlist, ValueIdList &dupVIDlist);
static short createSortValue(ItemExpr * col_node,
std::vector<SortValue> &myvector,
NABoolean isSecondaryIndex = FALSE);
static short sortValues (const ValueIdList &inList,
ValueIdList &sortedList,
NABoolean isSecondaryIndex = FALSE);
static short sortValues (const ValueIdSet &inSet,
ValueIdList &sortedList,
ValueIdList &srcVIDlist,
ValueIdList &dupVIDlist,
NABoolean isSecondaryIndex = FALSE);
static short sortValues (NASet<NAString> &inSet,
NAList<NAString> &sortedList);
static NABoolean columnEnabledForSerialization(ItemExpr * colNode);
static NABoolean isEncodingNeededForSerialization(ItemExpr * colNode);
//const IndexDesc* getIndexDesc() const { return indexDesc_; };
NABoolean &uniqueHbaseOper() { return uniqueHbaseOper_; }
NABoolean &uniqueRowsetHbaseOper() { return uniqueRowsetHbaseOper_; }
NABoolean uniqueRowsetHbaseOper() const { return uniqueRowsetHbaseOper_; }
NABoolean isHbaseFilterPred(Generator * generator, ItemExpr * ie,
ValueId &colVID, ValueId &valueVID,
NAString &op,
NABoolean &removeFromOrigList);
short extractHbaseFilterPreds(Generator * generator, ValueIdSet &preds,
ValueIdSet &newExePreds);
NABoolean isHbaseFilterPredV2(Generator * generator, ItemExpr * ie,
ValueId &colVID, ValueId &valueVID,
NAString &op);
short extractHbaseFilterPredsVX(Generator * generator,ValueIdSet &preds, ValueIdSet &newExePreds);
NABoolean extractHbaseFilterPredsV2(Generator * generator, ValueIdSet &preds, ValueIdSet &newExePreds,
NABoolean checkOnly);
NABoolean isSnapshotScanFeasible(LatestSnpSupportEnum snpNotSupported,
char * tableName);
// The search keys built during optimization.
NAList<HbaseSearchKey*> listOfSearchKeys_;
ListOfUniqueRows listOfUniqueRows_;
ListOfRangeRows listOfRangeRows_;
//! HbaseAccess Copy Constructor
// Copy constructor without heap is not implemented nor allowed.
HbaseAccess(const HbaseAccess &other);
//CorrName corrName_;
AccessType accessType_;
ItemExpr * rowIdCast_;
NABoolean isRW_;
NABoolean isCW_;
// list of columns that need to be retrieved from hbase. These are used
// in executor preds, update/merge expressions or returned back as output
// values.
ValueIdSet retColRefSet_;
NASet<NAString> retHbaseColRefSet_;
NABoolean uniqueHbaseOper_;
NABoolean uniqueRowsetHbaseOper_;
// these lists are populated during the preCodeGen phase.
ValueIdList hbaseFilterColVIDlist_;
ValueIdList hbaseFilterValueVIDlist_;
NAList<NAString> opList_;
SNPType snpType_;
}; // class HbaseAccess
// NOTE: this class is currently not being used.
class HbaseAccessCoProcAggr : public HbaseAccess
HbaseAccessCoProcAggr(CorrName &corrName,
ValueIdSet &aggrExpr,
TableDesc *tableDesc,
IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const NABoolean isReverseScan,
const Cardinality& baseCardinality,
StmtLevelAccessOptions& accessOptions,
GroupAttributes * groupAttributesPtr,
const ValueIdSet& selectionPredicates,
const Disjuncts& disjuncts,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
HbaseAccessCoProcAggr(CorrName &corrName,
ValueIdSet &aggrExpr,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
HbaseAccessCoProcAggr(CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// destructors
//! ~HbaseAccess Destructor
virtual ~HbaseAccessCoProcAggr();
virtual RelExpr *bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
//used to retrieve the operator type
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// method to do preCode generation
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
//! codeGen method
// virtual method used by the generator to generate the node
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
//! copyTopNode
// used to create an Almost complete copy of the node
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & outputValues) const;
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const { return TRUE; }
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const { return TRUE; }
ValueIdSet &aggregateExpr() { return aggregateExpr_; }
const ValueIdSet &aggregateExpr() const { return aggregateExpr_; }
// list of columns that need to be retrieved from hbase. These are used
// in executor preds, update/merge expressions or returned back as output
// values.
ValueIdSet aggregateExpr_;
}; // class HbaseAccessCoProcAggr
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Describe class represents scan on a 'virtual' table that contains
// the output of the DESCRIBE(SHOWDDL) command.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Describe : public Scan
enum Format
INVOKE_, // describe sql/mp INVOKE style
SHOWSTATS_, //display histograms for specified table
SHORT_, // just show ddl for table
SHOWDDL_, // show everything about this table (ddl, indexes, views, etc)
PLAN_, // return information about runtime plan. Currently, details
// about expressions and clauses are the only info returned.
// For internal debugging use only. Not externalized to users.
LABEL_, // For showlabel
SHAPE_, // For SHOWSHAPE. Generates a CONTROL QUERY SHAPE statement for
// the given query.
TRANSACTION_, // display current transaction settings in effect for
// those items that can be set by a SET TRANSACTION statement.
SET_, // For SHOWSET. Shows all runtime SET stmts in effect.
ENVVARS_, // For 'get envvars'. Shows all envvars in effect.
// show the corresponding control options that are in effect.
STATIC_PLAN_,// same as PLAN_ but from static pre-compiled programs.
// Not externalized.
SHOWQRYSTATS_ // display histograms for specified query
enum ShowcontrolOption
MATCH_FULL_NO_HEADER_, // internal option, meant for use by utilities
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note: Parser passes in value UR of parameter labelAnsiNameSpace for
// procedures if the keyword PROCEDURE is specified, even though the valid
// namespace value of the procedure is TA. SHOWDDL has been changed to
// no longer rely on the PROCEDURE keyword to support stored procedures.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Describe(char * originalQuery,
const CorrName &describedTableName,
Format format = SHOWDDL_,
ComAnsiNameSpace labelAnsiNameSpace = COM_TABLE_NAME,
ULng32 flags = 0,
NABoolean header = TRUE)
describedTableName_(describedTableName, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
labelAnsiNameSpace_(labelAnsiNameSpace), // See comments above
header_(header), // header = FALSE will produce showcontrol output with
// any header information. This option will be used by
//utilities and is not externalised.
if (originalQuery)
originalQuery_ = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
strcpy(originalQuery_, originalQuery);
originalQuery_ = NULL;
Describe(char * originalQuery,
const SchemaName &schemaName,
Format format = SHOWDDL_,
ULng32 flags = 0,
NABoolean header = TRUE)
describedTableName_("", CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
schemaQualName_(schemaName, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
header_(header), // header = FALSE will produce showcontrol output with
// any header information. This option will be used by
//utilities and is not externalised.
if (originalQuery)
originalQuery_ = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
strcpy(originalQuery_, originalQuery);
originalQuery_ = NULL;
if (schemaQualName_.getCatalogName().isNull())
schemaName_ = ToAnsiIdentifier(schemaQualName_.getCatalogName()) + "." +
CorrName temp(schemaQualName_.getSchemaName(),CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
describedTableName_ = temp;
// constructor used for SHOWDDL USER and SHOWDDL ROLE
Describe(char * originalQuery,
ComIdClass authIDClass,
const NAString &authIDName,
Format format = SHOWDDL_,
ULng32 flags = 0,
NABoolean header = TRUE)
describedTableName_("", CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
schemaQualName_("", CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
header_(header), // header = FALSE will produce showcontrol output with
// any header information. This option will be used by
//utilities and is not externalised.
authIDClass_ (authIDClass),
if (originalQuery)
originalQuery_ = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
strcpy(originalQuery_, originalQuery);
originalQuery_ = NULL;
// constructor used for SHOWDDL USER and SHOWDDL ROLE
Describe(char * originalQuery,
const NAString &componentName,
Format format = SHOWDDL_,
ULng32 flags = 0,
NABoolean header = TRUE)
describedTableName_("", CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
schemaQualName_("", CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
header_(header), // header = FALSE will produce showcontrol output with
// any header information. This option will be used by
//utilities and is not externalised.
if (originalQuery)
originalQuery_ = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
strcpy(originalQuery_, originalQuery);
originalQuery_ = NULL;
~Describe() { delete originalQuery_; delete pUUDFName_; }
virtual RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// this is both logical and physical node
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const {return TRUE;}
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const {return TRUE;}
// The set of values that I can potentially produce as output.
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
// cost functions
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// method to do code generation
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// various PC methods
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const {return 0;}
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual const NAString getText() const;
const CorrName &getDescribedTableName() const
return describedTableName_;
Format getFormat() const {return format_;}
NABoolean getIsBrief() const
return (flags_ & 0x00000008);
NABoolean getIsDetail() const
return (flags_ & 0x00000004);
NABoolean getIsExternal() const
return (flags_ & 0x00000020);
NABoolean getIsInternal() const
return (flags_ & 0x00000040);
NABoolean getIsSchema() const
return isSchema_;
NABoolean getIsUser() const
return (authIDClass_ == COM_USER_CLASS);
NABoolean getIsRole() const
return (authIDClass_ == COM_ROLE_CLASS);
NABoolean getIsComponent() const
return isComponent_;
ComAnsiNameSpace getLabelAnsiNameSpace() const
return labelAnsiNameSpace_;
NABoolean getIsControl() const { return ((getFormat() >= CONTROL_FIRST_) &&
(getFormat() <= CONTROL_LAST_)); }
// TRUE => output detail (long) label info
// FALSE => output short label info
NABoolean getLabelDetail() const
return (flags_ & 0x00000001);
void setLabelDetail(const NABoolean wantDetail)
flags_ = flags_ | 0x00000001;
flags_ = flags_ & 0xFFFFFFFE;
NABoolean getDisplayPrivileges() const
return (flags_ & 0x00000010);
NABoolean getDisplayPrivilegesOnly() const
return (flags_ & 0x00000080);
NABoolean getDisplaySynonymsOnly() const
return (flags_ & 0x00000100);
void setLabelAnsiNameSpace(const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace)
labelAnsiNameSpace_ = nameSpace;
ULng32 getFlags() const
return flags_;
void setFlags(const ULng32 flags)
flags_ = flags;
NABoolean getHeader() const
return header_;
const SchemaName& getSchemaQualifiedName() const
return schemaQualName_;
const NAString& getSchemaName() const
return schemaName_;
const NAString& getAuthIDName() const
return authIDName_;
const NAString& getComponentName() const
return componentName_;
NABoolean toTryPublicSchema() const
return toTryPublicSchema_;
void setToTryPublicSchema(const NABoolean val)
void setDescribedTableSchema(const NAString cat, const NAString sch)
const QualifiedName * getUudfQualNamePtr() const
return pUUDFName_;
QualifiedName * getUudfQualNamePtr()
return pUUDFName_;
const QualifiedName & getUudfQualName() const
if (pUUDFName_ EQU NULL)
const_cast<Describe*>(this)->pUUDFName_ =
new (STMTHEAP) QualifiedName(STMTHEAP);
return *pUUDFName_;
QualifiedName & getUudfQualName()
if (pUUDFName_ EQU NULL)
pUUDFName_ = new (STMTHEAP) QualifiedName(STMTHEAP);
return *pUUDFName_;
void setUudfQualNamePtr(QualifiedName * pUudfQualName) // shallow copy
pUUDFName_ = pUudfQualName; // shallow copy
// pUudfQualName should point to a QualifiedName object
// allocated in the PARSERHEAP(). pUUDFName_ is only used
// with SHOWDDL ACTION <action-qual-name> ON UNIVERSAL
// FUNCTION <uudf-qual-name> ... syntax.
void setUudfQualName(const QualifiedName & src) // deep copy
if (pUUDFName_ EQU NULL)
pUUDFName_ = new (STMTHEAP) QualifiedName(STMTHEAP);
*pUUDFName_ = src;
NABoolean maybeInMD() const
return (
format_ == INVOKE_ ||
format_ == SHOWSTATS_ ||
format_ == SHORT_ ||
format_ == SHOWDDL_ ||
format_ == LABEL_) ;
CorrName describedTableName_;
// pUUDFName_ is only used when describedTableName_ contains a routine action
QualifiedName *pUUDFName_;
Format format_;
char * originalQuery_;
// used for SHOWLABEL
ComAnsiNameSpace labelAnsiNameSpace_;
ULng32 flags_;
NABoolean header_;
NABoolean isSchema_;
SchemaName schemaQualName_;
NAString schemaName_;
NABoolean toTryPublicSchema_;
ComIdClass authIDClass_;
NAString authIDName_;
// Added for SHOWDDL component
NABoolean isComponent_;
NAString componentName_;
// copy ctor
Describe (const Describe & des) ; // not defined - DO NOT USE
}; // class Describe
#endif /* RELSCAN_H */